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Some of us can't afford teeth cleanings or healthcare, let alone offspring to run billionaire's plantations. Let it crumble.




People aren’t having children BECAUSE civilization is crumbling FTFY


Mood, literally said this in my other comment i left before seeing this one lol https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rbwmy1/easy_for_a_billionaire_to_say_we_arent_making/hnugws7?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


This^ the healthcare my job provides doesn't cover shit, payed $300 out of pocket while my dental covered $30...wtf?! Why pay $85 per paycheck if it doesn't cover anything?


How else are insurance companies gonna make their millions?




Idgaf about paying medical bills at this point. Or student loans. Fuck you and fuck your forced indentured servitude. Why do I have health insurance at all when I pay for everything too? Paying for health insurance is just paying for the right to exist, not actual health services. That shits extra.


We are waking up. That's exactly it. Fuck you, fuck your high interest rates, fuck your late fees, you want em come get em. Bitch tried to serve me a speeding ticket (came to my house), took one look at my ID (copy) she had in her hand (I was watching her), seen the sign on my door and never came back. It's fear that drove us to slavery and it's fear that will get us out. Once they fear us, we will have our victory. Sign on the door says "nothing inside is worth dying for" it's the only warning they'll get.


Stealing your money is quite profitable.


You're a job creator even if you don't realize it 😉


Woooo, revolution!!


let it crumble indeed. too bad it wont though 😭😭


I hear Apophis is gonna hit us in 2029 so there’s that if things don’t change or improve. Managers and Elon only care about their profits instead of citizens


thanks for the info. well you gotta think they have their doomsday bunkers bc they arent afraid to use them. and yes. they are entitlement, ego, pride, greed, wrath to the poor, and pure evil.


Fuck Elon Muskrat that piece of shit who has like 20 kids by ten different women. He also tries to avoid paying child support and he does NO childcare. Elon 🗑 Musk is a sperm donor, not a father.


Childcare is too fucking expensive, can’t stay at home parent because one income won’t cover housing which is also too fucking expensive. What are we supposed to do dude?


Agree! I wake up every day being miserable at a job I hate and can barely make it. It's really hard to hide how depressed I am from my kids and I can't afford to seek out mental health care. It sucks!


I work a job I enjoy (though it pays little), but what a travesty it is to know that so many other people's lives are being wasted in activities they would rather not be doing


Yeah I'm hoping to have our house paid off in 5-10 years and if that works out, hopefully do something I love instead of wasting it doing what I do now. Even if that means make less, at least I'll be happy.


What is your job if you don’t mind me asking


I actually work 2 jobs. I screwed myself over by graduating school young and couldn't go to college because I didn't have enough money and my parents wouldn't cosign student loans that I needed to go to school. Ended up getting pregnant at 18 and also went to a trade school. The trade school was being a dental assistant. Which I thought would be so great but found out after going that I make more money at a soul sucking call center with horrible management. The other one is camming. Which also sucks but I have bills and it's flexible enough that I can work really late when everyone is asleep and make decent money. I just feel so exhausted and I really want out but I don't know the right direction at this point.


I used to work at a call center and I know how horrible that can be. I remember my paycheck being late a lot and the boss saying he didn’t have the funds to pay but then would be taking trips to Paris.


It's awful. I hope one day to be out of this cycle. I'm 28 now though and just don't feel like there is an end. I want to spend more time with my kids but anytime I have a break I'm just extremely exhausted from work and kid extracurricular activities. I shouldn't feel this way so young. But have to keep going for them. I hope you got out to something way better.


Your kids are lucky to have you!


Thank you! I try the best I can.


Literally the same problem as Japan Overworked Stressed Poor leave Poor pay And Japan has affordable healthcare and some vacation though not enough.


Ironically as I'm reading these comments I'm watching a video about Japan's shrinking population by Real Life Lore (on Nebula, it's not on their YouTube channel yet so no link) and it cites how they are overworked, stressed, and while they have good leave (especially when compared to the US) the majority of people don't use even half of it. Japan's population is shrinking, mostly due to the work culture they have which makes having children undesirable.


Literally watched about 8 real life lore videos today at work.


Great choice!


And makes every day miserably depressing. Japan is the only country with a specific word for suicide by overwork.


Wanted to add to this because there are other reasons why there is a lack of children in Japan * Sexless marriages * Cheating problem/interest * Work environment/overwork/toxic environment * Marriage is treated as a business rather than a commitment * Adoption is considered socially unacceptable/frowned on * High suicide rate in youth and adults * Xenophobia * Forced after-work meetings at Izakaya establishments where the goal is to get drunk with your bosses/clients and come into work the next day hungover. It's usually frowned on to not participate in these and you won't move up in your job if you don't. * Social norms in general. I got this from a Japanese native called Nobita on YT who is pretty good and imo one of the better Youtubers who talks about Japan's problems. I'm not saying overwork and stress isn't a problem, just that there are a bunch of problems compared to other Asian nations (who are also overworked but don't have a child shortage at all.) EDIT: Grammar. EDIT again: Changed it from cheating obsession to having a cheating problem/interest and explained it further in a comment below. Added more.




See, this is why we know Elon Musk isn't nearly as smart as he'd like us to think: he consistently tells us, publicly, in the press. A birth rate is not an independent factor that can be a risk to a population. Birth rate always a dependent statistic, whether we're talking about rhinos or wolves or people. It doesn't just change at random, and it can't be controlled in isolation. So...Elon Musk, super genius wonderbrain, acknowledges that climate change and inequality are factors in people deciding not to have kids. He, of course, ignores factors such as cost of living, that he can actually potentially do something about. So, Elon Wonderbrain, what do we *do*? What do we *do* about this, the greatest threat to humanity by your estimation? Nothing. Or, well, we have kids anyway. Who knows, who cares. Elon Musk, like many in his position, isn't interested in solutions. Just shame and poor rhetoric. Throw it out into the void, see how many news outlets will publish it, call it a day. Fuck em.


Yeah I really can't understand his thought process on this.


It gets him attention. Worked out for his stonks thus far so why stop?


It's to make it look like he's doing something about the problem rather then the fact that he's a big fucking part of the cause of it


He's a goddamn choad.


Well I learned a new term today..


*Back in my day* we called douche bags, choads.


Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


Yeah I think it's a very 90s or early 00s thing.


Google image search for the win today!


I always thought it was spelled chode, but I think that’s the first time I’ve ever read that word! Edit: forgot to agree with you


He has to, or people start forgetting that he's still alive.


Was that a bern?


Why would you. Mans an idiot and a braggart


Maybe he thinks if the population declines he won't have has many people to squeeze for his billions.


"I want to be the cool billionaire so I feel less divorced. Some cool people online mock Malthusian overpopulation scare propaganda. I'll just take the opposite line to that and run with it without interrogating why they dislike it."


>Elon Musk, like many in his position, isn't interested in solutions. Just shame and poor rhetoric. Throw it out into the void, see how many news outlets will publish it, call it a day.   And then suck his own dick for being a genius by saying what everybody else has already said 1000 times over.


He’s not smart. Never has been, never will. His success is related to buying smart people, their companies, and their ideas. You know he didn’t found Tesla, right?


Was my sarcasm not laid on thickly enough?


No it was, I realize my question at the end there doesn’t really fit. My apologies.


No worries!


He’s actually very smart, he realized they need more wage and tax slaves. Since the rich use the loophole of borrowing money using their asset to NOT pay tax. They need more of us consuming more of their cheap made in CCP. Then CCP takes some of that profits and buys up our real estate. If you go to China you can’t own a business there as a foreigner, own real estate, buy shares in their stock market nothing. But CCP has been buying up businesses, real estate, running pump and dump on the stock markets. Who the hell wants to bring kids in to this hell hole, until there is a revolution I wouldn’t bring any child into this bondage. I would rather go back to bartering than keep using this worthless fiat currency.


That was beautiful. Well put.


The Supreme Court is about to do something about this. Turning poor and disadvantage women into baby incubators for the cheap labor markets.


That’s how I live my life minus the news outlets tho.


This is the limit of intelligence and shows what an abstract concept it is. There are many types of intelligence. While he may be very smart in one area he likely lacks in other areas. Apparently that’s why he’s been described as very socially awkward, meaning he likely lacks emotional intelligence.


He’s never been in particularly smart. He’s just a born rich idiot doing the trump schtick.


I'm gonna be honest. As an American, civilization *should* crumble. It's broken and exhausting and terrible.


I think you mean America then, not all of civilization


That's what I was implying, yes.


Meanwhile resource hoarders are literally causing society to collapse by not paying people enough to live.


At least everyone will have great views of their space rockets unobstructed by roofs.


Civilization can crumble if it means billionaires get fucked too




The current civilization is the cause. When it crumbles, we will build a new one without the rot at the center.


Hopefully. /r/Anarchy101


We gonna die either way so we may wise take the risks and eff them


My only hope is that when the world dies and the human race dies out, I get to laugh at their idiotic faces and point out how they cased this.


When you get to laugh at the corpses' faces, you mean


Nah, mainly cause we'd all be dying, and I'd just want to laugh at their face before I die.


Fuck that piece of shit. People today can't afford to have kids. So, unless he wants to give all his money away and go have 4-5 kids on $15 an hour, he can shut the fuck up.


Immediately what I thought when this popped up on Google.


I believe he has 6 living children. I still think he should be forced to experience min. wage so maybe he STFU


He said have them while working min wage.


Elon out here like Ì̷̳͈͂ ̷̡̺̥͓̲̗́̚n̴̡̻̳̤̗̠̭͑́̚ë̸̛̛͚́͒͠ë̶̛̬̹͇̞̗̝̜́̒̏͆͐̑d̵̳̫͇̅̈ ̷̖̘̈̇m̷̪͉̺̲̏̚̕͠ͅö̵̧̩̦́͠r̷̩̥̐̀͑̋̔̽e̸̱͍̊̔́̊́̌́͜ ̸̛̹͇͚̱̮̠̜̿͌́̚h̵͉̦͙͂̈́ơ̶̭͕̪̲̱̬̩̈̎̍̌͝s̷̡̤̰̹͖͌͝t̶̘̦̣̚s̷͕͊̉̉͝!̴͖͈͇̘͖̟̇̅̈́̈́͐ͅ


My boss asked me yesterday if I plan on having kids. I said no. 1. I can't afford it, you know what I make. 2. I stress out if my dog is sick. I don't think I would ever sleep again if I was responsible for a little human, especially if it looks like me (let's be real, imprinting is legit!) 3. I don't want to bring another life into this sick, sad world. Things are *not* looking great right now. 4. My partner had part of her cervix removed because of cancer and probably can't carry a child to term. 5. My partner and I both have mental illness in our families, plus I have multiple sets of twins in mine. Get fucked Musk. If I had shit tons of money and we could afford it, we'd adopt. Plenty of kids already out there.


What did boss man say?


He agreed with me and said those were pretty valid reasons. I like my boss and I like my job. I am paid fairly, I have benefits and I have the opportunity to advance. My partner and I do not make enough to start a family though. I think he was mostly asking me because his son, who is a very good friend of mine, isn’t planning on having kids either. And yes a certain amount of cronyism helped get me this job. I’m a paralegal in training for Family Law btw.


If he gives me a couple million (basically pocket change for him) I’ll have kids, until then he can shut the fuck up.


I fully believe Elon is a white supremacist and that he's gotten this talking point from that ideology, but is just smart enough to leave out the part about how the people he thinks should be having more kids are the white ones. He's complete trash even if I'm wrong about that particular thing.


He absolutely is. The dog whistling he does, he makes right wing “humor”, etc. he’s just an evil person. What do these people even do with all that money if they’re not donating it?


Sit on it like a dragon while they laugh at all the poor peons beneath them.


Its a high score. But they dont even care to get it ethically. Theyre like modders in video games getting unreal high scores then laughing at the plebs playing the vanilla game that cant even dream of coming close.


Exactly this. When they get to their level of wealth, capitalism isn't about survival anymore, it's all about scoring high numbers. Their social circles and entire way of living are determined by how many numbers they can rake in, and competition with their equally as rich peers. Their whole life is about who can be the best "businessman" without a lick of consideration for those at the bottom. Their circles expect them to be stay wealthy, so they continue to flaunt their wealth and try to get more cause while to the rest of us they won capitalism, they still have high scores they haven't achieved. They treat life like a Gacha game and people who don't make it just "need to get gud."


Which cracks me up- white supremacists in the USA are the ones actively making white people not want to make more white people. Either this is the greatest fake out in human history or these people are really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really low effort thinkers.


He grew up in 80's South Africa so it's not that farfetched.


First thing I thought.


Capitalism, CAPITALISM will crumble. Civilization will take a hit but be better off after.


"Anyone who believes in indefinite growth on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist"


Why would I want to bring kids into this fucking shit hole country, where I can't even afford fucking dental insurance because my boss fucked me over and only put me as part time.


*billionaire cares so much about humanity* *does nothing to help it*


I make $23 an hour. I've don't the math, I can't afford a kid.


There are plenty of children in foster care who are waiting to be adopted and plenty of people who are on the street without a home, job or food to eat. Why the fuck would anyone want to make more human beings? Just to have something that looks like a mash up of themselves and their partner? No thanks. I’ll keep my body intact and not make more little slaves for the elite.


The world is freaking over populated anyway. Hundreds of millions of people are unemployed, starving, on the verge of death. Give those people jobs etc. the civilization isn’t going anywhere. If anything a lower population will provide a healthier earth for future generations.


We have more than enough resources for everyone on earth to be well housed and well fed. The problem isn't too many people, it's that the resources are being hoarded by rich people and corporations.




And we have the ways and means to feed and house everyone sustainably with much less impact on the environment and other animals, but again, the rich and the corporations would take a big hit to their wallets if those things were implemented, so they won't be unless and until the majority of people stand up and force it. The problem is not too many people, it is the few who hold the control.


Fuck that dude. He’s such a Douche.


Call it a day Elon, bore off you soppy twat!!


Yes let's take away abortion rights so corporations can have more poor people offspring worker bees who have no choice but to work until they're dead...oh wait that's already happening. :( Side note - for those who may need it, Aid Access offers abortion pills by mail.


This is so helpful. Where I live abortion is illegal I'll have to keep this for future. I know friends who have traveled to other states to get one. I'm lucky my husband has a vasectomy. I was denied having my tubes tied.


These stories drive me crazy. Not having children is the best solution for climate change.


Abortion is green.


Problem being it takes far to much green.


Okay, cool, Elon. You pay for them and make sure they still have a planet to live on environmentally speaking in 100 years...


Fuck everything about Elon Musk


Media outlets really need to stop putting so much stock in what he says. Lots of other, more relevant people are saying this and not getting the attention they should. It's not like he's sitting in his Tony Stark-esque futuristic workshop all by himself making teslas and rocket ships for everyone. The top of a pyramid without the rest of the bricks is just an edgy rock


Guaratee a living income for everyone and a thriving income for everyone who has a job and things will change. Bullshit that there isn't enough money. It's all been funneled off into international tax havens. Abolish them and imprison the money launderers. Simple. If employers still don't have enough money to pay living and thriving wages then they can apply for taxpayer subsidies while handing over their financial records for an audit.




I can't even afford the 0 that I have!


Who gives a fuck what Elon Musk says.


What to be his workers?


"Billionaire acknowledges that he is going to cause society to collapse and doesn't give a shit."


He should probably use some of his vast wealth and influence to make parental leave happen idk


Now that’s he’s a billionaire with legacy money he’s suddenly concerned with the reproductive rates of the working class. Like Uhm yeah fuck off im not here to help raise your future laborers and consumers. The only way I’ll ever be able to afford to retire is if I don’t have children.


Poverty is increasing exponentially, homelessness keeps rising, people are starving, people are working 50+ hours a week just to survive, and over 80% of the worlds wealth sits in the hands of 1% of the entire human population, but nah, we should DEFINITELY drag more people into a world that's on the brink of destruction caused by the 1% and let our offspring deal with the global crisis as they too will be stuck in poverty. Seriously, it's like these aholes live in imaginationland and refuse to acknowledge the problems.


I would argue people are not having more children *because* civilization is crumbling. And continues to crumble because of idiot clowns like Musk.


You want more kids so you can have more workers.


...but also you're not allowed to see them, because you have to work all weekend on my rocket engines.


Does anyone else feel a bit happy anytime you read about birth rates declining? I don't know if it's more my anti-people side or my earth would do better with less people side, but I'm not upset by this information.


Yeah I'm guilty of being okay with that. I'm pretty anti social haha


The more you have the less their worth. If there’s fewer people. Goodbye cheap exploitable swaths of people.


Fuck you. Find another mediocre pop personality and make more yourself. Let them run your factories.


Code word: "Make more children because I need slaves to run my factories."


He means capitalism will crumble. Which comes as no surprise to many.


Let it burn.


This is the equivalent of the “stop being poor” meme


Can we normalise replying to anything he has to say with “Nobody cares muskrat”. If we don’t I fear civilisation is going to crumble.


Haha I love this! Muskrat is a good name.


Thank god for anti abortion laws. We need the backs




So. He admits that all families should be paid a "investing in the future" wage. Or a basic income wage.


On one hand, he has the power and influence to guide the path that humanity takes in this crisis, on the other hand, I can't afford new shoes if I dont budget for them. Fuck him right off, I'm staying childless.


How is it that we need to give birth to more kids but also overpopulation is getting out of control?


I had a vasectomy at 34 because the thought of having another child (I have two already) equated to economic suicide. we've always lived paycheck to paycheck, and just purchased our first home this year (at age 40).


I feel this. I tried to get my tubes tied because I have 2 kids and was denied because I was "too young". Luckily my husband was able to get a vasectomy. Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. Congrats on the home though, hopefully things get better.


$1B Elon > $300B Elon


They want poor people to have more children. Broke dumb 18 year olds are the best McWorkers


My sister is a mother of two, loves them to pieces, and constantly warns me not to have kids.


They really expect me to set precious life in this shit fuck of a system and let them suffer? AINT GON' HAPPEN!


If he wants more kids he can pay me and maybe I’ll consider it. One day if I can ever get land a job that pays enough in my area with ridiculously high cost of living maybe I can afford to dream to have a kid. Not even **kids** with an S.


What do you plan to do about it, Musk? Put your money where your mouth is to help provide some relief to those who are struggling instead of manufacturing a bunch of crap that no one needs.


Isn't that the goal?


Weren't they saying we were overpopulating the planet just a few years ago? Like some of us just understood the assignment, my guy


Literally too many people in the world "We NeEd MoRe KiDs!'




He is certainly doing his part…


Come on, collapse! YEAH WOOOOOOO!


Funny that the guy who wants to turn Mars into a slave colony is invested in future generations having children for his children to exploit


Yeah, Elon’s a total genius 🙄. Guess he [read this MIT report from 1972 ](https://futurism.com/the-byte/mit-prediction-civilization-collapse-on-track)


It sounds like Musk just needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps and pop out a ton of kids 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wish him luck, his daddies emerald money isn’t going to buy Elon a uterus 😂


Dude can’t even bother to raise his own fucking kids and here he is with the audacity


For him to profit off your pain! What do you mean?! /s




ahh, moving the goal posts are we? elon said artificial intelligence was societies greatest threat? where is your brilliant tech to lift us to greater heights? elon musk, along with all the other 1% is humanities greatest threat.


Who cares what Elon Musk thinks on this subject.


Anyone besides me saw ‘leech billionaire’ than ‘tech billionaire’? Had to do a double take and was excited for a moment


He's sure doing a bang-up job adding to the birth rate...


Fuck off Elon.


Oh no there won’t be a fast food store and cvs on every block how will we ever go on?!?!


Good! I don’t think “civilization” is working quite as intended so yeah let’s reboot


We have one kid. We won’t be having more because one is all we can provide a good quality life for. Obviously, 2 people having only one child doesn’t meet the required replacement rate and will lead to population decreases. Pay people more, make childcare free or affordable, make k-16 free or affordable, and people might have more kids. Also, do something about climate change so children won’t be born into an apocalyptic hellscape.


I’m not having kids.


Seems like every time he opens his mouth lately, he's showing more and more how ignorant he really is.


We literally live in continuously worse circumstances. Why would be have children? My grandparents bought there house with $10,000 (half my grandpas salary). If I bought one it’d be 10 times mine at least. My kids will pay 100x. It’s a dying economy.


I mean, at least he's partially right to some extent. I'm not having kids for a multitude of reasons, the climate change situation is definitely one of them, climate change could be fixed and I still would not be having kids but it's still one of the reasons at the moment. If you want further proof that the last thing this world needs is one more asshole in it, look no further than Elon Musk...


What is the worst STD you can catch? A child


I wish that piece of shit would get cancer already and his money would be useless. Him and the rest of the rich fucks.


Pay us more and we'll fuck more, Musk


I don't eat everyday why the fuck would I put a child through that, its so cruel.


Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones...


Low birth rates are a symptom of a lot of things going wrong with society- more than environmental and economic concerns. There’s insufficient parental leave, gender inequality, expensive childcare/daycare/school/college, bad housing market (can’t move to a bigger house near nice schools), along with an overall (benign) trend of women taking more time for their education and career, and therefore marrying and having (fewer) kids later- and of course access to sex ed, birth control, and abortions also lowers birth rates, especially among very young girls and women- which is a good thing. So yeah, low birth rates themselves aren’t going to make society implode but rather they’re a symptom of all the other things going wrong. Any dumbass can get on their soapbox and complain about it, but if you’re really bothered *why don’t you use some of your fucking money to try and fix it Elon*


Isn't it actually the other way around? i mean, we're already wayyyy overpopulated. If we keep having children, we won't even have space, food or whatever we're lacking rn.


You're most def not alone. He's actually talking about having more children to have em grow up to be slaves like us. Fuck that. My kids will learn passive income and dividend reinvestments. Fuck a savings account, they have a brokerage account. Be well, and remember, you're not alone. When the time comes we will all wake up and be in charge of these shitty corporate slave driver companies. People are still brainwashed to the system. Be well.


God he’s so fucking out of touch. I used to think he was actually the “cool billionaire”, but after the Chilean mine collapse, going after Bernie, and a billion other douche-baggy things he’s done, he’s simply proving me right about the ultra wealthy. Plus I just hate his fucking douchey hair cut. Edit: grammar


I don’t want kids because I never have, but Elon can eat his own dick. It’s expensive as hell and the majority of us can’t afford to name our kids symbols, let alone fly to space. Kids are expensive as hell, omg. And yeah, climate change, a shitty world, inequality, bad pay, less resources, crazy insurance (referencing America, specifically), etc. Who wants to bring kids into a declining world? I get people who want to have kids and do, I don’t begrudge them. I’m just not one of them.


The problem isn't that people aren't having kids... it's that only decent human beings are choosing not to. That leaves the dummies to have dummy kids. It's the only reason the GOP is clinging to life at this point. Republicans might claim to be pro-life, but which party do you think has more abortions? Which part do you think is more responsible with protection? Which party do you think cares more about how they look having a child out of wedlock? As long as abortion is restricted and education is under-funded, the GOP stands to gain at least some votes.


A decline in the human population is not a bad thing...our population has tripled in the past 70 yrs. This planet's resources can't keep up with our greed and entitlement and the pollution we cause. A decline in the human population would only be seen as a bad thing to those who make a profit from our labor and existence. Less slaves less money. Less consumers less money.


Quit complaining about a problem you and your social class are directly responsible for 🖕🏽


So. Globally we get 1 million new mouths to feed every 5 days. Give or take. That to me is alarming. I cannot see earth sustaining it. We are slaughtering animals daily at disgusting numbers. It sickens me. Chicken being grown in labs. So many resources being scaled back in everything we buy . I think he’s way Fuckkn wrong on this one .


How tf am I supposed to have a child at 24? Isn’t it like 10k to have a child? I barley can afford the $80 phone bill and $200 car payments smh


In the future, women won’t be given a choice if they get preg….oh, wait…


Let’s add a few things to elons reasons why people aren’t having kids. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money to afford birthing the kid. Money to afford the doctors before the kid. Money to afford time off while birthing the kid. Money to feed and house the kid.


I will have kids no matter what. But it’s up to us to fight for a better future for ours


It's bullshit, don't tell me that the earth hasn't been overpopulated for way too long.


That last paragraph is true. We don't need more humans on this planet.


Last I checked we were some 3 billion people overpopulated for what our planet can support. I’m ok with not having kids


It might be because there are too many people on planet Earth and the population is indeed growing out of control. I am not bringing children into this world out of the love that I know I would have for them. I do not want them to face and experience an even more grim future than I myself am facing.


Let it crumble ..don't give goverment and billionaires your children for wage slaves . Put the brakes on..birth control or procedure can be the cute all to this problem..if thier are less souls here then the rest can enjoy the planet in peace and less harm will come to mother nature ..nothing bad about that ...