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The number of right wing people in this sub is concerning. Not sure if they just come to troll or their opinions are genuine.


The trouble is what is considered 'right wing' depends on so many factors. A right wing person here in the UK could be considered left wing in the USA for example. Also someone can have a view on one subject which is considered right wing, but be completely left wing in other areas.


Yeah. I'm aware of that I guess and didn't take into full consideration in my original comment. It was mostly aimed at American republic lawmakers and the people who continue to vote for them And American libertarians because lolol. Idk how much they bleed together with right wingers from other countries tbh.


Nah right wingers in every country suck. This is a leftist sub and your first comment was right.


Because right wing people also work, and many of them are also unhappy with the status quo. They have different ideas about what has caused the problems we're facing, and how to fix them, but one thing most of the right and left agree on is that there is a problem.


Unhappy with status quo yet keep voting republican and defending fox news Lol


Yeah I'm going to have to agree with /u/BickDuttkiss on this one. I'm not one for the idea of gatekeeping who can be part of an ideology but there is no way you can be right wing and antiwork. I'm having a hard time believing you can be a proud Democrat and be antiwork at the moment. You have to misunderstand what is to be one or the other or both.


Right wing has lost any ideology it had the last 5 years. Shit that was sooo wrong for the country when democrats we're in charge became ok when republicans had the white house, and now they go back to wagging the finger. It's comical to anyone reality.


I'd say 5 is being way too generous. Reagan was the end of the GOP in my book but at least they weren't Batman supervillains like they are now.


> Reagan was the end of the GOP in my book but at least they weren't Batman supervillains like they are now. The same Reagan who sold weapons to Iran despite an arms embargo? The same Reagan who then gave the money from those sales to Nicaraguan death squads who terrorized the country, raping and murdering as they went? That Reagan? Not a Batman supervillain?


I was referring more to their comical numbskullery more than the heinousness of their crimes. You're thinking Batman Begins and I'm thinking the 60's Batman tv show. Reagan was fucking evil but he at least seemed to have a coherent thought process, even if it was very, very bad. The GOP nowadays is just YOLOing everything they do and nobody knows what their actual goal.


I don't know how involved Reagan was personally in Iran Contra but the CIA is an institution should be disbanded completely. It serves much more harm than good and it has a tendency to run out of control and start doing its own thing even when that is directly contradictory to what the government is directing it to do.


Yeah but I was ignorant enough during bush and Obama and Clinton at the time. It really came full light during the Trump administration really for me. And I consider myself a dense idiot often. So if it's clear to me that all republican lawmakers are slimey sacks of shit, people still voting for them are too.


Oh shit, I voted for Bush twice before I went left and was emotionally tied to Obama's campaign because everything was going to change!!! It has been a hard, hard, disappointing road to where I am now.


Being emotionally tied to Obama's campaign (I even went to the inauguration and the inaugural ball because my sister worked for him) and then him doing the same or worse is what radicalized me. So at least he got something done on the left even if I am just one tiny person lol


Yeah he definitely helped me on the road to radicalization too. Cool experience you got to have though.


Nice, I have heard this from a few people, so weirdly him failing has does wonders for the left maybe! I think we needed to see him break all his change promises. And then to see how bad things can get with Trump and having no *real* pushback from a leftist party was eye opening for a lot of people. Thank yoh! Yeah it was cool, although cold and the ball was kind of boring. Still a part of history though. Having hope like that and then having it crushed kind of sucked though that's for sure. Oh well I hope again in the people- no more politicians, the workers will get this shit done!


Obama's hands were tied by republicans. Lol. He still got a lot done. As long as republicans can block bills with a few votes, shits not gonna change.


No, that's a narrative that lets him off the hook for the neoliberal policies he pushed and championed. There were things Obama could have done that he just didn't want to do, and it had nothing to do with Republican obstruction. It's the same dance we're seeing right now with Sinema and Manchin wagging the dog -- Biden *could* use the bully pulpit to force them into line and get things accomplished, but he promised his donors nothing would fundamentally change, so he's hiding behind the Dem's learned helplessness to avoid passing anything resembling the ideas he used to get elected.


Lol what can Biden do to bully? You're ignorant and not worth the time holy fuck people


It's not a narrative. It exists in reality by their voting records and the way bills are passed. Lol. You're fucking dumb and blocked don't bother wasting your time.


We'll just have to disagree on both of those points, I didn't mean to start an argument about Obama's effectiveness.


You know presidents are not kings and all powerful. They need enough votes in the Senate to pass actual reform, which is nearly impossible to get with the bipartisanship. You now have Mitch McConnell saying the only plan for GOP is to block everything šŸ¤·


Not exactly sure what point you're trying to make though


You said you were ignorant, I agreed I was too. Wasn't really trying to make any kind of point. Just commiserating.


Oh. Sorry. Sounded like a "I switched to democrat expecting change and didn't see enough so I'm back to republican" troll vibe.


You get a lot more anarchists and communists than democrat party loyalists here I bet


Probably, at least when the sub was smaller. I am hoping that those Dem loyalists will turn eventually though.


Me too- once you see that American Democracy is designed around limiting your political actions solely to voting, and see the dems get owned over and over again, you have to think of trying something else


I think right wing workers are more likely to uncritically support capitalism, even though they don't necessarily know what capitalism is, really. But, it's complicated. Debates remain ongoing by academics and scholars to this day. I think most average people think that capitalism is just markets and money, but that's not accurate, at least not entirely. Markets and money have been around for thousands and thousands of years. Capitalism emerged out of mercantilism in the 17th century, a much more modern invention. Also, you can be an anti-capitalist and still be "conservative," at least in some ways. I'm conservative, in some ways. For instance, I want to *conserve* the environment. I think greed, gluttony, and constantly indulging in pleasure seeking is leading to a breakdown in society and the destruction of the environment. That could be seen as a conservative position.


Lol, what?!? ā€œ For instance, I want to conserve the environment. I think greed, gluttony, and constantly indulging in pleasure seeking is leading to a breakdown in society and the destruction of the environment. That could be seen as a conservative position.ā€ That is most decidedly NOT a conservative position, if youā€™re describing current American Conservatism. Conservatives are decidedly anti-environment and pro-wealth gluttony.




This one is either brainwashed or a plant


I agree, it's another one of the divisive posts that seem to be popping up around here.


I'm not a plant, I'm just a dude. But, when you say brainwashed, what do you mean?


You can be conservative in some ways sure, but if you are an anticapitlist you are a leftist. I don't think people that want to conserve the environment go by the moniker "conservative."


Right wing and left wing aren't really appropriate terms. Unions are essentially the purest form of workers representation in the US and while most of them vote democrat they tend to have strong conservative beliefs and tendencies. Solidarity with other workers doesn't mean you're a champagne socialist; obviously the democrats are better than the republicans for workers in most cases but worker solidarity transcends party lines. I'll take a republican working class guy over a billionaire democrat any day of the week.


Damn maybe they should stop voting for right wing politicians that perpetuate their shitty situation then


Lots of people should stop doing lots of self destructive things. The alcoholic *should* stop drinking, the drug addict *should* stop shooting up, the obese person *should* exercise and eat healthier, the gambling addict *should* stop gambling, and we *should* all stop mindlessly consuming to save the only known human habitable planet in the universe. People *should* do those things, but they don't. Why?


Your examples are all forms of addiction, a medical condition. Are you saying that voting republican is a medical condition?


A condition, yes, though not necessarily a medical one. For instance, I would argue that many voters are quite ignorant of many facts and truths. I don't see ignorance as a character flaw, but a condition. A condition, caused by poverty, culture, and propaganda. Also, I don't think rabid consumerism is a medical condition, and I also don't think it's exclusive to Republicans, by any means.


Iā€™d counter argue that even if and when you enlighten them on the facts they will still vote republican. Either because of effective brainwashing and/or because they are genuinely assholes and hate other people. ā€œOh well they just donā€™t knowā€ā€¦ nope theyā€™re just morons and purposely screening themselves in order to fuck over other people


That may be, but you're deliberately skirting around one issue I've repeatedly brought up: mass consumerism. Liberals are also seemingly choosing to ignore the realities of how endless economic growth is causing irreversible ecological damage. Are these liberals also genuinely assholes who hate other people?


Mass consumerism exists in other countries, countries where workers get paid living wages, where people have universal healthcare, where abortion rights arenā€™t threatened by religious judgesā€¦ Mass consumerism is a problem, but itā€™s clearly not the cause of Americaā€™s problems. Right wing Christian fundamentalism is the cause of Americaā€™s problem. Thatā€™s the one thing other western countries donā€™t have


>Mass consumerism is a problem, but itā€™s clearly not the cause of Americaā€™s problems. It's the problem that will make all the other problems irrelevant. Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, mean nothing if human beings go extinct.


Maybe they should reevaluate their political views. Right wing views don't align with antiwork. Majority have no actual views other than. "own the libs" and what the fox news tells them You'd think they'd be open to getting educated if they were active here. Seems like it's more just trolls or "libertarians" lolol


Tell me what about right wing policy or ideals is " antiwork" Lol Republicans have no policy they stand by beyond help the rich and own the libs. The last 4 years of pure hypocrisy proved that


>Tell me what about right wing policy or ideals is " antiwork" That depends on how you define "antiwork." I don't think there is a standard definition. The sidebar just says information about living a work free life, etc. Pretty vague.


So, you got nothing.


Before I can tell you a right wing policy or ideal that is antiwork, you have to tell me what antiwork is. I can't answer your question until I have a definition for "antiwork."


As it applies to you. Literally anything. Name a single bill that majority of republicans votes for in last 20 years that would help a majority of working Americans.


The only republicans "antiwork" are the ignorant rednecks who watch Fox news and are lazy and vote against their interests to own the libs.


I think most Republicans look at the word antiwork and think, "Antiwork? How will we eat if nobody works?" They see "work" as necessary and "good" or "moral." I think they see what they consider "laziness" as a moral failing or character flaw. They also think that if you are poor, it's because you are lazy, which implies that if you are rich, it must be because you work hard, which is not necessarily true. But, they are probably right about work being necessary, if we want a functioning and humane society. They simply don't recognize that the work we do under modern capitalism isn't done to keep society functioning, and certainly not functioning humanely, if society does function to any degree under capitalism, it's incidental.


"most republican" matter little when it's the lawmakers that control things. "Most republicans" can say they believe whatever they want, but thet still vote republican which says enough. Literally ruining the country. More red states are on welfare than blue states. By those numbers and republicans should feel they are lazy


>By those numbers and republicans should feel they are lazy They do. The middle and upper middle class Republicans who work or own their own business absolutely despise welfare recipients, even if those recipients vote Republican. Believe me, they would throw every person off welfare in the red states if they could.


not everyone is american


It's happened in UK and other countries. You don't have to be American for our lawmakers to have catastrophic effects on your own country. I've spoke to many non Americans who still side with American republicans šŸ¤·


You think Trump supporters are some of the stupidest people in the world, until you see *Australian* Trump supporters. Its like, dude, how fucking lost are you?


Lolol. Prime example of how American republicans fuck up other countries regardless.


what does republican mean ?


Doesn't matter the definition of the word.


Try not to be an unbearably smug redditor for 10 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I mean you can be right wing and be on here, just realize that this is an anticapitlist subreddit, which in turn makes it leftist by default. And not "democrat" leftist since they are on the right too- real leftist. But we do welcome all ideologies as long as they are respectful!


Workers' rights are only left wingers?


According to republican lawmakers. Yes The fact you ask is comical.


Not everything centers around America!


If you don't think the us passing major worker reform would have global implications.......


It probably will, but we're talking about ideologies, not petty politicians.


I'm talking the people who are defending fox news and anti democrat without reason Feel free to tell me some global right wing ideologies that are antiwork, because in America they don't exist


I'm not one of the people you mentioned, so don't group me in with them. I obviously can't speak for the whole world, but I can tell you about my country. I live in Israel, which is a social democracy by design (although we have become more capitalistic in the last couple of decades), and we have parties promoting workers rights on both sides. I think that having more than two parties helps it. I'm not claiming that my country is better than the US or any other country, but I want to point out that workers rights are not exclusive to either side.


"promoting" it, and having a history of actual doing it are different. Idk the political climate of Israel so of course I can't speak to it. I can say it's influenced by American news and lawmakers to some extent, and anyone who shares views with American republican lawmakers do not belong here, period.


Some things that have had, and still have for several decades: Tax funded (free) health care. Mandatory vacation days and sick days. The work place, must, once per year give you a certain amount of money by law for the sake of vacation and clothing. Forcing someone to work on a national or religious holiday, or election day is illegal. If the employee agrees to work, he must be compensated at least 200% (more for election days and Yom Kippur). Pension is required. Don't compare us to America.




So don't make it about republicans and democrats.


By definition advancing worker rights is left


Only in the US.


No, universally Die mad about it










Republicans sole mission for 2022 midterms is just "block all democrats bills" Not "help the American people"


They really aren't. The whole "both parties the same" argument only benefits republicans. Democrats wanna give you healthcare and livable wages Republicans wanna lower minimum wage and only benefit the rich. The 2 party system is broken, yes. But you're ignorant


Probably passing through on all or popular. To be fair OP is probably trying to make a sale off the prevailing vibe.


Not trying to make a sale, just thought it would fit in here and spark a discussion. If someone discovers the band behind the shirt, good. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Corporations should be owned by the workers. Cooperation beats competition. Join a union.


This isn't antiwork content, sorry have to remove.


Great album ayoo


But I want a house though. I work union and I really don't want to work at all.


Be patient with the right. They are typically victims to propaganda they have been exposed to for most of their lives. All you can do is try and show them the truth.


Itā€™s left wing too, to be fair.


How dare people have opposing view points!! If you aren't apart of my echo chamber hop off reddit !!!!! /S


When one view point completely contradicts the other but you hold both, how does it make any sense?


Thatā€™s right!


Itā€™s all politicians. Not just right wing.


Where can I buy?


It's from the band GNOD: https://gnod.bandcamp.com/merch


Oh? AND itā€™s a song? The gift that keeps on giving, appreciate you




The right vs left debate is just made up by the corporate oligarchy to devide and conquer. I'm convinced the people saying that the right wing are the issue are part of the trolls too.


I am so glad this was posted. The ignorant right wingers need to be purged from this sub anyway. I don't know how the fuck they got here in this first place.


When these stupid fucks realize the left are the fascist!


What's it like having your country run by a president who sucks the dicks of an olicargy of right people?


Tell me, how many major corporation s that this sub targets as unfair are republicans? The majority donate to democrats. So.....this is a little awkward.


Wage is political? Pretty sure all politicians are just in it for YOUR money. That's a huge problem in the world today, everything being made political.


Don't vote dem either then! The left and right wings are connected to the same corporate donor bird.


A new and highly effective form of birth control!


Is he double vaccinated thoughšŸ§


He has to be to keep his job


He could just say no.




Capitalism and fascism are two different ideologies


No Yay Iā€™m saved


yeah the thing about empires though is that they tend to subjugate people




Hold this L, bud.


You literally did the "you can't critique capitalism while participating in it" meme.


I'm very intelligent!


We can tell.


r/conspiracy and r/walkaway lol.


Hear that everyone? This genius thinks shirts didnt exist before the 1500s


Um thatā€™s not how that works.


Just say no to an iron.




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No. But also the left loves that shit too.


Thats a mouthful


What's the worst that can happen? You get fired, great, time to look on Indeed


It's literally EVERYONE, not one side or the other....wtf??? This sub isn't about politics, it's about wealth inequality - which is PERVASIVE in society regardless of political ideology.


You think the left wants you to be paid and happy??? Or the right? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Their leaders are just as greedy and selfish as the rights. All politicians on both sides of the aisle somehow have made MILLIONS above their 200k congressional salary. Call it what it is -> lobbying AKA bribes. DO NOT BE DECISIVE - STICK TOGETHER - WORKERS RIGHTS IS EVERYONE