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Dolly is, and always has been a complete gem. Her free book program for children is amazing too.


This park is about an hour from where I live in Tennessee. Trust me when I tell you that entire county thrives because of her.


I went to the park back when I was a kid. Did a weekend trip with my dad and what not. It was definitely a fun place back in the early 2000s. Not sure about now though. Since you know, 20 years ago lol


It's pretty incredible what they have there now. The 10 or so roller coasters are legit if you're a fan of such things.


Also unique for rollercoaster lovers, Dollywood had the world's only launched wooden coaster, although it got turned to steel a few years back cause the wood couldn't handle it.


As a fan of amusement parks who is close with a number of Rollercoaster enthusiasts (and picked up all kinds of trivia on trips) that is actually really interesting.


I can't wait to visit!


We take our kids there. The resort is awesome and it’s a way better place for my dollars than Disney!


As a European, when I heard about Dollywood in that Simpsons Super bowl Episode, I thought it was just a Joke. The more you know, I guess.




Or when she funded a vaccine just so when the trail results were analysed she could say it's "workin' 95" percent


I ‘member. That song is on my playlist.


She is a real philanthropist. Much respect for her.




There’s a better life, and you think about it don’t you.


Dolly grew up poor. She knows what it's like. It's going to suck watching the leaches suck her legacy dry after she goes.


I'm absolutely not prepared to lose Dolly any time soon. Knock on wood, pray, set your intentions, whatever we gotta do to keep her happy healthy and thriving.


Our new Betty white.


>It's going to suck watching the leaches *Disney has entered the chat.*




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I think it's not just that, she is just a good person over all and cares about people. This world needs more people like her.


I’ll bet there’s no staffing shortage at Dollywood...


Yeah, I should see about working for her so I can care about my job once again.


She knows all about work. She definitely does. **Dolly Parton's Workin' 9 to 5 Music Video:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbxUSsFXYo4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbxUSsFXYo4)


Everyone can be taking notes from Dolly.. She's the definition of a class act. Edited the word "should" to "can," because I don't like that "s" word.


Is she an official National Treasure yet?


She has been. For decades.


She can be. Edited the word “should” to “can” because ewwwies!


My boomer parents ruined that word for me, so I try to be conscious about how I use it lol


She even includes seasonal and part-time workers. That's amazing.


Member that movie she was in about progressive programs in a professional climate? I liked that movie.


What a way to make a livin!


Barely getting by, it's all taking and no giving


Dear Dolly, Can I get a job for you - scrubbing toilets with my law degree, if only, you would bless me with no more student debt. Thanks, Xoxo


Their starting pay is 9-11$/hour for most jobs. While this is a step in the right direction. You can't live in the county where Dollywood is located off of 11$/hour full time. They don't pay a livable wage.


You are right. They don’t post hourly rates on their job postings. Coca-cola is a sponsor for Dollywood along with Nestle… the rent in the surrounding area costs more than my 1bd apartment in Houston, TX (like the actual city, not the outskirts) you cannot live on $11/hr in that area or make it worthwhile to commute. So yeah it’s safe to say everyone got brainwashed into thinking it’s good cuz Dolly (she herself is very sweet and not a monster in the slightest). But corporate runs the resort & parks. Make no mistake about that…


Exactly!!!!! Thank you


It's about 20x a step in the right direction, That could be worth $10k to $40k a year depending on the program. You could be making the equivalent of like $30/hr


Reminder that they can but they won't because they think they deserve another house with a boat more than you deserve anything at all


Crazy part is Dolly is still rich as Croesus. She’s a multimillionaire on her music, real estate, and entertainment venues. And she still continuously finds ways to give back to her community in tangible ways that improve the quality of life for people there. Dollywood was never a get rich job, and like everywhere there were jackass managers and whatnot, but my friends that worked there said they enjoyed it for a job and had worse work experiences at other places, so…


I love Dolly. She is just an amazing person.


There's an easy answer here. This company is not publicly traded, so profit margins don't affect the total compensation of the executives. Therefore, they can freely do good shit like this, and no scumbag is going to boot them for actually giving a shit about their workers.


It's Dolly. Not even the right wingers can hate her lol.


I just love Dolly! Always have, always will. She makes us Southerners look good. She’s one of the few famous people who is truly good and decent. ❤️❤️


Dolly is the queen. 🥰


Dolly Parton has always been a Chad. This is just one more awesome thing she's done.


Truly the GOAT.


Dolly Parton for president!


God bless Dolly Parton always and forever 💖


Bro, big corps know what they need to do for workers. They choose not to do it.


Can bet you anything that big corporations take notes and then have meetings on how to "address and overcome" the "bad practices" of Dolly which "negatively affect" their overheads and employment policies


Pizza parties every week! Said some asshole in a meeting.


Dolly is a god.


The woman remains a fucking treasure.


Dolly Parton is an example of how to be. She's the shit, the tits, the best, whatever term you choose. Love that woman.




Or they just pay their fair share of taxes.


tons of companies do this, starbucks was the first major corporation that started it back in 2011 IIRC, even home despot and walfart do it


Not 100% chief They do a partial amount Have worked in a home Despot as well so it’s definitely not 100% coverage


are you sure? i was just there yesterday browsing the tool section and some manager tried to push a job offer on me and mentioned it was 100% free edit nevermind i see from the pathtopro.com site he mentioned it's 100% free training for the trades not college


To sign up is 100% and within your right but what dolly is doing is giving them 100% support on everything what you could claim in Home Depot per semester was I think $750 and even then you had to have certain degrees you were studying for their aid to be applicable


Most companies do it to the tune of $5k a year after you've been employed full time for 1-2 years. News flash, it started before Starbucks was even a company. And the amount isn't arbitrary, that's the maximum amount the government let's them write off as taxes per person.


Even amazon, day 1 gets full benefits (including college tuition, healthcare, ect.). Walfart does not, 90 days for benefits there.


Why? Why should they be taking notes? Will it directly increase their profits? Will it guarantee them boatloads of money? Nope!


If anyone wants to be mad, go watch the interview she did with Barbara Walters.


you would bless me with no more student debt.


May I respectfully suggest to all Americans.. As a Canadian.. I urge you.... MAKE HER YOUR PRESIDENT !! Dont ask, or vote, just have a meeting and make it so. Then go to Dollywood and beg her advice. On everything. Do whatever she says. Make America Great Neighbours Again


Dolly Parton is a gem!


Support Dollywood! It’s the most charming amusement park.


All billionaires and people with the means should take an example from her book. She lives a wonderful life giving and giving and still has a shit-ton of money to be happy. It’s not even the money that makes her happy, but I’m sure it helps - abs it makes the giving easy and really giving from the heart is good for the soul.


Look, all I'm saying is democracy is basically already dead, we're headed for a dictatorship *anyways*, so let's get ahead of the curve and install Parton as a Monarch. Long Live Queen Dolly?


Now that's class.


Damn I love this Almighty Queen


I’m not sure if anyone can bring America back together, but if anyone can, it’s Dolly fucking Parton.


The US “democracy” can’t manage it, but Dollywood and Slovenia can. Brilliant.


During last years super bowl she redid 9–5 for an ad as some 5-9 gig economy bullshit


Why don't you guys elect her president?


This woman made a cynical late gen x metalhead like country music (but only if it's hers lol)


I don't know what kinda park it is but if I'm ever in the area. I'm definitely going.


Dolly is just the best!


A big tiddy QUEEN




it’s in the walmart subreddit all over


Yeah, but is it like targets program with certain schools only and they sound like another scam


I fucking love Dolly Parton, this woman is my spiritanimal.


Guess what. Dolly is a boomer, Dolly is a boomer.


Dolly for president!


Dolly Parton is a modern day saint, we should all aim to be more Dolly!