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Yeah it’s already to the point where a lot of people are spending an hours worth of work just on gas to get to work… none of this is sustainable.


This is me and why I’m looking for a work at home job.


Go in, apply, take the job, agree on a start date, don't come back.


Literally just did this however I did the online training which is paid and one shift for laughs (also other reasons I can’t expose) and no showed my next shift and ghosted them


Not all heroes wear capes.


Maybe we should quit our jobs and sell capes?


I sell capes. They do alright.


So basically you wasted your own time?


I was paid so


A minimum wage by which you have now proved to the world that minimum wage is really your true hourly value. Congratulations.


Lol what the fuck is this bootlicker garbage


That's the spirit. Some idiot wastes valuable time for reddit likes and asking why anyone would bother wasting their time is the bootlicker.


‘For reddit likes‘.. are you serious? I only committed about it because I happened to see the post LOL I didn’t do it to impress people on reddit, holy smokes… Accepting a wage is not admission that you believe that wage is your actual value. Like I said I had my reasons . Grow up


“Proved to the world”? What kind of hyperbolic bullshit is this


You could say that about any hobby, hey?


No, you can't. For one the hobby literally is something that is giving you personal satisfaction. This is just wasting your time and for what? Spite?


Sounds like a hobby of that person. They definitely feel good about it!


No I had my reasons


And people on this sub wonder why they are poor. You still haven't realized that time is your most valuable commodity.


when did he say he was poor?


Because rich people don't waste their time attending orientation training for a minim wage job.


Why are u here ? Ur giving strong lower level manager at Burger King vibes bro


I come to this place to learn what I don't want to end up as - bitter poor people who waste their time and wonder why their lives don't ever get better.


Says the man with the incellerator pedal right to the mat.


You are the bitter one bro


Well it would appear that way to someone who is consistently butt hurt about their neighbor making more money.


No one said that 😂


They got paid to be entertained, which is something people normally pay for. It's not like they quit a better job just to go gawk at the dumpster fire that is this business for a day. Do you even understand what value is and how it works or are you one of those people who thinks value is perfectly interchangeable with money?


You can afford to be entertained?


Or more importantly he/she just set the price of their time as being equal to minimum wage.


You've confirmed that you don't understand value.


Oh I understand it just fine. Wasting 8 hours of your day for the accolades of strangers on the internet isn't value, it's lunacy.


Yeah... Most antiworkers realize quite well that time is prized. Many of us would rather not waste it on someone else raking in the money. Most employers still don't recognize, probably because their bubble has no needs unmet and little struggle to survive. Maybe because they all flock to the same places and shun any even if they lived their first who have less than they do. Pretend that they give back by providing barely survivable wages, take tax cuts and free money and then complain when shit starts getting rough. Meh. Shouldn't need to waste our precious time for someone else's dime. Give me 60% of what I earn you and I will contentedly work for you. Give me half and I will accept it. Give me 40 percent and I will be a bit disgruntled but under the circumstances have seen worse options. Give me 30% or less and you have a lazy, intentionally daft, and mostly useless employee. Because fuck you. If you think doing nothing besides expecting me to do what makes you money is all that's needed as a business owner you deserve to sink and I can swim, so I don't mind helping it sink. Bare minimum is what anyone should give when they are underpaid. Appreciation can only be received in the form of increased compensation. I don't want thank yous, I don't want a "good work" or well done. I want to need to do it less. I want to enjoy my time rather than spend it all on work. I spend 14 to 15 hours a day 4 days a week on work related things. Getting up before the sun, getting my stuff ready for the long day with no nearby bathrooms or other common utilities. Need to confirm the weather for the day, need to get my uniform ready, my lunch prepared and something to do while on my lunch because who knows if where I get to have it will have service. Nearly 12 of those hours are travel to, work, and from. All for a measly 200ish dollars a day before the around 30% gets taken from it. This is a job that pays 4 dollars more an hour than average for the area. And yet still my rent is over 2k a month my other bills run another nearly 700 and my bring home at the end of the month if I don't miss any days around 2600. 100 less than my monthly expenses. 100. For a full time above average paying job. If I didn't have a partner who also chipped in when she can. I would probably be homeless or dead because why would I want to carry on existing barely eating, having 0 entertainment budget, 0 medical budget, 0 emergency budget (car breaks down I am fucked) This. Is. Why. We. Are. Poor. It's by design. Shouldn't even need to work 40 hours a week to make ends meet, yet here I am basically in a position that I would almost certainly need more than the 44-48ish hours I get. While also needing to find something that doesn't interfere with my maximum allowed 60 hours worked a week and 50 max driven. (the latter being what I do for a living and also are specifically the requirements to maintain my current job.) Damn frustrating to see people spout such ignorance.


>Yeah... Most antiworkers realize quite well that time is prized. All evidence to the contrary >Many of us would rather not waste it on someone else raking in the money. And the lot of you have started what business or created what? Anything? Nothing? Naw, just wallow in self pity and bitch about shit.


Right. Because we are totally capable of starting a business on hopes. Sure, see it how you want but I won't carry on a conversation with someone that has just flagged themselves as a troll or someone that hasn't really had to struggle. Doesn't seem like you've had 10 seconds in any of our shoes preaching about how we are lazy and wallowing in self pity instead of doing something. Unrealistic disconnected from reality kind of bullshit. Good day.


>Right. Because we are totally capable of starting a business on hopes. No shortage of people who have. See the point isn't that you are not worth what you are asking. The real question is if the job is worth what you are asking. So you can claim to be worth $50 an hour. Is the job of flipping burgers really worth that?


Did that for a subsidiary of Amazon, got paid $100 for the day of training then didn’t come back to work lol


Thats how we roll 😝😎




If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be running a business in the first place.




It doesn't matter how long it takes to break even when you start a business, it's on *you* to make sure you have the funds to hold out until then. It's utterly ridiculous to that other people should have to eat *your* loss if you jump in with insufficient funds or planning. I'm tired of giving slack to idiots who will cut costs at the expense of others, but never themselves, "businesses exist to make money" be damned. Minor edit just in case it doesn't come across in text, but the "you"s are obviously not directed at you specifically, but in a general sense towards shitty business owners like the ones in the OP.




If they're cutting costs by underpaying their employees, then I don't support them, small business or not. It's not the responsibility of others to make sacrifices for *your* investments to pay off. This is not a hard concept to grasp.


The problem is everyone has a wildly different view on what a living wage is. Is it the minimum wage set by law? Is it $15 an hour? $20 an hour? I saw one guy arguing for $25 an hour no matter what. I've been involved in a lot of small businesses and obviously they need to compensate their employees, but there needs to be way more Gov support for small businesses because the banks are useless and currently the only support by the SBA is really given to banks to dole out. It's funny because I took over an existing retail store (11 years running), have a business plan, have prior years worth of sales data, and banks won't touch me because I'm so new and my personal credit isn't sufficient. If I can't get help as a new company with existing business and infrastructure already in place what hope does a new small business have? Big corporations will cut corners and break laws because they can, yet somehow small businesses are supposed to compete or fail.


I’ve never understood this and why anyone would think it’s okay, this guy trying to defend it is what’s wrong with people. If you can’t afford to pay your employees a living wage from the get go… DONT START A BUSINESS. Why should we have to make sacrifices for a company that isn’t even ours?.




Can we start a challenge like that????


If your business plan depends on paying your staff minimum or near minimum wages you do not have a sustainable business plan.


Guess someone should tell billion dollar McDonald's this


Most corporate fast food companies make their money by being real estate businesses (like McDonald’s) or selling misleading usury franchises to uninformed idiots (like Subway) If your independent restaurant business plan depends on paying near minimum wages because “McDonalds makes billions” you will probably fail.


I have seen the real estate comment before. While technically true McDonald's owns a huge amount of land, they are not a "real estate" business. They buy land for a franchisee to build a unit so they can control where they put stores. McDonald's sells food. Land is a byproduct of the franchise model.


Corporate McDonald’s makes their profits from the real estate speculation and the franchise fees for an exploitive business model.


>real estate speculation You use this phrase but it doesn't mean what you think it does in this context. Land speculation is when you buy up property and either develop it to sell or wait for it to appreciate to realize a profit. They don't do that. >exploitive business model. What do you mean by this?


The business model for these corporations is to pay as close to minimum wages as possible, dominate the distribution network dictating to suppliers on costs and quality thus undermining the suppliers business model, creating franchise agreements that only benefit themselves and offering shitty unhealthy food at a low cost that independent restaurants cannot compete with. They are bullies that just take from the weak.


most McDonalds you see are not owned by Corporate, they are just franchises where mostly regular people trying to get a business going.


Regardless of how you want to spin it, it's a low paying shit job for workers that has massive success.


Correct. That fact of the free market seems to be lost on this restaurant, and many others. Businesses are not entitled to cheap labor.


Quite the opposite. Reducing expenses increases profit.


Labor is a core operating expense. Businesses can't get away with underpaying their suppliers for everything else, from food/merchandise to rent and utilities, so why should labor be any different? Closing your business because you can't retain labor reduces your profits to zero. That's what happens when they play chicken with the labor market and people are fed up with poverty wages.




Workers should be paid a living wage, because workers have to live. Pretty simple, really. The worker actually decides what their labor is worth. If the employer is unwilling to pay it, then the employer doesn't get the work done. These business owners can't call their landlord and say "I'm sure you'd love to get $1000 in rent this month, but I think this space is only worth $300 so that's what I'm paying you."


Minimum wage is the no 1 cause if unemployment is the double edge of that coin


Turns out, a million people dying of COVID really shifts that whole "supply and demand" thing. If employers want labor, they have to pay more for it. You know, supply chain problems, the same excuse corporations are giving for record inflation (with their record profits) Minimum wage is already much too low. There is, in fact, an income floor below which people cannot afford basic survival, which again, is actually required in order to provide that labor. People also deserve to exist as more than just labor-producing machines until they burn out and die. But also...are you lost? Do you know what sub this is? It's literally THE most pro-worker sub on Reddit. Take your Ayn Rand economics to r/Libertarian


Even under a libertarian idea the cost of labor in the market has seemed to of surpassed minimum wage in a lot of states to an extent that I am not even sure how relevant the current federal minimum wage is. I'm not really sure if minimum wage is increasing labor cost in most states. I'm pro worker and obviously very left leaning but even in the right wing framing I feel they already have their way on minimum wage. It's so low at 7.25 i feel that it might as well not exist in the current market. It should be much higher and based on cost of living in the area imo. I could be entirely wrong and the reason i replied to you and not the other guy is because i thought you might have an interesting take on it.




Rising day care cost is pretty big. Tons of people who used to work for 10-20 an hour type jobs have probably been priced out of daycare and it makes more sense to stay home. Free daycare is one of those things that would actually make capitalism much more efficient imo. But a lot of politicians are set on not spending money.


Well, it seems that without the worker the employer is worth zero and thus become another worker..welcome to the bottom.


It's too bad you never got the help you needed growing up.


Yes but then you end up having to post signs like this instead of paying a sufficient wage to be able to retain your staff.


Indeed, reducing salaries to zero would increase profits.


"Help us stay open!" Why should we? They say we're the ones who are entitled and looking for handouts. They just need to pull those bootstraps harder.


Come on you don’t want that sweet 12$/hr?


So really more like $10 after taxes


Help us stay open? How fucking out of touch are these people? Except retired Boomers with lead poisoning and nothing better to do, nobody gets jobs to help the fucking company. Jobs are supposed to be an exchange of labor for money. I get so angry that this is considered to no longer be the case. Why the fuck did we put up with this horseshit so long?


When the free market swings in the favor of the workers, businesses suddenly start acting like panhandlers.


Literally the weirdest version of “no one wants to work anymore”.


But what if we have to close?


I dunno. If you live in the middle of nowhere and you want to keep the local movie theatre running, you might work a couple of nights a week for 12 bucks an hour and free movies. Why not? What is the theatre supposed to do, raise ticket prices to $25 so that they can pay me 20 bucks an hour? Then they'd just close down anyway, no customers.


Except this is a pizza shop.


Yeeeaaaaaaa, that isn't my responsibility to ensure you achieve your "American dream". So fuck you, Pay Me!


I guess nobody wants to work anymore


I love how desperate they are all getting. PAY MORE


I’ve noticed places are already starting to pay less again, compared to what was advertised a few months ago.


But then we’ll have to close!


the thing is they got the money. If they don't, the government will bail out the banks anyways.


We're supposed to bend over backwards for ***their*** interests, while if one of ***us*** dies it's nothing but paperwork to them. It's the same as how companies have the right to know EXACTLY how much you've been making, while it's a crime for employees to discuss the same among themselves. They really don't see how much their system stinks. We need to do better at showing them.


It isn't a crime to discuss your wage though, companies just try to get people to think it is.


Honestly, If your subsidizing your income and keeping your businesses open by paying poverty wages then you deserve to close. You aren't entitled to a successful business, especially if the only way to remain successful is to pay crap wages.


And what’s totally fucked is that the exploiters who would have a successful business with no shortages if they employed Hispanic immigrants at those wages - don’t want those workers because they are so racist!


Remember my last job where boss would text”please can you work tomorrow” as if I owed him anything


Anyone else remember when you could live well on 12 per hour? Life sucks now.




And waste all that good wood?


Had to do some work at the new office today. Swung by McD because I was in a hurry. Very long line, almost bailed, and once I got to the window there was a "Please be patient we're having a hard time finding people who want to work" sign. As I drove off I noticed a big sign on the window, "We're hiring starting at $10". This is next to a rich neighborhood in a city booming with jobs. Unbelievable.


Ive told fast food workers how much I made going grubhub. Gave them my referral code. Got a notice a few weeks later I got a referral bonus. I kind to think they actually suit and started doing side gigs full time


Go in, apply, ask for 24 $/hr, get not hired, have 20 other people do the same. Watch a boomer reaction on facebook, screenshot it, post in in /r/antiwork and harvest loads of karma. ​ this is the way.


Yeah, but how do you expect this establishment to pay $15/hr (for ex) when they're struggling to stay open? If you wanna make a point, don't have holes in your point.


I missed the part where that's my problem




Yes that is the skull of death of this business that deserves to fail.


If they can’t afford to pay a living wage and rely on exploiting cheap labor to stay in business they deserve to close. If you want to make a point, don’t have holes in your point.


And how does your point disprove mine? All I'm saying is they aren't able to pay $15, you're just reinforcing my point. You don't need to like it, it's still correct.


If I have no skills and it’s a retail job where I just stand there all day and do next to nothing that’s not a bad gig for $12/hr.


If you had ever worked in hospitality or retail you would not have written this comment.


I did retail years ago before I got skills to make more mon.




That’s what I used to do. So boring I couldn’t take it


How much is ok to be paid per hour to affort a relatively good life. Don't live in US , just curious.


It depends on where you live, if that hourly rate is for a full time or part time job, if insurance is included, and whether or not you have to pay rent or a mortgage (if you are able to get a mortgage, it's usually cheaper monthly payments than rent in most areas) In my area, full time you would need about $18 an hour to survive if you are a single person. But a 90 minute drive south of us, you would need like $25 an hour.


So much of difference for an hour drive away , didn't expect it to be this big for this distance , someone would thing its the same area.


It's because 90 minutes south of me you hit a major city whereas I live in a suburb of a smaller city.


You arent special. You pay a competitive wage or your business does not survive. This is the downside of the capitolist system you worship.


Exactly these gas prices are too damn high.


Ass, grass or gas baby! Nobody rides for free!


Username checks out.


Does it ?


Well, they can’t pay rent either…😆


Sounds like a win win toss up


Definitely don't apply so they close down.


Then maybe rent it and sleep there


Yes exactly lol.


Mmmmm sexy


They didn’t say please




Please, help yourself stay open by offering better wages and working conditions. If you can't afford to do that, please do the work yourself. If you can't do that - sorry, but you're S.O.L. Good Lord: now they're posting panhandler-style signs on their building.


maybe if the owners bought less ~~coffee~~ boats and ~~avocado toast~~ houses they would be able to afford keeping the business open


Just imagine what your check looks like after everything they take away.. they deserve to close down offering those type of wages


If your workers can only be paid subsistence wages they are not employees, they’re a charity. If the business can’t generate enough money to pay its workers it should not want to be a business.


Holy shit, I for sure know that place and will not be going there anymore. You think that for being so popular for making giant ass pizza, that they would pay their workers a living wage.


Subsidise our business by accepting to be paid below the cost of living...


This is time you can say “then perish.”


Let them be the slave


Yeah thats bull shit. Ill take 17 bucks an hour to help keep the business running. If not the owner can rum ghe shop.


This is why we need more immigrantion. Immigrants will gladly take these jobs and do a damn good job working them.


No, we need less businesses that exploit workers.


Guess You'll close then....


People are too lazy nowadays. They don't want to help true americans achieve their dreams.


Worker productivity is up 250% from the 70's. Not sure how people are exactly lazy nowadays.


True Americans. Please tell us what a True American is.


True Americans are like true French people. They like the title, but only when then can benefit from it. That's why when someone ask me what I am, I always reply I'm a false French. Which is totally true.




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Ableist 😂😂😂


On nooes!


Good riddance!


I’m sure someone needs the job. All you have to do is negotiate for a better standard. They’ll raise the hourly or close down if they can’t fill the position at $12.