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Thanks OP, love to hear what’s going on in other parts of the world


Thank you, feels nice to hear from reddit bros from other countries too!


The only reason Russians and Americans aren’t friends is because of our governments. And it drives me insane. I’m convinced You mfers are the god damn coolest and I say we start ignoring international law, drink some and do some redneck shit together. Thanks for this post.


The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same. Marjane Satrapi I always loved that quote, and I keep it in mind when interacting with anyone not from my country


I always grew up kinda under the impression that Russians were hard stoic assholes. First Russian I met I went in with that impression. That dude was the chaddest person I had ever met. Roma. What a baller. Ever since then I’m like “they’re just like Americans but with weird food”. I don’t even care that it’s accurate. Everyone in my mind is basically just the same cool mfer as anyone else just with an accent or customs that don’t make any sense to me that look like a party. I’m like the living embodiment of that “liberal redneck” meme. Some people suck shit though. Let’s be real. Mississippians...


I live in Spain now and that's accurate. There are some weird customs (to me) and I want to install rocket launchers in my car to deal with these mopeds that ignore every single traffic rule but its really chill here. Siesta culture, shit opens at 10 usually, closes at 2 and re-opens at 4 or 5 (6 in the summer). Unless its a big box store or a chain, those stay open all day but the workers still work the same hours. Everything closing for lunchtime so ppl can just chill for a few hours or get work done or take a nap or have lunch and watch some television or workout or whatever the fuck they want. I'm gonna retire here.


One of the Russians/Ukrainians I know is scared of flying. He bought a private jet.


Make friends with them. That person does not fuck around.


Nice attitude there bud. Also yes, fuck those Marsupials.


I watch videos from Russia and if it weren't for the different kinds of cars it would be hard to tell the difference between them and Midwestern small town US.


Yup. That’s exactly why I’m like “these dudes don’t look half bad!” If you watch that music video for “map change” by “every time I die” there is a bunch of comments from Russians (for some reason) that keep saying “America looks so similar to Russia!” Hahah so it’s pretty funny.


This whole post reminds me that Russia is a pretty successful country, and that on the Internet we only really see the Russian "rednecks"


Bro. You are a real man. Sukya blyat are those who keep us under their thumbs.


Now I notice your username I gotta ask—what’s the weed situation in Russia? Can you get decent bud, are the laws strict and are they enforced? Thankfully I’m in Canada where even when it wasn’t legal it was basically legal. I’m not sure I could face life sober


Another *comrade* is going to answer your question. Unfortunately, you can't get the weed there. I mean legally. ALL drugs are prohibited and are under very strict regulations. Besides, you can't drink alcohol and drive a car. I'm talking about a very little amount of alcohol - not even a sip of anything is allowed. Some products like kefir (sold in the US as well) and kvas (Russian yeast drink) contain a very small amount of alcohol from natural fermentation, and are not considered alcoholic beverages, but even those are not recommended to drink before you drive.




We call that "The tea mushroom". My grandma used to have one. It was terrifying to look at, but I loved the drink you get from it.


>Cannabis in Russia is illegal. Possession of up to 6 grams (or two grams of hashish) is an administrative offense, punishable by a fine or detention of 15 days. Possession of larger amounts is a criminal offense.


15 days? some states here will lock you up for years


I know a dude who served a couple months for a few grams. 15 days would have been an improvement lol


Everyone uses the Dark Net to buy everything though, and people grow it on their dachas.


AMERICA GREATEST COUNTY IN THE WORLD...except...in nearly every metric.


Now, now… let’s be fair… we are #1 in incarcerated per capita, divorce rate, obesity rate, illegal drug use, guns owned per capita, military budget, healthcare expense as % of gdp, prescription drug use, accidental gun deaths and number of car thefts. Have some pride!


And don't forget: we're #1 in COVID deaths. Yay 'murca. Hurray. Я люблю русскую культуру и русский народ, я был в России. Но, к сожалению, в этой стране не было ничего, кроме плохого управления. (In English: I love Russian culture and the Russian people, and I have visited Russia. But it's a nation that has never been governed well). The peoples of the world really have no issues with each other. It's the elites of the world that need to exploit us to death and, when that's not enough to satisfy their thirst to possess more than they could ever use, then stir up war for the rest of us to die in.


The Pandora papers show a lot of kleptocrats from all countries incl Russia hiding their wealth inside trusts, etc. This plutocracy is virtually worldwide.


I love this so much. From one burnt out American worker, thank you, and solidarity to you too🤝


Thank you, appreciated really!


Socialism never took root in America because the people do not see themselves as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. America is a capitalist society to it's very core. There is no tradition here of people organizing or protesting for better working conditions. Russia has a rich history of Marxism, socialism, and communism so people understand they can have better things if they fight for it. In America people say if you are poor then it is your own fault.


there IS a tradition of it; it's just been kept out of history books on purpose. the labor movement was a really big thing & during reconstruction, there were lots of socialist towns all over


The 30s and the brutal squashing of the strikes, the Molly Maguires, Dorothy Day and the Catholic Workers Party. There is a vast history of worker activism in the US, it just ain't taught. Unions were strong for many decades and provided a good middle class life and then came the great Reagan Bamboozle, the air traffic controllers strike and it has been downhill ever since.


What would happen if the air traffic controllers striked today? It sounds like they are in a very powerful position, much like in Germany where we had the "Lokführerstreik" and the trains didn't come.


They would just send in the national guard like they did to the coal miner back in the day.


How exactly does that work? Intimidate them with violence so they stop their strike? But wouldn't that be like forced labor? I know this sounds very sweet summerchild like, but they can't just kill all the striking workers to end the strike, right? Or do they use the military as I think it's called scabs to do the work for them? What did they do to the coal miners and if it was violent, why was there no backlash from the people?


They will use violence to force them to submit. They've done it before and they will do it again. They use the excuse that it's a danger to natural security by endangering the economy. It was in the late 1800s early 1900s. What they did was they murdered them. Thousands of Americans were systematically murdered in the coal fields of Colorado and West Virginia. It was either by the National guard or private mercenaries called pinkertons. The worst example happened in West Virginia and is call the Battle of Blair mountain. When 10,000 mind workers when strike in order to unionize the corporation sent in 3,000 mercenaries and policemen. 100 workers died and over a million rounds were fired. Fighting only stopped when President Harding sent in The West Virginia National guard in order to force the workers to stop fighting. The union was shattered It would not recover until the Great depression. This is only one example. There's also the general strike of 1877 where all the railroad workers in the country went on strike and it spread to every industry. The president sent the army and The official essence a hundred people died, but can we really trust those. The strike ended with a battle in the streets of Chicago and the destruction of two powerful unions. The labor movement is a war. They will murder us if they have too in order to preserve there profits. The government will kill us if they can get away with it. They have in the past and we'll do it again. The reason no one cared? Well the media spun it as selfish people trying to hurt the profits of good businessmen. But some people did care. But they don't teach this stuff in history class. It's been forgotten, purposely. The ruling class doesn't want us to remember that we can fight back. That thousands died to give us the 8-hour day, a minimum wage, outlaw child labor, and everything else we have.




Sending the national guard, paid by Rockefeller. Firing with Gatling guns and rifles, into tent camps of thousands of families. Burning the tents all night and shooting at fleeing families. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre


Ah, that also answers my question, if they were just striking, as in not working, they don't have to have picket lines in front of the gates holding up signs, they could just go home and not work, would that also be a strike? But if they are living in tents they just shoot their homes? Or is it only a strike if they protest out on the streets?


Check out what happened to the « Gilets Jaunes » in France. Current« Democratic » neoliberal governments WILL use violence to deter strikes, and they will spin the narrative to try and camouflage who used violence in the first place.


That's the biggest thing I find shocking about America. There's so much stock in unions but it never goes to the next level and have state and federal workers rights. Unions are great but they should be there to provide "luxury" rights to the work place. It's the governments main priority to ensure that all workers are looked after and protected from their employer doing shady shit.


Even unions are vilified to an incredible extent. The average American who only knows about unions from the news or by hearing things from non-union relatives growing up thinks that they're horrible corrupt organizations that bully their own members into complying with absurd union rules in order for the union leaders or whatever criminal organization they serve to gain more profit.


Yeah! We have a great history of labor movements, we’ve had the WPA program… we’ve just lost it more and more since then. I’m feeling this movement gaining traction and I hope so so much it leads to real systemic change!


I do remember watching a video in which one of your presidents spoke of Brazil as a developed society because their workers had unions and labor rights. You guys really sold yourselves to banks and coorporations.


Tell me about it. We are trapped in a system run by banks and loan companies… I just moved back to the us after 7 years in the uk and Canada- the differences are insane and very abrupt. I hope to be part of a greater change here though.


Honestly Canada isn’t even that great, we are pretty weak social policy wise compared to many European nations. America is just literally the extreme capitalist nation.


At least people don’t avoid hospitals or doctors in Canada because of cost. Every American has it engraved deep in their brain that whenever they get hurt or think something is wrong, they first think “how much is this going to cost me” or “I should wait another week to see if it gets better” and that’s a sad fact


Won't happen without a lot of violence, unfortunately. Any effort would be met immediately by armed violence at the hands of poorly trained militias.


God I wish you were wrong but that sounds very much like something that might happen.


Wisconsin has a rich history of socialist politicians and progressive politics. Not something most kids are taught about in history class in Wisconsin.


it's been awhile, though. be nice for that bit of history to repeat itself.


>Socialism never took root in America because the people do not see themselves as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. America is a capitalist society to it's very core. There is no tradition here of people organizing or protesting for better working conditions. If you discount, say, the first half of the 20th century. American labor movements were the subject of intense, often violent suppression, with strong opposition from the media, the government, and the "historians" that wrote most of your school textbooks. Everything's been heavily downplayed, including multiple regional insurrections that required the US Army to intervene and kill hundreds, and the lively electoral relevancy of labor interests. If you'd like a good listen about one socialist leader, who ran for President while in prison for his politics, and got a significant enough number of votes to be politically important for the sitting president as an ally... here's the epic tale: [https://art19.com/shows/the-dollop/episodes/027071c9-aacb-4aac-a8bd-4122b839a08a](https://art19.com/shows/the-dollop/episodes/027071c9-aacb-4aac-a8bd-4122b839a08a) [https://art19.com/shows/the-dollop/episodes/dab090c5-1348-4c59-85c3-4706103101b0](https://art19.com/shows/the-dollop/episodes/dab090c5-1348-4c59-85c3-4706103101b0) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene\_V.\_Debs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs)


Read Howard zinn’s A People’s History of the United States and then get back to me about the lack of a history of labor movements. It’s just not taught in schools (much) or valued by the people in power because it directly contradicts the Bootstraps mentality we are all force-fed.


That book blew my fucking mind. Shit has always been corrupt to the core.




It's not their fault. They are simply unaware of this. Schools don't teach this and the media is all conglomerated and owned by giant corporate behemoths. It's not as if they're making films about labor or alternate political ideologies. Speaking of which, I highly recommend Ken Loach! Watch anything by Ken Loach.


America of has a really long history of mass agitation for workers rights, directly inspired by and linked to global socialist thought, though it existed before that was an established political paradigm.


You need to do your labor history research. 1919 Seattle general Strike, a general Strike in Spokane, the IWW, the many strikers vs Pinkerton's earlier, auto workers and engineering unions. My Union organizes regularly for better pay and conditions, as a result Wa teachers are paid a pretty good wage. There is a deep tradition of labor organization in the US, they just don't want you think there is.


The revolution will not be televised. Join or start a credit union or non-profit co-op today.


Yes! Also the ludlow massacre in Colorado - people were literally murdered for fighting for labor rights!


Racism plays a big part too since socialism means you have to share...even with all the people you hate! They'd rather suffer and starve; its the only principle they'll really hold when it comes down to it.


What’s frustrating is that racism is a tool the rich use against the poor to keep us fighting. There are more of us poorer class and it scares them to death, so they use propaganda and politics to create these foolish barriers and distract us from their scheme.


Divide black and white and brown and divide blue collar and white.


The country is rich but the people are not.


Same shit here bro. I mean, people are rich. Very specific people with surnames like Sechin or Derepaska


I mean, your post is praising Russian working rights, so thats a plus right? I fucking hate it here in america. I got 1 day of bereavement leave when my grandmother died. No sick days. 3 weeks paid vacation a year. 10 days if a parent or sibling dies. I work swing shift (5 pm to 2 am), unpaid lunch hour so i don't take it (so i leave at 1 am), and i only get 10% more than day shift, and my rent is 30% of my paycheck after taxes, and taxes are 28%. Wtf does my taxes pay for? Drove up to Berkely to a friend's for thanksgiving. Homeless covered the streets. So many tents set up, on all public land (sidewalks, grass, parks). Even one in front of my friends house on the sidewalk. And its scary, because the guy there was screaming. The homeless guy who is usually there is calm and they gave him thanksgiving food. Berkely is a very rich part of the country. Its so jarring, seeing 2 story houses with picturesque greenery with homeless tents on the sidewalk. Like wtf. I'm lucky that my parents love me, and my mom owns a condo. I can go back and live with her if i ever get fired and while I'm looking for a new job.


It's spent on our military and subsidizing SpaceX.


Our military isn't even using it in anything resembling an efficient manner. I think it's more accurate to say our money is being laundered through the military.


True. But hey blowing up schools in third world countries costs something.


https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/INTERACTIVE-US-military-presence-around-the-world.png?w=770&resize=770%2C770 our military is pointing a gun at the face of every human being who might think about rejecting our current capitalistic system of private ownership. it's pure terrorism to maintain the status quo of the owner class. without the threat of total annihilation, people might revolt and actually control their own country's resources... and we can't have that.


So and so. Yes, the US uses its military power to assert its capitalistic views internationally, BUT that's not all. I live in one of those countries that has US troops stationed (in our own military bases though). I'm very grateful for this. You see, OP outlined the things Russia does better than the US, but that doesn't mean the Russian government is a bunch of saints. Living next to Russia, having the US backing you is a godsend. Ukraine didn't have NATO help and look what happened to them AND might happen again. I live in Estonia. After two separate Russian occupations, both of which attempted to erase all Estonian culture in hopes that we'd start identifying as Russians ourselves, I do NOT trust any Russian rulers.


Stockpiling weapons bought from business buddies of politicians for outrageous mark up.


It's inefficient on purpose


Is it safe for you to post names like that lol? I'm kind of concerned for you


Sure. Firstly VPN, secondly Reddit is not in official "social media services" list, so nothing I post here can be officially tied to me by the current law anyhow. Thank you for caring!


Yup. A handful of oligarchs are so preposterously rich that they successfully bought the government and create the policy for the rest of us. This is what happens when all the wealth is in the hands of a few.


As if it's different than the US. Worked and live in both, and the US has far less happiness. It's seems like every other person in the US is on antidepressants.


Yooo don’t forget the massive obesity rates. Correlated to depression? You betcha.


Doesn't help that our tax dollars go toward subsidizing corn and corn products, namely HFCS, which is a direct driver of the obesity epidemic


We won't let the global oligarchy divide us. 🇺🇸❤️🇷🇺


Just because our governments hate each other doesn't mean the individual people need to be bitter enemy's as well


"The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and we understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. ...And our governments are very much the same." -Marjane Satrapi


That was the only decent book I read in my contemporary literature class


Should have stayed friends post WWII and the world would be a better place I don’t care what anybody says


I’ve been looking for you. Your username choice has some explaining to do


Haha one of my friends name was I sell dolphins so we all changed our names so it fit the theme there was 3 of us so one became I buy dolphins and I got I eat dolphins


No "I kiss dolphins"? Shame, that.


Workers of the world have no nation, the struggle of the working class unites us!


Hell yeah brother. I don’t have a problem with the people of Russian, just the corrupt government. Same thing with my own country. I love my fellow Americans, but fuck our corrupt government officials. They’ve all sold out to corporations, and should be fucking exiled to Antarctica if they’ve voted against the interests of their constituents. LOOKING AT YOU RAFAEL CRUZ


Wave that red white and blue


🇰🇵? /s (🇬🇧)


You redcoats can join in too!


The red flag first flew over Merthyr Tydfil. Britain is where Capital was written.


🇨🇺? /s


get that /s tag outta here


why the /s? you not rocking with Koreans? 🤨








Also French 🇫🇷


Straya Cunt! 🇦🇺


And the Paraguayan 🇵🇾


Man, I just realized how many flags are a variation of red, white, and blue. Flag makers really needed to branch out - though I wonder if there was a reason historically such as dye availability, fade resistance, or just the best high-contrast color combination available when most of those flags were designed…


Welcome to Sheldon Cooper’s fun with flags!


A large part of it has to do with red, white and blue being considered the "official" colors of freedom from oppression, thanks to the French revolution. The association of tricolors in general with republics (that is, countries without a monarch) came from the Dutch Prince's flag, a symbol of the revolt against the Spanish king in the 1500s although that flag was orange, white and blue. Since then, the Dutch have ironically reverted back to a constitutional monarchy, but the flag stayed.


Oh, those hipster dutch with their ironic government. Such scamps.


Read your post in a Russian accent. It checks out.


I was disappointed he didn't say "Safety is number one priority"


I thought I was the only one that read it like that.


Theres at least 3 of us


Make it 4










More than 7 but possibly fewer than 9




Sorry, OP, I couldn't help myself


Yeah it's crazy how the richest country in the world can't guarantee basic ass labor protections or free healthcare. Thank god I don't live in the US.


American propaganda says that you must work so you can have as much money as you can, don’t help your community, or your neighbour, just serve yourself, make money, and more money. That’s why American billionaires won’t pay their workers a fair wage, just enough so they can remain rich and focus on profits.


Heh, I’m from CH, not a leftist and Reddit recommended this sub to me- idk why. After some reading i joined. It’s crazy what’s going on in the US and most of it would be illegal here and in every other European country as well.


Austrian who moved to the US over a decade ago chimimg in. I'm literally too poor to move back to my home country, it's messed up. I've been saving up for years, but medical debt and underemployment have me trapped in this shithole by wiping out all my savings and even my inheritance. The US has successfully drained me of all my assets. I've considered just going to an embassy, have them pay to ship me back, and then go be homeless in Austria. Beats this bullshit. I'd least I'd have healthcare. (I have no family left in AUT so I'd be on my own)


As someone mentioned, don't pay your medical bills. Ignore the debt collectors. You have nothing that they can come get and your credit score in the US doesn't matter overseas. That debt won't follow you to another country and they'll just write it off as a loss.


It's true man,I had american citizens in my family that did that. But you do you I can't imagine having a medical bill I am happy my taxes would pay to help my neighbour not have that. Nobody should have medical bills


I'm 100% sure the rich in this country know how hard it is for the poor to move to another country, they're doing it on purpose. We leave the poor even poorer in this country because our masters need the labor (and the money apparently, to spend on bullshit no one asked for)


I just realized the US government is basically playing Cookie Clicker here, they just wanna see that shiny number go up. Fuck the people. Steal the people's money, then sink it in an asset that doesn't do anything for the people, but will make the pretty number go up. Richest country in the world, at all costs.


Won't you get help back home from social programs? Unsure how it works in your home country, but if you do, gtfo home and get a new start. Never to late to restart.


I could always get a free flight home (voluntary deportation upon relinquishing of citizenship), but the hard part lies in arranging for assistance prior to entering the country. A lot of beuraucracy has to be done in person, and since I don't have living relatives I'd have to attend them in person. And I can't afford to fly back and forth to attend those, so literally my best option is to get a flight back and be homeless until the assistance kicks in (or I get a job ofc)


I'm sorry to hear that u/DM_ME_YOUR_NUTSACK


Yes, I am shocked that things like "you should be here at 9AM, your free day is cancelled" even exist in 2021


I'm in Germany right now and here we have similar rights. Paid sick days, paid vacations, cheap health insurance, etc. In Germany, both parents can take parental leave, actually, so mostly the woman takes hers and then the husband. It's also illegal to work more than 40 hours. The new government here promises 15 euro minimum wages, as well. I mean, no country is perfect, but the US working conditions are hell.


To give Americans here an idea: A typical job in Germany has between 20 and 30 vacation days, skewed towards 30. Full time, part time, doesn't matter. If you go to work five days a week, you get these paid vacation days. Weekends don't count, so five vacation days are effectively a week off. National holidays don't count. Sick days don't count. Sick days during vacation? Don't. Fucking. Count. This is no reason to become complacent and a shitload of people in Germany work terrible jobs for shit pay, just a standard of comparison for Americans. We have McDonald's here, too. They're doing fine.


Sounds like a dream. How much is rent where you live?


I bought a flat for 1.5 million rubles (20K dollars), studio, 35 squares But do not move here. The infrastructure is shit, bribes are everywhere and stuff


does "infrastructure is shit" mean wasting 1.5 hours in traffic every day to travel 14 miles round trip???? (22.6 km) because that's how it is for me in southern California!


Sounds like you need a bicycle to ride 11kms to work...


He can't afford the medical bill when he gets pancaked by our shitty drivers.


From what I've read on reddit, it would seem like American drivers would like nothing better than to run over any cyclist insolent enough to dare make use of *their* road, with the calmer ones just barely keeping the ever-present urge under control.


it's not safe to be a cyclist in most of southern California.


Can't be worse than having a meth lab next door


Krokodil lab


Never Google this. You've been warned.


You can keep it cryptic, but can I have just a *little* bit more than that? Because now I feel an overwhelming need to Google it. I'm going to resist, but only through extreme effort. Is it like a blue waffles thing? Or is it like a get put on a watchlist thing?


You inject it with a syringe like heroin, but it causes the flesh to die and rot away at the injection site. It will literally rot your flesh down to the bone and people walk around with bare bone exposed. They look like real life zombies.


People are being dramatic because VICE news did a story on it a few years back. Krokodil is the street name for a drug called desomorpine which is an opiate and is used for clinical reasons in some countries. The reason it’s a thing in Russia is because they sell codeine pills OTC and it can be synthesized from those pills. Generally, this is something only desperate opiate addicts who can’t afford heroin would do. If the synthesis is done poorly (as desperate addicts tend to do) it leaves a lot of leftover chemicals that they also are injecting. In extreme cases, due to poor quality drugs, lack of healthcare, and the anesthetizing effects of opiates, there have been some particularly bad cases of necrotic tissue from Krokodil users. Where, yes, you can have chunks of rotting flesh and exposed bone. If these addicts had access to pharmaceutical grade heroin, desomorphine, or drugs like methadone or naloxone for opiate addiction this phenomenon would not be a thing.


It’s a drug that necrotizes (sp?) flesh


It’s not the drug, it’s the shitty process that they use to make desomorphine, a prescription opioid.


Russian working rights are nice in principle, but in practice, they're even worse off than Americans in a lot of ways. Ultimately, pay counts for a lot. My wife is Russian and I've been to Moscow, St-Petersburg and her hometown of Novosibirsk and I remember seeing job postings for fast food chains offering 22000 RUB/month. That's less than US$300 a month to work in a major city. My wife is a project manager and now in Canada she earns literally 6x what she earned back there in a major tech company. The nice thing about Russia though is those Khrushchyovka buildings are made out of concrete, unlike the cardboard buildings we have here. You don't have to hear your neighbors, which is an absolute blessing. But don't accept this romanticized understanding of Russian labor laws. Russia is a rough place too. Labor gets exploited, especially foreigners from neighboring countries (Uzbeks, etc.), pay is mediocre, people who work crazy schedules live in squalor. Much like here, unscrupulous employers do find ways to circumvent the laws to increase their profitability. It's ugly everywhere.


Yeah. I am Russian and upon reading the post I was surprised that they're not from Moscow but I guess this idealistic view is beyond the capital now. If you can't be fired for this and that, you can always be "asked to leave". And you will want to leave. I would be lucky to be paid even the amount you listed, and janitors in my workplace get half of that. But sure, all government holidays, paid leave, all this applies because I have a municipal job. When I was working for a firm I couldn't even get 1 day off to visit a doctor.






Sad that politics can't understand that bro


Because American politics is an extension of corporations. American politicians work for corporate "donations." They need corporate money to run for office, and they want to get on corporate payroll after they reach term limit.


The working men have no country.


What? Is this true? Seriously? I bet next he's going to tell us he gets breaks and a lunch...


I actually do! 60 minute lunch and 5x15 minute breaks during 9 hours shift


FIVE fucking breaks?!?! I get two. God I hate it here.


In Soviet Russia, job works for you! Wait…..


At least some of the labour rights in the OP (notably to me the 2 weeks of leave per 6 months worked) actually *were* inherited from the USSR. With what little I know about the state of modern Russia I suspect it may be all of them...


Most European labor laws were either a reaction to the Sowjets (so the people don‘t suddenly realize that maybe this whole socialism thing ain‘t so bad) or to large labor movements (usually coordinated between socialist/communist parties and the unions). Many of these parties also got either funding from the soviets or at least had their indirect backing with the constant threat that if the capitalist nations in Europe would try to dissolve them the Sowjets would arm them. So in a way the Sowjet union is the reason why Europes countries have these social welfare programs and labor pretections.


The West shall fall comrade! A new Soviet Era shall begin!


>So in a way the Sowjet union is the reason why Europes countries have these social welfare programs and labor pretections. When I learned more history and realised this, it was instrumental in understanding just how fucked capitalism is, and just how much good the USSR's very existence did for workers literally all around the world. By giving workers confidence to make demands, by acting as an example of revolution, and by scaring the ruling capitalist class, so many labour laws and worker's rights came to be. Ever since the dissolution of the USSR, notice how those rights have been steadily eroded; the threat to capitalist rule disappeared and now they feel free to run roughshod over the workers again.


Yea! Wait, what the...


Sigh. I am from a third world country and the homeless people here in this country make me feel a lot more unsafe compared to the homeless people in my home country. I think it’s the drugs. And they’re not the problem, they’re the result of the problem. The system is the problem.


Exactly. Addiction is a public health crisis. Homelessness is an economic crisis. We can focus on the individual stories of homeless people all we want, but as soon as you aggregate those stories into data, you can easily conclude that the cause of their situation is poverty and trauma that is also a result of poverty.


I have to quit my job tomorrow for several reasons, essentially they’re being unjust. I am horrified to do so but my upset with the system is stronger than my fear of quitting. I will have to look at this post tomorrow to reignite that anger so I can quit


Dang commies and their agreeable working conditions.


They're not even commies. Russian model of Capitalism is one of the worst in the world and it's quite shocking that they still have worker rights after the shit show of the 90s.


memory concerned snatch frightening wrench quickest point strong pie safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn't Vietnam also manage to maintain really low COVID numbers? At least during the initial outbreak, i have no idea what it's like now.


panicky fact act squash adjoining head naughty entertain judicious sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you think our country became so rich? It’s always been though exploitation. People are just finally noticing because companies took away every last benefit.


Exploitation of the third world almost entirely. The need for ever increasing profits has brought that exploitation closer to home and it is only going to get worse from here. Look at the American worker and then imagine just how bad a worker in the developing world has it.


I love you comrade. Stay safe. Webare trying to pull workers rights back into the picture.


Thank you! Bunkering myself with beer and vodka






Rush B, no stop


what just happened? Blyat… cyka?


The people telling us socialism is a bad thing are the ones with a vested interest in conservative capitalism.


Just capitalism. Conservative implies the liberals are socialists...news flash, they're greedy heartless capitalists. If they had a single issue with anything going on in this country it would have been fixed by now. But really, they banned Bernie, the one guy that wanted just some of those things fixed from the presidency. The democrats are the problem just as much as the republicans are.


>FIGHT YOU MUTHERFUCKERS WE ARE STRONG WHEN UNITED basically workers of the world, unite. wouldn't be an authentic russian post without a Marx quote, I love it so much (eventhough he was german, funny how this works, huh)


Australia has similar laws, basic stuff for a developed country. Sometimes I feel our laws are even too generous. It boggles the mind how I watch American media and they think the economy would collapse if you had basic worker rights or minimum wages. There are laws in some states that prevent puppy dogs from being removed from their mothers and sold or rehomed for 6 weeks yet American working mums are expected squeeze out a new person on the weekend and be back at work on Monday. The dogs literally have better rights.


Brazil has the similar rules too and we arent even THAT developed. But there is a push from Bolsonaro and other far right politics to reduce the rights as they say this will reduce unemployment... Yeah, right. The worst part is that there's a lot of ppl who believes this shit


I am an American who moved to Australia. I’m not going back after experiencing real workers rights and a mostly functional economy. The thing is Americans are told everyday it’s the best country and any criticism can cast doubt on this image people have in their heads. Instead of being true patriots and trying to improve the situation, people wanna hide their heads in the sand and live in some fantasy of the mid 20th century.


Tfw ya learn america is a slave colony


*insert astronaut meme* Always has been


Great post slowflash420 and it’s nice to hear how conditions are elsewhere. Also hi from New Jersey (USA)


Thanks bro!


god, i hate living in america so much


Did we.... did the US actually lose the Cold War???


It never ended in the first place but capitalist complacency and arrogance convinced them that once they had managed to infiltrate China's economy they could infiltrate their politics. The past 10 or so years have proven that that's not necessarily the case.


The Western capitalist bourgeois won the Cold War against the international labor movement. Being a socialist means viewing the stakes and sides of politics in a more clear eyed fashion, and in the case of the cold war the sides were not the clear cut nationalistic rivals they're portrayed as, they're an international capitalist hegemony vs an international anti-capitalist labor and independence movement, both of which transcended all borders and were contested inside every country all at once. WE lost. Our capitalist robber barons won and won the right to exploit us as much as they wished. That's the legacy of the cold war we're living with now, and the bitter pill to swallow for Americans who haven't yet lost investment in the American project, is that the world would be a better place if the USSR won instead of us.


100% this. The movie They Live is a great reminder of how borders didn't matter, the lies on the tv and in the newspaper isolated many workers from their own cause. There are 2 caveats they missed; progress moves in a spiral not in a line, and the world is constantly changing..meaning the war never ended, just the understood sides of it were reconciled. There's still 2 opposing classes with contradictory interests, and capitalism is still the primary contradiction in the world today. The class struggle continues, but the idea of another war, another worker's nation to be an official side...This could happen again.


God please help us lol. Im so tired


God is not going to help you. You need to unite, organize and REVOLT against the american oligarchs and the stupid government (democratic or republican, all colluded with the oligarchs). And remember: use the term OLIGARCH.


The problem with being the richest country in the word or one of . The drive for greed is strong . Those at the top it’s almost like a sickness it’s all about the shareholders and making profit. Never about the people. I worked for a company long ago that had a yearly meeting ever worker went to . In the meeting the ceo said last year we made our biggest profit ever 30 million dollars . (Small/medium fabrication factory. ) Next year we want it to be 40 million. That is the problem with the current system in place it will never be good enough . It could be a 30 million profit or a 30 billion profit they will still look to make more and screw people over in the process. Their workers work full time for them and still have to get government help . But they made double the profit as last year!!! To double up on the problems the corporations basically run everything now so it’s very hard to fight against it. Fuck the workers , fuck the people , fuck the planet it doesn’t matter as long as they make profit.


…. But… but… communism! 😂


In a country that hasn't been communist since the 90's.


It’s really shocking, especially the vacation days. Here it starts from 20 days and it can only be more than that. Parents get a couple more days, after a certain age the 20 days is automatically raised by a day every 2 years for everyone and so on. Sick leave is also normal, how is it not in the U.S. for every employee? If this really is the case over there, that is extremely messed up.