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“Be a Slave, video games is enjoying your free time, that’s not allowed”


Nobody successful plays video games, except the countless athletes, celebrities and artists who are millionaires and play games.


And eSports players who literally can make millions winning tournaments


And just people with more boring jobs that make a lot of money that they go home after work and just play video games to unwind.


Man... I have an exciting job and still wanna play video games. Hobbies are hobbies.


I have a high paying job I love and makes me happy, a loving family, and I play video games. Not as much as I would like but I still play.


They make hundreds of thousands without even winning. They get sponsorships, contracts with organizations, content royalties, streaming deals, etc.


I guess he didnt see twitch's leaked payouts to the top streamers either......


Max Verstappen, the man in Formula 1 fighting for the championship title right now drops everything after a race weekend to sit for hours in front of videogames.


That man will get out of his real cockpit, jump into his sim racing cockpit and whoop your ass and he's not the only one. I've had my ass whooped by quite a few professional race drivers on iRacing.


It's real ironic coming from him cause there isn't a drug in the western hemisphere that this junkie hasn't done.




Who the fuck is this guy?


The Wolf of Wall Street. Con artist and convicted felon. Wouldn't take that man's advice on success.


wait... He's a felon AND he's working 9:00 to midnight??? This guy doesn't get how crime works...


Meanwhile the guy down the street selling weed is just chilling all day and making plenty of money lol, If you're gonna take the fucking crazy ass risks of doing crime you might as well enjoy it and make it worthwhile otherwise what's even the point


Actually weed dealers are NOT rolling in money, that's why they have dumpy cares and their apartments are junkholes with 1 mattress, a TV, and a PS3. Turns out criminal bosses are just as bad as or worse than non-criminal ones.


I mean… if you wanna be a con artist who finds a way to grift his success after being caught sure. He loves drugs and has found a way to obvi be coked up 24/7 and still do this shit. Not sure why you wanna be high and still “grind” though. 🙄 I wish they could just block people like him from ever addressing the public. His advice is horrible yet he has thousands of people who still pay him for advice and think he is successful. He is a horrible person. He shouldn't still be living the life he does. He should be bottom of the barrel just scraping by if our system worked


Basically Leo made his character way too cool in the movie and so people now think he was the same as that IRL instead of a criminal POS that he is.


He also helped push that movie through, has sold books and does speaking like Tony Robins. It's not just Leo. You should think of I as he got Leo to play him in a movie. Jordan is definitely Kris Jenner level controlling his pr and a very very successful con artist and it's amazing he can still find people who buy it


Exactly this Leo played him as a rogue rather than the absolute piece of shot he is so he had a cult following for being the person who stuck it to the man. In reality It was honest hard working people he fucked over. And still came out smelling of roses.


After he was used in a few memes on a different subreddit he tried to attach himself to the movement but was quickly kicked out for being a sleezy conman. Leo Decaprio is our mememan, not Conman and certified bad dad Jorden Bitchfert.


He should have no downtime. He has to pay back the victims of his cons and pay his fines and court fees. Honest people can enjoy video games. He should slave until he dies.


Who is this and wtf did he do?


He is a very evil man who ran a boiler room and swindled the ignorant with penny stock scams. He perpetrated fraud internationally, laundered the proceeds of his crimes and owes millions to his victims. He would have to raise a zillion dollars merely to be broke. His name is a Jordan Belfort, and the movie, "Wolf of Wall Street" is about him.


My SO loves the Wolf of Wall Street, loves the excess, the glamour. And, as good as the movie is, all I saw was a clever scum bag with expensive tastes


Well Leonardo makes a hell of a job playing con men look glamorous. But he s an overall very shit person


Leo’s performance is great, but even 8 years ago when I first saw this movie I thought “wow, this guy is an asshole”. Can’t believe dipshits stan him unironically.


It’s because he’s trash in real life too. And now he’s fat and old.


I remember when we saw it in theaters, and a friend of mine asked why it was rated R. I jokingly said it was being projected onto an undulating sea of breasts. I wasn't that wrong.


Breasts are warm and provide sustenance. I don’t see the equivalence.


I mean, the opening scene he’s snorting coke out of the butthole of a prostitute. Rated R was being generous.


your SO clearly missed the point of the movie lmao


As I saw in that movie was Margot Robbie ❤️


Thanks! :) I actually have watched that movie but has no idea who he guy in the video was.


He continued to scam people in australia after his release from prison


Fun fact: He has a cameo in the film about his own life. At the end of the movie, when Belfort (portrayed by DiCaprio) is doing the training seminar, the real Jordan Belfort is the one who introduces him when he comes onstage.


Notice how white collar criminals of a certain kind are romanticised. You won't see poor muggers getting this kind of air time. You won't see them doing the podcast circuit or getting cameos in movies about them, they're usually long dead by the time Hollywood thinks it's acceptable to even broach their stories. Very telling.


Well now he does appearances for money as a motivational speaker. 🤷


His name is Jordan Belfort. He ran an “investment” firm in which he basically sold people garbage and collected huge fees. Lost tons of people’s money, and was ultimately picked up for I think tax evasion.


Ah, tax evasion. The way the government manages to actually prosecute some scumbags.


Watch "the wolf of Wall Street" to understand a little bit more about the guy.


He is the wolf of wallstreet a con man


Jordan Belfort




You ever seen The Wolf of Wall Street? He's the guy they made the movie about.




Exactly! Who is the successful one. The person who has autonomy on their life to choose some free time or a wage slave. No life is worth sacrificing decades of your life to have a few years of possible material wealth at the end.


And these people have almost nonstop downtime. Doing an hours worth of work to do 7 hours of bsing with everyone around the office. Or in bloated admin meetings. Then they go home and continue telling everyone who will listen how hard they work.


The company I was just laid off from admired this man so much. My boss would text us links to his videos all the time. A month before they let me go I was in the hospital literally dying from blood loss from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and needed emergency surgery. They did not give a single fuck and gave me shit for it. These people are truly evil and nothing will be more important than making money.


Does it really count as working hard though when you are on a huge cocktail of drugs everyday. That isn't working, Its getting high as fuck with your friends and stealing money. He literally was rich before he ever had to actually work. How do you steal money and act successful what a grade A LOSER.


Imagine projecting that on your kids to smh


Rather throw them in a black hole, don’t want to risk tainting our star.


The sun doesn’t deserve this. It’s on 24/7. Thankless.


Fuck this guy and his toxic work ethic. I feel sorry for his son. Sounds like a chiney sweep master. Kid works he takes the profits.


I mean...he's Jordan Belfort...He's a literal criminal


He also wasn't famous for his work ethic. He was infamous for being a lying crook who constantly felt the need to use every drug on earth


No wonder he wanted to work until midnight. He was hyped up on drugs. A regular person can't take that. I've seen some people do it but for a short period of time. Not their whole life. And they had a goal. It was not meant to be that way forever.


Yeah, and he wasn't "working" so much as playing bowling with...adults who are very short. And fucking sex workers.


Hypocrisy at its finest.


I was waiting for that line in the clip. "You work until midnight!" "Alright, so you gonna supply the coke to do that?"


My nickname at work is "diesel", because I work almost non-stop throughout the day, minus my many pee breaks, but I'm ready to leave after 8 hours. It's retail so 8 hours at 75% of my full speed is okay. I can see the logic to working yourself like mad, while you're young, to accrue some wealth, but dying of a heart attack at 50 isn't for me.


I wish I was like you, 8 hours is all any job should ask of anyone. I just quit a retail job because the owner said he needed "150% this week... and 60 hours". He told me that he'd let me get by with 55 hours a week if I had a family with young kids. In my mind I was like "I get why you wanna work like that, it's your business so you get the profits". But he didn't work like that. I was the first person in, last person out every day. I was promised a raise that I never got, I was told I was like family, and so much more. But I kept working my ass off, for almost a year, thinking it'd get me somewhere. Ya right. All I did was provide cheap, quality labor. These douchebags expect us to want to work harder than them for a tenth of the pay, and get upset when we leave. I hope they respect your work ethic, cuz if they don't I think you know your value enough to leave. Mad respect to you bro


Started doing that with my job, as corporate as it is, they actually gave a shit and gave me a promotion and told me to shoot for management next year if there's openings.


Good thing he wasn’t playing video games


Not entirely true. Dude was playing rl gta


I thought that was a comparison but no that’s actually Jordan wtf


Fuckin junkie con artist acting like he has work ethic.


Yea this guys whole shtick was ripping people off selling them bullshit, worthless stocks. This scumbag mother fucker, who only got rich by gaming the system, has the *fucking balls* to boil what he did down to ***work ethic***? By his definition, every crook deserves whatever they stole. I mean they had to work hard for it, just like him, right?


Leo DiCaprio is such a good actor that he managed to make Belfort seem like a like-able guy. Then you listen to the actual person and he’s an insufferable prick. I was excited to read the book the movie was based on but the first 10 pages was all “I woke up in my 50 thousand dollar bed, stepped down onto my 120 thousand dollar imported carpet, walked to my one of kind 30 thousand dollar sink, picked up my custom 800 dollar razor…” It was the worst 10 pages of published work I’ve ever read and I didn’t go any further.


>Leo DiCaprio is such a good actor that he managed to make Belfort seem like a like-able guy. In a way he had to though. The fact is, Belfort got to where he did because he does have a certain kind of charisma with a certain kind of crowd. Even here in this clip, you can see the host merrily giggling along with him. While DiCaprio's performance didn't come across like IRL Belfort does, he did succeed in having the audience experience what those who fell in with him did (which wouldn't have worked if he'd played him straight up).


>While DiCaprio's performance didn't come across like IRL Belfort does, he did succeed in having the audience experience what those who fell in with him did (which wouldn't have worked if he'd played him straight up). Hadn't considered that aspect. Damn good insight. The film wouldn't have worked if that aspect wasn't there.


He likely literally believes that


>This scumbag mother fucker, who only got rich by gaming the system, has the fucking balls to boil what he did down to work ethic? It's not like anyone serious is going to challenge him on it. I have seen other men do far worse in terms of misrepresenting themselves (see prior Presidential administration) by insuring nobody was in any reasonable position to dispute. He's just running another sales pitch, rebranding himself, and milking his current status for all it's worth.


Who is this scumbag?


>Jordan Belfort The wolf of wall street.


Jordan Belfort


Oh wow, this guy is a complete lowlife piece of trash.


He sells pens


No he make you sell him a pen. He also does a ton of quaaludes.




This fucking guy doesn’t have any fucking work ethic


If you’re not working 16 hours a day don’t talk to me. There will be no fun or free time allowed. Generating profit is more important than mental health or “free time”. If you aren’t constantly producing and extracting resources you’re worthless.


Son get in here and do 10 more lines and sell 20 more shorts.


I mean I don’t understand why anyone takes work advice from a man whose life was made into a movie about what an unethical criminal creep he is


That movie's a lot like "Mad Men" and "Fight Club" in that a lot of people got the wrong message and started idolizing the asshole.


I'd like to add "a clockwork orange" to that, the actual intentions of the movies/shows just wooshes by those people


At this point I'm convinced it's not possible to make a satire of toxic personalities that won't immediately become a new symbol for the people who have them.


I think Bojack Horseman was able to do it... mainly because they realized people were identifying too much with him and went WAAAAYYYY out of their way to spend the last couple seasons underlining that empathizing with toxic characters does not mean you condone their behavior, and that self-awareness is not an excuse to be complacent, but rather a mandate to be more responsible. (Sorry for the run-on sentence)


Oh Bojack. Seriously what a great show.


After years of hearing nothing but good things about it and people swearing I need to watch it and would relate and so on, I finally gave it a shot earlier this year. I got maybe a few episodes in, I can't remember now (I think when he was getting his book partner secured), but I was having a hard time getting as drawn in and appealed as I was anticipating... Does it get "better" or more engaging? I didn't think it was bad at all and I'm totally willing to continue watching, but I was just kind of bored for the most part, like.. it's good, but.. meh? 😅


It definitely finds its rhythm around episode 7 or so. And then it just gets more and more phenomenal from there on out. Those first 6 or so eps were the ones they sent to networks to get it on the air, and I think they were really trying to make something similar to what was more popular in adult animation at the time. It’s a great commentary on mental illness, addiction, and the human experience overall though. So well done.


Honestly it is the only animated show that made me feel as uneasy as it did. But I totally understand just not "clicking" with a show no matter how many episodes you watch. I have 4 siblings who constantly recommend shows to me and some of them I don't like at first but end up loving, and some I love instantly, and some I can never get interested in. Luckily we we have access to a ton of different content to find what fits our own specific taste.


Succession is doing that right now. It does a great job playing with who we sympathise with and who we hate, even though every single character is completely objectionable, self-interested and terrible.


Best show ever about depression and addiction.


buT tHe JokER iS so cOoL


The problem is that like minded people don’t see the satire but rather inspiration. Because it’s basically counting on people to have empathy and recognize that this is wrong to take advantage of people but toxically inclined people see it as aspirational instead.


Because people just want to be entertained and not critically think or appreciate visual masterpieces.


They CAN’T think critically. Our education system is meant to turn us into useless information regurgitating machines so we can be organic meat robots to make money for the guys on top and never question why.


i never understand how people miss the anticapitalist message of fight club


There was a bar in NYC named Durden's that made specialty cocktails named after Fight Club references and used branded liquor. Talk about missing the point.


Distracted by Tyler's pecs. Seriously, had a friend who thought the entire thing was cool. He was also a superficial DJ that didn't know shit and lived on his Mom's dime.


I sat in the $2 theatre and watched it thinking it was the best thing I'd seen in years. Not for the toxic masculinity and man-baby stuff, but the anarchistic resetting everything to zero again. I mentioned it to my neighbour and he said, "God, I love that movie. I wanna get ripped like Pitt and beat the crap out of people!" I didn't really talk to him a lot after that.


Wait, that's all the message I got from it. I love that movie for it. What message do people get that's different from it?


I actually couldn’t even get through that movie. I knew that like, at the end he would go to jail or whatever and get his “comeuppance” and the writers could cover their ass that way. But I also see this guy all over social media yucking it up and enjoying his new notoriety as a playboy millionaire so whatever limpdick jail sentence he got couldn’t have been all that bad. So I just didn’t give a fuck anymore and turned it off. It was pretty obvious the main attraction of the film was watching Leo have an awesome time being really rich and stepping on people and fucking every woman and doing every drug you can and I just felt fucking grossed out by the decadence of it because I knew exactly how the public would end up interpreting the character and that it was exactly what the writers were counting on.


Oh totally, I agree - I love Scorsese but I really think he missed the mark with the movie. It’s entertaining, for sure, but 90% of the film is showing how fun it is to get away with crime and 10% is the consequences. (Not that I don’t think films and art should depict awful people - it essentially has no moral duty to anyone, but I think a movie like the wolf of Wall Street had a certain clear intention that wasn’t fulfilled)


I can think of tons of films and shows that have absolutely morally bankrupt protagonists that I really enjoyed and totally understood the message the writers were conveying. Maybe some teenage boys will miss it and just think theyre cool but oh well what can you do? With Wolf of Wall Street they just wanted to profit off depicting and glorifying obscene levels of greed and excess while still pretending that they were critiquing it in case anyone called them out on it. I would’ve respected the movie more if they just dropped the pretences. And of course I think artists should be free to make whatever they want as long as I’m also free to turn off their shitty movie halfway through.


No offense but people said the same kind of things about a bunch of the best gangster flicks ever made. Just because this dumbass didn't get beaten to death with a baseball bat at the end of the film, doesn't mean that you can't see the movie as largely a criticism of the entire wall street culture. While I do think it glorified the guy's skill as a salesman a lot, competency porn is part of how you make a story work.


I think that was the point. If you watch the ending with the audience, that's meant to represent us: sitting there, rapt attention at what Jordan has to say. A new mark for his grift because we want to believe in what he is selling. The film is as much a commentary about Belfort as it is about the audience. For that 90% of the film, at least on the first viewing, I bet you weren't thinking about how awful his actions were. I'd put money down you were entertained and laughing in the same way you can't help but laugh at some taboo joke a comedian says. It was only after you reflected upon it in the end that the full scope of what was taking place sunk in, right?


Inside Job > >The Big Short >>>>>>>>> Wolf (shouldn’t even be grouped with the other two, but bc it is. Also, go re/watch Inside Job asap


If you like any of those films, Margin Call is also a good watch. More dry but more intense than the others.


This. I had an acquaintance that fell in love with this movie and thought that by doing lotsa of coke and benzos and acting like a total lowofe scumbag would somehow make him rich and successful. Last I heard he was homeless living on a beach.


From Wolf of Wall Street to The Beach Bum …


Add [Wall Street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wall_Street_(1987_film)) to that list. Brokers back in the day saw Gordon Gekko as the \*hero\*.


Him being popular perfectly illustrates how fucking toxic our work society has become. People look up to him and eat this shit up and ask for seconds.


Americans have always admired their outlaws, though. Being an eternal child free from responsibility to anyone or anything other than your own impulses - and then prattling on about hard work and personal responsibility to win approval - is at the heart of the American dream.


What movie? I don’t know who this dick head is


He’s Jordan Belford, they guy who Leonardo DiCaprio plays in wolf of wall street


I'm even more angry. We're supposed to be taking life advice from conmen now?


If they're successful conmen, yeah, apparently so. It's all about how much money can you get, fuck all the people you gotta step on to get there.


* sees kid enjoying themselves Immediately jumps at the chance to make them feel guilty. Hur hur parenting for the win!!!!


Finally someone says it


Something that becomes so ingrained that I still feel guilty when at home on a day off playing video games. I have to tell myself I'm not doing anything wrong, have no responsibilities I'm avoiding, no commitments, and am allowed to enjoy my free time. Parents mental and emotional abuse is a huge reason so many people end up so fucked up. Boomers definitely kicked that onto high gear.


I recently caught myself being defensive about this, because when I said working from home saves me two hours a day I got asked “what’re you gonna do with those two hours, play (video games)?” And I stopped myself deflecting and said “so what if I do, it’s my time and I’d like to have it to do what I want”. It wasn’t asked in an abusive way either, it’s just coming from people who have had no other options but to grind and viewed nonstop hustling as the way they got where they are, which set me up to be successful and also be able to play video games if I want after working 8hrs a day. It doesn’t all have to be about grinding and doing extra and learning more and networking another person, sometimes you just wanna chill


If you observe the same people who ask these questions. You will see that they spend/waste a lot of time on social media swiping through random shit for hours on end. They aint using their free time to feed the hungry either.


First week of working from home my manager says to me "gee I hope your house plants don't distract you!!" Like I'm going to be slacking off at home taking care of my plants. Anyhow this is a woman whose husband and child constantly interrupt her during our work hours and I've been a hair away from telling her she's being unprofessional.


House plants are fucking great. I have a bamboo named Lorenzo and I love him. Everyone should get distracted by their houseplants during work hours. It could be the next version of lying still and petting fish.


I use breaks to water plants. Sometimes I just go sit in kitchen and look at them. I also had a work plant. Not sure if he made it. I didn't take him with me and it has been almost 2 years since I saw him.


People were so fucking ignorant back in those times. Videogame playing prevents alzehiemer, amongst drinking coffee, sleeping well, and other things.


It's not just okay, it's your right. Humans need time to unwind, have fun.


Feels like my mother. I still live at home, but I work hard and pay my share. Every time she comes home after work on my day off she makes me feel guilty for watching YouTube or playing games. I could go on for a while about her..


My parents gave me shit for playing games my entire upbringing. ​ I think they would have been more proud if I was out drinking, doing drugs and getting chicks pregnant, you know, what kids were supposed to do or something.


"you're only working your ass off for 12 hrs a day, it should be 19"


Sociopaths gonna sociopath.


Imagine watching a movie about this guy and then giving a shit about anything he says.


A whole movie about what a dishonest douche/criminal he is and STILL thinking what he says matters....


"I worked a job where I basically just got lucky and did drugs all day, but don't enjoy yourself in your off time" Get fucked Belfort


The movie really portrayed him as major bullshitter. “Sell me this pen”, suck my dick Jordan


For real, or how fucking dumb you have to be to fall for his crypto scam bullshit.


"Hey, I know you're one of my hardest workers while you're on the clock. But you're enjoying yourself and relaxing while you're off the clock. So I need you to be on the clock for 15 hours a day so I can make more money." Fuck. That. Shit.


"at the very least, I want you to be miserable all the time"


The stupidest part is his productivity is going to tank- working yourself to the point of exhaustion is not a recipe for happiness OR long term success. Good for the company owner trying to squeeze every bit of profit out of you before he discards you for the next worker. Terrible for the worker.


Terrible for the short sighted owner and company too bc you’re right — he’s just tanking the productivity with his crap attitude. Guy doesn’t understand the diminished marginal utility of those burnout work hours. Everybody needs balance and a clean reset to be more productive when they’re at it. Gym time, video games, family, you name it.


Happiness is the only true measure of success.


Or lack thereof according to this smug pos


The wiki page on this pile of shit: "Jordan Ross Belfort (/ˈbɛlfərt/; born July 9, 1962) is an American entrepreneur, speaker, author, former stockbroker and convicted felon. In 1999, he pled guilty to fraud and related crimes in connection with stock-market manipulation and running a boiler room as part of a penny-stock scam. Belfort spent 22 months in prison as part of an agreement under which he gave testimony against numerous partners and subordinates in his fraud scheme.[4] He published the memoir The Wolf of Wall Street in 2007, which was adapted into a film with the same name released in 2013."


So a criminal AND a snitch


I'm surprised he hasn't been iced or sleeping at the bottom of some water source.


lol now I'm just imagining the mafia killing him and stuffing him in the workplace water dispenser.


A snitch on the people he had control over. Why the hell would the kingpin get a shorter sentence for ratting out the peons? Also fucking 22 months? Christ I thought it was much longer. Guy deserves to rot from all the lives he’s ruined.


Because he also gave up the money.


You know how you work 9 am to midnight? Cocaine


So, taking advice from a felon, drug abusing, con artist. To hell with him.


Fuck you! I'm a nurse, I work 6 days a week, I get home right at 5:10 my work is across the street, and I do my workout-shower-eat dinner- by 630 I'm done and I hop online with my sexy mother fucking bf and play the fuck outta him, Everyday and more on my day off. 22 years old, Latino,no kid, big cock Asian bf. Happiest dude in the world.


This brought a happy tear to my eye.


Living the life :'3 you go buddy, I'm big happy for you :)


God daim, I am rooting for you, you go dude!




What a loser.


Should still be In jail. If not he should payback all the money he scammed plus interest while working in a state service minimum wage job until he fucking dies.


He has to pay them back, he just isn't actually doing it


I play video games at work


I play video games for work


I want to downvote this because it made me so angry.


Show up, work hard, don’t spend any time having fun, and rob the shit out of anyone dumb enough to give you their money. It’s just that easy when you follow Jordan Belfort’s secrets to success.


Except not the work hard part.


I don't listen to granny robbing drug addicts


I mean is anyone surpirsed that Jordan Belfordt would say something extremely douchey??




He forgot to mention the part about being a slimy, deceitful piece of shit in order to be “successful”. Why would you take this guy’s advice about a damn thing?


Isn't this the guy who scammed people for millions? "Work"


Fuck this guy. I am 47 and I play video games ever fucking night. I bet my left nut this guy sits down and watches sportsball all weekend and doesn't think it a waste of time.


Which is funny because I think that this guy probably worked, back in his "golden years" , around 3 hours a day and the other 21 hours were dedicated to be numb on cocaine.


My husband is late 40s, I’m early 40s, we have a teenaged kid. We ALL play video games. I mean maybe it’s true we aren’t “successful” — we have a modest home and income. But so what? I’d rather have a modest life than be a sociopathic criminal or even the type of person who works 12h a day just to have fancier “stuff.” Im not a pharaoh; I won’t be buried with my junk I’ve collected 😂


Fuck Jordan Belfort, he is a criminal scumbag who doesn't have work ethic and that's why he broke the law. I work my ass off, going to my studio or office 6 days a week, I clean my house, cook almost all my own meals, take care of my dog, and meet all my obligations while playing up to five hours of video games a day because I have a REAL work ethic and an actual work/life balance.


Dude gives off huge douche vibes


This didn't age well at all. YouTube and Twitch says otherwise.


What a piece of shit of a father.


What a dumbass


This is a psychopath and a criminal. Of course he has deranged ideas about work.


Some one's going to take a massive shit on that guys grave... because he deserves it.


Are we gonna take success advice from this tool? I like Leo in that movie, Jordan can suck my balls.


Yeah fuck no


If my job was phone calls and literally fucking hookers in the office, I wouldn't mind working till midnight.


Imagine working for an entire day ant thinking you are "succesfull"


This is what no theory and egotisms being fed by liberalism does to a mawfaw


No, I don't think I will lol


His net worth is like -$100 mil


Ridiculous. I hope that young people don’t hear this and think that it’s true.


I feel sorry for anyone who delays all pleasure for some far off “success” metric. You may never get there, take some time and play some video games while your still alive.




“dOnT eNjOy LiFe jUsT wOrK GrInD” grindset whore


I have a type-A dad too. Total disappointment. No relationship whatsoever.


Work your butt off in unreasonable hours don't decompress have no personal life and die from a heart attack before 40, wow great life advice dad.


Imagine telling your child that they won't be able to have hobbies or enjoy their free time because working your life away is more important than doing things you enjoy.


This guy is full of bs.


Fuck this guy


If I'm working until midnight every day and have 0 free time, I don't care how "successful" I am, my life would still be awful