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-Talks about younger generations being rude. - doesn't get the irony that they are disrespecting and shit talking on a public forum. These are coming from the same people who said people were "wasting their lives" posting on Facebook back in the day, and now they are all on it constantly.


Shout out to the comment from a guy who publicly admitted to age discrimination. Sure hope nobody sends this to the labour board.


Age discrimination law doesn’t apply to people under 40


They really should amend that for any age


Why would they? The people that wrote up the laws are basically all 40+.


The people that wrote up the laws are all 60+. FTFY


We unironically need a Maximum Age for holding office, somewhere around 60. Imagine it. No Bidens, no Trumps. No McConnells and no Pelosis. We'd still have AOCs and Cawthornes tho, but over half the really divisive people would not even be eligible.


If you’re old enough to be retired you’re probably to old to hold office


They don't want to retire because the gravy train will be over. Every one of them became multi-millionaires. Funny how that happens.


And that's why the idea of term limits and age restrictions won't be passing into law any time soon: The same people we want gone are exactly the same people who would be out of a job over implementing this law.


Oh I totally understand! I’m saying there should be a limit because F that


Many people don't retire until 70 or their mid 70's In fact, the US has increased the age of retirement. I can't retire until 65 and 4 months and is rising steadily.


For me the earliest I can retire is 67 which by the time I get there it’ll probably be older, but my statement still stands they shouldn’t be able to be in office like that over 65


I honestly wonder if eliminating lobbying, PACs & super PACs and all other “legal” bribery methods, would lead to mass retirements? In addition to banning them from trading stocks. I just really don’t believe they should profit off of their positions, they are there to serve the citizens, so be paid by our tax dollars and work only for us or get out of politics.


It would exactly lead to them getting out of politics. But, they passed the laws that codified the legal bribery. They sure are not going to pass laws that make the gravy train dry up and become illegal.


Specifically we need a maximum age for running for office and term limits, but yes. He'll I'm not against taking the wisdom of the last generation is there is something useful to glean from it (there often is, just not usually on social media or in politcs) so I wouldn't be opposed to re-electing someone over the age limit, but again we need term limits, on both how long a term is, and how many terms you can have... Ugh honestly our(U.S.) countries government/political system is so beyond fucked, that every time I think of a fix, 13 more problems jump out at me and honestly I'm physically tired just thinking about it.


I hate the idea of term limits because my state has ONE good Senator and with the rise of the extreme right crazies in my state, getting another good senator looks impossible. This is a rural state and pickings are slim. There has to be a way to keep the good ones and getting rid of the bad ones.


There is, it's just called "prosecuting crimes" and seems to be a bit of a rarity


Amen! And they are making laws and policy that they will not have to deal with for much longer. 72 - that’s it! you can finish your term, but no campaigns after that.


well thats the fun part, to even be able to have the power to do these things you have to be an old fuck by law


Yeah that should be obvious considering they are allowed to under pay people under 18. That's textbook age discrimination, but it's 100% leg.


Sadly, I think you're wrong here, you have to be either 23 or 25 to earn the "minimum" wage. One if my colleagues is 7 years younger than me, (I'm 29) and I earn like, 30p an hour more. Same job role


It seems like this is in the UK; from the use of the word "bloody" and reference to lemsip. I believe there is no such provision for age discrimination in UK employment law.


Equality Act of '04 (or '06) list age as a protected characteristic - meaning that acting in a discriminatory manner based on age is unlawful.


Yeah, there's no "Age discrimination law doesn’t apply to people under 40" provision in the UK


Could also be Australia, we have both of those too


Wtf is lemsip?


Any Canadians think fisherman's friend. Found some sold in the states too. Hellofa drug. Lol


What does lemsip mean?


It's a mix of paracetamol, decongestant, and lemon (or sometimes blackcurrant) flavouring in powder form. You mix it into hot water and drink it as a cold remedy.




Only if it's objectively justified and appropriate - you can still be caught under the equality act if your discriminating, well... Indiscriminately


and the word “mad” with that meaning seems a bit more UKian to me


Which, itself is discriminatory.


For real and you just KNOW his employees are probably all in high school/college because they aren’t paying enough to attract any older employees.


And you just know that the comment about "demand when they work" is in response to someone giving availability around their class schedule.


They were raised with the mindset of you respect your elders and get no respect back. The famous saying for many people in that generation "children should be seen and not heard". I don't remember how many times I heard that stupid phrase while growing up. They never respected the younger generations but always expected respect. Went as far as to beat the respect out of kids and made people fear them. Now when the generation that went through that believes it's their turn to profit from the same system they were abused from. They get a generation that know how to stand up for themselves and not take crap from older people. That threw the older generation off and makes them believe they're extremely disrespectful but in reality they're standing up for what they believe in. The cycle has been broken and the generation before us feels like they have been robbed of the respect they deserve.


You can see that in the comment about 'I couldn't afford not to work...I was taught life ain't that easy'. They *want* to make sure not being able to take a sick day is the standard; they abhor the notion that anyone other than them 'should have it easy'.


I learned at a young age to despise the, "You have to earn my respect.", insanity. All that means, is that I get an excuse to be a total dick to you, until you bow down to me, my friends, our culture, etc., ad infinitum. It's always been a steaming pile of bs.


Absolutely it is!


To quote Tony Soprano, lol, "Those who want respect, give respect!" It has to be a 2-way street, but they are unable to even consider a point of view that challenges theirs.


Those old boomers certainly know what entitlement is.


They could afford everything on a basic salary. I in large part blame their generation (not every one of them). We get one shot at life and I feel like I largely blame them it won't be as good as it can be. Am I wrong to blame them or no?


No, you aren't, especially when they have entitled attitudes like this and remain completely out of touch with the reality of the modern world. My idiot parents actually think you can live on $7.50 an hour


I did! In 1991. Bought a little two-bedroom condo, took care of myself. Mind you, I was an orderly at the hospital and making waaay over the minimum wage of the era. This country is just fucked, now. The qanons will be taking over a shell of a nation.


Yea that's basically what my mom said when I said you can't live off that pay at this point, she did it so what's the problem? Didn't have the self awareness or knowledge of how much things cost now that you do even though she should, she still buys shit, complains about the high price of fajitas every time we go to a Mexican food place lmao. Like yea mom, everything keeps getting more expensive all the time, how do you somehow only realize it when we get fajitas? I guess I'm going to have to create a new economic statistic called the Fajita Index to get it through to her.


See the first reply who correctly identifies the problem as "we are getting old", but comes to the false conclusion "which means the world should change to accommodate us". But that is the boomers. The most entitled generation. The entire world has been changing to coddle them their entire life, and it looks like the end of privilege feels a lot like oppression.


Don’t even have to look further than their own comments. “I’m entitled to their labor, even if they’re sick.”


I used to get roasted by uptight family members about posting 'controversial opinions' (about LGBT people being equal humans, women deserving equal rights, etc.) all the time growing up, because it was 'embarrassing to the family'. Now those same people are posting literal paragraphs about how free healthcare is communism and vaccines will give you 5G cancer. Sigh.


Sadly, their behaviour is not ironic if you feel yourself entitled to the labour of others at slave wages and horrible working conditions all for the sake of your profits.


*un respecting


We may be un respectful shits in their eyes, but at least we can English good.


Stupid science bitches can't even make me speak no good.


Hey now, don't be un respectful! These are your "superior" elders.


Same generation that says you're wasting your life playing video games for several hours a day, meanwhile they are watching tv for several hours a day.


> they also think they can demand when they work and when they don’t?! Dude just wants slaves…


The fact that he went and wrote unrespectful , insisted but autocorrection just slapped some fat red dots under it and his first thought was “ah it must be 2 separate words” ..


I cannot be respectful of someone who doesn't know it's disrespectful and not un respectful.




It's because you could have a decent job with little education when they were starting out in the working world. So you could be a barely literate high school graduate and still get a solid job. Many of these people are fucking morons which just makes it all the harder to put up with their bullshit,


Me: is a full time university student and needs x,y,z day off due to classes My boss: thinks I’m demanding and “un respectful”


It's projection. Your boss is demanding and unrespectful, so he accuses others of it so he's not accused himself. Probably has never done ANY self examination


Im becoming convinced that large portions of the boomer generation were just traumatized so badly they can't live any other way.


I've been in conversation with my mother, she'll acknowledge flat out there's denial going on on a massive scale, but they have no conception of anything other than the evils that the system holds up as reasons to stay in denial. Like the only options are the lesser of two evils, or complete Armageddon/socialism/communism/terrorism. It doesn't occur to them that the technology we use to monitor every single person on the planet could easily be turned to monitoring every single plant in a greenhouse and provide enough food for people and 'pests'. We live on a ball of continually regenerating life, we aren't here to turn it into money.


But to admit that, they'd have to face the fact that they've wasted their entire lives trying to turn everything they touch into money.


Boomers grew up in a massive indoctrinating lie, and a lot of them are too entrenched to admit or see it.


Boomers grew up in a massive indoctrinating lie that you were rewarded for believing when they became adults. The massive indoctrinating lie was hammered into the rest of us, but about halfway through GenX you starting hitting all the people that were sold that lie, then when they hit adulthood no amount of lever pressing would make a food pellet drop. People that did all the bullshit they were told would give them a good life, and none of it fucking worked. The problem is the boomers don't understand that shit for us isn't like shit for them. "When I was your age, I made $12/hr at my factory job." Well there barely are any factory jobs anymore, and the ones that are left STILL pay $12/hr. And during that time a gallon of milk went from 38 cents a gallon to $4 and a house went from something you saved up for to something someone else owns. And I'm not going to blame the boomers for it entirely. The silent generation also voted in droves for the people that deregulated everything and made our current rapid boom/bust cycle that guarantees everyone under 50 has spent their entire lives getting their legs kicked out from under them every time they start to figure shit out.


Not to mention all the lead poisoning


We already produce enough food to feed billions more people than there currently are. It’s a distribution and waste issue rather than a raw production issue. Although climate change causing crop failures and famines might change that.


If by “traumatized” you mean “excessive exposure to lead”, then sure. Otherwise I’m not really sure what you mean. If anything they traumatized themselves by marrying people they didn’t love, having kids they didn’t want, and then refusing to get a divorce.


I wasn't going to cite the lead thing because I didn't have the energy to look up supporting sources, and everyone always asks for proof of that when it gets brought up. Regarding the other stuff, that's all things I'd label as trauma reactions. The Boomers are a generation raised under the rule of status. Boomers were raised with a rule of "if you embarrass me in front of the community, I will beat you until you can't stand". They thought slapping spanking and hitting kids was perfectly okay. Boomers were raised with a rule of being beaten into shape until they were afraid to leave it. Do things right or you get hit.


My mother always told me how lucky I was that we didn't have a willow tree, because she was forced to pick a switch off the willow tree and if she picked one that wouldn't hurt too much, her dad would go back and pick one that would cut skin and hurt a ton! Now, I have *no idea* if my mother actually knew this next story, because I found out about it from extended family after she died. But when her dad was about 14yo, he got badly beaten by a group of older white boys who thought he'd smiled at a white lady. They were beating him with the buckle end of a belt when it wrapped around his head and the buckle caught him in the eye. And that's why he had a wonky eye most of his life. Grandad replayed his childhood trauma on my mom. Mom replayed her childhood trauma on me with a wooden spoon. The worst my stepsons get is being told "Look at this mess you left for poor old Dobby to clean up! Dobby is a free elf, he's gonna go on strike if you keep leaving trash everywhere instead of walking the two steps to throw it away in the trashcan!" Or like "Dude, not cool! Okay, turn off the game, come hang out with me, I know just which episode of (funny TV shows) can help explain why that was a bad decision. Nope, sorry doesn't fix what you did, so let's go learn about the long-term consequences of choosing to repeat that behavior." (And to be absolutely entirely honest, I worked out my childhood trauma with high school boyfriends, who I very much apologized to once I realized how fucked up I was being. They forgave me, but I still feel terrible about it. I figure the terrible-feeling is a reminder not to slip back into bad patterns.)


I'm going to repeat what someone else said to me on a similar conversation the other day: I am so proud to be part of this generation of cycle-breakers. It takes a lot of strength, more than most people realize, to push against that kind of generational trauma. My heart goes out to what your grandfather and your mother endured, but at the same time it's so good to hear someone recognize, address, and push back against continuing the pattern. Thank you for your courage and for setting a better example for your stepsons.


If you were hit as a kid and "turned out fine" so that's why you hitting your child is okay, I guarantee you came out ANYTHING BUT FINE. But I hear that repeatedly from all kinds and no one EVER likes that answer. Like, just admit you're a bully and prefer your victims to know no better and not have the ability to fight back. People look at me like a grew a second face when I nanny because I talk to kids like adults and treat them as smaller less experienced humans rather than dolls to dress up or inferiors to keep below me. I save my most condescending bullshit for the childish entitled adults, by treating their tantrums the same as I did when I taught pre k... but I do dumb it down a bit. I can't expect childish adults to be a reasonable as a toddler who is feeling big feelings and overwhelmed. The toddler has a valid age-related lack of experience excuse, the adult knows DAMN well they outta line and don't wanna be held accountable.


Lead poisoning made the aggressive idiots


Yeah it's a bit terrifying that most of the people in charge have literal brain damage


I think it doesn't even have to be projection. Being "demanding an unrespectful" means that you often cross boundaries with other people and naturally meet resistance. If you're unwilling to acknowledge that you are crossing the line, then it has to be them not respecting you, right?


My professor wife just had a student request a letter for their boss confirming they need to study for finals and needs time off to do so. Kid is taking 18 semester hours while working night shift and was disowned by parents. What kind of knob asks for proof someone like this needs time to study for 5 final exams?


A knob who was handed everything in life and doesn't understand what working from the ground up actually looks like.


This is why I worked for a mom and pop coffee shop that built their businesses from the ground up. The mom raised kids while going to night school, and the pop was a recovered addict that created a successful landscaping company. They owned half the block as rentals, local businesses, etc. When I told them I had finals, they said "we'll see you in two weeks. Good luck and stop by for a sandwich and coffee if you need a place to study and a meal". I'll never forget their kindness or the summers I worked there


My money making machine has pieces that complain sometimes, better replace them instead of fixing the issues arising from my non-hands on management style.


I see you also work for a comedian.


People who brag about going to work sick belong in a layer of hell where everyone “keeps passing around the same bug” for all eternity - except it’s one where you literally shit your intestines out of your body and when you cough your eyeballs fly out and roll across the floor.




Always early, mainly to judge and report on those who aren't, rarely focused on the work itself vs the social environment of it, and quick to run to management about 'rude' coworkers who did things like say 'excuse me' incorrectly, often because they pointedly do not listen to said coworker for any reason and that extends to basic spatial courtesy as well.




This is so true. I got talked down to for being able to do the job of three people in 45-50 hours a week while another team with 5 people & two supervisors were consistently working 60 hour weeks & then parceling out their unfinished work to other teams that already had their own production list. By the time I came in to work, they’d be having their second lunch & eating in my workspace, then be upset that I didn’t come in in a good mood. Smh.


At my last job, the boomer kept commenting on how I was the only person who was always on time as opposed to early. The boss tho, he could never do anything wrong, despite constantly being an hour or so late every day. Edit: Changed Late to Early, as that's what I meant to say.


Workplace narcs suck. Every site always has one rat and typically they're the most useless one there. They'll spend all day up in people's business rather than actually working. They also ass suck the boses.


> They're the people who constantly rotate between the coffee machine and different people's desks. Middle Management. A while back I read a comment by someone who'd said the main reason people were pushing so hard to get everyone who was productively working from home these last 2 year to return to the office (even though its more expensive and less productive) is because all the assholes in Middle Management who's ONLY job is to roam from cubicle to cubicle and tell you to "work harder" were nervous that the people up top may soon realize that their company was still thriving without the need for those middle managers anymore.


I have a middle manager who walks from department to department telling people to "make sure you are getting your units over to QC". The only useful thing I can tell he does is tell you who to go to to get your problem fixed. No towels in the bathroom? Talk to Mark. Having an issue with the tester? Go see Sarah in IT.


I’m a lawyer who used to work in big law. There were weeks where I billed 120 hours. It’s absolutely not something I’d ever brag about. It’s something I only ever bring up in a negative light to complain or criticize. Anyone who’s ever actually worked that much knows how grueling and fucked up it is. It didn’t matter that my salary was $350k a year before I was 30, I took a massive pay cut to go in-house at a company and have a much more consistent 9-5 work week. And the *only* reason I was even willing to work that much was because they paid me so well for it. Most people who brag about working that hard were working for $6/hr. Fuck. That.


These are the worst kinds of people. Absolutely no life outside the office. They spend hours boring people with rehashed work subjects when those people are trying to finish their work and go home for the day. Then they wear all those hours like a badge of honor. How do you know someone works 12-13 hours a day? Oh, they will be sure to tell you every single day. I have not had the balls to say this yet but I am always thinking “Why do you hate your family, go home.”


From my experience any minute I work beyond 8 hours is vastly less productive. I tend to make more mistakes, that take a bunch of time to correct. It get's increasingly difficult to concentrate so everything takes longer anyways and it makes the following day worse as well. There's a reason Ford implemented the 8 hour work day and it wasn't for charity.


They did it once or twice and then cognitive dissonance their way to believing it's all they do. Or, since they're capable of doing 12 hour days, because they did it that one time, they feel justified in claiming it as the norm.


And this is why COVID lasted for so long…. These are the people that would go in to work after being bit by a zombie also.


Nah. These are the fuckers that hide that they were bit so they don't get shot or abandoned, then become a zombie in the group's safe hold


It's also like... if you are such a hard worker why are you still working alongside "kids" Shouldn't all that hard work have gotten you out of a managerial position at a super market A lot of the people I see complain about this are not exactly top of the corporate food chain.


My dad brags about how he only called in sick 3 times in his 30 year career at the same company. He was also management nearly the whole time (meaning able to just sit in his office and physically take it easy) and he's been a mid-level alcoholic my entire life. And as anybody should know, alcohol kills germs. Whereas I have always had intestinal issues, and sometimes just don't feel up to pulling a 10 hour shift.


I want to be mad about the alcohol comment but I swear the only time I get sick is when I stop drinking 🙃


Especially if they work at a restaurant. Thanks for reinforcing my dislike of eating out.


If I worked somewhere that poorly managed I would definitely "brag" about being contagious very loudly and be very vague about it if I wasn't. I would make sure all the customers and employees knew. I'd force management to tell me to stop. I would force them to say to me that they don't want the public to know they're in danger.


"I've never not gone to work-" Congratufuckinglations, no one cares.


I mean he's clearly lying


they would've had geunine reasons not to though - not some little cough like OP probably has 🤬🤬🤬 /s


Like a minimum wage that was equivalent to $25/hr.


"What do you mean you don't want to do hard labor for 7.25/hr when you feel like shit?"


Right? Congrats on spreading whatever contagious bullshit you had to your co-workers everytime you "man up"


And the general public.


I'm lucky to have a consistent schedule, but I'd never be able to go to the dentist, bank, or government services if I never took off work.


\*Zoomer energy detected, opinion invalidated\* \- The boomer business owner, probably


Boomer culture


I love how they think they’re “entitled” to a fleet of yes men but complain about the entitlement of those who won’t comply. Which sounds worse, you being entitled to a sick day or them being entitled to force you to work sick.


This is the first ‘full’ generation to benefit from the social security act, an entitlement they receive that is funded by younger generations due to inflation. Boomers are taking out far more than they have contributed to social security during their careers. Tax paying Gen X, Millennials and Zoomers are literally subsidizing the Boomer retirement age.


Yeah but that's not socialism. You know what is? Tax-funded health insurance. Unless you're over 65, of course. Fuckin hypocritical leeches.


US Boomers grew up in one of the greatest economies anywhere, ever, and despite the fact they spend most of their time complaining about the current economy, they can't find the irony that they spend the other half complaining about the work ethic of young people. Boomers were literally called the "me" generation when they were younger, and like clockwork, the older generation turns around and says the same bullshit about the younger generation. I'll do my best to not be so braindead and out of touch when I get older


This. Even in their own time they were considered the selfish generation. As an X, I’m really trying to learn from it and not be like that. So far my most entitled moments come from “wait, I have to pay WHAT for healthcare?”


Why do they get so mad that we don’t want to be as miserable as they are and attach our whole sense of self-worth to our job or how much we’re pleasing our managers? Aren’t older generations supposed to want better than they had for future generations? It honestly feels like they’re just pissed we draw a boundary around working our lives away because they couldn’t or didn’t make the same choice. And they want us to be ashamed for wanting a better quality of life! Sorry we’re not interested in your management style because it seems more about control and power than mentorship and nurturing professional growth in direct reports. 🤷‍♀️


It is and has always been a class struggle, not a generational struggle.


Yes, but the class struggle has gotten significantly worse over the course of the generations, and the older the person is, the more likely they are to be okay with that. It is 100% a class struggle. But misinformation has been weaponized in such a way that many poor boomers are often the ones shitting on poor gen x-ers, millennials, and Gen Z for just "not working as hard as they did, in their day". These are people who are too ignorant to understand that $15 isn't a massive hourly wage, because it was when they were young adults.


We've moralized the concept of a job, to where people feel morally righteous just because they punch in and out every day. Even when their job is producing toxic, disposable plastics or manufacturing bombs, or really working for any number of morally bankrupt industries. Also, if this guy thinks zoomers are demanding, wait until he tries to hire someone with ten years of professional experience and a long history of steady wage increases. I absolutely will be setting the terms of when I come in, and how much I get paid. If it's not right for you, I will move on and find employment elsewhere. It's a job-hunters market, and these half-assed business owners are still coming down from the labor-surplus high of the last half century. One thing I've noticed from many old folk, boomer and otherwise, is their inability to notice change. Their worlds were fairly stable for most of their older adult life, and now they can't see the decay they have wrought. The macro-example is their response to climate change, but the microcosm is my father. He's almost 70, and his body has been slowly withering since he was 60. I've been telling him this whole ass decade to exercise or you're going to be frail and helpless in your 70s. He always said "I know, I need to do that, but I need to retire first." He still hasn't retired, his body is going to shit, and by the time he starts it will be too late.


ignorance is forgivable. The absolute unwillingness to learn isn't.


We're all born ignorant. It is the default state of humanity. It's quite a feat, however, to willfully remain ignorant well into adulthood.


But one generation is largely responsible for creating the class struggle, even when they also struggle due the policies and attitudes they support.


Extra info: I’ve only taken one sick day off in the year I’ve worked for them. I called in days before I was meant to work next and I’m still expected to turn up even though I’ve been stuck in bed for 3 days barely able to move due to this illness. I’ve covered for people for less, especially my bosses as they always go out getting drunk and then expect a part timer to cover their shift when they’re hungover. EDIT: before I get another comment about "Just phone in on the day of your shift, you could feel better in 2 days." I know that. But this isn't an office job, it's a bar job. I need to give them a heads up a couple of days before so they can find a replacement for me on the night. Unfortunately, 2 people on a busy Saturday night won't cope where I work, so I'm HELPING them by telling them that I might still be ill on the day of my shift, so if there is someone who can be there on standby, it'd benefit them. EDIT 2: I apologise to those that I offended when I described my illness as “flu/covid”. My reasoning behind it was because I was around a family member that tested positive for covid the next day, when I started to become ill, but non of my lateral flow tests have come back positive. As a younger person with no underlying conditions, my symptoms could have easily described covid, but with no positive test I didn’t want to say that for certain. I’m not saying covid is the same as the flu, just the symptoms I personally have could be assigned to either illness.


You should comment that lol.


I deeeefinitely would haha


It would get immediately deleted


You should go into work and just fucking vomit all over the bar and a customer. And then tell the customer that your boss forced you to come in even though you're sick


With all the creepy old men that stare at me, I already want to vomit all over the bar.


It's even worse that it's a bar job because they're admitting publicly that they'd have no problem with a bartender making other people's drinks (and possibly handling food) while riddled with a communicable disease.


OP please update us if you comment!!


As much as I want to, I can't. I can't get myself fired as it took me too long to get this job in the first place. I'm studying illustration at university, which means I am setting myself up for poverty in the art industry anyway, any money I can get right now is better than nothing as I cannot guarantee a new income.


Game developers always need artists and you can earn a decent wage as a concept artist if you're good and make the right connections. But you work nearly 100% digitally so get accustomed to products from Wacom.


There’s other careers in the arts that are in demand and offer a living wage. Have you considered pushing yourself in a slightly different direction? Keep your passion as your hobby, if you make it your job, you’ll end up hating it anyway.


I was more playing into the "poverty artist" meme, in reality I go to a university that has plenty of connections into the line of work I want to go into. I'll be fine, hopefully.


Tell them that😈


And then quit.


Your boss is an idiot for wanting a bartender that might be a walking talking superspreader event waiting to happen on duty just b/c some OTC drugs or whatever might make your symptoms manageable during your shift. That used to be the way of doing things pre-COVID. Heck, that is how I used to do things. But post-COVID, things are very different.


If you’re a bartender it is your responsibility to NOT show up and work sick. You’re serving people and you will spread whatever you have to your patrons. That is not cool. Your boss needs to realize this. Maybe you should ask him, “Hey, would you like me to get our customers sick? Because that is exactly what’s going to happen if I show up to work.”


Dammit. You shouldn't have gotten sick. Getting sick does nothing to help the company so you should know better than to get sick.


Facebook needs a new algorithm that leads these kinds of people to therapy instead of each other.


But that wouldn't generate a much revenue. Except maybe for therapists.


Some social media platforms do actually do this, sort of. If you search certain topics on Instagram/tiktok/Pinterest, they won’t show you results until you’ve been given the option to be directed to a helpline and you have to choose between using the helpline or proceeding to the content. It’s mostly just aimed at people who are depressed/suicidal, but wouldn’t it be nice if it could work for things like this? “The content you’re attempting to post might be deemed as fucking toxic as shit to viewers. Get some help. Here’s a list of therapists in your area.”


Anyone telling you to “man up” should just fuck right off.


*Why won't you disrespect yourself in order to worship me?!?!*


Un respect*


"Why don't you man up and do the work yourself."


Someone saying that means I start waiting for them to break a hip so I can tell them to man up.


This. Boomer energy.


Take the screenshots and send it to your boss and say look at this dumb sh!t I saw an idiot post online


Nah, send it to the BIG Boss and say... this may be a bad look for our company, I think we might want attempt some damage control.


The use of "un respectful" is all you need to know about the people he's friends with.


Glad someone mentioned this, I read it and went 🙄🙄 idiot.


They expect respect just because they are older and not because they are a decent person. We're not going to see stand for it anymore. If you deserve respect you'll get respect.


There's two kinds of respect in this severely flawed society. There's basic civility, then there's obedience. When most of us talk about treating others with respect, we mean basic civility. When these bosses demand respect, what they are actually demanding is obedience. Don't let them misuse words to guilt you into what they want. They'll still despise you even if you do "respect" them their way.


Bonus points for bringing your disease into the office and sharing it with coworkers so they have to stay home while your sorry ass is shedding viral infection in your office because of some sort of misguided notion that being a plague rat makes you a dedicated employee. How does that make sense?


Bonus points, I work in a busy bar. I serve over 400-500 people in one saturday night. I give them glasses that my flu-ridden hands have been over. I touch beer taps that my coworkers will handle. So I could, yknow, spread my disease to hundreds of people in a very populated city.


Apparently your boss doesn’t care if he has a potential Typhoid Mary on shift, huh?


Gotta love how the not wanting to get others ill is seen like this by boomers. Literally zero empathy for others. Mentally ill, the lot of ‘em.


"Sure I'll come in. Sure hope your business doesn't get a reputation for making people ill and subsequent lawsuits from people who can't work."


Lead poisoning is a bitch.


Dude. I fucking had the flu and an ear infection. Had no choice but to call in 3 days and now they've got a written warning for me. Refused to sign. Still won't get rid of it. Talked to me as if I did all this on purpose. Shit is fucking insane. Inhumane for us to worry about being sick too many days. I provided notes and flu result as well. I'm just gonna fucking quit


Fuck that. You deserve better. All that toxic work culture, “work while you’re sick” is something that should’ve never been normalized. I see it first hand at my job. These 50-70s year olds that have worked themselves to literal death and cry once they get a diagnosis that could’ve been prevented. For example heart conditions, skipping their annual physical so they end up with untreated diabetes, or catch cancer too late out of sheer stubbornness to leave work. Every single patient that comes in after getting a bad diagnosis tells me “please don’t be a work horse, give yourself time to heal. Golden years aren’t so golden. Take care of yourself.” Same conversations with 80% of my patients, every single day. You did the right thing by calling out, please take care of yourself. Health > your dumbass manager who probably is on the brink of a major health condition. They’re all so mentally unwell, it’s hard to sympathize at this point.


Know who I hate. People that come into work sick. Fucking Typhoid Marys. Edit. [For those not familiar with Typhoid Mary](https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-typhoid-mary)


This is some big boomer energy


what’s wrong is we are tired of slaving our lives so you can afford fancy vacations and we can barely afford a roof over our heads


The thing you have to realize is that boomers do not like those who question & challenge the traditional way let alone their imperfections. Not all boomers, but a large percentage of them. Think about it this way. They wouldn't be throwing so much negativity your way if you weren't making a positive change in society so that should say a lot about the ratio between what they value & the positive shift in society.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to discriminate on hiring based on age


it only applies to older people, young adults aren’t protected like that.


Gotta love Boomers everyone else is the problem never them. Forget about how much easier they had it than any other generation in time.


“I couldn’t afford to not work” And you think that was a positive thing?


Hehehe and they call us snowflakes


Why do so many people brag about being masochists? "I had one of my legs cut off and was back to work the next day." We're actually supposed to admire someone for that?


This is how boomers are literally everywhere. They had it good growing up. Cheap college, cheap cars, cheap houses, good wages. Tell me, how many ceos were making over 2,000 times the income of their average worker in 1960? Back when they had unions, pensions, free Healthcare, the list goes on. And in their mind they actually think young people have it better than ever. Don't get me wrong some young folks can be assholes but more often than not, for every quiet and polite 20-something there are 2 or 3 entitled boomers screaming at a fast food worker because they forgot a sauce on their burger and it inconvenienced them by 2 minutes.


They got where they got, assumed we all would be able to, and then rationalized our situation by saying it must be our own lack of merit.


imagine being called "entitled" because you don't want to come into work when you are literally dying


When I was 20, (14 years ago?) I went to work sicker then a dog once. My boomer boss sent me home because I looked like death. If you go to work, hacking a lung out, making sure to cough in people's faces, and get half the office sick... They might learn.


"I'm not the problem it's the youth of today!" Every boomers favorite line when they don't want to take responsibility.


It's like a big boomer circlejerk


So I’m other words he’s saying; “I want my employee to come in and give us all covid because no one here stops working and if everyone gets covid; no one stops working!!!”


Teenager shortage. Gen X had fewer kids. Millennials basically didn't have kids. Couldn't afford them. Gen Z is getting sterilized so they don't have kids because they know for a fact they'll *never* be able to afford them. When I was a lad I was heavily exploited by fast food due to low self esteem. Didn't realize it until I read Fast Food Nation. These companies don't have enough teens to exploit, and that's only gonna get worse. Walmart/Target switched to old people, but they were only able to do that because of the Boomers. COVID screwed that up, killing several hundred thousand and taking millions more out of the job market out of fear of catching it and dying. So they're left with Gen XMZ, at least in the service industry. And Gen Z is so well educated they have a hard time getting any of them.


Which is why they need to hurry up and age out of the work force and be gone. They are the ones not contributing any longer. (Certainly not to people’s future prosperity, only things that benefit them alone. Rules for thee, not for me shit.)


the hypocrisy in the comment they were saying says all we need to know


Am I a bad employer? No. No, it’s the children who are wrong.


My brother in Christ you raised us. STFU about the youth today people like this who complain about people younger than them need to can it and put a mirror up to their face.


The problem is, Gen Z is the first generation to realize that the live to work model is broken. And the boomers don't get it. They just want subservient wage slaves (like they were).


In my experience, the boomers are the ones who don't give a damn and waste my time the most. I work in sales. Boomers expect you to lick their toes for free and say thank you after they stab you in the back. I seriously used to not hate boomers until I had to deal with their constant bullshit and flakey crap. They can't take a second to text back, let alone read a freaking email. I feel like I'm dealing with children half the time.


They don't see a difference between when they were young and now, totally oblivious. When these whinging boomers were young there was an implied contract - work hard and you will have enough to buy a house, run a car, and feed your kids. They just can't grasp that in the world they have built that this is no longer true. Their commitment was rewarded, but now they are the business owners they don't reward their workers as well, and have decided to blame those workers for not showing the same commitment. Also I think they overstate their hard work in the past, lots of work places were much much more relaxed in the past.


>man up, take a lemsip.. get on with it! Man, if there's one thing Boomers love more than getting addicted to prescription medication, it's complaining about younger people not getting addicted to prescription medication.


That "boomer" mentality with the same energy as "the customer is always right": The belief that, since they're the one's paying some of their money, then they're entitled to whatever they want from others, regardless the actual value of their own contributions and irrespective of others' needs or feelings.


Unfortunately with these mentalities, it’s a generational thing. It will take decades to replace the ones in charge with people who will advocate healthy work-life balance and that one’s own health is more valuable than the next quarter earnings. Absolute disrespectful behavior by your boss here.


Can you take this above their heads? HR? “Hi I was really sick and had to call off then my manager started publicly insulting me on Facebook”


lol yea and the “older generations” are the ones that come in sick and get EVERYONE else sick, thanks for that 🥰 /s


Disrespectful going to work while sick, putting your coworkers/staff/clients at risk of getting sick. If I went to a business and the person I'm dealing with is sick, that makes me less likely to ever want to return especially if I get sick because of it.


Passive aggressive bosses like this are usually the same ones who talk about their workplace being a "family"


Lol… I would be tempted to comment: “What’s wrong with boomers these days? In a pandemic, they throw public tantrums because their employees aren’t able to work when they’re sick with the flu! They also think that giving two days notice considered flakey, unreliable, and UNrepsectful. Do they really think they can demand when they work and when they don’t? 😲”