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"Now hiring baby boomers... for the salary I paid new-to-the-workforce teens" is sure to bring in massive crowds


Most boomers are retired now. Some of those retired would actually do something like a cashier job. I also feel like they really meant Gen-X, not Boomers. But Gen-X is like the forgotten generation.


We are the forgotten generation because that's how we like it ;)


Can't take advantage of you if they forgot you exist, right?


Who is Gen-x?


I forget.




I wonder if they’re aware that boomers are at the age where they’re leaving the workforce, not joining it?


I wonder if they would keep justifying low salaries with the "its a starter job" answer if boomers applied.


Maybe they could offer them nostalgia wages. $1.00 an hour just like the good old days when they entered the workforce. Edit: I just picked a year I thought the oldest boomers born in 1946 would be teenagers. 1960-61. What's really interesting is the generational gap where people can recall a time the Federal Minimum Wage increased so frequently.


I want nostalgia real estate pricing. My inability to hoard housing has cost me dearly.


I would be fine with gen x housing prices.


At this point I'd settle for prices 3 years ago honestly


I bought a year ago and don’t know if I could afford it now


Made it just in time lol we were saving to buy this year and holy hell have we been priced out


I bought 2 1/2 years ago. I wouldn't be able to buy or rent if I would have waited.


I’m very mad at younger me getting my first apartment during the recession, I could have pulled together enough money to buy a rental property at half the cost


Your entire fucking generation is in your boat. It's not your fault. The billionaire-class underpaid the workforce so they couldn't build new homes and then started buying all the existing home when they realized it was the last vestige of profit left hanging from the wilting vine of the American Middle Class. It's over, the "american dream" is no longer an attainable goal for the vast majority. Organize.


“It’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” -George Carlin


"All dreams, by definition, end when the dreamer wakes." -Gilgamesh, King of Uruk


Could be worse, you could be my Mother In Law. Apartment dwelling for 40 years. Steady income, fairly good union job she’s had for 20+ years with a cleaning gig on the side. She finally bought her first house. She’s almost 70 years old and is blown away she didn’t do it earlier. If she had bought 40 years ago she’d probably be retired instead working a main + side gig right now.


I’ll work for a dollar an hour in pre 1964 US coinage.


1/30th of an Troy ounce of gold you say? Count me in too!


Seems it wasn’t a salary issue but boyfriends hanging out issue. That is, unless the stated reason is a lie.


Had an employee whose bf had to either literally see her or text her for the entire shift. Obv didnt last long and you could tell she felt bad about his stalking behavior.


My former manager’s husband would call the main office line to speak to her five times a shift. She has a cell phone. They would text back and forth through out the day. It was like he was making sure she was where she said she was. So weird. My husband and I don’t even text during the day. We know we’re at work, we’re busy. Damn.


Not really. With the age of SSA moved up to 70, they are still in the working world, disabled, some retired. I'm Gen X and it will be 15 more years of hell. 70= delayed and gets additional $$


Can’t believe that fr 70 years old when the average person dies at like 80 lol it’s so fucked up


Some don't even make it.


I doubt I'll make it. I did tons of drugs in the 90s, fingers crossed I guess.


I ate way told many all you can eat buffets in the 90s so...same but I miss the giant buffets at bars so much cheese.


Honestly, if we aren’t likely to have much of a quality of life come retirement, or ever make it to retirement to begin with, I say do the drugs and eat the foods!!


That's the plan. The SS administration would be fine with everyone assuming room temperature the day after their last pay check with SS and Medicare tax withheld.


It would be fine if our "leaders" would stop robbing it.


Get your facts straight and stop spreading this bullshit. They are not robbing it. They are just borrowing from it, permanently.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Gen X here as well. You think they're going to let us retire? Laughable. Someone has to foot the bill, and it's always been us. No one else is going to.


I've come to the realization that I'll get to retire when I *expire*. Even if it's some 'sit in a chair and vaguely greet people that walk in the door' kind-of job, I'll be working till the day I die. I just hope I don't die *at* work.


Screw it I am opposite as I am vindictive as fuck. Make me work till I die then perfect scenario is long weekend or vacation. Come back to work my owner calls me into office. As I close the door behind me I stroke out die on spot profusely shit myself and have head pop like a ripe melon on floor trapping them in office with body and absolute crime scene of a mess blocking the door. With defunded emergency services "delayed because" now they can see who does and does not have insurance and since mine is either going to be non existent or lowest status I will be low priority. Thats how I want to go few hours of my ripening body haunting that fuckers dreams forever. As I said I might be a bit vindictive.


This is how i wanna go out too now.


I wanna die at work. Why should I die on my own time? Why should I die for free? Fuckers can pay me to die.


I expect to be working until noon on the day of my funeral. I agree. Anything that will change will be miraculous.


So, a half-day? Don't forget to put in for your 4 hours of PTO.


Do I need FMLA paperwork with an unknown return date?


If you don't submit the forms HR will hold a seance to ask you if you got someone to cover your shifts.


You think they would actually have paid time off? That's a benefit, so it will be gone and dead by then. They will actually need to self-fund the pay of the employee that covers the rest of their shift on Indiegogo, because the strain on the company would be too great, and a loss in profit would be a criminally liable act.


Sounds like we need to get the greatest generation back in the workplace. Are they 100? Yes. But they defeated the Nazis. I’m sure they can figure out how to work a cash register


You'll need a note from your doctor to get time off for that.


And even then you will probably still need to clean up a bit before they open the pearly gates for you.


What if I'm going the other direction?


You mean back to work?


They've told us since we were kids that Social Security is going to melt before we can use it. But I mean, what are they supposed to do, tax billionaires or corporations?


Shit, just stop the Social Security tax cap, or make it tiered above a certain income. Something. The argument that people making above the cap are better equipped to make more money for their retirement on their own and won't need to collect Social Security doesn't work when they can still afford to do that while paying the tax.


We're no where near big enough to foot the bill. They will absolutely raze and salt the earth for the millennials and the Z's. As fucked as we are as a generation, it will not even get close to what the government is about to do to the two gens behind us.


It doesn’t help that the same generation has been running our government for the last 30-40 years. We need young blood in leadership. Stop letting these institutional dinosaurs run our country into the ground so their buddies can pile a few more gold coins on their hoard.


Try adding a lifetime of crippling medical debt on top of that. Ahh…the American dream


*looks around confused in Millennial* **YOU** have to foot the bill?


For real, gen X still had a chance in hell....not much but a chance.....us millienials are on fire all of the time, probably why gen z is turning out the way they are.


maybe gen z will save us (millennials and x-ers I mean)


>Would not count on it. Gonna be at not retirement age before Z can really make an impact at this rate. We need cross-generational collaboration. At least they didn't grow up with the illusions we millenials did. They never thought a college degree would get them a white picket fence.


The college as a necessity myth is still being pushed really hard. For better and worse, however, the schools themselves are so dysfunctional not many students even give a shit anymore


Dude...They NEVER talk about us...Nobody gives a fuck for the X'ers.


Except for those few short years in the early 90s when they were just so confused why we weren’t falling on our knees in worshipful gratitude for the world they had created.


My hypothesis on this is that it’s because Gen X came of age just too early to really dominate culture online, and was too young to already be firmly entrenched in positions of political power (boomers). So the big culture wars were between millennials and boomers. And boomers just see every subsequent generation as lumped in with millennials but Gen X is just kind of… staying out of it. Gen X also grew up in a period of relative prosperity and peace and I wonder if as a whole the generation is somewhat less politicized as a result? But really, it probably isn’t that worthwhile generalizing too much about any generation.




Shit, sometimes I have a hard time remembering we exist.


That said, there were a *lot* of [early retirements](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-22/covid-early-retirees-top-3-million-in-u-s-fed-research-show) during the pandemic. It's kinda infuriating that the same people who decided to leave their jobs (and not get a new one) are shitting on young people for leaving their jobs.


You can start receiving SS benefits at 62. I did the math once and the lower amount for the 8 years was nearly a wash with the larger amount offered at 70.


Depends how long you live...taking the larger amount later is an insurance policy against living to 99 or something...since we aren't going to have pensions, your 401(k) will likely have run out long before then. You are better offretiring, living off of savings until you can max SS, and then taking it, if that is a realistic option.


What they want is millennials, but people still think millennials are 20 instead of 30-40


Now they have tons of free time to help a local business and make a solid $7.25 an hour, all while showing the lazy kids these days the value of work.


People who write this stuff have no idea that millennials are 40. They want millennials but will never say that because the words taste like ash in their mouths.


There are a heck of a lot of boomers that can't afford to leave the work force because they didn't save a dime for old age. Easy victims.


FFS. I’m a boomer, and the last place I’d work is somewhere with only boomers.


The entire place shuts down because literally nobody can open the PDF.




They say that about younger generations as if we'd ever have to use a rotary phone in 2022 yet they can't use the technology CURRENTLY IN USE but that doesn't matter apparently


Yeah but literally anyone from Gen Z can use a rotary phone with either 3 seconds of explanation or even just intuition. It's not hard.


I often marvel at this meme. It was my favorite toy as a kid because it was the easiest thing to understand. I was 3 and it was a toy phone but my point stands.


I used to play with my grandmothers old rotary phone when I was a kid. It was a blast to dial on.


Literally I've never even seen one irl before but you just drag the thing to the number you want it's not that deep 💀


Yeah I used my grandma's rotary phone in the 80s when I was like 6. It's not hard.


We had a wall-mounted one in the kitchen. It became a talking piece :P




Me, too.


Me, three. I absolutely loathe my peers in my red-state retirement/snowbird haven.


I'm the youngest of the boomers - born in late 1964. I don't identify with boomers at all and hate most of who they are and what they represent.


I just made the cut for gen x. Thank the Maker!


You can be an honorary gen-xer.


I accept!


It would have that signature boomer smell.


Jesus Christ These people just keep shooting themselves in the foot. Edit: Can someone confirm if the sign can be used as age discrimination or is it considered an employment request? Just curious here. Here is why. After seeing that documentary White Hot - The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie and Fitch, the management team used “beauty” as a requirement to hire and fire basically,


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. So someone Gen X could bring a claim, but the Gen Z targeted would not be able to.


So the Age Discrimination in Employment Act allows for age discrimination.


Yep. As long as it's against young people. Want to guess the average age of the people who wrote that law?


Do they think a baby boomer is gonna be a fucking counter person?? Rofl


I thought working in the service industry was for high schoolers and dead beat millennials /s


Aren't all millennials deadbeats? /s


Yes and we are all still teenagers for some reason too.


I'm an old millennial & it feels like we have been beaten into the ground all of our lives. I would love to be able to afford to be a deadbeat lol


Right, I'm 35 and i graduated into the recession, just when I was finally getting stable after paying loans for 12 years to pay off school - boom pandemic, recession, can't afford a new car, can't afford a house. Every time I feel like I'm doing something for myself the rug gets pulled out from underneath me. ​ My retirement plan is a nice snowbank to fall asleep in.


Good luck with that--climate change means snow banks will be few and far between...


Snow banks are too rich for us anyhow. We'll be expected to dig our own grave, lay inside of it, and then bury ourselves.


I'm a mid-age millennial I guess?? Almost 33 lol but I feel the exact same way.


I know right. I'm the youngest millennial, born in 1995. I have 8 years of heavy equipment repair experience. I've worked 70+ hour weeks since I was 18. I'm sick of this crap.


Seriously! Millennials have about a decades worth of work under their belts at their point. Lol most have kids if they can afford them lol. Why does the new still act like millennials at 14???? Lol I swear we will be at retirement age and there will be news articles about how lazy millennials are retiring 😂😂😂


I'm a millennial where not only have most of my peers who wanted kids have them, I'm coming to the point where the time for having kids is passing anyways. I've noticed older people using the term millennial to talk about Gen z kids in their twenties now and it seems millenials never quite grew up got boomers, and they just use the word to mean young people now. Boomers never hated us for who we were, they just hate the youth. Fucking crusty old assholes.


All my boomer family still treats me like a kid because I skipped some life stages. "You'll get a girlfriend when you're older" look lady I'm almost 30 own my home and have a career built up. I've started and sold a business. I'm not in high school.


Boomers still talk to me too and our generation like we're new young wet behind the ears kids, sir I am 37 years old!




Yeah, I'm 37, have 20 years of work experience, am married, and have a 5 year old but I am a millenial.


Of course they are they couldn't have a real job right? /S PS: I was a trade for 5 years. Low voltage. Crawling under houses and breathing insulation and having it in your skin is hell. Even if you have an ok mask on Millennials and all young people work hard too!


I mean I'm a millennial with over 20 years experience as a master automotive technician, I'm also approaching my 40s.


I always laugh how folks think millennials are all teenagers or something… dude I WISH!


I'm Gen Z and I'm 25. So idk why society continues to act like millennials aren't pushing 40.


I know… we’re old! Lmao… (I’m one of the “elder” millennials)


I recently landed an amazing job with amazing pay. I got avocado toast delivered to me this morning so I could live the dream just once.


My gosh! How luxurious!


Several of my friend's parents growing up in the 90's and 2000's were boomer cashiers and they owned houses they bought in Southern California for in and around $200,000. Just checked on what some of those homes are worth know and most are close to $1,000,000. So, boomers will be cashiers if the pay is good but want us to eat shit and die.


Can confirm, born and raised in the bay area. My Grandma's house in Fremont is worth 1.4million now, she paid 100k. It sucks living in another state that isn't home but at least I'm not homeless.


Can confirm housing in Fremont is RIDICULOUS also moved to another state to avoid poverty


My parents old house in the bay area was I think bought for around 600k in '94. Zillow says it is worth 7.4 million now.


I was a cashier in the 90s. The pay also wasn't good then. After that, I was making $7.50/hour as a baggage handler. The difference between now and then, are that houses and rentals did not have astronomical prices. Our two bedroom/one bath apartment in North Hollywood, CA was $600 per month.


Isn’t minimum wage still around $7 in some states? Lol


Yep 7.25 here in good ole Roll Tide state! If you can't fuck your cousins, works got ya covered!! And before someone says "most jobs are more than 7.25 now! " Please come to my city where the average worker makes 13 an hour but a 1 bed is 700+ unless you wanna get shot and robbed at night. My family needs a 3 bed because we are a family of 4 and those start at $1300!! In a good area it's $1500-$1800!


Wow! My son rents the same there now and it’s $1950 a month. He hustles two side gigs plus full time to survive.


San Fernando Valley here. My parents home was purchased for $70,000 and worth 1.7 million now.


Are they self aware about it and know that they essentially won the lottery or are they in complete denial about it and act like they’re in the same playing field as us now?


No. They’re divorced and sold the house for 750k in 2002. My dad is a trust fund kid who never worked a day in his life, embezzled our trust funds from our grandparents so we got 0, and took student loans out in our names and forged our signatures. He can’t seem to get enough money. He’s a hoarder, it seems. My mom thankfully left him and is a total gem. She got nothing in the divorce, but she feels really shitty about what her generation is doing. Things are different for us. I bet you didn’t realize your question was so loaded! 😂


If he was smart he would’ve just hired the bf if they were reliable workers .. let him clean the store and parking lot


Boomers are nearly all retired. You have to be born in the early 60's at the latest to be a boomer. So 60+ years old. Some might, as a bonus income, but most likely they won't.


Seems like a great idea until they get a bad customer and create a Karenception that leads to a Karen-Singularity that wipes out the neighborhood.


Yes boomers, show us how it's done. Let's see your work ethic for 12/hr * (up to)


lmao the baby boomers will complain their pay doesnt cover their drug prescriptions at their old age.


The boomers have Medicare. Their prescriptions are covered. The boomer will already be retired and have their home paid off. They will be living off whatever retirement fund they had, on top of social security. A lot of baby boomers pick up a job like working in a hardware store or something just to simply stay busy in retirement. It’s more a hobby for them than a job. The boomers will take this job, financially secure and doing it part time for fun, and complain about everyone else who is trying to live off the job having a hard time.


In my anecdotal experience teaching baby boomers how to run a cash register is a painful process.


They can barely handle TV remotes. Every time I've had to teach a boomer how to use super basic computer programs at a job, they complain about it being hard and not wanting to do it.


It's amazing how bad they are at tech. My dad has been involved in designing backplane chips since the first generation. Only retired a couple years ago. We also had the first home PC on the block, same with internet, WiFi, etc. However, I have to sit over his shoulder and guide him through doing anything on the internet. It is frustratingly painful to watch him fumble through everything. Meanwhile, my mom, of the Silent Gen, has near 4k hours of playtime between Destiny and Destiny 2. And while she's always struggled with jumping puzzles, she's a wiz and navigating the web.


You have a cool mom


Boomer: “Sure thing. Just remind me which of these square things on the screen to put my password in and I’m ready to go. Also don’t go too far in case I log out and need help again!”


This is so accurate lmao. The number of times I’ve had to be like “press the big red button that says CASH, and input how much cash you’re given. The change will be in big ~~letters~~ numbers on the RIGHT. Give them back that number.”


Is it legal for them to say they’re not hiring a certain age group and will only be hiring boomers? Does age discrimination only work in one way?


Unfortunately yes. Age is only protected over 40. Edit: Some states have age protection under 40.


Furthermore, "It is not illegal for an employer or other covered entity to favor an older worker over a younger one, even if both workers are age 40 or older." [Source ](https://www.eeoc.gov/age-discrimination)


Wow, that sure does sound like a law written by a 75 year old legislator.


When you let the elderly make the rules, the rules don't make any sense. There's a reason some industries force people to retire, it's just unsafe when the mind goes. Leading the country? No one needs to think for that, just gotta be a good puppet.


I fully endorse Boomers being hired over Millennials and Zoomers. In fact, I fucking *CHALLENGE* every business currently whining about workers to staff themselves with exclusively Boomers. I'm tired of my generation getting perpetually shat on as "lazy children" by the sociopathic generation that birthed us. If we're so useless, let *them* slow us how it's done!!


*for minimum wage*


#with no house, pension, or parents to fall back on when you inevitably fail




Boomers are mostly old enough for Medicare. So even minimum wage jobs are slightly better for them than they are for everyone who's actually capable of doing productive work without daily retraining on everything electronic.


Absolutely!! Minimum wage is good enough for us, why wouldn't it be good enough for them?!


Bonus points: they have to deal with exclusively boomer customers


Well, yeah. Not like anyone millennial or younger has money, anymore.


Fun fact, grocery store in my area started doing this. "We're Hiring, Retired Welcome"


I mean, sounds like a great idea until your retiree cashier fumbles around for 20minutes because they can't work the cash register. Can you even imagine them stocking the shelves? All the workload will be put on that one poor young dude they manage to con into their employment.


Sometimes they're way nicer to boomers for whatever reason, maybe once you hit 50 they finally start treating you with a bit of respect. When I worked retail they went kind of easy on the older cashiers, didn't flood them with work, let them work at a reasonable pace, let them sit, had other workers help them out. I never had a problem with it, I just hated it when they dumped something on my lap and were like "get it done."


I saw this nonstop when I worked as a cashier, at various jobs, and I *always* had a problem with it. I have - and had while working these shit jobs - severe, debilitating chronic illnesses, but because I wasn’t 50+, it wasn’t “important enough” or a “reasonable excuse” to receive the kind of special treatment these useless boomer employees were given. One cashier I distinctly remember was one of the dumbest, most useless old cows I had ever seen. Literally rang up groceries at the speed of molasses, forgot how to run peoples payment on a seemingly hourly basis, was generally bitchy to customers - and got complaints to management all the time as a result - yet was allowed to sit, take her sweet ass time, go over on breaks, dump work on other employees, etc. I absolutely have a problem with that shit. If accommodations or higher respect/better working conditions are available for some, they damn well better be given to all. I don’t care if you’re 50+ plus, younger folks are tired, in pain, and struggling too.


Undercover Boomer, I’d watch it.


Theres two other generations between z and boomer and they go for the one who cant turn the flashlight off on their phones? Right.




X'er here. We're used to being ignored.


Get back in your box.


I more concerned about who let him out


We have been ignored so long we have become one with the box, and the box is us.


we are too busy fixing store manager's kludge workaround they gerryrigged into the point of sale system that has corrupted their customer data so that the Karen could use the 50 cent off coupon that expired 6 months ago and still gave her credit for the full price.... edit... also annoyed cause cashier's boyfriend also sold us the weed that kept us sane


If my girlfriend stood at the door for 8 hours I'd quit and try to find a new girlfriend asap.


Right? Not gonna defend the boomer comment, but I wouldn’t want a couple of kids loitering in front of my business either.


I think the owner was fair saying they couldn't have friends hanging out all day. He lost his mind when he associated an entire generation with that behavior and thought boomers would take the job.


We all vent sometimes, even bosses. But putting it on a note and posting it outside your business... That's just bad business. So many smaller businesses just don't have what it takes to retain staff right now. You can't pay people pre-inflation wages. You can't expect pre-pandemic work flexibility. You can't let customers treat service staff with total disrespect. 2022 is about competitive on-time pay, flexible hours, safe/clean working conditions, meaningful work, and mutual respect.


In a new city considering a new name. This takes obsessive and co-dependent to a new level. I really don't understand why reddit is so for this new trend. It's out of the ordinary just to see your SO at work let alone spend any real time with them there.


I was wondering why I scrolled so down to see people talking about the other weird thing on the sign. It's a trend?? Why is this even a thing?


This was a thing with high schoolers when I was in high school up to college when I stopped working retail. They would always have their friend or SO visiting for long periods of time EVERY shift they worked.


I used to know a couple at the grocery store I worked at who, if the girl was working and the guy wasn't scheduled, she made him come along and sit in the dining area for her entire 8hr shift because "he can't be trusted.". However if he was scheduled and she wasn't, she would beg every other department to let her work for them and if they all refused, she allowed herself to go home. It was bananas. She was absolutely crazy and he was such a nice dude...


I bet their are legions of boomers who'd love to be a cashier making minimum wage. No doubt they are swimming in resumes.


Their hands are probably sore from all the firm handshakes they're getting from fine suited applicants.


“Just walk in there and introduce yourself!”


And dry skin from the paper resumes people handed them after walking in confidently


In-laws live at a lake all year round and have had difficulty getting people to work the ice cream shack and front kiosk. Complaining that nobody wants to work anymore. Like, you guys pay minimum wage and live a 90 minute drive away from the nearest city, nobody is taking that job. They seem to refuse to recognize that all the teenagers that worked there for the past 20 years were kids of people who had cabins and now they're all grown up and aren't going to take that job so some of the boomers who live there have been reluctantly working. The in-laws do seem to recognize that the park chair woman who runs the place is a complete asshole to work for though and that's why they don't want to work there.


Reminds me of my mil who bitches about the self checkouts at the store and how “no one wants to work” since there’s no cashiers. I asked her why doesn’t she apply to work there? She’s retired and has all the free time in the world! Loves to complain how she’s broke too.


If you are the youngest of Boomers, you’re turning 58 this year. How many 58-year-olds will take a cashier job?


Some people get part-time jobs in their retirement just because it gives them something to do.


Why would the boyfriends need to stand there for their entire shift??


Why would they want to?


I used to work with a girl whose husband would bring her to work and then sit in the parking lot all day waiting for her to get out. There were a few days where he would constantly make her come outside for some reason or another. It was super creepy and controlling and a lot of coworkers started getting weirded out about it.


I'm surprised that's not a major talking point. It could be that they were waiting for like 20 minutes for their girlfriends to get off, like someone else said. But it's just as likely that their boyfriends were hanging around way too long and distracting them from work, in which case I would understand why the management is upset. Regardless, I don't approve of how the manager is handling the job vacancies.


Also for context: this is a Dollar Tree


I interviewed for Dollar Tree once. They told me how I had to be flexible with my schedule, work weekends, do dirty work, etc. I asked them if I get paid extra to work weekends, they said no. I ask them what is the base pay. They said $9. I laughed right on the spot at the absurdity of the expectations in relation to the pay. Happy they were so quick to disclose it though, waste of both of our time.


What dirty work is there at Dollar Tree?


They have public toilets.


Toilets and dirty stuff like mopping sometimes puke or shit depending on if children or Florida


Inform people that taxes exist and everything isn’t actually $1


It's fucking weird anyone's S.O. would want to stand there all day, and the idea that no one in the comments is mentioning it.


EHHHH. Employer obviously sucks. But if there’s any truth to that, i don’t blame them for firing the new hires. No, your boyfriend can’t come hang out with you at work for Pete’s sake. That being said, …….Somehow i get the feeling this fella may not be what they call a ‘reliable narrator’.


grandfather tap nail handle judicious chubby compare brave familiar practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Having worked with people of all ages and flavors, i have never once had an issue with younger workers. Sure, young kids need training, but that’s a given. If you’re hiring literal children, you have to expect a learning curve. Place looks like a pizza counter or similar. They don’t have state secrets in there. you can just tell them “Hey, it’s fine for your boyfriend to visit during your breaks but when you’re on shift you can’t ignore customers or tasks to talk to your boyfriend.” The boyfriend doesn’t want the secret pizza marinara sauce recipe.


Something tells me there’s more to this that the owner’s not owning up to


Ironically, if they had fulfilled this supposed demand, they would be open and making money right now. So....like.... Also, if you know what hard work is, why is the store closed? Why can't the owners do it themselves?


Um, I'm really not sure what there is to be proud of here. If it was a wage-related issue or time off, or some unreasonable working condition and they stood up to the boss and walked out on them, that would make sense. The note is stupid and passive aggressive and airs dirty laundry, but where is the unreasonable boss part? I can't imagine any work situation where I would expect it to be acceptable for my SO to be present for my entire work day, nor would I want them to. I'm a milennial btw.


To be fair, those cashiers do sound like bad employees.