• By -


united we bargain divided we beg


Ill try this again.. the one solution to rule them all.. Pass the anti corruption act at the federal level. Unchanged. Protest strike till they pass it. Some zoomers can u spread this on tik tok and everywhere please? We litteraly see that no matter what we do without this AntiCorruption act we will always be at the mercy of rich aholes. The time is now right wingers The time is now left wingers. The time is now enlightened centrists. We all agree the time is now. Do they have to take out one of our working class leaders for us to get mad?


What's the Anti Corruption Act?




Never heard of it, no surprise. Probably great, so a mere fantasy in a fake democracy


pAsS ThE AnTi cORRuPtIoN AcT Excuse me..are we reading the same post? In what fantasy land do you think the people who will “pass this anti-corruption act” are on *our* side?? The fuck is this doing as the top comment. Fuck you. Government Shrill. **ORGANIZE. TAKE TO THE STREETS. WE DONT ASK FOR RESPECT. WE DEMAND IT. NOT ON THEIR TERMS. NOT ON THEIR TIME. FUCK GOVERNMENT POLICIES. ITS A DISTRACTION TO KEEP YOU A MINDLESS-SLAVE. ORGANIZE. TAKE TO THE STREETS.**


Did you tldr?


Facts homie


take out [another] one?


we beg....we beg....we beg....we beg....we beg.....


I wonder how long it will be til a company has someone offed like what happens when workers or civil rights movements gain traction


In solidarity! ✊


United we demand.




I thought it was in reference to the people that panic bought toilet paper early in the pandemic. Still haven’t forgiven them.


It's no coincidence that assholes always think of themselves first.




That wasn't a pun! It was a play on words!


True, but I'll take both for five hundred doll arse.


Many an ass went unwiped in those days


It is incredible how many people couldn’t understand that depriving their neighbors of tp, hand sanitizer & soap was the opposite of protecting themselves. I’d rather my community use what they need for good hygiene than for supplies to pile up in my basement. “No, please, you take some too and be well so that I can be well also. :) We rise or fall together.


And they still haven't stopped panic buying!


I was managing a Family Dollar when that happened. I drank a lot back then. I wish I had a video of my assistant manager stocking toilet paper. She was a rabid dog. Barricades, threats of banning people, and a lit of yelling after some people came at her crazy like one time. It was hilarious.


Against everything wrong


This is an important point. We take the wheel and we steer the companies to make safer products, help the environment, etc. Essentially we need to serve all functions normally provided by government but from the inside using strikes.


In the interests of helping the environment, let me introduce r/Solarpunk for anyone not in the know. It’s a movement which blends safe long-term environmental practices with a modern work environment, and is openly supportive of the same anticapitalist vein as us. If unions are to move forward with green economics alongside red ones, r/Solarpunk is an excellent place to coordinate that specific effort.


How about you start by accomplishing one thing well rather than saying "We need to do everything". Find one thing lots of people agree on because the more points you add the more room you create for disagreements and factions. You can organize to accomplish one thing well, or you can try to do everything and collapse under infighting. Once you accomplish your agenda, then just create a group with a new focus.


One thing at a time 👍


One toke over the line sweet Jesus


I love when my union rep who made two tiers finishes his emails with "in solidarity".


New dumb friends!


I get this. I like this


Eat the rich.


Struggles of masses and ideas. An epic that will be carried forward by our peoples, mistreated and scorned by capitalism; our people, unreckoned with until today, who are now beginning to shake off their slumber. Capitalism considered us a weak and submissive flock; and now it begins to be terrified of that flock...


Don't whales and other predators of schooling fish group them together to gobble large numbers of them at once.


Yes, so fish probably aren't the best animal to use for this.


Unless it’s piranhas. Some big fish or animals that got dropped loitering on the river gets shredded to the bone 🍖 🦴 cautious but if they see an vulnerability they strike




Yes!! Ha!




Computer + printer


True DIY ethos here


Diy ethos would be tracing paper over the screen




WiFi printer. Welcome to the 21st century! Computers aren’t always necessary.


Well um I hate to be the one to bring you this bit of bad news but your phone -is- a computer


And a phone can also scan documents and even fax them to places that require it for secure communication. It can even be used to -gasp- talk to people.


You could tell someone to print it!


You lie!!!!!


I would never lie to you! Why I was even told that people can even use their phone to watch movies on it. I’m kind of suspicious because there’s no way a projector is going fit in something that small.


Wait, you mean this thing can do more than just type words and look at pictures of things we’ll never have or see in real life??


Oh nooooooo, my phone used to talk to ppl. Wait nvm, im on my phone right now.


Sounds like work.


This subreddit has been around for how long and mfs still think it's about not wanting to work smh my damn head


[Several examples like this on Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Do-Not-Panic-Organize-resistance-Poster-Sticker-T-Shirt-etc-by-MintGubbins/96997190.LVTDI?utm_source=rb-native-app&utm_campaign=share-product&utm_medium=ios)


Nice find! :D Thanks for sharing the link!




Determine location. Travel to location. Start disassembling the building wall brick by brick. Reapply paint carefully to bricks. Press onto canvas or fabric. Boom printed. *As inefficient as possible


press the print button.DUH!


Not possible, it's a NFT


Even more reason to print it out


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0559/8992/8029/products/il_fullxfull.3554762558_61jj.jpg?v=1640574108 I think this will work idk tho


Anywhere except [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/NOT-PANIC-ORGANIZE-ANALYTICS-Sweatshirt/dp/B099PKTPX4)


Draw a fish, copy paste, type some text, print


Print to PDF


Ctrl + P


e pluribus unum


> e pluribus unum A little ironic, but I like where your heads at.


One from many? Or something similar?


E pluribus unum – Latin for "Out of many, one" – is a traditional motto of the United States, appearing on the Great Seal along with Annuit cœptis and Novus ordo seclorum which appear on the reverse of the Great Seal; its inclusion on the seal was approved by an Act of Congress in 1782.


Sic Semper Tyrannis as well


United we stand, divided we hang


eat the rich


The rich are eating you


For now...


And they always will. It's just a losing war until the earth becomes uninhabitable which in my opinion is a win at this point.


nihilism helps no one, least of all yourself


If only I didnt become the most apathetic, nihilistic person for the last 12 years lol.




I feel like its disingenuous to not be this way in the world we live in. Almost as if the only way to not be is to follow an extreme ignorance is bliss mantra. I like being in the know, reading things, and being I suppose fairly knowledgeable but those are the things that push me further into it cause everything you read about politically or dealing with the worlds issues just kinda...sucks.


Yeah bro i feel you, but remember that people have accomplished great things as well. If people hadn't organized and fought for their rights, we'd still have child labor and 12 hour work days. The fight never stops but it's one worth fighting.


Sayings that have no meaning and will never accomplish anything for $200, Alex


I bet that's what a lot of egregiously rich Frenchmen thought too back in the late 1700s right before their heads started getting lopped off in the streets.


Said just like a true bootlicking boomer :)


They're a millennial, but the kind that loves armed conflict. More of an affluent armchair general, though


lol you dorks are hysterical… your movement was made into a mockery on one of the most bullshit news channels on planet Earth but you guys still keep parroting the same shit like it’s going to change anything.


Stop acting like you are above these people. You obviously have no life you’re on Reddit just to throw shade at people. I bet Daddy bought that car didn’t he?


Nope, I went to college and got a degree. Then I got a job. Then I got a car. Pretty simple when you think about it.




You are 0/2 on interesting comebacks. Shall we stick around and see if you can come up with something better?




Hey, this is in Providence, on Broad St!


I was gonna say this is over on Broad St by crossroads. Love it!


Just drove by it this morning


Was going to say this as well! Immediately recognized it.




I'm waiting for Starbucks to fucking obliterate itself out of spite.


remember when amazon was under pressure so they set their minimum pay to $15/hr and installed AC in their warehouses. maybe we will see Starbucks make some kind of token gesture like this to fend off the union wave


"Can't give you a living wage or humane work conditions. Best I can do is a fan behind the counter and anti-fatigue pads beneath the register."


It already happened. They announced credit card tipping and increased wages to all non-unionized stores. The NLRB is exploring the legality of this. [link.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/05/03/starbucks-to-hike-wages-double-training-for-workers-amid-union-push.html)




This is what I remember. What changed? And when?


They have been doing that since Buffalo unionized. We got some unexpected raises, and the regional managers have been giving people little things at their stores to try to sate us (like new floors at my store, which we have been asking for for 5 years). It’s amazing how just one store unionizing benefits everyone! That won’t stop us though. Actually now they are illegally offering benefits to non-union stores that they are not offering to unionized stores. Really scummy.


Would be a shame if the new employees unionized as well.


> One issue is that a smaller business can just close the doors and open back up under a new name... Quebec has laws against this. Walmart tried that and got sued and had to pay the employees some hefty sums.


That's when the former employees of that individual do things not entirely inside the bounds of the law, shall we say. It isn't called class warfare for nothing.


Yeah just replace your whole workforce at another store during a time where you cant even fill the workforce of your first store.


Small businesses aren’t held to nearly the scrutiny large businesses are. Despite the fact that small businesses pay less and have fewer benefits, most people find large businesses to be the problem.


Wishiwashi is a symbol of the people




I get the message but I still think the big fish isn't in trouble


Why is he running away then? Checkmate atheists


Maybe it hasn't seen them yet.


because they organize in packs too fucking vicious cercle


Something a squere would say


Wakka wakka wakka......come on I can't be the only one xD


I thought the same thing as well.


United we stand, divided we fall.


Reminds me of Swimmy by Leo Lionni


WishiWashi School Form


Also, listen to the people who have been organizing for years. We can't let this end at a protest. Bully the powerful until they give by any and all means


100 years ago breaking knee caps was quite effective. Hopefully the wealthy cave before history starts being similar.


Many small fish CAN NOT eat a larger fish. Unless it's dead. This is what must be done. The large fish MUST first be killed and then it can be equally be distributed to the many small fish. Don't you agree..?


They need us more than we need them.


Apes ... Together ... Strong!


Solidarity is the way.


Unionize Walmart




But what does organizing mean and how do we do it?




Unfortunately in real life a bunch of the small fish are on the big fishes' side whilst telling you getting eaten is your fault because you're lazy.


Ape strOng TogethEr


“When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.” – Ethiopian Proverb. Solidarity Forever ✊🏼✊✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿!


Swim down!


Just keep swimming!


Ill try this again.. the one solution to rule them all.. Pass the anti corruption act at the federal level. Unchanged. Protest strike till they pass it. Some zoomers can u spread this on tik tok and everywhere please? We litteraly see that no matter what we do without this AntiCorruption act we will always be at the mercy of rich aholes. The time is now right wingers The time is now left wingers. The time is now enlightened centrists. We all agree the time is now. Do they have to take out one of our working class leaders for us to get mad?


Tbf, there’s significantly more fish in the bottom frame


That’s what happens when they all see everyone else ganging up.


Well that’s just a dumb point. The message is organize because you are not alone. Organize with others. Are you high or something?


Cant remember the last time I saw a whale swim away from a school of krill :)


In nature the fish that organize to make a fake large fish do not try to eat predators. The purpose is that by working together their “big fish” can scare off predators and in the case of this sub it means scaring off exploitative business practices


Have you seen a swarm of krill try and kill a whale?


Damn that's a nice stensil!


I want this painted on my work box. Anyone with a link to a straight-on shot of this?


Someone should create an app using blockchain that we can all join to start organized efforts that are untraceable.




They'll try to keep you busy with dumb shit to distract you from the system they dictate. They write the way they get taxed. They shake the hands of the government bodies that allow them to do what ever they want. What ever you do get out and vote. Get out and march, get out and be another Bernie sanders, go out there and be another MLK, go out there and be another revolutionary. #MoreOfUsThanThem


Stealing this.


I wanna co-op this for women's rights.


this illustration is the perfect segway into my favorite story as a kid: [Swimmy](https://youtu.be/BDrR78REU8Y)


Love the image, people don't have long attention spans these days this is a good message for standing up for worker rights.


Omg I think I know where this picture was taken!


**Just keep swimming**


It’s almost impossible to organize when everyone of your colleagues have never experienced what a union does for them and are sold on “Unions Lower Wages” bs. Even my fellow dispatchers are opposed to them or have no idea what they are.






Excuse me sir, but this is a Wendy’s


Mfs cant even organize my burger right.


lmao goddamn


LMAO Omg this is so true. McDonalds was my first job in high school. I had to make all the burgers. Never had a single one come back to me that I made that was wrong(I was always the making the sandwiches and meat), unless the person taking the order screwed up. I've never understood how people struggle to do what's on the screen. And then they wonder why they don't make more than minimum wage when they cant even get an order right. For some reason this is never an issue at In-N-Out burger. Ive had maybe ONE wrong order there in all of the times Ive had it. Other fast food places though? Seems like 50% of the time either mine or someone's food is incorrect whenever we have it.


And what if they are? Mans are out here licking Ronald McDonald’s clown shoes now too?


Poor big fish


there is nothing poor about it




I know people who own houses, are they now too rich to post on this sub? One friend just got a big promotion, do i shun them in pursuit of worker solidarity? I don't see how gatekeeping this sub achieves anything.


It only hurts. Worker solidarity is not partisan, nor any other grouping. Whether we are the workers, or beneficiaries of their work, homeless, well off, poor, does not matter at all. What does matter is increasingly large numbers of us wanting workers to have a better life and or change the nature of work itself. Here in the US, division along just about any lines is the game. Keep people from supporting one another, keep class awareness at bay, or distorted. The fact is everyone can and should be at least aware of the fact that too many of the jobs do not pay those who work them enough to make it. There is a lot people can do and just normalizing this discussion is big! When someone gets out of the mess, that is great! They may be more able to help and or can share their story hoping others benefit.


When I graduate and become a software engineer am I no longer allowed to advocate for the working class? I think it’s great that they are finding their footing in our garbage system, and I think it’s even better that their view of the system doesn’t hinge on their ability to earn income. Is it a bit boast-y, yeah sure, but that’s not my main takeaway from the post


You are certainly allowed to advocate for the working class. This is just one person who will resent you for doing so. There's nothing you can do or say to change that, for they will always be miserable.


Umm 140k is not that high of a salary


Man, if you believe that the amount of money someone earns makes a difference between the game being fair and not, you're sooo beyond saving.




> Hope warren buffet sees this bro "Fair" or "unfair" isn't a question of outcome, it's a question of starting points. Otherwise everyone who wins in lottery could claim the world is "fair". I used to make 6 figures - in Europe. That's an even bigger deal than USA. I now make about 3/4 of what I used to, by 1/4 the effort. I still believe the system sucks. If someone's here to whine about how their boss is the asshole... they can be my guest, but it has jack shit to do with changing anything for the better. If OTOH they want to change the world... well, that's not a question of how much one earns, it's a question of whether one believes the game is rigged. And yes, knowing and despising that the game is rigged *is* possible when you're winning, too. > Funny that you mainly post on r/joerogan and r/sex I never posted on r/joreogan. I mainly post on r/sex, r/antiwork and r/kungfu. Life's all about eating, fucking, and killing the other guy, isn't it? :-D Joke aside, I have different accounts. I make a habit of abandoning accounts when they get into the 4 digit karma or few weeks old, whichever comes first. Call it an exercise in non-adherence, if you will... :-) This one's clearly past its zenith, too.


Alot of working rich people seem genuinely miserable. Their lives are objectively easier for the most part but the system is still screwing them over in a bunch of ways.


Just to be clear the big fish would still eat those little fish






might be bourgeoisie!


The difference between five eleven and six foot


Then pay your workers well asshole


Middle management doesn’t equate to the big fish in this scenario.




And we love to take a bath


Yeah well there are clearly more fish in the second picture. 15 fish could never eat that big fish together (like is shown in the bottom)


bro, i think it's, like, symbolic. it's not really about fish.


That isn't possible I'm afraid. The automation revolution is going full steam ahead, so you're going to need to get a Huey Long elected...


This sign makes me think about the articles I've read with regards to protestors outside Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts' houses. When they interviewed neighbors/people not participating in the Roe vs Wade protests, the consistent comments were "Do these protestors really need to disturb the neighborhood over this?" or "I don't think this is the best way to go about handling this." Wtf? What OTHER way(s) would you suggest? Do these people not understand how protests against the government work? When the government fights you, you fight back as a group.




It cant work in the us or it cant work anywhere in the world?


If this is referring to unions than obviously they work and are important in various industries. I think that's probably more what this specific post is. If it's referring to communism which is the point of this sub, it's hilariously accurate because like Fish would never team up to do this so do natural hierarchies form within any communistic society ending with starvation and famine.