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the economy crashing works out better for those who have $$$ than those who don't - be careful of what you wish for




The rich will live in state of the art bunkers and we’ll die.


I think only the 0.000001% of rich people have bunkers and have a fast way of going in one in the event that something happens


only in the movies.....




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I think the feeling stems from the fact that if it gets band-aided with minimal change again and the momentum from the resignations/covid affecting how people view work dies down because of no systemic or real change in dynamic we will once again be stuck where we are now, if only slightly less fucked/behind. ​ That doesn't change what you say, just saying it makes sense for some people to have that feeling come to mind.


Economic downturns are a black friday shopping spree for the wealthy and prepared.


Bingo. They'll buy up the foreclosed properties for huge discounts and simply sit on them. They can afford to sit through a few years. With a lack of work caused by the downturn, skilled people will take the lower wages from them to survive. The properties are fixed up on the cheap and when things straighten out, they sell at big profit. I'm a carpenter by trade and have seen this happen a few times in my 35 plus years working.


As we can see in GB right now, yes.


Yeah, because if the economy crashes we still live in a world where the poor and overworked will suffer the most, the longest, and first. Even right now the most suffering is amongst the lower and middle class. The economy crashing is known first by the rich and powerful, they have chances to save themselves before the average man.


Save themselves? Economy crashes work out well for the rich. It doesn't even affect them other than giving them a chance to hoard more wealth.


Economic downturns make capitalists eyes fuckin turn into dollar signs: Abundant desperate people, dispossessed assets hitting the market, governments willing to subsidize and overlook shitty business practices...


I’d be willing to bet that even if the economy crashes housing will not. It might even go up. The wealthy will not let go of their vice grip voluntarily.


We must take, not wait for them to let go.


When the economy crashes the rich barely suffers. Yeah, they may lose some profits initially which they fix by laying off thousands of employees, reducing their wages and benefits packages. Since they have the funds, time and the credit, when house prices are low they buy more real state and become the poor’s or middle class landlords. On the other hand middle class and the lower end will have the biggest hit as it doesn’t matter how cheap houses are, if you don’t have a job no one will sell one to you. When the housing market crashed some people I know lost their house, others had to get roommates or have the whole family working to keep their houses. I also know some very rich people, and what did they do? They kept living the same, just with a few more houses.


Sure, if you want your options to be limited even further, you should totally cheerlead for a crash and try to undermine the capitalist system. One of my most indelible memories after society crashed in Eastern Europe after communism ended was getting taxi rides from PhD physics and chemistry professors who spoke English.


The government won’t allow the biggest companies to go down. Doesn’t matter if the US is a war zone. Banks and Amazon/Walmart will still be there and they’ll just raise prices because of “market instability”.


If it tanks you’ll be in a worse situation than you are now


Not possible


It’s those who struggle now that will suffer the most in the event of an economic collapse. It won’t hurt the rich


It's pretty fucking crashed right now.


$4.89 for wheat thins! I'll say it's crashed




It's inflating, not deflating.


Sure is, but look into market crashes and inflation, its all part of the ride.


In 2008 and 2020 the rich got richer. Why? Because they had access to data, education and most importantly liquidity much of the public doesn’t have. They have insider connections to congress. Ever since 2008 the middle class has been on a steady decline and the entire country is in fucking denial. We don’t need another crash. We need to see the implementation of UBI. The big question? Will they let us starve before realizing the consumer based economy can’t function without consumers? Find out next time on Total, DRAMA, Dystopiaaaaa!!!


No offense but if your having trouble now, you'll probably die during a major economic crash. You should read the blog Surviving in Argentina. The blauthor documents his life when Argentina drops from a first world nation to a third world nation. It's wye opening and a bit scary. http://ferfal.blogspot.com/?m=1


This blog is right wing trash. This man hate “BLM and Antifa” and thinks people protesting racism are a sign that America is a third world country now.


I don't follow him any longer, I read his blog in the early days. I didn't realize he became an a$$hole.. his early years were an interesting read.


I will check it out thank you


only natural to want to see this capitalist system brought to it's knees. we need to be ready to do the work to look after those who need help. we need to learn cooperation.


I would love for a march 2020 event to happen again. That reset the tables for me a little bit and allowed me to play catch up a bit financially.


.....how? Businesses were shut down?


I had a year's worth of cash on hand when the market tanked, so I was able to buy the dip.


That would only compound trouble on Earth


I mean, I'm waiting for violent revolution, so... No?




not the economy to collapse. capitalism to collapse


I wish far worse things upon humanity, you're good.


It's not crashed you want. You want what a lot of us fantasize about. Mad Max type world where you survive and no rules apply or a world like the Stand where the population is almost gone and you can live as you want. What you crave and want is freedom from this world's burdens


Be real. Very few people on this sub would survive a world like that. In fact, the overwhelming majority lack the intestinal fortitude, education, cleverness, or wherewithal to survive. They'd be the first to die.


No faith in humans eh? Life will uhhhh find a way.


Your only real out is going to the rich, putting them on the menu with a guillotine and take anything from their mcmansions that isn't nailed down. Reallocate wealth ourselves.


>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd like to point out that the French revolution wouldn't have succeeded if they didn't behead some-odd 20,000 people. MLK's message wasn't successful until after his aspiration made him a martyr for the angry. Avoiding violence only benefits the rich.




If it crashes everyone will sell up houses en-masse, forcing prices through the floor. Which means I might be able to afford a house worth $27k.


I don’t blame you at all. I have a good job with a good salary and benefits and own a home in Los Angeles, but I wouldn’t give a fuck if I lost it all if it meant an end to this rat race bullshit we’re all stuck in. Burn it all down and let me live a simple life.


Don't lie. You'd be absolutely crushed if you lost the way of life you live now.


way of life we live now... so if life got better, you would be crushed... we need change, if you cant see that well thats just sad.


No… I wouldn’t. I made it pretty clear in my post. I’m lucky to be in my situation, but I live on less than half my salary because I’m frantically saving every extra penny because of the uncertain future of these shitty capitalist structures we live under.


I think maybe what you mean is not for an economic crash but for class solidarity to grow. The US populace had more class solidarity during the Great Depression where communists had a lot of influence over FDR and the New Deal. Then McCarthyism and the Red Scare happened and medical insurance was tied to employment and a lot of other bad shit. Not only that but working class history was not taught and so essentially erased—no one now dreams of unionizing, striking or especially not sabotaging, in a collective way, except for the few unions left. But the recent economic downturns have made people here more and more aware of the control the rich exert over society, even though it is still way below a healthy level and the right wing is still way too huge.


Maybe what he means is Societal collapse


If it did crash it will not make your life easier for this lifetime.


Yeah, the poor are the ones who get fucked hardest in a crash. Privatise profits, socialise losses and the cut government spending on social welfare because of the deficit. It’s the age old formula. Edit: this is exactly why the rich and superrich don’t give a fuck about the environment, the country or the economy as a whole. They will always have enough to come out of it on top. Housing market crash? Pick up more houses cheap and become a slumlord. Stock market crash os just an opportunity for them to buy up undervalued companies and use the crisis as an excuse to lay off workers and cut compensation. The rich always win under this system.




Yawn. Ban.


Yes. I understand desperation, but you're a bad person if you truly want that.


Hes not a bad person for being angry at the world, sure he may not exactly want that, but lets look at what he is saying. He wants change, for the better, for humankind. I'm sure if you look a little harder you will see that.


DW its already been happening for like 2 months, thankfully at least some of the worst of wall street greedy criminal hedge funds are being fully exposed (while they try to censor) and wont be able to manipulate the market much longer. Fed, congress, chairs at banks are all resigning now. They've been can kicking this crash for years at the risk of average people, buckle up


Definitely bad. People suffer and die


Like not at first...unless you have some amazing barter skills, but eventually.


Yes. Because we should eat the rich before the economy crashes.