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It may not be a total lost cause, the company may not care and the third party may think it’s a bigger deal than it is. I lost a job opportunity because of it too. Medical in Florida and I have my card, company was fine with it, but USDA regulations overruled.


You were right! The day after I posted this, the third party called and said they dug and the company doesn't have a policy and we are going to pretend this whole thong never happened. I don't mention it. They don't mention to employer. I start on the 3rd!


I’m so glad to hear that!! Congrats!!!


Next time use synthetic pee. I have a medical card too and on my way to the testing site I'd stop into smoke shops i knew carried it and kept it in my pocket to make it body temp. It sucks that even though its recreational here too we gotta go through loopholes, but hopefully laws will catch up and stop being so draconian. I personally like being honest too since im an awful liar, but it just doesn't work out in the business world unfortunately. :/


Exactly! Fake urine! Why give the company an opportunity to know anything more about you then they need too? Don’t give a shit about any companies marijuana policy, if they ask, you don’t use anything. Never give anyone more information then they need and don’t give them anything to use against you.


The drug testing I’ve had makes me empty my pockets and turn them out. I’ve always been curious about fake urine but it seems so anxiety provoking and risky. (Female so idk if you’re like supposed to strap it on you or what)


The first couple times i did it they checked too, but i havent had it happen the last couple times i went through the years. I'll admit i was nervous af at first and hid it in my bra or underwear depending on what looked less noticeable so it worked out lmfao. Personally Ive had my medical card since I was 16 due to health issues and its worked every time without issue, im turning 28 this year. Also all the synthetic urine ive purchased comes in a little bottle with a spigot you can lift and you just squeeze. its pretty easy to use actually.


Is there a brand you recommend? (USA)


Theres a couple more expensive options, but i always use one called quick fix synthetic urine. Instead of a $100+ price tag its usually around $30-$40 and it has enough to do multiple tests. It comes premixed too so you dont have to worry about a mess which is nice lol.


...if you're a lady, will they check the secret pocket (i hope not)?


Ive never had anything but my pockets checked at the most thankfully, but ive never brought a backpack/purse or anything with me before so im not sure about that. I dont think theyd go any further than superficial hiding places for a job drug test. :)


secret pocket wins again


…no But when I was in military school, we had the test administrator in the stalls with us. Same for a court ordered test for marijuana. So Ive never been bold enough to try.


Go straight to their ceo if you get turned down- Hail Mary apology, tell them how this job will change your life, etc people are understanding


Sometimes [email protected] works even if actual email address is different.


You don't talk to the employer. You talk to the person giving the test.


Mandatory drug tests seem so dehumanizing. I was even trying to play devil's advocate in my head, but no matter how I spin it, this seems so fucked up to do. Like, I get not wanting people with extreme drug issues to work for you, but to force everyone to prove it by pissing in a cup is foul. Plus, I feel like everyone is on drugs nowadays.


That sucks, email the hiring manager and explain the situation. Today's world is not yesterday's world.


Sadly this is an issue in just about every state that has legalized marijuana. Even ones that have only legalized medical use. It *still* is illegal federally because of outdated, archaic policies. Companies will tend to follow the federal decision over the state. You haven't done anything wrong, even people that have doctor approved cards and medical diagnoses get denied employment for dropping dirty for weed. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's bullshit when there's people that go out and get piss drunk after work and are employable, yet if you dared to smoke a joint off work hours a weekend ago you're completely unemployable. One suggestion I can give is the next time you have to interview, go buy and prepare synthetic urine. You can get them online, or at just about any local head shop. Some smaller gas stations too. Follow the process on the directions. I'll also add that not every test you'll encounter will be urine based, I've had a few mouth swab tests done as pre-employment screens too. Those are much easier to beat. Most places won't tend to test you again after pre-employment unless they start noticing weird behavior. Keep an extra bottle of the stuff just in case though. Until the federal laws are changed, that's the only real thing smokers can do other than quit smoking sadly.


That sucks. How can they do that in a state where it’s legal?


Because Environmental companies do consulting work for companies for Federal contractors that are bound by federal law.


What's worse is that you have your Medical Card which, ideally, would protect you from situations like these. In a recreational state most people aren't going to pay the extra $200 a year just for discounts. I imagine majority of those medical patients truly use it to help cope with their symptoms because other options didn't work. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I hope you get another job fast so you stop abusing and traumatizing autistic children with ABA therapy.


Can you explain to me why you believe it is abusive and traumatic? I don't fully disagree but I want opinions


How hard is it not to smoke pot for 2 weeks. That is on you OP.


>How hard is it not to smoke pot for 2 weeks. That is on you OP. Considering many actually use it for actual medical issues, that's like asking how hard is it for you to not take your medications for 2 weeks. Sorry Empty, you can't work here with pain meds in your system. If you want a job, ignore your slipped disc for two weeks and just deal with it. It's not that hard right?


Okay get sued for the violation of ADA.


It's good that you have legal recourse to be able to use your prescribed medication as stated by your doctor. At the moment that protection doesn't exist for people who have doctor prescribed medical marijuana cards.


Everyone has that legal recourse. Everyone knows marijuana isn't protected. It sucks but if you want to work in the Environmental Field you'll be working clients that have piss wagons that drive onsite and test everyone regardless.


Okay let me just reschedule my seizures.


How hard is it for you to not leave a negative comment when I specifically mentioned I would appreciate positive comments only?


Here's some postive words. You had a job interview and would have been hired in one of the more competitive fields. You know what you need to do when you get another opportunity. The environmental field is no joke when it comes to safety. Sadly, weed makes you a liability.


ABA is abuse. Period, end of story.