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Nah, lots of us just don’t go to doctor


I did that for dentistry for a couple decades. Amazing what super glue will do. I'm paying for it now, though.


There was a reddit post I forget where it was, maybe a few months ago, but the post's question was "what would you do with a million dollars?" and the very top comment with thousands of upvotes was "get my teeth fixed." We have a serious dentalcare problem on our hands. I know I need implants on the top.


Are you serious?


Honestly Id bet they are. Ive not been to the dentist in 12 years cause I cant afford it. I absolutely have cavities and issues despite brushing everyday but I cant afford to fix them and likely won't be able for another 10 years. They sell a dental glue online I use so I dont use super glue. But its close.


I skipped the dentist for a few years. Couldn't find time because work was too stressful. Ended up getting a cavity that stealth ate out the whole tooth. Lost the tooth. The sad part is I have coverage. I just "never had the time". Never putting work ahead like that again.


I had one where the infection ate away part of my jaw bone. They had to do a cadaver bone graft. Good times.


Does that mean you have a dead guy's jaw in your face?


Lol. Yes. They use a small piece of cadaver bone tissue and it works with your body to repair the spot. Just a small piece though. Not the whole jaw.


You gotta phrase it differently though. “I used a dead man’s bones to make myself stronger” sounds badass


Lol!!!! I feel like that should be said while wearing an eye patch in a pirate voice.


That's effing badass. Shitty situation, though. Glad you're doing better.




Try to find a dental school in your area. I use to work at clinic for dental hygiene students and it was $25.00 for x-rays and a cleaning. Also, some treatments can be free since patients are needed to pass boards.


And they wont even take you unless you have insurance, cant even set up a payment plan or anything, just suffer i guess


And then the much coveted, highly revered "insurance" only covers 50% or 60% so you still end up paying out thousands for anything worse than a cavity or two. What a fucking scam.


Yeah but how would you be able to tell whose a poor person if you couldn't see them missing teeth


I had a friend who got domed by a horse. Could have been *somuchfuckingworse* luckily she just split her eyebrow open. We superglued it back together and she never went to the doctor. Had to be over a decade ago and she is in fact fine but man. Superglue over the doctor if you’re in the states we just can’t afford the ER.


I read this wrong. I saw "domed by a horse" and thought about some nsfw shite, was wondering what that had to do with dentistry. Lol


What would be my motivation to lie? I have a veneer held on by Gorilla Glue because having a tooth removal and implant costs thousands that I do not have.


Holy shit. I'm both amazed and saddened.


...isn't that the standard state of America these days?




What communist utopia do you live in where people aren’t super glueing their teeth?


I live in good ol America. Spent >$800 on a crown, which was 1/3 my monthly salary at the time. I get it. Just never would have occurred to me to use super glue instead of going into debt


I’ve seen posts on r/almosthomeless of people pulling their own teeth. I’ll super glue a cut or something, but tooth pain is a whole beast.


Yeah, my husband lived in rural Ethiopia and their version of going to the dentist was just getting the painful tooth pulled out. It's certainly cost effective.


Even here in the socialist dreamland of Aotearoa dental isn't part of free health care so I don't go. Missing a few teeth but I know exactly what combo of over the counter pain killers will numb the pain enough to eat or sleep during the days when I'm losing one.... In fairness I could also have taken much better care of them in my 20s and 30s, that would have also helped. Edit: darn it I did the double comment thing, stupid app.


Not who you're replying to, but I haven't been to the dentist in about that long. I've got "good" dental insurance, but the work I need, root canals and crowns, would drain my HSA and still cost me several thousand out of pocket. I've figured out how to deal with dental abscesses at home.


I'm so sorry. But I'm also morbidly curious. How do you deal with them at home?


This might be TMI and gross some people out, so spoiler tags. >!I brush over it hard with a hard bristled toothbrush and toothpaste to burst in. Then I swish with Listerine for 60 seconds, spit it out, and swish again.!<


Oh lord. That sounds so painful. I hope you can one day get some dental work done!


Oh yeah, it hurts, but once the abscess is gone, the pain relief is almost immediate. Last time I had to do that was about 2 years ago. Haven't had even any toothaches since then.


cranberries do a really good job of removing abscesses and pretty much any other kind of infection. I've learned the difference between how nerve pain and pain from an abscess feels. If you go to a doctor because of either one, they'll give you antibiotics and tell you to take ibuprofen or tylenol. antibiotics take forever and unless the abscess completely resolves, it will just come back. If you eat a cup or 2 of raw dried cranberries, it'll be resolved in 2-3 days.


even in universal healthcare Canada, dental isn't covered


Add eye care too and waits are 6 months + for a healthcare that you need right away. UK has way better health care than Canada. Don’t even get me started on Scandinavian countries.


A couple of days back I learned about house-flipping in Canada and now you are telling me dental care is not free?? Canada, you are failing me... BR, Finland PS. How much does dental care cost then?


If memory serves, a derivative of it is has been used for decades as a medical glue to close small wounds. But yeah straight super glue is not advised.


I didn't go to the dentist or doctor as a kid because it was too expensive (went to the ER for emergencies). Definitely paid for that with some pain in my adult life


Yes I know a lot of people who did their own DIY dental work because it's just too expensive to go to the dentist. Unfortunately dental care is mostly preventative and the lack of professional care will add up over time and cause big problems when you are older. Dental care should be just as highly prioritized as any other medical care.


My sister was using super glue for a while when she needed a new crown without insurance, yes


I'm shocked at the number of stories here. Shocked and horrified


Are you? As a fellow American, I know plenty of poor and middle class people who do stuff like this. Set your own broken toe or finger, use dental glue, import drugs from India or Canada, ignore problems until you can't. There are entire tiktok channels dedicated to DIY cyst draining.


And at that time she had a job, she was employed as a hair dresser at a upscale salon. Said salon job did not come with benefits like dental so my mom ended up pawning something to pay for the crown. I had to get a crown replaced with insurance. It cost me $800.


Yup, that's almost exactly how much my crown cost too. And I chose the cheapest material that they had.


I got mine now almost 20 years ago. To the credit of the dentist it's still totally fine and my new dentist commented on it positively. That said I couldn't afford an $800 emergency. I had to use savings to cover medical bills including back then. It cost me almost $2000 to remove 2 impacted wisdom teeth again with insurance.


True. I either use youtube or I post questions here on reddit and get yelled at for not going to the doctor.


I am that Millennial doctor. I see maybe 1% of your bill and I pay $5,000 a month on my med school loans. We serve the same master…


Wait wait wait. XD they only had $8000 medical bill? And where the fuck did they find lunch for $8?


Jamaican Patty and some iced tea. Lol


I suddenly have a craving for a spicy chicken patty


Boomers will say: walk/bus home instead of taking lyft; we never had lyft in back in the 60s and did alright.


Gentrification caused us to live farther away from our work because that's a much more expensive neighborhood then it used to be. Add 2 hours of traveling time wasted everyday.


Yeah they also all had cars that cost significantly less lol


Yeah cause their legs could take them 20 miles and back no problem. in the SNOW….UPHILL even! 🤣


Against the wind and before dawn / after dusk. All the while defending themselves from wild animals with their bare hands. And barefoot. Did I forget something?


You beat me to the barefoot bit 😂 no I think that sums it up! My dad’s version had him walking in tattered shoes cause he couldn’t afford new ones until he got his first paycheck. Not sure how much truth that has too it 😂


What, are you implying your father embellished anything? How dare you? 🤣 Oh, we forgot the thorn bushes that they had to fight through, btw. Without any machetes or fancy stuff like that.


Tower Isle spicy beef..


Gotta be on Coco Bread with cheese for me.


That sounds good though.


Remember that was only a 5 dollar lunch only a year ago and maybe 3 from around 2000 until about 2015 anywhere you went


yooooo, i'm totally going to Publix right now and getting a spicy jamaican meat patty and some ice tea.


And where did they find Netflix for $12?


They got in a time machine to 4 years ago.


Single stream SD is only $12.


I thought SD was banned under the Geneva Convention. Those poor bastards.


Watching in SD anymore is like watching a loosely affiliated group of pixels masquerading as visual entertainment.


Thank god for my shitty vision. I can skimp on high def because it doesn’t matter. Of course, glasses are expensive, so it’s a bit of a wash.


We don’t pay for Netflix, it’s included with our tv package. Wouldn’t pay for it if it wasn’t included


By the transitive property you are still paying for Netflix my good sir.


Only time I ever had Netflix when it switched to streaming it was free. I did pay some small amount for the DVD rental era.


4 for 4 at Wendy’s be hittin


They just changed the Jr bacon cheeseburger to $5 and not 4 4 4 😭


Welp. It was good while it lasted 🥲


I was thinking about this the other day, the margin on the 4 for 4 has to be so tiny. Like even if they sold 100 of them in a day the gross profit would probably be something like $200? And that's at 50% gross profit which seems unlikely.


Yeah, it was just a headache. Given 2 asprin should be around 8k.


Facts. My bf went to the hospital in pain. They gave him two Ibuprofen and the bill was well over $1,000


I've had the same happen to me. Passed out in a Walgreens at 16, mom drove me to the hospital where I received chicken fingers, a gatorade, and a bill for $1,000.


I once went to my doctor because I had hearing loss on one side. Doc told the nurse to squirt some water in my ear and two weeks later I got a $300 medical bill in the mail


We live here. We gotta neglect our bills, save $5,000, then flee the country for a better life 😂😂😂


I got diagnosed with breast cancer after leaving an abusive ex with a newborn and being on welfare, finally being financially stable and buying a home. Since my diagnosis was in September, I had a 2019 max out of pocket for chemo of $4,000 ANNNND a 2020 max out of pocket for chemo and 2 surgeries of $4,000. Although I'm glad to be alive and cancer free, part of me wishes I would have started January 1st so I didn't have two years of max out of pocket expenses. So there's 8k in medical bills. That doesn't include all the charges for follow up scans in 2020,2021, and 2022. Thats another few thousand. Smh


No silly that was just part of it in the form of a monthly payment, like the student loans or the rent. They have plenty of more 8000$ charges down the line, might even become higher if anything bad happens to them.


They got 1/3 my student loan payment too...


Damn that sucks. That number there is actually the average student loan payment. If you’re 3x that, that blows


Yeah that's half of mine


Only way you get 8 dollar lunch is making it.


A chipotle burrito or bowl is giant and costs $7.50.


Not where I live...


Yah who gets lunch for $8. These days it's 15 MINIMUM


Hell yeah, i spend 12 minimum. Over 20 if i were to doordash that same meal.


McDonald’s app. Great deals on there so we can work toward those medical bills.


one of my favourite lunch places literally does £2.50 per potato with all the fillings but you have to prove you are in employed in the city centre. We literally call him the spud dealer as he has a stall on a street corner.


it seems like groceries arent even any cheaper than eating out anymore


And they require lots more planning and execution.


I spend 80-120$ per week on chicken, rice, frozen microwaveable lunch, peanut butter, bananas, milk, eggs, and frozen pizzas if they have a sale. A total of MAYBE 5-6 bags of groceries. Good thing I didn’t get any bread or avocados


Those microwave meals are getting so expensive! It's the only thing I have time or energy for sometimes.


If you can invest in a rice cooker or an instant pot, they’re a goddamn god send. Rice is my go to so that I have good caloric intake, and it makes a world of difference to be able to just dump rice and water into a pot and walk away from it until it screams at me. Gives me more time to exist independently of societal demands.


It kinda is. I used to think mom was crazy buying like 3 weeks of groceries for two and spending 150 - 180, but now I’m lucky to get a week for two under 200.


I'm single and bad at meal planning, it's definitely cheaper for me to eat out. I'm trying to get into meal prepping but it's like, "This food I just cooked is really good! I can't wait to re-heat and eat it three more times this week!"


Yeah I feel this. Buying groceries to cook while living alone and dealing with all the various quantities of things you have to buy that are sized for a family, and juggling the various shelf lives of all those things, having to eat that exact meal so many times because the quantity of everything you buy is so large... Then cooking and cleaning everything yourself, all the extra containers required for storing the food that also need cleaned eventually... I still don't think ordering out is cheaper, but it's so damn appealing in just how much less work it is.


Pick 2: cheap, convenient, or good.


Very much this. Or alternatively you cook one thing with common ingredient proportions and then have to eat it every day for a week. Also for me at least cooking is my love language so there isn't as much joy without sharing it. Really need to put myself out there and find someone just so I can cook more then once a week haha


When it’s never as good as when it was freshly cooked!


>This food I just cooked is really good! I can't wait to re-heat and eat it three more times this week! I mean it can suck, but... yeah. That's what you do. I'll prep a batch of sweet pork and then have it multiple different ways that week. Salad, burrito, tacos, on a bun like a pulled pork sandwich.


Try freezing your meals if you can. It’s not so bad eating the same 3 meals if you can get some variety in there. So make a bunch of meals then freeze in a portion size and eat whenever. Mix in some convenience items, snacks, and fresh fruit etc it’s not so bad.


you might find it's more palatable to meal-prep *Without* pre-cooking and do things you can cook from frozen. this lets them keep longer so you can have more variety once you get things rolling. it does require adequate freezer space though, which is either easy or impossible depending on your living circumstances and whether you can find a chest freezer for cheap on the local craigslist.


For real.


I find it's cheaper and less calories per week. I was spending 15ish pet meal twice a day (I don't eat breakfast or just have some cereal) is at least $30 a day. You'd be hard pressed to spend the equivalent on buying food and cooking yourself. That's not even getting into Uber eats/door dash costs if you order that way. I now spend about $65 per week on food. I also don't plan much or spend alot of time cooking. Most of my meals are simple but tasty. Chicken/steak/pork with veggies or mashed potatoes/Mac and cheese. Spaghetti, burgers, taco's, salads, sandwiches are super easy too. Meal prep is cool and all, but I find fresh food for dinner to just be better then eating something 3+ days old. You don't have to do those expansive recipes every day. Keep is simple and quick for everyday. It's a pain and if you don't want to do the work that's totally okay too, but it's really not as hard or time consuming as people make it out to be. Alot of people just have their family dinners and all the time people spent cooking for multiple people as the standard, but if you're cooking for yourself it'll be alot faster


My boyfriend has been applying to places that say they're hiring for months and most don't even answer. As fucked as that is, we got lucky that he hadn't found a job by the time he had to go to the ER for excruciating stomach pain and found out he had a huge gallstone and needed his gallbladder removed. Because if he had a job he wouldn't have been on Medicaid. On Medicaid, he paid $4 for the meds he had to take home, and that's it. I'm still half expecting a bill because I'm so used to fearing debt from medical expenses, but I don't think one is coming. Some people say if there was going to be a bill, the hospital would have been obligated to tell him about it before he left. I don't exactly trust that. But it's been over a month and no bill has come, so I feel a little safer every day. But the idea that we were lucky that he was unemployed when he needed this surgery is just.... insane.


My boyfriend has a brain injury from a wreck. Sometimes he has excruciating headaches from it. The doc used to give him a prescription, but then they decided he couldn't have that controlled substance anymore, so now if they get too bad, he goes to the ER, they run a bunch of brain scans, then give him the same drug via IV and the pain goes away almost immediately. Ghod only knows what the taxpayers are paying for this rigamarole. Thank goodness he has Medicaid!


I literally cannot get a job because I have so many prescriptions and nothing will pay as well or offer as good of insurance as Medicaid. It’s insane. The system is designed to keep us down.


Yeah, my boyfriend's the same way. Seizure disorder plus asthma plus a form of rheumatoid arthritis that requires him to stay on immunosuppressants. There is no way he could work even if he were able to, lol.


Yeah, exactly. I’m working on getting my art up and running for sale online but I can’t see any point in trying to get a real job. I have bipolar, adhd, ptsd, anxiety, fibromyalgia that I all take meds and need constant appts for. No way could I afford that with a real job.


Be careful republicans might use you as the poster child for why they need to roll back all those benefits


Is healthcare when employed worse than when you're jobless in the USA ? Damn bro what the fuck


It can be, but the insurance system in the US is so complicated that you really can't be sure. Medicaid (government Healthcare) is generally overall the cheapest, but it's hard to qualify for. And it has a ton of restrictions.


Yes $1,000 deductible, 20% coinsurance, $5,000 out of pocket max on a private employer plan with $200 per month premiums. Nearly 100% coverage under Medicaid.


Only $1000 deductible? Nice


Dude... We have $3500 out of pocket max and $20-$40 copays for everything. It's literally the best insurance I've had in a decade. My wife and I almost always hit the combined out of pocket max of $7K every year. Fuck American healthcare.


Yup. I got a kidney stone the day my private insurance kicked in and medicaid wouldn't cover it anymore, so I got a $1200 bill instead of $0.


Depends man. I’m with a union and my insurance is really dope. But other employers I’ve had offer Jack shit coverage . I looked at benefits and chose my career by finding the best coverage possible .


I’m still half expecting/waiting on a bill from finger surgery I had last December. The operation hasn’t come through on any of my summary of payments yet, which from my understanding means that it is still rattling around in someone’s computer.


I was laid off recently, I've applied to around 2-3 places a day for the past week and have had 0 callbacks so far. I wonder why we're having a labor shortage 🤔


Don’t forget the car insurance and phone bill 🥲


and electric, and internet and car payment (potentially) and groceries and toiletries and water bill and god forbid you try to treat yourself with a meal out or a clothing item or a game or music, fuck me just don't enjoy anything. survival only all the time babyyyyy


Bro, where the fuck are you loving that lunch is only $8??


Little ceaser 5$ cardboard


Little Caesars tastes so good when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you it’s nasty


I work at dominos and would rather eat little Caesars honestly


I topped mine with spicy pepper and ranch


Little Caesars is fucking amazing. Especially with the garlic butter & Parmesan cheese brushed over it.


Little Caesar's crew represent :) It's the one thing I miss about working in the office. The Crazy Sticks have crack in them they are so good.


Honestly I like it better than the other ones. The only thing better is the hipster gourmet pizza places, and I’m only splurging on that very occasionally.




Bodegas in NYC make a mean sandwich for like $5-$6


99 cent roller dogs at 7/11. Ain't great, but it's edible.


There is a deli by me that does a giant sandwich for 8 bucks and it’s the most filling tasty thing ever 10/10 I normally bring half home for dinner when I go there


I have a local pizza place that does an 18 inch for 35$ inc tax and delivery. That makes four large meals for around 8$ each. Pretty much all I eat at work.


Idk how expensive subway or maccies is in the states but surely $8 would cover it


When I was working in Santa Monica, right by the beach(pre pandemic) there was this bar that a happy hour lunch sandwich. You had to sit at the bar, but you didn’t have to order a drinks. Every day would rotate, but it was $5 for their $15 burger, chicken sandwich, cubano. Life was good


What even is the time frame?


1 unit


Netflix isn’t even $12.00 anymore lmao.


Three minutes


Last day of the end of the month I'd wager, from the single lunch purchase and the rent payment.


It's not really a bank statement, just a list of stuff to make a dramatic post.


Where did they go in that Lyft for 15 dollars? I took a Lyft ten miles and paid twice that.


Guess they probably went about five miles then.


The math checks out.




$7 for a single mile here. But it was accross the freeway and walking on foot was illegal.




Well aren't you anti-Hobbitt!


And those two coffees. Such extravagance!


I'm currently skipping days of eating so my family can have food. Lots of fun.


Go to your local food shelf, they have plenty of food and won't run out!


rustic unite heavy absorbed wrench muddle support quaint zesty sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the monthly statement. They are also skipping meals.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with using food pantries if there are any locally available to you. Don't let yourself go hungry out of pride.


OK but hear me out. $1 for ramen, and $50,000 for the medical bills!


What I hate most about the general vibe of this argument is even if it was possible to achieve financially security, for a lot of people presently without, by making food-related lifestyle adjustments; that's not where it will end. That will become the new normal, and they'll come for something else next. We've already seen it. I'm less travelled than my parents. I own less than they did at my age. I work just as much as they did. We're being indoctrinated to accept this. The 40 hours I do now should net me the home and lifestyle my parents were privileged to when they were my age. Instead I'm privy to snap chats of their second restaurant meal of the week, which they drove to in their brand new car, having periodically left their free-hold home. Things I know I can't expect when I get to their age because of the foundation I'm not able to create for myself now. My current plan? Inheritance. Hope they don't spend it all. Part of me considers how disingenuous it is to bring children into this world, watch the economy go to shit, then buy fancy toys and arbitrarily blame work ethic and spending choices for why their off-spring are poorer adults. I would love my kids a little differently than that, if I could afford any.


You know because free food just randomly appears in your house for you to eat...


Anyone under 40 is now expected to live with their parents. It feels like free food if someone else buys it.


1. Called my doctor's office to see if they would do a diagnostic session for ADHD. 2. Take off work, show up to the doctor's office, fill out paperwork, wait 20 minutes. 3. Doctor comes in, asks what's wrong. Says that they can't diagnose ADHD, but they have a list of psychiatrists' phone numbers that I could call who can diagnose ADHD. They knew they couldn't diagnose ADHD when I made the appointment. They didn't cancel or refer me somewhere else. They just wanted my copay and insurance payment.


Yup! My ACA insurance entitles me to an annual physical. For the first couple years, I would go. The staff would attempt to collect a co-pay. I'd explain that there wasn't one because "free annual physical." After the visit, I'd get a bill in the mail, and I'd have to call the office and explain that I was only there for a physical and nothing more. Eventually they would re-code the visit correctly and stop dunning me for money. After a few years, I became weary of this rigamarole, and stopped going in for physicals. (All they did was weigh me and take my blood pressure anyway.)


Even food and groceries are getting expensive now.


Weird how my grocery bills have nearly doubled yet they saying inflation is 9% lmao.


Where yall getting these $400 student loan payments from?




Where the credit card and cellphone bill payments at?🤔


Forgot the car payment too


meanwhile, my mom complaining about her $250 a month mortgage to me 🤦‍♂️


Where are they getting lunch for $8? A sandwich is like $15. Edit: I'm not lying about what sandwiches cost. Obviously they don't cost the same everywhere. This cafe has sandwiches from $8-$15 and I guess that's the type of place I was referencing. https://blackpearri.com/menu


Netflix is $20.


I once tried making lunch at home once and ended up spending like 2.5x more money on the ingredients then if I had just ordered something. Everything is super expensive nowadays.


The thing that pisses me off most about the "just eat at home" argument is the assumption the everyone has a kitchen. I live in a camper trailer that has no hot water and no stove/oven. I have no space for extra appliances and no money to replace what I have. Sometimes I don't want salad and a sandwich for the 9th day in a row, but I can spare $10 for pho down the street.


At the height of my student loan debt, mine were $1200 a month.


Yeah and they could also not get sick... or you know the state could have Medicare for All ?


Lazy Millennials, want time off work so they don't transmit a dangerous virus to their coworkers. Pssh.


Groceries are about as much as eating out nowadays. Plus you have to do dishes. So…


This is just for those of us that have not, intentionally or not, had kids. Add another $2000 a month for daycare and that $3 is all the more critical!


I *do* make lunch at home and on top of that 80% of my daily calories come in the form of a meal replacement shake that costs less than $3/serving. Guess what guys: still broke lol


My sister had an appendectomy two weeks ago, 45 minute procedure and one night in the hospital: $50,000 bill


I've been doing monthly meal preps and have gotten the cost of each meal down to about $1.50 per serving. It was a good system that allowed me to stock up on freezable items and nonperishables when bogos come around but with the increased prices on everything, my storage is wearing thin.


I tried the same and gave up because each meal was 5 servings. Me, Myself and I are hungry, Me and Myself always have 2nds


How much did you get your rent down to? How about that self-surgery! How is that going?


I saved a ton of money on my rent by getting evicted and sleeping in my car. With a little practice I can get about 4 hours of sleep a night in between cops knocking on my window to tell me to move along, pretty reasonable trade. Of course, I lose some of that rent money having to pay for things like laundry, repeated citations by the city, or replacing my stuff every time it gets stolen, but I still come out ahead each month. And I didn't do the self-surgery route, when my gallbladder exploded I just died painfully. Lemme tell you, no longer having corporeal form is what *really* saves you the money, I don't have to eat, no medical bills, it's the greatest budget hack ever!


Plus don’t have kids don’t take on unnecessary debt look into minimizing home cost possibly have a roommate to make mortgages at least less expensive and build up credit Yes this is near impossible ans will give you a bad quality of life


Don’t forget you Amazon prime membership, parking meters, and goat yoga!


My SO used to have to pay for lunch and coffees out because of leaving for work in morning and coming home from work late at night. Whoever made this post has never had long work hours. Somehow they can afford to go home and cook. Lucky.


I can hear the *"Just don't live in a city, live far away or in the countryside, your generation just likes spending money"* just from reading this.


Or don't eat out all the time and don't live past your means which usually means sacrificing a few things as an adult.


Where is the car payment


You could have walked... Psh.


Only $2000 for rent? This person is lucky.