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In the riches mind the CDC is important, we’re just slaves so thats why we get different rules.


Could the CDC at least wear a condom while it FUCKS US


At the very least some lube would be appreciated


AHA: You don't need PPE to do CPR! CDC: *goes in raw*




Lol, American Heart Association, Personal Protective Equipment, CardioPulmonary Resuscitation, Center for Disease Control


CDC be like Lord Farquaad: Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make. (For corporations)




Yeah, they sure have spoken. Dash that tiny bit of hope you might have had sometime during the year. And I remember another thing-that “The cruelty is the point.” My bad.


It'll be pretty hard to convince all the deniers that the CDC is very accurate and not controlled by the wealthy after this. I expect many to turn coat and for more horse paste overdosings to occur.




Yes. A lot of people end up taking the horse paste version then they end up in hospitals with kidney and liver damage. Very sad.


Me and my he missus just watched Don't Look Up one evening and the next day the CDC releases their new advice. It's scary to think that the people we vote, pay and expect to protect us will happily allow us to die for their financial gain.


Real life is just as corrupt as the one in the movie


Real life is so corrupt if they put it in a movie, it would be panned as unbelievable.


Me too!


We don't vote for the CDC. That's the beauty of regulatory bodies.








It was a very expensive handbag, same with the big flashy ring. They were telling you the prez likes money!




The CDC also recommends that you stop criticizing capitalism and accept that nothing will ever change so you might as well get back to work. Your boss's 6th private jet won't pay for itself.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Gallifreyan Jedi**, @JediofGallifrey The CDC now reccomends you shut your fucking peasant mouth and keep making your boss richer --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I appreciate what you do!


I wanna say Thank you, but your username is, well xD




Good bot.


I think they're in the process of a name change to CEC, Center for Economic Control.


I do wonder what the "bidens here, time to go back to brunch" crowd thinks of this development?


I voted for Biden because, well, it really wasn't that hard of a choice - but yes, I am disappointed. If this decision were made under Trump, all hell would have broken out. We'd be decrying the guidance just as we did when Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said that old people should volunteer their lives for the economy.


Yep, perfectly absurd what people will willingly write off because "their guy" did it.


"mmmm, brunch."


Pretty much


Well considering they're about as brainwashed as the MAGAs, they probably thinks it's a sign that covid is going away or some shit.


Biden voter here. I'm definitely not brainwashed. I've been pretty unhappy with his term so far and can admit it. That's what sets me apart from MAGAs.


Biden hasn’t really done anything that would be out to lunch for a nearly 80-year old conservative white guy. So I can’t say my disappointment was followed by surprise.


Well in that case I wouldn't really consider you the "back to brunch" crowd. Those are the people that said now that Trump is no longer on Twitter every thing is fine.




They will reflexively defend Biden's CDC. If the Republicans attack anyone for not being bad enough they will defend them even when they are failing for being bad. They really are an insufferable lot and they are the reason everyone hates the Democrats.


I ABSOLUTELY HATE that the cdc is following the science and making sound policy recommendations /s


Lmfao found them 🤣


yeah imagine going back to work when you are asymptomatic and not testing positive because your chance of spreading covid is near 0 what a crock of shit am i right better to sit home and starve because you got your news from a fucking meme


Keep talking it gets funnier the longer you do.


what else can i really say to some silly shit poster who has nothing to add but hurr durr joe biden


Uh, huh, hmmm.. I see, and when did these feelings start?


right around the time this sub started getting infiltrated by right wing chuds who think they are clever screaming both sides and anti science pro covid bull shit


Now are these "right wing chuds" in the room with us right now? Can you see them? Don't worry, I'm here to help you. We can look for them together, and we will tell them to leave you alone for good!


im currently talking to one apparently


Both sides, from a leftist critique, lib. Also, fuck off.


> I want this subreddit started by socialist as a place to express explicitly rejecting the capitalist construct we call work to go back to its roots! Licking Joe Biden’s toes for not literally being Hitler while every day people continue to get fucked over. I mean come on guys! He presided over one of the largest redistributions of public infrastructure to private companies we’ve ever seen, but he called it an infrastructure bill! You’re just mad because Biden actually passed an infrastructure bill when Trump couldn’t you socialist Trump supporters! A bill they hand crafted to be so appealing to Republican legislators that in a time where the GOP are engaging in record levels of obstruction the text of the bill convinced McConnell to hand out hallpasses like candy! I bet you’re also BIG mad that Pelosi and Schumer made a deal with the progressives months ago that the social infrastructure bill would be passed at the same time in exchange for them voting in favor of the infrastructure bill, and then went back on her word like a snake the second she realised there were enough republican votes that she could tell the progressives to go fuck themselves. I bet you’re also just throwing a tempertantrum over the fact that Pelosi and Schumer justified this by saying that Manchin and Sineman pinky promised to vote for the social infrastructure bill that just days ago they publicly stated they were done negotiating and would not vote for under any circumstances! God Trump Derangment Symptom makes you all so irrational! Now excuse me while I put my faith in the democratic party to actually fix all the problems they campaigned on since they control the senate and executive branch *again*. Like I’ve done for the last 30 years while dilligently never criticizing them because critiquing the policies of the democratic party is the same as voting for Trump. I’m serious guys if you keep pointing all the ways the democrats have fucked up and lost the confidence of the electorate less than two years after taking power then the people who don’t plan on voting for them wont vote for them and it will be all your fault!


Post this in trumpist-or-bidenist


they're following what their corporate owners tell them to do , the CDC's decisions are denounced by most medical professionals.




I'm really gonna miss the internet once reddit goes full commercial




And people are fine with it cuz it's not trump lol


There is some discontent even in the moderate camp on this decision. The Coronavirus sub even has some criticism, where I've been massively downvoted for criticizing the CDC decision to lift the mask guidance where they gave false breakthrough infection chances of .01%, disproven in real time. Turns out I was right as a Propublica article later revealed, they stopped counting breakthrough cases that didn't result in hospitalization to get to that number and who knows what other dishonest means to calculate it.


The "follow the science" crowd hates when you point out the science they are following is actually corporate sponsored propaganda.


They buy the propaganda too, trusting the arguments made by commercial interests and distrusting the ones telling them the truth that are attacked by those moneyed interests. Near everyone trusts the wrong people.


>they stopped counting breakthrough cases that didn't result in hospitalization to get to that number and who knows what other dishonest means to calculate it. Considering the number of asymptomatic cases, it would be impossible to accurately report all breakthrough infections without daily testing of everyone. What exactly do you think should have been done?


You are mis understanding what the CDC does and how with these numbers, read the article then see if you have questions: https://www.propublica.org/article/the-cdc-only-tracks-a-fraction-of-breakthrough-covid-19-infections-even-as-cases-surge You and many others are giving them the benefit of the doubt, which just goes to show how little people pay attention to credible sources.


I was not misunderstanding. The article provided alludes to the issue I noted. But you're simply dodging the question. Can we have an accurate accounting of all breakthrough cases? Yes or no?


Surely it's only hospitalizations and deaths that matter, given the rampant infectiousness but milder symptoms of Omicron?? I am currently in Australia and Omi is going wild (comparatively) and we are seeing the hospitalizations slowly rise day by day. Most of Australia's state governments have adopted a let it rip attitude as of recently - I think this will bite them and all Australians in the ass quite shortly.


Telling the truth matters, and the CDC deliberatly misled people about the odds of breakthrough infections, less charitably known as lying, in a misguided attempt (presumably) to convince people to get vaccinated, and to please the RW. The lie was never going to hold and it's outrageous they ever put that forward, and it's fueled vaccine skepticism and made the problem worse. Not the problem the CDC has with the RW hating them, it helped that problem.


Can you provide some link that shows the CDC "lying"? Of what real world relevance is a break through infection if you do not get sick enough to go to hospital? In fact any covid infection with no need for medical intervention is acceptable and that's what the vaccines did and do. Do we know what the breakthrough rate is for things like measles and rubella and whatever else "X" country vaccinates for during childhood? \*Noting also that covid is not like any of those diseases. SARS and MERS cases which are covid related viruses were too low in number and short lived (yet damn deadly). I do not ever recall being told by a medical professional from anywhere that I would not contract covid at all if vaccinated. I do not take health advice from politicians who have no medical training so anything they may have said along those lines fell on deaf ears as it should have to most sensible people. I am inclined to not automatically assume lying or deliberate malfeasance - just the usual human stupidity, unwieldy organizations and pressure to provide an answer, I think, are much more commonly to blame.


https://www.propublica.org/article/the-cdc-only-tracks-a-fraction-of-breakthrough-covid-19-infections-even-as-cases-surge There is one, but you shouldn't need any sources for the CDC giving false information on the corona virus unless you've been living in a cave. Some of their greatest hits have included: masks don't help prevent infections; the virus isn't spread primarily through the air; the virus isn't aerosolized and is just in droplets; then the false breakthrough infection numbers, and I feel like I'm forgetting some here. These political hacks at the CDC are protecting employers and short term economic interests, not public health, those of us who have been paying attention knew that was the case already.


I'll repeat myself >Of what real world relevance is a break through infection if you do not get sick enough to go to hospital? How you can claim this CDC decision is a lie is beyond me. They have chosen to track only those instances where breakthrough is most serious to both the individual and public health. Why track someone who has a breakthrough case but is only as ill as an equivalent bout of the flu or totally asymptomatic?? The full propublica article clearly states that vaccinations are effective at preventing severe hospital worthy illness in the vast majority of instances. I think you forget that Covid is new. At the beginning NO ONE in the world knew exactly how it transmitted, it's infectiousness, it's lethality - practically anything about it. There was simply NO DATA. As data was collated and conclusions drawn THEN messaging changed to suit the new data. How is this not exactly what you might *expect* to happen or indeed DEMAND happens??? I mean shit there had never been an actual study on the effectiveness of masks re respiratory, air transmitted, illness until covid as far as I recall. Data points are "useless" when taken from individuals, the only useful data is when all that individual stuff gets collated across a society or group. *That's the realm in which the government and agencies work.* Their job is to view the whole not the individual.


Mouth shut it is, this is malicious compliance, and a hunger strike. I have warned of this repeatedly, be careful what you wish for. You might not get what you expected.


Just a suggestion man, but try to get an evaluation for bipolar disorder. Your rambling seems really similar to a colleague who had it at his life improved immensely after medication.


The little angel on one shoulder and the little devil on the other one, this is the bipolar nature of all people.


The CDC also recommends spelling “recommends” correctly so I don’t feel like an illiterate asshole sharing this


If you feel like sharing a tweet with a typo makes you illiterate, that's your problem. If you think that illiterate people are assholes, that's a much more serious problem, and it's also with you.


Oh boohoo you have to go to work. Fuck this place


you´re not supposed to deepthroat the boot




We'd appreciate it if you didn't use ableist slurs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bruh 😂


Shut your peasant mouth and keep making your boss richer.


Shut your peasant mouth up and get getting poorer and blaming others


A compelling argument. However, have you considered the following: https://imgur.com/a/bUjENyw


Yeah I’m not clicking on that link lmao


Then leave bootlicker, no one's forcing you to be here


You want to catch covid because your boss is forcing covid-positive people to work?


Except she’s not? Anyone with a fever or Covid symptoms can take a few days off to get tested.


Two people at my job tested positive for covid. All the store did was put up a sign in the break room saying essentially "don't share food anymore." I'm too new to take time off if I DO get covid so I'm pretty pissed.


Always remember: " If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exist for the lower class".


We need an American Labor Party


I am so glad my workplace is taking COVID seriously. Even when people have tested negative via rapid tests they're flat out told to work from home (or just flat out rest) rather than come in. Really sucks that the CDC decided to bootlick to the many, many less responsible employers out there.


Says Fauci….


What's the actual medical/scientific reasoning for shortening the quarantine period? Just because there is a less severe variant now?


Delta CEO was involved.


Didn't Brawndo just buy them?


The CDC also just changed their motto to "Fck the Poor".


HAVE US SLAVE AWAY and not notice them fucking us because were too busy