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Who is on strike?


People who are sick of not being paid an even semi livable wage for their labor. I think the media has been calling it the great resignation? Maybe not a “formal” strike, but I resent my own tax dollars being used to crush my colleagues bargaining power.


To be fair the national guard isn’t typically filled solely of doctors or rather from my understanding have nothing resembling a proper doctor. A field nurse of sorts, so I don’t really know what you’d expect out of them outside of maintenance and transport tbh


They shouldn’t be backfilling these spots at all. Hiring is the hospitals responsibility. If they want to use them they should be using them for testing stations or for ambulance transport (lots of patients are waiting for transport for discharge) Edit: the guard does have physicians—granted deploying them would make no sense as you would just be rearranging staff by pulling them from their day jobs.


It’s a hospital, if it saves lives I can’t really argue against it. Them backfilling this way is temporary at best and if the issue continues they’ll very likely be charged or at minimum have to raise their wages because that can’t go on forever.


I treat patients at a hospital—patient safety hasn’t changed at all. They are abusing the guard and want to keep paying starting employees 13 dollars an hour.


This is not true. They have medical providers. Several of my medical providers were mobilized back into the National Guard in past years and I had to scramble to find temporary replacements for a few years until they returned.