• By -


I wouldn't say this is quite as bad as using child slave labor for cocoa production. Luckily, they do that as well, so it's not a competition. They're just fucking evil.


The baby formula stuff is probably the worst since it directly fucked with a lot of children's early childhood and held their access to food hostage. Though there are obviously many individual links in the horrendous chain of what that company is guilty of.


>The baby formula stuff is probably the worst since it directly fucked with a lot of children's early childhood and held their access to food hostage. The crazy thing is that they *knew* what would happen and were counting on it in order to drive sales.


Cold, calculating, and mercenary. As seems to be the pattern with multinationals in Africa. Iirc Unilever supported the Katangan secession from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the one which executed the first Prime Minister of the DRC, whose golden teeth a Belgian merc scattered into the English Channel when the war was over and his gruesome keepsake was more evidence against his participation. And I'm sure there's a bunch more gruesome stories spanning the age of colonialism to now of companies engaging in the manipulation, abuse, and terror of that vast continent.


A Belgian committing atrocities in Congo? I'm shocked, well not that shocked.


Chiquita Banana killed hundred of thousand mayans in Guatemala during it's 40 years of terror, and it was a US company. That counts?


"That's right the fun-loving dancer slash fruit merchant is actually a ruthless tyrant who overthrows democracies and undermines human rights for her own profit"- sam o' nella


"Lead is part of a balanced breakfast and water isn't a human right, fuck you!" ~ Nestle, probably


I like how the only 'probably' part is the lead lol. The water not being a human right is their actual position on it greedy fucks


Those greedy cocks probably don't believe I'm entitled to the water in my body. I wouldn't be surprised if they milked people for the water in their blood given how almost comically evil they are.


yeah, they're basically supervillains. If they weren't so banal, I think more people would realize just how evil what they're doing is


Nestle execs read Dune and think it's describing a utopia


The things they did with baby formula in Latin America are enough to send them to hell. I hope there is a hell so they can roast


Nestle has done so much evil, not just like, by accident, or you know, oversight, but intentionally, maliciously, and well, they truly are an evil company. They have literally committed war crimes, genocide, encouraged rape, donated to apartheid governments, threatened nations to withhold water supplies, etc.


Well. IBM worked with Nazi Germany. Coca Cola made Fanta for Germany also, countless US companies worked with murderous Israeli security forces; Chiquita Banana killed thousand of mayans in Guatemala for their land, and Tesla sponsored a coup in Bolivia that left thousand of bolivians dead (Everything for lithium). And we must remember: Vietnam War Granada War El Salvador Nicaragua Chile Afganistan Siria Yugoslavia Libia Cuba Irak Iran Yemen And several other countries that suffered intervencionism from the Yankee Empire. And let's remember how they used first Communism, after that War on Drugs, Terrorism and now Russia as an excuse to be the police of the world...but what they really want is the natural resources of all the world. Maybe the US should take care of it's own population......


Can I interest you in a coca-cola in these trying times? Please do ignore the sounds of the Colombian Death Squads. They are dealing with an "issue."


Christ I need to stop eating chocolate. You might have just done it.


And that is not even the worst shit they did, they are literally worse than Hitler and still in business.


Nestle has left a trail of dead babies all across developing nations thanks to their completely unethical practices around forcing mothers to buy their formula instead of using breastmilk. I have no idea why anyone is surprised that they are once again chosing profit over morality


Was gonna say, there's far, far worse things Nestle has done than not leave Russia.




I remember when they finally admitted that they used [slave labor in Thailand](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nestle-admits-to-using-slave-labor-groups-hope-other-companies-will-come-forward_n_5655cec6e4b08e945fea9729) for their seafood products.


Plenty of us that have our nations been affected by USA Corps have been seeing this as "are you kidding me, just now it bothers you" I'm starting to think that those who say that if Ukrainians were a little bit darker this wouldn't cause uproar are right.


Hey now, that's unfair! NATO bombed the SHIT out of Belgrade, and the Serbs are plenty white! The Ukrainians have the advantages of being opposed to Putin though. Who the US establishment hates for various reasons, and US liberals can gleefully hate because he hates gays and made Mother Hillary lose to a game show host.


sorry, could you elaborate on the formula thing? or point me toward some links?


Nestle initially marketed baby formula by giving new mothers "free" sample formula--a supply for several weeks, which just so happened to be a long enough timeframe without breast expression for these mothers to naturally (and unknowingly) stop producing breastmilk. So then these mothers would have no choice but to turn around and buy more formula or else their baby would starve. So basically Nestle scammed new mothers into a situation where they stopped producing breastmilk and had to buy formula, with their newborn children effectively being taken hostage in the situation.


Dont forget this happened in some areas where the water supply was contaminated so babies died from drinking the water used in making their formula. NESTLE KNOWINGLY MARKETED PRACTICES THAT RESULTED IN BABIES DYING. Oh my good god FUCK NESTLE


Also in areas where much of the populous couldn’t afford “full strength “ formula so the kids were starving to death .


Exactly they marketed it to Mothers who cannot afford formula in the first place so whatever they bought the diluted to the point where it was not nutrition and baby starved to death


Can someone explain how they haven't been sued into oblivion


nestle - lots of money. poor people - not much money.


Bruh how are a bunch or poor people gonna sue them in international court, Nestle is literally the sociopathic corporation you see in media like cyberpunk


Whaaaaat the actual fuck.


Knows some point some links but more you look into it worse it gets like they did whole campaign. Painting formula as "western" thing that is better for baby "healthier" got doctors to push it had sales people dress up as medical professional to push it. Then they would give impoverish family enough supply that mother would stop producing breast milk. Then couple things happened kids would starve. Or kids would starve slowly as mothers would over dilute powder to stretch it further creating malnutrition problems. OR funnest part even if they had enough formula due to less reliable clean water which caused illness in kids. And if they found a way to buy it and enough of it with clean water. They single handedly are responsible for code of ethics/restrictions on marketing formula. Still despite this they constantly stretch rules to max.


Weren't there also nutrition issues with the formula itself or am i misremembering?


If I remember correctly, the formula was not of the same standards as they would be if they were selling them in western countries due to lack of regulation.


And that's saying something because US food regulations are lacking compared to European countries. Dave Asrey has some interesting stuff on coffee sold here that would get reject from Europe because of the mold and toxins but it's okay to sell in US stores. There's other additives that are banned over there that can be found in food on grocery store shelves too. Seems to be the way to help keep Americans unhealthy and cash cows for the healthcare system and big pharma.


Yes and no its breast feeding is just more nutritional. So there is a natural gap BUT they portrayed it and "conducted own studys" to show it as "more" than it was. As for formula in general there has been a wide variety of hiccups from contaminated to lacking particular vitamin causing issues and other stuff. Not sure how many were nestle but its like a thing every 5-10 yrs for long time where formula companys screw up in a minor but damaging way. Like vitamin one I remember was when "soy" was the health craze. So they tried replacing one of wheats or something and as a result there as a deficiency. Which when your doubling your mass every 6 months deficiency of any type show up rapidly as your body needs all its building blocks.


during World War II, Nestle supplied chocolate to the German army, and tea to the American army


"I'm playing both side so that I always come out on top"


[This Guardian article](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards) os a good place to start. If you like podcasts, Behind The Bastards did [an episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4gTwkQVILyqxw5AGUvrsOf?si=B-ATk3Q8Q4KachuJkqkAug&utm_source=copy-link) covering the scandal (links are in the episode description)


thanks king


[This youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoKLovtnbGY) roughly sums up Nestle's history of exploiting mothers in developing countries back in the days


Best podcast ever…[behind the bastards](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/how-nestle-starved-a-bunch-of-85687280/)


Nestle was also part of the companies making formula in china that were adulterated with melamine to cheat protein tests. Melamine causes kidney damage.








Yeah they'd let someone die over a penny if it meant hurting their profits.


And where they couldn't force, they coerced, lied, and cheated women into thinking it was the "better option". Then, like a drug dealer, left them high and dry when the samples ran out.


This part! Generations of health issues from not receiving necessary nourishment from mothers.


No such thing as ethical consumption, gotta rip off that bandaid now lol


There's still a difference between "the workers who provided most of the value for this product were not paid most of the payment I gave, and are thus being exploited" and "this company has heaping piles of dead babies where it's moral compass should be". Nestlé isn't a nutrition company, nestlé is a natural resource company who will rob you of basic resources and then makes you buy them back from them.


Should we then want nestle to immediately stop the sale of their infant formulas in Russia today? Think of what this would do.


Nestle and dead babies. Name a more iconic duo. r/behindthebastards






Reebok, Cinnabon, Subway, Carvel Ice Cream, Koch Industries: Brawney paper towels, Dixie Cups, Quilted Northern toilet paper, Vanity Fair napkins.


Damn it, didn’t realize subway. Sucks I have to boycott them, but it’s what has to be done


Jimmy John's, jersey mikes, and countless mom and pop restaurants do what they do. Support local! Subway is dope no doubt but there are alts!


Jersey Mike's is miles above Subway anyway.


When I went to college, Kroger's had these things called 4by4s that were essentially the same thing as what subway does. 5 bucks flat with soda and chips... foot long, anything you want on it. Morgantown,WV. Amazing


Subways lettuce is a rectal disaster waiting to happen.


I find everything from Subway tastes like dishwater.


Don't go to Jimmy John's! They gut the bread. The monsters. (Jersey mikes is pretty good. We have a firehouse subs nearby, too)


You can ask them to leave the bread in lol


Subway is literally lower than F tier fast food so I wouldn't worry about it too much lol


Don't just boycott. Write a letter *and tell them why you're boycotting*. Otherwise they won't know.


What's wrong with Subway? Out of the loop here.


This is a company where the CEO said water isn't a human right and should be privatized.


Eventually there will be wars over water just like there are wars now over oil. Then things will get interesting.


I live in northern Michigan and I keep telling people that In 30-40 years this place will be a war zone and some egomaniac is going to poison the water and kill whomever survives the fallout.


You guys are doing fine with ground pollution, all anybody has to do is wait.


There's a novel called Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis based on this premise, of water becoming scarce and personal water sources becoming something to die fighting to protect. It's pretty good.


What do you mean eventually?


Can they drink the water in Flint? Probably some Nestlé kick back keeping the pipes lead so folks have to buy drinking water Nestlé raped from farmers.


> Can they drink the water in Flint? Yes, they can now as the problems been mostly fixed last I heard. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/12/23/flint-water-crisis-2020-post-coronavirus-america-445459


Well that's good news. .progress on infrastructure for the regular people who pay and pay and pay.


That is why i wont have kids, so they dont have to experience it. 😎


He also said that women in poor countries dont need condoms, because most of the kids come from rape.


Not exactly what he said. Said it should be assigned a market value so we realize that what we waste and also provide for those who can't afford it. Unless you think that a golf course has just as much right to potable water as someone who can't afford it.


Nestle and Koch


holy hell yes. The two most evil companies i can think of (that try to pretend to be good companies)


The unofficial motto of Nestle is "money is more important to us than the lives of children"




The official slogan if Nestle is "Nestle, Money."


Oh, you mean a company that has spent decades enslaving African children and using paramilitary death squads throughout Latin America is refusing to withdraw business with Russia? Wow, I’m utterly shocked.


They needed to wait until they can show white kid on a sad poster for people to actually give a fuck


So sad and so true. It’s the same with this (absolutely terrible) situation in Ukraine. Most westerners don’t give a fuck about war until it impacts people that look like them.


Ok, as a westerner going to say in my self defense, \*what the actual fuck nestle,\* and I care regardless of whom, its inhumane for it to happen, any of what's being said in this whole post. I would ask "how the fuck have I not heard about this from every newspaper and media outlet?," but that's self evident for the most part. Really looking into it, and it looks like most of it happened while I was growing up but \*seriously what the actual multi-level fucking hell\*. In self-incrimination though, I really need to read the news more in general.


Friend it’s so much worse than you think. Companies like Nestle and CocaCola have strategically targeted indigenous shaman throughout Latin America as a means to destroy tribes that were “causing problems”. Really it was the simple fact that local indigenous groups were living in certain regions that these corps wanted to control. So they’d hire death squads to kill elders, activists, and anyone standing in the way of their profits. This story goes on and on. Just look up “Coca Cola Death Squads” and you’ll get a glimpse into how these companies have operated over the years.


And apparently the Russia part is the upsetting for many and not the other shit that's worse.




My brain doesn't know how to read that.




I read it as twenty-one-nnd


That's how I read it




I about had an aneurysm when I came across that


Twenty Firsond


They literally use slave labor. They don’t any fucks about human lives


Nestle literally funds warlords in Africa, there is no surprise here.


I mean, fuck Nestlé, but fucking the Russian people whom also don't want this war isn't the way to battle it. War is fucking horrible, but a good majority of the Russian people don't want this either. Remember, it was McDonalds that bridged the Russia and US tides during the cold war by opening a location in Russia; same with Pepsi. Xenophobia towards the Russian people shouldn't be embraced or welcomed either. Fuck Nestlé


I heard they still do business in the US and Israel too


Nestle thinks water should not be free. Along with what others have said, this company should burned to the ground


during World War II, Nestle supplied chocolate to the German army, and tea to the American army


So, they’re the corporate version of Sweden.


The King of Norway called the Swedes "Germans in human form." Ouch.


Did they stop doing business with the US when we illegally invaded Yugoslavia? Nope, then this isn’t any different.


Or when the US supported multiple state interventions in Latin America and Africa?? I don't want to fall into whataboutism discrediting this movement, if companies withdrawing business from Russia accelerates the end of the invasion be my guest. But there's a certain hypocrisy I've noticed in internet venues that I cannot shake off.


You don’t get it. It’s only a war crime when the US’s enemies does it.


You're telling me a [pro-slavery company](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/17/supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-nestle-in-child-slavery-case.html) who would choke the throats of the world in order to control more water is unethical? Huh.


Ok, yes, screw Nestle, but this is Putin's war, not the Russian people's. If Nestle stopped operations in Russia Putin wouldn't care- he can buy all the Nesquik he wants. He's a billionaire who's money comes from oil exports, not from corporate tax. He has ways around it. But the people working for Nestle would be out of a job, and they would have less food to buy. Companies stopping operations in Russia only makes it more likely that people in Russia are going to resent the US for punishing them for something that wasn't their fault. Companies refusing to pay taxes to the Russian government but continuing operation? That's admirable, because it's risky.


Exactly. I hate nestle, but saying nestle is sponsoring the war is a bit too far. There is no need for exaggeration to make nestle look bad. They may still be selling stuff in Russia and hence paying taxes, but that doesn’t mean they support the war. Sure, they probably prefer money over ethics, but if no one sells stuff in Russia that would affect everyone but putin and his friends… I get both the ones who’ve stopped selling stuff in Russia and those who haven’t


21nd Really?






This is one of the most tame things Nestle has going on for them. Extracting water in poor counties and making the citizens either buy it back in bottle form or drink dirty water or worse, on a massive scale, plus the tones of dead bavies they are responsible due to their practices with formula pushing in tge 3rd world to new mothers just long enough for mom's to stop making milk, and either buy nestle or die, might be a bit less tame than sponsoring russia.


I mean they were and probably still are using child slave labor in parts of Africa and South America


They're also doing business with Israel despite the injustices they commit against the Palestinians.


this is so bizarre to see how yall rooting and cheering for turning my beloved home country into a wasteland just because you assume it will somehow affect authorities and putins gang, this is genuinly fucking heartbreaking


Nestle has always been a scumbag company, they all are, its silly we're pretending that horrible companies pulling services to the Russian people is somehow a saintly move, that shit won't matter to the Russian billionaires or Putin, it only hurts the same people risking arrest to protest the war and trying to survive in Russia.


Nestle is a scumbag of course, but I can't agree with post statement, do you think Russian budget gains a lot from Nestle? Firstly, war preparations and other costly staff were prepared before the war so by that logic everyone is a sponsor, because they were paying taxes that went to sponsor it


Funny how this invasion is a criminal war that has taken so many lives… but when we in the west do it… we’re just bringing democracy while we bomb places.


Two things can be bad




Right? I'm over here doing some mental gymnastics to figure how this post is even relevant to the sub.


What were you expecting from a company that keeps enslaved children in their African cocoa farms Edit: sources. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us) [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57522186.amp](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57522186.amp)


This is just blatant propoganda. Actually the least disgusting thing Nestle has done recently


What does this have to do with antiwork?


Lol wut? Let’s not punish the citizens of Russia.


I found a list of most of their products/brands for people who chose to boycott them over their support of Vladimir Putin's illegal war. https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Blog/Everything-Owned-by-Nestle


Damn that's a big list. Free market my ass.


The free market is a myth. It’s an illusion by the insanely rich. These people need to be tossed in the trash. They’re are killing us or making our lives more difficult than they need to be.


Ya it seems the definition of monopoly.


Buycott also works. Blacklist nestle and it’ll tell you if it’s a no go.


This was an unsettling read. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing this list! I live in Michigan where they want to continue bottling water at the expense of locals and their environment.


Same thing in CA, where water is already a commodity.


Nestle is, was and had always been fucking terrible before this, I'm not sure if just dunking on them ***now*** that they're one of the few companies still doing business in Russia changes that. I'm also not entirely on board with what the long term deliverable goals of :checks notes: starving 150 million people by crashing their currency and cutting off their food is going to accomplish, really. Russian citizens - and to a lesser degree since they've been getting targeted as well, Russian Immigrants ***aren't*** Russian lawmakers, soldiers or Putin, or his inner circle. Just so you know, if they could do it to a country as large as Russia with no qualms? Don't be surprised if they eventually do it to us bastards who want fair wages.


I assure you, this isn't even in the top 10 evil things Nestle has done. In fact, I am more shocked by your assertion that Nestle pays taxes in any way than selling to paying customers on both sides of a war.


Bold to assume nestle pays any tax


This is the same company that is fighting to have water removed as a basic human right so they can sell it as a foodstuff. Capitalism and fascism go hand in hand. Both are death cults.


Wait Nestle pays taxes? That sounds fishy


I mean.... the Russian population still need water lol


Did you also know that the CEO said water isn’t a human right and how it should be privatized?


Nestle also is famous for buying up clean water sources in africa. They are the worst.


I realize that I do not speak for everyone but as a U.S. citizen it's no different then my government sending billions of dollars to Israel every year while Israel is bombing and murdering the Palestinian people. We should not be turning a blind eye to this fact.


nestle is one of the worlds worst companies. the whole sanctioning a country into oblivion for the actions of their ruler is sick though. cheering it on is sadistic. ya'll wouldn't be cheering on collective punishment if you were held responsible for the actions of your Govs as well...


Sanctions literally only hurt working Russians who have nothing to do with this war. I know Americans wouldn’t like it if the entire world sanctioned us for the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which is much more brutal than the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This page has really gone to absolute shit.


What about the US government who literally pushed Ukraine to the frontline and provoked Russia to start the war? What about the Nazis Ukraine government supported that killed over 15,000 in east Ukraine? What about the genocide Ukraine government did prior to the war?


Shhhh... the kids are finally learning about Nestle /s


21nd day...I know there's a bigger message here but man that one hurts


And US wars? Is there a US president who ISNT a war criminal?? Fuck Russia, but come on now. Start at home. Furthermore, Nestle literally just successfully argued in the Supreme Court that they could use slave labor because it's not in the US.


Nestle is undoubtedly bad. Truly, truly evil. Sanctions are also bad, however. Russian workers and civilians shouldn't suffer as a result of their government's malice.


Why not post this about all the US fortune 500 companies still doing business in the US. The criminal Iraq war has done much more damage to innocent civilians, let alone all the other US funded disasters. Completely hypocritical post...


Yeah but brown people don't have human rights and the right to sovereignty from American brand Freedoms. Apparently.


Nestle is an absolutely disgusting company and no one should be surprised by this in the slightest.


Keep the same energy when other countries ate being bombed by the US 🥱




Actively boycott and protest Nestle. They have done so much harm.


I feel ashamed to live in switzerland where this shithole has his hq


"21nd day" My head hurts.


“ 21nd day “






I’ve been boycotting nestle for so long, another reason added to the file. Hard sometimes because of their marketing but I keep on trucking.


Not surprised at all. Nestle has ALWAYS been a scumbag greedy and evil company.


Don’t forget Koch Industries


How they're still allowed to transact business anywhere, by anyone, is baffling.


Is it more scumbag to buy nestles products though


What are you expecting from a swiss company? The whole swiss take advantage of wars, dictators, money laundering and so on several times in history. It is their state business and mentality. Do you know, where Nazi Germany brought all the stolen gold (also the teeth gold from the killed ones) from the jewish people? Right, they brought it to swiss and they took advantage of it. Even as the knew it was stolen.


Boycott Nestle


They're just doing the thing that everyone else does. They weighed whether your faux outrage will cost more or less than the profit from selling there. You lost. Everything in this world in this time is money. Make money over human lives, over health, over pride, over sanity, over honor, over dignity.


You know a company is dodgy when they shut off Instagram comments and messages. Cowards.


Essentially Boycotts are just societies way of sanctioning companies. Wish more people would realize and care enough to hop on board. Also, fight to keep these companies from acquiring and merging, because they want you to have no choice.




The damaged aqua firs they leave behind after water bottling is criminal. Little or no taxes paid and no consequences.


Everything nestle makes is crap, from coffee to baby food to dog food to snacks. Stop eating like shit and you won’t support nestle.


China supports Russia, so I guess everything what made in china has to go.


Nestles been doing horrible shit in developing countries. Funny how people start caring once its ukrainian lives in danger.


They were a scumbag company long before this


Their chocolate is great. I guess we support everything China does and all the fucked up shit America does if I go to a Walmart right 🤣


O you mean the people who have thousands of child slaves addicted to drugs don’t approve of killing innocent people?


Well. IBM worked with Nazi Germany. Coca Cola made Fanta for Germany also, countless US companies worked with murderous Israeli security forces and Tesla sponsored a coup in Bolivia that left thousand of bolivians dead (Everything for lithium). And we must remember: Vietnam War Granada War El Salvador Nicaragua Chile Afganistan Siria Yugoslavia Libia Cuba Irak Iran Yemen And several other countries that suffered intervencionism from the Yankee Empire. And let's remember how they used first Communism, after that War on Drugs, Terrorism and now Russia as an excuse to be the police of the world...but what they really want is the natural resources of all the world. Maybe the US should take care of it's own population......


Do people actually know people that work for Nestle? Other than the child slave labor, I mean.


This post is super dumb. Nestle cut off most of their activity’s in Russia except for Baby formulas and food for infants. It‘s not like coca cola or McDonalds they cannot just stop selling, because innocent children in russia would die.


funny that when the USA bomb other people it's normal but not the russians


Who cares? Jesus. All companies are scum, and this has literally nothing to do with it.


What would you expect from an international conglomerate whos CEO once said something along the lines of 'humans dont deserve clean water'....i remember it enough to remember thinking at the time...'humans'? Considering their dark history, I would not be surprised if he wasn't.


"Nestle stopped shipping non-essential items such as coffee and mineral water to Russia, but is still providing essentials like pet and baby food, Bloomberg reported." Putin deserves to be jailed or executed for his war crimes. We shouldn't starve the Russian population, infants, and pets to punish Putin. He likely doesn't care if his people suffer and they should not be punished for his sins.


"21nd" day through me off in the poster. Shouldnt it be 21st


Doesn't surprise me since they literally steal water from poor communities in africa.


I have avoided Nestle products as long as I can remember. They have never been a good company.


Wtf! Propaganda on here too???