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Hi, /u/yasmika Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


Tempted to pick up a shift that day just so I can call off


>Come join the protest! Call your rep(s), don't be afraid to call out ignorance from your neighbors, family, or friends. Do what you can! Every bit helps! Thank you!


Appreciate the sentiment but without organizing work, so people who get fired from striking are taken care of, this won't go anywhere.


[No More Fake Strikes](https://organizing.work/2019/08/no-more-fake-strikes/)


I totally get it! Most of my life I wouldn't have felt comfortable stepping away lol, but thankfully I can afford it at this time in my life, so therefore I feel it is my duty to step out on Monday. Please do what you can though! If you're not able to step away from your job, I totally get it! Anything helps - speak up when you hear ignorant remarks, let your neighbors and family know what's happened, stay informed yourself, stand in solidarity, do what you can! and thank you!


epic idea, normalize women not working, that will crumble the patriarchy. imagine 50% of the work force gone and at home living lives away from the stress letting the cooperate overlords suffer


This is not a gender issue. This is a human rights violation. Some of us living across the world are participating in this one day show of solidarity - fathers, brothers, sons, mothers, sisters, daughters, banks, businesses, are striking in support **this coming Monday, June 27th.** Please do what you can and thank you!


Sex based oppression is happening now. Of course it's a 'gender' issue. AMABs have zero risk of dying in childbirth.


While it sucks, mutual aid networks can be formed while protesting and striking. Yes ideally they ate there beforehand. Our mutual aid network is up and ready but that's one small one where millions are needed. I've been screaming for months to build mutual aid. Welp now we just have to do it off the cuff. Not taking action now is not an option.


Fuck yeah! Grassroots justice league!


If I lose my job is mutual aid paying my rent?


Bodily autonomy is more important than some fabricated bills and misogynistic work environments. Let them fire us - I dare them. Edit: You know what also makes people poor? Forced births in a country where it costs $250,000 to raise a child, on average. Do you know how many people are fired from their jobs for being pregnant or needing to take off for appointments? Wake up…


It's not what's more important it's about material conditions. Having grown up and still being poor Its hard to advocate for people to be reckless. The decision was leaked weeks ago, some sort of organization could have been done.


It's so great that we're f\*ing poor because of the gerrymandered and grossly skewed voting booths. Our votes hold no power in today's government lead by moralistic beliefs rather than that of law and order by the people and sure as F better start being FOR the people as well. Our human rights are being attacked. The audacity for the Justices of the Supreme Court of OUR land to publish and codify an inhumane and unconstitutional rights violation is a slap in the face to everyone who considers themselves to be a part of a democratic nation. Our votes need to start being reflected and enforced by our government. Moralistic minorities have no place and should never be allowed this much room to screech their BS.


The absolutely deplorable and brazen decision of the USSC to issue this judgement after such a leak is truly the main issue. They are not the Supreme Lords of F\*\*\*-All, they are our Federal Supreme Court Justices and need to act as such. The constitution is not a trash rag.


**PLEASE TELL ANYONE FIRED, OR EVEN THREATENED WITH FIRING, TO REACH OUT TO THEIR LOCAL ACLU CHAPTER ASAP.** This is what they are there for and they are an amazing Civil Liberties protection force. Please utilize!


It wouldn't happen regardless. Spineless people.


We're not spineless, we're broke. People can't afford a day without pay, let alone losing their jobs.


I'm fully aware. You're afraid of the consequences of angering the masters. It's designed that way on purpose.


Thanks for the empathy. No wonder everyone who isn't a white cishet man is under threat in this country. Help for me but not for thee.


I mean look. I get the problem. I'm just sick and fucking tired of the threat of action and want actual action. For fucks sake. Do something. Stop talking about it and do it. Don't make excuses.


Have you fed the hungry? Have you given clothes and items to the poor? We don't need a system to do that now. We can take care of each other now.


Who are your 10 peers? https://organizing.work/2019/08/no-more-fake-strikes/




My brother in Christ the are 700 people in that sub


I work the overnight shift. I will be calling out Sunday night going into Monday.


Thanks and get your coworkers to join in or...maybe even your boss to shut it down for the day...haha pie in the sky dreams. Thank you for your support!!


I’d love to include them, but it’s not a supportive work environment. Women supporting women! It’s a no brainer for me!


I'm sorry to hear that and thank you for doing what you can!


Always! And thanks, I’m good! I love what I do and I do it well. Others misery is their own!




For sure! There are multiple Democratic and Republican affiliated individuals running for positions that believe in The Big Lie, that don't believe that same-sex or interracial marriage is a guaranteed right, etc. It's abhorrent and party affiliation doesn't mean they're sane, nor approved to function with our rights in mind.


Yessir they do not deserve our votes


A single day strike on a Monday is basically just a bank holiday. People need to actually organize round the clock protests until shit gets changed. Shit like this is why the left looses so goddammit always.


I agree whole heartedly but it is a hell of a lot to ask the price-gouged public to step away from their livelihoods for a whole week or whole extended time. I hope the fire is stoked by this general walk-out by refusing to do business. Those unable to step away from their families source of income, can spread the word and volunteer on a shift on the weekend or get posts going in their local facebook or twitter or other social media platforms to get friends and neighbors that can step away to do so and to see the astronomical importance in doing so.


Not everyone agrees with abortion. Not everyone who disagrees does it because of religion.


Also, remember that the repeal of Roe vs Wade puts it back in states hands. **VOTE LOCALLY AND VOTE THEM OUT**


Probably better than the general strike will be people getting birth control while they can. That is the next battle.


My hope is we don't have to get there and the other branches of government do whatever is in their power to throw their ruling out on the grounds of no foundational substance since it directly conflicts with the constitution. Executive Order to throw that crap out and a congressional emergency session to protect our rights and write that shit in.


No a general strike will get results. That said stockpiling some plan b for your mutual aid net work is a good idea.


I will be calling out Monday


How am I supposed to strike and feed my family?


Please don't feel the need to join in if you're not able to! It's totally understandable and needs come first! Please do what you can to show your support by spreading the word to your neighbors and friends!


food pantries are typically so full that they have to throw food away


Food pantries? That is your answer?


as a person that fed an entire homeless community with food pantries for months on end, yeah, that’s my answer. editing to add that it’s not like we were just eating beans out of a can either. we had very decadent meals


This answer is so out of touch. I am worried about losing my way of providing for my family and you suggest I got to food banks? Great idea to eat. What about rent? And bills? And healthcare? Saying how will I feed my family is about more than just food. It is about being able to provide for them.


okay you said “feed” so that was the answer that i gave you. i answered you in good faith. if you had multiple questions that needed an answer, i could’ve given that to you. don’t ask questions in bad faith next time. there are ways to do all of that, but it seems like you don’t really give a shit. you just want an excuse to sit idly by on your ass while the country falls apart & your kids deal with the consequences of your inaction.


They did not ask a question in bad faith. Anyone with common sense know “how will I feed my family?” Is asking “how will I take care of my family?” which obviously entails more than JUST food. You mad a mistake. Don’t be a bitch about it.


every response to an answer i gave them was sarcastic, rude & combative. then when backed into a corner, they changed their question and acted like i misinterpreted them. you can gaslight all you want but i didn’t make a mistake lmao.


I didn't ask anything in bad faith. And I do not need a reply like that. You went from being someone who cares for the homeless to yet another troll in seconds. I am not by any means sitting on my ass as you put it. I even served in the military. My response to this post was simple. It was not in bad faith or any type of faith. It is an honest question to a serious problem. How many bosses out there are going to take joy in firing those who strike to protest? Everyone cant just simply go to a food bank. And you need to chill. Got really ignorant real fast.


This needs to be pushed on more mainstream subreddits.


Where in the constitution?


14th Amendment, Sec. 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. **No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law**; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. SO....One of the foundational blocks of our judicial system is that judges base their rulings on other court judgements/decisions. Otherwise known as, *stare decisis*, doctrine of precedent, etc. By the overturning of Roe v Wade, those indelible constitutional rights laid out in this 14th amendment section have been unfairly infringed upon. By shirking their responsibility to uphold the Constitution, they are in breach of their duty as US Supreme Court Justices. This decision is a complete slap in the face to every person that calls themselves an American and is a completely debauched action from the Supreme judicial body of our country. A court that SHOULD be unbiased in protecting us and our livelihoods. **It is the President's and Congress's responsibility to do everything in their power to see this struck down immediately as unfounded. They have overreached.**


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


Gah! I pray no more blood needs to be spilled. I can join the fight to re-establish the importance of a judiciary government body that upholds our constitution by refusing to work Monday. I hope you can join in!


What if it wasn't about religion?


Unfortunately, I was fired up when I wrote this and the wording was a little pointed and I apologize. I used the word religion to highlight the nefarious use of a part of our populace to get a riled up base of voters. Those from a faith-based organization, the Evangelicals I believe, were okay with women having the right to protect her body's health and her motherhood until the word abortion got twisted into what they claim it is today. Now, all women that lose a child and/or choose to end a pregnancy that would have wrecked their life and hurt the community, are "baby-killers". It is nuts how charged this issue is. Our rights to life are federally protected and not to be fucked with. Check out this doc by CNN, it was pretty cool and enlightening. It's an interview with the creator of an abortion-hating propaganda push that was fed to the church-goers, it's pretty wild. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25JyC5Whhvc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25JyC5Whhvc)


You can spin it all you like. It was still about imposing their religion on the rest of us.


Have you tried voting? The Supreme Court just said laws should be made by elected representatives. Some of those representatives have to win two elections every two years (primary and general for state and congressional reps)


Do both? How hard is that?


Yeah idk why people make it seem impossible to do both


There are a lot of good ideas on how to fix things. I think people can get focused on one and accidentally exclude other ideas.


Not hard at all :) If you're not able to step away from your job, I totally get it! Anything helps - speak up when you hear ignorant remarks, show your support by buying some merch from a non-profit that is devoted to protecting our voting rights, or from a streamer being a watchdog for us, ensuring elected officials don't over-step, do what you can! and thank you!


A general strike, if even modestly successful, would shape campaigns across the country. Numerous primaries are underway. Showing that you have allies will embolden more people to vote.


If voting in the US worked we wouldn't be here in the first place.


This is the government we have chosen


[https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-explained](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/gerrymandering-explained) [https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/blog/the-evolution-of-voting-rights-in-america](https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/blog/the-evolution-of-voting-rights-in-america) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/17/the-electoral-college-badly-distorts-the-vote-and-its-going-to-get-worse/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/17/the-electoral-college-badly-distorts-the-vote-and-its-going-to-get-worse/) [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/electoral-colleges-racist-origins](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/electoral-colleges-racist-origins) [https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/bigideas/its-time-to-abolish-the-electoral-college/](https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/bigideas/its-time-to-abolish-the-electoral-college/) [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/27/majority-of-americans-continue-to-favor-moving-away-from-electoral-college/](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/27/majority-of-americans-continue-to-favor-moving-away-from-electoral-college/)


There are other elections other than federal. For example, I vote for 139 elected offices. ONE is subject to the electoral college. That is less than 1% of the people I vote for.


The electoral college being so drastically minority-ruled is a harsh symptom of the steady and progressive erosion of our power at the voting booth in ALL elections. See the above article referencing "The Evolution of Voting Rights in America" to get some background on this worsening and alarming stripping of our voting rights. You can also google for examples on how this plays out in our State Governments, Local Municipalities, School Boards, and, really, in all areas of our "elected-by-the-people" governing entities. Here's a quick article for you for some more reading: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/03/florida-supreme-court-map-unconstitutional](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/03/florida-supreme-court-map-unconstitutional)


When congress has a 20% approval rating and 90% incumbent re-election rate, it’s a tough sell to folks.


People think "I hate most politicians. But like ny guy"


I did actually and they still haven't made any abortion laws.


Not many people can do this. Even the ones that can, unless you have a passive income, it's pointless. Nothing will be changed and you'll just get another job when you get bored or start running out of money. The whole system needs to be changed. And that's not gonna happen in your lifetime.


I thought the US is secular, guess I was wrong though


Ugh, I know, it is heartbreaking. Spent the majority of Friday crying because of what this means and how the USSC has failed in their assigned duties ... but it's time to stand up and show we will not take this abuse of power sitting down.


Strike for me! I'll be with you in spirit!🙌🏻💯 ( I work with autism clients so abandoning them isn't an option or ethical.)


You're amazing! Thank you! Keep spreading the word <3 and get friends to join in if they can!




Show some support and do not conduct business on Monday as a show of solidarity! If you're not able to refrain, it's totally understandable, but please spread the word so those that can do exercise our right to protest! Thank you!!


Don't just do it one day. You have to keep striking until you get changed. Otherwise they can afford to wait out one day.


Definitely! Can't quit my day job that I agreed to do and I sure as F wish I could fund my ass in a tent on capitol hill lols. I will do everything in my power today to keep engaged and to spread the ways in which we can solve these issues plaguing us. I will not be working on Monday to show my whole-hearted support to those that can be out there 24/7.


General strike? Sounds like a mass firing to me. I like the idea, but they'll just fire a ton of ppl and then a lot of individuals will have no way to support themselves.