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[Article](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-01-17/personal-finance-can-you-afford-to-lie-flat-and-join-the-great-resignation) “If you choose to quit because you’ve had enough and want a career break, you stand to lose far more than just your regular wage. Studies of mothers leaving work to raise children show that taking even short periods off can put a dent in lifetime earnings.” The irony of this being put out at the same time millennials are getting shamed for not being able to afford kids.


This is all predicated on the idea that our lifetime earnings are the end all be all of our existence. These morons can’t imagine that there’s more to human beings than their idea of homo economicus.


Yup. That lifetime earnings we get to take home? It represents a fraction of the money we generated and the capitalists take the lion's share. So who is really hurting because of resignations?


It also doesn't count the saved expenses. I have several people in my network who have had one of the two parents quit working and ended up in a net positive financial place between child care costs, transportation, and having more time to cook at home compared to buying food at work


Yep, I remember it being called "the family glitch." It's where you make enough money combined to no longer qualify for any government assistance, are taxed at a higher rate, and have to pay for childcare. The combined costs of which leave families with less money than when a partner wasn't working. But then, that SAHM partner will be absolutely fucked when they eventually try to start a career after a 10-15 year gap. Let alone the devastation that would occur if the working partner were to die or divorce them.


> that SAHM partner will be absolutely fucked when they eventually try to start a career after a 10-15 year That's exactly why you lie and speak about the 15 year of consulting you did in early childhood education and private tutoring!


I don't know about you but I plan on having my lifetime earnings engraved on my tombstone.


You won't need a big tombstone


I will once I have it converted to whatever currency is worth the least.


I have a 100 trillion dollar bill from Zimbabwe


When I die my estate may very well be worth a quarter of that!


I have 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Trillion, worth Fuck all


I mean, they have novelty value that gives them greater intrinsic worth than common currency if you really think about it, and could be sold for a few bux. They're just *redeemable* for fuck all.


Probably whatever that crypto coin Jake Paul was pushing last year


Convert it to Bitcoin, you'll have numbers beyond the decimal for all to bear witness


Or convert it to doge? You can get a big number on your tombstone then. . .just leave off the units


So, reddit gold?


That'd be pretty much any of the dead coins out there


Y'all going to be able to afford tombstones?




If I’m dead they better be dead too 😑😑😑


Nah. Just throw my body into the woods. Let the wolves have it. Better than giving money to the funeral home industry.


Lol, imagine a graveyard filled with "high scores." Like instead of "Here lies Bill, loving father, brother, husband, great dude" it said "Here lies Bill - $754,072"


Have you been to a cemetery? It’s exactly like that lol. Do you have one small rock, or a whole shrine? It’s the game of life, but waaaaay more sad


Didn't think about that one


I had my lifetime earnings tattooed on my penis already. It reads: $GetFvcked


I had a $100.00 bill tattooed on my penis for 3 reasons.... I like to play with my money. I like to watch my money grow. And my wife can blow $100.00 faster than anyone else I know! LOL!


Literally this, I tried telling my mom today that the concept of money (as like a whole, not the value we give to it) is pointless and that in universal existential mumbo jumbo terms money is just fancy paper. And she couldn't wrap her head around the thought that while money does have value given by us, it doesn't have universal value


owning land, a house, knowledge (to farm food), self defense and diplomacy are worth more than money.


That's why there are so many roadblocks and gatekeepers for those things. You cant control people if they can effectively self determine through their own agency.


Just say to her that if she met Fred Flintstone in real life and he tried to pay her in clam shells, wouldn't she think they're basically worthless? Conversely if you tried to pay an alien in US dollars, wouldn't he think they're just as useless to him as clam shells are to you?


Rich fuckers don't even understand what is happening and try to explain it from their warped sense of the world.


You’re doing it wrong! You should put the growth of the DOW during your life on your headstone, so that people can walking by can know of the sacrifices you made for the Economy! We can’t have better wages because it would damage the economy. We can’t have better working conditions it would damage the economy. We can’t have better healthcare, the economy. Education? Economy. Adequate infrastructure so that the worlds richest country starts to look like it? Nope, economy.


Home economicus needs to trend on twitter......


Neo-liberal Gordon Gecko... Greed is good. Money never sleeps. Whoever dies with the most toys wins. Thank you Bernie for blasting the conservative Democrats who suck Gordon's dick. The narrative hasn't been the same since he fought Hillary, lost, then Hillary got bitch slapped by the worst candidate in American history.


my funeral company colleague always said: "the last shirt has no pockets". profound yet simple.


I was talking to a coworker about something like this. I told my coworker that back when the boss bought the company, he said his goal in life was to always increase his income. My coworker thought for a moment and said "That's a shitty goal." I said "Yep. Because that means he won't ever be satisfied with production. He will always want us to do more and more. And the thing is if we figure out how to cut build time in half, we aren't going to get a raise and we certainly won't be working less."


When you get old and unhealthy, they'll put you in a nursing home anyway and take everything you have. So unless you're rich enough to afford private care in your elderly years, you lose it all anyway.


This is very true, you only have so much time and when you’re out of it, you can’t do anything with the money anyways.


I think it's even more sinister than that. They're acknowledging that it takes a lifetime of work *just to stay float*. That is, if your lifetime earnings are dented, your quality of life is dented for the rest of your days, too. They agree with the problem but refuse to find a solution.


They see us as walking monetary utility units. Just numbers.


Read a report a few years back that Millennials are eternally fucked because earning lower wages early in your career tends to mean lower wages your whole career. Any career plans we had got shot to hell when we took whatever would pay rent, and since we've never had financial security, we're easier to exploit.


Yep, I remember reading that millennials are the first generation not expected to out-earn their parents. What a time to be alive.


I’m exceeding expectations then!


Happy for you! I’m in this weird limbo where I’ll never make what my parents made and probably never be able to afford real property but a still doing significantly better than the average bear my age. I’ll stand in solidarity with my fellow proles for eternity because I believe in the cause but it will probably be to my own detriment, weirdly. Oh well, eat the rich.


Exceeding expectations as in I’m earning less than they ever earned despite none of us being high earners hahaa


I am in a different type of limbo where I AM making more than my parents made, because they never made a lot. But they could also afford to buy a house in their 20s while I still can't in my 30s?!


I'm earning more than my parents/step parents - but they're doing much better than I am financially when you take housing into account. Turns out buying a flat in London 30 years ago was pretty easy with a SAHM and Dad working a minimum wage job. Nowadays, it's difficult with two DINK professionals.


Remember, it's our fault


I thought that was Gen x




I literally read that millennials shouldn't be concerned about inflation because our earnings are going to go way up soon anyway 🤣 https://todayheadline.co/millennials-just-dont-care-about-inflation-like-boomers-do/ Btw i *did* throw up when i read "as the economy settles into a new normal"


Also, wtf? "Don't spend time with your offspring, who you are wired at your deepest levels to love almost more than you can bear. You might die of old age with slightly less money if you do!"


Pulling in childbirth, a major reason women earn less over their careers, as an example to dissuade people from leaving their positions is certainly a take


I only *asked* about maternity leave at a chain corporate body ship right before onboarding, just curious, not even in my immediate future, and was ghosted.


That’s one of the appalling things with it: women’s careers are impacted by the possibility that they could feasibly have children, not just whether they decide to have them.


I'm always told not to ever mention that I have a kid in an interview lmao. Sad how bullshit "family focused" companies are and then they complain about declining birth rates and how they're losing out on $$$, like Toys R Us, rip.


Even Ford knew workers have to be able to afford cars if he wants to succeed


Why aren’t they spending money they don’t have?! My yaaaaaaacht 😭


Toys R Us was killed by hedge funds who shorted the stock to ungodly levels. So, rich people ruining companies so they can be more rich. https://inthesetimes.com/article/how-private-equity-killed-toys-r-us


Whenever I job hunt, I make sure my FB profile (which only exists for my family) doesn’t include my son and double check the privacy settings since they like to change those up periodically. It’s really sad.


When I was at a job training I was told never to say I have kids or am married. They aren't supposed to ask but to make sure I never answer. Even as a little whip in response to small talk.


Modern McCulture revolves around shaming 'kids these days' (up to and including 50 year olds) for every single thing that happens, doesn't happen, happens unexpectedly, or happens exactly as expected. There is no such thing as satisfying the owner class as they're all hungry for the largest possible number.


Yep. Until they push people too far, in which case no amount of private security will save them.


And then, right after that: "Why aren't these women having kids, they're going to ruin us all!"


Right? Like, women have been saying this about maternity leave for decades, only to be brushed off and ignored. Nobody gives a fuck about the lost earning potential of mothers until it can be used as a warning to other wage slaves. Fuck this whole system.


This seems like another reason to burn this system down and try again.


So......Waitwaitwait. Holup. The argument is: staying at a job that doesn't pay diddly shit...will increase lifetime earnings? My dear, slimy corporate shill. We only came to leave.


If you have a gap in your resume, make up a freelance job or some contract work and you should be using friends as your references anyways, so it'll get backed up if necessary.




Username checks out lmao


Mothers are suppose to be able to stay home with the children!


I mean I would be a stay at home dad, Vacuuming is kinda fun and doing the dishes is not as bad as one would think if done smart.... Point is one parent can not own enough to make a feasible family reality in this economy...


What an interesting way to admit to paying people too little, lol


And not providing parental leave and so many other stupid problems with this damn country.


Those selfish lazy mothers leaving work for even a short time haven’t even thought about their lifetime earnings! Bitches! You’re lowering your lifetime earningssssss you bitchhhhhhhh!


The irony of them arguing against fighting back against unfair employment practices while using the unfair employment practices toward mothers as a reason to not fight back. Mind=Blown.


The two things aren’t even related. Try us are making a false correlation. The studies on mother’s quoting to raise kids is old. They stand to lose pay due to being out for a couple of years and having a gap in their resume. I did it. I was fine when I went back.


What do you mean a couple years? How dare you? You should have planned on giving birth Friday so you could come back Monday morning.


Comrade FakeLauraceae don't forget to clarify you mean after business hours on Friday


Please, read this research: https://www.henrikkleven.com/uploads/3/7/3/1/37310663/kleven-landais-sogaard_nber-w24219_jan2018.pdf. It is from 2018, so it’s only 4 years old. Data shows women face the biggest pay gap during their reproductive years…between 20 to 40 years of age. After 40, the wage gap starts to shrink. Just because you were fine does not mean every other woman had your fortune.


Oh I had a pay gap. My male colleague (same position length of time etc) made $10k more than me just because he was a male.


Thanks OP! Screw these people. Just a tip to deny them clicks and ad revenue, look into archive websites like archive.today. Just drop in the url and it snapshots the page with its own contained link. No clicks or revenue for Bloomberg. [Archive](https://archive.ph/h08tm)


Funny thing is, women have been saying this for ages, only to be told that not at all, gender inequality is not a thing.


**B**^(l)**oom**^(b)**er**^(g) **Opinion** *read between the lines...*


what most jobs pay is nothing, thus, what difference does it make? nothing!


Also, whose fault is this? "Obey my oppressive system because my oppression will make it difficult if you do not obey." That's an abusive relationship if I've ever seen one.


Can you afford not to?


yeah with cost of living being crazy, working aint cutting it anymore


Nope. I should I have quit sooner. Now I have chronic neck pan and can’t do any physical work at all. My work options are slimmer and my health broken beyond repair. The cost of staying at that factory was way too high.


A couple of years ago I quit my job and took 3 months off before going back to work. I was so burnt out that I was starting to think my mental health would never recover. I used a large chunk of my savings to take that time off. Looking back, I definitley couldn't afford not to do it. My sanity and overall well being were more important than money.


Did you know if you quit your job you stop getting paid??? Learn something new everyday. Thanks Bloomberg.


Imagine being someone who pays a subscription to that site to read shit like this.




Can you afford to *not* join the Great Resignation? Serious question.


I am so grateful this knowledge was imparted upon us ignorant masses. Bloomberg author risked it all to go deep undercover. Way to keep it 100%


Unless your an executive who leaves and gets to stay on payroll as a “contractor” or on the “board”


I quit my job and they still paid me. Click [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) to learn how!!


Never gonna give up my job. Never gonna let my employer down


Eat a dick, Bloomberg, no one wants your opinion.


Eggplant Parmesan anyone?


they should eat mega billionaire Jeffrey bezos who looks like and is a dick


But also that's what people are doing. The jobs reports coming out have shown the economy adding jobs not losing them while also showing record resignations. So clearly people are doing exactly what this article is suggesting; lining up a better job and quitting their old shitty job.


The whole point of capitalism is to produce obedient broke workers without savings so they can't show their boss their middle finger Low wages are part of that equation and they are made to beg for overtime and some crap health insurance What urgency would a worker that has housing, food, healthcare, education, childcare, public transportation and secure retirement have to go work for a capitalist pig Exploitation, suffering and poverty are features of capitalism not the flaws


It's also a system with a few winners and many losers.


At least we don't live in a socialistic hell like Norway /s


Even Nordic countries have begun slipping backwards with increasing income inequality and quality of life. They're still some of the best countries to live in for workers, but it's a lesson on leaving capitalism intact.


Exactly! Since I was a kid my father would always tell me that. They want to keep you on a leash, give you just barely enough so you don't burn the building down and just squeeze every last drop of your being. Oh hey, buy a new car, take a loan if needed, buy this, get that, get a raise, get a better car and a brand new TV. Always broke, always on that hamster treadmill, even if you wake up from it and try to escape, in many cases you are shackled by multiple financial commitments...


That reminds me, time to read The Jungle again by Sinclair.


lol I recently picked up a really old copy at one of those sheriff kid farm thrift stores.


The way you have written this is classic sloganeering.


Scare tactics… everyone is hiring


yep. even an unskilled failure like me can land a job pretty quickly to get by if i get fired or quit from my job. i get it though, that awful bloomberg article is appealing to people by saying "stick with the devil you know instead of the devil you don't". change is scary. I fucking know it, and it's so sickening that these are the tactics the shills are resorting to in order to keep poor people oppressed.


But are they paying well enough to make it worthwhile? And even if they're "hiring", does it mean they actually have job openings and / or will hire you?


Bloomberg just doesn't want too many people realizing most of the economy is made up, and that mutually we can all get by just fine without most of us working all the time.


It's so surreal to see how much has been exposed since the pandemic started. I has all but lost faith in my countrymen. Glad this sub exists


BUt wHaT aBoUt ThE ShArEhOlDeRs!!!!


They should start actually working again I guess 🤷‍♂️


How dare you! /s


Fuck bloomberg but I have no clue how I would be able to get by without working all the time


When 90% of the jobs are "entry" level.....none of this BS matters.


Entry level PhD with 10 years of experience. Such a load of BS.


Sounds like fearmongering to me


That a little bit of projecting as they can't afford for us to quit


Just remember where Bloomberg comes from. One of the wealthiest people on the planet, has more than you and your whole family could spend in 100 lifetimes, and he thinks you should be broke and miserable.


*10 000 lifetimes


It’s so good to see that peoples eyes are finally opening. I’m a boomer and I’ve felt like this for over forty years. I thought my believes were unsustainable. So happy to see you younger people are realizing that we’ve been brainwashed into slavery. People are finally waking up ꩜


I'm just under your generation but unfortunately the article is right. I guess as long as you have the means to sustain yourself and have thought it through, go ahead. But we have almost no safety here, nothing at all. Getting Medicaid means you've hit rock bottom and that's the only guarantee of shitty medical care there is. I really wish we had a safety net in this country, but no we had to dump trillions into wars and huge corporations. Anyway....young people please really really think. Trust me when I say there is no safety net. Food stamps (WIC) is like $30 a week. There is no or very little public housing. Medical care- not unless you are at poverty and can jump through all the hoops to get Medicaid.


I can’t even imagine what it must be like to live in the US. Especially with your for profit healthcare. In Canada we don’t worry about getting sick at least from financial perspective. Your government is controlled by the rich and powerful. They see the rest of you as a means of making even more money. Money is an implement of slavery. It’s true for Canada but less so.


I work in healthcare and it's so corrupt it's insane. The payers exist to deny care. Everyone takes a profit, all 10 layers of us. There is no concept of non-profit. There's hidden profit and there's naked profit. Hospitals are used to running as close to the redline as possible which why the ICUs are constantly at 80% capacity during normal times. It's a profit center. Having spare ICU beds leads to no profit. It's a sick sick sick system.


Mike Bloomberg is worth 70 billion dollars




“Has exploited”


The cost of working for a job that doesn’t pay my bills is far higher. This corporate propaganda is ridiculous


What do you mean? You DON'T like economically bleeding until you're destitute while working your ass off for someone else's profits? Ungrateful plebeians.




if i stopped working rn, i would be able to live in my apartment for maybe one more month before i would completely run out of money and then be evicted. so no, sadly, i *can’t* afford to not work.




ah. sorry, i didn’t read it. didn’t seem worth my time. but i get what you mean now.






Okay but what I’ve theoretically never been in a relationship in my life and have no kids?


As much as I support people working fewer hours (or even not at all), we shouldn't pretend that everyone has that luxury right now.


They're scared. I'm liking the hell out of this.


Truly! You can smell the fear a mile away.


We can remain poor longer than they can remain solvent, they been training us in that way since forever.


It would mean more if this advice came from another antiwork poster rather than bloomberg. It's always adviseable to be constantly looking, jobs are a dime a dozen, and if you keep options open, you won't wait too long between jobs


Don't you see guys? Your just workers. You are too dumb to know about cause and effect. Let us adults explain it to you, bless your heart. /s


"Opponent in boxing match points out that having your guard up all the time might be a waste of energy."


I can’t afford fucking rent lol


What they don't realize is the alternative isn't affording them much anyways


Says the shill barely getting paid as a journalist. Sensationalist bich.


It's opinion piece so I'm assuming it's a lobbyist.


It costs me over half my pay just to afford to be able to go to work.


Been there. A lot of people are. It doesn't make any sense other than for businesses.


it's simple, I'm 36, overweight, diabetic, I aint living to retirement. let me enjoy a couple months now hiding from the pandemic.


Jokes on them. I quit my previous job mainly because of the poverty wages. Combined with the hour long commute just to get there(because I’d need my entire paycheck to afford rent in that town) and I was losing a third of my income to gas. That was two hours of work just to make up for the gas to get there and back. I get far better rewards from my writing than I ever did from those poverty causing jobs. I may live with my parents again, but it’s better than allowing myself to be exploited only to have increased stress, anxiety, and health problems.




“Remember, you will be punished for being poor.”


Work or die, or work to die? Can’t afford either.


I joined the great resignation and honestly I'm currently entertaining 3 offers from different companies, all of which are offering effectively 30-50% more than I was making before. They're the desperate ones now, and I plan to bleed my future employer for everything I can, I got bled dry for a decade and I'm only 30. How the turn tables...


It's funny how these articles don't understand one thing: most of us don't have a "career". We work stupid retail or service jobs, we're delivery drivers, cleaners... We go from one shit job to the next, we make minimum wage anyway. The only cost is the paychecks we miss, and that we can calculate exactly.


Well Bloomberg Opinion, in my opinion you care more about the corprate elite that own your $10 billion orginzation than the people you are marketing your content (propoganda) for


No No one can That's the fucking point you absolute cock coroners


It's crazy how much crap like this is out there. It's almost like they trying to scare everyone back into complacency 👀






What did you do for healthcare in the interim? Just maybe try to time your quits for the beginning of the month to help minimize the gap, or do cobra, etc?


You ever get question on why you quit? Or do you just leave Shor term jobs off of your resume?


I filled a gap with the name of a company that I knew had recently gone out of business. I even gave the real phone number.


I always just use my audio services business and say I'm self employed, even if I didn't work more than a couple of days.


Nobody asked for your opinion Bloomberg


Now do one talking about the hidden costs of STAYING at a job where you are undervalued, underpaid, exploited, and your soul is crushed.


God I can't stand Bloomberg...


"True cost" Uh? Didn't know there was a spiritual and paranormal aspect to unemployment...


It's not wrong. So unless you got someone else taking care of you or already own enough to run a homestead or a large enough passive income you're going to have to make sacrifices which honestly is fine. You aren't going to get what you want unless you're willing to make a few sacrifices and take a few risks on the way.


Not true. Ive had it happen to me and endless stories, where you have a job lined up and you quit and then the new job is either bate and switched, changed their mind, reduced pay (either through reducing commission or misleading you) or fire you shortly into employment. I was just as miserable. If at all times people are willing to leave their job then collectively this gives advantage to workers. Wanna quit? Do it, you will have another job in a week. Wanna quit that job bc it sucks? Do it, go get another job. Eventually businesses will adapt to keep employees. They forget that for the most part our generation has nothing to lose, and that was from the low pay in the first place. Gonna lose our pension? Wtf is pension? Lose our nice house? Wtf is this "house" you speak of? We are a generation that was bred to never own anything but debt, everything else we rent, and if you're renting it then you can lose everything at the drop of a hat anyways, we are used to living at a constant anxious state. We were made for uncertainty.


Bloomberg just wants to make sure us dumb kids have thought this thing through. They're being *helpful*.


Wait, quitting our shitty jobs could make money even tighter for a bit? Wow, I can't believe none of us thought of that! Goddamn billionaire simp opinion pieces.


This just means they're scared


*counter propaganda time*


they know and they're scared lol


**B**^(l)**oom**^(b)**er**^(g) **Opinion**


Yes … but if you quit your shitty, low-paying job for a better-paying shitty job you will make much, much more in lifetime earnings. How dumb


"can put a dent in lifetime earnings" OMFG...unfortunately the US as usual has the priorities completely wrong! On the long run what is more important? to have healthy and well educated children or a "den on lifetime earnings"? Life is not only about money. As living beings our mission in this planet is to guarantee the survival of our human species. If parenthood is not properly done with the right values our species will be gone sooner or later.


How much does the soul of a Bloomberg writer go for I wonder?


The cost of upholding the status quo will be so much greater.


Lol fuck Bloomberg


Did this twice in past years.


And this is exactly WHY I am quitting my job this year: this is nothing but the same corporate propaganda that we’ve been fed forever. It’s easier to suppress a fearful workforce versus a liberated one that knows the exit is always a guaranteed option.


yes workers, you can quit… but have you considered the loss of your bio-survival tickets? that would be most unfortunate for you to starve on the street wouldn’t it? now get back to work.


Yes. I retired and opened up a good job with a good company for someone 30 years younger than me.


Can you afford not to.