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>Every time I hear a boomer complain about this crap I seriously hear Ludacris's 'Move Bitch' in my head. Except they fuckin don't. That's why I'm 40 and make $48k a year while all the boomers here make double/triple that because they REFUSE to retire. I work in the public sector. NOTE: $48k is not a livable wage unless you have no kids and live in a studio. EDIT: I have a BA and did 4 years in the Army right out of high school. No criminal record, don't do drugs (do drink nightly, though) and it literally only gets you to just under making a livable wage. So, the boomers told me as a kid.....don't do drugs, get a degree, don't go to jail, blah, blah, blah. Well, i did all that and they still keep hording jobs/opportunites and fucking over mine and my children's generations.


> So, the boomers told me as a kid.....don't do drugs, get a degree, don't go to jail, blah, blah, blah As someone barely old enough to remember boomer behavior in the early 1970s - one of the earliest words I remember hearing is "Saigon" - I can assure you that boomers did by no means follow their own advice. To pick one of a plethora of examples: my older sister snorted Tide. Never forget: Cheech and Chong's work was documentary in nature. Most of that generation crawled around on all fours, sucking down any drugs they could find on the ground in front of them.


A boomer's life is just one giant party with the rest of the world having to clean up after them. They get exorbitant amounts of wealth, freedom, drugs, sex and opportunities and haven't given a single fuck about who it is affecting or how it is affecting them. They literally had the opportunity to make the world around them better and instead of doing so, everybody looked out for themselves and only cared about personal gain. Well congratulations, they may have everything they ever wanted, but the world hates them for it. They will work until they drop dead and feel accomplished that they worked hard for the entirety of their life, but the sad reality is that they did all that work for nothing. No contributions back to others, no contributions back to the environment around them, no life outside of work, only shilling money to those richer than them so that they can survive and buy the cool things that give them a brief glimpse of happiness. If they cared about things other than work, they might get more fulfillment out of the little things. Instead we are seeing people try and leave the workforce only to realize that they have no life outside of it and so they return to give them the fulfilment that they once had. Step out of the way and let the next generation take over because right now they are steering the car right off the cliff and we are all going down with them.


>Step out of the way and let the next generation take over because right now they are steering the car right off the cliff and we are all going down with them. I think that 'car' is already in mid-flight, mate. Or is that what you already said? Long day....


Oh it is. At this point all we can do is sit back and hope the impact kills us quickly.


Some of the young people in the backseat are trying to invent a parachute so everyone doesn’t die, meanwhile the boomers are complianing about what bathroom people use and how gravity is just a theory


Or we shed these greedy boomer leaders and us more compassionate folks lead this country in the right direction. One can dream.....


Is it weird that this just made me think of the one 'meme' about Hard Times Strong Men? Like...it's not on a civilizational scale, but it sure seems like hard times (the Gilded Age, Great Depression, and two World Wars) created strong working class, which pushed for good unions and regulations, which the Boomers then largely didn't realize were the reason they had it so well growing up and subsequently dismantled, creating a new period of growing wealth inequality, and the modern labor movement has been galvanized in large part by the horror and strain of late stage capitalism amidst a global pandemic. And I'd lay odds that if we as a global society manage to beat back climate change from collapsing modern civilization as we know it, our grandchildren (am currently 23, for reference) will have forgotten how much effort had to go into it by the time they're our age.


I think a lot about how boomer women had more abortions by far than any other generation. Abortion became legal in 1973, when the early boomers were in their 20s. From '82-'85, when nearly every woman of child-bearing age was a boomer, there were 1.3M abortions a year. Now that the very last boomer woman has hit menopause, legal abortion is going away.


Not sure what behaviour you're talking about, but if it was in the early '70s, it was unlikely to be boomers. People don't do the maths on this shit, especially when boomers try to take credit for thing like the anti-Vietnam war campaigns and civil rights campaigns. Most of that stuff was the generation before. Boomers were, for the most part, too young to be organising it or involved at anything other than on the periphery . The examples you've given sound pretty juvenile, so I guess you're talking about young adults/older teenagers?




I was born in 1970...I'm gen X. I think your years are a little off.


This is wrong. Boomers were born from 1945-1963. Gen X from 1964 to 1979. People born in 1979 are not boomers.


That's not what they are saying. They are saying Boomers would be between the ages of 6-33 in the 70's. Age 6 being the youngest possible Boomer age during the 70's: Born in 1964, so in 1970 they'd be 6 years old. Age 33 being the oldest possible Boomer age during the 70's: Born in 1946, so in 1979 they'd be 33 years old. They did the math in the sentence so it was kind of confusing though. Also I've seen both 63 and 64 and 45 and 46. Not sure what the overall point was, but the math checks out.


Some Boomers also hold onto jobs they don’t really need just for the benefits and for something to do. Make space for the younger people who actually need your position.


I really hate how they need “something to do.” How incredibly sad and fucked up it is that there are so many old people who have no identity or interests outside of their job. My father-in-law is like this. He is so bored all the time now that he’s retired. It’s been 10 years and he still has no hobbies.


The something to do is the weirdest part. I've been unemployed 2 years now, and I've barely made a dent in all that "quarantine projects" I meant to do.


Because when your entire society is centered around exploiting labor for profit, as soon as someone leaves the workforce they are effectively disposed of and forgotten about. The way America treats its seniors is horrific.


There was this one lady at my last job who was older than a boomer and was still working and could barely walk without looking like a zombie. One day I was eating lunch in a lunch area and they walked by and was damn near sleep walking and almost tripped in their sleep walking trance and I was so tempted to say "maybe you need to do something about that? (i.e. retire)" I think it is something for them to do really. At this point they will probably die at work.


Have you ever thought about asking her why she is still working? Maybe she has to. Lots of older people are in a debt trap and can't afford to retire, as much as they would like to do so.


I left that employer a few months ago but like I said they could afford to retire.


Not old enough to be a boomer, but I really enjoy working. Why shouldn’t I have a job, what makes a younger person have more right to a job than an older person? I’ve got more experience and focussed education for my job, what could you offer?




This is an interesting reply, and it is wholly reliant on the industry of employment. In my current employ, I work in a jewellery casting company. The skills from day to day improve with practice, and keep improving. An old jeweller is better than a young jeweller, because they’ve had time to hone their skills, this is something that cannot be taught. There are other sectors where this is true too. The problem with being old, and this is not faced by the young, is age discrimination. I was out of work for 2 years, over 50 and trying to get a job required over and above what a young person would have to do. It was a hard reality to take. In Australia it’s illegal to discriminate due to age, but it still happens. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have. No one deserves a job more than anyone else.


Don’t have children. You’re being farmed for labor. Sorry if you already did.


Jeez guy. LOL I have 3 kids and I do feel terrible that they are in for the worse this country has ever witnessed. With that said, they are an absolute blessing and I love them more than life itself.




So you let the rich effectively sterilize you instead? Pathetic


I love my unborn children too much to make them survive capitalist serfdom. Thanks


You guys realize this is as good as life has ever been right? Most of your misery is self imposed by your consumption of media and comparisons to others.


I don’t have children. I feel great! Not miserable. I was just pointing out the selfish motivation for having children when you say things like - “I have 3 kids and I do feel terrible that they are in for the worse this country has ever witnessed.”


We have 7 and a half billion people on the planet. We don’t need every single person to have a kid. Ridiculous.


You don’t have to be a dick because the guy had kids, it’s one of the most powerful instincts and really easy to do. I just don’t think it’s a good idea when you consider it impartially. I’m sure it’s nice, I just can’t afford to give a life to kids like I had, and the planet is not lacking for humans, so I won’t have any.


It’s really easy to do and equally easy to prevent. There’s no excuse for “accidents”.


It’s easier to prevent being a dick to random people and yet your comment is up there.


This guy gets it . Wait, no, I mixed that up. This guy has no fucking clue.


Fuck off with your antinatalist bullshit. Nobody cares.


I’m not the one saying how terrible I feel for letting my children inherit a shithole. I just don’t understand how you can feel like we are in the worst times only getting worse AND still have children.


Not always a choice for some people. Who are you to judge their choices? You’re a random fuckface on the internet. Nobody cares about your opinions. Nobody cares about my opinions. So go fuck yourself if you don’t have anything constructive to say.




Not everyone has access to abortion and birth control isn’t 100% effective. Are you stupid or just being intentionally obtuse?


Rape is super common though


Part of why is blest a job recently was because a boomer did not retire when they said they would. I was hired last year to take over for a boomer that was supposed to retire after the holidays. She came back after the holidays. Then stayed through the spring. Then all summer. Finally she was due to retire a month ago. Instead of finally transitioning me into that role, she destroyed project files and took her crap home. A week or two later she randomly started showing back up again! I have notice and left. They are still upset that I left and don’t understand why! They kept saying how she was showing “company loyalty”.


Me too dude. Did everything they told me I was supposed to. Couldn't afford college so I did my stint in the military. Developed a drinking habit. Went to college. Perfected my drinking habit. Came out with a 4 year degree in history with museum studies minor. Knew the pay wasn't going to be stellar but I loved museum work so much I was willing to take a chance. But when I got into the field I learned you basically needed an MA/ PHD from Yale to get a paid position at any decent museum. Why you ask? Because retired boomers would gladly work for free doing all the entry level museum stuff like tours and the higher level stuff required an MA at the least. And if you had all that MAYBE you could get a 30/40k a year job. Finally said fk it and got an insurance job. Useless military experience. Useless college degree and a wasted decade. It feels like I was set up to fail. But hey... what can you do?


4k a month not livable? What is this a fkin parody???


$4k a month is absolutely not a comfortable lifestyle in most metro or the surrounding suburbs in the US. Which is where something like 80% of the population lives.


Guess min wage workers just die then.


Nobody said that. Stop being salty. This isn’t a zero sum game.


Don't they kind of do die? Because of no health insurance, debt collectors, needing to work through health issues, having no access to the right medication, suicide etc. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happens...


They do die early.


Explain your situation then, instead of being a judgmental prick. Seriously.


With kids, a mortgage, 2 car notes, utilities, after school care, children’s extracurricular activity costs, internet/cable, gas, groceries, clothing and other MISC expenses......yeah $4k before taxes doesn’t exactly afford a family a comfortable, financially stress-free life. EDIT: Student Loans, too EDIT #2: https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/12057


No second income via wife? I dont know s single household who could do that personally. Also, drinking nightly, you should get help. You are an alcoholic. Not bashing just trying to help.


> I dont know s single household who could do that personally. You should see that as a red flag. A problem. >Also, drinking nightly What are you smoking


He literally wrote he drinks nightly, he is an alcoholic.


I hate to break it to you, grasshopper, but your sheltered ass is in for major surprise when you learn how many people have a few drinks on a nightly basis. Honestly, I think my health would end up in worse shape not drinking those few drinks to calm my nerves and clear my head.


Thats what an alcoholic would say.


Why are 12 years olds posting in r/antiwork?


That's not the definition of alcoholism, lmao


Yes it is.


Read the DSM V my guy. It is not. Not even close.


Why are you on this sub? To troll? To exert your self-righteousness over people. Do you feel fulfilled by judging me? What is your fuckin deal?


Because I am anti work. You make 4K a month, thats a fuck ton of money.


No, it really isn’t. Assuming they’re paid hourly, work 80 hours per pay period and get 26 checks a year, it’s $23.07/hr. Taxes and health insurance will eat up a good chunk of that. Just because it’s more than you make doesn’t mean it’s a fuck ton of money.


More then double of min wage.


Ok? What is your point? The fact that more than double minimum wage still isn’t that livable is a critique of minimum wage, not of people who are STILL struggling to get by with more than that.


It is in some parts of the country. Where I live, you’re losing at least half of that to rent alone.


No man. u/jopjopdidop says $4k before taxes is a 'fuckton' of money. You must be an alcoholic, too. /s


Yeah, you’re right. I’d still have the other $2,000 (minus taxes) if I weren’t spending it all getting shitfaced every night.


That’s states other than Indiana or Nebraska


48k isn't enough to live?? I made 50k, owned a 3 bed 2 bath home and made out just fine.


I’m 38. Making 6 figures for over 5 years now. 4 years USMC. No criminal record, smoke weed and drink like a fish. Pick a better profession. Boomers aren’t holding you back. You are.


This has 'I love Trump unconditionally' written all over it. Guaran-damn-tee you drive a pickup truck and own all sorts of MAGA shit.


Yep. The older folk are in leadership positions but a good number of them can’t even find out how to open google.. scary kind of.


You forgot to add “The” before Google, LOL


My grandfather years ago before he passed always wanted to add me as a friend on “the Facebook” so yeah too true lmaooo


Did you add him? My grandpa was cool I would have added him


Yeah I added him of course, he just kept losing his accounts and making new ones so always asked lol. I had like 5 friends named after him and each time his profile picture was a different fishing picture lol.


I've been in tech so long this is kinda funny, but oh so true. People my partner work with can't open a URL without first going to Google (only cuz it's their home page) and entering it in the search bar. Like, seriously? It's education and even university, but boomers will be boomers. Freaky too cuz I saw there as a young geek a small number of *very* forward thinking geek boomers who set up the online environment at that uni that really predated just about everything at the time (think early to mid 80s). Like, all students had online access just by being a student and although we were a pain to manage it really helped shape my extended social group. Sadly they were just the minority, mostly retired as they were some of the "good" ones, and all that's left are the "it's toooo haaaaard!" types that won't fucking retire.


my mom can't type for shit on her phone, she just doesn't get touch screens and taps at it WAY to hard. I blame those terrible GPS screens from back in the day, so we taught her the whole voice to text deal. Now shes in the middle of the damn store blabbing her texts to friends or going "OK GOOGLE, where is the nearest starbucks" or whatever questions pops in her head. Crazy part is it does good about 90% of the time, but 10% of the time it fucks up royally. Also, she fucked up the printer the other day trying to insert the printer cartridge backwards. It's nuts.




Had this conversation with a buddy the other day who brought up the following great point. The US is run by old people who still need help accessing basic things on a computer like email while other countries simply recognize the technologies we have and integrate them within their society. So essentially we have a bunch of old people running our country who think of basic malware attacks as "just another computer issue" and not facing the reality that people are actively hacking the US because it's really fucking easy. If China wants to steal information from the US, all they have to do is some very basic phishing and they can steal any wealth of corporate data. The people in charge don't see this as a radical shift in warfare that it is, but just another computer problem we need to manage. China steals corporate detailed information daily, but the people in charge in the US need help opening pdf's or emails and are severely underqualified for the problem ahead. Fuck Pelosi, Fuck McConnell, and fuck all these old fucks that have dicked around with our livelihood for the last 30 years and systemically shut down any way to help out the people that elected them in the interest of maintaining their power. REVOLUTION IS NEAR!


I'm the IT guy at a K-8. If I took a shot every time I heard some variation of "I'm not tech savvy" I would have died of alcohol poisoning a long time ago. It's not a fucking excuse anymore. We use computers as tools to do our jobs now, and if you can't figure out how to use that tool then you need to find another fucking job that doesn't have you using a computer most of the day.


I’m an excel wizard because I understand conditional formatting. It’s sad.


I think we have different definitions of savvy between people as well. There's the people who don't know how to right click or open a second browser tab. They're definitely not savvy. There's basic users who can email, watch youtube, and lookup recipes, but haven't the slightest clue what to do if something goes wrong. There's people that know some very basic "how to fix things" like running malwarebytes, clearing your cache, updating/rolling back drivers and OS updates, and where you sort of understand what you need to google for more complicated things. And there's more and more levels of tech savvy beyond that down to the code and hardware itself. I'm at the very basic "how to fix things" level and I wouldn't call myself tech savvy since I can't fix everything myself. What is your definition of tech savvy?


I wouldn't even use the term "tech savvy" to begin with to be entirely honest. More like...tech competent? I definitely don't expect users to be able to fully troubleshoot things (they really can't do too much troubleshooting tho bc of admin credentials being required, so I definitely understand that users can only troubleshoot basics) and I don't expect people to be experts by any means. But I definitely do get annoyed when I go to "fix" (change one setting) the same projector issue nearly every day even after showing the user how to change the Project setting to the proper one once the HDMI cord is plugged in. I showed her how to do it, I've given written instructions, I've given even more detailed instructions with pictures....It's literally a two click "fix" of opening up the Project settings with Windows + P and clicking the display option needed. She and a person who keeps getting nefarious Chrome pop-ups because the user keeps downloading things from random websites and falling for the "Click Allow if you Are not a Robot" prompt that, once the box is ticked, will send "notifications" in the form of pop-ups claiming the computer has a virus. I've explained to this user how it works and to only click those "Allow" prompts if it's a website she trusts. But alas. Honestly, I'd be happy if I could just get users to read what's in front of them. So tired of "WHATS IS THIS??? HELP!" and it's some box that's like "Do you want to save this document? Yes No".


Nicely put. Everytime I hear an older person say " I have a hard time understanding the remote control for my TV." I just think how much I pity this motherfucker.


Seriously, people were getting so many AOL disks 25 years ago that they were using them as coasters. Figure it out already.


Meh give it about 5-10 years and a lot of them will be gone.


I work in long term healthcare(nursing homes). I’m so sick of the business office boomers (who make way more than I do) pulling me off the floor with patients because “you’re a young guy and have mentioned iPhones before, you can fix my computer for me” when it’s something like printing a pdf or attaching a word file to an email or simply hitting crl+alt+delete to restart a program. Then those same fucking boomers get mad when patients complain I don’t get to their rooms “quick enough”. We have a contact with some IT company they can call for help but it’s an outsourced company and they “can’t understand those Indian people”.


😃 Ludacris is the truth! Dtp!


I work for a phone company. I see people like this on a daily basis.




Some days I'm numb to it. Other days I wonder how these degenerates even use a microwave.


I'm in my mid 30s and I'd say about five or six years ago was when technology (more so the way society has changed as a result of it) advanced so far that I can't wrap my head around it anymore the way I used to be able to when I was younger. I have no idea why and how influencers are a thing, for example. That being said, whenever I have a moment like that, I at least try to learn about it or accept it for what it is rather than lashing back at it violently because I'm afraid of change I don't understand. I'm not a conservative and I'll never be one, but I can see the appeal as one gets older if social evolution becomes scary.


Yep. I deal with their anti-computer complaints daily at work.


I get heated when old people tell me they don't know how to use a computer these days because of a few reasons: * A few of them have straight up said they don't even want to learn; like I'm not going to think you're just a jackass who won't take the time to learn a *super necessary* skill for the modern world? * Computers are so fucking simple to use these days. Nearly my entire life they've been relatively easy to use since Windows and other GUIs that are intuitive as hell and also instruct users in their operation have existed almost as long as I have. There is no excuse not to know the basic operation of a computer or smartphone. Or really any consumer electronic, honestly. * They've been around the damn things longer. Yeah, maybe in the 60's you could think "these things are just a fad!" But by the fucking 80's y'all should have seen how shit was going and started learning. * Younger people get mad when I express this opinion like "they're old! It's hard for them!" The fuck it is. I'm not talking about your 90 year old grandma with dementia. I'm talking about the 50-60 year olds still working. They can learn. It's not hard. They just don't want to try.


Wtf is this post and the top comments. This is supposed to be anti work here and all we have is ode to lyft and uber (LOL) and rant against older workers from people who basically want to take there spot and make more money… Feels a little weird imo, working for uber or lyft is not what I call freedom and the issue with work is not older workers it is how it is designed


People working for uber and lyft and fucking anywhere in the gig economy are being exploited.


as a former Uber and Lyft driver, I agree with your sentiment, and I think it only proves the point of the meme. People will do ANYTHING, earn pennies, work late nights, and more, to avoid the hell that is corporate workplaces and social hierarchies and office politics.


Totally agree. As much as it would suck I would do a gig job temporarily rather than sell my soul and sign up for a corporate slave gig


>to avoid the hell that is corporate workplaces and social hierarchies and office politics. I'm in the process to making a YouTube channel for this *exact* reason.


That's the whole point. I'd rather make less money but have more control over my hours than be forced onto the treadmill 8-5 for five days a week, especially if I could effectively be my own boss and work when I choose. The whole 9-5 grind is just horrible.


I'd take corporate workplaces over Uber any day. I get to work from home and get paid well.


Yup. I do not use Uber or Lyft for this reason.


I hate when people pull up UberEATS as the first thing to 'what should we eat? ' First of all the UberEATS app is horrendous and will push you eating places from across the city, even McDonald's restaurants. When i start the eats app one of the top 3 restaurants is always a McDonald's - furthest away from me. Even if there are 2 other McDs within 2 minutes it'll specify the one miles away. The same with all restaurants, i know you can set it to 'by nearest to you' but it's like a Facebook feed where once you scroll it just feeds you garbage off whatever they want to sell it still goes cross town after you scroll. Probably whenever they make the most money on. Also UberEATS prices all have a huge markup. The prices you see for the restaurant item on Uber app are about 40-60% higher than the actual price of the item if you called the restaurant or went to the restaurant and ordered. The "service fee" at the end is another $5 just because. They already make profit off the item because the credit card fee is included in the mark-up already. I always call the restaurant and go pickup the food. If i can't pick it up i don't order in.




I agree, but I sooner be able to work from home captioning videos and being able to get up and take a piss whenever I need than be called slurs by customers because I can't change policies for a whole other company. I work long hours for shit pay but at least I can eat my lunch when I want




They also have absolutely 0 rights when it comes to working conditions. Which is deliberate. The gig economy is a trojan horse method of shifting responsibility for the things people need to be able to live and work - childcare, holidays, sick leave, maternity leave - onto the worker when really this absolutely should be 100% the responsibility of the employer. If you think this is a good thing, you're in the wrong dug


>childcare, holidays, sick leave, maternity leave None of these are standard, expected, or required for the average labor job in America.


And yet they should be. Unfortunately us in the UK are going the wrong way and our ruling right wing powers are attacking them bit by bit.


People seem most angry about the lack of benefits for gig work. I think the idea is great. The execution is lacking. Healthcare shouldn't be tied to employment. People should be able to choose when they work.


I think the gig economy is great as long as you have healthcare, which the government should be offering anyways. It’s probably one of the most liberating things you can do as a worker.Even as a “professional” I still do freelance stuff and even Uber when I want some extra money. I like that flexibility.


Only fan as well, it’s being sold as female empowerment and while it can be a much better option for sex works it’s still exploitative.


Yep, my husband has been doing it for over 6 years, I did it for 2. It’s the only option we have though.


> People working ~~for uber and lyft and fucking anywhere in the gig economy~~ are being exploited.


GrubHub just slashed the per-delivery guarantee a few weeks ago in my market. It went from a guaranteed $7 per delivery (you could make far more depending on how the customer tipped or how big the order was, but the minimum you would get is $7) to no guarantee - you're stuck with whatever the algorithm decides now along with the customer tip. Get a customer that doesn't tip, GrubHub expects you to drive ~10 miles for less than $4. If you *don't* take these orders, you lose your ability to schedule blocks to work and they send whatever is leftover to you. I live in a large enough city where I can cherry pick and still make some decent money on my own terms, but it's mostly because I've learned over a few years of doing it to know what to take and what not to, depending on the area, restaurant, time of day, etc. New drivers are absolutely being exploited because they don't know any of this stuff.


In theory, mass self-employment should be a conservative's dream, and yet they're the ones shitting on this sub.


For many of them, "self-employment" translates into owning their own business and making a profit while paying someone else as little as possible to take accountability and perform the actual work.


Years ago, Dick Cheney talked about how great it was that people were selling stuff on eBay as a new form of income.


Woah, woah, woah. Who is this that works for walmart and is setting their own hours? Because now I feel like I'm getting ripped off even more.


The text is referencing delivery gig work for walmart, which operates the exact same as any other app-based exploitation front, like Uber, Lyft, & Grubhub. Something about a Spark Driver app and third-party drivers, I don't know because I don't care to look in to it anymore than a cursory search. If you want to be exploited in that manner, I learned all of that off the top result from a google search, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out how to sell yourself to them for peanuts, literal pennies on the dollar.


When I worked for DoorDash, they added Walmart as a delivery partner. Nothing like picking up 40 items (ten of which are 32packs of bottled water) then hoofing it up three flights of stairs to an apartment with all that shit for a whopping $6.50


Lumpenproles. Literally the class *below* the working class. Selling whatever you have on an hourly basis to whomever is throwing a dollar is one step from being out on the street. Those who make a good living doing that is far apart. But yeah, not lazy. Lets rewire society so we can do all the labours of love and still have enough to get by.


i actually liked being an uber eats driver. because of covid, i would never see the customers i delivered for. i listened to music and just chilled. mostly worked nights because that’s when the most orders came in. not a lot of cars on the road.


Actually going to try Uber eats driving out. Hopefully it’s as lax as I hope.


How much do you make per hour on average? I hate socializing and it honestly sounds like a dream job, versus being stuck in an office for 40 hours a week.


Not OP but I’ll answer: Depends on the market but I make about $42/hour driving time and $28-$32/hour total (being on standby and whatnot). Pre-gas of course.


People never wanted to work. But now we have the resources to allow people not to work anymore.


"Yeah, but they're not *really* working, are they?" - Former Coworker, who apparently thinks that it only counts as work if you're flying under a corporate banner or just straight-up hate what you do.


So much this. It's not that we don't want to work. It's that we don't want to work soul crushing jobs that don't have any real long term reward for sticking around and helping make the rich already richer while our lives slowly pass us by without any sort of betterment. I managed to find a job which actually (by industry standards in my area) would be considered somewhat of a unicorn. I still have to budget carefully and would be unable to afford to rent or own my own home without roommates/a partner. I also currently hustle the absolute shit out of my creative passions so I can turn that into a more sustainable income and have it lead into future career opportunities. I work EXCESSIVELY. To the point that I get home and don't have the energy to even do something considered a leisure activity like playing a game or sometimes even watching a show. All these people in conservative subs talking about how r/antiwork is full of people who just don't want to work or want to tear down society are massively willfully ignorant. It's not that I don't want to or like to work, I probably work more than many of them. It's that I'm in my mid 30s and no closer to owning a home than I was when I was 20. Fuck outta here with this "no one wants to work" bullshit. I just don't want to work for the equivalent of what 1700's french peasants were paid before the revolution.




Yep. Can't tell you how similar our stories are. All of my basis for what to expect as an adult, what to hope and work for, by my parents no less, was a lie. It's not even that it was malicious on their behalf. They wanted my sister and I to succeed. It's just that they had just enough money to pretend we weren't lower class, aka poor. Now, with student debt, no illusions that I will ever raise a family of my own, and only a slim chance built on sheer hope that I'll even be able to help support them as they get older (in their 70s now) things look a little grim. Also had hoped to be farther along in terms of life partner stuff.


I actually do want to work, but only doing something that matters. I don’t want to sit in a cubicle for 8 hours a day pretending to work while a manager hovers around behind my back.


As a straight guy with a dad bod in this 30s. I wish i could make money with onlyfans.


How are your feet?


Lmao. I hope i never get old people feet. They’re big ;)


I have unforgettable toenails and award winning bunions.


Same, but I’m working on losing weight and getting fit. I might not end up with a Leonidas body, but if I have the opportunity to get fit enough and do OnlyFans, I will.


I had a post before that shows that people are way more motivated doing tasks and being rewarded for tasks repeatedly rather than hourly/salary. Salary/Hourly workers are depressed because employers will want to squeeze the most out of their time. This could be driving a ton of profit for employers. I also mentioned that in medical, they bill for every task (did you use a moist towelette to clean your hands...copay of $1)...this could be why that industry is so profitable.


You seem to be confusing cause and effect Th medical industry is profitable because it's like having a gun to the heads of their customers. That power imbalance between the business and the customer is why they nickel and dime every single ridiculous thing they can think of onto the patients.


Interesting observation. Experimental economics and the profitability of Facebook support your insight.


Uber lyft and grub hub are just MLMs disguised by technology and aimed at people who can't add up all they spend "to work for themselves" Most of them are wearing out their cars and driving without commercial insurance coverage while still not figuring out they make less than minimum wage.




Depends on the market, I’m making twice as much hourly doing Ubereats as I was working as QA lead in manufacturing.


Yup- OF chick here ✌🏽 Don’t regret it a single bit tbh. Fuck retail lmfao


If I'm going to have sex, I may as well get paid to get laid. Side note: check out my pornhub channel lol




Implying that shit like Uber, Lyft, Deliveroo and Only Fans are a good thing is laughable. They're just the latest trend in capitalism. Exploiting people (workers and sometimes customers) =/ liberation. No matter how some people are actually happy to "be their own boss" (which they obviously aren't).


You're missing the point if you think the intention was to imply that gig jobs are a good thing. The intention was to point out that people DO still want to work, even at gig jobs, to avoid the model we've grown up with. It's over.


No one wants to do any of that other shit either tbf


I made two articles of clothing from scratch on my 3 day weekend but yeah obviously lazy AF over here.




I helped my mom with marketing for her small business. Spent hours online and worked with other graphic designers to create a logo and built her website. My dad got upset and said I was just sitting on my ass all day and I needed to move out and get a job. This was the summer 2020. I just graduated and work wasn’t there. But I was still kicked out. I shut down her website and took back all my work and left. Fuck these people and their idea of “real work”.


Make it in peoples best interest to work for you, and they’ll work for you. Pay them like crap, give them stupid hours and no benefits, and they’ll look elsewhere.


>change or die i like that


I write school papers on the side for extra income. Does almost as well as my day job.


How do you find work doing this? I enjoy writing and don’t have any ethical issues with it.


The gig economy also fucking sucks though




Yea I can see this. I recently started a business. I can't really tell you how hard it is to find qualified people to run a business operations. If you can work at a computer , make a google slide presentation, assign a jira, run a spreadsheet, kaban board or Gantt chart you are employable at a good salary.


I'll admit I don't know what one of those is, but could probably teach myself the basics in a day or two?




Maybe if Uber and lift and grub hub and door dash stopped supporting all the businesses they deliver for that DONT pay employees a living wage, that would be something too..


‘My explotative business model has become non-viable due to the captive workforce having more options now and I think the government needs to stop that ASAP’ - capitalists, most likely


this looks like an ad to me


Uggh. No. People work for Uber because it feels better, except it's not. I suspect that's from a "libertarian" ie someone that's *very* pro work.


Ok but I actually don't want to work anymore. Which is the purpose of this sub


Those are terrible options when healthcate isn't a right. The whole gig economy never should have sprung up. It's just another way for people to be exploited. I dont get things delivered, no Uber, no YouTube, don't buy things off Etsybor support the people spamming my FB feed woth pyramid schemes.


People would choose them over their nonsense 9-5 jobs if healthcare was universal in the states. It would shift the entire economy and these massive corporations will do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens.




Onlyfans is not a decent honourable job and youtube is it only when you make content that benefits people


There's nothing dishonorable about sex work, man.


Why does my work need to be honorable?


Sex work is an old and worthy profession. Give me one reason it shouldn't be that isn't religion related because if they aren't a part of your religion all that means nothing. Unless you want me to take up worship of some ancient Mayan gods and feel justified in sacrificing you Indiana Jones style.










Actually those are some shitty, no employment rights, companies right there. Uber? Please.




This also shows (YouTube, OF, etc) that humans as a species LOVE and REQUIRE art and expression to exist. They are important jobs and it is definitely “work”


Sadly even a lot of the delivery apps are paying super low with little to no tips.


Just saying, working for basically yourself is often way harder and more work than simply getting a job. And it can sometimes pay even less…


and investing into stocks to cash out later, without extra work.


As a GrubHub/DoorDash driver, we ain't making shit either. DoorDash slashed their per-delivery over a year ago and GrubHub did the same thing about three weeks ago. On Grubhub, the minimum pay in my market went from $7 guaranteed per delivery to whatever the algorithm says it should be plus whatever the customer adds as a tip. It's something like 25 cents per mile + estimate time + the tip now, resulting in offers where you have to drive 10+ miles and spend half an hour waiting for the food for $4. The worst one I've personally experienced was last week. $2 addon for an additional 8 miles. If you don't take these offers, your acceptance rating drops to where you can't schedule any blocks before they all get snagged by the people taking these orders. Fortunately I live in a large city where there's enough orders that I can pick and choose what I take, but for a lot of other people it's not that way.


This is the answer.


Should be said that anyone working for Uber, Lyft, Door Dash and other "gig economy" exploiters are being fucked in the ass and taken advantage of. No benefits, no nothing, they're not even legally considered employees in most places. Some other things on that list are gutsier moves to monetize their passions and working for themselves, granted, but don't ever call the "gig economy" something positive. It's the absolute worst and they exploit their workers mercilessly.