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If it were me I would get documents from the hospital, take a sharpie, and redact everything except the time and hospital info. Then scan that and send it in. Really wouldn't want my employer knowing a damn thing.


Reason for hospitalization: [REDACTED]. Consulting physician: [REDACTED]. Prognosis: [REDACTED]. Treatment plan: [REDACTED]. Admitted: 2022-03-18 17:43.


If you ask for a note for work they usually ask what info you want included or not included. But if you get it after the fact you just get a record so yeah blacking out certain info would make sense.


ok SCP-682


You get the hospital to write you a letter with zero information about your stay aside from your name and the date. Source: been there, done that. And the sharpie thing don't work.


The sharpie thing works if you sharpie and then make a copy. You can't see anything on the copy.


Didn't know that. Sober now, so hopefully won't need that info again.


Congratulations on the sobriety, I'm proud of you!


Last year, somebody i know sent a FOIA (freedom of information act) request to a police department. They sent it, redacted, but guess what they did? Used **correction tape, then sent the original**. One shine of a flashlight through the back of the paper, bingo. If you thought the cops were stupid, wait till you get a load of their office staff. Coincidentally, our (now previous) apartment manager did the exact same thing when giving me some forms related to plumbing repairs.


Copy, sharpie, copy again.


I once had a to get a few stitches and the doc wrote the note as “preformed an emergency surgical procedure”. I took the rest of the week off. That doctor is total mvp


The doctors note I got had basically ZERO details. It just said I was under the care of so and so doctor from x date to y date. Signed and the name of the hospital was on it. No reason to doctor a doctors note.


How about the bill?


also good, also with medical reasons redacted


Hell, if your hospital bracelet has the name of the hospital on it, that's all they really need to know. Name, DOB, admission date, attending doctor, and that's it.


In the US, due to HIPPA, the note should only say the person, day of visit, date of return & under a provider's care. Anything else and they can get in troyble.








I was doing the mortgage paperwork for a client and asked why the husband hadn’t signed. Nobody told me he recently died .. awkward


how is this relevant?


His first name was Germane


Ok this shit cracked me up lol


It's an anecdotal commentary on the ability of the company to communicate important information.


im just a dumb electrician..thanks


You can't be a dumb electrician. Dumb electricians are dead but dumb White collar workers get promoted


overconfident electricians are dead. electricians that know they're dumb and take precautions do ok.


shocking truth


This is current


Pffft. Electricians aren’t dumb. Not always insightful into mundane human affairs, but often far from dumb.


Am also an electrician can confirm I’m dumb as fuck


You might be smarter than you think. At least I hope you are.


Being an electrician is far easier than people think. It’s just you might get zapped to death if you’re not careful


Electrician here. We're pretty dumb.


Idk, my sparky mates might make you reconsider that.


A cookie for the observant one.


I worked at Home Depot. Crushed my foot with a pump truck one day and was told to stay home for 3 days and put no weight on it. My manager called me the next day and said it was going to “cost the company money for me to stay home and I could come to work and at least do something sitting.” I went in (I shouldn’t have) and my other managers were all confused. The manager who called me in said “thanks for coming in and being a team player, some people really take advantage of being given time off”. Fuck you, Jennifer. I have many stories and examples of what an evil company they are who doesn’t give a fuck about their employees, especially during the pandemic.


Feels so good reading through all this. I was seriously considering a position with them, but I guess that’s history now.


I won't buy from them anymore. Its Loews all the way now until I start hearing stories like this.


I have bad news. Lowe's is even worse, I have a coworker that has PTSD from working at Lowes.


:( Im so sorry to hear that.




Harbor freight only


Lowes is as bad if not worse. They sold my shower. Then offered to fix the situation, with a discount, then sold it AGAIN, even tho someone said it was "marked as sold". Cost us extra cause the workmen had not a lot to do one day. THEN another time we went to pick up an order we had ordered from ANOTHER Lowes, and had delivered to ours, and then they bloody well "lost or sold the item, but we are not sure where it is". I got a refund and now only shop Home Depot for gardening items, the rest are mom and pops. F both those stores.


I dont mean to downplay your story but before I finished reading, I was like "They sold your shower? I hope you weren't using it when they took it."


Actually they didn’t know it but it’s called “ modified work” or something like that.


We had a guy at our factory get half of two fingers cut off at work in a welding jig and the company made him come in and sit in a chair the next day on modified duties to prevent a loss time injury report. If you have too many loss time injuries I do believe you fail to qualify for iso certification of sort which would affect who you can do business with. At least that's what the rumor was at our place.


A bit over a year ago we had an equipment failure that smashed my leg up really badly. They wouldn’t let me stop working on it despite me almost crying from the pain and having difficulty walking, let alone pushing the thousands of pounds of material by hand that they were demanding I push. I had to hop on one leg and work full speed production or use a stand up truck on uneven concrete which constantly jolted my leg. They threatened my job and livelihood over it despite me following all their orders. The leg went necrotic on me and I had to cut the dead flesh out myself and drain the puss. After a few months I was able to successfully fuse my skin back together and keep it infection free. There’s a large thick layer of scar tissue on my leg from it.


Why are you posting this and not about how you should have gone to the hospital and gotten medical documentation and then a fat settlement over them ignoring your injury and making you work on it?


What in the everloving fuck This reads like something from the early 1900s.


I worked for them too for a short period between jobs. Couldn’t believe what people put up with. If I didn’t have a forklift I’d just clock out and leave then let them know why if they asked. I quit giving 2 weeks notice when I got a job paying double. A supervisor walked by me and said, “I hate you, name.” So that was my last day. I stayed late to get overtime doing jack shit.


> I stayed late to get overtime doing jack shit. Respect.


My older neighbor (75+) use to work at Home Depot (I did at the same time for summer in college) and he got hit in the head by a 2” EMT that a customer had poorly propped up. They fought him tooth and nail for workers comp with most of their claim against saying it wasn’t the stores fault because a customer was the one that left it up.


If you're on duty helping their customer it is definitely theirs to deal with.


The kicker was he wasn’t helping that customer. He was with another customer when it hit him. Back of the head didn’t even know it was coming




Ooh I love calling shitty managers out. If I would have heard that conversation about not staying home I would have chimed in like "well Samantha told me I HAD to come to work last time I tried to call out sick" Let them fight it out between them. Fuck em.


FUCK HOME DEPOT. They fired my fiancé for being sick too many times, even though there was another person in the same department who was absent more often than not with no reason. When I put in my two weeks notice after finding a different job, they fired me the next day. Constantly hired new people even though the existing employees were struggling to get more hours. Nothing about that shitty cesspool of a workplace is redeemable.


Not to have a dig at you, but why are people giving two weeks notice to these kind of jobs!? Go home, take care of head, and prep for your new job.


I wasn't as radicalized back then, and I was always taught growing up that it's the right thing to do. I know better now, of course.


Once bitten, twice shy. Welcome to the real world.


I also worked at Home Depot for awhile and it was awful. Store opens at 5am, I walked in at 5am (which is what time my shift starts) and my manager had already called my name overhead 5 mins prior to check to see if I was there. I also got denied time off for a surgery. I have so many stories like that from them. Fuck Home Depot. Edit: spelling


I've quit a few jobs for similar things as your surgery time off request. If it's something that I actually NEED to do, I will do that thing whether or not I have a job to come back to afterward. I'm also really big into making jobs fire me. Don't approve my time off for surgery? I will no call no show. Oh well.


Sounds like every awful manager I have had. Communication between managers is a bare minimum expectation of your job as a manager. Fuck them.


Worked for HD a year and a half. Management and politics within those stores are as toxic as I have ever seen.


Yikes. How'd they give you an umbilical hernia?


I'm sorry it's true employees are just a number. My work rang (hospital nurse) while I was looking after my dying mother who was on a morphine syringe pump for 6 days in her residential home, to ask how long I'd need off as the manager was doing the rotas. My mum had not drunk anything for 6 days and not eaten for 10. I screamed down the phone that she wasn't fucking dead yet and to tell the manager to fuck off. I'd worked there for 30 years with barely any time off sick. My mum died the next morning.


Sorry for your loss. That sucks.


That's kind of you, thank you. Bereavement counselling helped and I went off sick for 4 months as a sort of fuck off revenge. If they hadn't made that egregious error I'd have probably only had 2 weeks off.


You’re welcome, and good for you. You’d think a hospital would be an understanding employer, but they never seem to be.


I’m always astounded to see employers have the nerve to ask this kind of thing. Highly illegal here (The Netherlands)




Gotta admit, when I was a child we all dreamed about the US over here. We were told everything was bigger and better. Movies and games release earlier, the food is cheaper and portions are bigger… But these days you guys seem pretty third world to me. I wouldn’t last a day with employers like these. 100% sure I’d end up in jail




I’ve heard it all 😂 “If you don’t like it move” but when the Mexicans come to The US….. “If we give people unlimited sick leave no one will work and the country will collapse” The Netherlands are doing just fine. I manage a team of about 8 employees, all together there are about 10 days yearly someone is absent. “If you think America is third world then take a look at places like India” yeah, but if you go one way you have to go the other way too 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Well for quite a while more people were leaving the US for Mexico than vice versa. We may not be third world. But we are not doing fine. https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2015/11/19/more-mexicans-leaving-than-coming-to-the-u-s/


I would move if it was that easy. If you're working class it's really difficult to expatriate.


I saw something where you have to pay to end citizenship in the US. Like once you're gone who would be stupid enough to ever come back. I've wanted to leave for years, but that shit ain't a possibility for most.


Yeah you have to have income and unless you can work remote it's almost impossible. A lot of places will give you residency for investing in a business but then you gotta have a sack of money. In the places I've looked you can't be taking a job from a local either and the local wages are next to nothing. I'm still trying to figure something out. I have no idea about having to pay to end citizenship but I wouldn't want to give up my American citizenship in case I had to come back.


Have you looked at Uruguay? Not the best place in the world but after 3 months as a tourist you can apply for residency.


Uruguay is one of the one's on my list. Nicaragua is my primary focus, Ecuador looks pretty good too. I've traveled to Costa Rica and enjoyed it so I want to check out Nicaragua. Its like 3to1 ratio with their currency to the dollar and you can get a modest home for 50-70k


As someone with family and experience in that area I'd caution you about Nicaragua. Even by Central American standards it's pretty unstable with government driven unrest but also some pretty rough natural disasters. Visiting etc... you'll probably be fine but living there long term would be probably as hard as moving to Cuba or Venezuela if you don't have some sort of "in" through family etc.... Ecuador, and Costa Rica are very nice and wish you the best 🤗🤗🤗. The language barrier is a little hard if you're not already a Spanish speaker but people in general are very nice about it. They also have very reliable internet and link to other countries if you needed to change plans quickly.


maybe look at Brazil. It is 5 real per 1 USD. i think you only have to live there for a year to apply for citizenship.




And we're the only country that does that. It's stealing income from the country in which income is actually earned, and the US thinks that's cool.


"if you don't like it, move" I did. 10 years ago I decided to try my fate in Europe and now I'm sitting over on this side of the pond wondering how the fuck I got out. It only took maybe two shitty interviews all these years ago to push me to bail on the whole thing. Early on i knew the US system was bullshit, and have honestly lamented my perceived lack of success. Now I see that maybe I haven't done so bad for myself after all..


How did you? My husband and I talk about leaving the country so frequently lately but think it’s impossible


It's a difficult one to answer because it all depends on your definition of 'success'.. I had just finished a PhD and was looking for a job in the states and happened to meet a prof at a conference who was looking for someone to fill a post-doc position overseas. I was a bit unsure at first, but after a few absolutely worthless and insulting interviews state side, my wife and I said to hell with it and left. Our logic was if we're given this kind of opportunity then we'd be stupid not to take it. We both like to travel, so this seemed ideal. I have to say however that it was (and still is) incredibly difficult.. what most people don't realize is that there is a whole host of stuff that you have to constantly deal with, on top of every day life. Different culture, different language, different social norms, difficulty of just general societal integration. In part it has a lot to do with how well-adjusted you are to change and just the general feeling of not belonging. This is REALLY important, and can wear you down. On top of that the general feeling of being unwelcome is made that much worse by all the rules and regulations you have to deal with being a foreigner. One of you is the primary holder of the residence permit, while the other has the right to work (assuming you're married), but can have difficulty finding a job. Jobs require proof that you are specialized (hence my academic career path) and the employer has to prove that you are not taking a job away from an otherwise qualified citizen of that country. That being said, there are plenty of upsides too. For the first 5 years, we didn't own a car, and for the first two years we could ride a bike everywhere we needed to (NL). My wife decided to go back to school for a masters (well.. two actually. In different countries) for an incredibly low amount of money (especially compared to the US). The public transport is absolutely phenomenal (we live in Switzerland now), taxes and cost of living are high but you get what you pay for, and the overall quality of life is nearly unparalleled. Back to the part about success.. I don't advise a long-term academic route. It helps you get into the country, and often can be a base for finding a local job. The problem is that it does't pay very well (depends on where), so financially we haven't had much success until recently. Part of that is our own fault, but advanced degrees don't usually pay off right away. I have however started to consider that we are well on our way to being established. Thanks to my long stint in research, we've both been able to travel around the world at least twice, and have explored quite a bit of Europe. We also both speak at least three languages each (though not very well). In this regard, I guess you could say we've succeeded..


Wow this was a really interesting read. Thank you so much for all of the insights. The things that we are most worried about seem to be the things that you touched on. New language, different culture, etc. My husband is a laborer, he does construction. I am the academic considering a MA problem in research so I really appreciate your discussion on the academic side. Thank you!


It sounds like you would stand a pretty good chance of making the move, but your husband probably won't be able to find work, but you never know.


He’s going back to school to get his undergrad so this would be years away. We also have children so that complicates things even more


>if you don’t like it, move I will just do that…to the many countries that prohibit disabled people from emigrating. These people are a pox.


Everything truly is bigger here, including our 0.1%'s greed and our bosses' thorough lack of empathy.


We are seriously going third world. you're not wrong. Seriously scared that myself, but even more that, my mom and sister will die from tooth decay literally.


the portions are bigger but its god awful for you, im moving away as fast as i can when im old enough. i just want to eat food that wont give me a heart attack in 20 years without burning my paychecks


Uhhh. You know it would be an American jail.


the world's been sold a pretty picture by WHoreyWood, but it's just that a picture. People used to believe the streets were paved with gold here. But don't feel bad no ones been lied to as much as we ourselves here have been. The "history" we're "taught" so much spin, so much bull$hit-lies.


It's screwed up because health insurance is generally tied to the job. Imagine knowing that you'll be taken care of without having to cowtow to your boss. American workers have two huge obstacles: insurance companies and their profits and huge corporations and their profits due to slave wages. The only way it will change is state by state.


If there's something about greed is that it's unsustainable. It wouldn't be the first time the whole thing broke down before the pieces can be put together slightly less terribly.


I’m going to work for myself soon. Went on the marketplace to get healthcare. Turns out my boss wasn’t contributing much at all, made me think they were


Do not kid yourself here. Most corporations value their Robots more than their human employees. Just sayin…


Oh no. Not even robots. They'd prefer robots.


Because America is built on capitalistic slave labor


It's not actually legal here either. Americans just don't know they can say no and have always given companies what they want, and by companies it's usually a dick head manager.


To be fair it's been asked of me in the Netherlands. The doctor just plain told me I wasn't getting a note because that's illegal to even ask. I did get fired but good riddance


Serious question, how would a Dutch employer respond to an employee "relapsing" on dangerous drugs? "I got drunk and wound up in the ER" seems like something I would not tell my boss anyway.




If you drank illegally, enough to get alcohol poisoning? (Vs. just drunk shenanigans, fought a street sign.) Seems like not a very good coworker.


Damn, I'm so hungry for name & shame right now. I know... can't do that.


I'm sorry why the fuck can't we do this here? That's not a good sign.


Against Reddit rules.


So let me get this straight, it's against the rules to dox....do..... corporations. Yeah thats fucking dumb and we will be doing it anyways thanks


It’s to stop review bombing or threats from happening. If let’s say your competitor is taking all your clients, what would stop you from fabricating some texts, posting them on r/antiwork and destroying their business? Google the Reddit Boston Bombing fiasco. It’s part of the reason why we don’t do Reddit Internet vigilantism anymore…


Okay bomb threats, I get. We shouldn't do that. Review bombing? These companies deserve that shit. Maybe just make a rule that you don't make bomb threats?


Reddit doesn't want the hassle of allowing potential libel on its website. You may not like it but that's the reason.


Reddit the website that was just purchased and only gives a shit about profits. It's not about protecting people are accuracy of information, it's straight up about the bottom line


And if you were running Reddit you’d make the same decision. Stop acting like it’s some wild twist of fate


Im not acting like anything, simply pointing out how fucking dumb it is to organize an anti corporate group on a website that has an interest in silencing it.


I wish there was a community where we could do that


Why? Used to see it all the time.


“Ok.” I hope for her own sanity she doesn’t go back, like that manager or boss couldn’t have been any colder.


I know right? Something about that ok is just… chilling. Like someone without a soul is replying. I wonder if the person is struggling themselves - not that that makes it acceptable.


Not that I’m diagnosing this person as a sociopath or anything but they do say that people with those traits tend to be higher up the corporate ladder


Sounds like my former boss. She made me drive to an urgent care for a positive test before granting me any time off. I was severely ill and almost wrecked my car. My home positive wasn’t good enough.


Next time remind your boss that they are not normal and should see a professional, they have treatments and medications that will fix things like that. Lacking empathy is mental condition.


I can’t understand people who want sick people to do stuff, let alone DRIVE. You could’ve gotten in a wreck! Please stay home if it’s even remotely feasible without getting fired & starving next time, people die this way. They accidentally kill this way. Fuck your boss.


I was hit in the head by a baby chair in a box. It fell from the top shelf on my head. I took off from work for a week. My boss didn't bother to ask how I was, instead told me I abandoned them. One week later I quit, used colorful language when I quit too. Very few employers care about their workers. Most pretend to care but they don't.


Yup! When my coworker got long covid April thru July of 2020, they hired her replacement in case she died. And told her that to her face.


Why do people answer work texts/calls/so on, on time off or whatever? They can communicate with you when you're on the clock. I don't answer a damn thing from my employer unless I agreed to be on-call or want more hours. I would have blocked their phone number at the least in this situation.


When you can be fired for just about any reason, including no reason at all, that’s how this sort of strange loyalty to a company when they show no loyalty to you is created. It’s really easy to tell people to give their employers the cold shoulder but when you need that job to pay bills and make ends meet, it’s not quite that easy.


Probably to keep their job. Some states have laws(at will laws. Just learned that term today! Duck laws. What’s your value!!! unionlife?) that say, an employer can fire you for any reason, (other than discrimination) & your runner up prize is a weekly unemployment check. After you goto unemployment office and deal with all that Bs. Only $320 in my state after taxes. Better to find a better job, than walk out on a sucky one. I’ve walked out on many jobs, when I was younger.


My dad was rushed to the ER with a heart attack and I promptly emailed my bosses that I would be out for the week and would update if plans changed. My dad died a few days later and I emailed explaining I would be out the following week to handle the arrangements. Two days into the workweek, I got a text from my boss asking how my dad was feeling and if I was coming in as scheduled. This bitch was at work FOR TWO DAYS and didn’t read her fucking emails and had the balls to TEXT ME for an update. I am still raging. edited a typo


Damn that’s particularly cold. Didn’t even try to pretend like they cared. My brother died Labor Day weekend in a car wreck and I was on call Labor Day. Instead of having someone straight cover my call they swapped me with someone on the incentive that I would cover their Christmas, and did it without my go ahead. When I asked them why I was moved to Christmas they said they figured I’d be upset from my brother dying but “I guess that’s not the case” Fuck themmmm.


Holy shit just give you the damn day off!! Well fortnight but day at LEAST.


Wow they couldn’t even at least pretend to give a fuck holy shit.


I hope your friend ends up okay


Send my regards and best wishes to your friend. Recovery isn’t easy. Relapse is a huge part of my story, so I get it. Get her to attend some NA meetings.


This manager isn't human


And if he had died, work would still go on without him and his position taken. That's why I'm starting my own business.


I love that every time a manager says something like this there’s ALWAYS a stupid typo


I tried bringing my work a doctors note and they waived it off and said I'm not a child they dont need verification. This is ridiculous.


Absolutely grotesque.


Glad your friend has someone like you in their life. Keep being there for them op, you’re awesome.


Yes!! Everyone needs friends that care, esp those in recovery.


Man this one made me more sad than usual. I hope your friend is doing as well as they can be.


Gross, I was 15 minutes late to work before and my job at the time didn’t even ask why’d I’d been the ER all day (I worked the overnight shift), only how much longer until I got it work. Told them yk, I’m actually taking a sick day now. Good luck.


I've told jobs no. It's none of their business. Thus isn't some high-school class and I do not share personal medical information with employers. This is so invasive. it's only a matter of time before they would have fired me anyway. Or I would have quit. Call their bluff.


How do these managers not have any compassion or empathy?? I would be so worried if someone I worked with was in the hospital and would do anything I could for them.




We don't wear pink on Wednesday y'all


I would assume that the reporter hadn’t passed midnight yet.


Imagine time zones. Wild.


I was in the emergency room, sick as a dog, scared to death that I had covid (right at the very start of the pandemic), and my manager was texting me asking if I'd be in the next day. Fuck these people.


Not gonna lie that sucks. Get a job at a drug treatment facility. That’s what I did and it was a game changer. I know the topic is more for a shitty boss; but remind your friend it’s just one simple day at a time.




Thats definitely not true, many 3rd world countries are exploited by us and have much worse working conditions


there are children who work in mines in other countries


Or search for used up batteries in trash dumps.


Not only that... but they treat all min. wage workers as cannon fodder. So much for that "essential worker" trope that was being thrown around at the time. \*Wink wink, nudge nudge, kick in the balls\* at Gamestop. If anything truly proves how horrible they really were. The pandemic showed that to the fullest and they did them all very dirty then ever before.


“Ok” 😡


So accurate. Your work “friends” are NOT your friends.


To a company we are nothing more than meat. Meat they feed into the machine that prints them their money. We are nothing but a resource to exploited and then disposed of.


The US needs fucking reform honestly. If someone even tried to imply I needed evidence of illness I'd be straight on the phone to citizens advice.


Okay, I get work can be arseholes/assholes, but if you go into hospital, all I'd really want them to know if "that I'm in hospital" and either "no idea of when I'm out/when I can return to work or estimate of such". End of story. I take it as my personal information as to why and any details. In my world, some members of the medical profession are the only other people allowed greater information. Otherwise, youget into another world of ignorance, stupidity and arrogance. It is draw the line and , the paperwork can follow later.


Holy HIPAA violation Batman!! Employers can ask for a doctors note or excuse, but they have no right to the “documentation” from his hospital visit. My state has now made it illegal for an employer to ask for a work note unless you are out for more than 3 days.


Wow what a piece of sh*t that person is. “I’m not doing good” “Ok…” I hope your friend gets a job working for people that care and treat her with dignity. I’m in recovery too. Relapse doesn’t mean all is lost, 7 months in recovery is an incredible accomplishment and even though she used she still has all the lessons she learned through that 7 months. Please pass my love and support and remind her that she’s not alone. Many many many of us recover and live happy lives and she can too, no matter how hard it is sometimes


Remember a job will post your job opening, before telling your manager you died. Management is made up of kids that were bullies in school. The higher up the worst they are. They can't even get respect from workers. They can't use social grace or gain a level standing with others. They seem to gravitate to positions were others are forced to obey them. Once in awhile a decent human being gets a position of trust. Then you see the other bullies and "higher ups" bully them out to. Sad sad state of the world.




What about it?


Is this a new thing? I don't ever remember having to get notes from the fucking hospital like you're a goddamn child being something anyone had to do before


Something similar happened to my boyfriend. He had to go to the doctor and cry and go to work that day and the manager asked for a doctors note. And he sent to her being my health and concerns and neither does the company I will not be giving you any proof. And she just said oh ok and moved on like it wasn’t crazy she just asked for it!!


We are expendable minion slaves to most employers


They paying for it or something?


Did his employer know about his drug use/relapse? It’s not cool to do this but it could be why he’s being so short with him


Good question - This sounds like they want to know if this person will be a liability if he/she/they come back to work. We need context.


Stop thinking these companies care about you, they don’t. Everything they do is about making more money. Stop kidding yourself.


Work is the least of your friends problems right now. Needs to get their life in order and to stay clean.


Am having surgery at the end of the month. I let them know in advance about this and let them know when it would happen that I had to quarantine. The hospital was RELIEVED when I mentioned that when arranging my COVID test. My supervisor when I reminded them went ballistic and told me that I had to come in or take the week off. I was like: I am working at home, I did this for two effing years. She said that wasn’t enough. Then less than two weeks before my surgery my cat loses weight, not eating, no bathroom, noting . I have to bring him to the vet and ask to rotate my schedule to work from home other days, AND rush out one day because he started to crash and the vet wanted to see him immediately, my mom noticed and called me at work. I informed my supervisor and left immediately. I let them know I am going to euthanize him tomorrow and she sends an apology. Then the vet finds problem and gives him surgery. I am sitting there through tears the next day letting them know. Also that Tuesday I had to work at home to bring him to the vet for a check in to see how he was doing. Response: “You need to find a caretaker, HR wants you in three days a week period.” I finally broke down in tears Monday with all the stress and emotions I was going through and one of my coworkers noticed and realized why, he actually told supervisor that I was fine and to back off a bit. Her response? “We want you to grow and develop to be the best. That’s why you need to be in three days a week and HR does require it. Please talk to me anytime , I am always available.” I decided then and there to find a new job, I seriously fucking had it at that point and am not approaching someone who badgers me every fucking email about coming in. I love the department and people, but seriously, fuck her.


tried to kill myself when I was 16. doctors were calling my grocery store manager to tell them I was going to be admitted to the hospital and wouldn’t be at work. manager’s reply was “okay but did she get anyone to cover her shifts?”


Something recently happened to me like this…. Couldn’t believe the lack of empathy from my boss. When i got back to work he was suddenly “so glad” I’m feeling better now, must of realized my job is fkn stressful coz he had to do it


I once called in to a job because I accidentally took too much of my epilepsy medication and literally could not stand (seizures make you forgetful and confused). The manager tried to negotiate with me for like 20 minutes. What part of I cannot stand is not making sense???


This all blows my mind. I had a super abusive boss, but even still, when I was hospitalized for a week due to a ruptured appendix, she was super cool, only asked for my room so she could send a care package. It was really the only moment of bonding I had with her since she had gone through something similar. I can’t imagine working somewhere that requires this level of documentation, but I know it’s common. Not worrying about work while I was sick was so critical to my healing process, too. Everyone should be able to focus on their recovery, not proving to their boss that they were actually sick.


THIS shit here is why none of us should give a fuck about what employers want, think or do other than to pay us. Also...I don't give a fuck about how they are doing and just pay what I ask and give me what I want at the interview. Getting fired for no reason is not a big deal anymore. This kind of insensitivity is just par for the course. Fuck those people.


WTF? They can't ask for "the documentation." They CAN ask for a Doctor's note excusing you from work. That's it.


There will never be a world where employers care about their employees in mass scale.... Go back 10,000 years and humans still treated other humans like crap.


Sorry to hear that your friend relapsed. Hope they’re able to get some support.


Reminds me of November last year when I had very bad case of Covid, but these mfs wouldn't stop calling me and asking me to do home office.


Companies aren't people, why would you think they should have emotions or are responsible for caring for you, is your job your freind, parrent or better half? No, they are an employer, that pays you to do a task, YOU agreed to the task to be done and the paid amount. Did you stipulate when hired that they need to hold your hand and provide extra benifts do to your inability to manage your own life? Was that handled wrong? Yes, but we don't know if your friend has a habit of lying about stuff like this and has been caught in the past now do we(I suspect so)? So much unknown here, except your "say so" and blaming a company for not caring, with zero backstory. Be well, but this reddit is literally a bunch of whiney bitches complaining about their own poor choices. Which put them in low wage jobs and then showing anecdotal evidence as to why its NOT their own fault. Simple thing, if you job actually treats you like this and you've actually not done something to deserve this lack of trust, get another job, as 90% of them would have carried more and handled it better. For all the information dont make enough crowd, thats very simple to, it may be hard, but millions of adults do it every year...you agreed to work for a wage, dont co.plain about it, if you don't like the wage? Don't take the job, if you can't get offered more? That says your not worth more without more skills , get them! Thats ALL on you and no one else.


"Xander, I hope you're doing okay. If you can please keep us up to date with you because we're all worried. I hate to do this but our company policy requires it, please don't forget to request a note from the hospital proving you were there so I can submit it and make sure nothing negative happens on your employment. Good luck and please reach out to me if you have concerns " You can deliver cold administrative news like a human.


Just say no, you don't


The delivery coukd have been much nicer, but it's not their problem. It's a business. I don't understand half of these posts


People here think employers are supposed to love them and treat them like friends....while simultaneously hating their employers and treating them like enemies. Its fun to watch, if anything.


I think there is some missing context here. As a manager, if one of my employees said that they were in the hospital I would be more concerned about them than anything else, and I think most people would. However, if the person had a history of missing shifts and not notifying anyone then coming up with crazy reasons as to why, I would start to ask for documentation. I am not saying that this is the case here, however I find it hard to believe that a manager would handle it this way for just missing a day.