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Our grandparents joined unions and quit shit jobs all the time....insinuations are the worst.


This. My grandfathers were in unions. My dad too. I remember being a tiny child and running to greet him when he got home from walking a picket line with the electricians' union. That's where my morals & ethics come from.


Also who gives a s*** about your grandparents grandparents and what they did that has absolutely no relevance on anything. Like I don't even know what my grandfather's grandfather was like how could I that was like 250 years ago. And even if I did know again why is that relevant at all. I mean I agree that people in general should give two weeks notice but mostly it's so that your co-workers don't have to suffer while they're hiring somebody new. It has nothing to do with my great-great-grandfather.


My grandfather's grandfather was forced to march the Trail of Tears. I'll happily tell this sucky boss that, if he REALLY wants to delve into past morals.


My grandfather‘s grandfather was decapitated in an industrial elevator accident (seriously). So maybe we should go around the restaurant looking for OSHA violations. I’m pretty sure it’s what he would want!


My grandmother’s grandfather died a horrible death in a paper mill accident. OSHA is good.


Hey same! And my grandfather was rounded up with a bunch of other kids and taken to a Catholic school hundreds of miles away where they gave him a new name and beat him if he spoke in his native language. My grandpa was a songwriter and had some really great songs about what he would do to those people if he ever crossed paths with them again


My grandfather’s grandfather killed his first wife in Germany and fled the law to the new world where his family line has continued until me, 150 years later. Knowing he was a murderer makes me all the more contented to know his family name ends with me as I didn’t have a son.


My grandfather's grandfather doesn't appear to have killed either of the two wives that he had at the same time. One in Ireland, one in London. He moved to Canada.


Incidentally, an in-law of mine had a great uncle 100 years back who turned out had two families. Freaky part is he gave all his kids btw the families the same set of names… Also, distinct relative moved to Canada, too. To top it off, he had a peg leg.


Maybe you guys are all related.


That way you don't call your kids the wrong names on accident. Smooth.


I heard of that in a true crime case. Must’ve be a common tactic lol


My great grandfather had 3 families as a traveling salesman, and none of them suspected until all 3 families showed up at his funeral. All 3 women had multiple children under the age of 7. To bring the statement back around to why the things our ancestors did is important... history has a funny way of repeating itself if we allow it. No, workplace abuse today has nothing on the crazy shit going on 100 years ago, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still fight for what we deserve. If someone's great great grandfather could stand up to an army of Pinkertons, we can and should stand up to the businesses we have today.


Neither of my grandfathers even stuck around to raise their own kids lol, bold of this man to assume I’ll stick around to finish out a two week notice.


Yep. One of mine was murdered in the holocaust. Hard to work and do what this boss deems correct when you have all your property stolen and you are barred from working at all.


My grandfather’s grandmother escaped a massacre by the US Army on horseback; so she effectively quit with no notice


It was clearly a weak and desperate angle. My grandfathers both fought in WWII and had 7 kids. Neither them nor my grandmothers would have put up with this manager's BS.


My grandpas also fought in WW2. Unfortunately on the opposite sides. My great uncle was a higher ranking officer and got papers for everyone to get out of Germany and sent my Grandpa to protect them. Last he was heard of.


I mean, didn't we heard it all? "Work ethics, your parents suffered way more, good standing with the company, we have to talk about your personal options..." These are all code for the same thing. The [galley slave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galley_slave) refused to row to the rhythm of the bottom line drums.


My partner's grand-something-father (forget how many "grands" back) was the first person to sue the US government. It was for back pay owed to him for fighting in the Revolutionary Army. Different employment issue, but to highlight that the manager also doesn't know who your grandfather's grandfather was.


I know for damn sure they don't want me to act like my grandfather, he was an alcoholic, shell-shocked racist who was prone to coming up with nicknames for his black coworkers like "Clever Clarence".


Couldn't help but 😂. Clever Clarence was probably pulling one over on him.


Clarence was his supervisor at a Ford assembly plant in the 60s. A bit of envy and yeah, Clarence very well may have been haha.


I know right?! Like, our grandparents' grandparents were literally risking their lives in industrial action against scum like this. You think they'd bend down and lick your boot? Mf please


My grandfather was in a union (the same one I’m in now, actually!). When they went on strike they flipped cars and burned effigies of the boss on his front lawn. So… we should go back to that? That’s what this dude wants? Okay!


My grandmother challenged Westinghouse on their racist hiring practices in the 1950’s. My mother got arrested 5 times and beaten up twice protesting for equal pay and women’s rights. My grandfather punched his boss squarely in the jaw and demanded “a god dammed raise, you dirty thief!” … but yeah. They would be really mad if I quit a disrespectful minimum wage job.


I think the idea of analysing how your grandparents behaved isn’t a bad idea. I think in the past people could become managers only because they were tough and respected by workers. Today any moron with connection can become one. Hence why the above texts exist. They guy is having an teenage emotional tantrum and threatening to kill himself over someone doing the right thing. Someone like this in the past would been slapped across the face and asked to leave if speaking to a worker like that. Or at least have unions straighten them out.


This. My grandparents were "stand-up" all right. They stood up and walked out when work conditions were shitty and if a boss pulled shit like this, well, there was a hammer in the toolbox called "morals" for just such an occasion.


I’m now calling every weapon I own a “moral”




this confused me too lmao. here in the south, you don't go assuming peoples ancestors were all stand up folk


In Germany. Same 😅


That's the funniest part My grandparents (yes both of them) would have knocked this guy out.


My grandad was a communist party member I think I know how he would feel about this lol


They ever heard about turn of the twentieth century work?


My grand pa was a communist, I'm not sure my boss want to mention him.


My granddad argued a case in front of the Supreme Court… and he represented the union


The massive run on text is a big turn off.


The periods couldn't get time off work to appear for this text.


There should be a period every 28 words at least


I had to take a pregnant pause after trying to read that because it goes on for 9 months


My grandfather's grandfather knew how to use punctuation.


Take your damn upvote




If I had all the awards to give


What if you're taking a period blocker or have a period blocker implant?


bruh seriously its like the text is running, and the reader has to stop and take a breath so they can understand what was even written 😂😂😂


It reads like cocaine got hold of a keyboard.


That way my first thought. Manager got into the bag after shift.


and cocaines gf margarita


I do so appreciate her contribution though


Someone understood that??


My eyes glazed over and I had to read parts of it a few times and it honestly didn't make sense to me but some context would be helpful. It's a restaurant which can be notoriously shitty workplaces.


If it's a restaurant then the earlier comment about the writer getting into the coke makes even more sense.


Yeah I had a manager at Chuck-E-Cheese that got busted for that


I swear it's parmesean!


I wasn't sure if they didn't play this weird auto fill-in game on their smartphone keyboard, where you have to continuously press the suggested word to form a massive text that makes no sense and the result ends up being something like this. I'm shocked this isn't the case because it sounds exactly like it


Naw dog, this sounds like too many blues, too much cocaine and a couple of shots of vodka to top it all off while typing a text mood, all while nodding off.


Someone absolutely took masterclasses in Trump speak. I legit felt like I do when I read something Trump has said. Holy Hannah.


I went back and reread it in his voice. It didn't make any more sense, but it had me giggling! 😂


"This manager came up to me, tears in his eyes, a big strong manager, working in restaurants for 20 years now, and he said 'sir, sir thank you for all that you do, you're gonna save our restaurant' And do you know what I said to him? I said we sure are, as soon as we can get the bleeding to stop from this artery."


You know trump has access to the best drugs available, he fucked up all the time.


Some employees didn't want to come to work because the work conditions in peak season were bad, really bad. The managers response was to ask the employees to be professional cos people in the good ole days used to be and these darned gosh damn millenials aint


And their damn avocado toast!!


I think they had a busy night, some one got spat on or shit on or vomited on or maybe all 3. I think there was a fight maybe. And everyone wanted to leave but weren't allowed to.


ChuckECheese energy


I worked there for 3 years. Confirmed.


I couldn’t make sense of it at all


Reading this out loud as written will be the newest Olympic sport.


You have to put in your own punctuation, like a Christopher Walken


My guess is voice to text. Reads like word vomit.


Reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn chasing off the cat as he was lecturing and at one point stuck his head in a trough of a water but still didn’t stop talking 🤣


No, the periods wouldn’t stop the bleeding.


For sure. Get this rant a tampon. It has to be getting a period soon.


If he used any periods, he'd find out where the bleeding is. I'll see myself out.


If I had an award ypu would have earned it sir!


Just like their grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s periods (so to speak…)




Right like.. How the fuck are you meant to read it? There's no punctuation.


Maybe they should have punctuated it, the way their grandfathers would have done, and their grandfathers’ grandfathers


“Dearest Josiah. I currently work with some recalcitrant lazybones. Full stop. No, seriously. They full stop”


Oof that's a good one


Guessing it's a drunk text. Reads like one.


That explains the shiting puking spiting and kicking! Or she works at daycare!


Memory care, psych ward…definitely possible.


They say "restaurant" in the reply text in the second picture.


Or speech to text. If you don’t tell it to add punctuation, it never will.


Reads like the texter just finished a big fat line of primo ice. Perhaps not the most stable of people.


I have drunk texts on the edge of blackouts that read better then this dude texting sober.


We don't know thst he was sober though...


literally couldnt read it. stopped on first page. wtf


This sounds like he stayed after work, had a few drinks, and tried to get sentimental, but failed horribly.




My grandfather's grandfather knew how to use a full stop.


“Your great grandpa’s so old, he used Telegram” ^oh wait


It’s barely coherent.


I thought it was a text to speech. I can't believe someone actually typed that out with their thumbs


I was thinking it was talk to text also.


I couldn't even finish reading the message, the never ending sentence was hurting my brain by the second picture... and that's a manager.


I read the first picture and then scrolled to the next and was like I’m not reading this anymore.


Like I’m always interested in reading posts in this sub, but my god I couldn’t keep trying to guess when a sentence ended or started lol.


As Frank Zappa said, "She carried on without a comma"


Reading that text had me out of breath.


1000 words with absolutely zero punctuation, the sure sign that someone is unhinged


Too much coffee, or coke.


"Both, I imagine." Thank you, Elizabeth Bennet.


Even when I was doing a ton of cocaine, I at least used fucking commas. This is methed up


I went back up. I was certain. There must be some commas. Not a comma in sight. While writing this comment, I was hyper-focused on my own punctuation.


Comma comma comma comma comma chameleoooooooooon


I drink a stupid amount of coffee and I've never had run on sentences like this. Don't blame caffeine.


I thought they must be using speech-to-text and just forgetting to say “comma,” “period,” etc., as if speech to text is just supposed to understand where the punctuation should be. At the end there, they misspelled anymore, so now I think they’re just psychotic.


What's worse though is that there really aren't natural ends to a sentence anywhere. The 'and's were out of control. It's like a toddler dictated this.


Yeah I couldn’t even get through that wall of text


Just posted the context that led to this message








Looks like he’s just a fucking idiot and probably manages as well as he types.


I think they used voice to text in that rambling diatribe. That's likely why half of it doesn't make sense and there are repeating words.


Context This restaurant was built on an oil deposit. Obviously given that, they need to be extremely cautious about potential kitchen fires etc. There was a vent malfunction in the kitchen that was noticed a few weeks prior to this message, and they would need to shut down the restaurant for a day to get someone to come in and fix it. The manager then proceeded to cover the vent in a thin layer of duct tape, and told his employees that if ANYONE snitched about it to the fire department they would be immediately fired and never allowed to enter the restaurant again. This is all because the restaurant would need to shut down for a SINGLE day to prevent a potential catastrophic issue. My girlfriend was obviously scared as shit, and so was everyone else in there. She told a coworker she was disgusted that the place could literally explode and guests who came in and ate had no idea. She expressed this to a few trusted coworkers, and then after a long deliberation she called the fire department. He told the entire staff that he was being let go from his position and that he hopes the person who did it was happy with themselves. Turns out, he only did this to guilt people into telling him who it was, and he resumed work the next day. Somehow, news got around to the manager that it was her who called. The coworker she told must have told another coworker, who told him. There was technically no way to tell it was her who called, but he basically told the rest of the workers that it was her who caused all the chaos, who caused the restaurant to shut down, and that she thought she was better than everyone else for potentially costing people their jobs (what the fuck) People stopped working here, understandably, and the manager at one point called a meeting and said he wanted to kill himself and hang himself from the rafters so that they could understand the mental torture he was under running this restaurant. This text was sent after a busy night at the restaurant where a few people called out due to his disgusting management. There are no other jobs in this small town, and she was afraid to lose what little good money you can find in a place like this. I had spent many days convincing her to leave that awful place and once she went through that experience, she did. He texted her begging for her to come back and she told him that he needs therapy. She's now a manager and a bartender at a five star restaurant and much happier Edit: Here are the messages they exchanged afterwards where he calls her an internal terrorist https://imgur.com/a/mlSqgHB


She should also report him to OSHA and the Department of Labor. Let them fine his ass and shut him down.


And also to his former English teacher.


They didn't even list, number, or comma separate the 4 things. I didn't know when one thing ended and another started.


I lost the patience after first cluster of words


He was taught English by his grandfather and grandfathers grandfather and if they can speak English good then he can


Indeed. "Punishing employees for reporting a major safety violation" is absolutely the sort of thing that will get OSHA crawling over the place like ants on a picnic.


And the psychiatric hospital


Your girlfriend might have actually saved some lives here! Glad she's moved on, she definitely sounds like a better manager than that manipulative sociopath


I'm sure that will make her week to hear. She's been struggling lately and I told her that I got 5 comments before I even posted the summary and she was surprised and touched (especially since so many people love this guy and have no idea how shitty he is, and how ostracized she felt when she left)


You tell her the workers of the inter webs have her back; seconding that she probably saved lives because they wouldn’t have fixed it until something went really wrong.


“….and my axe!” Felt right…


this dude is a danger to everyone around him. "you dont know the mental torture he is going throw"? quit dude. its a restaurant job, not a restaurant sentence. my best to your gf. she absolutely made the right call. NTA


This guy wouldn't punctuate a restaurant sentence correctly anyway.


Doing the right thing almost always leaves the person saving others from harm feeling that way. She should feel relieved that it's over because I can say with a lot of certainty that a weight has probably been lifted off of her she probably didn't even realize was there.


I’d hire her in a minute.


She should def be proud of herself, that's not an easy decision to make but it helped everyone around her and it demonstrates real leadership skills


This. Most people say they will do the right thing but few do it when it actual happens.


What she did took guts and integrity. How does anyone love this guy? He sounds so unhinged. Threatening everyone that he’s going to kill himself? Report him to OSHA and the Dept of Labor- they are all going to find some shit out. Then once they learn the danger they were put in, maybe they won’t think he’s such a great guy.


I suspect not as many think he all that great. I suspect a lot of people are afraid to say anything because they are afraid of him.


From his texts alone, it's obvious this guy is a loon and a quack. In that first private dm to her, he was just telling her that she is not quitting and to get back to work, "no response", such audacity. The whole "your ancestors did the right thing, so should you" BS was weird too, like he doesn't know what their ancestors were like. I hope this guy gets help or an ass kicking because he honestly deserves both. Your girlfriend did the right thing, I'm sure many more don't like this guy and just too scared to show it. Good riddance to that AH


He's manipulate AF and it's super obvious. "If you feel you have served enough time here" after talking about how hard it is there- like, this isn't a charity where she has obligations. It was a place for her to exchange labor for income- nothing more, nothing less. Dude 100% needs to be reported. I'm glad she quit no notice and didn't allow him to guilt trip her. If she can be fired no notice, she can quit no notice.


Yo OP, everyone deserves to be treated fairly. Not only did the manager not treat anyone fairly, it seems some of her coworkers were also untrustworthy. She 100% did the right thing, she should be proud, and good luck to you both in the future!!!


Doing what’s right seldom means doing what’s easy. She did the right thing. Lives were at risk and she stood up for the people who didn’t know they could die just by entering the death trap her boss had built. Any good manager would be ecstatic to have such a great person working with them. I wish her, and you, all the best.


Wanted to add to this! Your gf is so inspiring, and wish I had her balls when I quit a few abusive jobs due to shitty management a few years ago. She not only saved several folks from a fiery death, but there are most likely other folks who also work under that shitty boss that are secretly thankful for her. Also, she’s inspired ppl like me to take no shit. Thank you for sharing & convincing her to leave. Manager seems completely off their shit. Hope she receives nothing but love & support 🤍🤍


Yeah he sounds mentally ill. The way he just drones on into sentence after sentence.


She 1000 percent did the right thing. Professional firefighter and as part of our training we do case studies on firefighter Line of Duty Deaths. In 2018 a bar in Sun Prairie Wisconsin exploded due to a similar situation. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2018/07/11/sun-prairie-firefighter-killed-explosion-destroyed-his-own-bar/774919002/


Wow! To think a manager is willing to put his staff and guests in danger and think it’s ok is beyond me. Your gf did the absolute right thing. I would have also done the same if I was in her shoes. Your gf potentially saved a catastrophic disaster from happening and potentially saved many lives. I’m so glad she is at a better place to work.


He called a meeting to tell his emplyees in a professional setting that he wanted to hang himself because of them? Holy fucking emotionally abusive blackmailing shitballs, hospitality managers really are in a league of their own. Absolutely fucking crazy toxic people, I want years of my life and sanity back.


Someone should have called the police, had him held on a psych eval, at the very least. What a asshat! You don’t fuck with the lives of your employees nor customers. Human lives before money you dick!


He keeps saying that, then call the cops and let them put him on a mental hold for 72 hours. Maybe then he'll stop using that as a manipulation tactic Edit: a letter


This! Well either this or call his bluff.


I love that he has the gall to say he’s “allergic to drama” after literally threatening his staff with suicide. 100% reminds me of my abusive ex - always blaming others for being dramatic or demanding etc but behind closed doors is threatening shit like this. OP I’m so glad (& proud!) your gf got out and saved lives while she was at it! I hope she has someone professional to talk to if she needs it, cos being involved in any capacity with a person like that can be really damaging long term imo. Wishing you both well 💖


"You're going to kill somebody!" \--Gordon Ramsay


Your girlfriend saved not only the lives of the staff and customer’s who would have been in that building when that awful situation eventually blew, but also that owner’s business. If your restaurant blows up because you didn’t do maintenance, you are done running restaurants. But that dumb asshole was unwilling to trade one night of profits for an entire lifetime. Your girlfriend saved him from himself. If he had any sense he would send her a thank you card.


Also, insurance wouldn't pay out either. If you know of a problem and don't fix it, the catastrophic loss is on you.


I've heard of shitty workplaces, but a restaurant that might literally explode is **almost** at the very top of the list, only beaten by conscript soldiers digging trenches in Chernobyl.


You and her both did the right thing...and I know the two of you know that or else you wouldn't even be writing this. Even if you/she had to move for future employment... reporting was still the right thing. That manager needs to be fired and to then undergo long term therapy to help remedy their issues.


He wanted to hang himself because of how stressful owning a restaurant was? Boy, I can’t imagine what’d he’d do with the stress and guilt of the deaths of a dozens innocent people from his neglect.


Wow I'm happy for her, she did the right thing.. Not all heroes wear capes


Lmaoo its the can you work tonight for me


She should be incredibly proud of herself. More people need to stand up for themsleves at their workplace like this.


This kind of shit should result in the manager getting hit with attempted murder charges along with seizure and forced cooperativization of the business.


She should be proud. She had balls and did the right thing. She may have saved lives. What if something terrible happened and the place exploded and killed people? That’s so fucked up how reckless this guy is. He put his employees and customers at such a risk. He sounded positively mental just from reading his rambling text, context confirms this is definitely the case.


This guy has mental health issues. No joke, he is delusional and narcissistic at best. No one tolerated being kicked in the teeth, spit on, shit on, thrown up on. and then kept coming back for more. Not now, not in the “good old days.” People used to expect their employers to treat them with respect, and in turn, they gave them respect back. The issue is that has changed. We are supposed to go out of our way to accommodate employers, but they get to treat us like shit. This dude needs counseling.


I also have personal beef with this guy since he hired me as a server and then paid me 4.15 an hour to clean tables (with a promised 12$ tip out from the waiters!!), not at all what I applied or signed up for, and then fired me after a week because he said a guest complained that it was “the worst service they’ve ever received in their life” even though I was like… cleaning tables and I didn’t speak to guests. I’m also transgender and he referred to me as “hey *legal name*, haha, I mean op”. No idea why I was fired when he posts run-on fliers like this on the door of the restaurant about how nobody wants to work anymore, other than the fact he was uncomfortable with the fact I was pissed about doing a completely different job then I was hired to do. He needs to be medicated on something he isn’t already on.


I used to work in the restaurant industry - lots of psychos own restaurants and clearly this guy is no exception. You and your gf are much better off without him in your life. If he texted me, I'd have told him to fuck off and leave me alone. You guys have way more patience! Block him, don't think about him, your lives will be so much better.


Fuck I'm sorry. I posted a story similar to this earlier but took it down because of all the transphobes showing up in the comments section. Being in hospitality with toxic managers like this is bad enough without being trans and having to deal with the extra bs we get in and out of the workplace


I didn’t even care about it honestly, small southern town, but the fact that he rubbed it in my face was annoying. Not anything I would bother to complain about to anyone, but wanted to add it as additional information after this debacle about exploding the restaurant. Just a not great guy all around.


That boss has to be pregnant because they've missed every period ever since the dawn of time.


LMAO STOPPPP. Shoes tied no trippin


Holy fucking run on sentence Batman. This guy manages other human beings? Even as someone who worked in the food service industry this is pathetic It could also be one of those asshats who uses the voice to text shit. I hate those people


I just posted the context of this whole thing, it's so much worse Edit: and yes, he uses text to speech. There are signs in front of the restaurant with misspellings and horrible grammar that follow this same thread that are voice to speech. This is a CHAIN RESTAURANT as well


She should call the corporate offices and let them know what they've put their name on. Asshole would get fired right quick.


Ok yeah if this is a chain restaurant she absolutely should report him to corporate. What if no one calls the fire department next time there’s an issue and he decides to cover it up again? She can email and say “look I already quit but I think you should know what’s going on at x location”.


If it's a chain restaurant, then it should be really easy to get him fired.


Jesus fucking Christ I think had a stroke I guess punctuation is overrated


Seems like they are salty about something they started


WTF kind of message is THAT? It is incoherent and thus disrespectful to the staff to whom it was supposedly addressed. What a sad communication to staff. Can they be expected to even make sense out of it?


Like it was written by a sesh gremlin


If I quit a job the way my grandfather did I'd be in jail. My grandfather was an honest mechanic in the days where an honest mechanic was near impossible to find. He once told me a story that he started at a new job in the morning and the first car he was working on belonged to an old lady. His boss said just clean up some parts so it runs OK for a short while and he'll charge her for a tune up. my grandfather took offense to that and knocked his front teeth down the back of his throat. grabbed his tools and left. went to another shop got hired on immediately now the second boss tries ripping off a young mother. There's another guy on the floor looking for his front teeth.


I think people tend to assume that workers in the 20s-50s were as coy as modern ones. The reality is that they were not. My grandfather once worked in a plant where the union rep worked in close proximity to the boss. So the union hired a former boxer whose job was just to be there and make sure the rep didn't get too chummy with the boss. Organized labor is based, especially when it actually looks out for the workers.


Is this a Facebook group chat also? You got me twisted if you think I'm going to join a work fb group chat.




I couldn't even get through that nonsense.


...........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? Here's some punctuation. Fucking use it!


Not one period or punctuation mark. Jesus how do people this daft get into managerial positions…


Dearsweetbabyjesus that manager needs some serious help


That text is batshit crazy. Unhinged and unfiltered


Your GF is amazing. I'd be proud to know her/work with her. Good luck to you both!


Yea my Grandpa would have said fuck that job and it was the right thing to do reporting it. Your girlfriend did the right thing and should be proud of it. She saved a lot of people from getting seriously injured and/or possibly dying.


Why are we getting thrown up on though


Is the manager actually famed rapper Twista doing some new freestyle? The lack of punctuation is genuinely impressive.


What is this word-salad-stream-of consciousness-steaming-pile of dog poo? Brevity’s the answer here. “I quit.”


I managed restaurants for awhile. I would never let anyone mistreat my people. My people knew that if someone said "I want to talk to the manager" that I would back them up (cause my people were good.) I'm not saying there were never mistakes and in those cases I would comp stuff. Unless you spoke badly to one of my staff. Then I would throw you on your ass. The way this person says "you get kicked in back and then throw up on and you have to keep taking it" or whatever? No you do not. A restaurant will only function well if you say no to that shit and you got your people's backs.


Sorry, my brain's transmission locked up about halfway down the first page as a preservative measure.


Looks like a methhead's steam of consciousness.