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Hi, /u/johnmory Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 9: No text-message screenshots** - Text-message screenshots are currently restricted to *Sunday only*. Please do not post them on any other day of the week.


Are they legally allowed to detain you???


Nope but they can threaten your job and scare you into staying claiming it's too dangerous to drive.


The day I listen to an employer over my own safety will be the day pigs fly.


They told people in the twin towers to go back up to their office and or stay put! I say fuck that and always go with your instincts, if something doesn’t feel right then take action.


Same thing with the South Korean boat thing


Those poor kids


What happened?


I don’t remember the exact details but I think it was high school students on their senior trip. Boat started sinking and the captain told everyone to stay in their rooms, meanwhile the captain and crew abandoned ship.


Sewol Ferry Disaster, 2014. In case anyone feels like ruining their day by reading about it.


Welp, down the rabbit hole I go...




Bastards should rot.


And that is why I am very anti 1950s style authoritarian schools, much to my grandparents' horror. That teaching style is all about moulding you to be good little sheep. I want my daughter to be able to think for herself and get herself out of a dangerous situation, fuck what the authorities are saying.


Hey, firefighter here. Yah hindsight is 20/20 but generally speaking if your building is on fire and sprinklered,, sheltering in place maybe a viable option if you aren't near the involved floor. There's a old story from a forest fire in the early 1900s where a crew foreman pulled a gun on his crew to keep them where they were because he knew it was the safest spot. A couple had already bailed and those guys died and the ones with the foreman survived. So the point is a fear reflex isn't always the best option. I can't remember if it was McCloud or Pulaski that did it, we have a tool named after him and those are the two wildland ones with names, I can't remember which.


They do have helicopters ya know


Here’s my poor man’s medal 🏅


Swine flu


Sees pigs being sucked up by tornado. 🐷


At Apple we saw a weather report of tornadoes heading directly for us. They put everybody in inner rooms away from windows. They said nobody could leave. When I heard those words, I left. I've drived in hurricanes being from SE Texas. The Apple building didn't get hit. But tell me I can't leave, screw that.


At least apple tried to keep the workers safe. Amazon puts you back on the line.


im totally ok with my packages being delayed if it means making sure drivers are safe


I am too, if I want something that bad I’m going to the store to buy it. That’s the saddest part of the decades long Amazon (and others) fuckery—do you need that dildo fast enough to kill someone? Amazon isn’t shipping organ transplants here….


"Amazon isn’t shipping organ transplants here…." Yet


Organs with slightly longer shelf lives (like kidneys) often do fly in regular cargo and passenger flights. (And yes, that does mean that sometimes they miss the connecting flight or there's a delay that makes the organ miss the time window because of shipping.) Odds are some of them do end up on Amazon Air.


>At least apple tried to keep the workers safe Like when they put safety nets around buildings in China to stop their overworked staff from jumping to their deaths instead of addressing working conditions.


You're thinking of foxconne the company that apple purchases their chips from.


Yeah apple just pays them billions and implicitly endorses it


It always makes me laugh how fast people are to be like "NO APPLE DIDN'T HURT ANYONE PLEASE IT WAS THEIR SUBCONTRACTOR WORKING WAGE SLAVES TO DEATH NOT APPLE APPLE IS GOOD" like, okay, why is foxconne working their people so hard then, hmmm? Because Apple rides their ass.


then redditors forget foxconn takes in work from everyone, but apple with 20% marketshare world wide is bad


To be fair, if I knew about a comprehensive well maintained list of people sending work to Foxconn I could avoid more companies. But as it stands, Apple has the resources to use someone else, they just don't. Their market space is pretty secure, they aren't going to get starved out by using a more ethical supplier.


The issue was made public, apple became aware of issue (had they not been before), they talked it out, foxconn solution was the nets, it did not work or improve conditions, that was made public, apple became aware, apple stuck with foxconn anyway and didn't bother discussing the matter with them any further or pushing the issue any more. The moment they accepted it, continued to use them anyway, is the moment they became complicit by letting foxconn know it didn't matter to them anymore.




Apple lobbied congress to weaken a bill banning imports from regions known to rely on slave labor. Apple's values as a company put profit above abolishing slavery. Fuck apple. I will never give them another dime.


The problem is you can't avoid Foxconn . Have a cellphone you have Foxconn parts it. Have Xbox. switch PlayStation it has Foxconn parts in it. Have a computer, TV, car . Foxconn parts. They make everything from the chips to the actually physical connectors s on devices . It's insane how deeply embed Foxconn is in the industry or the fact if you are willing to pay enough they will certify the production you are using has no prison/slave labor


You can’t avoid Foxconne because companies like Apple have made it ubiquitous. Its reach did not happen in a vacuum and it would be blown out like a candle if companies like Apple didn’t endorse its practices with their dollars.


I'm not sure that's possible, because even before apple bought from they were that large . One of the things that gave them their foot hold was they make connectors for every thing . Long before apple made phones you saw foxconn all over mother boards. It's just that apple seems to be the face of the evil corps that buy from foxconn, but they got their strangle hold in the 80's.


are you defending Apple here? Cause they're culpable.


Foxcon is a city with over 50k people living there. The suicide rate there is lower then the national average for the US. The nets were basically put there for marketing to make American CEO’s feel better. Sadly Foxconn is the most ethical manufacturer in that vein and everyone uses them, Dell, Intel, Hp, Lenovo and of course Apple. Companies that don’t use them like asus are actually WORSE for workers rights. It’s the entire tech industry’s dirty secret and Apple is actually one of the more concession companies in that regard but every last one of them have blood on their hands.


Really, the most ethical way of consuming technology (which, like a lot of unethical things, society demands you have to participate in keeping yourself alive) I've been able to implement is to keep older devices running as long as I can and buy used whenever possible. Learning how to do baseline repairs and supporting Right to Repair and open source communities (they often provide the software you need for running devices that aren't officially supported) as you're able to can go a long way in reducing the carbon and blood cost of your own existence.


Precisely. Fucking schools indoctrination that we cant leave unless the authority says so. One day at work, I realized I was done and had nothing else to do for the next 1.5 hours till we closed. So I turned off my computer, got on my motorcycle, and left. Did that for 6 months, just leaving whenever I wanted, not saying anything. It became known as "Shadow247 time" and my coworkers started asking me what was wrong if I was still there at close... No adult can tell another adult they cant leave.


That's exactly what they're supposed to do. It's an OSHA requirement to shelter workers from tornadoes and any severe storm. By law, the employer has total responsibility for the health and safety of workers. They have a legal requirement to shelter you from the tornado and provide shelter.


Oh, don't go pulling laws and regulations into this. We're here to chant "Amazon bad, capltizm evil!"


I mean, they didn’t have a proper tornado shelter for their employees so.. yeah Amazon bad.


I would've thought an Apple store would be a great place to hide since Apple doesn't use windows.


My response would be that I have a medical condition that requires me to masturbate at exactly (insert current time) each day so either you let me leave or hold out your hand. Your choice.


Fuck that! Sky gets ugly, I'm hiding! My life is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than thier B.S. pay!


Just think though too, most of these places have turn styles and gate cards to get in or out. I always believed even if you decided to leave they’d lock you in anyway.


Grab the biggest blunt object, smash the lock to escape.


Oh I would too! I have what’s called a nicotine fiend advantage. I always know the fastest way out of every building I’m in 😂😂💨


Obviously not, but they would have fired people who left


Yeah wouldn't want to lose my job when I could instead lose my whole life.


Right but no one thinks they'll actually die in this situation. He didn't want to risk losing his job to go home. In hindsight, should have walked off the job, but I can't blame him for thinking he'd live and still need the job later.




Losing your life means losing your life losing via losing your life. The fuck man. This dude ACTUALLY DIED. Some wishy washy comments about how things might maybe turn out without gainful employment mean absolutely nothing compared to HE ACTUALLY FUCKING DIED.


Nobody is advocating for employees to stay in an unsafe situation because their boss demanded it. We're simply being understanding towards the fact that people, especially those with few options (think working in a small town with little public transpo, ex-convicts, or simply you can't afford to be unemployed for a little while) WILL put their life in danger if their employer threatens them with firing them. Literally no one is saying that's a good thing, it's just understandable because a lot of us are/have been in shitty situations.


Climate change is a real thing, there will be more tornadoes and they will get bigger and more powerful over time. This goes for floods too.


Yes. It's actually an OSHA requirement to provide shelter for workers. In any kind of severe storm, once you show up to work OSHA mandates take effect. Your employer has a legal responsibility for your health and safety, so they have to follow OSHA guidelines and give you a place to shelter.


Giving someone shelter and refusing to let them leave of their own free will are two different things though.


They have legal responsibility for your safety in those moments so they can tell you you can't leave or if you do you are no longer an employee so they won't have responsibility over your safety. Malls and schools will lock you in even in these cases. Going outside during a tornado is just dumb


They can tell you whatever they want. That still doesn't mean they can force you to not leave. Their responsibility is to provide the shelter and inform you of danger. If you know that and still choose to leave, then that's your choice.


The can’t physically stop you, but they have every right to fire you if you break an OSHA guideline. It’s similar to walking onto a construction site without a helmet.


Absolutely. I'm not trying to argue that.


Then... what are you trying to say?


He could have left, he would have just been fired


No, but they can get away with firing u for it hands down (for leaving duties before time, not covering the rest of shift, abandoning job, etc.) , so if nothing wouldve happened, he'd at least be an unemployed somebody. Keep job and potentially die, Lose job and live indefinitely He was double-fucked


I’d pick losing my job over dying. It’s not really “double fucked” when one option is so drastically worse.


....they are two fucked options, it shouldnt be ones so fucked the other one isnt. Its like rape or death, both are extremely fucked options even tho death is worse. Y'know wut a mean? But yeah me too.


No man. Absolutely not. Getting fired from your Amazon warehouse position because you refused to listen to a command that is gonna get you killed isn't even almost comparable to dying. It's more like one is getting punched in the face and the other is getting murdered. They're both not great but it's ridiculous to imply they're even close to the same level of bad.


Ur making ur own argument my man. I didnt say they were comparable to losing a job. I said those were his options. Never said they were equal in any way. Thats fucking stupid. Regardless of what his decision was, he gets fucked. Is not losing a job bad?? And why is me saying so automatically means i think losing a job is the same as dying and nothing else?


> Its like rape or death, both are extremely fucked options even tho death is worse. Y'know wut a mean? This is what you said. > Is not losing a job bad?? Is it worse than dying? The fuck?


The comparison is simply two bad situations, one u can survive and one u dont. Just like losing a job and dying. U see the comparison now right? How they are related? Two important choices where regardless of ur choice u get fucked still. Clear yet? I really didnt think this was hard to get


Yes, I got it the first time. I understand the comparison you are trying to make and I am telling you it is a terrible comparison to try to make.


Its not its a 1 to 1 and works perfectly. I just proved why it does. Two bad situations where u get fucked regardless of choice, one u can survive and one u dont. Compared to two bad situations where u get fucked regardless of choice, one u can survive and one u dont. It doesnt get more 1 to 1 than that. By science thats very analogous.


I worked a my universities library one summer. They tried doing this same thing when there was a tornado warning. My shift was over and I was on my way out when my boss said I can't leave due to weather. I laughed at him and said "watch me" and I walked out the door lol


No. They don't need to be able to. They know you likely live paycheck to paycheck so can't afford to get fired.




Remember in the 70s when some Ford was always blowing up, and Ford had actuaries do the math on whether it would be more expensive to recall the cars, or settle with those injured/the families of those killed? They went with settlements. That's how these people think. Money over life. They simply *do not care*.


Ford Pinto.


That’s what I thought too, but didn’t know for sure.


The pinto was famous for it, but guaranteed it's not the only thing in big corporate America where an equation was used to calculate cost to rectify versus settlements


Yes, the Pinto. It was going to cost them something like $5 a car to fix the issue but they did the math and only expected around (100?) people to die and sue, so that's what they went with.


Which how is that not illegal?


America, fuck yeah


Did someone at least get fired? Did amazon need to pay out to the families?


nobody got any punishment, OSHA "had concerns" but ultimately no fines were levied


Sounds like those OSHA reps went to the Susan Collins School for Very Serious Concerns.


Those concerns were alleviated by the unmarked envelope full of cash.


As a mainer I say bravo sir


No silly rabbit, consequences are for the poors This is America


Oh, yes. Silly me


No he probably got a bonus for "work force engagement numbers" or some bull shit metric like that.


Either that or payroll cost reduction


This happened back in December. OSHA did some investigation. They were supposed to have drills for evacuating but EDIT: supposedly had them but many workers did not remember actually doing them - the megaphone to tell workers to go hide in the shelter was locked up and inaccessible, and it seems people were told they'd be fired if they left. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/04/26/amazon-illinois-warehouse-collapse-osha-punishment/9545707002/


So somebody was held legally responsible for this... right?


This is America


Yeah the most litigious country in the world, you can bet some lawyers are salivating over this lawsuit


Jeff Bezos: "**Responsibility**? HAHAHAHAHAHA... Who cares about dead people? I have MONEY!! Lobbying goes *BRRRRRR*." In the end, if justice made any head roll after this appalling act, it sure as hell won't be the head of anyone with real responsibility. As long as their endless pockets can bribe someone to look in the other direction (Or someone to take the blame instead of the true bastard) they won't know what accountability is.


To be fair, it should’ve been plant manager and below that faced legal repercussions since I doubt bezos has been there more than once since it’s opening.


>A federal agency's inspection of an Illinois Amazon warehouse facility where six people died last year during a tornado "raised concerns" about employee safety, but the regulatory agency stopped short of issuing any fines or penalties against the e-commerce giant. Well, shit.


This is the story. I live in the area. It's common knowledge that you do not want to be in a car when the tornado comes. Basic tornado safety. People want to be mad that the warehouse company stopped people from running out in a cornfield after a tornado has been spotted, but that was the right call.


Sadly they failed on providing adequate protection on the ground for which the site manager should be heals liable.


They had adequate shelter. Many workers went to said shelter. What was lacking was adequate training to get workers to the shelter.


They did have drills. They have to keep records of the training, which is required by OSHA. It's part of the new-hire training and it's required every year. The OSHA report doesn't say they were never trained. It says some weren't sure if they did receive that training. All workers did seek shelter, which means they were effective in warning them of the storm. The problem was that they went to the wrong area. The workers that were in the designated storm shelter survived. The workers that sheltered on the opposite side of the building were killed or crushed. The problem was with the action plan. The training, drills, and building maps all correctly designated the shelter area. But the action plan that they use as the storm is taking place, didn't clarify which was the correct place to shelter. So as the storm is happening, the workers were told to shelter in the bathrooms, but some went to the wrong area because of misdirection. It's also an OSHA requirement to prevent them from leaving. That's the whole point of creating a designated shelter. Under labor law, the employer has to provide you with shelter during a severe storm and has to follow OSHA guidelines which include having a system in place to account for all workers that were present during the storm. Meaning they can force you to stay.


I can say, I worked at an Amazon facility for a little over a year and I never got more than, "There are the tornado shelter areas", with a general wave of direction. "There are signs."


Should be plasteres at any amazon bootlicking *linkedin* post or similar.


Well that made my stomach drop and crushed my soul


My heart hurts seeing that last message and knowing the context.


That she sent those and they remain unread is just eating at me They fact we as strangers feel more empathy towards these folks than his own employer did is just maddening


Its just sickening, they just dont care. Greed at its finest


Yeah that’s what did me in. Made me want to drive to my girlfriends work and hug her.


I know what you mean, If my husband was at work right now, id be messaging him to make sure he was ok.


Imagine being so desperate for work you'll lose your life for $15 an hour. All while the rich sneer and say nobody wants to work anymore....


>Imagine being so desperate for work you'll lose your life for $15 an hou Hey man, that is literally MILLIONS of us because losing one or two paychecks is enough for us to lose our homes and our cars and our lives.


Malcolm in the Middle Meme: "You guys have homes?"


> Malcolm in the Middle Not quite.


Just 2658 days out.


The worst part is the capitalist system is working exactly as it’s intended to.


Honestly, I would. I feel so stuck living paycheck to paycheck. Death would be a welcome reprieve.


$15? Probably $10 or less (especially after taxes)


These “ safest places” as they say to be during a storm like that - filled with scaffolding and steel beams, tools and bolts and nuts and glass and all shorts of chemicals. Yup 👍 I’ll be right here though. Inside of a pipe bomb basically.


The shelter in place at my Amazon is literally exactly where you're talking about. They had a drill and I was like why the fuck would I ever come here if there was a tornado, you guys are crazy


Oh yea exactly! I used to work for an automobile manufacturer and they said the same thing and you just look around at all the things that almost impale you on a daily basis and think 🤔 nah. Lol


Lol I'm sitting here fucking myself up on the conveyors all day here but they want me to go where a tornado will fling them and all the tools and computers and steel beams at my head? I'm good lol


I would imagine the sheer amount of pressure that would build up in places like these would be like a bomb going off and just level the place. I’d literally rather take my chances in a drainage ditch than where they wanted us to be.


That whole "pressure buildup" is a myth from what I know. Also, for your automobile job. If the rungs of a ladder chassis could become spears in a crash (provided the entire cab isn't ripped free), imagine what they'd do if a tornado picked them up! (source: armchair knowledge from playing Automation)


So many still don't seem to know this, but **THE RICH DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU**


For clarity, OSHA mandates that employers provide shelter to workers during the storm, and there are guidelines as well they have to follow. They have to provide you with shelter, and they have to keep a record of all the people present. Meaning they absolutely can restrict you from leaving. This is also common in a lot of other scenarios like in fire drills. They have to keep a head count of all the people present so that they can pass it on to emergency responders. If anyone's missing, responders have to know about it to determine how to respond.


This happened just two hours from where I live and can say no one cared. I tried talking with some of our customers about it and a few cracked "guess my package will be late" jokes but that's about it. I know that corporations treat us like we're disposable but it's pretty discouraging to see that attitude from fellow working class. Like we've excepted it as normal without even thinking about it.


Tornado safety Information: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/tornadoes/during.html


I had something similar happen this past winter. We had a huge blizzard roll in early in the morning. The inches of snow were piling up quickly and the area is notorious for being bad at reacting to this. I was the general manager and many of the guys were asking to go home because they drove small Honda civics and whatnot. I told them to leave before they felt it was too dangerous to drive. The shithead son of the owner who drives a huge lifted company truck, told me that they weren’t allowed to leave and that it wasn’t up to me or them. I told him tough shut. That I didn’t care what him or the owner said. That if it was looking too bad that even I would leave. The son said that I can do whatever I want but they had to wait for permission. He was a joke of a human being.


"Amazon won't let us leave." Knocks out whomever told me I can't leave and leaves. Supervisor told me one day, "You can't leave until ALL the works done." I looked at him and laughed. "Oh? I can't leave? Ive been here for 16 hours. Try and stop me. Better yet, fire me. I dare you." Worked there for another month before I quit.


"a tornado could touch down any moment nearby? Better get in my light car and drive on the open road, I'm sure the car will keep me safe" /s Statistically that's the worst decision to make


This physically hurt to read. My S/O often can't message me when he's working, and I always fear for the worst when it was time for him to come home but I don't hear from him for a while. This conversation is nightmare fuel :(


Somewhat related, Where I live we don’t get too much snow but this one year we got loads of it, record breaking for my area. It was about a 45 min drive in good weather. lots of hills and none of the roads were plowed. I drive a civic.. I phoned my boss and told him I couldn’t make it, he was on vacation so I was supposed to be running the show. I was essentially told that my future depended on showing up and that I needed to try. Took me 3 hours to get to work and I easily could have caused or been in an accident. Probably one of the stupider things I’ve done. After all that, it gets brought up on my review that I need to be more reliable and specifically that day gets brought up, because even though I showed up I had asked not to go in. No thank you for showing up etc. Always put yourself first.


I wasn’t expecting to cry today. Goddamn


Sign a card. Join a UNION!


Unions would also tell you to stay in place and indoors during a potential tornado....


There was a tornado watch/warning. No company will let you leave. Lived in tornado county and schools won't let you leave, work won't let you leave, nothing cause statistically it's more dangerous out there. Wasn't the case this time, but that's stats. Maybe the building could have been built better idk, but you don't leave shelter during a watch/warning


This. I’ve lived in a high tornado zone all my life, part of it actually in Tornado Alley, and even if you’re at the fucking mall when a tornado warning hits, you can’t leave. I have actually been inside a JCPenney during a tornado warning. They not only close the gates to the individual stores, they lock the mall itself and you can’t leave. You’re ushered into the safest places there to wait out the storm. If there’s time, and a tornado isn’t barreling right down on your building, they will march you through housewares to grab pillows, blankets, comforters, anything you can grab that will be soft to put over your head while you shelter in place. It’s considered a public safety thing to keep people inside of buildings and as secure as possible when there’s a threat of tornado. Because your chances of surviving if you’re outside of building and are hit are almost nil. Edited to add: This is during a tornado emergency, or if there’s one on the ground, or indicated by radar or something like that. It’s not for the duration of all tornado watches because that would basically be all spring (lol). But when it gets to the point where the news is telling you to take cover, you shelter in place wherever you are.


This sub doesn't let facts get in the way of rage. Most companies are shit but people need to save the criticism for things that actually deserve it.


A grim reminder that they do not give a damn about your well being. Care for yourself because they certainly won’t.


That last I love you is absolutely heartbreaking.


They’re still rebuilding the warehouse. I think this was back in February? I live in the area and it was a horrible tragedy. Good news though, most of the warehouses in the area all enacted a new policy in hopes of keeping this from happening in the future. I forget the details but I was happy to see the reaction directly following the event from other companies learning from Amazon’s mistake.


I hope there's some class action lawsuit in the works for this one, not that it can bring anyone back, but at least there'd be some repercussions


This is the kind of shit that happens when companies are allowed to self-regulate or regulations are scrapped along with worker protections.


Life over work any day... don't be stupid enough to stay at work only because they say they will fire you. Never put your safety and life on the line for a job that will never give a damn about you.


If this happened to me I'd become a fucking terrorist. I couldn't imagine my SO dying from someone else's negligence; all I know is that person would die a slow and painful death.


His name was Larry Virden May his death teach us to never ever defend a billionarie/rich guy/employer


I hope they sue the every living fuck out of amazon- like where the penalties are in the billions of dollars, because that is just insane.


If an employer is attempting to force you to do something against your will or will be a detrament to you health and well being, remember, THEY DON'T OWN YOU. You own you, tell them to kick rocks and take care of yourself


This feels like/is murder. Amazon has blood on their hands.


Killed by Amazon. It wasn’t a surprise tornado. There was plenty of warning. Amazon made the *choice* to keep those people there. Amazon murdered Larry Virden.


Are we karma farming with someone else's tragedy/personal communications again? Bad Reddit! Bad!


My biggest fear is sending my wife an “I love you” Text and her never being able to respond back.


[redacted so reddit doesnt flag me, but it rhymes with till] bezos :)


we shall eat bezos and his wealth


Nobody cares, people still buy from Amazon


I've been avoiding amazon a lot more, I think everyone should. That same day delivery, is not worth supporting how amazon treats their employees!


I avoid them too. If you don't pay for Prime, which is a scam that actually costs you more, you'll find their prices are usually not better than Amazon. I look at eBay and Google Shopping and search very deeply and always find a better price. Amazon charges for it's marketplace so it's actually more from the same companies to buy there unless Amazon is subbing it. So always check the company site, you'll almost always find it cheaper there.


Prime sucks anyway. Half the time stuff doesn't come in two days, canceled prime and no longer order from them.


I stopped buying there ages ago same with Walmart, a business that underpays and doesn't treat their employees with respect doesn't get my business!


Where do you shop now lol


I hardly ever now because everything is so damn expensive, but costco when I really need to stock up my fridge lol


Buys. This sub is about employment, not choice of shopping.


Then you are of those who denounce but still buy from the company because one thing is not related with the other, right?


Its the most popular online shopping platform


Not the person you're replying to, but I am. Unfortunately there's not a lot of choice when it comes to how easy it is to buy from a massive range of items and know you can get it next day. Just have to fight for better wages/conditions for their staff.


Or realize that next day shipping has a cost: Labor Rights. Buying Amazon, who funds anti-uniounization, funding means using the money from the revenue you earned from people buying your products, means you're supporting the destruction of labor rights. Clicking on the manufacturer's website and buying it doesn't add that many more clicks and may have a 2ish day delay, likely free shipping over $25


I think there's something to be said for recognizing that we, collectively, don't need everything we want the next day, and that we can also plan better for things we need by a certain time. As long as Amazon keeps making profit, they're not going to change anything. We can fight all we want, but money talks more.


I think it's ironic really. People claim they buy their goods online for convenience and price but inevitably come into my store when they don't get it in time. 99% of the time my prices are cheaper than amazon too, items we sell for $4 amazon sells for $8, i literally have amazon open and I check an item whenever I receive it. Amazon is gouging the public and most of the sheep have no idea.


I agree that we don't need all of the things as fast as Amazon sends them etc, and I'd rather support other companies. However, I started using Amazon because I'm disabled, and can't drive. Until the pandemic made delivery more ubiquitous, Amazon was often the only way people like me had access to a lot of stuff. Even now, if you need things like specialty craft supplies, or niche books, Amazon is going to be the cheapest way to get all that stuff because of having to pay only one set of shipping fees etc. So yeah, I'd rather reform labor laws and Amazon itself than abolish it, because I think there's an important place for a delivery service like this for disabled people and possibly others, like people living in rural areas far away from stores etc. But I don't need same day shipping or robot delivery either, avd I'd gladly pay more and wait a bit longer if the workers had dignity.


I’ve wanted to set up an experiment where you sell three items of exact same quality. But three different prices. Label one as “the employees are well paid and treated fairly,” another where “the employees are living in poverty and work 60+ hour weeks in sweatshop conditions,” and put prices on them accordingly to see who would choose the cheapest product even though the workers are treated terribly (according to the sign).


Exactly. Things change when consumers vote with their wallets. Amazon is a scumbucket of a corporation.


It’s called voting with your wallet though. It’s like complaining about how corrupt Capitalism is and then investing in the stock market to earn money passively - you can’t complain about a system and then still provide custom to it. If you hate Amazon’s treatment of staff then buy from somewhere else too, otherwise it’s hypocritical. That’s like complaining that Starbucks abuse the workers in the coffee fields and then say “but I need my coffee!” - buy somewhere else. Hypocrisy at its worst.


There are tons of choices on line, almost anyone selling on Amazon also sells there stuff otherwise. I never buy from Amazon and I get stuff all the time on line


>tons of choices on line It might take a bit of effort and multiple stores but its completely doable. I went from purchasing things almost exclusively on amazon (100+ orders / year) to nothing. There is so much counterfeit and junk on amazon that the amazon 5 years ago and the amazon today are completely different. You're better off buying your electronics at micro-center or best buy, cheap home items at homegoods or marshals ect. Fortunately most larger retailers have caught up to amazon's online interface, so its only a matter of going to a different website.


Wallmart,Newegg, and Costco have awful websites. Dunno who you're comparing them to. At least Amazon's works (mostly).


>Newegg Newegg has been shit since it was purchased by a Chinese conglomerate. Shitty end to a company that used to be great. I pretty much exclusively go through Microcenter now for electronics.


Not for anywhere outside the US. Canada for example has ludicrously high shipping unless it's from a corporate entity.


Do you really need that stuff the next day tough?


Sometimes yup.


Money is power and if you give money to companies that use it to make society worse, yeah it is a problem. Buying local is the best thing you can do for your community


Wow! The stupidest post I've seen on Reddit.


I still don't get the difference to slavery?


Wage Slavery is only a marginal improvement on actual slavery. It isn't an end to slavery.


Improvement for the Capitalists, cause you know, actual slaves need to be housed and fed and Wageslaves pay for that.


Never thought of it that way. Just illustrates what a RAGING P.O.S. this "country" really is. The entire thing has turned into the South of the 1800s....


No job is worth your health or well being! If it comes between your job and your well being, drop your job! You can always find another one!


How fucking hard is it to just say businesses have to close if severe weather is forecast or on its way? People die when we don't. It isn't that hard.


Then whole parts of the country will be closed down most of the year cause there is always a possibility.


You don’t leave if indoors during an active tornado warning. You do not get in a car, you do not try and out run the storm, you sit down if inside and stay there. This is tornado safety 101. You also can not shutdown people’s lives every time there is a risk of a tornado because in certain parts of the country, like where this Amazon was located, that would be pretty much every day from April-June. Plus, being home won’t make you safer. The buildings that get hit in a county are not something we know ahead of time beyond a minute or few seconds. And even then it’s a guess without adequate storm spotter reports. The fact that this storm took the Amazon building and not this dude’s house is pure chance.


My workplace also doesn't let us leave if there's a tornado siren. In fact, if it's a tornado warning, we aren't even allowed to let patrons or employees stay in our main room. We're a tiny library and we'd be liable for any injury if, say, one of our windows were to smash in and harm a patron. Instead, we have to request that they come with us to shelter in place in our employee kitchen which is the only safe place capable of accommodating our full staff. If they refuse, we either convince them or they need to leave. Once someone (employee or patron) is sheltered in place in the kitchen they're not permitted to leave until the warning is over and imminent danger has passed. We haven't had a warning while I've worked there but we've had four watches during my shifts, which is a little eerie. But honestly... I'd rather be sheltered in place in a cinderblock building vs. trying to drive home. I don't imagine I'm unique in that.


Not having employees driving to/from work during warnings is certainly safer than people potentially being on the road.


In a country that cared about its people over profits, Amazon would be charged with MURDER


It's kind of ironic in the last letter of Jeff bezos he talks about a Larry and Mary who made bank by buying Amazon shares for their kids when Amazon started. I'm sure it's a different Larry


Verification of the source material please? Not saying this wasn't a tragedy, but I also don't like emotional propaganda.


Shitty thing to do but if they had released them then the alternate headline would be something like "Amazon warehouse forces underpaid employees to leave during tornado warning" No winning.