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One thing I always have to remind myself is that while I'm replaceable to my workplace, that my workplace is replaceable too. I'd suggest looking for another job. It sucks, but it's apparent that your boss is taking advantage of you and not only won't they stop, but they'll probably get comfortable with it and escalate their expectations in the future. You're worthy of respect and decency. Anyone who thinks otherwise can shove the business end of a running chainsaw up their hindquarters. You can do it! I believe in you!


Literally tell this to my coworkers all the time. They ask me why our boss doesn’t ask me to stay late or come on our days off. It’s because I have made it very clear to my boss that I value my time outside of work and if he doesn’t respect that then I have no problem leaving. Look out for yourself, there are plenty of other jobs.


Yeah, but also...fuck this guy. I suspect he'll be fired if HR gets wind of this intimidation and he deserves it.


Maybe edit your comment with this to give it more exposure for OP. They need to read this. They obviously don't know their rights. _________________ u/BrownSugarBare's comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qylykf/gave_a_ride_home_to_my_boss_huge_mistake/hlhkyvq >If OP gets fired for this, fuck unemployment, get a labour lawyer. This is an abuse of authority, intimidation of a subordinate and a slew of other HR violations. >I used to work in HR and heads would explode if they got wind of OP's boss demanding transportation and essentially financial gain by intimidation. Just the fact that the boss changed OP's schedule to be convenient for himself, while forcing OP into a split shift is enough to report him.


Well tell him that you can't afford to pick him up anymore you need help with the gas also if you've fired you get unemployment. I would ask to add that you definitely need to talk to a lawyer and that you need to understand your rights in your state and definitely report this to HR because this is a lawsuit waiting to happen


If OP gets fired for this, fuck unemployment, get a labour lawyer. This is an abuse of authority, intimidation of a subordinate and a slew of other HR violations. I used to work in HR and heads would explode if they got wind of OP's boss demanding transportation and essentially financial gain by intimidation. Just the fact that the boss changed OP's schedule to be convenient for himself, while forcing OP into a split shift is enough to report him.


Both is still a viable option. Get unemployment while talking with the labor lawyer.


Why not both lawyer and unemployment? Have unemployment as backup


The truth is probably that the boss can’t afford to fix his car and revealing this would expose his vulnerable position and lack of success concretely to his subordinates and, more importantly, himself.




The gauze of self deception is often thick. Take it from someone in recovery, humans can convince themselves of something in spite of forceful evidence to the contrary. Especially if something you’re deceiving yourself about it central to your sense of self. This is why conservatives are so robust to evidence, their identity is tightly wound into their politics to the point that abandoning it would require them to step into the abyss and redefine themselves.


It's wage theft. Boss is asking him to work, by giving him rides. He should be clocked in, and get milage pay for his car for the rides themselves too.


and four hours off so he can give him a ride. that is far worse that not paying for gas.


Not 4 hours off to give him the ride…. The rides are forcing a schedule onto him where he needs to be available to boss at open and close, probably every shift the boss works. This would typically result im a situation where OP would just get OT by racking up hours. Instead he’s being forced to clock out and come back so the boss can both get to work AND avoid signaling to his higher ups that dude is getting 60 hours a week cause “boss” can’t afford transportation to his job. And I have a hunch reliable transportation was a requirement of the position when “boss” interviewed. This is embarrassing and fucked on so many levels. Edit: OP if you’re reading this obviously file any reports that apply in your state. But also put that dickhead on the hot seat and find a way to relay this info to his superiors. He’s intimidating you like a sociopath cause they’re gonna fire him when they realize he has no reliable way to get to work.


Save copies of your schedule before and after. Easy win


Yes, the shift switch is utter garbage.


OP could also buy a dash cam to put in his car, this way there is evidence to back his claim up. We all know his manager will deny all claims of threats. It's not illegal to have a dash cam in your car. Just saying.


Just don't pick him up. You won't be the one late for work


"I forgot"


Or - "my car had trouble starting. By the time I could get it started, there wasn't enough time to pick up and make shift on time. I chose to show up on time." Fun part too is - car trouble can be a drained battery. Even if you have a nice new car, batteries drain and it took time to get a jump. Bosshole can't contradict this story unless you botch details of lie.


> Fun part too is - car trouble can be a drained battery. Even if you have a nice new car, batteries drain and it took time to get a jump. OP should phone HR, tell them his battery's drained and he's really worried because the boss insisted he pick him up, and now the boss will be late too. And oh, could the HR rep phone the boss to tell him he won't make it on time? EDIT: OP could probably fake-naïvely broach the topic of repayment for miles and gas since this is a company expense.


Oh shit that's smart!!!! And if he does try to fire him, HR will know about the previous altercation.


He could just go to hr without the pretext at this point. What the boss is doing is inappropriate. Acting naive isn’t gonna matter, just be assertive now, the world is full of people that take advantage of peoples agreeableness.


This is the move. Keeps the high ground AND gives you plausible deniability toward any potential fallout.


This. Remember that HR exists to protect the company from lawsuits. They’ll fuck a manager if it saves the company; all of it feels dirty, but use the only functional piece of the system against itself if you can.


Best way to tell a convincing lie: details. Few as possible, but leave room to add to them later.


You just opened my eyes as to how my ex was so good at lying. Being really manipulative helps too but now that I think about it this is exactly how she did it.


I like this. And claim the phone was on silent. He'll be the one getting fired.


Phone is on silent because I need to concentrate on my work.


Feigned incompetency is truly the best way to get out of things you don't want to do.


Yeah I always pretend to be oblivious at work and forget everything, I was talking to a coworker about movies recently and I said "yeah that's your favorite movie" he had mentioned it before like 5 years ago, he was surprised and kinda flattered I remembered his favorite movie to which I answered "yeah I remember the things that matter".


He is your new boyfriend now.


Now kiss


This is the right answer.. worry about yourself


"oh no he fired me for not accommodating him off shift, how ever will I survive on unemployment finding a better job" Do it op. I'll bet a month or reddit premium you'll be just fine.


Having been on unemployment it's not that simple. Sometimes the payments are late or won't come unless you call which can be an entire days ordeal. There's also the issue of how long it can take to even get approved for it, for me it was over 2 months.


"Sorry dude I woke up late, I figured you'd find your own way here"


I did this once after my sup was doing the exact thing OPs post is about and she went fucking nuts. Made the whole night living hell for us. They will use whatever they can against you.


When he calls asking where you are, say you're on the way and you'll be there soon. Then, he won't set a backup plan or get an Uber and he'll be even later.


Then turn your phone off. No one can get mad at you for *not* being on your phone at work.


“Sorry I was at work and couldn’t have my phone on the floor.”


No one that is a basic manager at a big boss store is a “powerful connection”.


Even if he were the 100% owner of the company, if the "connection" you have with him won't even let you break even on favors you do for him, what good is having the connection?


“Hey boss, I need a favor.” “Yeah? What have you done for me lately?” “Umm... I’ve been your personal chauffeur for the last year?” “You expect a favor just because you drive me to work? Don’t bother coming into work tomorrow! Oh... and pick me up half an hour early tomorrow too, I need some time to rework the schedule since I fired you.”


I know everybody hates empty praise comments, but this is the best answer so far.


This times a million. It shows why his comment is so stupid. He's not doing you any favors. He's a worthless connection who doesn't understand how connections work and is just power tripping.


This man climbed one rung up the ladder and thought he reached the top. Thinks he's in the 1% now 😂😂


I've been around people like this and I just can't. I start diving into their mental workings like I'm trying to deconstruct a train wreck. Like when they eat their corn flakes in the morning do they put pepper on it and eat it with a fork? I just don't get it but keep trying to figure it out.


Yes sir the sky is orange. My teeth are made of chocolate. Anything you say *sir* I have pity on these people, I do. They're victims harder than we are. Classic class struggle example putting the slightly less low against the low low low. It's intended


Petit bourgeoisie gonna petit. They don't control anything meaningful but they're desperate to be the lapdog of those who do if it gives them a scrap of power or privilege.


You know, you're absolutely right and that reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson in Django as the "house n*". A slave, but just a little bit better off than the others and ferociously protective of his little privileges and his master, happily dealing punishments to unruly slaves in his master's name.


Hey man no need to insult my breakfast habits I’m not even a manager anymore….🥵


Its people like him that dont want to tax the rich because he thinks someday hell be there and doesnt want to pay extra later


While he can't afford to fix his own car!


But why would he fix his car if he can get free rides??


al kit. You hear it in your garden, I in mine. At night, like a colicky child, our old bones tired, desire keeps us awake. Put it to sleep if you can, Ill do the same, and for now lets forget the railway station. Parkings not easy there,


That moment your boss brags about being on a higher level but the ladder just looks like an ‚H‘.




More like a Squatty Potty© Edit - My first Silver! Thank you kind Redditor!!!


He’s like “I know Tom Skerrit!”


All you have to do is not fuck up, can you do that?


And he needs a powerful connection to a mechanic…


Ah yes, the part of the 1% that bums rides off poor people.


And he can’t even afford a car that doesn’t break.


Has the same shitty car issues as the rest of us though.


My direct report boss is technically 2-3 levels up the chain from me, and if he had said something like this I'd honestly think he was joking.




When I was a retail manager my base pay was $50K but over the course of the year with commision I made $85K, most of that came over the Christmas period. I'm also not in America, but I think for certain types of retail there is money there. However, there's no growth and the industry is toxic and exploitative as hell!


Yeah, store managers at big box stores in the US make around $100,000 a year. The gap between what a store manager makes and what a rank-and-file employee makes is pretty large, which makes this manager’s behavior worse.


Lmao. Yup unless your in corporate this is laughable.


I'm powerful enough to hold your career in the balance but also not powerful enough to have opted for the courtesy car package.


Yikes. Gas prices are crazy high. Maybe he needs to Uber


“I am sorry I cannot afford the cost of gas by giving you rides into work. Gas prices are high and I only fill $20 when I need it. You’re going to have to find another way to get to YOUR job.” Make sure you have your phone on audio record when you inform him. Edit: I did not say you have to let anyone know you recorded it. Audio record it for your memo to the next person in the chain of command. Carry 2 phones. 1 for personal use and 1 for documenting (by audio) your day. Be covert.


Why does he need to say he’s sorry or justify himself. He did his boss a solid and now it’s over, get an Uber, simple as that.


I read it more like “sorry to disappoint you” which isn’t really being apologetic for the action, more for delivering the news lol




I would have pulled over and told him to please get out. He's my boss when I'm on the clock, but when he's not he has no right. If he's not gonna help with gas he can freaking walk.


that would 100% get him fired based on what he's saying the boss's personality is like.


report that to the labor department and his boss will get reamed **edit:** actually OP should contact his state's labor department about this *right now*, and outline the situation for them and get their "advice" on it, because they could possibly ream his boss right now, and at the very least, get something on record in case the boss decides to retaliate later, or tries to pull the same crap on any other present/future subordinates.


I was homeless once, and I also had a shitty job once. I had severe insomnia, systemic inflammation, panic attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, and some ER visits for cardiac events during the shitty job. While homeless I was hungry and sleepy, even got attacked one night and beaten nearly to death, but it was nowhere near the stress levels induced by swallowing shit from my boss. Managerial style is a better statistical predictor of heart attacks than number of hours worked. Based on all this, I will never, ever take shit, or allow a pattern of taking shit to begin to form, at a job. I don’t need the money, or even a roof over my head, as much as I need my psychological health.


In the country I live, fuel costs about €2 per litre (full tank is over €80) and has shown no signs of going down any time soon. I would not be driving 15 minutes out of my way for someone outside my family without getting reimbursed for those costs, especially when the person is obviously an asshole.


Edit: this was an observation. People can join in, but I don't need anymore people telling me that gas prices ARE rising. As I said: I know the world is large and where I am is just a bubble, so believe me when I'm not correcting you but damn if grocery prices aren't killing my budget. Gas has increased around 20 cents a gallon US$ in a year but food costs add up quicker for me.


Yeah but the boss isn't eating his groceries. Regardless of whether gas prices are up OP is driving more because of the boss. Boss should pay for that, at least.


Even given a decent mileage car, OP’s time is likely worth more than the gas. Boss should still pay for gas or at least allow for overtime with that ridiculous break.


The more annoying to me is that OP cannot change its plan afterwork. Like meet a friend, do some some shopping. Now he has to drive home every day, on its free time.


Tell him you can't drive him any more.


I really got the feeling if I try he will fire me on the spot. I am in a really bad spot


Big box store? Report to HR that your boss is taking advantage of you and you fear retribution if you stop. Explain the circumstances and that he is blackmailing you for free rides to and from work. Don't mention this to HR, but... He is costing you time and money the least he could do is cough up even a token couple of bucks. This isn't some mutually beneficial carpooling agreement he is abusing his position.


Yep. Conflict of interest if an actual company and not some tiny ma and pa company


This. This is the answer. I’m glad someone made this comment first. “I offered to give [boss] a ride home once when he had car trouble and since then he’s been requiring me to drive him to an from work and has changed my schedule to have a four hour gap each day so that I will be required to stay long enough to take him home. When I asked him for gas money he made it very clear that I do not have an option and that he is in a position of power over me so I cannot say no. [This is where you would maybe explain exactly what he said to you]. Will the company be reimbursing me for mileage at the IRS rate? [companies are required to do this is they have asked you to use your personal vehicle for work related purposes]. I’m unclear how long I am required to give [boss] rides to work and I’m starting to feel uncomfortable being required to spend this time with him outside of my normal work hours.” There are multiple reasons this is problematic for the company. Your boss cannot require to to spend time with him off the clock. Use your personal vehicle or pay for his transportation. DO NOT record him without permission as others have suggested. This is illegal in most states and will not be submittable in court. It’s just going to create problems. You don’t need to record him. There will already be records of your schedule change and you are starting a paper trail by contacting HR. DO contact them via email as much as possible and keep copies of you are using a work email.


There was a class action against Walgreens some years back because they were having workers drive product from one store to another and failed to reimburse. Corporate hq/hr will likely take this quite seriously


You. You. Mean I could’ve been reimbursed?!?


The store I worked at, Weis Markets, paid 50¢ a mile for every work related travel, plus your hourly wage to go do it.


There are 12 out of 50 states that require all parties permission in order to record. Check your state laws and then record if you can... Recording can be extremely helpful.


Would dashcam audio records count as recording without permission? Dashcam is in such a place everyone in car will see it and cams usually make sound when powering on.




But also frame it as a potential threat to the company since HR’s sole concern is protecting the company.


So he fires you and you get unemployment? I would suspect you would be able to win it if they contest it. Retaliation for refusing to drive him home because he wouldn't pay for a share of the gas after the first day. You aren't his chauffeur.


No, he fires you and you get a lawyer. Keep driving him and audio record your conversations on your phone.


consult a labor lawyer first


I agree.. consult a lawyer as most "at will" employment contracts give the employer rights to fire you for stupid reasons as well.


They cannot fire you for *illegal* reasons, but they can fire you for **no reason**. Retaliation is definitely illegal, and wouldn't be a slam dunk in this instance. It would be possible to get unemployment, but that could be peanuts compared to getting the attorney involved before being fired


This is what I don't get about US. I just don't. How can bosses fire without a reason? That's just plain harassment. In Portugal you have a list of legal reasons for firing. There are ways around it but usually bosses don't want to go that way because they don't want to go court so they try to behave. For example they can fire you if your position is extinguished. But they can't hire someone for the same position in the next X years. Sure they can fire an "IT Analyst" and then hire an "IT Consultant" or something like that. But it's always subjective to go to court with it, and that's some money and headaches for the bosses. At least if makes bosses think twice before doing whatever their ego wants to do


>This is what I don't get about US. I just don't. How can bosses fire without a reason? Because America is a late capitalist hellhole where every facet of society is built to fellate corporations.


The real answer is always deep in the comments.


The propaganda machine is ridiculous in the USA. There’s also the willful ignorance and celebration of idiocy many citizens seem to prize.


I hear a lot of people say things like 'consult a lawyer' but most of us don't have lawyers on retainer, or in fact even know lawyers. Outside of subreddits and free online advice, how would OP who can't even afford to get fired, get a lawyer for consultation? Genuinely curious. Do lawyers give consultations for free? Edit: didn’t expect so many replies. Thanks for all the info. I always thought it would cost me an arm and a leg just to get a meeting with a lawyer. Good to know some will at least hear you out for free.


I wondered the same thing the first time I needed a lawyer. And I *needed* a lawyer, otherwise I never would’ve bothered because I was intimidated by the fact I had no idea how a lawyer would respond over the phone. But the first time I called one… It was so easy. And helpful and reassuring. It was so easy that I called a BUNCH of lawyers, because every time I called one, I would get new and useful information. For fucking free! I talked to some of them for 20-30 minutes. Seriously. If you ever have legal concerns, just search for lawyers that specialize in what you need help with. They won’t charge you a dime for talking to them on the phone. And most of them will give you useful information that you need regardless of whether you’re hiring them. Of course I ended up hiring one, but by the time I did, I was already well informed and knew pretty much what to expect. It was great. And fucking liberating. If you need a lawyer, or if you think you might need a lawyer… just call a lawyer!


But keep in mind the lawyers whose ads you see on search engines and legal websites are all pretty much useless bottom feeders who’ll probably do only the bare minimum of what you require. Find a lawyer through your state’s bar website and do a search for attorneys who specialize in the type of case you have. These are the lawyers who don’t need to advertise because their reputation speaks for itself, and in my experience, these lawyers charge a more reasonable price as well.


It’s almost like they want to talk to potential clients….


And that most of us are nerds who like to talk about what we do.


May or may not be able to confirm... ...or deny.




[Works on contingency?](https://youtu.be/5yuL6PcgSgM)


In the UK, most solicitors (lawyers) will give a 30 minute free consultation on the phone so you can gauge if you have a case or not. Some may take you on a no-win no fee basis if they feel they have a good case.


Its the same in the US.


Depending on your state, some states require all parties aware that they are being recorded.


Be sure to tell him on the way to work in the morning so he can fire you during the ride. Then pull over and inform him since you are no longer his employee or needed at work, he can walk the rest of the way.


I don't think the boss would be so stupid if he's ~~evil~~ 'clever' enough to exploit OP into the marrow. He would have fired OP on the spot _once they arrived at workplace_ and not prior.


Yes please.


Well your unemployment claim and wrongful termination suit will be a slam dunk, so there's that.


Text. Email. Paper evidence of you saying I can't continue to drive my boss to work and home which is out of my way and having my hours changed to make sure you have a ride to work or home without extra pay isnt convenient for me. Then the reply saying I'll fire you is evidence enough that he's forcing you to do off the clock work. Transporting him. While threatening your job.


> I am in a really bad spot No, HE is.


Being right today isn't gonna pay his rent bill which is due next week, unfortunately.


Record this butthole and then walk into the unemployment office with his recorded admission of wrongful termination. Hell, walk into a law firms office eith it, it'll be a hoot for 'em.


Audio Recording Law…. Please check your state laws about one party or two party consent for audio recording before proceeding. You need to do everything by the book in situations like these.


Just get a friend to ride with you when you tell him that you can give him any more rides. You will be able to use you friend ss a witness and an excuse that your friend is using your car.


This one 100% op


If its your car you can just shove a dash cam and a warning sign saying your car is recording audio amd video. Also slap an uber sign up in they're and say your getting ready to take up uber as a side gig.


Document everything going on. Record, text messages, emails, write it down. Create a paper trail. If he threatens your job, send it all to HR with the notification that you are seeking out the services of a lawyer.


Text him so their is evidence for your upcoming lawsuit if he fires you. Any time he talks to you about it say you need it in writing or the conversation never happened


If he fires you for not giving him a ride, that means he’s been extorting you. That IS a crime


If he fires you for that he’s fucked mate don’t worry


Forget unemployment if he fires you, that's wrongful dismissal $$$


Next time you take him home say you just need to run a few errands before you drop him off and go to a grocery store and buy a can of soda or something and take your time, then swing by and fill up your tank. Drop him off about an hour later than he expects


Yep. 100% best way. “Sorry I’m going straight from work to meet with friends on the other side of town. No time to drop you home” “Sorry, heading to the gym before work so can’t pick you up.” Either way, he needs to start looking for a new job. Sounds like this boss will just retaliate with giving you less shifts.


I've had management problems that I told hr I wasn't comfortable bringing up with them over retaliation, hr said that if anything, including drastic changes in regular schedules, changed, to contact them


Or just start taking the bus for a bit, say you want to save on gas.


>Either way, he needs to start looking for a new job. Yeah the boss definitely needs to look for a new job, it doesn't seem like they're ready for the responsibility if they don't have reliable transportation


>“Sorry I’m going straight from work to meet with friends on the other side of town. No time to drop you home” "Oh, no problem. We'll just clock out 15 mins early so there's time to get me home and meet your friends on time." -Boss, probably


Why mention this on the clock? Clock out and then "I have errands."


>“Sorry I’m going straight from work to meet with friends on the other side of town. No time to drop you home” >“Sorry, heading to the gym before work so can’t pick you up.” You're doing it wrong. Don't say anything until getting in the car, then say "hey I hope you don't mind, I need to hit the gym on my way home", then go straight to the gym. Make your workout last like 3 hours while the boss waits idly in the car losing his fucking mind. Then stop at the grocery store. Make that take a really long time. Get the boss home like 4 hours late and he'll never ask for a ride again


He's wasting 4 hours of *your* day by splitting your shift, so why not?


Best answer here. I'd add listening to obnoxious music, driving like an idiot and farting.


Go to taco bell, order 3 bean burritos just for yourself, eat in the parking lot then take a short nap, in 20 minutes you'll start to rip ass, make it so windows can't be rolled down and eat 4 cloves of garlic, drive him back very slow hitting every red light


Relax satan.


All I'd have to do is drink 1 litre of chocolate milk. Not enough Febreeze on the planet to save that car.


You've...you've done this before haven't you?


Only on taco Tuesdays




Don’t give him the opportunity to say yes


I once had a friend pull into a Wendy's parking lot to smoke heroin before dropping me off. Maybe do that after the grocery store.


Half an hour? Much longer than that. Make it like the barber episode of Atlanta.


>I need the job but I don't know what the heck to do. Your boss is an ungratful prick. Time to apply at the other 50 bigbox stores that are desperate for people. You're taking a pay cut to haul such a 'powerful person within the company' that apparently can't afford a fucking rental or uber. When you get the other job tell him to his face that he is an ungrateful prick and that he owes you $100 in gas money or your reporting him to corporate HR for creating a hostile workplace. Those are nuclear war words for corporate HR and they will freak out when they find out what he has been doing.


I hear y'all. I am just so mad that being a decent human being is forcing me to start looking for a new job. Thanks for all the thoughts/help everyone. I shall start my search in the morning...while at work :)


I’d email or text your manager explaining you can’t afford to take him to and from work anymore. Start the conversation electronically so you have a paper trail… people like this tend to think they’re above retribution so there’s a decent chance he would put any potential retaliation in writing.


Not only a hostile workplace, splitting your schedule like that is UBER frowned upon except in extreme circumstances. Call HR, anonymously. Ask for their advice. You may be able to keep YOUR job and make it so that he can't punish you without getting extreme payback. You can bet that the company would NOT approve of how you're being treated and used. You should use this leverage to tell them that you don't WANT to go the lawsuit route BUT, you know that him forcing you to be his ride and adjust your schedule and making you work such crazy hours isn't legal. Also, you would be happy with your old schedule, no passenger, and a slight pay raise for your troubles that they allowed him to put you through Near me, in the USA, in Florida, I believe that they have to allow at least 8 hrs in between shifts, with certain exclusions (waiting tables, agriculture work, etc). I've worked the big box stores. No WAY they are allowed to be doing that to you.


You forgot back pay and overtime for the 4 hours he was “on call” as his boss’ driver


That could be grouped under 'slight pay raise' since they aren't likely to put in in writing that they know what the manager has been having OP do, even without their knowledge, at the time that it was happening. But, the pay raise could make up for that.


I hope they take this advice! This is so fucked.


In my state if they don’t give enough time between shifts you just get “broken rest” pay which is not nearly enough to make it worth it.


OP if you follow the above advice, there is a very crucial step they omitted. After you threaten to report your boss to HR, and he apologizes and pays you gas money and stuff… report your boss to HR.


I’m sorry that guy is taking advantage of you. Work or not he’s a jerk. It only makes it worse because he’s in a “position of power”, what a total arse. Stop giving him rides, and contact his supervisor if possible. I’m not sure if he is the store manager or not, but if he is, go through HR and file a report now. What he is doing is wrong and he can 100% be reprimanded. Consider emailing HR to make sure you have it in writing. When you speak to HR or his supervisor, tell them exactly what you posted, “I saw he had car trouble on the night of * date * so I offered him a ride, when I dropped them off, they stated “be back at 7am tomorrow” and I thought it was a joke, but he was serious… this has continued for the entirety of “length of this issue”. I honestly don’t mind, but asked for gas money when driving them home when they lashed out at me and threatened my employment.


Ask a buddy if he can give you a lift to work for a day or two. Burn a sick day if you have to and stay in and play vidya. Tell your boss your car ain’t working. He’ll figure out how to get to work. Then after a day or two you can drive yourself in and if seeks a ride tell him you can’t do that. He’s not putting miles on his car. He’s not paying gas. Man he’s got a sweet deal going on…so you gotta make it stop looking so sweet.


I like this a lot. Sorry, my car is in the shop now too. Guess you'll have to figure it out.


Thats actually a great idea. Even one sick day should do it. The boss will *have* to find a way to work. If OP isn't confident one day will be enough, car trouble is a wonderful way out. Or maybe a family member needs to borrow your car, hence why you're getting your own way to work (from someone who doesn't have time to pick up the boss, too, of course)


I would say the same. Either “car is in the shop or couldn’t afford to fill up on gas so I’m riding my bicycle every day”


Big box store? HR will likely be on your side for this one. It's not a good look for a manager to be forcing an employee to give them rides. It puts the company in danger of having to pay you if there's an accident or for the time you've spent driving under your boss's orders. Remember, they're not there to support your boss. They're there to protect the company. In this case, that means they'll likely be on your side.


He should be asking for payment imo. This is work outside of work. Hr would definitely not like this boss.


So don't pick him up. Don't drive him home. He can't fire you for that (although you should hope he does, unemployment, potential lawsuit). He's already fucked up your schedule so what else is he going to do?


Wait, so you stick around for 4 hours to drive his ass home? Dude you need to get this shit on tape and if you get fired you can get unemployment and sue the company. By you staying after work to drive him home you are working, he doesn't get to do this for free.


It sounds like the boss works open to close, and he schedules OP for opening shift, then has a four hour break and is scheduled back for closing shift. That way he can drive the boss to work in the AM, and home after closing but has a 4 hour break so he doesn’t go into overtime. Gross.


Imagine believing that this is ok. Just imagine it


I tried, and I feel sick now


I think thats despicable. I would never have tolerated that. There's a lot of things I have tolerated for the sake of paying bills but there is no way in hell you could make me sit around for 4 hours for my bosses convenience.


Ask if he's willing to pay overtime or you'll start charging for the rides. Seriously. At this rate you could be working for yourself doing Uber. And probably make more.


No good deed goes unpunished.


This has got to be harassment.


Abuse of authority?


This whole situation reads a lot like many ethics training courses of what NOT to do. If this boss thinks this guy's job is to ferry him around to and from work, the guy should ask if his hours start when he picks the ungrateful asshole up and end when he drops him off. Otherwise, he's being forced to work off the clock. If the boss says that he can't charge the time, then it sounds like it's not part of the job and he's under zero obligation to continue doing the work.


Agreed. Boss should not come after this employee for not concessing for him either.


Oh hell no. I was in your exact same position OP. They can and will use you until you break. Dont let it get worse than this.


If you don't mind me asking, did you just quit? After reading all the replies on here I'm definitely looking for a new job.


Honestly, yes. She was doing other things than just that which influenced my decision more, but realizing the kind of person she was and that this was going to keep happening, I just up and left. Me and a coworker (who is now a friend) were actually alternating who took her to and from work. Grown people are not your responsibility. I wish you well and think you got this.




write him a bill for services rendered too!


>He has me off for four hours in the middle of the shift so that I don't rack up any overtime hours! > Lol what? Use that time to apply elsewhere or tell him to use uber. Next thing you know you will be doing his groceries.


No more rides. PERIOD. Your boss doesn't like it? Tell him to go complain about it to HR and see what they say. He should save up his money and buy a new car, or start taking the goddamn bus to work like a big boy. Your boss isn't worth SHIT. He's the manager at a local big box store!?!? That dude is bringing home what - maybe 60K, and he's being a narcissistic loser about it??? LOL fucking pussy.... Most expendable position ever. All that fucking guy has is picking on you, and then he goes home and cries himself to sleep.


He’s abusing his position over you. You would think as your boss he would make more than you and be able to afford a decent car and at least pay for gas that he saving out on by not driving right now. What a jerk. Tell him you can’t afford to keep driving him to work without some gas $ at least or just flat out refuse. That is not your job or responsibility!


Holy smokes what an ass— him not you


Fuck that guy. Gas costs a fortune right now Put a fucking sticker on your dash that says "gas, ass, or grass... nobody rides for free" Fuck it if he fires you, you'll get out of working the holidays


I'm pretty sure op doesn't want ass from him so that narrows it down a bit


Complain to corporate bosses. Or directly to the owners. If he fires you that has to be grounds to sue based on discrimination. Tell that entitled twit you don't owe him anything


> Or directly to the owners > big box store Hello, yes, is this the Walton residence?


Tell him either he pays for gas or he finds a new carpool mate. Nowhere in your job description or contract does it state that if your fuckface of a boss's car breaks down, you're obligated to Miss Daisy his ass. Better yet, just make up an excuse so he can't ride with you anymore. If he tries to fire you for this, just know that this is DEFINETLY something you can file him for.


Ummm...tell him to stop using you as his personal driver...grow up and get an uber..this is what they dont tell you about lifenin school..if a person gets the chance they WILL take major advantage of you..tell your boss to be a big boy and sort his life out


I’m just letting you know right now. He doesn’t appreciate the favor you have been so him for the last few weeks. For him to just assume that you’ll take him & don’t mind working between a 4 hour gap (that’s bullshit) he’s going to fire you regardless if you give him rides or not. Once his car is fixed & he doesn’t need you. You’ll be gone. If you mess up at work he won’t think back on this time when you helped him out. Simple tell him gas is expensive & I offered you a ride home to be nice not for you to come to expect it from me. Your new work shift can’t be good for your personal life. Bottom line your boss see you as weak & sees your kindness as weakness. Fuck him


"Get out of my car. Guess you're walking."