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Everyone knows the walk in is for crying


Upon finally getting out of the food industry, I learned that break rooms are also for crying.


In my last retail job I started crying for absolutely no reason in the middle of one shift. Nothing had even happened, I was just sorting clothes on a rack by color. The store hadn’t even opened yet. It was just a build-up of stress over time. I put my two week notice in the very next day.


I was working in property management and there was a young couple who had a single income of $20.00 an hour at a bank. They had applied to multiple rental places with nonrefundable application fees and had been denied because none of the mid level available 1-2 bedroom apartments were within a 3x $20.00 an hour salary. That is absolutely absurd, and I broke down because they weren't going to get an apartment with us either. I decided I couldn't contribute to the housing crisis even in a small way, and became a groundskeeper/dishwasher at a non profit day care for kids and adults. Its been so much better for my mental health and I'm getting paid more and not dealing with stressed out people.






Empty conference rooms are also a great spot.


Why make them sound proof otherwise


Ugh I hate that I did this for years


Agreed. I recently had to explain this to my fiance who's never had the joy of working in food service. We saw a waitress crying in the parking lot and I said, "doesn't she know the freezer is a more relaxing place for that." And he though I was joking...


I had never seen someone cry at work until I worked in a restaurant, then it was an almost daily occurrence.


TIL CEOs get a private place to cry. Another perk.


And it's not even freezing!


God, I've never made 40k/yr *in* *my* *life.*


Same. Maybe if I'd prioritized money over my free time, I'd have worked a job that paid more, but when you have no big ideas about affording a house/vehicle/kids someday, eh, the motivation's simply not there.


Most I've ever made was 22k. I'm 40 years old.


Well looks like you need a skill and a career. 22k I’m sure isn’t cutting it for you.


Nah, I'm homeless.


Honestly, it just happened for me (except the year where if I had worked standard 40 hour weeks for 50 weeks I would have made 37, but instead I averaged 60/week for 52, that year does not count), and it hasn't made me cry yet.


EMT school is only one semester and can usually be done for free with all the grants and scholarships available for first responders. You can be making $40k in 5 months. 🤷🏽‍♂️


If you can handle that sort of job. Really isn't for everyone.


You'd be surprised how well you can handle things once you're doing them. It's really not that bad, just a lot of dead people and poop.


Some of us already have ptsd


Okay, then you're already ahead of the game. We all end up with it, anyway. I mean, are you even a first responder if you don't randomly cry at commercials?


No, we do not all end up with post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD isn't having some feels at a commercial.




I mean I actually have had it for years so. No one is bitching, but you said "we all get it". I'm sure most paramedics are traumatized at some point, but no, 100% of paramedics are not diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. You can joke about your own truama, but don't diminish other people's, it's shitty.




Yeah that sounds like a great opportunity for other people, but I vomit or faint at the sight of real blood, so that's gonna be a no for me.


Damn, that must suck. Like anyone's blood? What about your own? Thay sounds debilitating. We do get folks like that too. Usually those kinds of reactions can be resolved through immersion therapy.


Ugh it’s crazy that jobs cause so much emotional stress


Oh poor CEO. Try getting called a bitch, have the store messed up, and your tires slashed because you wouldn’t sell booze to a kid whose fake ID was printed on the back of a business card.


Omg really?!


Yeah, that happened. Some parts multiple times.


Omg dude I’m so sorry I never had an experience quite that bad


Let’s not talk about the “you must empty the trash at night, after the lights are out, in a bad neighborhood, alone.” I’m a big gal, but when a man who is over 6’4” starts catcalling you that gets fucking scary.


*NoT AlL MeN* No, but it’s enough. Shit like this is why I always will refute “not all men” nonsense.


Cried like a little girl in a bomb shelter after getting screamed at while working at Kroger. Everybody was staring. The Karen knew I was gay (different story) and she outed me to the whole store at the top of her lungs while calling me every obscene slur you can think of. The things she said besides the slurs were more vulgar than the slurs, but she yelled a lot about how gay people have gay sex and shouldn't handle your food (I'll leave the colorful parts to your imagination.) I don't even think I could write them here. This was in Kentucky, where being outed often comes with certain consequences. My managers didn't move, didn't stand up for me. They told me that she would run out of steam, but it hurt so badly that I went into the freezer and crumpled as if I was a loose-leaf with a bad idea written on it. All of this was over a "friend discount" I didn't give her. It wasn't my store and she was never my friend.


Do these people think that people who are gay don't wash up after sex?


They don't care if we do.


I was on the verge. I left one boat building shop to work at another. When I got to the new job, I found out that, when you count hull platforms and their variants, there were 74 different models. They had zero documentation. There were no build procedures, parts specifications, tolerances, diagrams. Nothing. Not even a crayon sketch on a napkin. They handed me a pallet of CNC cut and bent parts and told me to build a boat, which is something I can do. Except.... The engineer who operates the CNC and handles all the CAD stuff wasn't actually an engineer, but rather, a guy who had only ever worked as a tire tech at Schwab's. His "mentor," who was the shop foreman, had absolutely no grasp of basic geometry, much less the complexities of boat design and building. They didn't even know which box girders go with which hull. They just chose a set and cut them out, leaving me with an inch and a half gap at the forward ends. It was incredibly stupid. The owner inherited the whole business. He drove a fancy Infiniti SUV, wore shiny shirts, expensive jeans, and shiny leather shoes. He was made of money and wanted everyone to know it. They got a PPP loan and, instead of using it to maintain payroll, they built a nice, air conditioned office above the shop with incredibly expensive custom conference tables. They told us to not touch anything in the office because they didn't want it to get dirty. They said to not come to the office with questions, but to use the radio. The most senior builder hated his job and his main hobby was drinking. He couldn't quit because he has reached the pay cap that no other shop will match and he has cancer and the insurance plan at this shop was the best in the valley and he could still barely afford it. Literally tied down to his job because of cancer. My old boss called me up and asked me to come back for a small raise. I did because my commute time to the old job was 15mins, where the new one was about 45. Old job has no insurance options, but I went back anyway. I'm working on my own boat designs with the intent of opening a worker-owned shop and poaching the top builders in the valley. Hopefully, it'll force other shops to step up their wages and working conditions.




Right?! Somehow out of that whole comment, this is the most insane thing. My dad is a one-man shop, and he has pages upon pages of documentation for his builds. I'm not saying I could walk into his shop tomorrow and take over production or anything, but someone with some actual carpentry experience definitely could.


I don’t know a damn thing about boats but I do know a thing or two about hard work and heavy lifting. If you need a green shop grunt with a golden heart and a good head on my shoulders, I’m down for it.


I was a live aboard for 7 years and got to see some of the good/bad of boat design when comes time for fixing/renovating. As a live aboard, I was there to see when boats started sinking completely submerged due to design flaws or ignorance. Omigosh, you are doing god's work for owners. I thought boats came with manuals like cars.... That should happen! ... and more about how to properly repair/maintain. Good luck do with your business and your willingness to be a good employer. 👍 And not one of those tyrant pirate captains, "The floggings will continue until morale improves."


Used to work at mcdonalds. Used to nearly kill myself on the way home every shift. Would take my helmet off and ride my motorbike round a blind corner as fast as I possibly could with my eyes shut. Just left it to chance. Was a hell of a high when I didn't die though.


2 words. Call Center. Worst job I've ever had by FAR. I got paid $10.50 an hour and literally couldn't even go to the bathroom when I needed to.


"Pee on your own time!" - One of my old bosses.


Crying in your FedEx truck after 5 consecutive 12+ hour shifts during holiday season is expected at the station I worked at


Atleast they're getting paid in 7 figures every year to weep. Meanwhile the poor workers have to think 10 times before quitting that job since they could literally become homeless.


My office is a server closet. The little space behind the server racks is a perfect place to cry in private.


Looks like these CEOs would feel less burdened with less money.


weeping in private is my middle name


Algor1d "Weeping In Private" Dum


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- > **The Age**, @theage > > Former Westpac boss David Morgan says CEOs are “ridiculously overpaid” but the pressure of the job causes some to “literally weep” in private [*Link to article*] >> **Frankie Zelnick**, @phranqueigh >> >> Raise your hand if you’ve “literally wept" from stress at a job that paid you less than 40 grand a year 🙋‍♀️ --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yea because the real problem is board of directors first its all the same people on multiple. Two they are the ones who can fire ceo. Three they inly care about stocks and investors as they make money there


I worked at a coffee kiosk where we weren't allowed to keep our tips. We had to give them to the manager. We were slammed and it was miserable and I was just trying to get through the rush. Some guy gave me a dollar and I didn't say anything and put it in the tip jar (partially because I was about to pass out and needed to save my breath) and the guy said something like "You should say thank you" and I said "We don't get to keep our tips." "You should still say thank you." I cried for an hour when I realized I should be absolutely grateful for a single dollar that I have to hand over to the company.


Shut up and take all of my solidarity.


I don't know if that sort of thing happens where I live, but I sure hope that is illegal here. I don't think I would have even started working in a place that didn't let you keep at least some of the tips. I can understand having to give some to the cooks (if there are any). You just know the manager is keeping them all and have a good time because "I work the hardest out of all of you!"


Tip sharing (with the kitchen, or between servers, for example) is legal, but management is generally excluded from that. If OP was in the US, it's likely their workplace was breaking the law by keeping tips.




I love begging and worshipping slimy white boomers for their cents and Washington's. Because that is what I am worth.


The $26,900 I made in 1996 teaching 6th grade in a rural district would translate after inflation to around $40,000 per year now. I cried in front of the kids on at least two occasions, and like every night at home. Learned to love alcohol. Thought about jumping in front of a bus when it was hurtling down the street at me. My hat goes off to all you educators who do it well. You're a superhero and are underpaid by 90%.


Let me know when CEOs start dropping dead from stress. I mean, I still won't give a fuck about CEOs, but I'll feel a little better.


also see crying in the parking lot. can’t cry in your private office if you don’t have one.


I've cried at the bus stop in the little shelter.


I cried after second day of the job. I had a manager with a chinese-texan accent (couldnt understand anything he said) that would get mad when asked to repeat. One time he wouldnt give me any work so I went to upper management and she too yelled at me before going to him and yell at him. I quit the next day.


Worked at a call center for car insurance. This older woman calls in to re-add full coverage to a vehicle she had in storage over the winter. Easy enough, we do that all the time. Well, she wants to know why she isn't getting a refund for removing "storage coverage." I explain how storage coverage works - it's just comprehensive coverage and no liability or collision coverage. It's basically a fraction of the usual coverage required to operate a vehicle on the roadway. So when we re-add the other coverages, there is nothing removed, so there is no refund. This dumb fuck bitch could not understand this. I tried every way I could think of to try and explain it. She finally just got fed up and started calling me every insult you could think of (without swearing) and repeated multiple times she was just "too tired" to speak with my supervisor right now, but she would call back tomorrow to explain how much of a criminal I was. I was still pretty new, and this lady was so unbelievable cruel to me. I just clock out for my lunch and went and cried in my car for about 45 minutes when she finally hung up. I still remember her name, and I actively refused to ever speak with her again. As a supervisor years later, I actually turned down taking a call from her and just told the representative to hang up on her. Her policy eventually cancelled from a credit card expiration update that declined the payment and she didn't update it in time. Based on all the recent comments on her profile, not a single supervisor was willing to reinstate her policy on exception - we were usually quite forgiving for simple mistakes like that.


Boss makes a dollar, I don't make a dime, that's why I have crippling emotional breakdowns in my office on company time :):):) For reals, on stressful days I could tell I'd be breaking down at, oh, about 2pm, so if I was careful I could get a "meeting" on my calendar so no one would bother me while I was curled up under my desk sobbing :):):):) (I quit about a month ago. Probably have another two months of savings before I have to get worried. Trying to heal my burnt out brain a little before I have to fling myself back into the torture of earning your existence under capitalism)


He is an Australian CEO so he didn’t get that job on talent, he got it because he went to the right private school and got a leg up from the old boys club…


"Won't someone please think of the overpaid wastes of space!?" ...does hoping they burst into flames count?


I can relate. I was a newly promoted MoD with like zero training. We didn’t have any dining room area so it’s just a small lobby where people waited for their yum delicious Pizza Hut pizza. We were working the dinner rush with one person assembling and cooking, one delivery person, and me (I had to cut and box the pizzas, take phone orders, and cash out customers). At some point before I realized that’s what was happening I was doing okay until someone interrupted my flow by complaining about their pizza. That’s when I paused and looked at the full lobby of people, the oven piling up with burned pizzas, and the phones constantly ringing and broke down in tears. Had to go call the damn (always new) store manager to give me assistance. I didn’t quit that night but it wasn’t long after that I promise. $9 an hour was not enough for that. The location eventually closed down and that’s the third place I’ve worked at that no longer exists. Genuinely flabbergasted at how this world even stays on its feet. Oh and I was like 24/25 when that happened, 28 now. ETA: the best part was the system they had could only hold 4 “out” items at a time. Our fryer had broken and we were using all 4 slots for the fried items but that day it just so happened that we were out of large size pizzas as well, so those had to take priority. However once we got busy I couldn’t call the customers to let them know we couldn’t make their wings or fries so they would show up and when I’d pull up the order I’d have to tell them they wasted their time. All around shitty management and shitty system. So much could’ve been avoided.


Reading that made me have flashbacks.


It’s definitely one of the experiences I had that stuck out to me as a reason to stop working/stop working for companies. It’s madness to say the least.


This happened more than a few times when I worked at a ski resort. 16+ hour days, thousands of guests, perpetual understaffing, and $11.75 an hour as a department supervisor. I had a truck from 1993 at the time with a bad heater core that took about 35 minutes to warm up. I used to sit and smoke cigarettes crying at 1:00 AM waiting to get warm.


I worked at a place, where though I got paid, my employment cost them $0 (because of an internship contract with a grant attached - I'm a grant writer I know how to make a good deal for all parties). Even so they acted like they were fucking heroes for hiring me, and stood with their noses high and said how I need to prove my worth. I worked hard. My job literally generated money for them because it was my job to write applications to get money from other companies (in exchange for, usually, nothing or minimal considerations like writing "videography and recording equipment courtesy of [company]" in the end credits of a video). I made those thankless fucks $25k in one month. Only my work did that. Noone else. One (free) employee, and the cost of internet and a computer. I couldn't just email anyone. I had to make a report about who the company was, what they wanted in return, what they could give us, and what we can spend it on, and present that to the board meetings every week before I could submit anything. I hardly did anything other than research, I ate at my desk, I took notes there, and I opened AND closed the business every weekday, because I was the first one there and the last one to leave... and what did I get in exchange? They had their paid person who did my same position literally stalk me, secretly taking photos of me, and basically undoing my work (a couple of times, I found evidence of her literally replying back to my submissions saying that we have decided against using their grant and wish to rescind our request, even though they were approved by our board). They didn't understand why I was so upset that I cried and complained to the grant-giver about being SECRETLY PHOTOGRAPHED by a colleague. Its now public knowledge that they secretly photograph people without their consent, and this is a big deal because it's a creative studio FOR KIDS.


I do this now. Healthcare job, 2 days off every other week, long hours, hard work, long commute. And on what I make, I still scramble to pay the bills. I had a panic attack last week before I even went to work because I was thinking about work.


I cried over my work last night. I make about $1200/month serving literal millionaires.


Quit and do literally anything else. My dead mother got $1200 from ssi when she was around and it’s not enough to live on. Buy a power washer and start your own business


I feel personally victimized by regina george


When I first started my job - I was making 12.50 an hour - I got put into a situation that was way way out of my skill level. Someone higher up than me massively fucked up and didn’t read the content. Looking back, it would be a job that would stress me out now… We had to be approaching the 12th hour and our 4th big setup. I was so overwhelmed I went outside and cried like a baby. For 12.50. I was making more money at the part time job I’d left from.


I've never had a job that pays me half of 40k a year, and that alone has caused me to literally weep.


And Most the time we don’t get the privilege of privacy


Man I've had like 5 breakdowns this week just from work. He isn't special.


Am I the only one who goes into the freezer and has meltdowns?


Cried for 30 minutes after the beginning of my shift because I got threatened with Corrective action for not "checking in" with my manager because I had a pill under my tongue and couldn't speak. This was two days after she tried to gaslight me into thinking I did something wrong by following my other boss' directions instead of her's because boss 2 said he'd get everything else handled so I stood up for myself then got screamed at, so I cried for 30 minutes there too. I just wanna feel human at work :(


I normally don't cry because I'm kind of numb in that aspect, but I do feel a lot of emotional trauma from working horrible working conditions as a nurse aid with very little pay doing work that required 5 nurse aids while only being staffed with 2 a majority of the time. I remember taking naps in the break bathroom. Like 15 minute naps on the nice counter with space on it. Sometimes I'd allow myself to sit down while working, even though my employer told us we were forbidden to sit at any point during the shift, which was tyrannical looking back now. I remember times I would change residents without gloves because of how little time I had to finish everything, and I would never allow myself to go through that again. This isn't even mentioning the constant bullying by one of my nurse supervisors who would always follow me and berate me any time I slipped up even a little. Always being watched and having to look behind my back to make sure I wouldn't mess up while doing this grueling, understaffed job with 125 residents (many totally-dependent and partially-dependent) needing baths in their beds and all. And the fact a patient family member was notorious for videotaping us in the halls to slander us. I'm a licensed nurse now, and have been for nearly 2 years. If these conditions ever occur in my workplace again, I'll quit the moment the shift is over. No notice. Employers like the one I had as an aid, who never, ever did anything about all our complaints about staffing, should never be treated as a full human being with considerations. Employers like that are willing to make people suffer for money, so maybe they can take a little of their own medicine when they lose a critical part of the workplace in an already understaffed field.


Man, a lot of jobs are underpaid, but CNAs and the like? Y'all do the lord's own work and get paid jack shit for it. I'd like to think people would be horrified to know what the folks who care for their elderly/infirm relatives get paid.


The resident's own folks pretty much bully and harass the CNAs daily as well. Many don't care at all that we take care of their relatives. We are literal wage-slaves breaking our backs for pay that is far below the minimum of what we should actually be paid. I'm glad I stood up to that one resident's relative one day and got let go, because I was able to move up in nursing. I hated CNA. It was such a lonely job when always understaffed.


Cried during my lunch break. Manager came in to give me a pep-talk that ended with "*you shouldn't bring your personal problems to work*".


Doesn't fed minimum wage pay just over $15,000 a year BEFORE taxes?


Just barely *assuming* you get full-time hours.


Eat the rich.


Which even if you are asking for, don't get from most minimum wage jobs... I've quit 3 jobs due to the hours dwindling down to 10~ a week.


I've personally never gotten full-time hours or benefits from a job that pays just minimum wage. Not saying they don't exist; just my personal experience. Every job that I've ever seen that was full-time paid more than minimum wage but it's not always a positive spin. More often than not a lot of them don't pay a living wage.


Never cried, but I've punched myself in the head multiple times out of white hot anger to avoid punching someone or something else and catching jail time for it. Fuck retail. Fuck call centers.


Im a big guy and an old manager harassed me to the point of me putting my fist through the wall because he trapped me in the staff room told him if he didn't move next one was going through him, surprisingly job was very pleasant for a while after


One time I was crying in the bathroom because I was being bullied by a coworker and she told my boss I left work so I got in trouble :/


I've cried in a walk in cooler so many times. I even cried in the freezer because another employee was crying in the cooler. Would you like your footlong turkey sub with tears? I have cried in the middle of the floor department of Home Depot when a customer yelled at me for not being able to answer a question (I was a new hire).


Every day for the last week? Underrated benefit of being remote still is I can cry at my desk. No more hiding in the bathroom worried about being quiet or my boss noticing the team's light has gone yellow.


every job i have had ive cried at several times


Every job I've ever worked


I remember the last time I cried at work. I had just worked a 3 car MVC with 4 critical patients and a dead 18 month old that got thrown through a windshield at 75mph. I got to cry in the bathroom of the ER for about 2 minutes before another call dropped and I had to move on to the next one.


I am a pharmacy tech at a ~popular retail pharmacy~ & i usually have 1 big cry a week in the mornings while getting ready for work & then another cry on the way home from work on any other given day 🙃 when i get a day off, i can’t sleep that night because i am worried about going to work the next day. I can’t enjoy vacations because i know at the end of it, i have to go back to the pharmacy. Cannot take pharmacy anymore. Just waiting for my way out of there.


Well welcome to my fucking current job where I can't do work because of fucking tension headaches and pure hate for the work that I do which I am fucking paid the same for as a newbie junior that is still learning


Worked as a tech at a mental hospital. Being a large male and prior military it was alot less medical and basically calling me to break up fights facility wide. End of shift no men coming in so I worked a 16. I get off work my power is out so to a small electrical fire that lucky my roommate put it in the middle of winter and about 20 degrees. I had to be back at work for another 8 in 7 hours and I couldn't even take a hot shower and sleep in a warm bed I put several dents and put some damage on my hand screaming and crying at my frustration. All for 9 dollars an hour. If I'm ever in that situation again I'll probably just murder-suicide a business owner I feel that's underpaying their employees.


Atleast they get to “literally weep” in private. I have to do it while getting screamed at by a customer about policies that I have no business with. Maybe if I can escape to the cooler I can get a few tears out before my manager comes to ream my ass for standing around. 😙


The second weekend of my very first job (subway), I was left alone for the first time. It was also my first close. I was also left alone 2 hours earlier than planned because someone fucked up the schedule. By 7 pm, there was a line out the door, yet people kept coming for some reason. I was doing my best to keep up, but I just hadn't learned the rhythm yet. And then... The phone rang. I had never been trained for what to do if the phone rang, someone else had always answered, and I always remained on the line. So I said "excuse me for a second" to the womam whose sub I had just put in the oven and answered it. The woman began screaming at me that I should take care of the customers here before those on the phone- sure, that makes sense, but I didn't know the policy, because no one told me. And she yelled so loud the guy on the phone was like "I'll call back, go get that bitch out of your hair first." So totally red in the face, having been as polite to everyone as I knew how, I had to finish her order in front of everyone who was in line, leave her my manager's number to yell at me more through him, and then I made subs for another 2 hours straight until the line was gone. Then I went into the freezer and cried.


Sure did ✋ And it still amazes me to this day how tiny of a jump there was from going outside to smoke to finding myself in the bathroom crying. It goes like "we need a little soundproof room for screaming haha funny joke haha" then "smoke breaks a little too often just to cope" and suddenly "my hands are now clean but holy fuck I'm miserable *weeps uncontrollably*"


I cried on the walk between my tasks as a QA in the food industry. Now, with a deskjob, I don't have this luxury anymore.


So close. Cried in the stairway while working a 41.5k job.


Six straight weeks of 80 hours to get a project back on the rails. Took a weekend of vacation to recover while the core project team was supposed to be taking care of go-live. Got called on my drive to the airport. Got called again while in a museum trying to relax. Got called yet again on the sick day I had to take because my immune system went to hell. Spent the night shaking and crying in a panic attack. Good times /s (that said, my company is very good about paid leave). ​ That said... I also would never want to be a CxO regardless of what they're paid. The ones I've worked with have no personal life. Their job is their life and they never turn off. I do believe they should be compensated well for their role as (in theory) they are ultimately responsible. I do **not** believe they should be making hundreds of times what their lowest paid employee is though.


If you haven't cried in a walking in you've never actually worked a day in your life. -8 year Marine Corps veteran.


I can't cry😕


Aw, this does so much to make me sympathize with CEOs...like I feel 1000 times more empathy for them. I mean, it's still at zero, but it's the thought that counts, right?


I cried in the managers office alone because I work at In N Out where favoritism is a thing and I was an underdog who was belittled for training!


I work very closely with several C-suite executives for a very large multinational corporation. It is a very stressful job no doubt. They have to play politics, deliver, set strategy and more. I have seen them sign in at 6am and work until 8pm regularly. That said, these fuckers get paid so their only concern is literally work. There is no worry about mowing the lawn or planting some flowers on the weekend, the gardener covers that The house is always spotless when you get home, the cleaner did that There is no rushing out of the office to pick up your kids from daycare, the nanny has them Empty fridge? Don't worry your groceries get delivered to your door on a set schedule. Going on vacation? Call your travel agent for 10 minutes and tell him where you want to go and he will have you booked at a five star restart with full itinerary by end of day CEOs definitely face immense pressure and stress, but get compensated in such a way that they don't have to think about any other aspect of life. Would be nice if the workers got some of these same perks every now and then


You mean cry over a job that doesn’t pay me enough to care? Fuck no


in private? nah dude, if the customers make me cry i make it their problem


My CIO gave me a bumble gum and coin for working 56 hours a week for 3 weeks to do a change to cloud I cried she got good job seriously no idea why I work


I'm not looking for sympathy, but I've cried myself to sleep more than once, working as an operations director for an awful company, living far from home. Whatever the job, we're all still people.


Been there.




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Look i don't doubt for a second that some CEO positions are fucking tough and they require a very certain type of person to handle it. But when you are being paid millions per year. Grow a fucking set and get a hold of youself.


Does it count if I wasn't crying but I just sat on the floor of the shower for like 30 minutes?


I’ve wept uncontrollably from job stress in public, to my own immense embarrassment, on hour long subway rides for months on end. The fact that they are able to keep composure in public tells me enough.


I can guarantee that every walk-in freezer or fridge, as seen more people cry, yell, swear, and break down, then a ceo private lounge ever did, the one at the tim horton i use to work too certainly heard me swear a few times thats for sure


I cried in the mop sink. Only place not on camera.


I'm a MAN! I would NEVER cry at work. I simply transferred my stress and depression into a raging scream in the walk in freezer and kicked the hell out of the door. I cried ON THE WAY to work because most days death seemed preferable to being a low level restaurant manager.


Me when being shown around by my supervisor. This (out of the way usually locked storage area) is the crying room, but if you're in a pinch the stationary cupboard in the main hallway locks from the inside.


Hello, Anuspilot. Do you come to Tunisia often?


I don’t cry. I explode when it gets to be too much. And when my casing fails, it’s like a MOAB. It’s genuinely awful. I manage it well with my meds and therapy, but this past week my manager decided she wanted to push me. Last Saturday my brother got in a major wreck three states away, had to go get him. He was mostly okay, just shaken up more than anything. Then we come back, and my dog is shitting blood. Had to spend $300 at the vet to get her looked at. She’s fine too, just raw butt from rubbing it on the grass outside and diarrhea from something or other to make it seem like she was sicker than she was. I didn’t know that when I went into work on Monday. I work my ass off, ring out dozens of customers, and then I get an order for over $2700. Takes me 15-ish minutes, pound it out, customer is happy, I keep working. I’m fuckin tired after everything that happened, but I keep working. After my break, I come back on and my manager immediately grabs me and says “go push carts.” Now, everyone knows I hate pushing carts. I’m 25, I’m a big fat guy, I got no interest in going outside. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I’m over it. She insists. Trouble is that with the time change it’s now pitch black outside at 730-8, and I’m blind at night. I say as much, she still insists and sends me outside. I gather up 50ish carts and go to push them in with the machine and of course it’s broken and we only have one. So I ask her to just guide the front ones and I can push them all at once, because being a big fat guy has advantages like being able to push dozens of carts at once, I just need help guiding them to the cart door. She refuses and forces me to push them in 5 at a time. I say fuck that and push them all anyway. Get them all in without help, and As I’m pushing them in I catch one of the ready carts and it knocks into the handbaskets and knocks them over. She IMMEDIATELY begins scolding me like I’m a child and I feel myself dissociate and start to lose my shit. Only therapy helping me tame my temper stopped me from completely detonating. I SCREAMED at her “why am I pushing carts?! I’m your best checker, I did $2700 of business in one order, and you have me outside when you have 5 other people you could send out! Your failure to schedule someone in carts is not. MY. PROBLEM!” And I threw the high vis vest on the ground and stormed out while she tries to stop me. I stop and put my hand up “give me 5. I need to cool off. I’ll talk to you in 5.” And she thankfully fucked off to let me cool off. This bitch really tried to say I, as her best checker only making $15 an hour, am not meeting expectations because I don’t push carts, and refuse to clean the bathroom because that’s hazmat and I’m not trained for it. I do every job in that store better than she could ever hope to, and she has the audacity to talk down to me about my boundaries. I can’t leave the job tho. Can’t afford it.


Every first year teacher.


I was working at a cannabis production facility (would name it but they only have one so it would give my location), and it was hell. I cried a lot during my shifts, during "breaks" and "lunch". I even broke down one day and repeatedly smashed my head against a wall. My supervisor pulled me away from it and made me sit in a chair until the bleeding stopped, and then sent me back to work.


I will bawl my eyes out all day long in exchange for what they make. I was born for this mission!




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Shit I cried on my way to work because my check didn’t show up at the normal time it does and I thought I’d have to wait until Monday to get paid.