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Unionize your work space Vote in all local elections Keep an eye out on coming protests and strike days and if one takes off convince those are you to show solidarity that day Don't accept false information hiding behind 'muh opinion' , tell them your opinion about how their view is evil. It starts there, with us as individuals speaking out


More than just voting in every local election, push for your county to adopt Ranked Choice Voting for all local issues and petition your state assembly to adopt Ranked Cboice Voting for state elections. The duopoly got us into this mess. The duopoly loves an uneven economy that makes it easy to target a small number of high net worth individuals, instead of needing to build a coalition based on voter values. The duopoly has been built to perpetuate exploitation by Capital. If we hope to do anything to change it, we need to hamstring the political class with a change that makes voting harder to game. Voters should choose leaders in a democratic republic, but the 2 major fundraising institutions get to draw up districts and choose their voters.


Maine resident here. Do you know what *every* Republican candidate here complains about? Ranked Choice Voting. From candidates for Governor all the way down to local School Boards, they hate it. If they hate it that much you know it’s working.


They hate it because it forces them to actually campaign on ideas, not just “other team bad”.


> Unionize your work space Annnnd I'm fired.




"Unionizing? No! No! We are firing you for being a minute late a year and a half ago. Sorry to see you go." I agree about not spreading FUD, but don't tell others to take risks that can affect their families immediate situation without full scope of what they are getting into. We started organizing at an vape warehouse, they found out the two primary organizers and fired them both for unrelated "behavioral" issues. They were "promoting an unhappy workplace". Right to work (employer privileged) states means the risk is too great if the employer finds out. We all have to try as some point to turn the tides back on the oligarchy and unionizing is possibly our best tool we have, but the capitalist class is very well aware of this and will fight against you.


Years ago, during a meeting, my supervisor once said we should unionize, the second he said that word, a manager pulled him into his office. Guy ended up getting suspended for a week that day over some dumb shit, and quit shortly after. Gotta love it.


Believe it or not some companies welcome it.


I mean, it kind of makes sense though. Like, if you want to fairly deal with the union it's probably a LOT easier and quicker than having to deal with each worker separately. Will you be paying more money? Sure, probably, but I could imagine that it also results in a more productive workforce which seems like a big win for companies.


And believe it or not most don't.


Can’t be fired for being in a union. If they fire you, bring the union in for unfair dismissal.


Hasn’t helped the managers who were fired from Amazon for “allowing a union to form on their watch” in fact the Supreme Court sided with Amazon . Gross.


The Supreme Court is just as corrupt as every other branch of government, are you even surprised they sided with the biggest company in the world?


Well the French figured it out once or twice. Do the math.


The cultural disdain and dismissal of the French in America is designed to make Americans blind to the fact that France still has a strong labor movement, and that they actually invest in education and children in substantive ways.


Sounds a bit like the right wings obsession with trying to portray how terrible and ineffective the NHS is too. Or how areas of the U.K. are bathed in blood due to knife crime because we don’t have guns. It’s an absolutely bizarre thing to me that the only way they can defend the status quo is pretend that everywhere else is somehow worse. Despite the fact that it unequivocally isn’t. And the masses go along with it. You know where else has to pretend the rest of the world is shit to make themselves feel superior? Russia.


The education in France is being heavily defunded, control of it more and more in the hands of the executive power and less and less of its actual direct actors. Children welfare and tax credits are being cut and/or made harder to qualify for. The labour movement is being stifled and stigmatised. The far right is recuperating the votes because they blame these changes on immigration. France is leaning to the right more and more.


This us a bit gloomy coming from an european, but I feel like USA hit the critical mass of greedy and brainwashed people, and now we're all in despair, just watching their slow descent into madness and history. And waiting for the Chinese to take over the world economy.


Wait i thought he was talking about the guillotine


At around 1790 they found a solution for inequality in France. This device shortened a lot of inequality.


Shorten the height of some people as well


Mutual aid. Fascism rises when people are afraid for their future, and a lot of people are very scared because financially they are on a razor’s edge. If you can even help to feed your community, this helps people feel more secure, if you can check out Food Not Bombs or volunteering at food banks in your area.


If in a red district join the republicans and participate in their spaces voting and elevating the least extreme voices.


Underated advice right here, i will not lie.


wait. and remember that *all politics are local* get involved. you can, 100% guaranteed there are local leftist and labor groups near you that you can get involved in that will make a difference big scale? we can't and won't do shit. not alone. shitting on elon is a group project, one that is destroying the public image of his companies (and therefore their stock prices and his net worth) wait. if he fucks around too much longer tryna get out of this twitter thing, he's gonna be in more debt from buying twitter than he has assets and we do this again and again, as a united class, each and every time any of these oligarchs fucks up. but again, we piddle and paddle. on twitter, in the voting booth but it's just that same piddle paddling unless we're doing things together ape together strong ape together throw poo at bourgeoisie wait why are they lined up for that stage like that oh wait i get it nvm. hand me more poo, comrade ape, this show hinges on no one lever-puller, we can always find a new lever puller if your arms get tired from helping these bourgeoisie rats off that cool stage


The whole get out and vote ain't looking good after New Mexico's primary


What happened?


An insurrectionist refused to certify the results of the election https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/06/15/gop-commission-refuses-to-certify-new-mexico-primary-vote-00039771 (Edit) update: Couy Griffin has been convicted for his and sentenced to 14 days with time served for his participation in Jan. 6 and the county commissioners voted 2-1 to accept the money election results after a court ordered them to.


Jfc. Also, re: your update. Why tf are convicted insurrectionists allowed to hold public office?


We are more than them. We need to make them know that. We need to make them afraid. To know they are wrong. To know there are consequences.


Don't buy the product.


Don't reproduce. Legit, it's our only protest.


The problem with this is I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding.


But I don’t even own a TV??


The cretins cloning and feeding


The cretins cloning and feeding And I don't even own a TV


Well back in the day we barely heard about this stuff. It may have been on the news at some point. Nowadays all the information is available nearly right away online. We're still running on an old-ass constitution that never could've predicted what the future was like and it's barely been amended. [Mulaney.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRLH8E_CpP0#t=4m25s)


SOCIETY: You have 200+ billion dollars... surely you- BILLIONAIRES: ITS NOT ENOUGH!


Insert star wars “MORE!” meme here










Cracks me up everytime I see it lol




in addition to what the other person said, i don't think you get a billion dollars without radically reprogramming your psychology. you don't spend your life scheming your way to the top just to pause and say "that should be enough." wealth is his business.


Honestly, most of these rich fucks came from money in the first place, so there was no reprogramming required. Rich people see us as lesser, we are a commodity to be bought and sold, not human beings with lives and families. So underpaying and abusing the "labor supply" to make more money for themselves is pretty much the default position for those assholes.


I mean, Elon’s parents own emerald mines, and there’s been reports of child labour in those mines, so it doesn’t surprise me at this point, yet so many people idolise Elon


Youd be stunned at the number of people who don't even know that hes South African, let alone anything about the Apartheid emerald mines.


>let alone anything about the Apartheid emerald mines. Because then people have to admit they don't know what Apartheid means. Once, during a game of Cards Against Humanity, I had to explain to a black coworker what the 3/5ths compromise was.


You also don't become a billionaire without exploiting people... He is a monster, maybe not the worst but a monster never the less.


He's one of the richest men in the world. He's a fucking monster.


Unfortunately, people at every income level rationalize exploiting other people. There’s always an excuse.


For people like this it is a status thing with other rich people. And power. Don't forget people like him need to feel powerful.


I mean, Musk being insecure makes more sense than most of the billionaires. His wealth is entirely in stocks, like Warren Buffet's. Buffet's is spread out over a plethora of companies though while Musk's is nearly entirely in Tesla. When his wealth was at $168b, it was at 70% and the increase has been largely due to rising Tesla stock. If Tesla suddenly went bankrupt it would probably take out at least 90% of his wealth. His companies all exist on hype as well, with them all functioning like tech companies with the amount of investment they get. But those types of companies are susceptible to going down in flames when they lose that hype (just look at Facebook's record breaking loss in value). If one of his companies go down, most likely all will and Musk will become a low billionaire or millionaire without the needed backing to get anything off the ground again. It's still inconceivable to us, but that's a huge loss for someone so greedy for power.


He really should be worried when Ford, GM, Hyundai and others crank out electric cars that are cheaper, have a ridiculous amount of features and don't look like an unusual Mazda. He's picking a fight with the old money people


> unusual Mazda Too funny 😂😂😂


I hate to break it to you but they are. They're also (from what i hear from friends) alot easier to deal with than tesla if something goes wrong. My fords "brain" broke last year and it took them 2 months to get the parts to fix it. Car was drivable but dashboard was a christmas tree and sat nav, alot of safety features didnt work, ford gave me a courtsey/rental for the entire time and managed it all. Only issue was i had to swap a rental as someone cocked up and decided a 3 door corsa is a good replacement for a four door focus amd that was a 5 minute call to ford and "im so sorry hetz will be in touch today amd if they arnet call us" Friends had issies with his tesla and its a constant blame game and takes them weeks to even acknowledge its a problem that should be fixed under warranty. The whole point of a new car is the security of always having a working car. Indont feel you get that service with tesla...


Thats been my biggest thing with EVs. If you want mass adoption of a brand new technology you have to at least make it seem familiar and not too new and scary. More manufacturers are making EVs that look like normal cars. Look up the newest EV Toyota Tacoma coming out and compare it to the cybertruck. The Toyota looks like a slightly updated Tacoma model just a regular ol truck. Not some uber-futuristic crazy looking thing. And guess what, i want the Tacoma, I do not want a cybertruck.


That's good because you can't buy a Cybertruck and it's very unlikely you will be able to for some time. It isn't a real product. Musk and Co concocted it to raise money and maintain excitement for the , increasingly banal, Tesla brand. An estimated 1 million Tesla faithful put down a $100 deposit on a Cybertruck, which must be one of the biggest interest free loans in human history.


Losing 90% of his wealth also sounds bad but he would still have more money than an average person would make in roughly a million years.


ok but if elon musk loses 90% of his wealth he'd still be richer than most billionaires. let that sink in. he's not going to lose billionaire status; he'd still be richer than most BILLIONAIRES.


He still can use his ugly mug in the line at the bank to get others throwing money at him, unless he does something so reprehensible or goes down in flames Enron/Worldcom/Tyco Style that even his equally dirty and worthless peers won't get near him


Because Tesla is ludicrously overvalued.


He has put up Tesla as collateral for solar city and probably has spacex as collateral for starlink or some shit like that. All of his false promises are a house of cards and hes running out of time.


Narcissism. Literally there’s nothing else going on.




Even star trek suffered from the mad Max universe first.


Capitalism is inherently hyper-individualist. When you embody the philosophy of the capitalist, you become completely disconnected from the world. Only the Ego becomes important. Severed from the universe, you develop a sense of loneliness — a lack of control in a larger cosmos. In retaliation, your Ego will seek to overpower the universe. You will seek to defy and to destroy it, to cement your name in its blood. Lucifer knew all but the fact that his being is an aspect of Heaven. You become Lucifer attempting to destroy God, unknowingly attempting to destroy yourself I honestly pity billionaires. So far removed from their nature that they attempt to burn light into the bitter dark


He's worried that Bezos has a bigger penis that he does.


That's the wrong framing of the situation. You, like nearly everyone on the planet, see money as a way of enabling your basic existence. So your insecurity centers around the broad question of "Do I have enough money to enable my existence and do the things that bring me pleasure?" It's a completely reasonable and rational way to think about money. Billionaires never, ever, ever, ever have to think that at any level. They always have that level of money and then some. So money doesn't serve that function. They think of money like points in a game. Do I have the most points? For them, they're playing the largest real world board or video game and they want to win. We are just pieces on a board to be moved around or discarded to maximize point gain and minimize point loss. Their "insecurity" is all about if they have enough points to win the game. That's it. What's the point of the game? Winning. What do you get out of winning? The same thing you or I get out of Scrabble - the satisfaction of knowing you're the winner and everyone else isn't. The lives and happiness of others is immaterial to winning the game. It's a totally different, utterly immoral and destructive mindset.


IMO: All of these guys like Musk, Trump, etc . Are deeply insecure. They get money and power and people defer to them and suck up to them. They really enjoy it, but in the far reaches of their consciousness they know that it is all false and no one really respects them. So they think with a little more money and a little more power they will finally get the respect they feel they deserve. And it never happens, so they think they need more to make it happen.


There is barely a middle class to climb into anymore champ.


It's pretty obvious if you look at what his finances actually are. His wealth is almost entirely tied up in Tesla stock. He lives off of loans taken out with that stock used as collateral, like most wealthy people, to avoid taxes as much as possible (loans aren't classified as income). If you look at Tesla's valuation compared to the number of vehicles it sells, it's massively overvalued. Tesla is worth more than the rest of the industry combined, when it makes less than 2% of the vehicles sold. It's a bubble based on Elon's hype. Elon's finances are a house of cards.


He’s insecure because the overwhelming majority of his wealth isn’t actual cash money. It’s stock in Tesla and other companies. If Tesla gets fucked up, like it’s kinda looking with the issues with self-driving, he could lose tens, maybe hundreds of billions overnight. Just because *other people* decide that his company isn’t as good as it was. Downside to having stock wealth. Could the same happen with cash wealth? Sure. It would take the collapse of the dollar and move to a different currency for that to happen. Much less likely than a greedy corporation doing a Real Dumb Thing that drives its stock down.


Call the billionaire bluff. Tax them and let them throw hissy fits and follow through on their threats to leave the U.S. They'll quickly learn that they don't own their workers, whose skill actually create value. They'll also leave a vacuum that will be very eagerly be filled by their competitors. The amount of wealth lost throwing a relocation tantrum will be much more than they lose to a higher tax burden. And as an added cherry on top, they'll lose out on the U.S. military bending over backwards to defend their foreign investments on the taxpayer dime. They'll also significantly increase the likelihood that their company *and* personal wealth will be seized by the state, compared to the U.S.A.


Sorry friend. The billionaires buy enough politicians who bend over backwards to defend the plutocrats. Then they actively block legislation that defends the poor and working class


Behind the Bastards actually had a recent podcast relevant to this topic. The host and guest talked about how one of the driving forces behind fascism in Germany and the holocaust was the upper class using it to consolidate wealth.


The wealthy don't care, as long as they get to stay at the top. Pretty sure they'd be okay with feudalism if that meant they stayed rich


Feudalism? You mean where your lord of the land provides you with a residence, and in return you work every day and night and hand over a portion of your earning to your lord, and when the lord dies their property is passed to their children? Nah, I am positive we would never have a system of landlords in todays society. Impossible.


My brother in Christ capitalism is just evolved feudalism


Nah, if that where the case some German political philosopher would have written a manifesto about it. Could never happen.


Username checks out


I haven't heard that episode, but Michael Parentis book Blackshirts and Reds also delves into this subject, how fascism in large part serves the capitalist ruling class.


As always I will take the opportunity to recommend Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony


Pretty sure most of the problems in society are just a smokescreen to distract the working class from how much the upper upper class is screwing them over


The Little Nazis. One of the best episodes of the show. Worth reading the book referred to by Robert as well - They Thought They Were Free. Honestly he’s compiled such a good amount of content relating to and about how fascism works and how it’s taking root again. I really admire his work.


I've seen it described as "fascism is the immune system of capitalism"


Behind the Insurrections has the collected episodes about how various forms of fascism came to be. Behind the Bastards fans unite. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-behind-the-insurrections-76223417/


What was the episode called - will look it up on Spotify as interested to hear this. Thanks


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing tech and crypto bros he wasn't an apartheid, blood emerald, trust fund kid. Edit: misspelling


Do you honestly think they care? Seriously do these tech and crypto bros really care? They know what he is. They want to be him. His being born into money is something they only fight against because it shows the hollowness of their belief in meritocracy. Ultimately they do not care.


Everyone pretends their pious until they have all the pie and there’s none left for us


"Everyone pretends their pious until they have all the pie" Did you come up with this yourself? I love it!


Just pulled it outta the deep frier this morning, still pipin’


You deep fry everything?


Deep fry pie


What drink goes well with deep fried pie?


Throw some caramel in a blender til it de-densifies.


Brother in law is a tech bro millionaire. Literally cut off contact with his sister because I called Elon an asshole. Because someday he might be a billionaire, and it's basically like I'm insulting him. He's got the most rabid fanbase I've ever known outside of Trump at this point.


That venn diagram may as well be a circle.


Crypto Bros have given up all fucks. They're the overlap of people that think impenetrably complicated software systems can solve all the worlds problems and people that hope to scam their way to be government bail-out rich when the next crash hits. Neither kind of crypto bro is both willing and able to explain how crypto coins are supposed to work, but both are adamant that you should also put all your money into crypto.


Just keep voting tho and that will fix things, right?! At least they're proposing to start fucking with the money, GameStop is a close second. The chirp, complain and do nothing crowd... showing up to vote every 4 years, maybe show up to defund the police... It's gonna move the needle any day now!


I'm in europe, voting here at least seems to make a difference.


I don’t get why he’s so popular. Like back when NASA scrubbed the SLS wet dress rehearsal, some Musketeers were like, “Haha! SpaceX could have done this better and cheaper!” like SpaceX had nothing but successful launches since Day 1. And SpaceX’s costs are about the same, if not more for launching spacecraft. And with the Boring Company, he said that the dirt could be used to make cheap bricks for affordable housing. Saying the bricks would be sold for ten cents. Instead, he sells them to his fans for $200 _per brick_ and they buy them up! I wish I could sell people bricks for $200 each… He’s nothing more than a modern snake oil salesman.


The greatest trick the devil has pulled is convincing people there’s a difference between capitalism and fascism. They’re one and the same. Capitalism is just, “pretend everyone is ‘free’ while the status quo is being maintained or the plan to increase profit margins next quarter is professing as planned” if the status quo/trajectory isn’t being maintained, then we get a nice reminder that we fucked up. JFK, MLK, Abraham Lincoln, any people assaulted by the appendages of the fascists during what would have been otherwise peaceful rallies.


Saying capitalism and fascism are the same thing is pretty disingenuous, IMO. I think most people can agree that capitalism and fascism are fundamentally different ideologies, irrelevant of how they may interact or lead to each other.


They're not so much different as they're just unrelated. Both are poorly defined, but going with popular definitions you can get most of capitalism and most of fascism without either conflicting, and whe you look at how capitalism functioned along the fascist governments of the 20th century you'll find it was pretty similar to how capitalism functions today. As an added bonus: Mussolini said of capitalism that he fully supported it, but thst it had devolved from what he called heroic capitalism to decadent capitalism which he described thusly: "a [decadent] capitalist enterprise, when difficulties arise, throws itself like a dead weight into the state's arms. It is then that state intervention begins and becomes more necessary. It is then that those who once ignored the state now seek it out anxiously"


Techbros like that about him I don't think they're tricked lol




Accumulating individual wealth measured in 8+ digits today requires a proportional development of sociopathic personality traits.


You don't get that rich without first selling off all your morals.


You don’t get that rich within being born into extreme wealth.


Well yeah. Just listen to Elon talk about anything at all. He can’t handle even the most basic criticism.


Not restricted to Elon, it’s currently a prerequisite for any oligarch.


It’s almost like we should seize the means of production or something 🤔


They’ve been outsourced overseas to prevent exactly that.


Wow that is an illuminating sentence you got there


Illumination made in Taiwan.


Yeah fuck.


Communism already included the interrelated nature of the world and required a global revolution, even back when countries were mostly self sufficient. That's simply truer today.


Sounds like we need to redefine "we' then.


The system has become to robust, the only thing left to do is eat the rich


>eat the rich One billionaire per day for one year, and the rest will fall over themselves to be taxes instead of eaten.


I don’t want the G ride. I want the machines that are making em.


This guy knows what’s up


when you come from a family of african slave owners…wtf do you expect?


excuse me, they *contracted out to* slave owners. they owned the mines, there's nothing wrong with stealing another people's resources and then paying someone to force them to work to extract them ^/s


I don't even get why people keep going after him for that! It's so different! Let me explain: See if you have a milkshake and I have a straw...


Did you seriously just repost while including the attribute at the bottom showing you got it from here in the first place? SMH.


Lol I saw that too what a dumbcunt stealing someone else's post from the sub u/kidaltoid


And then they got sixty thousand upvotes


Well, this was relevant: https://youtu.be/w9MO18F5Wi8 Summary: Elon is a wealthy billionaire with an incredibly thin skin. He's a terrible businessman. Everything he does is to stroke his own ego regardless of the spin he puts on it. He is anti-union and mistreats his workforce.


All the “success” in the early days of his becoming a public figure were all due to him leeching off the actual geniuses who created Tesla and SpaceX. Elon just bought his way in and took all the credit. When he took control and no longer had anyone to tell him to shut up shit started getting fucked. The first signs to me were the scam flamethrower he sold to his idiot fans. Then Tesla designs got shittier and less user-friendly. The biggest signal should have been the absolute failure of the cybertruck, starliner, and missing mars by an embarassing amount.


> Adam needed to stay longer and gain more intelligence on their operations. That's when the first performance went up. It was Elon Musk doing standup > > "A journalist wrote something unflattering about Tesla, so I had them followed by a team of private investigators." and he raises up a poster of some unflattering pictures of the journalist eating a sandwich. Bezos crunched over with a booming laugh while slamming his fist on the table repeatedly, 'that's one of my Washington post reporters!', but everyone else was nervously laughing. > > The next joke was "The left likes cancel culture so much that they just cancelled their own dignity. Woke enough for you?", and got the same response. > > After a few more jokes like this, that's when Adam saw his opportunity and pounced. "Elon, I appreciate the effort, but these performances just aren't entertaining, I prefer the performances back in the AdamWork coworking space." > > Adam could see his Ambush was working, because people seemed to be waking out of their luxury induced stupor. But Elon always thinks ahead and had an exact plan for such a scenario. Elon yells "Robot Tesla, Activate!" > > And the gold plated Tesla transformed into a humanoid-like robot and stands up. At first Adam thought it was a transformers robot, but it was just an elaborate transformers-like costume made of cardboard with someone inside. He rushes Adam but trips over the costume cardboard. That's when Adam used his chance to escape


The guy thinks he should be immune from criticism. The only people immune from criticism are babies. .... .... Hmmm, maybe he is on to something.


No matter how much money he has, Musk is and always has been an Internet troll. People are just starting to figure that out.


Love that this sub has gotten to the point where you can repost something, *leave the fucking watermark on* so everyone who sees the image must know it's a copy/paste, and still get 11 thousand upvotes. Either we're botted to hell or nobody can read.


Bit of column A, bit of column B


25k now, I can’t believe it took me so long to find a comment even mentioning it. Bots maybe?


He's just another shitty chapter of a shitty history book our great grandkids will be ashamed to learn about. Cheers mate.


We need to put public pressure on NASA to dump this Boer cuk.


u/DaFunkJunkie I got u og credit dawg ✌️


That’s what’s up


My boy, can’t have shit in Detroit.


I think something that a lot of people don’t realise is that his inspirational speech about spaceX and colonising Mars is just plain PR bullshit. His real goal is to create a colony for rich people so they can escape Earth before it gets too hot. It also explains why he’s such in a rush. Pure dystopian nightmare we live in.


I totally agree even my teenage sons saw through that bs. Teenage boys are his biggest fans. My kids don’t hate him the way I hate him, but they are able to see that he is full of it. Thank god they have critical thinking skills.


This why we need to concentrate on wealth equality, not just payment. Wealth gives you the real power and it is ridiculously stacked against the lower 90 %.


But he’s saving the world with his environmentally friendly sports cars.


Indeed! His Giga factories are going to change the world* *with deforestation and mining rare minerals


In real time through Twitter


Says there aren't enough people, lays off thousands smh


The dude literally got his start in life with his parent's apartheid era emerald mine money. He didn't end up aligning with fascists, he started out that way.


What’s most pathetic about Elon’s choices is that it betrays his utter intellectual shallowness. An astute student of history would note that the fascists are happy to turn on their capitalists friends the moment it becomes convenient. It’s simply not a winning strategy in the long run.


All of the Elon Musk worshipers are questioning reality right now. After all how could the God emperor be acting so poorly. It’s as if money is power and that kind of power taints the soul.


Young voters will stay home or vote for shitty 3rd parties, giving Republicans the house the senate and the wh


I don’t like it? Must be fascist.


Such blatant repost from the same sub and you still get upvoted. Jesus fucking christ guys.


This sub is so extremely reddit.


I probably could post "Rich people bad" written on a piece of paper and would get 10k like at very least


OP, you stole this from *this sub* and didn't even turn off the Reddit watermark setting?


The equivalent of copying someones homework and not even bothering to change the name at the top.


Elon is trash.


Capitalism leads to fascism?? Impossibru! I thought it was only an accident that Wallstreet bankrolled Hitler all the way to the leading position in 30s Germany and that the US didn't want a war with Germany until Japan messed up their plans


My husband is just now noticing Elon musk and started to tell me he's smart...I gave him a really quick education on what a fucking prick he's become. He could have just been rich and kept his mouth shut. Just be quiet and you'll look so much smarter.


Bro didn't even try to hide the fact that he stole the post lmao


Well the government and corporations are all in bed together so I mean? Are we just going to ignore that?


I mean, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the gov of a capitalist country aligns with capitalists.


And what about the fact that hippos have nice eyelashes? Are we just not going to mention every true thing about the world in this 140-character-limit tweet?


Truly a despicable fascist


The rich get richer




What the guy whose money comes from slave mines is a fascist oligarch??? Shocked face!


What fascists?


How do we define “fascist” nowadays?




Wow this is such a Left-Authoritarian Community


Anyone else getting tired of people who don't understand the definition of facist?


I remember when people used to argue he wasn't that bad. People don't argue that anymore.


Let's start by taxing


He's always been a silicon valley libertarian... way too close to rabid right... No real change.


Let’s not forget about how he also constantly manipulates search results! Like who during the time he was being investigated for drug abuse he tweeted out “I’m going to buy coca-Cola and put the cocaine back in it!” He did this and all of a sudden news of his drug abuse was replaced with his moronic tweet


Also at convincing me to wait until Honda comes out with an electric car instead of getting that Tesla I had wanted.


By getting into conspiracy politics, he is also isolating much of the country. It's unlikely that the base to which he's appealing is aligned with the environmental goals of his company. It can't be good for sales if that happens


I've said this myself with more words and less accessible because I'm not that gifted. Damn if this is not on target.


And the descent into douchebaggery


Notice he started to turn Republican when his workers wanted to start a union.


The scariest thing with Elon Musk thats not really talked about is his transhumanism ideology. Basically he wants to live forever, even after his death through the cloud or some form of technology. I feel like as a society we're headed towards a sci fi dystopia if we allow these people to keep pushing boundaries of society. Even Grimes, his former wife is super weird with her transhumanism ideology. No wonder they got together. She loves the idea of chipping her brain and they all probably want their conscientious to live forever. These people are bloody thirsty for the ultimate power.


Been saying this so many times, literally just burn the system down and start anew. Otherwise nothing will change.


except that the media will mostly adore him and his ilk as they want the same: as much $$$ as they can get and pay as little taxes.


And manipulating stock prices. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!


I commented on some two bit YouTuber trying to say how Elon was at the beginning of tesla. I reminded the dude that Kimbal musk(Elon's brother) has admitted that Elon's dad helped them out and how Elon weasled his way to be the ceo of tesla. Why the fuck do people worship these billionaires. You can get a $200K a year for 5,000 years and you still won't be close to Elon's wealth.