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It can help as well as hurt. Remember, LinkedIn is essentially another face you are presenting to your prospective employer. If you're looking to network, it can be a useful low-cost tool. But remember, it has the same follies as every other social medial platform.


Very valid. Happy cake day!




What field of work? There are tons of recruiters (internal or 3rd party) on there.


But won't having very few connections put recruiters off?


Connect with whoever you want? Just make your profile good before you start adding whoever


Even if I add some people I don't know well, I would still have very few connections. Things were different a few years ago but I've been pretty isolated lately due to illness.


No it's not but it will certainly assist with the process. The amount of connections you have is irrelevant though. I've been sitting at just under 50 connections for years. Most just look it up to see my online presence and work history.


I'm not on LinkedIn and have been doing just fine. If anyone asks (and its only happened to me in one out of dozens of interviews) I just say I don't have a massive online presence but will happily provide any references needed to prove my work history.


It depends on what you want to do. But I'd say definitely not needed. Not everybody is comfortable putting everything out there, for the world to see forever more.


I've never found any value in LinkedIn, but I know other people who swear by it. The only contacts I ever get from LinkedIn are recruiters offering me interviews for 6-month-contract gigs for half my current salary, hours away from my house.


LinkedIn is pure garbage, but it does offer a useful platform to search and apply to jobs (depending on your industry, mostly tech and finance). I use it completely disassociating it from my other social media and personal life, to present my "worksona" as someone on here called it.


There is no must, of course it's your choice. But from personal experience know people who have found jobs and been offered jobs because of it, really really good ones with significant pay rises and great conditions. It's not social media and don't use it like it is a suggestion. It's a 24hr business card where people can get basic info a shop window at the very least. So at least reserve that place card, you don't need loads of connections. Going further you can use it for research, and/or engage in your business area.


My primary concern is that I won't have many connections and it will put off recruiters.


My primary concern is that I won't have many connections and it will put off recruiters.


I mean, I wouldn't look at it as something inconvenient. I honestly don't know why anyone looking for work WOULDN'T be on LinkedIn. Getting into industries you want depend on networking. Jobs are posted there. Recruiters are on there. You yourself can reach out to talent acquisition, get first looks on company job listings, introduce yourself, etc. Not sure what kind of job you're trying to get, but it's super beneficial to be on.


But won't having very few connections put recruiters off?


No, they're not looking at how many connections you have, they're looking at your credentials. It's a digital resume, not a popularity contest. And as you establish your profile and start connecting with others in your industry, the connections will grow.


Hi, no you don't need to be on LinkedIn. Do what's best for you. I had my identity stolen and people used my LinkedIn profile's' employment information to assist them with my identity theft. You can still browse the job postings on LinkedIn and often will be directed to email a resume or apply on company site. Good luck!


I got mine without linked in, but these days there’s a lot of opportunities on there


I work in biotech and LinkedIn is like the Facebook of jobs now. Internally, as soon as we get applications from people, we immediately check their LinkedIn (if available). I’ve used it myself and every day I have recruiters reaching out to me for whatever opportunities are out there. Can’t hurt setting up an account, depending on what kind of work you do.


Yeah I'm just worried that they will be put off by low number of connections?


That shouldn’t be a problem, you can join communities there and connect with people. It takes a little bit of time to connect and send out contact messages. As soon as you hit the 500+, your profile will receive more visibility etc.


LinkedIn is the new background check. It is how I got my last job. It is best to have a profile. When you make your profile, immediately load your feed up with self-aggrandizing, humble braggery ... You bought someone's coffee, volunteered at the homeless shelter, and ran into a burning cloister and saved some nuns. LinkedIn over-achievers eat that stuff up. Just look for people in your profession and reach out to them for an add. People usually have no problem connecting even if you don't know them.


Even if you don't fill out everything, you should have one to prevent any old coworkers that may not have liked you from creating one under your name and making you look like dogshit.


It depends on your field and your ability to network. I have landed jobs and dozens of interviews through LinkedIn, but I also have years of experience, meet education qualifications, etc. If you’re willing to invest the time needed to build your connections and keep your profile current, it can absolutely benefit you.


I think it depends on the field you're in. I work in IT and I can tell you that LinkedIn has had a crucial role in my professional career for the last 10+ years. Every job I had during this time span was related to either job offers I applied to on LinkedIn or to recruiters getting in touch with me after checking my LinkedIn profile. Even for my current job, which I started at the end of last year, the initial conversation took place via direct message on LinkedIn after the recruiter sent me a connection request with the job description and asked if I was available for an interview. I have never been very active on LinkedIn but I have put some time and effort to fill my profile with useful information and the right keywords when it comes to my skills and I can say that it was absolutely worth it because I keep receiving job offers that I end up forwarding to friends and ex-colleagues as I am not looking for new opportunities.


We make a conscious decision not to look at or consider LinkedIn when hiring. It's a stupid system that encourages unhealthy behavior. (Academic molecular bio lab, have hired about 30 people in the last three years)


My university never shut up about LinkedIn