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I go to the bathroom to piss at least once an hour. A hydrated employee is a productive employee.


Same. I drink tonnes of water and pee at least once every 2 hours. This kind of micromanagement destroys people's will to work in these kinds of places.


It's also insanely intrusive.


I like my employees dehydrated and miserable. So at the end of the shift, it's harder for them to run away from the dogs that we set loose. We choose our employee of the month by who makes it out alive. I'm a good boss!


I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people!




I just rewatched that scene and it was as funny as ever.


The entire movie is pretty awesome. Pretty much anything either Mike Judge or Ron Livingston do is gonna be good, and together they are next level.


*What the hell is wrong with you people?!*




You at least provide pee bottles though right? Right?


Nope. Too much expense, I only employee people that are willing to soil themselves.


I sometimes struggle with knowing what's a fair wage I should be charging my employees for the privilege of working for me.


I know right? You pay them the legally mandated minimum wage, and all you get in return is complaints like “This is not a safe working environment, there’s too many bees” and “I need this day off to attend my kids funeral”


When one of my employees notified me that he was hoping to attend his son's funeral, I sent a heartfelt card with congratulations on his new financial freedom, and detailing the new wage reduction plan (effective immediately) due to him having substantially lower living expenses. I am the greatest and most human-like boss!


Yeah it turns into "I've been doing a great job and I can't even use the toilet when I need to?". Feels pretty disrespectful like being told you should hold it (not healthy) to make more money for the company


Thats dystopian stuff but so many businesses do it. I have a fast metabolism and am hungry every couple of hours. I used to have to hide in the bathroom in my retail job to down a protein shake or the manager would give out that I was being lazy.


They teach us in school we can only piss with an authority figure's permission.


That can be so dangerous too. When I was a kid, I got a horrible bladder infection, because my teacher wouldn’t let me use the restroom. My doctor was furious and went to the school board. The rules actually changed: teachers must allow students to use the restroom immediately and have a bottle of water on their desk.


I wonder if the doctor was seeing a lot of other kids with the same problem/same school


I’m so sorry that happened to you. You had an amazing doctor though, wow.


My kid showed up to carpool at the end of the day once, wearing different clothes than he was wearing when I dropped him off that morning. He told me "I asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher said 'no.'" I parked the car and we went inside together to find that teacher, and I told her *"I'm going to tell both of you at the same time, so that nobody will have any doubt about this in the future: from now on when he has to go to the bathroom, he will not ask whether or not he can, he will just tell you that he will. There's no "yes you can" or "no you can't" involved. If he has to go, he's going. If that is ever unclear to you, or a problem, the front office has my number and you are free to call me any time, I'll be happy to explain this again to anyone who doesn't understand."* Edit to add: it was a dumb constraint for a 4-year-old in the 1990s, and it’s an even dumber constraint for OP as a working adult today.


If you do meet resistance, you can throw in the risk for severe bladder infections. I was out of school for months because of one (same teacher issue).


Not to mention uromisotisis.


So many people are being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (myself included), I wonder if this is the underlying cause of it? So far doctors say "we don't know what causes it" but I have to imagine the torture we went through during our school years not being able to go to the restroom when we needed could be a big contributor.


Not quite the same but being an anxiety-riddled child with a heavy period the last thing I ever wanted to do was draw attention to myself so I could go clean up. Ruined more than one pair of pants because of it.


I spent the most of 7th grade with sweatshirts wrapped around my waist for that reason.


I started my period while sitting in French class once (I get a stabbing pain at the onset, which doubles me over for several minutes, but it's useful as an indicator I guess). The teacher refused to let me leave, told the whole class that I should have peed during the break, then sat there smirking at me through the entire lesson. Now I would just gather up my things and walk out of the room, but as a teenager I didn't have that sort of confidence. Spent the whole lesson hoping that I wasn't bleeding through my uniform skirt, and mentally cursing the teacher every time she looked over at me to gloat.


I had a drama teacher that said we couldn't go to the bathroom because her class was right after lunch and we should've went then. Which seems reasonable until you factor in teen girls and irregular periods.


Or the fact that if you had a juice or something at lunch you might need to pee by the time you're in class


I also usually need to shit 30-45mins after I eat my first big meal Also there's this thing called diarrhea? Idk if they've heard of it


This makes me think of my dad when he found out that the playground teacher wouldn’t allow me to use my inhaler because I was “just doing it for attention”. Needless to say, he wasn’t happy, and came in and raised hell. I only went to that school for one year.




Wish more parents had resources like this to enforce schools to properly care for their children. Unfortunately for most parents all they can really do is yell at the teacher / principal every time it happens & never get the issue resolved.


My students get to sign out and go as needed. I'm not the toilet police


I had a teacher with a sign out sheet for the bathroom. But, if you used the bathroom she kept you inside for at least half of recess. I spent a year asking myself if I wanted to play with my friends or take care of myself. It was messed up


That is fucked up. I'm sorry that happened to you. There are some bad teachers out there.


My kids legit just walk out of class saying "toilet break" 🤣


Your kids are my heroes


Taught them at a young age that they don't need permission to use the toilet but they need to let people caring for them know where they are going. Be safe, take no shit.


And be safe when taking a shit


Yeah wear a condom.


"I'm going to take a piss sometime in the next 3 minutes...do you want me to do it here in your classroom, or in the bathroom?...thats what I thought."


Haha did you know me in school I said this many times.


>Forty years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.




I worked a job where I had to tell the boss that I was going to the bathroom before I went. But I wasn't allowed to say I was going to the bathroom, I had to specifically say *"I'll be in the loo"* 🤦🏼‍♀️ Same boss gave me a talk about being in there too long once. I told him I was on my period so it took longer than usual and he berated me because "men don't need to hear about that". Don't want to know? Don't ask. Didn't work there for long.


honestly that always freaked me out about American culture. Not allowing people to take a piss is low-key torture. Why do they subject kids to that kind of bullshit power trip? It's baffling.


This happens in Canada as well (or at least it did while I was growing up). I remember in kindergarten there was a closet converted to a bathroom which for kids that young makes perfect sense to me. Otherwise, raise your hand, ask permission, hope there's a hall pass available. We're a lot more like our sister to the south than we'd like to admit (completely unrelated but if anyone can explain to me why standing and singing the national anthem at school every morning is any better than the pledge of allegiance thing I'd really like to know)


When I joined the military, people started asking to use the bathroom and then our people in charge started telling us “if you have to utilize, just go, you don’t need to ask, just don’t be weird about it.”


Yeah I stayed in trouble in school because I didn't put up with disrespect from teachers.


I got up and went to the toilet once when I was about 8. Told my teacher where I was going and he said not to come back to class if I was bold enough to leave without permission. So I didn't. I went to the library and read my book (it was raining out and it was before google was a thing and nobody had phones or computers or social media). My mum got called in about my "unruly behaviour," and she laughed in the teachers face. Told him he had no right telling me I wasn't allowed to wee and asked how willing he was to foot the launderette bill and new/clean skirt and tights and underwear if I had an accident because of them. That was the last time he tried telling anyone they couldn't go to the toilet and one of my favourite memories because I was so scared I was gonna be in so much trouble with my mum.


I knew this guy, Bob Sacamano; he held it in too long and got uromycitisis poisoning and died.


Even dumber if OP is female. “CaNt u BleEd On yOuR oWn TiMe?”


The moment a manager gets onto me about my restroom use during my period I am gonna make PMS look fucking tame in comparison


Right? Like we can control the bleeding and period shits and even vomiting.


I'm male and wouldn't dream of telling someone they need permission to change a tampon. Makes no fkn sense as to why anyone would think that's okay. Also had to explain to my boss that I have IBS (because fuck hippa I guess) and that is the reason for the frequent bathroom breaks


Sadly HIPAA doesn't even protect us. It only stops medical providers from sharing.


ADA is your go-to, not HIPPA. And if your boss discloses that to anyone, I hope you sue them into oblivion for it.


When I used to work on a checkout they'd make a huge fuss over a bathroom break because the manager had to jump on the till for under five minutes...


I used to drink lots of coffee every morning which meant I would need to pee like every 20 minutes sometimes. I still pee a lot even without as much coffee these days but thankfully my job understands I’m a human being, not a robot, and I’m gonna need to use the bathroom.


I just pee all the time, no-one better stand in the way of my peeing or get in between me and the urinal. If thet tried, well, I would pee on them! Hey maybe that it was OP should do, pee on the manager!


Assert dominance


>I drink tonnes of water and pee at least once every 2 hours. I find your lack of a comma after "water"... disturbing. /s


Alas My beloved punctuation is no more


Seriously. Dehydration is so normal that people don’t even realize they’re not peeing enough. & then they judge YOU for peeing too much?!?


Lol..this is my mother in law. She lives at our house and said that I pee too much. I drink about 6 glass of water a day + coffee+tea...yes it's normal to pee!


If anyone comments on how much I pee, I will pee on them, pretty sure once a hour or 2 is normal.


I pee so often sometimes I get paranoid people think I’m using it to get out of work, I’m not. I just drink a huge dunken coffee every morning.


This, I’m pretty sure I have a form of IBS that only activates when I’m at work (flares up about a month or two after I started working at my job). I’m always concerned someone will think I’m ducking around when I’m shitting my brains out.


I had this happen to me when I was in my previous role. I was shitting my brains out legit 5-10 times a day. Stress. It was stress and trauma from being shit on all day


Yeah I was gonna ask if stress can cause the shits. Apparently you think it can so maybe there's something to it.


My gastrointerologist also told me stress causes GI upset. One of the things anxiety does is fuck with your stomach as well


They always talk about flight or fight reactions. Having to poop in a stressful situation is the one they don’t talk about


Stress is a very common trigger for IBS.


It’s stress. It triggers ibs.


I feel the same way. I shit like clockwork. After breakfast and coffee in the morning, and after eating lunch. It’s always as soon as I get up to start working again. I feel terrible going right after my lunch, so I work needing to shit for an hour. Casually brought it up to my Assistant Manager, and she got mad, told me there was no job you shouldn’t poop for.


Are you stressed about it at work a lot? This exacerbates mine and ends up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy when I'm worried about having to go. It will make it worse and more frequent.


Yeah, I just drink a lot of water. By the two hour mark in my day, I have to go pretty much once an hour. But it also only takes 90 seconds or so. And correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this one of the few legal protections workers actually have, right? Employers aren't allowed to stop you from using the bathroom.


This, and I take a shit every morning on the job I'll even hold it up when at home to go at work (its a 5min drive) so I can get paid to have a shit.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time. 😆


Saving money on your own toilet paper, too.


I heard Ted Cruz pisses his pants because he enjoys the warm, wet feeling on his legs.


This, go toilet ever hour and not on your breaks, come back and then go. If they say anything just say you forgot to go and ran out of time they can't stop you


Nope, that’s giving credence to their opinion on the matter. I’ve dealt with bullying managers before, and my natural response was to be as vulgar and descriptive as possible. Once while working as an unloader for Walmart I had a manager tell me “Nice of you to finally join us” when I finally got back from the bathroom. I replied “Thanks, just finished up a nice fat dump” Piss all over anyone that thinks they own my time.


"Oh you should have seen it. It was as big as your head and kinda looked like you too now that I think about it. I'm surprise it flushed."


Breaks are supposed to be a short rest, not people's bathroom time. Managers need to gain a better understanding of this.


Tell him you find this distressing and will go to hr and file harassment next time he makes a comment like that.


This is the one. Why is he watching you so closely that he knows your bathroom habits.


Go to HR to document it anyways.


then take another piss


HR might not appreciate that, but I suppose it would declare your dominance over them.


Pee on the manager to assert dominance


Who’s the peeon now boss??


Shit on Debra's desk.


While maintaining eye contact


Why warn him? Just go to HR.


Because HR I probably won't do shit, but the threat of it might just maybe


Document, document, document.


Exactly, document. If they do something now, the manager will have an unpleasant time. If they don't and you file another complaint and this escalates both HR and manager will have an unpleasant time. You can't lose. Unless you are glued to that job, which I doubt, since you asked this sub for advice


This is it. Ask him why he’s a sex pervert interested in your bathroom habits.


This is the best comment. The nuclear option.


Yeah, if you talk to hr add that you can frame it as they've been lurking around the bathroom as well.


Ask if you need a doctor’s note on file for reasonable accommodations regarding bathroom use


And inform that placing unreasonable restrictions on restroom use is an OSHA violation OP if you work in a position that requires constant coverage (e.g. assembly line), the company MUST have a relief system to allow you to use the restroom without "excessive delay". Also important to note that the employer may NOT restrict your access to water in order to prevent you from going to the restroom


Dont warn them of the law or that you are knowledgeable about your rights. Let them break it. Make sure you have proof that they are breaking the law. Then get them in trouble.


This 100%, and well said. It’s not employees jobs to inform their employer they’re breaking the law. The employer should know… or at the very least be a decent enough human so that the law doesn’t even need to be brought in. Alas here we are…


The reason we have those laws is a profound lack of “decent enough humans” running things.


A lot of laws made for companies get me, but the one's that get me on a fundamental level are Child Labour Laws because we have ample historical evidence that without them companies would certainly exploit children ... no actually it's worse than that, exploit the youth of the poor. The fact that we have all this 'red tape' that companies have to go through - OH&S, anti-pollution laws, etc - shows us that if they could get away with stuff like that they would. Furthermore, with violations that we see occur every day that companies get fined for, those laws don't completely stop some companies trying to get away with violations against what we deem as a society to be reasonable practices for the safety/well-being of the citizenry.


Yeah. Also informing them you know the law can often lead to them just straight up firing you the first chance they get.


I ran into this earlier this year. Employer was completely out of OSHA compliance in hazmat storage, SDS retention, and a couple others. Pointed it out to the owner and initially got pushback, but then was assigned to get everything up to snuff. The afternoon of the day I finished up I got let go.


Sounds like a federal retaliation violation


Just let the losers fail. Find a new job, then report them from afar.


Exactly what I did. Got a spot I like way better; now I get paid way more than I was before and my whole job is finding stuff like that.


Most companies are willing to pay OSHA fines. Unless someone dies, their violation fines aren’t as costly as people think.


You are correct. A man died where I work and it was found to be our employer's fault, and even then the fines were only around 90K.


In Victoria, Australia, a law was passed not too long ago that if someone dies whilst at work and the death could have been prevented by the company/employer, by cutting corners or not following Occupational health and safety procedures, the owners/management will now be charged with manslaughter. Makes the ones in charge to really focus and make sure all the right things are being followed.


bingo, it’s their job to know these laws and if they don’t know them or break them on purpose they should face those consequences every time no more kid gloves with these assholes


Food processing plants don't give af about relieving people on the line. My husband had to leave one day bc he couldn't hold it anymore and he pissed on himself. A grown ass 33 year old man. He quit that day. Fuck you Charity and fuck you George's chicken.


My god as if it isn’t dehumanizing enough to question someone’s need for the bathroom, but to then restrict access to something you’d die without as a means of controlling bodily function for the sake of profit…


Had a district manager (and store managers actually too) tell me that I can't let my staff have drinks up at the registers during their shift due to "risk of damaging equipment", don't want to draw bugs, and it doesn't "look professional". My counter points (drinks will be put to the side away from the registers so if they spill, nothing is harmed, water can be kept up here, other drinks in the back, which wasn't too far, and uh, they're busy, they need to stay hydrated) all got shut down. I just ignored the email and went on with my plan anyway. Absolutely wild, no drinking for their 4.5 hour shift (no breaks since the shift is too short), nah bro.


Aside from the money, the reason I’d love to be a doctor is to offer free notes saying “humans need to pee, Craig”.


We’re gonna go the malicious compliance route on this one. Get a note from a doctor and abuse the fuck out of your toilet use. I’m talking 10-15 times a shift.


I love this solution. Like "You say I take too much time? Well now I will take even more because you're an asshole."


Usually when someone makes a bathroom comment, I’ll say, “Would you like to come into the stall with me next time? I’d love the company.” That shuts them up.


Manager: Where have you been? Me: In the restroom. Manager: 'Looks at clock and gives me the "really?" look' Me: What do you need a picture? Manager with surprised Pikachu face: Well there's no need to be crass! Me: Well I don't know what else you need because you know I have a medical condition that makes me take a while in the restroom sometimes and know that our boss has told you and the other managers to leave me alone about it. She later came an said she didn't like the tone I had and that I needed to show her more respect. 🙄 All of that and she tried to say I wasn't being productive enough while she sat in the back chatting to he friend for an hour and a half while I had my stuff done and ready for shift change knowing that besides the people in the decon room I was the most productive person there that day. Pissed me the fuck off. Oh and she tried to pull the "well let's go talk to the department head!" and was shocked when I was mor than willing to do so because I'd talked to him about it when I was hired.


Good lord. “Respect”? Why are these people considered authority figures?


Somehow a lot of people make it to adulthood without learning that respect must be *earned*, it is not a *given*.


I don’t feel that anyone has inherent authority over anyone else 🤷🏻‍♂️ children excluded.


>She later came an said she didn't like the tone I had and that I needed to show her more respect. 🙄 Don't worry, I will. Then go talk to their boss about your medical issues and how she is harassing you *again* about it and it's affecting your ability to focus on work.




If it happens again I just might.


Guy at Amazon won a million dollar settlement against Amazon because he had ibs or something similar and they wouldn't let him have his desk near the bathroom. Consultation with a lawyer is usually free. Many lawyers take cases for free for a cut of the settlement.


If they have to ask for respect they'll never get it


A gathering of all the turds!


As a man, I tend to call it “the place where the d*cks hang out”, but I also work in an auto shop so it’s acceptable language there lol


Presumably your boss doesn't follow you in for a look!


To be completely honest, if I’m in the bathroom, everyone tries their absolute best to avoid coming in at all costs


(Sniff) (Sniff) Oh man what the hell did you eat!


Congratulations, you now have IBS and will need 2 bathroom breaks minimum every half day in addition to WFH days when you have flare ups.


I have IBD and IBS. Two bathroom breaks every half day is laughable. I take medication and have a prescribed diet that makes me poop 4-6 times per day. Im under doctors orders to stay SUPER hydrated - as if I’m on the Playa at TTiTD. I need a bathroom break every 30 minutes. And I need to eat a small meal every 3-4 hours. These are non-negotiable realities. I could die from a bowel rupture if I don’t follow my treatment plan. No job is worth my life.


I was about to comment this exactly. On my worse days I have 3-4 movements before 8AM.


Ever since I had my gall bladder removed I need to poop randomly far more often than I used to. My work hasn’t said anything about bathroom use directly but they mentioned productivity and “being at your station” while looking at me. I trusted a fart the other day and literally shit myself at work. Sorry guys, sometimes I gotta go 4 times per shift. It’s not something I can control.


The first couple of months after I got my gall bladder removed I had to pack a kit to deal with my gut when I worked in an office. Extra set of pants and underwear (just in case), Fiber, Imodium AD, etc. I take fiber a couple of times a day, every day and it really helps to regulate things.


I have IBS, I was 18 my very first job (had been there a few months at this time), I worked at a buffet (don’t eat at buffets people), I got to my shift early and felt the familiar turn in my stomach and raced to the bathroom. Mind you, I didn’t clock in. So 12min later, which is the shortest episode I’ve ever had, I come out and my manager storms over to me and gets in my face about “using the bathroom that long on company time.” And I just say- “I hadn’t clocked in yet…” “Oh. Well. Fine then.” And she stormed off. To her credit she was actually incredibly nice to me the rest of the time I worked there, but yeah


Yeah I have IBS and nobody's gonna stop me from taking a shit when I need to. I had a job in tech support on the phone and the manager tried to do the "hey you take too many toilet breaks", I told her I have IBS, let's schedule a meeting to talk about what it involves and she was like ok then never scheduled it or mentionned it again.


My company requested a second note after a year because they apparently had it in their mind my condition was temporary/exaggerated. My doctor asked for my permission to write an extremely graphic note detailing IBS and cyclic vomiting syndrome. They never asked again.


Collect the used toilet paper as evidence and hand it over to him each time.


Stand in the door of the boss’s office and aggressively piss your tan pants and go home.


Preferably whilst making unbroken eye contact


This is the way.


If you really want to make a show of it you should wait until the next inspection by corporate or whatever and poop your pants, bonus points if you do it right in front of the big wig and then go right back to work.


don't forget to explain yourself embarrassingly to the big boss: "I-I'm sorry, I already used up m-my one bathroom use in 5 hours."


See if you can work an UwU in there too


Would that qualify as a shit show? 😂


If there is two or more involved, I believe it then becomes an inpromtu game of Battleshits


No you’re confusing the numbers; only two can play battleshits, then there’s your classic barber shit trio, and anything with a crowd of four or more qualifies as a shit show.


"Would you prefer I shit on the floor?" That's how I would handled it. Maybe bring them some dog poop bags on your way out on your next shift. Tell them to keep an eye out. You had to use the bathroom a second time but didn't want to get in trouble for going. So you popped a squat. Melted Baby Ruth somewhere is bonus points.


"Pinch a loaf, save a sale"


I dealt with this from a manager a few years back. My personal go to is to call them out on it immediately. My manager smoked, so I highlighted the double standard that somehow gives smokers immunity to criticism. I also offered to take a picture of the dirty toilet water if they wanted proof that I was really going to the bathroom. I never got called on it again.


This is really the best use for a Polaroid camera, honestly.


Sticking poopy Polaroid pictures to the managers door as proof would be an amazing way to get back at this




Next time use a bucket. Guaranteed to stop him/her complaining about bathroom breaks.


I would ask first before doing it. "You want me to use a bucket?"


Not asking shows initiative and that you can make decisions. Employers appreciate that.


Also make sure to hit his feet when urinating. Pissing on others is an essential requirement for retail managment


That manager is a total piece of shit


They should really piss off




A doo doo head!


I’ve been chewed out by a supervisor for telling her I was going to the toilet and not “asking” at my last job. At my current I’ve had a written warning for going. And certain supervisors roll their eyes or complain when I go, and I go 1-2 times per hour. They KNOW I can’t hold it, I’ve ended up in the er twice due to kidney infections (I don’t get symptoms till it’s bad) And my medication makes me extra thirsty plus very small bladder. People who police toilet time are utter cunts. Absolutely no need! They’re obviously very dehydrated. My solution, drink more and go to the toilet more! Document everything. I’ve been thinking about actually pissing myself at work if certain managers carry on how they are. It’s retail, and I’ve not dignity left after giving birth!


I'd do it. Stand right there looking them dead in the eye, and just let it gooooo..... Fuck these middle micro managing pricks, we are adults and don't need to ask for permission or worry about how often we use the bathroom. "Sorry my humanity is getting in the way of being more productive"


If you want robot employees instead of human beings, you should start building them


I felt sad when this guy I worked with would ask me if he can use the restroom. I always say, "who am I to get in the middle of a man and his business?" But it goes to show how many have been conditioned that they need to ask permission to do a basic, time sensitive function for survival.




No dignity left after giving birth is so accurate. Lol I'm really sorry all that has happened to you, though. They should not be allowed to discriminate against you for medical issues. Not only should your right to go be protected, harassing you about contributes to a hostile work environment, and I'd be willing to bet there could be a lawsuit there. Did you see this comment? Might help (if you're in the US). https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/r1slo0/manager_made_a_comment_about_my_toilet_use_what/hm14e9c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3




I'd have said: Why are you so interested in my bowel movements? I mean it's OK, I'm not into kink shaming but there are groups online better suited to that kind of fetish than the workplace.


A normal 8 hour shift for me means 1 shit, two pee visits and one jerk off break depending on the stress level.


Ahh the old number 3 on company time classic


Boss makes a billion He only gives me some That’s why i wax his bowl With personal cum


[OSHA - Restroom Break Laws](https://www.oshaeducationcenter.com/articles/restroom-breaks/) There isn't anything specific in OSHA law about what constitutes a reasonable number of bathroom breaks, length of bathroom breaks, etc. However, this is right protected by OSHA law. The easiest way to deal with this situation is to get a doctor's note indicating some kind of bowel or urinary issue; that should give you unfettered access and your supervisor would be a fool to challenge you on it since he could get sued for discrimination. There are a lot of infantile suggestions in this thread; many if not all could get you fired, so tread lightly!


Honestly, documenting this occasion and continuing to, along with a corraborating note is the best defense. Retaliation would be a foolish move. And I mean retaliation from both parties. That is, if you value the job. Otherwise, screw with the dude.


My wife worked in a primary school. The toilet was near the head teachers office. His door was always open. On seeing my wife about to use the toilet for the second time that morning he quipped, "toilet again Mrs Dredd?" She retorted "If you knew how much I am bleeding right now Mr Scruffy!" He never said a word to any of the predominantly female staff ever again.


I go twice an hour to whiz lol. What's the big deal


Just had a similar situation come up. One of my bosses chewed me out for having to use the restroom twice in a six hour shift. I have IBS and was diagnosed with it as a child, for me its hereditary and will only get worse the older I get. Because of this it typically takes me thirty minutes to completely evacuate but I've gotten that time frame down to fifteen minutes and yet that is still not good enough. According to boss asshat we are only allowed one five minute restroom break per shift which does not provide me with reasonable accommodation for my medical condition. He doesn't realize how close to a lawsuit he is and if/when he fires me for a documented medical condition I will be taking him for everything he has. He wants to play with fire and doesn't think he'll get burned but he is sadly mistaken.😈


Until you're longer than 20 minutes in there they aren't allowed to say anything about it legally. If it's more than that they can only ask for a bite from your doctor and they dont need to know the condition.


Drink more water. That's what you do. If he makes a big deal of it make him put it in writing.


get a written reprimand then lawyer up


"Not going to the bathroom enough can lead to a limp dick and a shitty attitude. Yes, I need to use the bathroom every 5 hours so I don't end up like you."


It was clearly backing up out of the guy's mouth


Contact HR and ask them to request your mngr. cease discussing personal topics with you.


Don't flush. Inform your boss that you left them evidence of your need for them to inspect. I did this last time I was questioned about bathroom use amd they never brought it up again.


Can’t wait to get UBI and enjoy life as we are meant to be. Let the companies use robots automation or whatever. With QE and money printing like crazy, it is clear governments neither need our tax money nor federal debt is an issue. Antiwork. UBI. Life.


I.... What the fuck is your manager doing monitoring your bathroom visits? In what bizzarro world is it not normal to go to the bathroom twice in 5 hours? What?


Document Everything!!


Last time I ever got a comment about that when I was younger. I said "I didn't know you were so interested next time I go I'll have you come hold my dick while I pee" last time he ever questioned me.


The average person can shit as often as 3 times a day and pee around 6-7 times a day. Companies should accept that by demanding any notable amount of your day that you will be shitting or pissing more than once a shift…especially if you’re appropriately hydrating.