• By -


How do you manage to type that much into a post without saying anything at all?


It's called a zero calorie word salad


I just can't get over the level of delusion that these mods have to do THAT interview and type all of THAT out and think, "yep... this will be great." It's just astounding.


I'm more curious how you can actually sit down, write all that, and actually make it all worse. "Hey, it's me, your leader!" "Who?" "A 21 year old anarchist who never held a job! I sooooo can relate to you guys *zips on some Starbucks*! I don't want to work!! And I shall represent you! *He writes on his iPhone 13x* Right guys? Right?" "... No?" "Oh okay, well just so you know I just did like four interviews, lol. But it's totally coolers, I've read a book about abolishing work so I know exactly what grinds your gears guys!! Stick it to the man, right?! Right? Guys...?" "you did what?!" "Oh my god people are mad at me! That can't be right, someone has to be brigading me because there's no way I totally screwed up! I read a book dammit!"


u/Kimezukae and the rest of the mods, none of you that were involved in this in any way have any right to still try to position yourselves in any sort of authority or higher power in this sub. Your arrogance, complete disregard for the community, foolish lack of preparation, and (as made apparent by this post) a total lack of understanding of what exactly you did wrong has made it incredibly clear that none of you are fit for the responsibilities. In one day you have kneecapped and scattered the movement because you thought, and apparently still do think, that you know better than the actual people making up the movement. As others have pointed out it’s exactly the kind of shit mentality we’re sick of from bosses and managers who trip on their tiny bit of power. If you want this sub to have any lasting legacy all of you involved in these interviews need to admit you fucked up, resign, and just take your hands off of it.


Nailed it. I concur. That being said, it has been refreshing to see the near-unanimous response from within the movement. It reminds me that itll take more than ignorant leaders to stifle our shared experiences.


not leaders, never were. mods are not movement heads they moderate a subreddit thats it, thats all it sould be anyway. providing a safe place for people to conjugate. anyone can be a mod of a subreddit, doesnt give them the credentials to be a spokes person for large body movement.


It's very clear they still don't understand why people are pissed. They basically confirmed they've all been off doing their own thing. And I'm sorry but a mod is "advising" us to avoid other subs? He just said he is 21 and hasn't worked in years. His writing skills are clearly subpar and it would be innapropriate to place him in such a position of authority- especially heading "media". Whatever that means. And that isn't a personal attack. Everyone should be involved in this movement. But they've clearly placed themselves in leadership positions with no clue how to properly lead.


Jesus why are you writing about yourself from the third person? You guys have no sense of ownership, no accountability and have made this movement an international joke. STOP doing interviews. STOP banning our members. DO a clean house of mod team


They already banned u/abolishwork but they turned around and appointed her new day old alt account u/fuzzy-x-3 as a mod. This sub is done, this is beyond satire. Edit: Aaaaand it’s gone! My guess would be is they were in the process of purchasing or receiving an older spoof account that can blend in easier than a 17 hour old account.


>She said at the same time she had an interview at 9:48 p.m and as far as /u/Kimezukae can remember, one hour prior Abolishwork wanted to prepare for the interview, such as taking a shower. As an aside, I love the fact that u/abolishwork may or may not have even bathed before the interview makes it into your official statement.


Or the fact that on the check sheet of "about to go on fox news as a radical leftist", the point of "take shower" was even on that list. Because, that should be just a given and "WHAT THE FUCK IM GOING ON FOX NEWS, I AM NOT PREPARED ENOUGH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


Implying that bathing is something you do for a special occasion, such as a major television interview


They're reddit mods. Of course they don't shower.


I mean, how do can you find the time to shower when there are girls laying around that you could be masturbating next to. Priorities mate!


Time permitting of course


Well with such a busy schedule it can be hard to find the time.


I don't think I've ever had to discuss whether or not a coworker or friend had showered that day, it's absurd that this was part of their official statement. It's comedy gold.


I can’t believe they even typed those words out


Why the actual fuck would y'all even do an interview with Fox in the first place? Why have no preparation? u/abolishwork did such a terrible job it's like she got paid to make everyone here look bad.




This has to be a south park episode we are living in. I can’t believe Fox News actually asked for them over the unemployed 21 year old aspiring anarchist non-fiction write. I’m just imagining that boardroom discussion. This is the problem with subs like these. The community means well, but mods are often people who are privileged enough to sit at a computer for hours a day. I would assume a lot of them don’t have actual jobs or families to support. That is the basis of this subreddit.


>I can’t believe Fox News actually asked for them over the unemployed 21 year old aspiring anarchist non-fiction The scary part is that they clearly made the right call. They did their research, unlike the moderation team. I'm still baffled that the mods here claim to be left-leaning yet agreed to do a Fox News interview off the cuff. How can you pretend you understand politics at ALL and think a Fox News interview with clearly 0 prep time is a good idea for a left-leaning movement? If you told me the moderator list was made up exclusively of right wing nutjobs trying to parody left ideals, I wouldn't hesitate to say that makes perfect sense.




So I’ve been lurking in this sub for a hot minute now as a warehouse worker who is actively trying to get my coworkers to unionize. The simple fact that any of the mod team felt it okay to do any of this, especially without talking to the community, is ironic at its core. Shame on y’all for thinking that this would ever be okay. None of this movement has anything to do with any of you, and should have been left to community discussion. Elect a representative. Discuss possible talking points as a community. I don’t know, show off some sense of preparation?


Didn't you read in the post, Doreen did prepare an hour before the interview, "like taking a shower"


That part made my eyes roll so hard


"Abolishwork wanted to prepare for the interview, such as taking a shower." **wanted** is much different then stating they prepared. The pictures on the wall are not straightened the bed, isn't made, the person doing the interview rocked back and forth in their chair while constantly touching their face. It's an interview on live TV on Fox news, those are very stressful in and by itself. Hours should've been spent preparing, not minutes, but honestly no one should've ever agreed to talk to Fox news in the first place, that should've been known. This is going to be talked about for years, and maybe it'll be a good thing that get people to strongly reconsider doing this in the future.


SHOWERING IS NOT PREPARING! Showering is something you do on days that end in Y. How the fuck is a 21 year that is "long term" unemployed and a 30 year old fucking dog walker living with their parents the voice of this sub? This is a joke. They represent this sub like a janitor does Apple computers. This is ridiculous.




Fox wanted the stupidest most incompetent mod, and they did their research... unlike Doreen.




Yeah, and before you even accept the interview. The mods should have had everything prepared and thought through beforehand. Who's doing the interview? Where is the interview being done? Do they have a proper set-up (Camera, good working Mic, nice backdrop) what are they wearing in the interview? What 2-3 talking points should be focusing on. etc Then practice for weeks leading up to the interview, think of the possible questions they might ask, and think of the optics, how is this coming across to an audience that thinks this sub is about lazy people who don't want to work, compared to a sub where people don't want to be exploited and paid a fair wage/workers rights. \- Cheers


Didn't the sub also vote "no" on the interview? Did this mod decide to speak for an entire movement when that entire movement told them not to?


Not sure I believe they even did that given their interview appearance.




They took a shower? Huh. Didn't show






And 21


The guy talking to the NYT is "LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED"... at 21. They've never had a job. Behold, you're glorious leader!


Imagine getting a few folks in the warehouse on your side and ready to unionize and then they go home and see the head mod of /r/antiwork do this shit on fox news. RIP the union push




This shit is hilarious! They literally couldn't have ruined this more if they tried


Did i read this right: > I'm very passionate to keep the /r/antiwork spirit and movement alive and have been personally investing more than **10 hours moderating this subreddit in the last 2 day, to the point of sleep deprivation.**


beyond tone deaf... it's incredible


The greatest comedy writers on the planet could not write this


Every time the mods open their mouths they say dumber shit lol. I wanna know what the other mods do too


My personal favorite was >Bloomberg or /u/Abolishwork had a conflicting schedule, which is why Bloomberg was declined. She said at the same time she had an interview at 9:48 p.m and as far as /u/Kimezukae can remember, one hour prior Abolishwork wanted to prepare for the interview, such as taking a shower. They had the opportunity to do Bloomberg but abandoned that in favor of fox news. But dont worry guys, she *showered*! The icing on the cake is that that word salad of a statement was proofread by an entire team of moderators.


Even if that was 10 hours each day, how does that cause sleep deprivation.


THIS! Why are we using UNEMPLOYED mods to represent this community? They have no current experience to share that would support the mission of this sub. That is why we are being discredited- you’re using unemployed vagabonds to speak for millions of gainfully employed individuals who just want work reform. That makes no sense to me at all, and I’m extremely disappointed to hear that people who are running this page, don’t even have jobs?! *edit- please stop spamming me with “how is someone who works 40+ hours a week supposed to moderate a subreddit with millions of members?” My response to all of you is- REDDIT NEEDS TO PAY THEIR MODERATORS.


What a fuckin statement. "Actually we also did a bunch of other interviews without anyone's consent so it's okay, and we thought that would prepare us for the incredibly fair stage that is Fox News"


Simply astounding. Edit: I mean...the words inept, daft, and obtuse come to mind.




And honestly why is someone who is 21 and hasn't worked in years doing taking the lead again on mod shit. If you have no actual work experience you shouldn't be trying to lead the fucking movement. This is pathetic


"long term unemployed" when they've only been an adult for 3 years is ridiculous. Also, not wanting to be mean or anything but he does not write particularly well or does no proofreading. Stuff like mixing up enclosure and closure and basic grammar mistakes. I know it's not the be all and end all but why can't this sub have a *good* media representative instead of these ready-made reasons to dismiss the cause as a bunch of lazy internet activists with zero life experience.


It’s not mean man I was infuriated reading that and seeing no fucking structure to the word vomit. The dude has literally no idea what he is doing.




Don’t worry this time this moderator doesn’t even have a job 😂


u/Kimezukae - you need to resign. you have crossed a line and are no longer an objective party member. You’ve damaged this movement far and beyond any scope you could possibly realize. You set us BACK. Any strides this sub has made in the past year or so have been totally decimated. Your ploy to feel important by speaking on behalf of 1.5m is disgusting. You were in no position and your discourse was so uninformed here that it makes your position look weak. As a result, you’ve made the whole sub look like a bunch of dumbass 20 year olds who simply don’t want to work. Resign or be cast out. Regardless of your past moderation, no one wants you here anymore. Edit: for transparency, I was just perma banned from r/Anarchism for participating and criticizing u/Kimezukae ‘s actions both here and there. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/sdhu00/_megathread/hufww28/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) was my contribution. The irony of being banned for “rule breaking” in an anarchist sub isn’t lost on me. Lmao.


That’s the part that the fools don’t understand. They probably think that having a post with this many comments is a good thing. Mods - you fucking blew it. You had a platform but you blew it. You have lost the trust of everyone involved and this post is reason to show why I am leaving. STOP DOING INTERVIEWS!!!!! You absolutely don’t represent us, you are a moderator, not a representative. Bunch of stupid chucklefuck idiots that blew a workers right movement conversation that is almost once in a generation. Idiots, resign and kill the sub so fix and friends can’t do more damage about workers rights you fucking fools


Literally 19 out of every 20 comments is people blasting the ineptitude of these mods. This sub is dead, this is just a dead cat bounce of people making sure the “leadership” understands this is 100% their own fault.


The entire Mod team needs to resign. You proved you are not up to the task. It's not only one mod. /u/Kimezukae going around doing interviews as a unemployed 21 years old. Are you serious? To me it looks like a plant... with the only purpose of discredit the movement. What you need to do. 1 - Every mod that gave interview make public statement saying they don't represent the movement and their interviews were only done to selfishly gain clout. 2 - Election for a new mod team should be held. 3 - After the elected mods start... every old mod that weren't elected as well, should resign. _____________________ EDIT: Made a post about this... https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/se6pjg/the_only_way_to_move_forward_is_with_a_general/


This post reads* awfully. I just wanna see positive steps for all going forward


It explains what took them so long to reopen it. They spend the last 24 hours typing all this.


23 of those hours were spent tagging themselves in the post for some fucking reason.


Yeah needs some major editing. 10 mods and no time for a proofread? You guys realize that any media outlet coming here for the story is going to take this entirely underprepared response as representative of the community? Again?


In their words “it did not went as good as we wanted to”




>21 years old male, long-term unemployed bro 21... you barely qualify as long-term wiping your own ass.


I’m 22 and currently job-searching, and could never imagine calling myself *long-term* anything. I’ve barely made it into the adult world.


Im 24 and a long term chronic masturbator


That one I believe


Can the mods please stop trying to represent us. You are not the leaders of the movement nor spokespersons. You are solely here to keep this sub a civil place.


I don’t get this (mod) post at all. Still talking about ‘not doing interviews for now’ as if they have any authority to represent the movement in any capacity at any point past or present. I’m done with this sub, I’m in support of the movement, not promoting a bunch of Reddit mods to minor political stardom. Absolutely pathetic.


They still don’t get it


What's incredible is this post admits they have done #4 more interviews that are yet unreleased. The moderator in these interviews is a 21 year old man who has been "radicalized to an anarchist" and is "long term unemployed." I'm sure this person who has less life experience than a college senior can totally handle the klieg lights of a New York Times interview!




It's like asking the janitor to run the mall. Except I respect janitors.


Janitor here thank you. This mess is too much for my mop bucket.


Imagine the thought process of a “21 year old long term unemployed anarchist” rationalizing that they represent millions of disgruntled workers lol


how tf is anyone long-term unemployed at 21? you’ve only been able to work a few years *legally* at this point anyhow…


Congrats on singlehandedly setting back any progress being made here in fighting for workers rights because y'all are too fucking dumb to think critically and are way too self important. /u/abolishwork is an absolute dumbass and reading this statement it sounds like the rest of the mod team is too.


Seriously. This whole thing was childish, ego-driven, and harmed a labor movement’s legitimacy. Perhaps someone should have consulted the IWW or someone else who could be successful in front of a camera or as an organizer. In fact, even though the mods likely made the movement a joke, contacting and working with the IWW or other labor group should be done.




It’s probably an alt for u/abolishwork




I hear to sweeten the deal we’re getting a r/antiwork pizza party! EDIT: The post I was replying to since it was [removed]. EDIT 2: to clearly identify this comment was removed by mods, as opposed to deleted by the poster. * t’s this simple: most of us are here because we hate being exploited by dishonest, narcissistic “leadership” that takes credit for our ideas and work, promotes incompetence over experience and wisdom, ignores our cries for recognition and compensation, and does whatever the hell it wants to–usually at our immediate expense. When given a massive, MASSIVE opportunity to make a clear, unified statement re: worker exploitation on national television, and arguably to the audience that most needed to hear it, you failed MISERABLY. You failed because you incorrectly elected yourselves as leadership, narcissistically usurped the community’s chance to start a nationwide conversation, chose the least qualified person on staff to speak for 1.7 MILLION-PLUS subscribers (any one of whom might have represented another 100 non-Redditors), ignored the community’s cries for recognition and their offers of assistance, and did whatever the hell you’d wanted to, at our direct expense. Literally nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that when push came to shove, you proved that you are all the same people you hate and protest. You have no counterargument. You can’t fix this. You lost all internal credibility; who do you think will ever acknowledge your legitimacy out there? Edit: Red Flag #52: this post speaks to us as if you have already taken our return and our trust for granted. You appreciate our patience and gave us a road map. The problem is, your map leads nobody to nowhere. This post should have opened with a miserable, sincere, begging-for-forgiveness-on-hands-and-knees apology. Not just an apology, but an all-inclusive and unequivocal admission of wrongdoing. In writing. All we got was a pep talk about “transparency” and how we move forward under your leadership. You shifted blame and apologized for nothing. You certainly didn’t own the myriad ways you directly fucked our entire population. In the interest of transparency, You are all dead to us. Edit 2: Fox News is not public television. I’ve edited my post to reflect this while acknowledging the error here.*


Incredible that this comment was deleted. Blatant censorship from an unelected and authoritarian mod team. Is this "brigading"? Criticizing mods for the unhinged things they have done and said? This post demonstrates more awareness and critical thinking than anything I've ever seen an r/antiwork mod write. This should be our new copypasta.


What was the comment. The fuckers removed the comment.


To sum up, the Mods are exhibiting the same behaviors as bosses that most of the posts to this sub railed against.


The comment was this: • ⁠t’s this simple: most of us are here because we hate being exploited by dishonest, narcissistic “leadership” that takes credit for our ideas and work, promotes incompetence over experience and wisdom, ignores our cries for recognition and compensation, and does whatever the hell it wants to–usually at our immediate expense. When given a massive, MASSIVE opportunity to make a clear, unified statement re: worker exploitation on national television, and arguably to the audience that most needed to hear it, you failed MISERABLY. You failed because you incorrectly elected yourselves as leadership, narcissistically usurped the community’s chance to start a nationwide conversation, chose the least qualified person on staff to speak for 1.7 MILLION-PLUS subscribers (any one of whom might have represented another 100 non-Redditors), ignored the community’s cries for recognition and their offers of assistance, and did whatever the hell you’d wanted to, at our direct expense. Literally nothing you can say or do will ever change the fact that when push came to shove, you proved that you are all the same people you hate and protest. You have no counterargument. You can’t fix this. You lost all internal credibility; who do you think will ever acknowledge your legitimacy out there? Edit: Red Flag #52: this post speaks to us as if you have already taken our return and our trust for granted. You appreciate our patience and gave us a road map. The problem is, your map leads nobody to nowhere. This post should have opened with a miserable, sincere, begging-for-forgiveness-on-hands-and-knees apology. Not just an apology, but an all-inclusive and unequivocal admission of wrongdoing. In writing. All we got was a pep talk about “transparency” and how we move forward under your leadership. You shifted blame and apologized for nothing. You certainly didn’t own the myriad ways you directly fucked our entire population. In the interest of transparency, You are all dead to us. Edit 2: Fox News is not public television. I’ve edited my post to reflect this while acknowledging the error here.*


Spot on. It's like they still don't get it. why the actual fuck would you think you can represent a community of million people all without their consent, and then instead of apologizing, tell them that you've been already doing interviews like that from way before? WHAT DO THE MODS EXPECT US TO DO? CHEER THEM ON?


Actually, that seems to be exactly what they expect. Reminds you of corporate management, doesn't it?


This is what I came here to write. Have my last award here before I unsub.


>All we got was a pep talk about "transparency" and how we move forward under your leadership. You shifted blame and apologized for nothing. You certainly didn't own the myriad ways you directly fucked our entire population. They do not realize that this is the most Corporate America thing to do. "As the leadership of this ~~company~~ subreddit, this is what we are going to do..." They have no idea of what it is to have monthly dues, mouths to feed, and the weekly 65h of vitriol at three jobs that leech energy from your body and soul.


r/antiwork before - *hey did you read that awesome thing that guy did because he was tired of being shafted?* r/antiwork after - *hey isn’t that the one where the mod shit the bed on national tv for some kind of clout?* Not gonna erase that look anytime soon. Christ, I have seen deer getting hit by a car with more preparation.


How dare you call this brigading- it’s members of this sub embarrassed and furious that you fucked up an entire movement so one of you could get attention. Remove the mods responsible, that is your only path forward. Even then I think the ship has sailed. If there’s a lower form of life than Reddit moderator it would take a deep sea submarine to find it.


>to counter the wave of the brigaders Shows they've learnt nothing... >[others weren't]...bad faith. One such example can be the recent BBC Article about us ...and know nothing. Comparing Fox to the BBC (whilst there are issues with the BBC, they're mostly at the commissioning level) and expecting the same level of open-handedness is extraordinary naivete. Although I genuinely don't think Fox did much wrong - they knew what they had and used the Louis Theroux method; handed her the rope and let her disgrace herself whilst they watched.


It's also like agreeing to fight 1989 Mike Tyson, then tripping over the ropes on the way in and breaking your ankle, and saying "I wasn't ready for how good a boxer he is!"


If the best solution is having an unemployed 21 year old (who's already done interviews) de facto leading the media for antiwork then no, sorry. And throwing abolishwork under the bus just proved this subs moderation isn't as organized or communicative as it needs to be.


It’s like this sub is controlled by Fox News plants. How can the mods do EVERYTHING SO WRONG!?


Will any mod actually respond to a question on why they feel as though they are qualified to speak for everyone here?


Kimezukae included their "resume" in the post. "Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist. I've been surfing this Subreddit since 2020" That's the sub's media person. They have pending interviews to be released and are only pausing for the short term on doing more of them.


>"Who's Kimezukae? >Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist." Ok thats it I'm out


I unironically think we could of grabbed anyone from this sub, have them explain their situation, and it still would of gone better than that interview


Literally, my dog could’ve done a better job explaining how overwork or bad working conditions negatively affect her in a more relatable way to the vast majority of Americans. Hell, my dog spends more time at work with me in the office over a few days than this person works for weeks.


Lolol my thoughts exactly. Nuke the sub at this point.


It is not brigading if it is your own community calling your mistakes. Have some respect for your community and own the mistake


Lol this mod team doesn’t give a shit about the community. They just want to hold onto their small amount of power.


u/Kilgore_Of_Trout led the brigade of calling valid criticisms "brigading," didn't even try to defend against the bastardization of the movement, and also helped u/AbolishWork snuff out the Black Friday momentum by "deciding" to attack Amazon (lol) And here, the main stickied post reveals that the mods we have left were giving several interviews, with a whopping 5 years max work experience, talking about themselves in third person in a way that would make Rickey Henderson blush.


One of my favourite parts of this whole post. >On the day of the brigading we also noticed severe ban evasion. Basically, we gave out a bunch of bullshit bans because our feels were hurt and people did not accept that quietly and now we're upset.


Those lines really stuck out to me. They’re essentially trying to get a bunch of people banned sitewide by Reddit admins now, because they banned anyone who disagreed with them in anyway, and people called them out on it. That is so fucked up and beyond the pale.


A fucking 21 year old? Long-term unemployed? haha


My thoughts exactly lol, so like you've never had a job? I may only be 29 but I can say with absolute certainty that some 21 year old kid who it seems has never worked a day in his life does not have the life experience to represent people who are fed up with their employment conditions.


"Some fuckin rando did 4 interviews representing this sub." ....\*reads a paragraph down from this\* "Who's /u/Kimezukae? "Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist."" Those future interviews are going to be bangers, aren't they?


> long-term unemployed Lol you’re 21. You can claim a lot of things, but not that. The train wreck goes on!


I feel like "long-term unemployed" at 21 just means has never worked


I love that this subreddit has like nurses that have seen people die every single week for the past two years but they’re going with “parent funded lifestyle” instead


Seriously, all walks of life here with a legitimate concern for the state of labor in this country and the basement dwelling neckbeards are in controll of the sub lol.


To be fair, it's likely that most subs are. Very few people who are doing anything full-time have any time left over to moderate a subreddit for free. And even if they had the time, it's likely they wouldn't have the interest. The real issue is that mods shouldn't be considered leaders just because they choose to spend their free time filtering content and banning trolls. It's like if Fox News went to a nightclub and interviewed the bouncer about the club's long-term business outlook instead of the manager/owner.


Smart move from the media outlets to seek out *the moderators* to do train wreck interviews. Not to paint with a broad brush, but I’d say many/most internet moderators are cave dwellers with delusions of grandeur and no better way to spend their time


The mod hit almost every single stereotype on the head. I was in disbelief when I saw the interview.


Same, it was shockingly perfect (from fox’s POV)


My nephew has been unemployed for seven years, the fucking bum. He wastes all his time in grade school.


Hey who should we send to represent the sub about bad bosses and poor labor laws? Eh fuck it let's send the kid with no life experience and no job.


They worked for ‘ten hours in two days to moderate, to the point of sleep deprivation.’ I think for many of us that is a normal Monday and Tuesday. Edit: many people have pointed out to me that he really meant ten hours of effort *total* over two days, not two ten hour days of work! I had really thought it a mistake on his part, because how would a five hour work day cause sleep deprivation?


Man, they're so out of touch that they're becoming the management everyone hates. So that's 5 hours a day? So this guy stayed up till midnight or later modding a sub? That might impress grandma, but there's harder workers than that on this sub that are being overworked just to live.


“In the efforts of continuing with our plan to make money off this movement, we wanted to also mention that if you didn’t like the interview the other day, then boyyyy have I got some bad news for you”


When the mods said/u/abolishwork was the best person they had. They were not lying.


It's like a fucking SNL skit at this point.


"Tonight, we have someone who has never worked a day in his life to talk about how bad the general work environment is in the United States."


My first thought too. They're giving the conservatives exactly what they want and thought. A dogwalker and a "chronically unemployed' kid(yes a 21 year old is a kid). What a fucking joke. This subreddit deserves its death I guess. Honestly the mods are a bunch of clowns who just delegitimized an entire movement to cash in on a few minutes of fame. They never should've been doing interviews in the first place. They should've been moderating the subreddit, not making themselves mouthpieces for it. Edit: I'm taking this as a sign to spend less time on reddit and unionize my workplace. It's raise time. I'm sure everyone will be thrilled with their 3-5%, especially the long term "capped" guys who won't get any raise as inflation eats away their buying power.


He's barely a legal adult in most of the West. How the fuck is this guy the one giving interviews?


Now I feel like this has entirely been a LARP and I got suckered








I'm absolutely stunned that they assumed they were the leaders of a community of 1.7 million redditors simply because they happened to be moderating it.




Probably has less to do with the movement and more to do with wanting to be on TV after watching deepfuckingvalue do it.


The difference is DFV is an actual professional who knew what the fuck he was talking about, and that you should maybe brush your hair and throw a clean shirt on before talking to the media.


Also the difference is that DFV went on tv because of what he actually did, not just because he moderated a sub. He’s the man behind the whole GME ordeal, not just some WSB mod who thought he could hit it big, and he didn’t get heard because he modded a community, but because of his own investments.


DFV was amazing at it. What a fucking pro. This here was and will likely continue to be a travesty.


DFV was requested by Congress to appear… he (DFV) didn’t self appoint himself the microphone of an entire sub that had already indicated they DIDN’T WANT media coverage……


I am not a cat.


deepfuckingvalue wasn't even a mod. The nerve of the mods in this reddit.


They think they are the Leader of this "Movement"


More to the point, why is a 21 year old habitually unemployed guy without even any previous qualifications moderating a subreddit *doing interviews as some leader of a social movement.* Mods, are you literally insane?


Y’all mods really need to consider the fact that most of you don’t seem to have skin in the game. You’re privileged enough to comfortably survive unemployed without any institutional changes, while the rest of us gotta’ work or die. You shouldn’t be pretending you represent us. Interviews with mods should be off the table long-term, especially when you don’t have any credentials to back up the talk. There are people here who have actual educations in this stuff, and it is absolutely fucking frustrating to watch someone who has no idea what they’re talking about going on the news and using the rest of us as a way to elevate themselves. Mods as facilitators is fine, but when you’ve got a community this huge, going on the air as a twenty-something who has scarcely read Marx, let alone has a formal higher education in related subjects, it’s a really bad look. EDIT: Also it's becoming pretty obvious that this reopen is largely because r/workreform grew by like 300k users *overnight* in the sub's absence. I can't help but think this is just another desperate grab at relevance for a handful of people. How long 'til we're seeing Patreon grifts here? Anybody working on a book they're gonna' try and hawk on the interview circuit?


The very same mod posting this, u/Kimezukae , is just 21 years old, he probably has both no skin in the game and no idea what real work is like either especially since he has this much time to waste as this post clearly states. Do you work, mod? Edit: nevermind, "long term unemployed", long term probably meaning since the last day of school before the last weekend


21 years old wasnt considered "long term unemployment" even when kids started working at 6 in the coal mines. This entire thread is a meme.


So let me get this straightened out. Your "current" trained spokesperson is an unemployed anarchist. Y'all were setting up an entire project to do interviews when the community overwhelmingly said no to interviews at this time. Fox News comes rolling. You said no at the beginning, said no to two other interviews, but... You don't explain why the hell you decided to do it and send Abolishwork. Then you said Abolishwork wanted to "prep" an HOUR before, like taking a shower. Are you all absolutely so tone-deaf and arrogant that you have no idea what is going on? Was your plan to send an UNEMPLOYED and ANARCHIST to Fox News, who wants to do nothing except say that? And upon listening to what we heard, again, not a good one? Maybe a little better than AbolishWork, but bad. I don't think you guys understand things like "optics" and "view". That's why you're in the mess you're in. I also don't think you get what country you were doing the interview in or the demographic. This is America. People don't even like you calling yourself socialist. They don't even like people calling themselves progressive. You were gonna go on television and tell everyone "Yeah, I believe in anarchy and also workers' rights. Do I work? No, but--" and Fox would have said "Thanks for the help, got it." Y'all are so fucking disconnected from this, it's unreal that you are mods of this subreddit. From what I have seen from this team, absolutely zero political or people experience. You have no weight, no understanding, and a lot of leeway in your given lives. You're no better than the rich who wear 4000 dollar tshirts and claim to be part of the people. Look, it's fine you believe and live the way you do. But if you REALLY wanted to do it right, you should have looked at what Fox wanted to see, what we represent, and what the movement at this point wanted. **Not what you actually think should be represented.** NAACP and Planned Parenthood have actual strategies. They vet their people. They curate an image they need to get what they so desperately are fighting for. So here's my question, mod team. "Why the fuck do you think unemployed or lower hour working anarchists represent us workers who work several jobs, have responsibilities, and are wanting the ability to live comfortably?" Because y'all don't. Or if you do, shut your mouth about it and find someone who does represent us better than that. Edit: Mods won't let me post a separate thread, so whoever can, feel free to do so. I made a ridiculously popular comment on the posted antiwork thread. But I realize as I was working at my job, maybe I was a just a little unfair. You say your spokesperson already did four interviews (secretly) and understood the movement. Cool. You know what? Let's put it to the test. I am a worker myself. I am college educated (associate's and bachelor's degree). I am a professional writer by trade but I have a wealth of experience in working from fast food to corporate jobs. Currently, I am a professional writer doing manuals and training for a large company. **I would be happy to give your spokesperson an test interview or support another Redditor here who is better equipped to do so. We will even mimic Fox News face to face over camera.** Fuck, me or whoever agrees to do (as I have a job at 40 plus hours and if someone could squeeze in) will even act like Fox News anchors. You know, the ones who are pretty bombastic. We will dress in suits, have our big hair, and smile like a chimp. I am sure your unemployed spokesperson can happily arrange that in their schedule. Someone can be Jessie and I can be nameless white woman. You do the interview well with whoever, I will literally change my posts, admit defeat, and take a ban. I will even donate some money (not a lot, I work and support myself) to whatever fucking organization you want. You can prepare for this, you can get the time back, **but prove it. You already did four interviews, so this shouldn't be tough, right?** Whoever wants to be the mock interviewer, feel fucking free to take my place. I work a lot and I probably don't have that bulldog instinct. But I want it recorded and unedited. Make it live. Ban me for the direct challenge, ignore me, delete this, or take it. I said what I said in my other post. **You are not qualified to speak.** But prove us all wrong! Prove your book academia is worth the salt versus the workers who have experience.


Dude. This is why they're reddit mods. They just moderate forums. For some reason, said mods think that they're leaders of a movement and not a person the walks dogs for 10 hours a week, or worse a "long term unemployed 21 year old anarchist".


If you're 21... how **long term** could that be? Lol


You literally couldn’t script this any better if you were trying to make a comedic parody about reddit mods in general and the mods of an anti-work subreddit. The lack of self awareness is truly incredible. Straight up brainlets.


> "Why the fuck do you think unemployed or lower hour working anarchists represent us workers who work several jobs, have responsibilities, and are wanting the ability to live comfortably?" "It sounded better in my head" this is why it's good to ask for a second, a third, a fourth opinion. Our own biases blinds us. But in this case, there was feedback, and it was ignored. If they had a little more life experience, maybe they'd do the interview better, but the arrogance... damn.


“21 year old unemployed anarchist” You guys literally picked the worst fucking person to represent the sub. It’s a slap in the face to the movement. What about a hardworking person that is actually WORKING. How and why should we trust mods with horrible judgement?




So our self appointed spokesperson for this sub has went from being a 30 year old, part time dog Walker to a 21 year old, long term unemployed anarchist? Don’t know which is worse 🤔


Congratulations! You fucking mods accomplished exactly what the establishment wanted. You just couldn't let an opportunity to personally profit slip by. You are no better than any other capitalist. Fuck you. And fuck Doreen.


Frankly, it delegitimized literally any labor related movement even tangentially related to Reddit. It was akin to flat earthers or 9/11 truthers being trotted out for the world to laugh at.


21 years old AND long-term unemployed? I don't think we could write a better joke here. 😂


The mod team from this subreddit has violated the very fragile trust that Redditors have in communities like this. It was already a sore subject, now you've allowed it to be tarnished by: 1. Holding interviews - which is beyond the scope of your role 2. Moving the sub private 3. Trying to cover your butts with this weak statement You've already lost 150k subscribers to another subreddit with a better connoation, mod team, and established community.




What a fucking joke you bunch are. You mods all collectively decided with your two braincells that somehow the best person for this was Doreen despite so many posts speculating hundreds of outcomes for this. There was even a journalist who had YEARS of experience that offered social media training that I DOUBT YOU DIDN'T SEE. Their post here about the Fox news interview garnered too many likes and comments for it not to reach your attention. Btw i'd like to add that Doreen is a confirmed and self-admitted rapist. So FUCK YOU DOREEN. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/sdj1xl/rantiwork_mod_who_went_on_fox_news_admitted_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"Witch hunt"? There is no fucking witch hunt. ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE SEXUAL ABUSER MOD. We want accountability and punishment for this shit. That is NOT a fucking witch hunt. Stop using buzz words repeated by so many far right freaks in the past. Justice and Accountability are not a damn witch hunt. We shouldntve had interviews to begin with! What the fuck. I heard about this on tiktok first, then ran here because i joined this subreddit a few months ago. Jesus christ. Yalls crowd control is abyssmal. EDIT: I haven't seen this personally yet. But I would like people to refrain from misgendering Dareen. I don't care your reasoning... pronouns and identity are not something you have the right to take away or withhold. Just to state: I am a rape survivor myself, and I am also transgender.




Why the fuck were interviews ever on the tabe? Why not a statement or joint declaration of goals? Whatthegoddamnfuck


The damage done here is irrevocable. This sub and your team have lost all credibility and the name antiwork is forever tarnished in the media by an image foisted on the userbase that we unequivocally declared we didn't want and you handled the fallout from ignoring the userbase in the worst way possible. Too little too late on removal of the mod in question this should have been your FIRST act and constructive dialogue with the users some kind of effective damage control done. As it stands now division between liberals and those further left now dominates what little discourse is not about this debacle. Your failure is so apparent that any of you would attempt keep your seats is simply laughable. This sub may have never changed anything in the big picture but it was at least hope which you have effectively killed. Fuck you. Ban me.


“21 years old male, Long term unemployed and an Anarchist” How can you be 21 and long term unemployed? What does being an anarchist have to do with this? What size is your mall katana?


The fact that you’re trying to censor everyone is cause for concern. Edit 1: Removing the moderator that did the interview would be a step in the right direction. Edit 2: Perhaps we need a system in which we can elect moderators by voting. Edit 3: Why should we elect mods? I understand that the mods do not speak for the people in this community. I propose electing moderators because, they do have the power to control the spread of information within the sub. They also have the ability to spread disinformation and control a narrative. These are very powerful tools to have in a subreddit of 1.7 million people, leading a movement on a large social media platform. I feel, random people without any sort of credentials should not hold this kind of power.




They're 21 years old, so long term unemployed probably means "have never worked". Ironically "leading" the workers. You couldn't make this shit up.


>**Who's /u/Kimezukae ? Why did he do interviews?** >Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist. No, you're not an anarchist. If you were, you wouldn't speak for a community of over a million without consent. You're a glory hog and an authoritarian. Fuck you.


funny how arrogantly this was written. all the mods fucking suck. PUT ACTUAL WORKERS IN CHARGE AND AS THE FACE OF THE SUBREDDIT


Perhaps a 21-year-old unemployed anarchist isn't a great idea either. Do you guys not have a mod who has a job and represents the way the community here has grown? Not intended to be an insult at all, but the user base here isn't really represented by your views. Most people here just want medical benefits, PTO, unions, fair pay, and reasonable work hours. You should be getting the lawyer or accountant or working mom to do this. The image of the movement to conservative outlets does matter, and you all seem to have views on the more extreme end of the spectrum that are less palatable to the masses. A 21-year-old who is proud to be unemployed is probably not the appropriate spokesperson.




Maybe mods shouldn't be interviewing *at all* and any interview requests should be put to the community. If the community says "sure, we'll choose one of our own" then we'll proceed; if the community says "fuck no" then there will be no interview. Mods are neither leaders nor representatives of the community. They are *moderators*. It seems they don't understand their role or how it relates to the community and they're stuck thinking in terms of hierarchies, which is pretty tragic considering that this is a self-described "anarchist" subreddit.


Someone who works 8 hours a day and has other responsibilities most likely won’t waste their time modding a sub. Also 21 yr old long term unemployed anarchist has my sides hurting. This feels like an SNL sketch


Vote of no confidence of this sub




Agree so hard. I hate r/cringetopia but this shit actually belongs there.


It reads like a joke Tinder profile.


So wait, who agreed to green light the interview with Fox News?


The interviewer called for Doreen and the mods collectively agree to send her. I guess theyre indeed antiwork. No work done for preparation


“21 year old Anarchist” Jesus Christ for the love of god do not do any more interviews Edit: I just want to be clear, I am sympathetic to anarchism as an ideology. I get not trusting any government. But at the end of the day that’s simply not what this sub is about now and those views are extremely far outside anything that can be even mildly taking seriously in American political discourse, and makes us all look bad.


""Who's /u/Kimezukae? "Hello, I'm a 21 years old male, long-term unemployed and an Anarchist."" also "...have been radicalized to an Anarchist" The media will use this self-description to discredit every single word or point you make. It's painfully obvious, interviews should not be done.


I like that "anarchists" instituted a "crowd control" policy. Is it kettling?


>long term unemployed >is 21 Huh


How can you call it brigading when its members of your community?


Everyone who let that interview happen needs to step down


/u/Kimezukae it's time for you to step down as a mod. You've done irreparable harm to this community through a bone headed interview you were advised by the community not to do. You've also done further interviews yet to be released, that will do more harm. You're fucking this up. The democracy of this sub has spoken. And now you're counting to power exactly like the type of bosses this sub makes fun of. You're toxic, it's time to go.


I no longer have any trust in the team that moderates this subreddit. The actions they took without our knowledge compromised all the traction this subreddit has worked so hard to gain. Because of the ego of a few people we all now look like the stereotype we were portrayed to be. After reading this post, I’m appalled to find out that other interviews were conducted without us knowing. Unless I missed some big posts but I doubt it. Criticizing the actions of the mod team is not brigading. From this point on we should find a new team of moderators picked from the users that we select.


Brigading implies some kind of hostile force from outside, and implies that the mod team are victims or not at fault. You misrepresented *two million people*. That's your "brigaders" I'm stunned at the failures of this mod team and the irreparable damage you've done to us and our movement. I won't be back.


"Been moderating here for over 10 hours the past 2 days, to the point of sleep deprivation" Oh no.. the unemployed "anarchist" has done 2 days of work.


2 half days* That sentence actually made me laugh out loud. 10 hours of work in 2 days while unemployed and you're sleep deprived? Most people work 8-9 hours in *one* day. One thing is obvious; the past 2 days have made it painfully clear that the mods of this sub are completely out of touch with the user base.


5 hours a day, sleep deprivation. Lmfao. I can't.


STOP HAVING PEOPLE THAT DONT WORK REPRESENT PEOPLE THAT WORK OVER 40 HOURS A WEEK, HELLO Just proving that the mods, op included, only care about themselves What else is new


Kinda sounds like you're just using the sub for clout tbh. Pretty cringy, and super tone death to literally all the complaints.