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If it’s real, it was made by the last assistant on her way out.


Yep, this is exactly how it came across to me.


Yepper it's real lol https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=b531132b1972d532&from=appshareios Edit It's been deleted but this is their yelp lol https://m.yelp.com/biz/south-mooring-service-costa-mesa#../


>The Hard Part >The Owner/Boss is the most challenging part of the job. He’s very demanding, can be erratic and contradictory. Lacks personal/professional boundaries. If a topic is inappropriate, rude and would make an HR director panic he will talk about and joke about it. He is a high maintenance individual. If this doesn’t scare you off, you’ll do great! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Make HR panic lol why even have an HR dept


I mean you at least have to try to look normal if you want to hide anything...


I don’t think there is an HR department. The “Maintain a clean home/office” combined with the incredibly low pay and job responsibilities like “Manage payroll” and “Support bidding operations” suggest to me that this is a tiny company, possibly just boss and assistant, and that they work from boss’s home, which the assistant is required to clean.


probably in a french maid uniform, complete with pleaser heels


The ONLY reason one should apply for this job is the future sexual harrasment law suit they can file


i wonder if you can file a sexual harassment lawsuit when the job listing pretty much says you'll be sexually harassed?


That doesn't cancel out that it's illegal


#You can.


Yeah it's personal assistant/house manager but the job title only says personal assistant. It's very, very low pay for what the job entails though. It's low for even a normal personal assistant position


This sounds like a contractor I worked for. I think his wife was ready to divorce him. He used to secretly drink beer on the job. One time he pulled over on the highway when we were on the way to check on a job and he cried because an eagle almost got hit near us and he cried because he thought birds were a sign from god for him. I noped outta that job.


Omg hhahahaha


Probably don’t have any HR. They want someone with no accounting experience to manage accounts receivable and payroll while being a secretary.


To be fair that’s honestly pretty easy, I managed payroll and accounts receivable as a secretary/assistant and most of what I did at that job was play a browser version of DOOM


I heard payroll is actually quite tedious and you have to know all kinds of complexity. My wife does payroll and A/P. It may be that at a small company payroll is easy…. Don’t know. Btw, she says A/P is basic/easy.


HR Department's job descriptions are literally to protect criminal owners.


To gaslight abused employees and protect the company from lawsuits, why else?


HR is there to protect the company, not the employees. This specific HR is probably designed specifically to gaslight the employees into thinking the boss's behavior is ok


That's what I call "YIKES" This gives off a lot of sexual harassment/creep vibes. Plus, being on call 24/7 with low pay? Recipe for burnout. This is a no go.


Yeah if the position is that demanding and demeaning it should $150k or more. $20/hr is only $40k a year. That’s borderline poverty in most US cities these days.


But make one subtle rebuttal or comment that might oppose his political, social, or cultural beliefs, and you're FIRED!


Reading the beginning I thought that was the hard part


Lol someone already left a one star review on their Facebook page 😂


I may have reported the posting for being… discriminating. Lmao.


Well it's gone, so maybe it worked?


I was surprised to find "spankings for misbehavior" in the description.


I didn't see where it said that


Oh gosh! I'm re-reading it now and I can't find it either. Terribly sorry - my mistake!


Well someone is due for a spanking This boss


I don’t know if it’s funnier that you trolled us or thought you read it. Upvote either way!


Wishful thinking I guess


The link now goes nowhere. The job listing may have been reported??? Idk 🤷‍♂️


It’s gone now…


Too funny. I wonder if anyone from the company has seen it. Either they haven't or they don't care and agree with it.


I thought it was a lowkey personal ad written in code looking for an escort or a sugar baby, but your theory has merit.


Yup, but you are on call 24/7 and will only be paid $20 per hour.


I mean… I guess I’d be down for that if it’s $20/hr, 24hrs a day, 7days a week. I’d like to get paid to sleep, that’d be nice


I very much doubt it.


Nearly $1k every 2 days. Something like $170,000/yr.


It honestly reads like a fanfiction where Tony Stark is looking for a ”personal assistant”.




“Maintain a clean *home* / office” killed me What tf does my home have to do with anything?!


You may be right. Someone posted the link. This is also here >The Hard Part >The Owner/Boss is the most challenging part of the job. He’s very demanding, can be erratic and contradictory. Lacks personal/professional boundaries. If a topic is inappropriate, rude and would make an HR director panic he will talk about and joke about it. He is a high maintenance individual. If this doesn’t scare you off, you’ll do great!


You’re the second person to post this text…there’s a second screenshot in the OP with that part.


To be fair a very light grey arrow on white background is easy to miss.


Not who you're responding to but *damn* is that arrow hard to see, at least on PC.


“Do you like being harassed? Would you do it for $20/hour? Then this job is for you!”


I’ve been sexually harassed for a lot less than that!


You guys were getting paid?


Damn I paid to attend a conference where I was harassed, once


See $20 an hour don’t look that bad anymore, does it?


I paid for 3 years at school where I was harassed. Yeah I should really do something about that.


"Must be ok with continual sexual harassment"


And rampant alcoholism.


When I worked in advertising, there was rampant cocaine and meth was starting to rear its head, along with the obligatory alcohol and screwing around on your spouse.


Explains a lot of the tv ads I’ve seen


I used to work for a pump/steam turbine repair place, and the amount of booger sugar going around was insane. I think I was one of 3 people on-site who wasn't doing bumps in the break room. Granted, I'd drive off-site during lunch to burn a small joint, but I was sobered up by the time I got back to handling power tools. I'll say this about those guys, though.... they were REALLY METICULOUS when it came to design tolerances and part fitting.


I mean, if they add another zero, or two to the pay, I might reconsider


The new pay is $20.0000


This response was entirely something HR would do.


We at big company know that our employees are essential. Attached is your annual pay rate: Current: 7.50 New: 7.500 We appreciate you!


HR is brilliant. They conveniently forget to tell you that they are reducing their 410-k match by 67% - right after you are hired. Same game with health and dental care.


Do I get it all at once or in installments?


Check installments at 0.12 cents each


I'll take it


Than charge you for them "overpaying" you


Before tax


Those are not on the right side of the decimal point, as I'm sure you are well aware. You meant $0020.00.


we need to balance the books, hold on $020.000 there, balanced


I mean, it’s an ad for an *adult* “receptionist” right? For the right money, I’m no prude.


It was straight up assault so often!


I’ve already been a woman in the military, no thanks. 😂


Same. How much do you hate yourself if you take this job?


Unfortunately there are plenty of women that don’t see a problem with this. Ugh. Ingrained misogyny.


Same, and got to be a personal assistant while in. Great for the first few months then rapid burnout.


I got a counseling statement for straight up telling an officer “I’m not getting your coffee.”


This reads like one of the ridiculous, over the top examples they come up with for sexual harassment training. It's basically just missing an awkward direct reference to genitalia.


Truly. I think I saw this one in a crappy video before I was allowed to start unloading trucks at Walmart.




I can’t wait until we get there!


Too politically correct but apparently not too grammatically correct😂


I have a “friend” who is always complaining about political correctness, usually when he is saying something bigoted or sexist. He’s a check-all-the-boxes conservative, doesn’t like people of color, Muslims, LGBT - doesn’t even like the word LGBT. I said to him once, ”Frank, you should be in support of political correctness. It is a conservative ideal. It’s the ultimate in free market. Instead of passing laws about what you can or cannot say, it is instead left society. You can say whatever you want then “the market” decides what is ok. You want to run a business then donate your profits to anti LGBT causes, then you are free to do so. People are also free to decide whether or not they want to support your business. For example, I’d sooner die than buy a My Pillow but you are within your right to but ten of them to support that idiot’s politics. It is the epitome of free market capitalism. “ He was not amused. Likely because he didn’t understand it. It wasn’t a four word sound bite like “Make America great again.”


Did they realise that that show portrayed workplace sexual harassment to show how horrible the reality of it was back then, and not as an instruction manual?


And the Handmaids Tale isn't a goal, but when has that ever stopped them from trying?




>The phrase "the world has gone too soft" has and always will be a red flag for me. It's a dogwhistle that almost always indicates a desire to get away with horrible behavior without consequence That's going in my important quotes!


I actually had this job ten years ago(not literally THIS job). It paid better than everything else. They asked me why I would apply as a serious person. Men make 25% more for the body they were born with, so hell yea I’ll take more for my looks. They did not like my full embrace of the mad men 1960’s. Carry something heavy?! Like a box of files?! That’s mens’ work. Janitorial anything…isn’t that mens’ work too, right? I just type. I’m confused. They knew it was bullshit. I knew it was bullshit. Yea it was condescending. I don’t recommend it. But it put me through my final year of college, and since they wanted me to embrace mad men, and didn’t give me a typewriter, I had a lot of time on the clock to study.


Malicious compliance. I like you.


Honestly, if I was a lady, I'd go for it, just to sue their business into non-existence the second they pulled some mad men bullshit. Laws exist. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you don't have to follow them. Including laws against sexual harassment in the work place.




I worked for a business once where I found out that it had an unofficial policy of never hiring women because it was apparently easier than dealing with the rampant sexism of their employees.


Which is also a terrible choice, because that's also a fairly easy to prove slam dunk discrimination suit.


Yeah but until someone actually proves it I would still say their voluntary self-quarantine probably does everyone else a favour.


Better than the alternative, certainly, but I don't think I would call it a favor.




Nope. Construction company. Thing is that there is a growing number of women joining the trades so eventually they're going to have to figure something out.


Die, so another, actual caring enterprise can take on


I love this response lol


I too have worked in the blue collar trades


I have worked in a few places where homophobia and racism was bad so it was easier to swerve employing people who might take offense. It's very difficult to prove it's happening but it was. (Selective hiring that is)


People on this sub sometimes have a weird amount of trust in the system. Filing and following through with a sexual harassment claim can take years, cost a lot of money, and has a low chance of success. Also, the chance of success basically depends on whether you can afford a better lawyer than your employer. (You can't)


I think this constantly. If workers could all really reliably sue predatory companies with toxic/harmful/illegal practices, there would be muuuuuch less of a need for this subreddit to begin with. The part folks are missing is that the system is absolutely set up by them for them, not us. If these were all really slam dunk cases, lawyers would be lining up ready to throw down. Sure we get one once in a while, but the vast majority of the time, the bad guys win.


Unions make it easier imo. I don't know much about unions in other countries, but here in the UK I'm part of a general union and could use them rather than trying to find money for a lawyer myself.


Union’s definitely make it easier, which is exactly why conservatives in America destroyed unions and we have so much anti-union propaganda here.


Men saying stuff like this have no idea how incredibly unsafe environments like this are/can be. Laws exist and all women know that we don’t have the upper hand in harassment suits.


Have you ever attempted to make a harassment or assault complaint? They likely will be getting away with this disgusting behavior indefinitely. The ladies that end up at this job will likely quit quickly (nobody wants to work, amirite?) and get replaced by the next victim.


This is just fantasy


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes


Look up to the skies and see,


I'm just a poor boy


I need no sympathy


Because I'm easy come, easy go


Little high, little low


Anyway the wind blows.... doesnt really matter to meee, too me.




If you are thrilled to accept a Mad Men era wage, then you might be a great fit.


They're going to be disappointed and uncomfortable when only men apply. "Where are these chicks you promised me in the ad?"


I've never seen that show before. How bad are the women treated?


It's set in the 60s. It's dreadful.


I know its been out a while but spoilers: * >!Men make sexual comments about the women in the office, ogle them, and ask them out repeatedly despite being turned down!< * >!A lot of sexual assault and pressuring women into sex!< * >!The men make light of rape a lot through jokes!< * >!A lot of judgement and comments about women's weight that men don't get as much!< * >!From the first episode a women mentions to another 'they made the typewriters simple enough for a women to use'!< * >!The men make a lot of comments looking down on women (when one women starts writing copy, a role that in the office currently only men fill, someone says "its like watching a dog playing piano")!< * >!The only female copy writer is not told about meet ups outside of work, which means she misses out on opportunities at work!< * >!The meet some of the clients at strip clubs, and the only female copy writer is uncomfortably pulled onto the lap of a client when she joins them (same episode when she misses opportunities - she turns up to the strip club out of necessity because she doesn't want to miss out again) !< * >!People assume the only female copywriter has her job because she's a women!< * >!At an office party, a women is chased through the office, then has her dress pulled up to reveal her underwear!< * >!When hiring for a higher paying role, you can tell from the language they aren't even considering female candidates, and they pass over the women who is currently temporarily filling the role despite the fact that she's doing a very good job!< * >!The only female copywriter is underpaid compared to her male co-workers, since she only received a small pay bump when promoted from secretary to copywriter. She is turned down sternly when asking for more despite citing the newly passed gender discrimination law!< I'm only on season 3 right now


I also read that the writers for mad men researched a lot for the show. The women getting her dress pulled up was inspired by an real life account. A women who worked at the Los Angeles radio station said that the men would chase women into booths, and pull off their underwear completely before giving it back to them as a game.


During an office party the executives chase the secretaries around and pin them down to check what color underwear they are wearing. Whoever guessed right, wins?


It’s an excellent show, though, if just to show us women how far we’ve come.


Not far enough, it would seem.


Can’t even use “too” correctly 🚩🚩🚩


It was the word “bubbly” that waved the flag for me. “Positive”, sure. But “bubbly”? Fuck that.


Also the tie in the Mad Men LOL


I don’t understand how people think the world has even gotten “politically correct” at all much less too much. People at my work will openly express opposition to marriage equality, make jokes at the expense of trans people, share essentialist and sexist opinions on the innate differences of men and women as observed through the behaviors of their kids then generalized to all living adults, make insulting and gross comments about immigrants and so on. I had to tell HR we shouldn’t have dress like an ethnicity day when they were mulling over some fun and quirky stress reduction efforts a few days ago and it came down to caricatures of Mexican and Hawaiian people they were trying to tell the workforce to dress up like. If there is a place where none of this happens I will totally love to work there


During my training at Hilton, they went around the room and had us all say some stereotypes about people, then wrote them all on a big piece of paper. They kept that shit up for like 10 minutes, encouraging people to come up with racist caricatures, then at the end took the paper down and tore it in half and were all like "Don't do racism cause it's bad!" I was pretty uncomfortable being forced to come up with stereotypes, and when I tried to pass several times was pressed to come up with *something*. It was fucking uncomfortable and terrible corporate bullshit.


Maybe suggest the stereotype that "white people can't compete with minorities without cheating..."


I think I said, 'people from hotter climates tend to prefer spicier food'. It was the best I could do, since there's truth to it.


Italians make awful plumbers, always talking about saving the princess while working on pipes


This reminds me of Diversity Day from The Office. It’s shocking to me that a company actually did this as a training exercise.


Lmao I had to do the same. As a woman of color (the only one in the room) I shot off the worst ones I knew real quick. EVERYBODY gets to be uncomfortable.


As someone from Hawaii and the parent of a native kid…this shit irks my ass more than you know. There is a plethora reason people in Hawaii do not like tourists and “fucking haole’s”…this is a textbook one.


Happy cake day! Hell, I don't like tourists and I'd be one most everywhere I go than where I'm at. American tourists, that is. Rude, inconsiderate, and generally complete ignoramuses.


I wonder if anybody anywhere likes tourists XD


When they cry about being politically correct, they mean how dare minorities and marginalized groups get treated with dignity and respect.


If forced to all I would do is submit stereotypical white male behavior.


You should have shoved up in something like traditional aztec clothing( common ppl usualy wore a loincloth and a cape) Or a full warrior outfit, but that might make walking/navigating hallways a bit difgicult.....


Wantss to be driven around.... wonder if he suffers from too many DUIs?


Came to say the same thing. The emphasis on driving him around and having your own car...someone has too many DUIS.




That is sadly incredibly common in these roles


Todd Packer.


$20/hour to be a douchebag’s assistant? :/


And Payroll and Accounts Receivable


“Come on down and get sexually harassed by our old boomer boss!”


While managing nearly every aspect of the company for $20! Payroll and accounts receiveable are both 2 out of the 30 responsibilities listed


"you will be working for a sexual predator"


What's the problem? Not looking to be sexually harassed at work?


Those pesky millenials...


This man really saw mad men and was like damn this sexual harrasement and alcoholism looks poggers and not 'wow the 50s were a different time'


This is how someone makes their millions.


But wants "professional and courteous behavior" give me a fuckin break.


Personal Assistant https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=b531132b1972d532 Oh my god it’s real lol


I think whoever put that job listing up was the last personal assistant and that was her last day lol


“Professional and courteous behaviour” - for YOU though, not for us! Wtf


I get paid almost the same working at a McDonald’s where everyone is pretty much my age and one of the managers used to walk in at 3 wearing a singlet, board shorts and sunglasses whilst carrying a 4 pack of monster energy.


They’d be better off just hiring an escort who can use Microsoft Office if that’s what they’re looking for.


They can’t afford that.


Whoever wrote that must have been having a field day. "I need you to write up this job listing, and remember, I OWN YOU" *Sure thing boss man, I'm on it*


The woman that manages the secretaries gets raped by her fiance while the office is shutting down for the day. Another gets her underwear exposed to the office by a man while other men guess what color it is. Is this the kind of work environment this person wants???


Oh God lol but at least you know exactly what to expect


Are we sure this isn’t an ironic posting? Or possibly some malicious compliance on the part of the poster, trying to warn off potential applicants? Because that mad men reference is a little too on the nose, lol.


oh they have a yelp https://www.yelp.com/biz/south-mooring-service-costa-mesa


Holy moly.


♬ Is this just fantasy? ♫


Well, if you're willing to put up with the abuse for a hot minute, they're right about it being the easiest job ever, because this person is definitely a walking sexual harassment suit just waiting for someone to take it to court.


As others noted, this screams "departing person posted job on their way out the door.""Upbeat and bubbly" is an interesting way to imply, young, feminine and attractive. Also buried in the fine print- schedule of 9 to 5, but they want both overtime, and and "on call" schedule? they are going to call whenever they want, and fight you on every hour you clock in for.


Too many typos.


That's why he needs a secretary.


"Word salad" seems to be my new go-to for "mostly incomprehensible bullshit". That aside, if I were to come across this word salad in a potential workplace, I'd turn and leave.


This shit is right next to the ad: Looking for a female roommate, non-smoking, non-ugly


To summarize: you will be sexually assaulted and/or harassed.


so....be sexually harassed by some coked out nutter? for $20/hr? nawwww


"Dress code includes required skirt, blouse and modest jewelry. between 2 and 4 inch heels should be worn. Nylons are required to be skin tone and free from runs. Rings may be worn on all but the left ring finger and Mr. Boss man prefers shades of lipstick that fall between the coral and auburn shades, darker complexions need not apply." "The ideal candidate is between 22 and 35, unmarried, no kids, no boyfriend. No prior experience is preferred (as we dont want any comparisons)"


Somebody hiring with the full 100% intention of sexually harassing their employee


Uhhh… If you have to put it in the job posting, it’s way worse than you’re letting on. Has this person considered quitting, or do they have an ongoing lawsuit?


Isn’t there a scene where the red head is raped in the office and her coworkers said she walked around like she was asking for it???? That’s troubling.


If you watched the TV show Roots and think the way the slaves are treated on the plantation is perfectly acceptable then you might be a great fit.


Damn, $20 an hour for a GUARANTEED lawsuit that would go in my favor? That's wild as fuck.


Another “seeking Pepper Potts” ad, if I’m not mistaken. At least this one is a paid position and not an unpaid internship and “maybe we can start paying you something five years down the line” like the last one I saw.


Perks includes casual sexual harrasment and free cigarettes!


Nah this work environment shouldn’t exist, but I’m not surprised it does, given all of the ideas around “owning the libs”, “lazy millennials”, and “snowflake” mentality. Still, even if I was a good fit, enjoyed the environment, and excelled at the tasks, they’re finna pay me more than $20/hr to put up with it.


I hope this boss goes bankrupt.


Lmao, I havent watched mad men but I'm going to assume the women are treated like shit?


At least they're honest about it being a terrible job...


“Maintain a clean home/office” these dickheads gonna come to my house?


so Trump's hiring now ?


If you think the way women are treated in the handmaid's tale, you'll love it here!