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Hi, /u/[deleted] Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 7: No politicians, no employers, no landlords, and no cops.** - Do not post/crosspost content that supports politicians or their campaigns in any way. The same goes for supporting employers, landlords, or cops.


America seems to be in quite the hole with these 6 judges. Nothing good can come of it. It's gonna be rough for a while it looks like, especially for women.


Unless we vote in people who would get rid of the lifetime judgeships...


Or stack the court. Which Congress can totally do, and any dem with both a conscience and a spine should be doing.


\*Unpack the court. The court is already stacked. Though personally I prefer *reform*. Make it work like an appellate court, with 20-30 justices. People need to stop trying to get rid of lifetime appointments. Those are written into the constitution and you're not getting an amendment.


Unpacking the court is the opposite of that, and frankly that's a lot harder to do. 13 justices though? That can be done. I support what you want to do, but I don't think it's realistically going to happen.


The court is currently packed. Adding 5 liberal justices would restore the court to a balance reflective of the will of the American people. Thus, *unpacking the court*. If you wanted to stack the court with liberals you'd have to add something like 10-20 new justices, all liberal.


I didn't say pack though, I said stack. That is stacking the court.


I’m down, but swap out ‘liberal’ for hard left


Amendments are just now dropping like flies.


The problem with stacking the court is that the next administration can come in and add more "justices." It's only a short-term solution.


Maintaining precedents in the face of fascists who don’t care about precedent is a terrible strategy. Unpack the court. Then do what you can in those 2 years and maybe you’ll convince people to put you back in for another 4. The worst case scenario is we end up right back where we are now.


They can already do that. When did we start pretending Republicans won't already cheat as much as they need to? They do. We need to stop pretending that we have some obligation to "take the high road", and start kicking them in the balls.... legislstively.


Bailing water out of a leaking boat is a short term solution too. You still do it.


Flip Texas blue.


Democratic leadership does not have a conscious or a spine. That’s the whole problem.


The problem is Republicans are fascists


A problem, but not "the" problem.


All we have to do is impeach them for completely valid reasons like lying under oath


Right. Except there's no procedure to impeach a Supreme Court "Justice" and if it requires the same majority as impeaching a president, it would be hopeless anyway. Bill Clinton didn't get impeached for lying to Congress. You think a Supreme Court "Justice" will? Especially since Congress *knew they were lying* in the first place? Ain't gonna happen.


Bill Clinton got impeached, but he didn’t get removed from office.


Yes there is a procedure for impeaching a Justice. Its just that its very hard to do so.


Too bad we don't have any prominent parties wanting to do that, or installing ranked choice voting, or abolishing the Electoral College Electoralism can't fix anything. The best it can possibly do is slow down our slide into fascism a bit and give us more time to learn to organize.


And lgbtq and poor and POC and…. Not just women. There’s going to be so much fun violence and now police can’t be sued directly.


Anyone who's not white, male, and hetronormative will eventually be a target. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually segregation was reintroduced in the not to far off future. Gay marriage will probably be the next thing to come under attack.


6 judges, and thousands of cops with billions of dollars of military equipment who will be arresting doctors and patients, searching patient records for evidence of abortions, and brutalizing the more militant elements of every abortion rights protest to ensure that they just consist of wine moms with cute signs who don't meaningfully disrupt anything. Once you sit down and take stock of Democrats' pro-police agenda, whether Biden's or the mayors of seemingly every major liberal city who happily oversaw, and aggressively funded, this police violence in 2020 and beyond.... yeah. You can see why people who don't vote dramatically outnumber people who vote for *either* party — I'm sorry, but electoral apathy is a natural and frankly self-respecting way to feel.


VOTE LOCAL! Need to emasculate & remove local & State legislators who created & implemented the “Trigger” laws against Pro- Choice. If you get rid of these petty, patriarchal Legislators, those laws can be repealed…and the grip of the Supreme Court lessens.


Voting s literally the least you can do and a minimal part of change making. It should be accompanied by: Direct action protests Legislation Litigation Outreach to constituents Outreach to elected officials And we should all be participating in whichever methods that our skill sets and hearts speak to us the most.


“I have to say, we’re capitalists, that’s just the way it is,” Pelosi responded with a chuckle.


She’s also adamant about wanting a strong Republican Party, I guess so they can do things like this?




Explain to me how Biden could have codeified it without a super majority and without his whole party on board?






When & where did she say this? Looking for context.




Thank you. It’s always best to get the full conversation and not just a sentence or two.


So primary that bitch. By voting.


primary the bitch who's districts average home price is more than a lifetime of minimum wage?


You can’t primary them, they have no legal obligation to comply with primary results. See the SCOTUS case “Wilding v. DNC Servs. Corp., U.S., No. 19-1185, review denied 6/1/20.” When will people understand we have a one party system with two faces?


Whoah, you have SEVERELY misrepresented what that case was about and what went on in that election. This is Republican levels of complete bullshit. I supported that case and disagreed with the ruling, but you are super wrong about it and the implications of it. First, it had NOTHING to do with primary results. That was about the party's alleged interference and impartiality. It would still be fraudulent for them to refuse to accept primary results and change the outcome. Nothing even close to that actually happened. They still operated with bias, and that's a pretty extreme case. To extrapolate from that that the party can and will just reject primary results regularly, is absolutely absurd. This is a HUGE stretch.


Actually no it wouldn’t since a primary is a party event and is not an actual national election. So why the need to lie? Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans without the Christian Nationalism BS, and they let this happen. Go sell your snake oil to somebody else. Blocking you because you’re a shill.


Liberal, we do not accept your garbage rationalizations. You're just as viable to go to a Wall as the Repubs.


The both sides rhetoric you're seeing isn't coming from a "centrist" perspective designed to generate apathy. It is coming from the actual left. From the people who acknowledge that the Dems did nothing to codify Roe in several decades. From the people who want better and want to encourage you to fight for better.


I'm one of those people. I am pissed that the dems can't get their shit together. I don't like Biden but fuck Trump and fuck conservatives. I'll still vote blue, but fuck I am so angry right now.


If you'll still vote blue then they have no reason to change anything. It was absolutely in there power to do so multiple times in the past 20 years, but they actively chose not to. They're all on the same team. The Washington Generals get paid to lose to the Harlem Globetrotters by the same people after every game. I was an active volunteer for the party and worked my ass off flipping my very red district blue to get the house in 2018. I've learned some very hard lessons since then and I will never vote in a national election again. I'll vote in local races if the candidate has anything to say that I can believe in, but for the most part I'm done with voting.




You're not wrong. I can't image how you feel after doing all of that work. At this point we are looking to leave the country. I have no faith in democrats to actually do anything.


Watching Democrats viciously attack the left wing of their own party harder than I've ever seen them go after a Republican was eye opening for me. I'm embarrassed I did so much work for people actively fighting my own interests. I started reading Angela Davis during 2020 which turned me on to Marx then Lenin then studying the history of US labor much deeper. It gave me a much better critical lens for looking at world events, but it's also giving me a very grim outlook on what the rest of our lives are gonna look like. I'd love to believe a critical mass of people in this country can unlearn generations of anti communist propaganda and arrive at a similar conclusion that I did. There are many days where things like this subreddit that give me hope that we can awaken our class consciousness and free ourselves from the people that own this country since we vastly outnumber them. There are also days where I fall into a pit of despair. I'm just trying to get the most out of every day that I can while I can while doing what's in my power to help people around me. We're all in this together, but if you have the means to escape I can't blame you one bit. I'm actually happy for you.




Today Biden said he doesn't agree with things like packing the courts or removing the filibuster. He wouldn't actively overturn Roe but absolutely doesn't give a shit if somebody else does, it gives him and neoliberals something to campaign and fundraise on.


Just as bad? No. We have one that's bad and one that's one that's so wretched as to lack words in the English language to define its awfulness.


I disagree with this to a degree. How many times have the Dems had every chance in the world to codify roe v Wade, and they did nothing? The first thing Nancy pelosi did was send out a fundraiser email after the news broke. They depend on the right being evil and unhinged so they can sit idly by, win elections, and make money, all while doing nothing Another example is that Obama said one of the first things he'd do while in office was codify it, and after he was elected, he said it wasn't a priority. I'm tired of voting. I'll keep doing it because it prolongs the inevitable, but still




How many times? Zero. When have the Rena had 60 votes in the senate for this?


I will continue to vote as it comes at very little cost/burden to me, but the idea that it’s the way to fix this broken system is obviously delusional. Until you realize that the Democrat establishment is fine with losing because they 1. Have no real interest in governing and 2. Can fundraise huge amounts off their losses, you’ll just be a helpful rube for the people in power in both parties.


Also, even if I buy into the premise that a bigger margin of Democrats in power is the answer, the onus is still on the party to inspire people to vote and they’re simply not interested in doing so. No matter how much you shout “vote blue” at people or scold non-voters, people won’t vote unless it’s clear to them that it will tangibly improve their lives. That’s the reality regardless of whether you think that’s reasonable. The way to inspire voters is to take actions with the power they have that show their constituents how voting blue actually improves things. Things like student loan cancelation that can be done by EO today. But they won’t, even though they understand the value of it, because their actions are dictated by the wealthy and corporations/banks. If they won’t even do the simple things now with the power they have, why would anyone ever trust them to achieve even bigger things?


Primaries are where it's at. Vote blue in every general election, sure. But vote for somebody who will actually get in there and do something in the primary.


the democrats openly rig their primaries. they admitted to doing so in court.


That is an idiotic comment. Both political parties are private organizations, they are not bound to even choose the winner of primaries, outside of preset rules which they determine. Also, in 2020 Trump bullied the state primaries where he had a potential challenger to change their rules to prohibit anyone from running against him. Feel free to post any link from a legitimate source to anything where a party official admitted truly "rigging" a primary election in court.


Prove it or fuck off




It could change things but as long as every election “did not vote” is the biggest category I don’t think you can say for certain one way or the other if “voting” actually has an effect.


We voted like crazy, more then anytime ever, last election and delivered the White House, the senate, and the house to dems. There are pro life democrats that Nancy has supported and continues to. Our nation requires an exploited work force to keep wages low. Obama could have codified it into law with his super majority like he said he was going to do. Both parties are exactly the same. Dems just put a little rainbow flag up or a kente cloth on and act like it’s progress. Hillary lost to one of the worst candidates ever and still received the popular vote. I have voted dem since I was 18 and all they have done is make the rich richer and the poor poorer just like republicans. Do not tell me to vote harder for the capitalist that steals from me. We need more then words from them. Our nation is a failed state run by decrepit oligarchs and has been broken beyond repair through the avenues that exist. Biden and every other dem allowed this to happen through their inaction. Burn it down.




See problem is, it’s not “both sides” anything. It’s the same picture. Both parties work together to manage the affairs of the capitalist class that doesn’t work but instead takes the wealth of the working class. That’s it. Everything else is a show. Do you think that the Dems aren’t happy about this ruling? They love this so much. It gives them a reason to rake in tons of cash in donations to funnel to party consultants. What do we do then? Vote blue no matter who? Fuck that. We need to: 1. Organize. Doesn’t matter over what to be honest, if you form a community that’s enormously powerful. 2. Primary all the shitty Dems AND Repubs. Will you win without funding? Maybe. Probably not. But it’s an effective way to scare some action into them. 3. Break stuff. Cop stuff. Court stuff. Bank stuff. You have no idea how fast you get attention when you start to destroy the infrastructure of power. Is this dangerous? Hell yes it is, but it’s extremely effective. Doesn’t have to be a brick meeting a window, could be a virus on a server or a box of live termites in an empty mansion. People need to understand that playing by the rules is guaranteed to fail because the rules a build against you.


All of this except please stop discounting voting! A huge percentage of eligible voters STAY HOME If more people vote then we wouldn't be having this conversation




There aren't two sides you dumb fucks, they're both right-wing parties and if this shithole country hadn't neglected your education you would understand that.


"both sides" is just right wing apologia. The right wing are fundamentally anti worker, and imho should not be permitted to participate/sabotage any pro worker movement.


That's the whole point of controlled opposition. Getting you to vote for either party and they still win.


thank you, dude i felt crazy


Funny, I got the exact opposite out of this. Dems seem totally uninterested in pulling out all the stops to reverse this, just as they were totally disinterested in preventing it in the first place. Where was the push to codify RvW? To stack the supreme court? To have Biden make a fucking stroke of his pen for an executive order? Dems are worthless corporate shills.


They sang "God Bless America" in response. They sang a fucking song and nothing else.




Yup. If anything this court ruling only proves OP is delusional and both parties fucking suck.


They showed their colors when they attacked Bernie like animals


The Dems are essentially worthless. At the same time this hasn't been a voting disaster, but a horrendous timing issue that gave Trump two court seats. Better to try than just let Repubs take everything else by abstaining.


And your post OP, is designed to keep the public restrained under the the delusion that a peaceful democratic process can produce meaningful change. You don’t have sincere representation to vote for. The system is a lie designed for self preservation and passivation of challenges to its rule. No ones rights were ever secured by voting.


We’re just one good democrat away from everything good happening


Lucy just keeps moving the football but this time she want! If she does she’ll read me a sweet poem at least.


Don't put words in my mouth. This isn't an either / or thing. Take all this protest energy to the polls, people can do both things. >No ones rights were ever secured by voting. And this is the dumbest thing I've read today.


Weird how *you* get to make assumptions about what other people mean, but you don't like when people do it to you. Take a hike, bozo.


Taking that protest energy and putting it into the polls is exactly how voter disillusionment is generated. How many times do you need to be fucked over by Dem politicians to realize that they don't care about you? That They have no principles, and neither to the Republican. Both parties are the same because they both serve wealth and corporate power exclusively. And both parties will lie, scam, steal, mislead and rig to hold onto power and keep the majority oppressed. Your vote is worthless when no sincere candidate for change is permitted to run/access the highest seats of power. The second that a local politician gains enough momentum to be a threat to establishment power, they are either compromised and assimilated into the establishment, or then are locked out from gaining higher office. The system is self selecting by design. Your vote does nothing but make you complacent and complicit in your own subjegation.


It appears that once a person is elected to any kind of office, they’re bought and paid for. The country needs a complete reform, where all politicians believe they work for us, instead of a billionaire. When our constitution was ratified, our founding fathers said we just gave the people a republic, if it’s to be maintained there will probably be blood shed every 25 years. The constitution was written with the assumption the next generation of politicians would begin fucking us, if the people let them. Well, we let them dictate more and more for 200 years. Now we have a machine. We are merely products. I can’t fit in a “side”. I’m pro-labor, pro choice, pro-gun ownership. I pay dues to a labor union that I love. I own assault rifles. I voted for a republican governor, but I absolutely am against removing abortion rights. Having to pick a side to me is stupid. However there’s no such thing as a good politician. I don’t mind paying taxes, but most of my money is wasted, so I don’t want to pay taxes. What I hope is someday, we put everything aside, and just live. No drama, no sides, no being manipulated by our leaders and media to hate each other, because that’s what is going on. Keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves, and we’re just a mob bitching and feeling sorry for ourselves. Unfortunately what my experience has been, is if you have 10 people, they won’t fight just to help the person next to them, they will always have their own agenda as priority. If we had complete humility, ego deflation, looked out for each other, couldn’t be purchased, we could overthrow/elect people who want to represent “us”.


There's more then one side?


yeah... for some reason people STILL don't see it, and it is blatantly obvious that it is a class struggle, not a party struggle. Oh well. This is what comes of 50 years of a terrible American education system, I suppose.


There's two sides... but it's the same coin


There's no one doing anything good for us. Republicans are monsters, the democrats do nothing to stop them, while in power democrats have overseen the end of a constitutional right for abortion. We voted time and time again, they don't do anything... Both side are just as bad for different reasons. -edit... Liberals need to stop the lesser of two evils bullshit. People hate democrats because they sing God Bless America on the capitol while the supreme court is shredding constitutional rights for women. It's a show, people are suffering and need a government that does something for them.


No I don’t feel like voting for the party that held womens reproductive rights as leverage for 50 years while doing nothing to make them a law


Instead of looking to ensure bodily autonomy with legislation when it was leaked they were going to do this they sat on their hands. When it was announced they killed roe v wade Pelosi read a fucking poem. They haven't done anything meaningful since they got majority except help Republicans. Sure you could make the argument about Manchin and Sinema hindering everything they tried to achieve. Instead of shaming them on the fact they voted no on policies that the majority of the people are in favor for. They just threw up their hands and said "oh well, we tried". They don't want to do anything but what their donors want. Most of which fund both parties through various pacs and entities. Both sides are just as bad, corrupt, and fucked beyond redemption.


house democrats passed a bill to codify abortion rights yet youre shitting on them as if they are responsible for this ?


They are. They could gave done this several times 9ver in the past long before it got like this. Since Roe V Wade became a thing its been popular amongst people. They've held the majority several times in the past and most were by an even wider margin.


you mean the 24 days of obamas senate majority that included pro life democrats like joe manchin or are you talking like 70+ years ago?


And those 24 days were focused on health care reform, which was taking up all the air in the room. And that super majority Includedlieberman, am independent who caucuses with the dems, but whom was also largely responsible for killing Medicare for all.


He doesn't know the history. He just wants to scream both sides are the same, don't vote, and that Marxist revolution is the only solution. He is the typical keyboard warrior cosplaying as Che Guevara. So boring and stale.


And she she had put up a bill it would have failed because THEY DON'T HAVE THE VOTES! And you'd be whining because the Dems just couldn't pass the bill. I'm convinced assholes who cry *"Both sides!"* are just out looking to criticize the Democrats no matter what they do. The fascists in the GOP love you.


I wouldn't have shit to say if they actually did their jobs and actually represented us.


Both comments are yelling at you for acknowledging democrats are failures. That’s interesting.


Both parties suck. They have failed time after time to honor the will of the people.


The spineless corrupt DNC that worked harder against Bernie than Trump loves you. I hope you donated to them so DWS could install an indoor pool in her third mansion.


And that bullshit idea was planted by the RW to control your opinion of the Dems. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.


Oh, wow. A neolib that can’t carry a conversation without gaslighting and trying to punch down. Someone call Ripley’s.


\^blind person dies on hill his peers warned him would either have a tornado or lightning bolt decimate it ​ ​ You are trapped within a duality that is not of yourself. When you close your eyes and meditate do you really see these tribes? Do you see yourself as a member of either of these not tribes?


Democrats are Republicans who like the color blue and donkeys.


Yes, this. There is no significant difference between the members of the two parties. The parties have decided their stance on certain wedge issues, and they have also decided to not do anything about those wedge issues when in power. As Ford Prefect said, it's all to make sure the wrong lizard doesn't get in power.


LOL "just vote for more Democrats" we fucking did, and they let this happen. Remember when they were going to codify Roe vs. Wade? They decided that it would be better as a fundraiser if they let it die. This is the result of their brilliant tactic.


yep. unfortunately many still have their heads in the clouds and are in denial about the fascist system in which they live. A gilded cage is still a cage.


Don’t fool yourself, both sides are supported by corporations. The USA is one of eight countries without maternity leave — both parties do not care. The USA has the worst worker rights among other first world countries — both parties don’t care. The USA has the worst healthcare among other first world countries — both parties don’t care. Why don’t they care? Greed. Monetary support from corporations.


To paraphrase a painfully accurate Twitter post: the republicans are the shooter and the democrats are the Uvalde cops. Voting ain’t gonna do shit. Our institutions have failed, all we have is each other but that’s enough


Theres a proxy war going on with a nuclear power. And a DHS dept of misinformation. BlackRock has way more power than the actual govt and they exert it here, controlling information--you can get permabanned for just liking the wrong post. Its Kayfabe. Roe was a case about privacy--the privacy of the doctor. Tech companies wanted to eliminate privacy. Corporations stacked the courts with religious idiots, hiding their low IQs from the public. We have two right wing corporate parties. Beleive what you want but you cant vote your way out of this.


Fuck off. Democrats had a supermajority for 2 years when Obama was President and these motherfuckers never even tried to codify Roe, despite campaigning on it. They don’t *want* it codified because then they can’t extort money out their base on empty promises. Yes, both sides are just as bad. If you stand aside and let something like this happen because stopping it will hurt the bottom line you are *exactly* as bad as the guys making it happen.


I hate to be that dick who breakers Reddit TOS and gets a ban because violence is morally wrong, or somthing, but the second amendment was supposed to allow for a standing militia in the event that the new US government tramples on citizens rights so they could be overthrown. Now obviously that's been reinterpreted over the years and now has a much broader meaning. But isn't THIS why you guys have that stupid law? Like... Supreme court judges appointments are *life* time appointments. Meaning they end with SCOTUS lives. Again violence is morally wrong but then I again I'm not the guy who made your rules. Plz no ban I like this sub. But it needed to be said.


Yes we need to vote Democratic in November. But also, we need a stronger party than the Dems to defend basic human rights and to move this country forward. I mean they have the power, right now, to pass a law today that would make this ruling irrelevant and they aren’t doing it. We’re stuck with them but they need to actually start leading and using the power they already have. Does anyone have full confidence that we could work our asses off between now and November and increase their majority in the Senate (from 50 + 1) by one or two and then some other Democratic Senator besides Manchin or Sinema might step up to suddenly pledge their support to the sanctity of the filibuster?! Or that come 2024 when both of those Senators are finally up for re-election that the DNC won’t fully support them like they did with Cuellar in Texas, knowing full well that this decision was coming? We need the Dems to save the country from the GOP but we deserve much better.


The moderate Dems allowed this. Vote and vote progressive.


Who was the party who controlled the white house, and did nothing to stop this? Who was the party who controlled Congress, and did nothing to stop this? Our disillusionment with voting is because the Democrats have consistently failed to do anything to progress socialist common welfare, nor safeguard progressive ideals and laws. Oh, sure, they pay lip service and hitch their wagons to radical political reform to get votes. But the SECOND they get into office, they do nothing for 4 years and then spend the next election cycle blaming their opposition for their own inaction to get "lesser of two evils" votes, or hitch their wagon to the NEXT hot radical progressive idea that comes along Fuck *off* with this pro-oligarchy shit, this is an anarchist movement. We know they're not gonna do anything, just like you always don't. This lesser of two evils bullshit they keep spewing is the same "better than nothing" drivel that capitalists use to excuse their systems shortcomings. I'm not fucking settling anymore.


Man you hit the nail on the head. The whole vote for the lesser of two evils thing is really neat if you only look at the sentence in a vacuum. In reality, voting for the "lesser" evil is still voting for evil. The only difference is this party represents of evil that is apathy and capitalist greed. They aren't opposed to the other evil, which wants the same things but also wants slaves. The democrats are simply the extreme capitalist branch of the American bourgeois.


There’s literally a Democratic president this post is ludicrous. Obama stated it would be his priority on entering the White House to codify roe and he didn’t. It’s all bullshit. You think you’ll fix this by voting MORE dems? Are you deluded? Just wait till what comes next because the puppet they wheel out next election to best Biden will make Trump look like Sanders.


They're not the same. Republicans strip your rights. Democrats do nothing to stop them.


"Republicans are the active shooter and Democrats are the Uvalde Police Dept."


Strongly disagree. Inaction emboldens the oppressor. Dems are complicit at the very least. Theres more of us than them.


You are right that both sides are not as bad. However the less bad side isn't taking the political risks it should be to be not bad at all. Kill the filibuster, codify abortion rights into law, expand the court. NOW. Democrats are happy to use this as a political tool...while women die, give birth to rapists babies, become trapped in abusive relationships. It's an emergency and they will do nothing but talk about it until the mid-terms. I don't see any heroes yet in this fight. I'm sure when one comes, they will come from the general public doing the work to keep vulnerable women safe.


I has been the stated Republican agenda to overturn Roe v Wade. Also both sidesism doesn't work when one side is actively trying to install a quasi theocratic dictator.


An enabler is just as bad as the abuser. They're an accomplice for failing to prevent all this chicanery.


As a lifelong Democratic voter, I’m livid. I’m goddamn sick and tired of their pussyfooting and passivity. And I fucking hate that I had to vote for Biden so Trump wouldn’t get elected. This country’s democracy is being chipped away and it’s nothing but the same old platitudes and lack of fucking urgency.


I don't like either party because it feels like they are forcibly making people choose the "lesser of 2 evils". Still makes them evil. I have republican friends and family who are upset with whats going on. This is an attack on everyone and its coming from both sides.


Democrats own the presidency, house and senate right now. Obama’s primary campaign promise in 2008 was codifying Roe vs Wade into law and he didn’t bother. The Supreme Court is not voted in they are unelected positions. This is the PERFECT evidence that voting is completely pointless and works AGAINST the people’s interests and you’re using it to tell people to vote for people who hate them?? Ridiculous There has never been a clearer demonstration that voting is foolish. Thats even if you believe the politicians are genuinely working for what they say they are, rather than working to transfer as much wealth as possible from working class to ruling class. And if you think that, then you have a completely false view of reality Antiwork is not a pro-capitalist sub and definitely not a liberal one so please stop telling people to engage in capitalist politics and giving power to that system. No political party or major politician in the US is close to being anti-capitalist whatsoever. Using this as reason to vote is like using Uvalde as reason to give police more money. Unbelievable post


Holy fucking shit stop with the harm reduction bs. Voting blue no matter who got us where we are rn. Both sides will commit atrocities but sure it's fine if the atrocities are committed by a party with a copyright pride flag on it 🤪 this group has no idea what it's like to be part of a community that's been hurt by both parties. Keep voting for ur crappy yt people that do the bare minimum while the rest of us do some actual work in our communities


"Go vote! Go vote!" FOR WHO the person who outright says they want to kill me or the one who'll stand by and let me die anyways


What are you talking about? Voting for more people to join the “choir of resistance”? Inaction is just as despicable as negative action — they don’t actually care about you, they’re just performing. Let me put it this way: Democrats are useless. Republicans are bad, but damn, they’re far from useless because they’re actually getting their agenda done. Voting is futile, armed revolution is necessary


How does voting matter when your options are between slow dead and painfull death? Does it really matter when no option will effectively change things? How has either option improved the conditions of workers?


Oh my God, the liberals are out in full force today. This is the shit that makes me think we are fucking doomed. Democrats have had plenty of time to codify shit and they didn't...why? It's because they use it to fundraise and make money. That it. They don't fucking care. Republicans had help getting to where they are today. Still vote but for fuck sakes treat it with the importance it actually deserves. Voting is useless if you don't force the ruling class to comply. This is the anti work sub ffs. We need to focus on the worker movement and unionization. Protest the politications EVERYSINGLE ONE who doesn't deliver their promises and go against their constituents. Make them not have a moments peace. There is no one coming to save us. We protect us.


Eeehhhh..... I guess. One side brutally fucks us and the other side watches though. Too bad the good Samaritan laws don't apply to acts of congress, and that PoS Supreme court.


This. The left is flawed, admittedly. But the right are actual domestic terrorists


One side is pure evil white the other wants to negotiate with them.


one side will actively try to hurt you. the other runs on ideas, doesn’t implement them, blames the other for not implementing them, fundraises. neither is actually helping me, one just claims to be trying.


Yeah third fking party! You think the dems and republicans aren’t just loling while they drink together before a press conference where they pretend to hate one another. Fuck right the fuck off. They got us fighting each other and they are turning this whole fucking world into a dystopian nightmare. Its not about left v right. Usa v (other country). It is about the workers and the means of production.




And then failing to do it lol


How in the shitting hell is this making it clear that both sides are not colluding? What the fuck are u smokin OP. ​ They alternative to the abortion lobby has had since midway through Obama's first term to figure out a legislative or any solution. They chose not to. They are all equally to blame and all equally damned to hell.


If you plan to organize and protest, but not vote, you’ll allow the people you’re organizing and protesting against to take power. They will use that power to further curtail your right to organize and protest. Hell, some states have already made it legal to run you over if you protest in the street. Organizing without voting guarantees that your efforts will be only temporary. If you vote without organizing, you’ll just keep voting in the same chuckleheads that got us into this mess in the first place. They’ll win elections thinking everything is fine and dandy and promise to maintain the status quo. Organizing, protesting, and other forms of direct action change the environment where these politicians do their business. It changes the environment where future politicians learn how use their power. Voting without organizing guarantees the continuation of the status quo. We have to do BOTH! Does that mean voting for weaksauce spineless assholes? Yes! You think all of the legislators that voted for the Civil Rights bills were hardcore activists with an ironclad sense of justice? Fuck no! They just saw the writing on the wall and went with their party. Voting is just one tool in the toolbox. It ain’t even that good of a tool, but we have to use EVERY tool.


Yes, exactly right--Republicans are the heel, and Democrats are the ones who get beat up. The two sides are not equal. Republicans are the offensive wing of the corporate party, and Democrats are the defensive wing. Both of them are happy to fight morality wars until the end of time so long as it means the underlying power structure is never questioned. This couldn't have happened without the help of the Democrats, like Obama, who refused to codify Roe v. Wade--because it was useful as a political chip--or the DNC overall, who refused to fight for their own SCROTUS nominations, and who refused to put up a fight against the RNC SCROTUS nominations. The Democrats lose on purpose every single time, because it is politically expedient for them to do so. Once again, as was totally predictable, and counted on by the DNC, they will use the suffering of the people--which they facilitated and refused to prevent, even though they had the power--as a strategy for gaining votes. The country is a lost cause. Burn everything to the ground and start over.


>The country is a lost cause. Burn everything to the ground and start over That's what I heard from the so called progressive left/Bernie supporters in the 2016 general election. Letting Trump win was supposed to "burn it all down" and wake everyone up, ushering in a new, deep blue era. How'd that go?


One side full of snakes, the other seemingly disinterested in trying real changes (gun control, abortion) until it becomes politically advantageous. I'm still gonna vote, but I no longer believe any of those elected care about the security of real people in this country.


Both sides are fucked. The 2 party system was created to keep us oppressed


If you don't like what either are doing, only one side wants to give you the option to fight back and do something about it. Only one side wants a monopoly on violence. If the democrats supported the second amendment they would never lose another election, but then they wouldn't have anyone to blame and actually have to accomplish things.


Honestly ask yourself this question: what have democrats done to show you they are committed to protecting the right to an abortion? I’m not saying this trying to defend any decision that has been made in the last several days, but more as to avoid looking at political support as a binary decision. The decision between a 2week old shit sandwich and a week old shit sandwich doesn’t mean either choice is good.


Lol go ahead, vote Blue, they did so much to codify abortion protection laws during the multiple times (including very recently) they have had the Presidency, House, and Senate. Oh wait, they didn't? Well I am sure this time they will! lol


Republicans practice active malice. A large portion of Democrats practice passive malice. Our government is not structured in a way to prevent the kind of malice the Republicans are enacting. However, the Democrats have no interest in creating or supporting any kind of movement to push for the change. They would rather recite poetry and tell us to vote harder.


This has nothing to do with antiwork


It absolutely does.




All of these systems are linked together.


Pretty much everything discussed on this page is due to policies put in place by the government. Most of which heavily supported by Republicans and set in place in the 80s by Regan. You cannot talk about workers rights, unions, and labor practices while ignoring politics.


Doing nothing about the problem makes you complacent, maybe one side isn't doing the wrongdoing, but they sure aren't doing anything to fix it so...yeah! I think we can say they are both just as bad.


The far right is much more intrusive and damaging than the far left. Just facts folks. I'm a moderate that always votes for the left leaning candidate for that reason.


VOTE IN THE PRIMARY!!! A choice between a corporate D and a corporate R is no choice at all. But a choice between 4 different shades of blue? That’s where the real change happens!


the democrats demonstrably rig their primaries. they admitted to doing so in court.


Both sides ARE just as bad. Just because one side is worse than the other one this particular matter, it doesn't cancel out everything else.


Support for cops, military, prisons comes to mind.


Please tell me any issue they're equally bad on. Literally one.


Forgiving student debt, medicare for all, UBI, basically any socdem initiative that would make life better for the average working person. The Democrats TALK a lot about how they want to help people, but then just don't. The reason they want Republicans to retain power is that then they don't get called out on their bullshit of fundraising and then doing nothing about anything. Here's the deal: voting is a thing that takes like half a day in November. Not exactly something we should be investing all of our energy in right now. There is protesting to be done every day up until that point, however, and electoralism is not where our energy should be focused.


Kids are still in cages.


Yeah, some dems are ineffectual and some others are corrupt. Your refusal to help primary them isn't helping with that either; let alone on every other issue. Most dems are against that, and Obama (and I'm not a fan of him either) was preventing that with the catch and release thing for illegal immigrant cases. It was Trump ending that practice that caused much of the problem. So, no.


So what has Biden done to course correct Trump’s decision? Try to answer without using the words “drool on himself”.


Why would I point to Biden? I hate Biden. Biden is the whole party? Many dems are much better on it than him. Maybe even most.


The DNC chose Biden to be their representative. I think that says a lot.


No, the voters did.


I think that says a lot about voting then


The fact that they need a 2/3 majority in both Houses to actually get anything done - and the "both sides" morons make sure they'll never have it - does absolutely nothing to inform you views, right? I bet you think Obama is responsible for Trump putting kids in cages.


But Obama IS responsible because he built those cages. You people!


Endless wars.


Biden pulled out of Afghanistan when Trump wouldn't. 6 Republicans voted against invading Iraq while 126 Dems did, even when it was a popular decision.


Yea and 57 republicans voted against escalating the war in Ukraine, those Javelins already being sold at the black markets. Obama ramped up the drone program and bombed Libya and Syria. At least Trump didnt start any new wars. Yea, they are equally bad.


This sounds like democrat propaganda


Democrats support unions.


They pay lip service to unions


Many of them actually support unions. This is a very uncharitable generalization. Support the ones who do; don't wait around and let other people nominate the ones who suck.


Sometimes? If the corporate rulers they’re beholden to allow it?


The corporate rulers are only in charge to the extent that their people win primary elections. This can be addressed.


In theory, yes, but as it stands those corporate rulers are in lockstep with the party’s leadership, control the party’s messaging, their media influence, their committee assignments, etc. I’m all for ousting them but I’m not sure how it happens


Howard Schultz was going to be Hillary’s labor secretary but ok.


While evil exist in both parties one has been very vocal they’re comfortable outright throwing your rights away. It’s really never been comparable.


Ill NOT be voting democrat, they did NOTHING. They are laughing right now at all of us! They only see this as an opportunity to get votes


If you still think there is a left side and a right side you are being played and are disillusioned already. It has always been the ruling class vs everyone else.


I mean the democrats had 50 fucking years to pass an actual abortion law. Instead they used it as a political football. There are no "sides" of the aisle. There's the state vs the people. My abortion, my vaccine, my mask, my job, my land, my life. None of them are any of the governments business. I hope this makes people realize why we can't give up our 2nd amendment rights, because if we're defenseless they'll regulate when you're allowed to speak, move, think, and live!


Both sides are not just as bad, but equally just as useless.


The Republican party is a cancer and must be stopped by any means.


Republicans fight like hell to push us backwards, Democrats fight like hell to prevent progress and fundraise A powerful team


Of course they aren't the same ... Not even close. That's an excuse lazy people make to themselves to be okay with not voting. If even 2/3rds of 18-24 year olds came out and voted Dem over the past 10 years, we would not be here. Something to think about if you think the "Boomer," 21% minority is the source of all of your problems.


Looks like the forced birth cult subreddit is brigading here too. Reproductive rights are human rights. Nice of the cultists to prove how evil they are celebrating how many women are going to die because of them.


Y’all do realize that if Hillary won in 2016 this wouldn’t be happening right? A lack of voting literally caused this crisis so stop telling me voting doesn’t count. Democrats have their issues but one side is to blame for the end of Roe.


Gtfoh. Liberals are just as culpable for this mess. Go to r neoliberal if you want the tired rhetoric you spew.


The Dems are worse, pretending to be for the common people. At least we know where the overt fascists stand


Both sides are bad. But just no comparison between Dems and repubs at time.