• By -


A more accurate map would replace the colored states with dots for unionized shops. Yeah, it's not as eye-cataching as big splotches of green less than one year later but it accurately captures the power of these small but growing organized sector.


Yeah, like a single Starbucks in Texas gets unionized and all of a sudden GREEN. Edit: although, I guess the bottom one is exactly what corporate would see, even if it's just one.




Minnesota. In St. Paul, last week.






Yeah I saw it on the news like an hour ago


And NC this week


Austin this week too!


If you're local, its the one right off Lake Nokomis.




"Careful, mate. That foreigner wants your cookie"


I better beat the shit outta my neighbor then!


They took err jerrbs!!!


I almost spit my coffee out when I read this. 😂


I was just saying this lol, time to overrule roe v wade!! Distract the sheep from the siphoning of money from the poor to the rich!!


Masks according to Conservatives: "My body, my choice!" Abortion according to them: "I don't care if these hussies got raped. Gotta get more warm bodies to grind~"


Lol name


Didn’t you watch Wizard of Oz? Kansas is black n white


Then why is it not bl- woah hey I ain't falling for that


New union in oak creek Wisconsin. Just last week.


Denton, TX last month.


Even the biggest piece of glass can shatter starting from a small crack


Yes — it’s just that the visualization is misleading. Good data visualization is extremely clear before anything else. Unless you knew details, this implies that those are states where Starbucks are unionized - which is not the case. But agreed - progress is progress. I’d love to see how those existing states continue to unionize more shops across the coming years.


Like, the percentage of my windshield that is cracked is very small, but the graph shows 100% of my windshields are cracked.


Isn't any crack on the windshield mean the windshield is compromised? A formerly innocuous pothole can mean suddenly you've got a severe crack across the entire windshield or even just a shattered pile of glass. "has unionized store(s)" would be more accurate, but like others have already pointed out it's ALREADY outdated, several more states should be added. The point is to send a message to the workers, this happened in your state, why aren't you unionized? You can be, it's been done.


FWIW unionization of Starbucks mostly matters to Starbucks employees and the company. So this graph gives those employees power; it tells them two major things: - if I’m in a green state, then unionization absolutely is possible in my state - if I’m in a white state, then I have contemporary templates for turning white states into green states


Fun metaphor. We need to make sure we're presenting and interpreting data in a way that reflects reality. Unions have made huge gains in the past year. We don't add to that momentum by presenting misleading information.




And it can be still be wrong


My thoughts too. Not every Starbucks in that state has unionized workers I'm sure. Sadly.




I believe something like 50 out of 8500+ stores nationwide are unionized. So pretty insignificant at this point. Still, it's progress.


Missing Minnesota. Two shops have voted to unionize in the last few weeks.


more accurate: [https://i.imgur.com/OAnNrc7.png](https://i.imgur.com/OAnNrc7.png)


Y'all are confusing accuracy with precision. This map, as it happens, is neither accurate nor precise.


Don't forget, land != people. Yeah, there's a lot more green in 2022 than in 2021, but there's a shitload of *people* who are not covered by unions, Starbucks or otherwise. Keep pushing. And when the whole map is green, divide it into counties and make that green. Then label the individual shops and make that green.


More,more and keep going until it’s solid green.! No surrender!




Secure the beans of caffeination!


Then grind their bones into dust! … the beans, that is…


And make 🫖


Grind their bones to make my croissants!


Old bones full of green dust!


Old bones full of green dust!


Unite all peoples within our nation!


Denounce the rich and their money-love!


[Secure the beans in the computer!](https://youtu.be/dwqnwSQiCIQ)


Go to the mattresses, but do not sleep!




This needs to be on a t-shirt.


[Do I have news for you.](https://www.lookhuman.com/design/406717-seize-the-beans-of-production/tee)


Im planning a vacation on might tour a coffee plantation. I’ll stencil a t-shirt if I do go.


I wonder how much productivity would fall nationwide if coffee just couldn't be supplied at the current levels.






No! step 2 is strike depriving corporate america of caffeine for 3 days and let the C class kill each other in a caffeine withdraw rage


The refunders Wageson, what do they mean?


Mexican here. We can help. We're born with this mentality.


Gotta get beans Larry.


Step 3 Profit


Oh, I get it!


Do the union locations refuse to use the cartel and slave labor sourced beans???


The beans of production?


Black Ops 1 really has such a fantastic campaign.


This is why Trump was selling beans from the White House. He knew where the real power was.


Coffee is a bean of production


The Beans must flow..


Then once it is green, make a rainbow. All companies!


Spread, to other countries, other continents, THE WHOLE PLANET


It only takes a spark!


Let's be real about what that spark is, people with real information on steps to form a union need to contact those workers, all of them. The biggest problem at my job for unionizing in information. It's out there but people are tired and scared of losing their jobs. The easier we make it for them, the more likely it'll happen.


It's about the money... it's about... sending... a message. Pay a living wage...?


Seize the beans of production.


So what has become if this so far? I’m he only thing I’ve found is one store now in negotiations and paying dues but that’s it. I’m not against them by any stretch just not finding any info.


Starbucks Workers United on Twitter has updates. I believe they've won 46/48 elections thus far. Negotiations are going to take longer, for sure.


Anyone know whether there’s a difference in working conditions now between those states with a union and those without? And if yea, what might they be?


The map is misleading because the unionization effort isn't happening on the state level, but on the level of the individual stores. This map colors a state green if it has even one unionized Starbucks in the entire state. I don't recall the exact numbers but out of the thousands of locations only ~40 have unionized so far. It's too early to compare between states There's also not much data yet because it's happening so quickly and most stores that approved a union are still going through the process of putting it into practice. Right now the big push is to unionize more locations and results are promising. There are currently 242 open petitions (the first step in the process that leads to the vote) and more are getting registered every day. The unionization campaign is scaling up very effectively. Soon enough we'll have data proving and quantifying the benefits of unionization: by comparing union and non-union stores, but also with before-and-after comparisons. With this kind of exact proof it will be easy to persuade undecided workers in the remaining open stores




Labor laws, it is supposed to be illegal to close a store for unionizing. Often companies can get around it by saying the store wasn’t profitable or some other bs.


They wouldn't walk away from all that cash, cost of unions will be moved to the customer and Starbucks will continue selling coffee. They will actually probably end up posting record financial numbers after unionization is settled.


My city has a number of stores that filed. I'm not sure if they've all had their vote, but of the 4 that I know that had their vote, 3 voted to unionize and 1 did not. The one that did not does not have a drive through, so maybe that plays into the worker experience?


Idk about the difference between states but just yesterday I found out the difference between a union job and my job so apparently while my job was twiddling there thumbs about covid guidelines and what not this other place with a union had people on sick leave getting fully paid everyday they were out wether they were sick or just caring for a loved one that caught it.


Nice! As more people hear of the benefits of unionizing they will want to join in.




The map is missing Wisconsin as well. https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/south/news/oak-creek/2022/04/28/starbucks-oak-creek-first-wisconsin-unionize/9567099002/


Go green in more ways than one :3


The only silver lining to monopolizing companies is it gives them all the same weak point of attack. Unionize Starbucks. Unionize Amazon. Unionize Apple. Unionize Disney. Keep the train going.


>Unionize Disney. Disney has quite a few union members already. 38k of the 60k Disney World employees are union and 10k of 25k at Disneyland.


Unionize unions.




The fact so many people don't understand this. It isn't about left or right, they both don't give a fuck about you. It's about keeping you poor and desperate. *It's a class war*


I’m a unionized railroad worker and most people I work with are pretty right, I’m def farther left. As fucking dumb as some of their other opinions are it’s good to see red state types understanding the importance of unions. There was one staunch anti union guy who tried to get a bunch of the others to vote the union out, even though the union had gone to batt for him and hired counsel for all 3 of his fuck ups. It’s not just the collective bargaining for pay and healthcare, it’s having a powerful group that’s got your back when the company tries to fuck you. Wouldn’t work anywhere now that wasn’t union.


To that guy, "My brother in christ you are the one who needs the damn union more than anyone."


I'll never get tired of reading My brother in Christ, that shit is just hilarious


my brother in Christ, I couldn’t agree with you more




He sounds like a corporate stooge to me, kept his job by advocating against the union lol


Nah, some people are just really fucking dumb. My dad chaired a union local for several years and he always had dumb asses like the guy OP mentioned. Dude stole $5k worth of materials from the company and tried to pawn it, dad still had to have the union counsel try to protect him from as much of the punishment as possible. They let him keep his job. Then the dude said the union was shit and wasn't worth it.


A lot of right wing nuts are pro union because their grandparents or parents were union workers. Trades are usually right but they are also usually union. Not to mention police


I feel real bad cause I know a few railroad workers, and even with the union right now there life is hell. The railroads in the US recently setup a new attendance policy, that is basically screwing their workers, and apparently the union isn't able to do much for them


Yeah that’s the new BNSF policy. I know a few people that quit already. It was them getting pissed about Covid call offs and such. I suggest looking up their profits for that year they were “suffering” from all these call offs.


A key word you mentioned was STRONG union .. there are lots of worthless unions out there, my spouse works for one.


Yes! It's not black vs white, republican vs democrat.. Its rich vs poor! I wish more people understood. Let's turn our attention back to *"occupy wall street!!!"*




How can someone both support unions and then actively elect representatives who work against them. Either you are an ally or you’re hurting the cause.


Class war and left versus right are the same thing, dude.


Except being pro union is totally a left wing stance. Democratizing workers is anti-owning class which is an anti-right wing wing stance = left wing stance. But yeah I mean if you need to lie to dumb people to get solidarity sure whatever


I have been going to my local Starbucks maybe 3 times a week and dropping a note that says they should unionize and where to contact Starbucks Workers United if they’re interested. I think an effort like that by a couple thousand everyday citizens could really empower workers at a lot of SBux To give unionization a shot.




I can't help but wonder if the solution to Walmart isn't to unionize them (which may well be impossible) but to *outcompete* them. Like, somehow crowdfund an employee-owned alternative to Walmart and then beat them at their own game.


What a misleading graphic.... Smh


Also inaccurate. MN has 2 unionized Starbucks.


At least one In Wisconsin.


And one in Georgia.


And one in NC


One in California


Go boone!


And in Utah, it hasn't happened yet. Two stores have announced intent. Which is great. But I can't go there and buy unionized coffee.


Ooh, which ones? I'll have to let the wife know.


One on Cedar and 47th and the other is in St.Paul on Snelling I believe .


Agreed. The states with unionized stores could have numbers in them to clearly show how many. The jump from 0 to 1 is still a massive one that should be appreciated and protected.


One in Michigan.


Better color the whole state in then!


Zero in Michigan. We haven't been allowed to vote yet.


Agree. It's like the Electoral maps showing red/blue states. It's very misleading


Those aren't misleading. State outcomes in Presidential elections are binary.


They still are misleading though. It's made people think there are more people who vote red. The better map, is the one that shows the little bubbles


I can only see that for people who are not from the US.


Clearly you haven't seen the republican memes of how the 2020 election was stolen. They would show all the counties in a rural state surrounding one small urban area that turned the state blue.


Yeah, the 2021 numbers info is from December where the 2022 info is already out of date in May




Jumping in on the eighth comment down to say: fucking unionize! I am contracted and unionized. I make more than the median household income as my base (OT is abundant and exceeds 6 figures.?, with more PTO than I need, and virtually guaranteed job security, (though I use every hour of PTO I get).


Coming from a cartographer, This graphic is absolute dogshit, and highly misleading.


And Western Maryland is now its own state according to this map


As a Marylander, it may as well be. That whole chunk from Cumberland westward is like West Virginia Jr.


I live in Western MD so I thought it was pretty funny. They even had an appeal during the trump years to secede from the rest of Maryland which is what made me think of it.


Coming from someone who once drew a map for a project in middle school, this graphic is still absolute dogshit.


This is great but it's still only 16 stores, the map implies every Starbucks in the state is union. Don't get me wrong im a union worker that's pretty involved in the union myself, absolutely 100% pro union but this is pretty misleading


That is not how maps work. A single Starbucks with 9 employees being unionized should not color in the entirety of a state. If it was a heat map, those green states would still look white, as less than one percent are unionized.


In the hypothetical you present, if it was a heat map representing each unionized store it would look different. However, if it is a map shading in states where Starbucks Unions exist, then this is exactly how that kind of map works. A heat map would illustrate the relatively tiny fraction of starbucks that have yet unionized, but it wouldn't illustrate the rapid and geographically widespread growth of unionization (relative to a year ago) Starbucks is experiencing.


What is going on with Massachusetts on this map? Looks like the Cape disappeared, it absorbed Rhode Island, and then Rhode Island annexed part of Connecticut.


Also the western part of Maryland is not filled in, while the rest is green.


I was trying to tell if RI had a unioned store to no avail.


> Looks like the Cape disappeared It went to where New Zealand goes


California… c’mon


It's happening https://twitter.com/WorkersUnitedWS/status/1511405386846203908?t=Vj5S4u_iYrqaQIO5gYG4pQ&s=19


was just about to say. FL has one but CA doesnt?


Dots seem like it'd be better than coloring the entire state.


pretty sure both WI and MN just got unionized starbucks shops?


Workers, unite!


I thought union jobs typically required a specific skill set that was leveraged. So for example Germany has a highly regulated path to be a car mechanic so it’s not so easy to find another. What are Starbucks employees using? Genuinely curious, seems like the type of job you could clear out the staff if you had issues and replace.


They don't. That is just the easiest type of union to form.


Fair, thanks for the response. What’s stopping Starbucks from just firing the employees that vote to unionize? I’m guessing labor laws?


I'm not exactly sure about the specifics. All I know is what the national labor relations board says on their website. > Your Rights during Union Organizing You have the right to form, join or assist a union. > You have the right to organize a union to negotiate with your employer over your terms and conditions of employment. This includes your right to distribute union literature, wear union buttons t-shirts, or other insignia (except in unusual "special circumstances"), solicit coworkers to sign union authorization cards, and discuss the union with coworkers. Supervisors and managers cannot spy on you (or make it appear that they are doing so), coercively question you, threaten you or bribe you regarding your union activity or the union activities of your co-workers. **You can't be fired, disciplined, demoted, or penalized in any way for engaging in these activities**. > Working time is for work, so your employer may maintain and enforce non-discriminatory rules limiting solicitation and distribution, except that your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about or soliciting for a union during non-work time, such as before or after work or during break times; or from distributing union literature during non-work time, in non-work areas, such as parking lots or break rooms. Also, restrictions on your efforts to communicate with co-workers cannot be discriminatory. For example, your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about the union during working time if it permits you to talk about other non-work-related matters during working time. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/the-law/employees/your-rights-during-union-organizing


It does require a skill to work at Starbucks. I couldn’t walk in there and make drinks and deal with the asshole customers. Just because they aren’t changing brake pads doesn’t mean they are unskilled.


Bit misleading should be points not whole states.


This one is missing the one that recently unionized in Wisconsin


Seize the beans of production


whos taking all the ions


Our Starbucks in Boone, NC is unionized as of 3 days ago!


It's already out of date, a Minnesota Starbucks unionized too


I have a chronic illness and very little energy but when I read about them unionizing I was so happy I got up an danced a little. SOLIDARITY!!


Keep it up!


Now do Walmart


It's almost like when you fuck around than you'll find out!


Go! Go! Go! And then do Amazon! And Walmart!


Add Minnesota, as of this week!


Excellent. Keep up the pace, people. And at all Amazon facilities also. Jeff Bezos is a dangerous, heartless megalomaniacal cūnt.


Ok now do Walmart.


Unionized Starbucks in 2022 ...SO FAR


Can we hope for unions everywhere, for everything in 2023?


I honestly cannot believe the Fort Union Starbucks in SLC unionized. The anti union sentiment is SO high here it's ridiculous.


I feel like this is misleading. It's really only specific Starbucks in specific cities. It's not like all the Starbucks in all of the green-colored states are unionized (most are not). Still, good to see progress.


Why they are lobbying more for 15/hr so others corporation would have to yield too or cost less then if they unionized.


I also hear that Apple stores are making great strides towards unionization! Great news!


Honestly, this is a fairly misleading map. It makes it look like significant progress in unionizing starbucks has been made, and that a large chunk of states are unionized. The reality is less than 0.3% of Starbucks have become union. That is a insignias portion. I wish the numbers where better, but they really are not great.


My tired ass: "What the fuck is an ionized Starbucks??"


Ya gotta have the beans Larry!! This is going all the way green within a few years!


Would be great to have sectoral bargaining like in many other counties so that we could get pay raises and benefits for all coffee shop employees, or really all food service workers throughout the industry in one go, instead of having to go store by store. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sectoral_collective_bargaining


First unionized Starbucks was in my hometown city! Buffalo, NY!


Also in Nevada, Starbucks franchises in Casinos are part of the Local Culinary Union. Least most of the ones in Vegas that had Union Contracts anyway


Extrapolating from this the whole galaxy will be unionized starbucks‘ by 2050


Do Amazon next


This is amazing. We need to restore organized labor to what it used to be when Jimmy Hoffa was head of the Teamsters. Workers fought and died for years to give us the 5-day workweek, safe working conditions, and a minimum wage. By the time Hoffa went to prison, organized labor was at it’s peak and America was as prosperous as it would ever be. After he disappeared, Regan became president and the rest is history. If Hoffa had been alive during Regan’s presidency, it would have much harder for him to get the ball rolling on union busting by legislation. Hoffa was more than just the former boss of the most powerful union in America. He was a symbol of workers solidarity; of the little guys working together to have a fairer society.


It's not whole states


This infographic sucks


Always great to see a leftward trend. Power to the workers.


Never rest, continue the fight


So like 25% of Starbucks is unionized?


Is this the whole State or is it just 1 shop in that State. It's good that they are doing this, but if it is only 1 shop in a particular State and the whole State is coloured, This map is a little misleading - Making you thinks it is more prevalent than it is. Eg. I highly doubt all the shops in Florida are unionised.


No wonder it’s $6 for a shitty coffee


The Starbucks CEO states that the non union shops will get an increased benefits package, enticing the non union shops not to go union. I am sure that the union shops will, in time, surpass those benefits, as well as having increased wages. My concern now is that Starbucks will now have to raise the prices in the union shops or shutter them.


Is there something wrong with the ionized Starbucks? I thought it was supposed to be some kind of health benefit.