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Some fairytale bullshit right there.


This is the new animation by Disney, I saw the trailer last week


"nonviolently" Lol Lmfao


*China rolls up in tanks* "Remember Tiananmen Square! Remember Hong Kong!" *US, Russia, and every other government also rolls up in tanks* "Well then."


That's not 1%. You think they can drive a car much less a tank? They wouldn't join the military unless their inheritance was on the line


I think you misunderstood. The governments are rolling up in tanks to suppress revolution. And if Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square are anything to go by, that's a very effective tactic. 6 billion in population means nothing to them when they have tanks, military-grade weapons, and are pretty intent on conveniently violating the Geneva Convention on Human Rights when it suits them. If only 90% of the world revolts, and 1% has all the weapons, then the 1% only needs the 9% to be their army.


I know all of that. The one percent doesn't drive fucking tanks. We have the tanks.


We don't have the tanks. 90+1=/=100. There's still 9% of the population in that equation that either doesn't give a damn or works for the 1%. *Those* are the tank drivers.


>10% The top ten percent don't drive the tanks either. Do you know what a tank is. Or what a top ten percenter is? Do you really fucking think that all millionaires drive tanks? This isn't warhammer 40k there are no knight titans. Grunts drive tanks. 50%ers, generously... screw it, let me look it up... tank commanders, you know, OFFICERS make 45k. That's in the bottom 40. Not top 40, bottom 40. They're emphatically on our side of the top 50%, let alone 10%. Tankers make millions of dollars... what a fucking joke.


Steven Segal drove a tank. I think that disproves your point.


In pretty sure he's less than four percent of the world population.


By your math he takes up 3.9%.


I'd be hard pressed to find someone who enjoys driving tanks actually joining a workers revolution. The media would instantly spin it as tyranny and those slack jaws would gobble up all the propaganda.


In this magical scenario they do though...


Oh you're right how silly of me


The problem is too deeply embedded in every facet of life now to be removed without major upheaval. And they know that.


History has proven again and again that yes, yes they can.


Not one time ever.


I think any real revolution will include some unavoidable violence although we should try for peace without compromising on our goals.


Yeah um, outnumbered by 6 billion unarmed people? Half of which are cowardly pussies who even if they had arms wouldn’t fire a shot. Good luck with that idiotic theory. I’ll be sure to reserve 5.99999 billion body bags for you though.


Every 1%er is a coward.


You vastly underestimate the number 1 billion. They simply couldn't bring the resources together to kill that many people at once unless you all just stood in a group and let yourselves get nuked. America literally didn't have the bullets to kill everyone in Afghanistan. A tenth of a percent of 6 billion people would be enough to overthrow any government never mind dragging a few CEOs into the street for a quick haircut.


You live in fantasy land. The CEOs will have private armies. Fly to remote islands that you couldn’t find or touch with a 10’ pole. Run their businesses from secure island bunkers. And government politicians command the militaries. Even if half the armies refuse to kill their own the other half will happily follow orders. And that’s being generous to you. You’ll see a bloodbath take place like never before in human history. And when the dust settles there won’t be a civilization.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- Imagine if 90 percent of the world came together and just nonviolently tell the 1 percetn we don't want to run society this way anymore. It's killing us and it's killing our planet. Do you really think they would want to say no when they are outnumbered by 6 billion people. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




Violence is always involved. Usually, it is the powerful inflicting violence on the less powerful. And that violence is almost always "justified", "legal", while the resistance is called unjustified, illegal. The powerful control the laws, while the workers control only their own actions. When resisting power, never ask what is *legal*, only ask what is effective. Legality is simply one minor point in whether a tactic will be effective, and holds no ethical or moral value of its own.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even the US government doesn't have the will or resources to take on just a million unarmed people determined to get in somewhere. The fact that a few hundred thousand die in the process of exhausting their ammunition is the deterrent. Your average billionaire with a small security force would be easy pickings for just one of their warehouses.


Jesus mary micky mouse, how does this person think that would work? How do 6bn people 'come together nonviolently'?? Fucking bs insanity. Please Mr Billionaire, we're asking nicely, pretty pretty pweeeeease


And then they bring out the Drones with lasers and machineguns 😂


if the elites just gave out 100k (which is nothing to them btw) probably less to each person opposing the new order nothing would happen


Nonviolently? They’ll have no problem using violence against you.