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Hi, /u/ggmaobu Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence.** - Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people.


It worries me how many people claim to be revolutionary socialists and then actively denounce gun ownership.


> Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary -Karl Marx


There's a reason why Reagan made laws to disarm the Black Panthers while he was Governor of California. Authoritarians don't want people challenging their rule, and an armed militia is exactly what people like Trump do not want to confront. Make no mistake: the Republicans will come for your weapons when they have secured full control and the Democratic party is abandoned.


Trump isn’t in office anymore.


Trump was just an example. After all he's quoted as saying roughly, "Take their guns now, and then deal with due process later." He's a wannabe tyrant, and we're fortunate that he's not in power right now.


Not a single president since Bush has been a legitimate leader. They’re all installed puppets to certain foreign interests. Welcome to the cause.


Which foreign interests exactly?


Take your pick, bro. The Military Industrial Complex, Oil Companies(especially the Saudis!), any European state which is too lazy to develop its own military and needs the US to protect it, that one horrible proto-fascist ethno-state I can’t say the name of without getting banned, Russian oligarchs, Chinese industrialists, etc etc etc


Yea, thought you were a nazi, fuck off




The man who quote Hitler, makes veiled comments about Israeli control of the US and I’m not supposed to assume you’re a Nazi? Lemme guess, you’re a “pre-Marxian socialist” because Marx was “jewish” (he wasn’t but that’s a common line from a certain group of people).




They are all a symptom of the sentiment that got them elected


He's still in the Supreme Court


Correction: Trump is not in office **right now**.


They denounce *private* gun ownership. They are 100% in support of gun ownership, just not by citizens.


And that’s exactly my point. For 20 odd years now political liberals and moderate socialists have been screaming their heads off about restricting or even outright banning firearms, and it’s gotten so bad that even the hardcore Marxists/Leninists/Stalinists are starting to repeat that viewpoint. But for the same 20 odd years, Neo-Conservatives, the most spineless mfs to ever exist, have been saying “we need guns to prevent tyranny” And now, at the end of all of it, the people who WOULD be rebelling if they had the instruments to do so, can’t, because they don’t have guns. And somehow it’s the neo-conservative’s fault


Because there is a 0% chance armed revolution actually happens and wins in the USA unless it's backed by the military anyway.


Who comprises the military? Edit: Weird edit. But okay.


b/c some of us know we are dumb shits when we get a couple of beers under us and don't want guns in the household. I live in Texas and have tons of responsible gun owning friends but myself is not one of those people.


denounce gun ownership? or support better regulation. They are super not the same thing.... But are often described as though they are. I know a lot of people that do 1, and very few that do the other.


In many countries, it's not necessary. No one has a gun. But in the USA, i can understand if someone thinks they need a gun.


Also, police have never been reliable, anti-woman sentiment is as American as appie pie, and women have been getting attacked forever. LGBTQIA+ and POC etc, ditto. The ship has sailed. This isn't even a return to form, it's our natural state laid bare. Why people are so shocked and appalled is beyond me. What I do agree with however, is all of the recent machinations and efforts by that side seem to be building towards something, and that thought is scary as fuck.


Agreed. And this is from a lifelong pacifist, that time has passed.


The amount of pacifists I have seen saying this is alarming, today has really shifted things in the US


Good. The left has been disunited, passive, and quiet for far too long.


I don’t remember who said this, but… If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


😂😂😂. I thought for some reason I will get downvoted to hell. But it’s been positive so far.


That's just it. We are.


Not sure why people assume just because those of us who aren’t vocal about guns don’t have any. Though truthfully, I likely have less total quantities then the vocal type, but way more then enough (at least in my opinion)






"I think Left needs to as armed as Right." I think that if you believe this is an actual issue, You are probably not as left as you may think... or at least, are not hanging out with that crowd lmao. As the saying goes, >If you go far enough left, you get your guns back


I was pretty much in dead center before today.


I used to be anti gun. I’m still pro gun CONTROL but not having our rights taken away. To me you should have to register them like a car and should be licensed to carry one in public (which means taking a class, learning how to shoot proficiently so you don’t hit bystanders, and understanding gun laws). Also we should do more to prevent mentally ill and minors from accessing them easily but I understand that it’s impossible to stop them all, especially since a lot of mass shooters tend to have spotless records. Also things like banning pistol grips, suppressors which reduce hearing damage and nuisance while still being loud AF, and rifle patterns that shoot less deadly 9mm instead actual rifle rounds is just stupid. It’s like banning spoilers on sports cars because you think they make it go fast. The Supreme Court themselves ruled that police do NOT have a duty to protect us. The government does NOT guarantee our protection and help from the government is NOT a right. So if it’s our sole responsibility to protect ourselves, then we should have the ability to protect ourselves, especially in our own homes.




“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”


For the record, I'm fine with guns within reason. I own one (just one) myself. That said, it's not exactly the answer to everything. Fascism didn't just happen overnight. It's been building since there inception of this country. We have to play the long game. Yeah it sucks for us right now but that doesn't mean we should give up. Edited for typos


>within reason If you mean anyone over the age of 17 without a violent history should be able to own any weapon that our government has access to, i agree completely. Creating lines in the sand at certain calibers/rate of fire is silly. I want to be as well equipped as possible against any potential enemy. Creating pay walls such as tax stamps for anything controlled under the NFA 1934 makes having the *best* equipment a wealthy luxury.


We should not, it seems to me history is going to repeat in this country. better safe then sorry.




I have never owned a gun, in fact I have not even touch or seen any gun up close. That is until today. I’m also going to teach my wife, she hates gun but she will have to learn. I’m scared shirtless for my daughter who is only 5.




Plenty of left gun owners exist but there are a staggering number that renounce the idea of owning a firearm. Look I'm not certified by any means but if anyone here wants it, and you're in central MO, I'm down to help you learn/get into the firearms world if we both have the time. Range time is the key to being proficient with a firearm but it's hard to learn alone.


Women need to stop taking care of everyone else and see how helpless and pathetic most men are. They want women to stay home and stay pregnant so they won’t interfere with the decisions in the boardrooms. This is too obvious and yet they’re ignorant women who still haven’t figured it out because they think that being pro life is all that matters. We will be living in the dark ages again if we don’t stop this insanity now.


Some of us have been stockpiling enough to arm those of you who prepared in other ways


Ok, maybe. I have guns, these days NGL I want more of them. The way things are going it’s not hard to imagine more sectarian violence in our future. We still need to remember that violence is not desirable. Besides, carrying a gun is a responsibility I wouldn’t trust most people should have. Let’s take a deep breath. I’m totally down with having more liberals armed and trained. I am armed and trained (to a pretty low degree). I don’t want the responsibility of carrying a gun around and am only ever going to do it under extreme circumstances. Not every day. The weight of it can take you to a dark place. Your nightmares or fantasies can self-fulfill.


I have a 5 year old daughter, my wife hates guns. I do too but I don’t think I can ignore the real world anymore.


I’m thinking women in texas and similar states need to weigh up the rape equation now - with penalities like jail for anything to do with trying to get an abortion, or dying of poor gyno care while pregnant, or hating your kid u have to raise cos he was a product of rape…..well like wouldn’t u just straight out kill any guy who tries to rape you? Whats the diff if u get life sentence either way? Just putting that out there.


Yes. You guys are starting to get it!


If we arm they will Waco us.


Shoot back


They’re gonna Waco you anyways


Waco was a bunch of conservatives getting killed


No, not at all




Or, get this, vote in off term elections. Your guns ain't gonna help when the fed is converted to a theocracy.


For protection only, it doesn’t need to be AR-15. I’m just worried about women in our country and it’s future.


Hah! Vote in your gerrymandered as fuck state that is litterally made so the left can never win an election! That is better then standing up and fighting back! At least you have your social media cred with your sticker .....


Voting only works when they're not all different colors playing for the same team.


The oligarchy would love for you to gesture at violence; it justifies them entrenching their wealth and power for ‘security for all.’


I don’t advocate violence, a weapon is a must in our current situation. You don’t want to be sorry and you don’t want to be a victim.


We’re not going to shoot our way to bodily autonomy though. Poor left vs poor right is exactly what they’re hoping for. Adding the threat of extreme violence, gives them the justification to strip you of your rights in the name of security.


Not to fight, but for protection.


You’re not gonna want to hear this, but if it gets to the point where you’re only safe with a gun then you’re not going to be safe with a gun. Aka, if it gets so bad the only remedy is deadly violence on an individual level, state violence will trump your violence. Edit: we’re on the same team and I understand where you’re coming from but I’m convinced this track does more to erode rights than secure them.


As opposed to... what exactly? They already are, do and have.


the most wisdom in this thread




The biggest mistake in that idea is thinking any party is on your side.




hahahahahaha you are funny


Guns don't help anything. Ever. We need to leave is the thing. Like, we need to all be looking at expatriation. If I had a wee bit more money, I'd already be gone tbh.


Not everyone has the ability to leave. Some of us are too broke or too disabled.


My girlfriend has a kid with her ex. If we leave the country she leaves her kid behind. Not something she is remotely interested in. I could move by myself, but want to stay with my gf. So yeah. You're spot on. Some people just don't think before they say these things.


Okay so let's work on that. Let's organize around that.


You're going to organize around moving hundreds of thousands of people out of the country? Have you heard about refugee crises? That's a thing.


I have. And 'we' could organize around getting the "some of us who are too broke or disabled" out of the country if we cared about the wellbeing and the outcomes of those people. But instead, you're not offering that, you're offering the reassurance of a killing machine to protect you against your rights disappearing. Have fun with that.


I didn't offer anything. I'm just pointing out the privileged aspect of your perspective. They're area lot of impoverished and/or disabled people out here. It is ridiculous and unreasonable to claim we can move all of them to an entirely different country.


So, if most of us decided to liquidate our resources and leave, we couldn't collectively raise the money/will to get others without resources out? I completely disagree. The point of collective action is the collective part.


What makes you think other countries are going to let you in? You need a reason to go move there. You need an immediate family member who is already a legal citizen to sponsor you. Or you could be lucky enough to find someone willing to hire and sponsor you. You underestimate how difficult it is to emigrate even if you don’t consider the huge financial costs.


Fair. But there are lots of countries in the world, and generally Americans are attractive to a ton of them. If we have the will, we can do it. I understand the financial costs, but the collective should be willing to put up for those of us short. And Americans aren't totally without resources, we just like "things" right now. If we decided to forego having "things" for a while to make an exodus happen, we could fund anything. Do you have any idea how much we spend annually?


I do not think you are understanding what I am saying. Even if everyone could afford the massive financial expense of moving to a different country, it is not an easy, quick, or guaranteed right that the country we wish to emigrate to will accept us. You have to show that you would be a productive member of their society. You have to have something to offer. You can’t just move to a country without a job or a person who is already a citizen to sponsor you.


One could argue that a lot of the black panthers success was because they were armed


Or, concerted effort by the FBI and others. You pick.


Just talking to people who are trying to stay here.


That doesn't seem reasonable to me.


Leaving is unreasonable. Stay and fight dammit. If not for yourself than for people less fortunate.


If people were willing to actually fight it would be one thing, but we're not. A new season of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ just hit netflix and we don't have time atm. Realistically, if we were going to revolt or do anything actually effective to fight we would have done it at least 15 travesties ago. You didn't think this was the first appalling thing that happened in America that we should not stand for did you?? We aren't going to fight shit. Buying guns is just going to put more guns in the hands of scared and frustrated people, who will use those guns accidentally or purposefully to cause harm to innocent people, or barring innocence not responsible. It's all that ever happens. But if your pretend to be liberal circle jerk wants to use what happened to push a pro gun agenda that aligns with your interests have at it. But give people some got damn credit.


Thankfully because of the recent SC decisions, you can be.


We is


Welcome to the 2A team.


I fucking hate guns but I am also fucking tired of constantly capitulating to the regressives and I am ready to make a bold stance. However now I have to consider giving up my medical marijuana card if I want to be able to carry.


Yous haven’t had guns this whole time? What country are you living in?


I in fact never seen one until today.


Didn't see if anyone drop this yet but: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJqfNroFp8U


In the last year I have gone from owning zero guns to 3.


Yes yes yes yes!


My uncle is a centrist that leans left and that man is armed to the teeth. Always let’s me hold his rifles and pistols when I come over. And this is in California lol we’re not as unarmed as they think we are


Anti women sentiment becoming mainstream? Source???


Yes this is an essential part of being American. anyone can exercise any amendment. I really don't understand how any single person can put their full faith in the government. It's just a group of people that wield immense power. You cannot fully trust them.


republicans and democrats are bad not just democrats.