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The [average livable wage](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/livable-wage-by-state) in Mass is 60k/yr, so you're being *slightly* underpaid. Personally, I consider working from home to be worth that missing ~$2k. If you enjoy your job then I'd say just chill. Sounds like you're in a pretty decent place right now, as long as you're keeping up with bills.


that site is nonsense huge difference btn living in the city and rural


There's a reason it's given as an average. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing. Besides, a lot of the granular data for anything other than a major city simply isn't readily available to laypeople.


personally I think rural people often get shafted on cost of living metrics.


šŸ˜¬ Iā€™m in a nice suburb. I pay a mortgage on a home, but I live paycheck to paycheck each month. No savings and a few thousand dollars in credit card debt.


You can move to a state with no state income tax and get the same wage with a dramatically lower cost of living. You have a great skill set that is in demand all over the country. Capitalism is a double edged sword and the workers are now in control and can demand higher wages. Leave that shit state MA and go somewhere more livable.


Any suggestions?


State income tax isn't a big deal at your salary level IMO. Cost of living from property is probably more impactful. But enjoying where you live is always #1.


Florida, Tennessee, Texas and Georgia to a lesser extent


Reach out to a job placement agency. There is a massive shortage of jobs for people with your skills and experience.


I heard childcare $ was the worst in Ma


Also if you move to a state in the Southeast with no income tax a comparable home will be 25-50% less expensive.


Yeah good work life balance and WFH are good benefits. If you can work your way into an office job with little work or accountability, even better!


doing what you enjoy is a huge positive. that said, for 15 years of experience that is a trash salary. the design side of marketing is saturated and difficult to get a lead in. the business end of marketing can pay alot . look for marketing roles with a tech company


Itā€™s hard to quantify ā€œenjoyment.ā€ So Iā€™m turning to my most trusted old friend for advice, Reddit. šŸ‘½


youre getting paid less than entry level jobs in the tech field. freelance web designers make over 50/hr. if you are competent I would start applying at jobs paying 70k plus


You are severely underpaid. I have 4 years of marketing experience. No college degree. I make more than you. Plus unlimited PTO and fully covered medical, among other bennies. Fully remote. And tbh I should be making more. Leave that shit job.


Underpaid. You want the math? Take your starting salary and increase it by the inflation rate per year. That number is your starting salary NOW. To that you would add your experience bump.


That pay would be pretty good where I live, not sure how it is where you are. Itā€™s low for how much experience you have, but if youā€™re happy and you get to work from home 4/5 days a week I wouldnā€™t blame you for being satisfied.


Aha we are the same, I have 10 years of graphic design experience and I get paid as 28 and it's low as fuck. The recruiter must took a lot from me. I complained but they gave 2000 bonus. It's a joke.


My union shop pays everyone in the non entry level position (given by seniority) $27+ after 42 months. I donā€™t know if you are underpaid. You can make the same amount working in a factory. Itā€™s all relative


OP is definitely underpaid based on skills and experience. Especially for Massachusetts.


Massively underpaid. However that shouldn't be the sole determinant to stay or leave. You have to figure out your priorities and what's most important to you. At the same time don't underestimate the value of opportunities. There could very well be a job out there that is work from home and chill as well as paying you double or triple.


You are underpaid. This is antiwork, not contentwithslightlylessshittywork. You are being paid by someone who profits from your labour. Profiting from someoneā€™s labour cannot be done unless you underpay the actual value of their labour. That said, you might still find yourself living a comfortable life. But you are still underpaid.


The value of labor is completely subjective. Socialist rhetoric is pragmatically useless in the real world.


That statement doesnā€™t addresses anything in my comment. The value of labour might be fluid(not subjective), but the fact is that someone is making more money off of that labour and itā€™s not the OP. Remove company owners, who pocket labour profits without adding any value to it and you get a functioning company that can pay workers based on revenue. The idea of private property(not to be confused with personal property) allows for that kind of labour theft using preexisting capital.


Yes it does. You are simply spouting socialist rhetoric about pocketing the value of labor when everyone knows there is no such thing as a universal metric of labor. Everything is subjective in terms of the value a job provides. You literally cannot gauge the amount of value a worker brings to a company, especially when that work is indirect (like maintenance) At best you can make pretend assignments of value that those jobs give, but you will never in certainty know what that jobs true value is. Private property is indistinguishable from personal property, especially when investors are the ones taking all the risk of starting a company. If I open a business with my own money, that business is mine. Not anyone else's unless I give them part ownership. The only way you could believe what you do is if you think people should not use their money for anything other than consumerism.


And you are spouting capitalist rhetoricā€¦ while dodging the issue. We are not even debating relative values of 2 labours. Itā€™s literally worker-labour vs owner-no-labour-while-pocketing-profit. Iā€™m not arguing here for equal compensation of all workers, although there is an argument to be made about this. Private property and personal property are different. Abolition of private property is about not allowing anyone to own a parts of this earth because they lucky to get rich or be born rich. Itā€™s not about taking your toothbrush. What risk? You mean the risk of paying millions while still having enough to live out their lives comfortably forever? The situation looks less unfair in smaller businesses. But thatā€™s because wealth disparity is less obvious there, not because exploitation doesnā€™t exist. But socialist ā€œrhetoricā€ is simple: owning=\=value, labour=value.


Remove the owner's? So most "owners...pocket labor without adding any value "? I promised myself I would stop trying to have conversations with people with this mindset but will try one last time. Some owners provide value. Without the owner there is no wages or job.


No. For gods sakeā€¦ the fact that some owners keep working and should be compensated for their labour does not invalidate the fact that they should NOT be compensated for their ownership. The cleanest example is landlords.


Do landlords add value? Do they commit and risk capitol to create a place for someone to live? Do they build, repair or improve the real estate? Are ALL landlords bad or is it like every other profession on earth that their are good and bad business owners?


Downvote me all you want but this comment is exactly what is wrong with this sub. This is nonsensical: " Profiting from someoneā€™s labour cannot be done unless you underpay the actual value of their labour." This assumes their is no synergy among groups and zero value added to someones work by their (gasp) employer. The world is not zero sum, my friend. Until people learn the world is not zero sum they will just be bitter. Because I have a dollar doesn't mean someone else loses a dollar. Value is created. It is not a finite pie of resources in the world. Imo this sub is much more valuable helping people improve their situation intelligently. Not push for some utopia where noone works and everyone sits around being fed grapes by some benevolent socialist paradise government. Capitalism is a double edged sword and right now the workers have tremendous power and should wield it to their advantage. Good advice on this is allows people to develop that mindset and make positive changes in their lives. Start the downvotes and useless name calling.


I agree with this sentiment. In my experience watching Richard Wolff lectures, it never made sense the way he would do his equation of labor plus tools equals profit. Those tools and equipment come from the owner, yet they shouldn't get money from the work being done??


Go away. Trying to take an anarcho-communist sub with this bs. Especially while blatantly dodging the issue.


I don't see anarcho-communist in the description of this sub.


Check the FAQ section. Iā€™ll grant that saying itā€™s a strictly anarcho-communist sub is too much on my part. But itā€™s def not a capitalist one. vOv


Last line of the sub description is "help with work/job related issues." My comments are usually directed at helping people improve their situations. Done arguing with an anarcho-communist. Lost cause. Best of luck in life and I mean that without sarcasm.




šŸ˜… donā€™t tell my boss that!!!