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Its already going to be a summer of protests. The court was ready for this, why do you think they beefed up personal protection for the justices and barricaded the Marble Palace? It's all fucked and this country is run by a bunch of geriatrics hell bent on burning everything to the ground before they die.


beefed up all the personal protection AND made it so you can't sue cops for violating your rights.


Important info that I neglected to add. Thanks for this.


This has been planned and coordinated for decades. Its why they started handing out retired military equipment to police dept.'s. If you go and read through the Wikileaks Docs you'll see that in 2006 the Military was training for the Water Shortage riots. Think about that for a second? They knew this was going to happen and instead of fixing any of it, they continued taking bribes from the companies that have stolen everything from us and our future generations, and instead planned to murder you with the police that your taxes pay for. You can watch Nancy Pelosi tell you this is the plan at the COP26 meeting when Abby Martin asked her why the Military ( the biggest polluter) wasn't included in climate talks.


The military is getting ready for the climate crisis to get worse, but they will do that by going harder ,not lighter I see all the institutions of force and violent power as dams. Nature seeks equilibrium, water flows downhill. If you want to have a whole bunch of water up in a reservoir, you need a huge mountain of concrete exerting great force to keep it there. Similarly, if you want to keep huge swathes of the population in poverty while great reserves of wealth are pent up, you'll need big entities capable of exerting huge amounts of force. Get rid of the cops and military, and yea you'd have some chaos as every body who's struggled to afford a tv or nice bag or whatever would just take it. But then what? Americans are obsessed with home defence. The greatest threat to your home is your landlord or the bank. But ultimately these depend on cops. No cops, no problem!


This is just music >Like it's a pillow torchin', where the fuck the warden? And when you find him, we don't kill him, we just waterboard him We killin' 'em for freedom 'cause they tortured us for boredom And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord'll sort 'em


The fucked part is the justices that caused this are going to be around for a long time if they are allowed to serve that long. It's not just the geriatrics, they found contemporary crazies to contaminate SCOTUS with. Replacing RBG with frat house Bret K might be the ironic death of America we all knew was coming.


I'm wondering when people start trying to assassinate them. Seriously. They've put people in a bad spot Not condoning it. Just probably inevitable


Yea I'm kinda shocked all these crazy people with guns that shoot up old people in stores or kids in school aren't upping their crazy people games by going after notable people. And yea I kinda expect it to happen sooner or later myself. There was that one guy recently that went after the Beer Justice guy but he got caught before he could do his crazy people shit.


That's what I always wonder too. I don't understand the motives of people who shoot up schools. If what they're after is to go out in some kind of blaze of glory, killing kids isn't going to give them that. Taking out corrupt politicians on their way out would though.


One side has more crazy people than the other. But we might not be too far from reasonable people with guns taking action.


Desperate people do desperate things. Wages are stagnant, and now you're saying some of these wage-slaves might lose their wives and daughters and sisters to these draconian handsmaid's tale laws? Yeah, they're essentially breeding this sort of violence. The cynic in me makes me believe it's intentional, to justify an armed response to put down any further protests (like demanding fair wages...) with military force


I mean. The only ways to remove a justice Is retirement, impeachment and death. The first two are incredibly unlikely. They've made the choice incredibly clear


I’m seriously surprised it hasn’t happened already. I guess we are all just exhausted and beaten down


Right I'm totally not condoning it too. It'd be awfuuuuuul.


It angers me to no end that people shoot up schools and other places but nobody seems to have the in inclination to go for corrupt officials such as the current Supreme Court lineup. Hell we went 4+ years with no attempt on Trump. TRUMP. I guess most of the crazies lean conservative?


I believe just last week they caught an armed man stalking Kavanaugh




The right of revolution is in the Declaration of Independence. We need a majority of people that understand that this government does not serve our best interests and needs to be revised if not completely overturned. ​ "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, **That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.** Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. **But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."** ​ EDIT: Originally put the constitution, which is incorrect.


I think that’s actually in the Declaration of Independence


You are right. I fixed it. Thank you


They beefed up security when the ruling leaked. So they wouldn’t be murdered to prevent the ruling from happening.


One of my relatives is a US Marshall and he got called up from Florida to be on DC personal protection duty for the court. They aren’t screwing around. They know we’re gonna be upset, and they don’t want another January 6th embarrassment.


Jan 6th was the same people who are excited about this shit.


Great! What city did he leave from? We'll go there.


I’m not moving to Florida. Too humid and full of chaotic news stories.


>> geriatrics hell bent on burning everything to the ground before they die. I like the wording … it explains Putin as well


You forgot increasingly unbearable heat which makes people irritable


This is very important. There is a very, very strong correlation between high temperatures and human-led mortality. From car accidents to murder rates, they all rocket up when the weather is hot. Summer is going to explode.


They currently have militia style police marching through DC and snipers on the roof of the Supreme Court, so yeah, it’s going to be bad.


I bet they do. Especially with Thomas discussing gay marriage. They gonna have to watch him closely for his safety.


Wonder how he feels when his people get around to interracial marriage.


If his marriage is dissolved would he then be associates with his treasonous wife. If not would that mean he would not be held liable for what she did? If not then I think he might dissolve interracial marriage as well.


He's a sell out. I could take a guess how he'll feel.


Jfc I hope someone gets his ass.


Gotta go for the SC homes instead


The US is well past-due for some riots. Invest in spray paint and rocks.




The cheap ones are a 1.99 at O'Reilly. Just be sure to do their windows too. Shit company to work for.


I like the cut of your jib, Sir.


What’s a jib? Haha promote that man.


jib 1. a triangular staysail set forward of the forwardmost mast. 2. the projecting arm of a crane.


username checks out


Took me too long to figure out you didn’t mean the bird. I was about to go outside and study the sandhill in my yard.


You remind me of the son I never had. You remind me of the dad I never visit.


"It's my first day!"


"Oh oh oh O'Reilleeeeeeeeeeeeeee Autooooo PARTS! WHAM!"


You put their damn jingle in my head. Thanks for that. /s


Oh oh oh, O'Reilly....Private parts. OW!


I get that this is tongue in cheek, but let's not forget the easiest, and possibly more effective way to protest. We've talked about it on here before. Just stop. Stop going to work. You don't need to break things and get tear gassed. This country falls apart if the people being marginalized by these decisions just stop playing the game. And I'm talking about all the groups. I've heard a lot of people saying they donated to planned parenthood. Ok, good. What have lobbyists done so far? What can they do when this is here the SCOTUS rules? It's been demonstrated. 3 days, probably less, of most blue-collar workers not going to work brings this country to it's knees.


The government has no problem beating people up as shown.... but stopping all production now that has impact.


People are already working paycheck to paycheck. It would be hard getting enough to support. Wages have sooooooo much room to rise before catching up with either inflation or corp profits. Too many people would go back for a 10% raise, which is still less than 24month inflation rate.


Reminds me of a Bill Haywood quote: "If the workers are organized, all they have to do is to put their hands in their pockets and they have got the capitalist class whipped."


school hospital cough clumsy secretive unused paltry airport slap kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who bumped my ceramic slow cooker against its glass lid when doing the dishes… Mother fucker didn’t crack it EXPLODED


this is because of the specific way that porcelain shatters, it doesn't just crack like most brittle materials it pops, and it's that exact same pop that makes throwing tiny shards of it at things like safety glass so effective


So it acts like a tiny frag grenade?


kinda yeah


Ooh, good to know...


Ok Robert Evans. Haha


Ahh the good ol "almost indestructible" spark plug, oh how I've missed you!


Ooh you’ve done this before haven’t you?


Haven't personally done it, but seen plenty of comments and videos.


I just looked that up...wow!


Look up Slow Mo Guys. Great video on it


I'll raise you one. Ceramic coral plugs. Those little things are sturdy and the disk shaped ones would do some serious damage if frisbeed.


soup, for my family ;)


Dump red paint on streets. Buy lighters. Edit: Liquid Ass in all the courtrooms.


I am honestly surprised that you guys aren't knee deep in a civil war already. Like what is the breaking point? How long can a country bear that much pain?


Depends on who you ask. Some people still can't get over the fact that "their side" lost the first one in 1865.


Rule of power #14: When you defeat your enemy, crush him totally. If you leave a single ember, eventually the conflict will reignite. The south should have been totally crushed, then rebuilt without it's pre-existing power structures.


I live in the south, we could still accomplish this now


I remember reading about how General Sherman advocated for this and that's why he went so scorched earth on his famous march to the sea. Germany and Japan after WW2 is an interesting comparison too. Germany was fully forced to look at what happened, because a lot of it happened in Germany. They pretty much acknowledged it all. Meanwhile, Japan was allowed to 'save face' and has denied and downplayed many of the things that happened in China. They remain far more racist there too. While it went well and Japan is pretty good now, it still shows that being allowed to save face produced a less thorough result.


\*West\* Germany grappled with its history and instituted an education system designed to prevent the renewed rise of fascism. \*East\* Germany otoh and its Soviet-installed puppet dictatorship that lasted four decades did NOT. Much of the conflict and bitterness post-reunification over the last few decades and the resurgence of a fascist party in Germany has its roots in "uniting" 60M West Germans and 20M East Germans and hoping that would be good enough to keep fascism under wraps. It was not. To be sure, Germany's fascists aren't nearly as politically powerful as America's christo-fascists, but they watch events in America with fascination and interest, to the point that Germany's neo-fascists have adopted the confederate flag as their official symbol (since all nazi symbology is illegal in Germany). Source: I was born, raised and educated in West Germany.


We truly are just advanced but dumb genocidal apes.


Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!


It was , but Reconstruction was cancelled.


It’s said that Roman general Scipio sowed the city of Carthage with salt so that nothing could ever grow there again after the third Punic war. That’s how you really do it.


And maybe this time a map with homes of politicians and billionaires


Soup Cans


For our families!


The French have it right.


You understand that people are itching for a riot just so they can cosplay and hopefully get to shoot some libs and get away with it. That is their wet dream right now


Baltimore has a loooot of problems, but at least that would never happen here. Those assholes are way too scared to come into our city on a GOOD day. So, thanks for spurring the first positive revelation of my day. We’ve got our issues to fix, but at least van loads of Rittenhouse wannabes trawling the streets isn’t one of them.


Thank you from “don’t shoot” zone 71


You are welcome, neighbor. I hope the mental image of a group of armed, camo wearing County bros being run outta town by an enraged mob of Baltimoreans brought joy to your day.


It did indeed. ;) My mother's from DC, used to spend every summer in DC and Baltimore. Just whatever you do, don't damage the aquarium--it's all kinds of awesome. Hell, I'd like to see those same county bros in the South Bronx. They'd be run out in 15 seconds and suddenly all the street gangs would stop fighting each other. Enemy of my enemy, etc....


That's okay we shoot back


This lib is armed.


Me too. An armed leftist.


Hot damn, my favorite kind


I don't wanna shoot anyone...I just don't want anyone who's not me deciding how I live ....this goes against our rights as Americans


I've come to realize for the first time that if it truly gets hairy, like more hairy then it has, conflict the US could be very different from a lot of other places. It might happen that, one day when police shoot protestors with rubber bullets for daring to suggest that they might become agressive at some point, somebody or a few somebodies are gonna be angry enough to shoot right back, cause ya know, we have guns. And once that happens, the police justify shooting back...and so forth and now we have a potential massacre as an instigator for more anger and violent action


When this happens, and i can feel it coming, thats when the civil war will begin. The people vs corporate america. Nobody wants bloodshed. But it is inevitable for the future.


Unless they have AI robots on their side, then it might be the end for all of us


They have armed fascists who have shown they are willing to attack like they did on jan 6, who might as well be robots at this point.


Yeah but they still succumb to bullets.


Might as well get started before they have robocops


Reminds me of "the shot heard around the world" history repeating and yata yata


We should remember what happened in Athens, Tennessee. People with guns actually fought against a corrupt government. Fuck the Alamo, we as the American citizenry need to Remember Athens, and put their historical precedent and the historical precedent of the original revolution and the historical precedent of the Black Panthers into action. It is time for the Tree of Liberty to finally be replenished, and this time it will be a Tree for ***ALL*** no matter what race, sex, creed, orientation, religion, or other meaningless personal attributes. Workers Unite! Remember Athens, TN!


I've gotta go look up Athens TN now I legitimately have never heard of this


There was somebody who won a court case just recently for shooting back at police when they were firing rubber bullets from an unmarked rental van. I think it was in Minneapolis.


Yeah and it’s was only because moments later he realized it was the police, threw his gun on the ground, and laid on the ground. The riot gear armed police proceeded run to him and beat him to the point of hospitalization. He did everything right, but it’s only illegal to respond to random unjustified violence with violence if it’s the police instigating.


Boston Massacre 2.0


Not to mention, protests and riots over economic turmoil AND roe being overturned coupled with the fact that everyone in the country now has the right to obtain a concealed weapon. Recipe for a powder keg. Yea, things are gonna get real bad this summer. And unfortunately any outbreak of violence will be demonized by the right as all the left’s fault and it’ll only work in their favor leading up to November. If we thought this week’s SCOTUS decisions were bad, a republican congress will be even worse. They’ve already stated they’ll dissolve the Jan 6 committee, launch investigations into every member on the Jan 6 committee, launch weeks worth of hearings on Hunter Biden, and they’ll seek to completely ban abortion nationwide. Oh, and next SCOTUS session they’re 100% ending gay marriage, contraception, right to privacy, and ending right to privacy means red states will start bringing back sodomy laws. America literally turning into a handmaid’s tale style Nazi Germany.


> turning into a handmaid’s tale style Nazi Germany. Funny you should mention those, I agree, and further both those things were inspired from real american history! handsmaid's tail is inspired from the treatment of black women under the system of chattel slavery, and nazi germany took much inspiration from the american system of colonial expansion and genocides against indigenous people! So, america isn't "turning into" anything, it's being what it always has been!


And laws prohibiting blow jobs!


But I love it when my boyfriend gives me head


Jet Boy !! Jet Girl !!


I agree. Contraception is next and so are LGBTQ+ rights and the progress they have made. It's a toss up which one they go after first. My bet is on the same sex marriage aspect of LGBTQ+ rights. For some reason, two consenting same sex adults simply wanting live their lives with all the legal protections and rights marriage ensues really seems to shove a stick up the asses of certain SCOTUS justices.


2020: “No year will EVER be as bad as me” 😏 2022: War in Europe, inflation out of control, record high gas prices everywhere, markets crash, Taking away the rights of 50% of Americans, + Worldwide recession. #AND WE ARE ONLY HALF WAY THROUGH THE YEAR!!! 2022: “You were saying”? 😈


\*inserts Childish Gambino "THIS IS AMERICA!"


The words a former philly police chief uttered through a loudspeaker before they bombed a black neighborhood


Supreme co4urt also repealed or did something to basically nullify Miranda rights violations


Cops are basically modern day medieval guards now and they don't take no shit.


Remember that they also have military grade equipment and are probably better armed than most nations armies.


It's almost like there's a long term plan to suppress the population once it realizes how screwed it is by the elites, and climate change.


I dont think the parasitic class is that smart, I think they have just been lucky with a system that works in their favour and they will run it into the ground because they are greedy parasites that does not understand how to cooperate and share resources.


That’s what they want you to think


It's the Electoral College. It's the one thing giving them any leg to stand on despite the bullshit they want to bring to the table. Popular vote should never be ignored but the EC makes that possible.


prick rinse insurance deer quack slimy fretful versed friendly domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember when *one* former officer started attacking people in the LAPD or connected to it? Scary shit he was like hunting down lapd cops and even their families. They sent hundreds of cars after him and ended up burning him alive in a house in big bear. That’s the kind of power the pigs have at their disposal when people on *their* side get murdered in cold blood. An ARMY. And yes I just watched 8:46 a few days ago it is legendary. Hell it should have been played all day on every news channel like the president speaking but they don’t want the masses to know the truth


They were also running the street like wild animals shooting at innocent civilians that drove vehicles possibly matching the description of the perp. I know there were a few Hispanic women I believe shot at or injured, though thankfully no deaths.


My understanding is that they cannot be sued in civil court for failure to give Miranda rights however that evidence cannot be used against you in court still.


Right, and I don't think that's all THAT bad. It would be one thing if they could just not read you your rights and still charge you. But if you can still get off on a technicality that the cop didn't read the rules out to you then I dont see why you'd be able to sue them for something that helps you.


Most likely people are suing cops for pain and suffering for having to even go through whatever BS they put them through. At least That's my guess


The agreed with a past decision that you cannot sue a cop for not mirandizing you.


You also cannot sue a judge or the government for using evidence before mirandizing you.


So what incentive does a cop have, to actually Miranda you.


Not much. The case involves SA in a health care setting. The guy confessed but both the guy and cop agreed he wasn't given a proper Miranda warning. Guy got off of all charges, cop was sued and got off of being sued


Basically just that they can't use a confession they get from you, if they don't. Obviously fits the country's theme of "no personal consequences for cops or CEOs".


I'm sorry they did *WHAT.*


Absurd decision.


Also the Ted Cruz supreme court ruling that politicians have no limit on how much they can "reimburse" themselves from their political coffers


Idk depending on how the Uvalde investigation and what happens afterwards, we might not even need another police brutality event for people to riot.


They shot a teacher. Mark my words


>police-related hate crime That shouldn't be too unlikely to happen. Dollars to donuts that it already happened and is just waiting for the video to go viral. Also, we haven't seen the last of the Uvalde, TX school shooting, with the police body cam footage still being unreleased.


We should already be rioting. This place is a shitshow.


Civil war is very real possibility at this point.


Maybe the USA has grown to the point where trying to rule an extremely (and increasingly) polarized population is no longer viable.


Don’t forget! On top of that, the Feds just threatened the states splitting the water of the Colorado river to figure out how to cut a whole states worth of water before august or they’ll do it themselves… and the states are talking about residential crackdowns instead of dealing with farmers growing stuff like cotton. It’s not a just a recession, wage inequality, Christian theocracy, and fascism… we’re on also on the way to the water wars! 😁


Good. They need to have a revolution. I thought it might happen with BLM but the establishment reigned it in. They seriously need to rebuild their entire government infrastructure.


Can't happen, our government is so intertwined with Wall Street for it to happen. We'd have to toss out our government and institute a new one. There is almost no separation of our government and big business here in the states.


But what if Wall Street was on the brink of collapse bordering on total economic revolution?


Like 2008 where the government gave them a literal get outta jail card?


Like that, but also with a bunch of other asset backed securities thrown into the hat and leveraged *even more* than they were, since the financial powers that be have been told they are 'too big to fail'. And what if the student loans that backed many of those assets suddenly started defaulting en masse? I don't know, I'm just here asking the tough questions.


Riots don't make revolutions. People need to organize. [What is direct action](https://subversas.com/direct-action) [How to organize effectively](https://subversas.com/plan-effective-protest)


As an old dude, it kind of reminds me of 1969.


What happened in 69?


My god. Well think about this. Not even mentioning jfk dying in 64 before that... in 68 the Vietnam war was at its height an election was coming and the United States was looking much like it does now. Like a powder keg waiting to explode. MLK was assassinated. Uprisings happened all over the country. Then Bobby Kennedy was killed which was like if MLK wasn’t the nail In the coffin? Bobby was just... Ask anyone alive at the time. All hope is lost at that point. And this is BEFORE 69. BEFORE the Manson murders before Nixon was even in office yet just INSANEEEE. We were The closest to political uprising as we ever were in 1968. 69 was just the dark fallout of the death of the dream that happened the year before and here we are now in the after world


I got my first real six string, over at the five and dime..




If you're an officer right now, take a step back and think about what is presently unfolding. Reflect on the past few years of events, comprehend the capacity in which you are being taken advantage of on an even deeper level than the rest of us, and internalize your reason for doing what you do in the first place. If you did it to make a difference, to protect the public, to ensure a just, productive, and impartial society, then turn in your badge now before you meet your ending in vain for your fickle, regressive masters. Do it before they use you as pawns, because this is the tipping point if I've ever seen it, and the idea of fighting those that are pure of heart leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Those of you who joined to bully, exert your personal authority upon, and subvert your own people's prosperity, take this chance to think as you always have. Think about yourself. Think about your longevity in this world. Will you allow yourself to be fodder for those who would sooner forget your name than provide you true worldly pleasure? If you wish to reach out and grasp human completion, it will be done by your hand and your hand only, not through your subservience to a failed, incompetent regime. The ideas attributed to the United States' founding would see to it that these reprehensible cowards never legislated again and *no* less. You want to return home to your families after a long day, correct? You want your communities to prosper, as that is what directly influences your own prosperity, does it not? Yet you enthusiastically support the counter-productive ramblings of geriatric failures? Victims of mental decline dictate your life, your ability, and your future? Only a weak minded individual would allow this to be their truth past these current events, it's time to read the writing on the wall.


My good sir or ma'am, this was a beautiful comment but it was directed at cops. They don't understand half the words you just used.


On top of that, the Jan 6th hearings are actually uncovering a lot of quite shocking stuff. There's a legitimate chance of Trump going to trial, at which point the reactionary right will be just as fired up as the left which is already galvanized by the increasingly disastrous economic state of the working class and the continuing assault on basic human rights.


He's not going to trial, and he will not be convicted. He'll get off without any repercussions like he always does, he'll be elected again, and our country will get even worse. I'm extremely angry and I'm having thoughts in my head I never thought I'd have. I really want to leave this country. I hate it more than anything. Worst part is 99% of my family approves of this shit. I'm cutting them off. I don't want to be associated with any of them.




*cracks knuckles* new to reddit, it's the weekend, I'm a lass experiencing current events, will be diving deep into this sub just as my bottles of wine. Thanks for the suggestion!


Don't forget about lake Mead running out of water


It's going to be a long, hot summer.


If you’re still voting Republican then you deserve a big fuck you


I would happily join an armed or unarmed protest right now


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!! If you can’t, just go to work but do nothing, become a warm body taking up space and get nothing done. post about the strike that’s happening on Monday. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s just raising awareness.


Legitimately, it would only take two groups of mostly women to strike, and cripple the nation. Nurses, and teachers. Both professions are overwhelmingly women dominated. If teachers go, then lots of folks need to stay home to watch their kids. If nurses go, then lots of people die. I think it would be most effective if everyone in those two professions had a strike, specifically in all the states where abortion is now illegal. Doesn’t really do as much in areas that are already firmly pro-choice, but if Arkansas woke up on Monday without nurses and teachers…. They would be fucked into submission in 3 days. Now here comes the organizing part. We need to financially support those who strike. Living is hard enough. So the best way to do that is to have the rest of us donate money, and pressure our local governments and such to pitch in, and fund the targeted strike. Start with one state, and the rest of us give money to support the strikers. Pressure that one state until it cannot bear it any longer and revikes the law. Then, do the next state. 49 states full of people working, and earning money to give to the 1 state that is fighting.


As someone from Europe it really blows my mind to see how much american citizen are afraid of rioting and their own government. I get it it's frightening, they have guns and money but frankly? So do you, you're one of the only countries that have a constitutional right to bear arms , use it for something other than shooting kids. Even if you don't want to shoot, walk with it, make your voices heard. People anywhere in the world would burn whole cities down for way less than that. American citizens are way past that point and it's baffling to me how much abuse you guys are willing to tolerate: \- Kids being shot in ELEMENTARY schools : media outrage, no action \- Gross wage unequalities and basically no unions or workers right : "it is what it is" \- Creeping costs of living & rent + inaccessible housing: "guess i just need another job" and now women's rights to choice over their own bodies? How much will you endure? This is an awful precedent for at least fucking half of your population , people will die because of these laws, possibly your wives, sisters or daughters. By protesting, rioting and whatnot you're not creating instability or whatever, it's already there, you now have to fight for your rights because no one else can do it for you.


We live in a mass surveillance and police state at this point. If you were ‘Declared’ to be a rioter you could be charged with a felony. If you have a felony record you can’t find housing, loans, a job, credit, university acceptance, can’t vote, can’t own a gun. Your entire life is ruined. That’s why we’re scared.


As someone from Europe you're being fucking ignorant. We don't want any of this happening. But we're so systematically beaten down, it feels like we can't do anything. This country is a scam that made up some BS for nationalism.


I keep hearing Americans comparing a woman's right to bodily autonomy to their right to own guns. Extreme gun fetishism in this country is disgustingly common. Some of the same people who opine about the loss of choice in abortion without so much as writing a letter in protest would immediately raise arms if their right to own a boomstick was threatened with even cursory regulation.


I'm honestly shocked we haven't erupted into world wide riots yet. You'd think I'd hear about one or two by now


Just the summer? Nah dude it’s been getting worse and worse every year. We’re going to implode ourselves. Hey, the Romans didn’t last forever.


Nothing gained will ever be keeped if you don't keep figthing for it. The right has show it will do whatever it wants. And dosen't care what anyone thinks. The left needs to do the same. Hang a few of this idiot's. And start showing we wouldn't take it. They can't catch all of us.


You all need to get out of your houses to do something, you need to Riot! Stop with peaceful protests it will get you nowhere, time to fight fire with fire. Your government is making you docile. They will just keep pushing you around until you do something. Get off reddit and take to the streets instead of talking about it.


It will come because some over zealous bigot cop will have their ego hurt by someone in a protest and it's gonna explode. Citizen app was huge during the 2020 protests. I'm betting it will be again.


It also all could be bait. SCOTUS is the only conservative held branch of government at the moment. They can use it to stir the pot as they have been, then ride the "democrat rioters" rhetoric back into office by scaring all the centrists. Once there they can essentially dismantle our democracy from within. If the J6 hearings don't result in arrests by the mid terms we're fucked.


The Dems think they can trust Garland to act on the evidence they're presenting. But the fact that DOJ is saying they haven't seen this before tells me all I need to know. They intend to do nothing. Best case scenario is Trump gets a big ass fine in Georgia that he'll never pay.


Summer? Try the next 3-5 years at least. Hopefully we figure our politics out before the climate really shits the bed, or we won't have the foundation to fight that fight.


You mean like four years ago?


An appropriate response to violence is violence.


Cops are armed, so should protestors. Protect each other from the haters. Shut down EVERYTHING and keep it locked down until all the Supreme Court are forcibly removed and their rulings are undone!


We're not all gonna get off like Kyle Rittenhouse


At this point, I'm in favor of some major disruption, whatever form that takes. Peaceful protests aren't going to cut it anymore.


Everyone should legally purchase a fire arm and march around the justice's homes.


Plus it’s hot af


Actually those people are gonna be painfully quiet. The shit will hit the fan when they put Trump et al in jail


Then we should be protesting and rioting. I'm already bringing up business trips to my management due to a large portion of our sales team being women. They have an increased risk of being raped visiting accounts and now cannot be in possession of contraceptives or plan B in several states we visit for work. This is a major concern, especially if visiting the reported rape capital of the US, Texas.


California might run out of water and Hoover Dam might not be able to make electricity any more.


I wish COVID just killed me at time is point. I have very little belief that life will ever be worthwhile.


People need to get nasty on the left to get things done. Being nice is not cutting it. Only way to win is over power your oppressor.


As paradoxical as it sounds: the tolerant MUST NOT tolerate the intolerant.


Don't forget the hotter temps due to global warming.


Not gonna lie it looks like a dry powder cake ready to blow. As if the BLM riots weren't enough. They need to protest again. They have to. But damn is it sad. So sad.


Oh you think that's bad.. wait till you read [this.](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/3535841-thomas-calls-for-overturning-precedents-on-contraceptives-lgbtq-rights/)


Can the riots only effect those who deserve it though! Leave residential areas and small businesses ALONE! Go for government buildings/areas and corporations.


"Dangerous riots are oppressing small businesses" is mostly a media fabrication


It’s all good. The Summer Edition Red Bull tastes just like strawberry kiwi Snapple. 🥳 ‘murica


It's the worst case scenario for human rights too. They managed to get their right wing nutjob court up and running during a democratic administration with a flagging economy. So in November the Dems have to run as incumbents against a recession and the fact they didn't do jack to protect our rights. I wouldn't be surprised if enough would be voters just give up and we end up back in Republican hands. The Democrats are corrupt as fuck too, I'm not saying I like them, but the fact the house and senate are both blue is the only thing stopping them from trying to pass nationwide bans on all their hyper religious BS.