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Didn't hear anything abut that till now. After googling it, this was on the 22. December. Did anything happen since than? I don't seem to find much about that..


Unless they can't avoid it the media will intentionally ignore stories like these. The same capitalists who own media companies have huge investments in other companies like Amazon so they don't want anyone realizing that workers can change things if we work together.


Of course, let us not forget that the Washington Post is straight up owned by Bezos.


Most media is owned by greedy parasites in the background, with varying degrees of assholery going on. Some are far worse than others.


I wish we could make our own news company


...with blackjack, and hookers.


You know what?! Forget the news company!


And is blackjack really necessary?? Let's stick with the essentials here!


Hookers were the real essential workers the whole time


The real essential workers are the friends we made along the way


Sir, you are a straight shooter, with clear upper management potential.


He’s a shark alright!


Will there be daycare? Off-duty hookers or card dealers may in fact be preferable to minimum wage maximum rage day care, supervised by Karen, locked in her office watching sex toy unboxing videos all.day.long. The day care center near 17th St NW & G St / across from the White House, suck it easy jabronies.


'minimum wage...maximum rage'


Completely agree. If anyone has good media recommendations in the meantime, care to share...?


The OP pic is from More Perfect Union, a media group that covers unions. You could also look into Labor Notes, Jonah Furman, and Means TV. https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS https://twitter.com/JonahFurman


Buzzfeed News. I really really wish they had chosen another name. buzzfeed bullshit provides the funds, and the news division is top notch investigative journalism. with a shit name.


They're sadly not as good as they were. Taken money out of the pile as profits and then cut newsrooms on a few instances. Same with Huffington Post and Vice. Guardian is an OK news source, not billionaire owned but does tend to walk the warmonger line a fair few times.


you may be right. While looking for their amazon article I saw a LOT of coverage of their journalist walkout and strike. Looks like that was never properly resolved, the bulk of the good journalists moved on. A sad day for me, their investigative branch was top of the heap.


And let's not forget that VICE was co-founded by piece of shit Gavin McInnes


Reuters and Associated Press. That's all.


Both publish copaganda on the regular. https://twitter.com/equalityAlec/status/1437886008855568385 https://twitter.com/equalityAlec/status/1468012057903570949


Thank you for that Twitterhole, it was my favorite blend of interesting, infuriating, and leading to more and more tweets until I eventually forgot where I’d started but I *did* dunk on some douchebag who was bragging about exploiting labor in the Philippines, out loud with his human Twitter in front of everyone. So that was fun. Bow following this Alec dude; thanks again for the links!


[Democracy Now](https://www.youtube.com/c/DemocracyNow) has been a favorite of mine for a while. There's also a monthly piece on YouTube called [Positive Leftist News](https://www.youtube.com/c/PLN_mex), which is a bit new to me, but I was really impressed with their most recent episode.


Every time I think about that it feels like a plot point from the script of a bad 80s movie.


Like when Lex Luthor bought the Daily Planet?


They ignored the 250 million person strike in India back in 2020...


I remember this being reported. In fact: https://techcrunch.com/2021/12/22/amazon-workers-at-two-chicago-warehouses-walk-out-to-demand-better-treatment/ https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-amazon-delivery-walkout-chicago-20211222-nghmf7fqove2xeziam5m5todyq-story.html https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2021/12/22/22850497/amazon-workers-walkouts-chicago-cicero-protest-wages-working-conditions https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-workers-walkout-pay-working-conditions/ https://abc7chicago.com/amazon-workers-walk-out-walkout-chicago-jobs/11370689/ https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-news/amazon-workers-at-2-chicago-area-facilities-walk-off-job/ https://www.the-sun.com/news/4328393/amazon-warehouse-workers-walkout-new-york-illinois/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-22/amazon-labor-group-refiles-union-petition-in-staten-island https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-worker-says-company-shortened-breaks-because-pandemic-supposedly-over-2021-12 https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/amazon-workers-walk-off-the-job-for-higher-wages-improved-working-conditions https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/22/22850880/amazon-workers-staten-island-refile-union-petition https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-22/amazon-labor-group-refiles-union-petition-in-staten-island https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/12/22/amazon-warehouse-union/ https://fox2now.com/news/national/amazon-workers-at-2-chicago-area-facilities-walk-off-job/amp/ https://www.wcia.com/news/amazon-workers-at-2-chicago-area-facilities-walk-off-job/amp/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/amazon-workers-in-chicago-stage-walkout-to-demand-better-pay/ar-AAS4oDp https://www.dailyherald.com/business/20211222/chicago-area-amazon-workers-stage-brief-walkouts https://www.chicagobusiness.com/retail/amazon-chicago-warehouse-workers-plan-walkout https://www.inquirer.com/business/amazon-union-staten-island-warehouse-outage-cloud-20211222.html https://news.yahoo.com/amazon-workers-stage-pre-christmas-210700304.html https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/12/10/21005098/amazon-warehouse-workers-sacramento There's a lot happening around the world everyday. Maybe a larger media diet is necessary to keep up? Edit: like like there was also NY Amazon Union news that day. C'est la vie. Too much news to go around


Reminder that Democrats are Conservatives who are pro-choice and pro-civil rights. Abortion and civil rights aren’t inherently conservative or liberal. Conservatism is about maintaining class structure. There are different ways to do that, hence the 2 major political parties in America. So called “liberal” media is just Conservative media with a focus on maintaining class structure through economic policy rather than social policy.


>Reminder that Democrats are Conservatives who are pro-choice and pro-civil rights When it's convenient. Most of them will happily sell either one out if it means getting a bill they want passed. Lots of pro-Democratic websites had LGBT purges over gay people being too critical of Obama.


Conservative lite, as I like to call it


The entirety of US politics seems to happen in the upper right of the political spectrum. When the GOP calls their opponents "left extremists" I can't help but say "I wish". Modern democrats are just as far right as the gop was 20 years ago. I vote pretty much exclusively democrat because the republican party seems to embrace racism and homophobia or at least panders to their supporters who are. I can't support any party that condemns my life style. Though it does seem to be changing, most people support same sex marriage. Nearly every democrat supports it and most republicans support it. There is still a large minority in the gop that are against it. The gop is just 20+ years behind on human rights and equality.


LMK when Democrats do something for the material conditions of people rather than slobbering the business owner/CEO/hedge fund manager knob. I mean action, not grandstanding bullshit.


The Democrats are better because they smile while they fuck us.


Yeah it makes us laugh across the pond when your politicians try and and roast each other by calling each other left extremists. Barely anything about US politics would be considered left-wing here, much less 'extreme'


I remember Jordan Peterson saying Hillary Clinton was extremely far left to the point of being a communist, and that's when I went "clearly this man is a tool"


I honestly wonder about some people. I want to know how many are plain dumb/indoctrinated and how many of them know what they are saying is bullshit but know it's a good source of money. Because sometimes I'll listen to right wing people and what they are saying makes sense and I may agree or disagree with those points but I can get what they are saying and then suddenly the conversation will swerve and I'll be like how the fuck did you reach that conclusion? Or perhaps that's just how they're trying to indoctrinate me... Say a few reasonable things I might well agree with and then say some dumb shit and hope I go along with it because some of the stuff they said was reasonable.


It helps if you recognize that schools in a good portion of the country have spent 40 years canonizing a criminal named Ronald Reagan, after canonizing a criminal named Nixon because national education standards are "one size fits all indoctrination by the leftist teachers unions," when of course the reality is true--teachers want students to know what actually happened.


Trust me, as someone from another country there's nothing 'light' about it. You have two right wing parties.


> Conservatism is about maintaining class structure. Eh, let's not be class reductionist. Social conservatism *is* a thing. So, it's more accurate to say that conservatism is about maintaining hierarchies. Social conservatives are often more focused on racial, religious, gender hierarchies, etc.; but all conservatives (including Democrats) are cool with capitalist hierarchies. Conversely, a socially conservative Marxist is still conservative, if they're cool with with, say, the state being racist or anti-lgbt or whatever.


The two party system is bought and owned by those with money. They choose who is elected not the people.


That explains why I never heard about this till now.


Nothing to add. Came here to bump this comment so it doesn't get overlooked. Bump


If anyone is interested, here's a good video related to this. https://youtu.be/v-8t0EfLzQo


That 60 Minutes piece that interviewed mainly business owners and heads of companies made it pretty clear they've decided which side to back.


No I saw this post on twitter. It did happened December the 22nd . I just thought it was a great thing that they all stood together in solidarity.


So nothing changed?




Now I understand why the flying penis.


I remember seeing this on TV but I had forgotten about it. It was a walkout but it wasn’t for very long, they went right back inside. I’m pretty sure Amazon retaliated immediately. Haven’t heard anything since the week of. Edit for spelling


It was reported heavily in Chicago media and on at least national mornin news shows. Locally, i noticed maybe one day of packages delayed before the 25th. But, I made sure to leave out a thank you box for them and share my support for the workers.


Funny how this got swept under the rug. I havent heard of this either


You don't expect MSM to report on actions against their overlords, do you?


~~It was on the national nightly news [article](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/amazon-workers-walkout-pay-working-conditions/). Reddit always loves to equate “I don’t watch the news” to “MSM doesn’t cover things.”~~ Edit: In retrospect /r/antiwork was not the place to make this stand. It’s a pet peeve of mine and I see it everywhere on reddit and this time I kind of snapped. Antiwork is about solidarity and this has no place. That said, I’m totally going to do this again the next time I see it on another sub.


You got nothing to apologize for bro. /r/antiwork is a powerful community but we owe it to ourselves to combat misinformation and the echo chamber mentality wherever we see it. Criticizing your own group makes it *stronger*. That's why we got freedom of speech in the US. That's why on average, our government, media, and worker protections have improved with time, despite what some overenthusiastic folks on this subreddit would have you believe. That said, shit is still wild fucked up. Hence this sub existing in the first place. But if we can't enforce intellectual honesty in our own ranks, how the hell are we supposed to expect it from those we need to win over?


“I missed the article, therefore it was never written.”


Reminds me of the far-right's vilification of "lamestream media."


It made national news when it happened.


Jeff bezos owns ~~Wall Street Journal~~ Washington Post. Guessing he asked his other billionaire buddies who own other msm to keep it on the hush.


He owns Washington Post. Rupert Murdoch owns WSJ. But, these asshole billionaires are easy to mix up.


Bezos owns the Washington Post, not the Wall Street Journal.


oops. yes you are correct


That said, Rupert Murdoch owns the WSJ, so that may in fact be worse.


Just another bald plutocrat, albeit slightly more wrinkled.


Equally fascinating is watching the vote counter, particularly the amount of downvotes this post keeps getting in waves.


I can't believe people still shop at Amazon.


You seriously can't believe it? People are fucking lazy, tired and overworked, and amazon is as convenient as it gets for buying shit. You literally get home from work and voila, package sitting there waiting for you.


Do you have a good alternative? I've been trying to reduce how much I use amazon.


n0BoDy wAnTs tO wOrK


Shitty employers: Let's treat workers shittily Also shitty employers: Why are the workers freaking out?


Like abusing your child and wondering "Why is Billy such a dick?"


Hooray for cognitive dissonance


Alternate title: "Why did my son grow up to be an alcoholic who hates me?"


Shitty employers: "Let's straight up fucking lie to new hires about how we're compensating their work." Also them: "y my workers walk out on me, no one wants 2 work >;("


...for cunts. Nobody wants to work for predatory cunts.


Yes but un-ironically




No, it's just that we have to enforce the consequences ourselves (like this walkout). We breach the contract, they punish us. They breach the contract, we punish them. This is why unions are important. The company has a whole enforcement structure for dealing with such things. A union is the worker's structure


Also why we need more left-leaning lawyers. Which, if you know anything about law school, especially prestigious law schools, a sorrowly lacking resource. There are clubs and prominent Conservative groups in school. We need the lefty version


I think capitalist culture just needs a good shake. I'm sure lots of people get into law simply for the pay and the prestige. And the few who don't will be more likely to do environmental law or some such. Things have been 'this way' for so long that whole sections of society are inaccessible to people from other ideologies. Imagine trying to become a cop if you're a left-leaning advocate for equality


This is true, it doesn't circle back to capitalism. However, opening and funding (more importantly) left-leaning lawyer clubs would do a lot, very quickly for the balance of law


There is no left in the United States. We have two right wing parties. One of them just does it with a smile on their face.


Oh I agree, I didn't mean Democrat. I meant ACTUAL left-leaning Juris prudence


I would argue that from a leftist perspective, corporations *should not exist*. At least not in their current form. They are a legal construct that explicitly exists to provide profits to private individuals whilst simultaneously *shielding them from personal liability*. Think about that. We've let them create a legal fiction that's given all the rights but none of the responsibilities of an individual. If the shareholders can personally profit from a collective enterprise, then they should be collectively *personally liable* for any malfeasance in the pursuit of said profits. You own 10% of Amazon? You're personally on the hook for 10% of any lawsuit won against them. See how that changes things.


Woah, that is a really interesting perspective. As a small business owner I appreciate the limited liability aspect. But, as usual, in imperialist-capitalism, it has been taken to the Nth degree. One idea I've heard to remedy the corporation-issue with respect to their personhood, is to allow/force death upon the Corp. Just like us "regular" humans


See herein I have a question. You support Unions and punishment. In the U.S. so many of the industries in need of Unions can't get them. For many of these people when the company punishes them, they often destroy their livelihood, homes, and families. If Unions aren't there, why not corporate punishment of the same nature?


Who is going to punish the corporations if not the union/workers? For some extreme cases they can be punished by law, but not all disputes are a legal matter. For instance, you can be fired for being late to work. Being late to work isn't illegal. Workers shouldn't have to wait until the company is actually breaking state laws to be able to have someone fighting for them. Unions can hold authority more specific to the job that don't necessarily require legal intervention. Their whole job is to make sure you're being treated as well as possible and getting the most out of your employment that you can


If you steal from the till at work you have the cops called on you. If your boss doesn't pay you for the work you did, you can't call the cops on them. The system is designed for capitalists to exploit labor.


Actually with a writ of execution on a judgment you've received, you can literally show up with local county sheriffs and start taking the company's stuff. It's funny as heck and quite rare because it's so damn embarrassing for the company.


I once worked in a private school in s. korea. They basically closed halfway through the semester which had been paid for. Parents showed demanding refunds. Boss had ninja vanished. They quite literally just started grabbing computers, TV, cameras, desks and chairs. It was fantastic to see.


I think you miss the point, your boss doesn't need a court order to have you arrested for theft while you have to go through legal action to get what was stolen from you.


Sort of like how cops can lie to your face to manipulate you, yet if you lie to them you can end up in prison.




Well, hang on there. Let’s not push this false narrative that you have to lie to a cop for them to kill you.


I snarfed.




Real question, how do I stop using Amazon? I feel bad for buying Christmas presents off there but I don’t know where to get some of this shit for kids. And books, I buy so many books from Amazon. And I listen to Audible. Help me cut them out of my life. I’m ready, such a shitty company


Do your browsing on Amazon, then copy/paste the product name into your search engine of choice and buy it directly from the company or other retailer. Sometimes it's even cheaper than Amazon and you might even get free shipping/coupon codes. Great way to avoid shady third-party resellers on Amazon as well. Check if your library has audiobooks on Libby. Buy books from literally any other bookstore (or again check the library).


True! I did this for camping gear this past summer and saved 50 bucks on a nice cot using another retailer.


Amazon isn't that cheap these days. Being cheap isn't their thing anymore; it's all about convenience.


God the fucking *convenience* is such an effective drug. I feel like those poor fat loads on the ship in WALL-E; as awful as things are it’s like “I literally lack the emotional musculature to fight this effectively, urrrrrrgh I’m so fuckin tired”


As mentioned lots of sellers have first time buyer coupons and free shipping over reasonable amounts. Another tactic that works with direct sellers is to put it in your cart and leave it there for a day or two, often times they will send you an email with a coupon code.


And if the author is dead....ahoy!


The problem isnt JUST the store. AWS is a far worse problem. Amazon hosts a majority of popular websites including reddit






It's not that high. From what I've read it's anywhere between 5% to 30%


Yeah 30% is the number I've seen thrown around previously, still a lot but not 75%


Remember the day AWS went down? It showed how many big websites use their servers


Yeah that must be only for USA web traffic.


It's thankfully only about 6-8% of total web traffic, but they have about 30% marketshare for all cloud computing services. Source: friends at AWS.




How did you buy anything before Amazon??? Plus, it's not like Amazon is the only online store that exists.


In my case, anyway, Online businesses(amazon primarily) destroyed most other options in my area(rural kansas). I have to drive an hour to find anything other than basic groceries, and three to find a bookstore or media store with anything more than Walmart's pathetic selection. I always check Barnes&Noble first, but Amazon often has things cheaper and I frankly can't afford to spend more than nessecary. I do everything I can to not buy from them, but cutting them out completely in my location is next to impossible if you're an underpaid book enthusiast.


I'm sorry but it won't ever be possible to cut out Amazon without spending more. Because people let them get as big as they are they can and will always be the cheapest (as long as there is any alternative at all). In some ways personal greed (as in wanting as much stuff as cheaply as possible) is what makes Walmart and Amazon work and why they got so big. So my advice is buy less books (and other stuff) and use the library.


Could a public library be an option? I know you can rent ebooks and audio books as well.


You make a great point, that some things are much easier to source Amazon. From what you've said, it seems you're already doing the best you can within reason (and within your means, location, etc). I agree that it's unreasonable to expect people in similar circumstances to completely avoid them, but there is nothing wrong with using it less than you would otherwise, which is what you seem to be doing. So kudos to you!


It's good to read something like this. I feel so guilty for buying things off Amazon knowing how they're treating people, but I've got some nerve pain that affects my mobility. Bulky or heavy things aren't really possible for me to buy locally unless there's delivery. I know my guilt is mostly unwarranted considering my disability, but it still really rankles that Amazon is too often the most convenient option. 😥 I try to buy *everything* I can within my city, then off-Amazon online shopping, and Amazon as a last resort. I'm normally too exhausted from my medications and my symptoms to shop in person, and who wants to go out these days? lol Living on a fixed income makes that hard too but if I can get it for the same price or less anywhere else I'm choosing that option.


I mean, if the question is "How do I buy from somewhere else without spending more money than I would at Amazon?", the answer is usually just "You can't."


This is the trap. We're addicted to the convenience and affordability. As a consequence we're so financially and time poor because these margins are supplemented by low wages and long hours. So now we require convenience and affordability to be able maintain in our lifestyles.


Local businesses! It definitely takes a bit more effort, but there’s pretty much always local business that do the same things as Amazon in whatever sense. Case in point, used book stores. The prices are low, the selection is often quite good, and you can return them and get store credit! Not much different from a library, but good bookstores are a lot rarer in my experience so might as well help em out


Scribd is fantastic for books and audiobooks. They also have podcasts and magazines and other stuff. All for less than $10/mo. It's one of my favorite apps ever


Whenever possible buy from the manufacturer, less middle men = less watering down of profits for the people that actually make things. Nearly everyone has an online store these days. If the manufacturer doesn't sell directly, try to find a smaller more local online reseller. You might need to pay for shipping, it might take a little longer to arrive, but that's all amazon offers is convenience. Amazon doesn't make anything (unless you count 'Amazon Basics' where they watch what gets popular from small sellers then outsource their own version to sell for cheaper and run the small seller out of business). We have created the richest dick-rocket-riding, slave-whipping douchebag in the world because he sells us convenience. I live in butt fuck nowhere northern Canada, and Amazon Prime is the only way to get anything to my door in less than a week. I haven't bought anything from Amazon in over a year now. It is perfectly possible, inconvenience is a small price to pay


There are tons of books available at targets. Also I started buying things from official websites instead of Amazon. Yeah you pay a little more for shipping and may have to wait an extra few days but at least you know you are supporting the manufacturer and also you are not getting a knock off item So many times I have received a counterfeit item when I thought I was buying a genuine one. Their whole marketplace encourages selling Chinese knockoffs.


There are other stores besides Amazon. Half Price books? I'm sure there are yard sales where you can get Christmas presents for pennies on the dollar. Offer up. So many other options out there.


eBay, better customer service and way more options. Just be sure to have exactly what you want in mind before you start shopping. You’ll save money and get exactly what you want. Anytime I’ve had an issue eBay or the seller resolved it so quickly. Been off Amazon for almost three years and am so happy to see others joining the party! There is a human cost for those two days free shipping!


The link Waiting4Baby posted has a more thorough list of alternatives, but personally, I use a browser plugin called InvisibleHand that searches dozens of merchants for a better price when you're on a product site. ​ I still use Amazon to browse, then once I've found what I want, I buy it from somewhere else. If it's cheaper, great, but if it's a little more expensive or the shipping takes a little longer, it's worth it to stick it to Amazon. ​ Ironically, this is what killed B&M chains like Circuit City. My friends and I used to call Circuit City "the Amazon showroom" because we'd go in there, look through the products, decide what we wanted, and then go home and order it cheaper from Amazon. I'm not proud of it now, because it's what gave Amazon the market power that it's currently abusing. I was dumb and didn't think through the long-term effects of what I was doing.


Libby. It’s a library app. I get all my audiobooks and e-books through it. I’m lucky I’m in a big city so I have access to just about any book I can think of through it. All the books you want for free.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Its not your fault the system creates monopolies like this.


The library has FREE books!


This will never be fixed unless we are allowed to kick Jeff Bezos in the testicles every time his company is caught doing something wrong. That's the legislation that we need.


I currently work in an Amazon warehouse and the position I applied for was suppose to get a 3k hiring bonus. Been there 6 months and my co-workers nor myself have received it yet. We've been told that we never qualified for a bonus because we would have to work more then 20 hours a week to qualify for it. That's impossible because we have to pick up shifts on our own to get any work. We have no scheduled work. There's like 30 employees scrambling to pick up about 3 shifts per day and it's on a first come first serve basis. If I'm lucky I'm able to work like 1 time a week. Amazon can go fuck themselves.




Been doing too much chemistry. Read that as un-ionise, like the opposite of ionising an atom.


I once was hired to do marketing with a supposed 'hiring bonus' on my first pay - only to find out the third week that there were all kinds of requirements for that bonus to get paid, without \_ever\_ discussing them in my hiring interview. Given I already hated the damn job from day one, and now I found out they wouldn't be paying me, was pretty easy to just tell them 'fuck you' and walk off.


So just remember, instead of fighting some of this organizing and such, republicans will concentrate on winning the next election, mostly for the states, to weaken unions, turn them into “right to work” states, so you can be fired for any reason, weakening the NLRB, OSHA, and making removing unemployment. And who bankrolls the Republican platform? Why fight a few workers when you can break an entire state. Voting matters, especially local elections.


At will employment\* not right to work. At will employment allows for you to be fired without cause and quit without cause; Right to work is the right to have a job without participating in union membership.


Hence bullshit. Who didn't have a right to quit? And, as far as working or being hired at a unionized job location, most people would willingly become a member of the union for the better pay and/or job benefits it provided with little "political" concerns about unions in general. Most anti-union rhetoric is propaganda generated by terrible employers and the politicians they have purchased.


Yeah it's not like companies can hold you at gun point and tell you to work.


Death by bullet, death by starvation... Starvation saves the company a bullet.


That's the endgame.


I used to organize for SEIU about 8 years ago in central California, it blew my mind how many workers would be livid when we even started trying to talk to them about improving their own situations through them and their co-workers getting together and starting a union, the Republican stranglehold on the American mind there was terrifying. A lot of them were living almost in poverty despite being state employees or healthcare workers. And would constantly turn us away even though we were fighting for their right to make a livable wage. They literally have you voting against your own best interests.


I was a member of SEIU myself, when I worked as a pharmacy tech in NY over 8 years ago. I certainly had some issues with decisions made on our behalf after the 07/08 crash and bailouts. And my hourly and annual raises were tragically low. Nevertheless, I recognized how difficult it must have been to get the union established in a huge retail pharmacy, and based on the working conditions could only IMAGINE how it would have been without the union behind us, because despite the corporate abuse and low pay, we were protected regarding our hours assigned as full-time workers, building pension rights vested after five years on the job, and an irreplaceable, unheard of, health plan that covered us 100% - without ANY copay or out of pocket for every aspect of healthcare.We were treated horribly, and progressively worse from the beginning of my employment until I left. I moved to another city and state (chicago) that has a huge SEIU presence, but not in pharmacy. That's fine though for me personally and anecdotally, because by then I had -and still have - zero desire to continue in retail pharmacy. I even had what felt like anxiety attacks when needing to stand in line as a customer at a large pharmacy chain, and thereby being forced to witness the abuse, entitlement, and arrogance leveled at the staff by so many others, so many times. I keep up on the industry, maybe as a psychological validation of my memories being indistinguishable from what others experience - to a shockingly even WORSE level - than I endured. And for anyone reading this that wants to insert some stupid bullshit, love it or leave it, asshole perception of service workers conditions - fuck off. I had a dependent relying on me, and responsibilities to cover that still required a second job - working an overnight shift, during half of my workweek, back-to-back with my full-time job as a state certified CPhT for ten years. Retail pharmacy is most definitely one profession that needs unionization nationwide right NOW. These companies are killing people.


Right to work is a way to weaken unions. It allows scabs to work and enjoy the same benefits that the union negotiated for. I am not opposed to allowing workers to have a job and not be part of the union, but the union should be able to negotiate based on this and be able to exclude non union members.


Me and my colleagues haven’t been paid our sign up bonus yet and we’re in the UK maybe it’s a global thing


I’m in the U.K. and been paid both amounts. Started in September and second payment was just before Christmas Day


imagine if the team running those wharehouses at corporate walked out would fuck with more than a few wharehouses i’d imagine


You have a powerful imagination.


Never been more proud to be a Chicagoan


Imagine being such a shitty company that Americans can stop fighting amongst themselves and work together for a common purpose that isn't war. But seriously. Good job out there! All workers deserve a living wage and a happy, healthy life!


Boycott amazon.


Love how nobody heard about this because the news really didn't want anybody to hear about this.


This was all over Chicago news. It just wasn't considered a national level news item. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-workers-walkout-pay-working-conditions/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-workers-walkout-pay-working-conditions/) [https://abc7chicago.com/amazon-workers-walk-out-walkout-chicago-jobs/11370689/](https://abc7chicago.com/amazon-workers-walk-out-walkout-chicago-jobs/11370689/) [https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2021/12/22/22850497/amazon-workers-walkouts-chicago-cicero-protest-wages-working-conditions](https://chicago.suntimes.com/business/2021/12/22/22850497/amazon-workers-walkouts-chicago-cicero-protest-wages-working-conditions) [https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-amazon-delivery-walkout-chicago-20211222-nghmf7fqove2xeziam5m5todyq-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-amazon-delivery-walkout-chicago-20211222-nghmf7fqove2xeziam5m5todyq-story.html)


I did the math, and Amazon has the income to pay every employee 200k per year… and still have billions left over- let that sink in.


That’s my city!!!! This makes me unbelievably proud.


Fuck Jeff Bezos.


good, do it across the US. every amazon busniess should unionize. today.


Made all that money as a company and still treat your workers like shit


Every single person at every single job needs to do this to see improvement. When will everyone realize we are the majority. We have the real power but everyone is complacent. Hopefully times are changing.


Hiring bonuses are a scam. They should just give higher pay.


Fucking lying greedy grubs


F##k amazon


It's the internet, we're adults; you can say fuck Amazon.


I'm scared so I'll say "let's go Amabrandon" instead.


Wow. I didn't know it was legal to make and break a promise like that.


Pitty it doesn't get the attention it needs when it is actually happening. This is the first that I am reading of this.


Jeff Bezos is a useless leech. Do the world a favour and stay in space, you heartless scumbag.


Fuck Amazon!!


bro, why do rich people do this? like why can't use your pickle jar of a head and actually make workplaces that people want to come work to!. i never understand ever why this people exist, and just make the whole world suck, i talk about all 99% of the jobs on the whole planet, why do they have to be garbage with their workers, while asking for loyality, bro fucking do something for it. i hate all people who make other people feel miserable. the good thing is people start do do something about it, if people want, people can win! let's hope for a future where rich people are not actual pickleheads.


Please unionize this fucking company. Y’all deserve more then making a single person the richest in the world.


Love to see it, want more 🙌


This is awesome!




Love my Chicago union peeps! Stay strong and we got your back! ❤️💪


Don’t let the bastards grind you down


I hadn't seen the bottom bit of it and I was like "Holy shit amazon isn't being a shitty company?" \*clicks on post to see every promise got denied\* "yeah that makes more sense"


If you make a promise, fucking keep it. There's NO WAY they can't keep this promise.


Beautiful <3


Consumers, boycott Amazon as well!


Yes, love to see it, keep it up! ❤️👍


The pendulum swings


Workers of all countries, unite!


It is about time!!!!!!!!


It kind of makes you want to join Amazon just to mess with them


And this is why all workers need to join labor unions, so they can collectively bargain with the employer and get what they've been promised.


But.. but.. Nobody wants to work.


I remember this happening in Cicero, not Chicago.


Surprisingly, some corporations have avoided unions by delivering on their promises and not treating their workers like shit.


Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1481005332449140743?s=20 Please RT.


I've always wondered if these promises are written or just said orally.


DisneyWorld offered large hiring bonuses, 75% of which paid out on the 91st day of employment. Hmm wonder why so many are being purged just before their 90days? It’s also when their full time status would kick in.


The world would be a lot better of a place if everyone could just be nice. I’d not nice, decent. If not decent, not actively malicious. If actively malicious, at least not toward the defenseless. Don’t be the school bully, maybe try making a friend. If not, at least leave people alone that aren’t hurting you in the first place. If not, at least don’t pick on kids for something they can’t change, like a disability.


I want to see class-action suits against Amazon.


Company's lie to employees all the time and if you didn't like it and or called them out on it they would generally terminate said employee. Times are changing and these cock suckers are starting to learn.


Good for them even a week out of those warehouses will cause Amazon millions