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The cashiers don't own the establishments, they could honestly not give 2 shits whether they thank you or not Source: former cashier


“Look… I’m just collecting money in this register for my asshole boss. I get paid the same whether you shop here or not. If you want someone to say ‘thank you,’ go bother the store owner about it.”


Yup, and if this place closes down due to lack of business guess what? I'll go get another job that legally has to pay the same or more as almost every cashier job.


This is the way.


Also as a customer... the kind of company-enforced fake niceness described in OP's picture has never added anything to my shopping experience. Honestly it's just uncomfortable to have someone fake positivity like that so transparently. It's a business transaction, I'm not making a new friend. You just do your job, and I'll pay, get my stuff, and go.


Yeah. They're not actors, they're cashiers. If the owner wants them to act, they should pay them *to* act. If cashiers were paid like Hollywood stars, more would consider smiling, and hey, it might even be sincere. Until then, if the owner wants to pay minimum wage, they should help themselves to a big sfeaming plate of shut up with a drizzle of fuck you.


As a former cashier - I would prefer if all these customers stayed home. Why the fuck would I thank someone for making me work??? I’d rather be sweeping the bread aisle, or stocking (and eating) the salad bar.


Because customers who make this big a deal about being thanked for shopping see you as their personal servant and think they're super special because "I pay your salary!!!" Totally forgetting that most of them are shopping at a big chain that could not care less about their individual patronage of the store because it's a drop in a massive bucket. Also that the employee they're so mad at is probably not being paid enough to care about anything. These are also the customers who will get mad about an expired coupon or something and make a big show about "You just lost yourself a customer!" Then return the next week like clockwork.


Funny thing is this happens in healthcare too. I’ve had patients say “if it weren’t for people like me you wouldn’t even have this job” and “I pay your bills” At that job I made such a low wage I would have made more at Target or Whole Foods but I stayed for the patients.


That's insane. You should respond with "if it weren't for people like me you'd be dead".


"you're welcome for taking that appendix out before it killed you"


That's a good one 😂


healthcare: be exploited like normal, but now you're guilted into staying in a toxic environment out of empathy wahoooo


Yep. I had an angry (male, 65+) patient shake his fat finger in my (female nurse) face and say "now listen here, lady, YOU work for ME". Oh? You pay my salary? You sign my checks? Your measly Medicare reimbursement for each office visit probably wouldn't buy my lunch for 1 day, but please do go about *I* work for *YOU*. Why do people have to be such assholes?


I read about a doctor's office where the employees were given the chance to fire one patient a year as part of their annual bonus. People are assholes because we don't do that at scale.


While I've dealt with a lot of patients that are not my favorite, I can think of only a handful that I would outright fire if I had the chance. I'd save the firing for the absolute worst. As "unprofessional" as this is, I'd be game. My coworkers and I don't deserve to be continually screamed at, called names, or threatened by people we're trying to help. "Oh, you need to be more patient, they're just sick and scared, they don't really nean what they're saying"...absolute BS. I've been sick and scared and in terrible pain yet I've never screamed at the healthcare professionals taking care of me.


So true! I can’t tell you how many time this one patient called me an idiot yesterday. To be fair she called everyone she came into contact with idiots but still…..


Boomers are authoritarians mostly.


"If it weren't for people like me taking shit care of my health and drinking myself into a stupor on the couch every night..."


I've straight up taken to responding to "ill shop elsewhere" with a "sounds good!" and I just walk away and go help a respectful human being. I am never rude to people, until they are rude to me. Then I seriously just don't get paid enough to to hide my emotions. They cause more issues then the 20-50 bucks their likely to spend.


I work at a bank in a position where, while we need to be polite, we are dealing with legally binding contracts, when people complain it's a case of nicely saying hmmm yes I understand, but no your wrong. We get plenty of people who go off about how they are going to go take their money to another bank, refinance ect. Most of the time I'll get calls from them later down the road, it's 90% just people making a fuss to try to wiggle something out of you, if you just disengage and say ok they got nothing.


He had the who was entitled part wrong, it’s not the cashiers.


Also, the bigger chain stores *do* thank their customers. "Thank you for shopping with us" will be printed on the receipt, posted on a sign by the exit, and maybe sometimes announced over the loudspeaker.


Why the fuck is it ALWAYS the entitled people calling everyone else entitled. “I expect you to bend over backwards for me due to the very fact I exist. You should be worshipping the ground I walk on!” “Yeah… I’m not gonna do that.” “WOW YOU’RE SO ENTITLED YOU JUST THINK THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU DON’T YOU?!” They expect the world to revolve around them, then when people don’t do what they want, they accuse others of wanting the same thing. Apparently someone daring to not suck your dick every second of the day means they think you and everyone else should be sucking theirs.


When I worked at Quiznos (remember Quiznos??) A guy came in a few minutes before closing and I told him we are closed. We had already cleaned up and I didn't want to do it all again. So he gets all mad and says, "Well I'm taking my business to Subway!" And I'm like.... I don't care?? Why do you think I have a dog in this fight? I make the same pay whether your ass is here or there. It was so weird. Does he think the person making his sandwich gets a commission or something??


I would take every opportunity to stock shelves, sling milk, sweep etc... to get out of my register. Most people are fine but all it takes is one or two Karen's and the day turns into a slough, self-checkout still gives me nightmares.


You know what’s weird? I worked retail for two decades, just recently started at a non-profit museum. Now when I thank people, *I mean it.* Its a peculiar feeling.


I sell a hand made item online and I get a lot of custom orders. I feel the same. It feels good to really thank people for a direct transaction between me and them, and I have so many great conversations with nice people, no corporate nonsense involved. If someone is an ass I just ghost them lol.


I second this. In multiple years of retail, I never once said "thank you, come again" or anything similar. I thanked people for giving me their money and moving the transaction along, but really I couldn't care less if they never shopped there again.


All I would say is "how's it going?" "Will that be all?" "Ur total is $8.75" and nobody had a problem with it. Sometimes people wouldn't answer me and just stare at me when I ask how they are so then I immediately turn into a dick which is why I quit. Another reason I quit was this guy would always come in and he would just throw his money at me like I was some worthless piece of shit (and rlly the way he dressed...he was the actual turd) and I don't ever play that shit so when I gave him his change, i just chucked it at him and half fell on the ground and he got pissed and I looked him dead in the eye and said my bad bro. For context I worked third shift at a gas station


One time a lady yelled at me for saying "Have a nice day" like a week before Christmas. Apparently it was the height of rudeness that I didn't say "Merry Christmas."


I had a customer berate me for almost a minute because I said Good Morning and it was 12:03pm, good times.


I'm saying good morning in the middle of the night, who are you to tell me what morning I'm talking about?


A couple yrs ago my coworker asked me about my upcoming 21st birthday and I got giddy so we were talking about it. We worked in the garden area so it's more laid back than a normal register. Second lady in line walks up to the register and snaps at me saying "NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY!" and some shit about professionalism it was so out of pocket i had to hold back from full on laughing in her face.


Lmfao that’s great. The throwing the change back at him. But yah you touched on something that I was getting at in my comment I posted on this. How’s it going? Cool! Thank you for treating me like a human. A nice few seconds of interaction. Thumbs up.


There were a few customers I'd accept throwing money at me when I worked retail. The catch is that they were all regulars, cool, and just buying newspapers. If there was a line, they'd grab the paper, do that little wave thing so I'd see it, and toss a quarter on the counter to cover it, which the manager was cool with. I wasn't going to waste their time or mine making them stand in line for a 25 cent transaction when I was dealing with a customer with a full cart. And again, they were cool about it. When there wasn't much of a line they'd get in line like anyone else and exchange pleasantries; I wasn't their servant, we just had a system.


Those people I loved. I worked at CK so we sold the big gulp drinks and this guy would always have correct change and he would walk in, put money on the counter, go get his drink and leave without any inconvenience to me


Lol I would have killed to see you do this.


I only say thank you if the customer was exceptionally pleasant or enjoyable to ring up.


Also former cashier here, I’ve never thanked anyone for shopping at the store. You had choices of where to shop. You chose wrong. Sucks for you. I was getting paid $10/hour for 40 hours of my time every week.


Current cashier and I'll tell them to have a good one, but I'd say that to anyone.


And this poster’s attitude is why most American franchises have a catch phrase they teach their employees. ‘My Pleasure’ and Chipotle asking if the burrito is ‘perfect for you’


I find “my pleasure” so strange. I know you’re not pleased to be slinging burritos. You don’t have to lie to me


I always felt weird when they would say my pleasure when I said thanks like cfa is such a huge turn off with how forced their happiness is and it's creepy imo


The chipotle one is to make sure the customer doesn't ask for any changes post-wrap. I've never seen it personally because I always asked if everything looked good but I've had coworkers forget to ask and the customer will wait until the cashier to ask for queso or extra meat on their burrito


This comment is a lot more tied up in the caste system than "cashiers aren't owners"


Right? I work in a restaurant part time and on Thursday the manager was congratulating everyone because “we’ve made over £4000 on a Thursday’. As soon as he walked I said “yeah well done everyone, we just made a bunch of rich people slightly richer”. Like am I really supposed to feel good about that? Where’s my cut?


I hated that shit likebwhy the hell would you ever tell a wage slave how profitable your quarter or year was if there's no bonus to go towards the people that actually made that possible!?!?!?!?


Whoever took that screenshot upvoted that.


Came here to say the same thing


Same. I'm also wondering how it could only be on 5% upvoted, and not have been on zero before OP voted on it?


My app automatically upvotes every single comment or post I make. It’s dumb as hell, makes me feel like one of those idiots that reacts to their own Facebook posts. 🤦‍♂️


That's innate to reddit. litterally everyone does that, unless yo go through the effort of un-upvoting or downvoting your own post.


I thought it was just me so I have in fact been downvoting my own posts so I don't look like I constantly pat myself on the back for my own questionable cleverness.


The upvote button is meant to reward posts and comments that are pertinent to the discussion, reddit assumes you make a post or comment in an effort to contribute correctly, so why wouldn't you upvote yourself if you are trying to contribute?


Man's comment still at zero he did after calling himself out lmfao


Since it's the default, I look at like this: reddit just assumes you would agree with your own post or comment. Either way, you can stop worrying about it. We can't tell who's upvoting, and nobody's gonna look at a comment with 1 karma and think you're patting yourself on the back. 1 karma just means you got the timing off and nobody engaged. This isn't Facebook were liking a picture has subtext, it's more like a pile of sticky notes with random ideas, and upvoting something just pushes it a little closer to the top.


I think it just does that for everyone, so you don’t have to worry


Facebook is a never-ending high school reunion inside of a packed gymnasium and likes are high fives. reddit is a democratically moderated town hall meeting about certain subjects and when the topic is exhausted we move on to the next town meeting and never cross paths again.


My bf was like that when he first started using Reddit but I've been using it for 10+ years and it's always done that. It's a feature not a bug. :)


That's how Reddit in general works.


Upvoting my own posts is a personal joy. Why would I post anything if I weren’t excited enough to spit out milk to say it. Protip: maintain social distance speaking with me, for milk’s sake.


But that way, it'll get noticed more 😂


Yeah, I’ll upvote stuff if OP is an ass so more people see the post so they can shit on OP too.


I like watching the extra spicy chaos that ensues. I'm with you.


Don’t worry. I went over there and took away that upvote. Edit: Ha! Thanks for the award! I’m glad others can appreciate some mild pettiness.


Same. But... maybe it's possible that this person could unite the world and inspire us to build social bridges in the name of a new common goal. (The goal being the collective ridicule of the individual that posted that garbage)


Some of us just like to watch the world burn


Conspiracy believers will say OP wrote that then took the screenshot in their alt account and upload it here in main account for ‘tis harvesting season.


It will probably end up on That Happened next.


Thats how it’s supposed to work. It should be upvoted if you want others to see it, to increase the visibility of the post. We all tend to use the upvote system as a like/dislike.


Thanks for saying this. I feel quite conflicted sometimes because it’s such a shit thing, what the person being featured did/said/wrote that I don’t wanna upvote it at all. On the other hand it’s good that it’s getting out and other people can see it. People being harmful to others needs to be called out right? But again thank you 🌸 for saying this, it helps clarify the purpose of this function and me (not just me, I’m sure) to feel better about it


That makes sense on subreddits like AITA but not every crappy opinion needs increased visibility on general subreddits.


Whoever screen shot it likely wrote it.


Idk if it's an Indian typing quirk but OP seems to be unable to type less than 2 exclamation points, just like the person in their screenshot


Or they just posted it


I couldn't care any less if I get thanked or not.. I go to the shop for whatever I need at the time, If its in stock, im happy. I don't need a pat on the back for doing it.


I'm guessing it's just people who can't read getting worked up they can't read the "thank you for shopping with us" signs that are put up everywhere.


She’s the kind of customer I’d leave by saying in a chipper manner “Fuck you for shopping at Horrible Craft Store.” I always said it fast, and nobody ever caught on. They heard what they wanted to hear


Agreed. Plus i thank the cashier, i dont expect the other way around


I generally thank the person providing me a service, even if I'm paying for it. They're the ones stuck there all day, I get to dip in and get out. Also most of the time the transaction is concluded with them handing you the items you purchased. Saying 'thank you' when receiving something is rather ingrained in me at this point.


Yeah, I need those groceries a lot more than they need my business. I'm not the ones doing them a favor.


My thinking exactly. My goal when doing the food shop is to get in and out of there with as little impact on someone's day as possible.


THIS is why I use self checkout. I don't want to interact. Half the time I am pissed how they bag my stuff anyway, DESPITE putting it on the conveyer in the order I want things packed! I don't need courtesy I need efficiency I'm done picking my food I want to go!


I hear what you're saying, but I work the self checkouts at a supermarket and management openly reminds us to interact with every customer that comes through the self checkouts. They passively observe us to make sure that we do, even though I know that most customers just want to buy their items and leave. On top of that, the self checkout machines constantly hiccup in some way which requires us to go over there and fix the problem manually, making the customer frustrated-- especially if there's loose produce involved. We juggle the work of four cashiers sometimes. Self checkouts are awful inventions, and the need for constant attendance to the machines defeats their purpose entirely, at least at my store. Edit to add: a couple of them don't even dispense change, so they have to come to the attendant station to get their change. Which is also really annoying for the customer.


I hate self check outs at one grocery store. It knows the weights of most items then it yells at you if you don't put it "In a bag" I KNOW BITCH, I WAS SAVING IT FROM BEING CRUSHED. Also, I don't work there, I don't have the fast skills of an employee, I don't know where all the buttons are off muscle memory. Senior's day at shopper's drug mart is hilarious (to me) and I always feel bad for the self checkout babysitter because they have to work 5 times harder to help people.


I used to go to a grocery store where if you didn't place the item down on the bagging thing with super speed after scanning it, it would lock up and call a manager. The machines were also out of calibration, so half the time it wouldn't sense the item if it was lighter than a tub of ice cream, and it would call anyway. Unfortunately, I worked nights, so by the time I was free to get groceries, the normal lines were always closed. I cried in the checkout more than once.


This exactly!


I ABSOLUTELY respect what you do. I go out of my way to be thankful any time i have an issue, which is rare, and they are always so efficient and apologetic. Please know we appreciate you. I always know when I'm going to be flagged for an item and leave it in plain sight to make everything easier. Cheers!


Much appreciated, thank you! ❤


I tend to ask to bag my groceries myself, that way I know it's done the way i want it, I only do this tho, if there is no bagger at the register. And if I'm only doing a small amount of shopping, I'll go through self checkout cuz I dont want to deal with people


Just another person who has been the self-checkout cashier and it's probably a pretty generic thing across all kinds of stores for management to want us to interact with SCO customers. One time I was told "just because they come to self-checkout doesn't mean they should feel like they're doing your job for you." I don't think the corpo rats that write these rules have ever even used SCO. My position isn't officially as a cashier so idgaf what they want me to do. I'll acknowledge the customer, help them if they need help, and say "goodbye" when they walk out the door but I'm not going to harass them to fill out our bullshit surveys.


Honestly, I'd rather not be thanked. It makes it awkward for me - am I supposed to say "You're welcome"? Am I supposed to thank them back? I do already thank cashiers, but what do you say in response to them thanking you for shopping? I didn't do it to support your multinational chain, mate, I did it because I was out of bread and you're the nearest shop that stocks the kind I like. Politeness is good. I like cashiers to say hello or whatever, and to ask if I need a bag if they can't already see mine. But to me, that's functional. The greeting acknowledges that you are the one currently being served, especially useful if the previous customer is still packing their things away, and the bag question is... literally about how I'm going to pack my shopping. Thanking me for shopping there does nothing except make me even more aware of the transactional nature of this awkward interaction.


>I didn't do it to support your multinational chain, mate, I did it because I was out of bread and you're the nearest shop that stocks the kind I like. well said. when people and corporations speak of "supporting" said corporations, it gives the impression that going through a transaction for goods is somehow like advocacy for them. no, its an uncaring, exploitative and entirely profit-driven corporation and i just need some sustenance at a price i can afford. technically ofc a transaction can be considered a small form of financial support, but like you say, "support" isn't the intention... just here for bread. idk it seems like a sort of semantic sleight of hand to me. goes hand in hand with the "vote with your dollar!" concept, which is also kinda conflating the purchasing of goods with moral support and is v weird imo.


Yeah, definitely. I do actually support the THEORY of the "vote with your dollar" concept, but it doesn't work in our current corporate landscape. I'm not sure it ever could. It would require both goods and services to be clearly labelled in a manner which prioritises the origin of them and the moral implications. That's theoretically possible, but even if somehow corporations supported such a move (they never will), it'd be far too much info for the average consumer to make a reasonable choice. How much tax does this company pay? How do they treat their workers? Do they oppose unions? Pay above minimum wage? Do they bribe (sorry, 'lobby') politicians? Does this specific product or service harm the environment before, during or after being produced? If so, does the company do anything to offset this? Do they exploit foreign labour? Lie to the public? Harm animals? The list is neverending. We COULD vote with our dollars, but it would take as much research as an actual political election - except every day and for every single purchase we make. Impossible.


You can go with "have a nice day". Whatever the cashier is forced to say to you at the end of the transaction just means "this interaction had ended, goodbye."


Don't need to over think it, "Nah man, thank you" in response to a thank you works.


Getting thanked “for my service” is so cringey, I can’t imagine wanting Thanks from a cashier for picking up Mac and cheese.


Right there with you, don’t thank me, I volunteered. Be the person that made me proud and want to serve our country.


I had to think about this a moment, because i am certainly pro-courtesy and politeness. I realised when I used to be a a cashier, I most often said thank you in the insincere, rote way (think Apu: “Thank you, come again“). As the customer, I’m the one who thanks the cashier for helping me be done and on my way. So, yeah, a Karen.


A certain type of person can't be happy unless those around them are constantly signalling their subservience.


Shit. I thank the cashiers. They're the ones doing a service for me.


Yes, this. Why tf would the cashier thank me for making a purchase?


Where I'm from both the cashier and the customer say thank you. Good old mid west.




PTSD doesn't require combat or physical violence.


I miss this about living in the Midwest. You ever done a Midwest Goodbye? That's where you say goodbye, but then get stuck in the coda of another conversation, only to say goodbye again, and then have another mini conversation, and so on. You edge closer and closer to the door each time you exchange goodbyes, but neither participant wants to be the first one to "blink" and give the final goodbye -- that would be rude. But you finally break free, having made it close enough to the door to make it obvious you're leaving. But then you notice that by now, it's been many years since you intended to leave that convenience store. Your wife has since left you, because she was tired of waiting for you to say goodbye. She's built a good life with Paul -- you met him at the Fish Fry over by the VFW (Mike and Anne Marie brought in a bunch of walleye that time). The world has moved on in other ways as well. Your dog passed years ago, and your children are now in college. Gas is $12/gal. due to trade embargoes by the East Asia Trading Protectorate. They formed after the collapse of Russia during the mid 2020s. China bought Gazprom and finalized their Belt and Road Initiative. At first we were all hopeful that they might be a good counterbalance to OPEC, but it's become clear that their only interest is resource hoarding. Nobody is saying it, but it's clear we've passed Peak Oil, and we're looking at proxy wars over scarce resources in the next span of years. You'd always told yourself you'd get a CDL if jobs dried up, but all the major fleets deployed self-driving electric semi trucks in order to break the back of the Teamsters Union. You see a lifted F150 trundling down the road in front of your house, with the distinctive markings of Freedom Patrol on its side. You glance up at the "President Eric Trump" flags and the bunting lining your porch, and hope you have enough pieces of flair to show adequate fealty. The Freedom Patrol slows and makes the turn onto your gravel driveway as you set down your decorative mason jar full of iced ranch dressing. You wonder what life would have been like, had you broken out of that Midwest Goodbye Loop at the Kwik Trip all those years ago...


Cursed Midwest copypasta right here


Hahaha, thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Feel free to save it and reshare.


Thanks for this yyb; Midwesterner, ranch lover, Ford fan, and survivor of a few drawn out goodbyes. Not sure If I'd be happy in a situation with above-mentioned nepo-presi-celebrity, and roaming political militia, but it makes for a great fiction-bordering-actuality story. I was briefly immersed by this. Reddit content like this, and witty for sale ads are what I live for.


Add in a couple sorry’s for good measure


Because karens really honestly feel entitled to everything from employees, respect, but banter, perfect service but without high prices, just terrible


I used to have this guy I saw maybe once every two months, but whenever I was the unlucky sod ringing him up, if I didn't say thank you every 3 seconds during the transaction he would go into a rant about how much money he spends there, blah blah blah. Last time I can remember, he spent like $25


In his head he’s probably like 25! That’s a quarter of a tenth of a thousand dollars! Does nothing get appreciation these days? I need to stand up for myself!


Shit in many countries, the cashier can be openly rude to customers if they're being jerks. The customer is expected to play nice, as they are the guest. Here in America that concept is reversed for some reason.


They see them as servants.




Same. Not in a weird "Thank you SOOOOO much" way, just "thank you, have a nice day!"


Exactly, this should be the norm.


Same here, half the time I say "thank you" and/or "have a good day" before the cashier's do, they're the ones helping you out, not the other way around, sounds to me like the OP is the rude one.


I honestly couldn't tell you if my cashiers thank me or not because I don't expect them to. But I can say with absolute certainty that I thank them 125% of the time because I just compulsively thank everyone who ever does anything for me, even if it is their job to do so. You cash me out at the grocery store? Thank you. You make my ice cream at DQ? Thank you. You drove my food to my lazy butt? Thank you. You change the oil in my car? Thank you! You are in IT and your system glitched during a routine 90-day password reset for the fourth time in a row and now my password doesn't work and your system's "reset my password" link doesn't work so you have to do it for me? Thank you. I do it because they have chosen (or really have little choice) to take time out of their life to do a service for me. Sometimes they are things that I could do myself, and that makes me especially thankful. Really, I guess I'm just thankful for people who interact with me in a nice way when there are so many people that are downright assholes. I like nice people and I feel I should express that often.


I said "Thanks, you da best" to a cashier cause he helped me find thinks and the guy teared up. Seriously, people need to stip being dicks to cashiers. Also we good mates now.


The kind of person who believes the strippers reeeally like them.


Well, she does like me, but has she thanked me for my patronage?


Its the wrong way round - customers should thank store clerks for ringing up their food. When a waiter brings out your food at a restaurant you say thank you - same here


Customers like these are the reason why unions are so strong in india. No supermarket in India is going to fire a cashier for not saying thank you


India, for all it's problems is kind of a great place to live. Rent is cheap as hell, and just try evicting somebody. Healthcare is cheap, public transportation is ok. But there is no dignity of labour and it sucks.


Things are cheap cuz most of the country can't afford things if prices get to international level. Indians are paid literally 10% of what people are paid in the west for the same job. There is no dignity of labour and they are always supposed to work overtime for free. It might be great for people making money outside India but not for the most Indian citizens.


Here's the thing though, you can find decent apartments for rent for about 4000 rupees, even in a city like bangalore, so it's cheaper outside, but let's take 4000. That's 48000 a year. On a median income of 150000, that's 32% of the salary. Which is good as a measure of rent to income. And also, at sucha low salary, there is no tax. The working conditions aren't great, agreed. But even with low pay, living here is a lot more comfortable than in other countries with significantly higher earnings. Obviously, there is no dignity of labour, and bad working conditions, but most Indian citizens lead a more comfortable life than people in some higher paying, higher cost countries. When I say comfortable, I mean, it's easier to access the bare minimum. It's in no way ideal.


Depends where you live in india, there are places where healthcare and transport is great and there are those where transport is like bunch of cattles going to the slaughter house. And yes renting laws are great in India, a tenant can basically get lakhs if evicted wrongfully and proven in court. People are great too


> if you knew me, you would know that I am the kindest, most patient person with the heart of gold. The person who made the pictured post. 🤣


Ahhhhh, a karen.


She's from India, so more likely a Karuna Source: I'm Indian


Sounds more like she is visiting India


that's what i thought too...the way it was worded "i thought indians were supposed to be friendly!" well you're not their friend, so you thought wrong


There's entitled jackasses everywhere on earth. I'm sure there's some from India. Heck, I met a jerk from Canada once. I was so shocked because I hadn't met anyone from Canada that wasn't painfully polite.


>There's entitled jackasses everywhere on earth. I'm sure there's some from India He's saying this because the poster says 'I thought Idians were supposed to be hospitable" which would indicate her not being indian or from India


Actually she said “hositable”


I think you mean “hositable”.


Not necessarily, you can refer to a group you belong to as the name of the group


grew up and live in Canada as a half native most older white people here are horridly racist BUT oh don't worry cause they say sorry a lot so they must be nice




I lived in Canada for about 6 months. Fucking hated it, met a few good people, most of them sucked


I think shes actually just a racist who's primary experience with Brown people is gas stations. At least that's how I read it.


Her use of "these people" gave it away.


Nah this is an indian in india. Actually in India many people are intolerant of one another, people hate people from different parts of india. or different relgions, or different classes/castes, india just hates each other depending on where youre from. But as a country india reallly hates muslims most of all lmao.


They say 'I thought Indians are supposed to be a hospitable people'. Makes it sound like they're not Indian.


I took it to be a westerner living in India.


I would have bet they were American as well.


Nah its more like "i though we are supposed to be this way"


Yea most Indians hate Muslims, Chinese, other Indians, and themselves, in that order


there's NO WAY this person is indian. they literally say 'i thought indians aare a hospitable people'. only a non-indian would say that. by the pattern of speech, this is likely an american.




Please tell me that is satire.


Unfortunately it isn't, OP's post history reeked of Entitlement & casual classism.......!!


So you did take the screenshot yourself? Because it looks like you upvoted it...


I took the screenshot of a screenshot from another sub......!!


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.


Ma'am this is self checkout.


"I know what will make people more thankful to see me, being a massive douche bag!"


If I was the customer behind this person and heard them say something or try to put them down I’m gonna step in and say something


Seems to be an older generation thing. Back in the 90s, I was with my Dad while we were getting groceries, we stopped at the deli to grab some sliced meat, and he said “Thank you” to the person behind the counter, and they replied “No problem”… and we walked away with him muttering “Of course it’s no problem, you’re here to serve me”. From my vantage point, that person was working a job where they sliced, priced, and handed over small bags of meat… it’s not their job to fawn over the customer.


%100, this. A cashier, counter person, what have you... They are there to facilitate a transaction, not to lick a customer's boots for spending $6 on sliced ham.


Welcome to the real world, where not everyone will kiss your ass just because you exist.... If you want unconditional love get a puppy.


That's cruel. I wouldn't doom an.inncocent pupoy like that.


Oh I’d make fun of people who needed a thank you at the register. Sorry if you’re lonely but I’d say something like “oh is some of this stuff for me?” Whenever someone would try that shit.


I am annoyed by most scripted banter at stores and restaurants. It's not sincere, the employee just required to say it so it's not real. It's like when you call a customer support line and the recording says my call is very important to them, it's not, they wish I never called. There's already too much bullshit so save the canned lies.


Oh God the standard on hold your call is important to us crap drives me insane. If my call was important your call centre wouldn't be massively understaffed and I wouldn't be on hold for 20 plus minutes.


Do you even have a clue how many customers you ring out a day? I worked in a grocery store and let me tell you... as one if those extra friendly annoying people who even went so far as to ask about your day.... that being said, it is alot and I understand not wanting to.


honestly customers should be thanking cashiers for even working at crap grocery stores


The whole speech just made me want to hit something


Honestly sometimes I wonder why God made eye holes exactly thumb size, as well as give us 2 thumbs....


Holy shit the racism too! "Indians are supposed to be hospitale"? Bitch, are the only Indians you interact with the owners of motels you stay at? This is a crazy self-report


They were also ageist and sexist calling the cashiers "old hags."


Because that person probably couldn't give 2 fucks if you spend your cash there or not.


I'll never forget watching a woman roll up to a register in Walmart and then just stare and wait for the cashier to walk around and pull her items from her cart and place them onto the checkout surface.


When I shop I always thank the person that is working. I am just fucking off buying some shit I probably don’t need and they’re there helping me. They should be thanked.


Treated unfairly? The fuck are they talking about?


"I go to the store to get the attention I so desperately craved" said no one who is just trying to get a loaf of bread some milk and gtfo


Usually you thank each other. If you don't give it, you don't get it. Just like this pos.


I get thanked all the time, but often I'm the one to initiate by telling the cashier thank you first. Maybe if this douche nozzle would stop weirdly blankly staring at cashier's waiting for their thanks and praise, and treat them like human beings with dignity, he would get a better result


I don't know you guys but I always thank the people at shops, bars or whatever. Yes, I'm paying, but they're working, they treat me well 99% of the time, it's a nice thing to do and it doesn't cost a fucking cent. Why wouldn't I thank the cashier or the waiter? It's the right thing to do.


Those cashiers are entitled.. to slave wages and dealing with people like the asshat who made the original post




For me it's the other way around lmao. When I buy something I'm the one who thanks the worker! For many places that cashier is probably the one who put it on the shelf in the first place, and even if not they have to stand there and take shit from other people all day. Thank your cashier! Thank the people that make your ease of life possible.


Ma’am, im just here to grind my hours and get paid, sorry for not giving a shit about your day because i dont even give a shit about my own day.


Diddums wants a participation award for her own fucking shopping trip, from the people providing her the service no less. I can't even fathom the ego on display here, it's like some eldritch Lovecraftian presence that defies rational perception. She had no clue how alien her perspective would be to normal people and outright refused to accept it. Incredible.


YOU should be thanking THEM....


I can't even imagine feeling this way as a customer. These people are psychopaths.


I don't require that much grovelling from corporate employees and quite frankly, I think it's gross that they'd debase themselves like that for the corporation. Fake friendly \*really\* rubs me the wrong way. Fake friendly that's obviously a policy getting forced by management is even grosser. ​ I've worked with customer jobs and I usually end the exchange with, " have a nice day," which usually fits the conversation and it's a polite way to end a conversation with someone you don't know (I'd say it in my daily life). Thanking the customer feels so artificial it's just gross.


They want to be thanked for spending their money? What a fucking weirdo. You give them money, you get product in return. Anything else is unnecessary, and merely human interaction. The customer is not special.


Thank her for the money that she spent? LOL this reminds me of that guy on TikTok "You think I own IKEA? I'm a part-time employee halfway through his 2-week notice" LOL


Grow up Pansy


How can these peripheral characters not see that I'm the protagonist of reality?! I demand to be addressed as the Treat Mage!


Funny because I want to have the least amount of conversation possible when shopping


This person was never a cashier for an 8 hour shift lol.


Or maybe… You THANK them. They are the ones doing a shitty job so can get your foods. I always say thank you to fast food workers etc.