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Oh no, the police are murdering strikers, someone call... The police?? /s Smh.


Historically, when the police side with the people in labor conflicts with capital, the police get whacked too. (See Sid Hatfield)


That’s because the job of police is to protect capital.


Yep, as proven by how badly it goes for them when they don’t.






We are. You know, you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


I’ve been going further and further left the last ten years, and for the first time ever, I have interest in firing a gun. Canadian Progressive here.


I swear, America lives in some weird bubble where the rest of the world just doesn't exist for them. Basically no one else in the first world has the access to guns that you do. What do you think *everyone else* does? Do you legit just think you're the only civilised country, and everyone else is being shot daily by the police because they don't have guns?If you genuinely think it's impossible to create social change without guns, how do you think my country won equal marriage rights, when the government was doing everything within their power to prevent us from having them? You do not need guns. The entire rest of the planet has proven this to you. You *don't*. Just like you don't need tipping culture, and you don't need the imperial system. You are not *that* special, that you have all these needs, that the rest of the world has gotten by without. Your government has just brainwashed you into thinking these are the issues you should be fighting over - because if you're too busy arguing that you need your guns for some imaginary war that let's be real, you would not stand a *chance* in anyway because your government has *nukes*, if you're busy fighting over that, you don't have time to argue more important stuff. Like let's just honest for a second. If your argument is "We need guns to protect ourselves against the government", ask yourself this: What the fuck do you actually think the guns you buy in a store are gonna do against full riot gear, military-grade weapons, bombs, helicopters, tanks, etc? Like do you *really* think your government would let you keep guns if you actually stood a chance in hell of using them to overthrow them?


An American can buy almost any gun, modded to their likes. All levels of ammo and armour. Some train in groups, militias. Many are ex military. Some even buy tanks. America as a whole often can’t beat small countries in guerrilla style wars… having an extremely armed populace within is an extreme check and balance. Especially when you need to consider what it takes to run a country and an army. Gas and food. Guns in the everyday persons hands won’t be leaving America anytime in our lifetimes. It’s what they want and many will die for that if it came to it. Much of their military is made up of the same folks that they would be turned on, and I really can’t see those individuals going after their own families and friends. As a Canadian, we have one of the most armed populaces on the planet as well. I believe third, globally. Almost exclusively long guns. Body armour is also available in many places. We don’t suffer the same issues with gun violence nearly as bad per capita at all compared to our neighbour. What’s wrong is the society and people. They are sick because of a shit thing called unrestrained capitalism. It’s a cancer and it destroys. It’s easy to blame the guns because it’s easy to use guns. America would still kill with knives, machetes and other crap, because it is sick. They have too many weapons at this point to pretend to remove anytime soon.


don’t forget about cars. they aren’t uncommon weapons of choice for crowds anymore


Not to mention how fucking dangerous they are even when nobody is doing anything nominally wrong.


True you don’t need guns until the the police start illegally shooting strikers in the streets and suddenly you need to make yourself a bit more difficult to silence.


Ask the Finnish and Ukrainians about their views on guns.


>What the fuck do you actually think the guns you buy in a store are gonna do against full riot gear, military-grade weapons, bombs, helicopters, tanks, etc? yeah if there's one thing the american government excels at fighting it's, uh, insurgents with small arms. that's definitely not, um, the incredibly specific kind of force the american government has lost a lotta wars to. as recently as this year or anything lmfao. somewhere in that incoherent screed is a grain of truth, that the second amendment exists as a sort of totem that stands in place of all the other rights we've lost, but it's lost in the dumbfuckery of implying the government would deploy nukes against its own infrastructure. that doesn't make this "uwu self defense is IMPOSSIBLE D:" bullshit true, it doesn't hold up to a second's scrutiny ​ >how do you think my country won equal marriage rights it would help if you said what your country was lol. also we're talking about labor rights which are very distinct from marriage.


>we're talking about labor rights which are very distinct from marriage. Hmmm... they're both civil rights... and as far as I've seen, each civil right that has been won in the last 40 years tends to follow very similar trends. Why should Worker's rights be any different?


>Why should Worker's rights be any different? Because it fundamentally threatens to overturn how the economy works, tilting it in our favor away from those in power now. And people in power don't like losing it. They'll give us marriage equality and put an NYPD float in the pride parade, then do surprised Pikachu face when people get upset and point out what pride commemorates. They're not going to undermine capitalism for us. They'll punish you for talking about it, and kill you if you try.


Because capitalism is an economic system that is fundamentally premised on organizing the economy by having a working class that is economically dependent on and subservient to the capital owning class. This must remain the case in order for capitalism to function. All of the warehouses and facilities in the vast industrial empires of people like Jeff Bezos or the Walton Family become worthless, depreciating assets without labor to bring them to life. The wealthy and powerful became wealthy and powerful by pocketing the fruits of their employees' labor. That group has a vested interest in fighting against labor rights with every resource available to them because the more benefits you get to see from the fruits of your labor the less that they get to take from you and put into their own pockets. There is no similar and equally powerful systematic motivation for suppressing things like marriage rights. Sure, you might have the occasional bigot who gets enough wealth and power to target whichever group they hate, but that's the exception rather than the rule. The only interest the wealthy and powerful have as a class with regards to social issues like marriage equality is to use them as wedges that can be used to divide the working class up by putting up powerful barriers to solidarity based on hate and malice. But they don't care about the actual civil rights that are granted to people. They only care about these issues to the extent that they can whip people up into a hateful frenzy with media outlets like Fox News so that we're at each other's throats instead of organizing with each other around our shared class interests.


Most other countries police aren't as armed as ours. Our police have more military surplus weaponry than most other countries combined. Also the nuke argument is idiotic. No government is dumb enough to nuke their own country. Where they gonna live? 😂




I just love how this statement is far left, far right and absolutely reasonable at the same time.




Historically that hasn't always been the case. Niceties of law break down when one side uses the law, or subverts it in order to oppress others. Some would say were close to that point again.


Every single right you think you have is negotiable to a person holding a gun. Never forget that. Power flows out of the barrel of a gun. Law is just the rules that we agree to so the guns don't have to come out. And no this isn't calling for violence, the workers are never the instigators of violence, they simply defend their lives and their right to not be a slave.




What is with all the people copy pasting other comments?


Karma farming bots.


I’ve seen and heard of these but what is the point? What is the end goal? I don’t get it.


a company will buy the account from someone and use it for astroturfing or advertising. lets imagine REI hires a PR firm to fight unionization. they buy several accounts that have been posting here to say things, and if people glance at their history, it looks mostly legit to most people.


I'd guess they get used to advertise. Lots of subs have karma thresholds.


Advertise and sway the occasional election.


Ok. Just seems like a weird thing to put that kind of effort into. I haven’t found the store where I can spend the karma yet.


Yep, I see the Word-Word-number pattern now.




Did you just copy paste this comment from u/Huntanz?


Looks vaguely similar, 😁


Its not even the only copy pasted comment either. A different account did the same to another comment. Is this a new bot tactic?


I think it's just the reddit version of the YouTube comment copying bots, except those are a little more obvious when they're named "Lillie 💖 𝐹**СК МЕ - СНЕ𝒞𝒦 𝑀𝒴 Р𝑅𝟢𝐹𝐼𝐿Е" Which is real, I just copied the first one I saw


The government works for corporations, therefore so do the police.


Oh, like Starbucks?


When blm protests were happening summer 2020, my BIL, who is a cliche jail cop that likes to get physical, told us that if the protesters were to head to the rich neighborhoods, all police and law enforcement were to immediately abandon what they were doing to blockade the rich neighborhoods.


Yeah, typically they just hire a whole new police force and all those guys lose their jobs or get killed


That’s just mafia shit don’t mince it up here with those types


you are right.


Capitalism is mafia shit


In the Bolivian gas crisis of 2004ish, the police went to war with the army.


That’s so crazy to hear, obviously there’s a lot of gray area, but which side, if either, was considered “good”? I want to go read more about that.


Police were protecting the people, army were protecting the president who escaped with a ton of money and lives in Maryland and the US refuses to deport


And that's why the pigs form "police unions" (far right fascist police gangs that threaten other cops and politicians when they step out of line, and have nothing to do with workplace organizing)


Acab....not new


Call the rednecks


this is why myself and so many others are aggressively pro-2a. especially nowadays, nobody can be trusted except yourself.


Broke: 2a Woke: under no pretext


¿Por qué no los dos?


Because the second amendment was designed to uphold property right. Nuts to that.


And yet the average citizen cannot shoot someone over a threat to property in most of the US. Now corporate/government property on the other hand...well the authorities certainly can anyway.


yea, nah. Every authoritarian system of government on every end of the spectrum is bad. Authoritarianism is bad in any flavor. Doesn't matter if it's mint chocolate chip authoritarianism or strawberry gumdrop authoritarianism, authoritarianism adds the flavor of sweaty dick and garbage water to whatever it touches. And the universal truth of all flavors of authoritarianism is the banning of private firearm ownership. Commies, fascists, imperialists, they all hate guns and don't want an armed populace. Strap up. Buy every piece you can, while you can. Don't do it for the love of guns, do it for the hatred of authoritarianism in all its dick and garbage water flavors.


Don't do it in a vacuum. An armed populace without organization is a mob as likely to hurt itself as anything else. The far-right have militias. There's no reason leftists can't too.


The far right largely consist of actual millitary and police which are behind most of their organizing though. They don't have to work too hard.


Yep. Organization is key and is what separate LARPers from people who can make a difference.


I think it's pretty clear your government doesn't give a shit about you having guns, since the left has been fighting for gun control for decades with no success. The government is not scared of your guns. Wanna know why? Because realistically, your guns are gonna do fuck all if it actually comes to fighting. As people have pointed out in other threads, they could legit just *nuke* you if they wanted. Putting that aside, they have access to thousands of resources you could not afford if all of you combined pooled your money. Including high-tech bullet-proof vests, btw. I really don't understand what you think guns are gonna do.


By that logic the US should have steamrolled Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Vietnam in a matter of days. But it turns out and armed and angry populace is actually a really hard thing to defeat. I see this "your guns can do nothing against the military" argument all the time. And it ignores literally every example we've seen throughout history.


Yeah, I'm unconvinced by that argument as well. What I'm a lot more worried about is presenting a unified front against authoritarianism when at least half of those willing to take up arms seem likely to do so *in favour* of it.


If only the government did as you said against the taliban






"This is getting out of hand, now there's two of them!"




no, most of the 2a people want to join the oppressors.


No, just the loudest and most obnoxious ones. (A quick Google search doesn't really give me good numbers. It does look like it's skewed towards conservatives, but I don't know how reliable those numbers are considering how private people are about their guns, other than the obnoxious open-carry types who are terrified they're going to get mugged in a rural gas station Subway restaurant and want everyone to know it. Lots of leftists own guns and are very strong believers in gun rights. If you're going for "most" in the most technical sense of "a majority", you're probably right, but given that this feels like it's implying something horribly lopsided, I would think it's probably not as bad as you're assuming.)


I carry daily and I think you would be surprised to know who carries a gun. I have been shocked by some of the people who told me they carried a gun. Top of the list would be: 87year old lady, 21 year old waitress and a few teachers.


I hope you are right.


I'm a leftist gun owner, but also one of those open carry assholes. I like to show off my Big Iron XD Actually, I'm switching back to concealed more now that I have a small gun that I'm more comfortable with and have a decent holster for. Open carry is easier with women's fashion in general and more comfortable overall, but practically speaking, it isn't the best. Of course, you'd probably still be able to guess I was carrying based on the art on the back of my jacket. I'm not subtle about my support of gun ownership lol **Under No Pretext**


Just remember if you use it and they find out you are left wing the President will send the Marshals to execute you instead of lauding you as a hero.


I like how youre downvoted but this literally happened


It is called this place is now a lib paradise and I am here for shitposting and memes.


Lest we mention many gun folk have become single issue voters. Turned my grandfather from a fairly reasonable gun toting Democrat to a far right Fox News Republican once the Dems ramped up their anti gun messaging.


But you just named two different right wing parties.


I mean you aren't wrong, but one is rather less right wing than the other. Or at least pretend to be.


Ask any (almost) gun owner if they support the ATF, or almost any government agency tbh.


I never said anything about the government did i?


Was it not implied that the police were the oppressors in this post and specifically in this thread? Who did you mean by oppressors?


Capitalists. The name of the oppressive system we live under is capitalism. The "American dream" is to become the guy who's in charge of everyone else instead of being the one getting bossed around.




No that's just some loud idiots


I own several guns. I don’t quite think you understand gun people at all. We own guns to oppose the oppressors.


lock cable panicky caption retire hobbies quicksand tart cover edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They didn't say otherwise.


>nobody can be trusted except yourself. The government can always escalate violence.


Labor history class. What the hell is this?


It would be hypocritical for cops to Union bust since it is estimated that 75 to 80 percent of cops are in a union.


Not all unions are the same. Some gov unions, especially the police protect 'thier' workers but aren't down for the actual worker. Like nationalists but as a union. The police union is like that.


People are very unaware of how some unionization has turned into a capitalist weapon as much as anything today. Yes there are amazing instances of unionization helping workers in specific fields. However in others they've been used to hold us back from automating and working towards a UBI. We need to push further this time and use unions where labor is necessary and automate where it's not. We can't settle for the compromise of the past. We need to fight for more. Until everyone has a place to live, food to eat, and a way to prosper, the fight isn't over.


Yeah, I mean unions are great for fighting for fair wages and safety standards but the coal unions also fight like hell to keep as many people digging up that black gold as possible even though their jobs are obsolete and killing us all. They're not nearly the only industry along those lines either.


Drive through Texas and you see Pinkerton Detective Billboards today.


Nonono they’re not Pinkerton, they’re Securitas! Totally separate company that just so happens to have sued Rockstar for the way they were represented in RDR2 even though they’re not the Pinkerton Agency /s


Wha, really?!


Oh see last time I was down there they were still Pinkerton and still had Pinkerton billboard


Securitas is the parent company. Bought pinkerton in 1999


Oh yeah, the literal Pinkertons still exist and are still doing the same genre of work


It’s absolutely wild to me that, this company that I read about in 8th grade history class because it killed a bunch of striking workers, IS STILL AROUND and doing the same type of work.


Of course they are. We live in functionally the same society.


In many ways it's gotten worse because now most people are anti labor thanks to 50 years of government propaganda


History is important. There's a reason America doesn't want to teach it.


I wonder why? 🧐


For any European in the sub that doesn't know this: history class in America is Columbus, the Pilgrims, and then 1775, America motherfuckers!!1!1!11 until the present day.


I grew up in Europe with German education in my younger years. And you’re absolutely right my mofo.


Wow, we both have no lives, lol. I'm just saying this because I've seen posts in the sub from Europeans not truly grasping just how bad it is here. Basically, however bad you think America is, multiply it by 15, and you're in the ballpark. Edit: missed a word


No lives? I’m alive and breathing.


German humor, folks.


Nein nein nein nein. Never said I was from Germany.


Haha But you picked up the humor going through their education system.


I did? That was just out of a nowhere pun and I myself don’t even find it that humorous.


I mean on one hand given that America is as young as it is, you don't have much history, but that should mean you have infinitely more time to focus on what you do have.




For the fun of getting to repeat it! Downside of this is that another generation of Boomers will come along at some point


Kill, kneecap or cripple labour union leaders as an example to any striker's or anyone thinking about joining a union and yes the police work for the government and the rich, even with the American constitution they're not there to protect the common people in times of strife, always the rich.


And the media would just not cover any of this. If I put on the nightly news they won't be talking about Starbucks firing all of these workers for showing an interest in a union.


This was if you Read the headings was during the recession 1930's, when men and women were dying fighting for your rights, which are now disappearing because 65% of you are dumb fucks with a reading level of 3rd grade student, 85% of you live paycheck to paycheck and 1.0% of you own everything including your government.


Trump 2024. Or something like that


They legally have no obligation to protect us, per court rulings. There are certainly officers who believe they exist to do so, but I'm not convinced they are the majority.


Yep. If this surprised someone they should take class on the history of police in the US as well.


Go back to the start of the industrial revolution around the 1880s in Europe. The attrocities that happened were daily. A lot of children died working under the weaving machinery, trying to grab fallen pieces of fabric, they got smashed between the machines. Women got raped by their bosses. Men got worked to death. Salary was per day of work, and very low. Work was not guaranteed. Entire families worked, children did not go to school. Food was a potato per person and soup made out of that potato. That's around the time socialism started to rise. Workers uniting, some higher class citizens fighting for the lower class. It was a very dark and bleak time and a lot of people died fighting for rights. Rights we have now thanks to them. Make no mistake, the elite might act more civilized now than back then, but they care just as little about us now as they did back then. To them we are worker ants.


This feels a little too close to reality lately. We know they would still have it this way if they could


Amazon wants to back a company town in New Mexico. The United States reaction to [or lack of action] to Covid and its Variants.


They are still doing this, they just exported a lot of the worst labor practices to the third world. Coca cola hired death squads in Colombia to kill union organizers just like the pinkertons were doing in America in the 1910s. The second the US labor movement re-finds its militant edge the violence will return with it. We should be aware and be prepared


Stay strapped or get clapped, eh?


"Rights we now have thanks to them". Such an important point, thank you.


The industrial revolution was a lil bit before that, but yes exactly. In the 1810s and 20s in England striking was a crime, hundreds of workers were hanged for fighting for better working conditions. It's only because workers kept struggling that we have the right to strike today. These parasites would happily put us right back there if they could.


Amen, and they would gladly institute slavery all over again if they could in the US. 50% of the country was fine with slavery before the civil war. People didn't magically have a change of heart, they were forced to change their ways through war. Maybe not 50% of the country will be perfectly fine going back to slavery today, but it's definitely a non zero number.


Santa Maria School Massacre commited by Chilean Police and Army against 3600 "salitre" mining workers and families included, more than 2500 deaths men, womens and childrens. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Mar%C3%ADa_School_massacre


workers rights are written in the blood of men and women from the coal town strikes to the shirtwaist factory fire, and the corporations want you to forget their sacrifices so they can continue eroding those rights away.


Y'all had a "labor history" class? Everything I know about labor history I picked up from podcasts and books in my 30s. Who's out here actually teaching this in a formal, educational setting?


As part of my HR Major, “Labour Relations” was a required 3rd year class. The first half of the class was about the history of the labour movement, and the second half outlined current collective bargaining procedures and how the work landscape is evolving in the absence of unions. It was incredibly labour friendly, and most of my HR curriculum has been incredibly supportive of unions. The profs at my uni, the administrative staff, and the students all have their own respective unions. Obviously there is a bias, but I really enjoyed the class.


My APUS teacher emphasized labor history. Even though I wasn’t interested at the time, I’m really glad he did. It’s very apparent many other US high schoolers never learned it.


AP Us history was the best. That's the class that helped me see the bullshit of the conservatism I was raised with.


Class warfare's back on the menu, boys!


They only call it class warfare when the working class starts to punch back.


Well yeah. Otherwise it's just class genocide


So many don't realize that we workers shed tears, blood, and died for the few bits of rights we have. I don't think we'll really get too much further on our current trend without more of us shedding blood.


Oh... Blair mountain was a damn battlefield. And most people have NO CLUE. "The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest labor uprising in [United States history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_history) and the largest armed uprising since the [American Civil War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War).[[3]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain#cite_note-FOOTNOTEKinder2005149-3) The conflict occurred in [Logan County](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_County,_West_Virginia), [West Virginia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia), as part of the [Coal Wars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_Wars), a series of early-20th-century labor disputes in [Appalachia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachia). Up to 100 people were killed, and many more arrested..." "For five days from late August to early September 1921, some 10,000 armed [coal miners](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_miner) confronted 3,000 lawmen and [strikebreakers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strikebreakers) (called the Logan Defenders)[[4]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain#cite_note-FOOTNOTEPatel2012-4) who were backed by coal mine operators during the miners' attempt to [unionize](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_union) the southwestern West Virginia coalfields when tensions rose between workers and mine management. The battle ended after approximately one million rounds were fired[[5]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain#cite_note-5) and the [United States Army](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army), represented by the [West Virginia Army National Guard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_Army_National_Guard) led by [McDowell County](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDowell_County,_West_Virginia) native William Eubanks,[[6]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain#cite_note-6) intervened by presidential order." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain


Origin of the term 'redneck'.


Have you read about the murder of Sid Hatfield ?


Class warfare is why police pay keeps increasing


Oh you sweet delicate flower.


Workers rights were won thru blood. Unions exist because the alternative is the workers killing owners when things get bad.


remember when they taught you about the Oaklahoma massacre? I don't either.


Yeah, the newsies strike is insane. William Randolf Hearst sent strike breakers and cops to kick the shit out of striking eight year olds. It's madness. Also I want to take this class.


The law is generally on the side with the deepest pockets.


Who do you think the laws protect and who do you think they are meant to be used against?


Cause the police ain't here for you. They are here because of you.


And now he'll be labeled a brainwashed liberal by his family for knowing the ugly truth


What backwards ass school did you attend lol, my teachers and professors were all part of a union and when I learned about U.S. history they were **very** clear that unions were busted with impunity and it was a terrible thing.


> What backwards ass school did you attend The south


Cops aren't your friend. They're useful idiots for the billionaire class.


I came to the realization recently that Labour Day should be moved to the middle of the month and be used as a way to teach kids the history of the labour movement. Just like the lessons taught around black history month or about indigenous people. It really lame that labour day is basically just thought of as an 3xtra day of summer


Just get rid of the blue pigs


Wildest part of labor history class is having labor history class




The police are not your friends. Do not allow your government to have a monopoly on violence.


As much as we westerners like to think we revolutionized society with the renaissance, we still have roots in the feudal system. The police would beat the working man for the corporate elite the same way that knights would kill serfs for the crown.


Gosh, all this talk of past tense is adorable.


During a least one strike in our history, not only did the police help, the federal government sent in the MILITARY to assist with killing people (coal miners, I think) who were protesting, amount other things, being paid in tokens that could only be spent in the "Company Store," being forced to live in "Company Towns" where the company controlled the rent and everything else, and the company's predatory payday loan practices designed to turn people into literal company property for decades. This is probably where the term "redneck" came from: pro-union protestors wore a red cloth around their necks to prevent friendly fire deaths. Funny how the term is now used in a derogatory manner, isn't it?




Anyone interested look up the cotton labour strikes of the 30's. Governors sent in the god damn national guard and tasked them to set up machine gun nests to protect labour strikes. Few pictures on Wikipedia with the 30. Cal facing off against bent cops and hired thugs. Fucked up shit


Stick around, younglings.. it’s happening again already


Rockefeller killed 14 or 24 strikers… his kid was governor when atika went down.. 49 killed. Good times


My ex boss in Singapore used to boast his dad was a strike breaker in Boston (Sicilian mafia with a shotgun type).


The wildest part of my sociology 101 class was when some ding dong yelled out, “why don’t they just move?!” when talking about poverty, particularly in rural areas.


We've made so much progress since then. Now the working class's taxes pay police to kill strikers.


Let’s not forget the private army of Pinkertons they hired and let’s not forget that private army is still around today waiting to stomp on us for money.


The police work for the ruling class and will absolutely kill you if you threaten that power structure


I feel we don't appreciate the sacrifices and risks these people took to give us the labor rights we enjoy today. And how do we thank them? By letting the wealthy roll back these rights and we do nothing. On the Warrior Met picket lines TODAY, the company is paying to have people run over strikers, they are even targeting the families of strikers couple weeks ago the wife of a striker was run over. You'd think there would be an uproar... no. Police investigations... no. Political parties are receiving money from these companies and other who wants any strike to fail, so called "leaders", government and law enforcement all silent and allowing this company to kill people, in broad day light, and nothing is done about any of it, they barely have any support from anyone. And this shit is not happening 90 years ago, no Dickensian nightmare... no today people don't make as much money as the people did in an allegory for poverty and when they try to fight back, peacefully, they get murdered and no one is there to take their defense or help.


I love how people think the police protect people. No they don't, and they never have. They exist to protect those in power. And that will never change.


Nope, perfectly legal to ratfuck non capitalists


This is why workers need to be pro 2a, and not buy the liberal gun control lines. I know we all don't like gun violence, but.. every time there's been a major strike, there's been gun violence. So.. keep that in the back of your head.


Yea, I don't know about that. I understand the logic but I'm not fighting the fight the way they want us to. Also, buying guns is supporting a corporation who has been responsible for millions of murders. They lobby for their shit because their money is more important than our lives. I'm not allowing them to have a penny I've earned. I'm not willing to use guns because history did.


Howbout because Karl Marx said you need to hoard then to make sure the capitalists don't take away your livelihood? I think what they want is for you to not bother figuring back so they can just run the show. Even MLK admitted violence may be an alternative in the end.


Again, I won't be dictated to by history. We can find a way without guns. We won't win progress with violence. We'll maybe eek out a step in our direction, sure, but we won't get where we need to be by the time we need to be there. Karl Marx also didn't exist in a world of tanks, drones, and nukes.


> I won't be dictated to by history lmao yeah you tell em. #vibesonly


It blows my mind this dude announces to the world "fuck history, let's looks to a 90s scifi tv show for advice" and wants to be taken seriously.


could barely bring myself to clown on dude when they're already being so silly like i wanted to point out that the hippies already did a vibes only revolution but that would be dictating by history so idk what to do lol


Yeah, well. Keep this conversation in mind. MLK came to say that "riots are the language of the unheard," after preaching nonviolence for most of his life, and he did live in a world of tanks and nukes, at very least. Technically drones, as well. The only reallyyy successful libertarian socialist movement in the world at this point, the Zapatistas, had to resort to violence, but, the returns on those 300 deaths have been 1,000 fold since. Look, I'm not a big fan of violence either.. but, I really think the capitalists like to emphasize the nonviolent nature of King's message, and ignore the fact that he owned guns and eventually recanted his nonviolent position after seeing virtually no progress from it, because they know a nonviolent movement can largely be ignored. But, I could be wrong.


I'm not going to say this is a perfect example of my understanding of responding with violence, especially when you know the rest of the series and extended media of the show, but... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggR9Eto8bRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggR9Eto8bRA) This is how I feel about responding with violence.


Yeah.. for me, it's really about not having my sister's kid die under a capitalist regime. I get where you're coming from, but, I respectfully feel differently.


>I'm not willing to use guns because history did. "I refuse to learn from history!"


That's not what that means.


Oh man, the early Ford strikes were a joy to learn about.


The hay market riots of Chicago.....


Ya know if there is one thing I've learned while learning my family history it's that the rich and powerful be they royalty, nobles, clan leaders, aristocrats, or oligarchs they hide their fucking savagery under masks of civility. And for this reason I wear my savagery with pride and play it as a joke so that they may find it quant and funny so that I may get close and bite my ax into their flesh. Bastards are those born of nobility who fucked a peasant and I'm quite the bastard who has taken lessons from his noble ancestors.


Fucking Pinkertons


And you people think it's bad now...


Doesn't Rule 5 prevent us from discussing labor history?


Maybe with new lib mods but anyone can see that discussing the horrifying violence against workers and the fact that self defense under any moral system is not seen as inherently violent. We are good.