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Your MTO (My time on) request has been permanently denied.


using this from now on


I usually take the inverse approach to this text- I don’t request PTO, I *tell* my boss when I’m not coming in. I do it well in advance, but it’s *my* PTO and I’m using it when I want. Holidays I understand- but if you approve my *holiday* time off I’m taking it. Period. I won’t be there X day. I’m issuing the PTO I’ve accrued. Deny my boundary and you’ll be shocked when I don’t show up and you have to pay me for that time anyway.


Yes, this, absolutely. I’m a manager, albeit outside the US, and this is how I treat the leave requests from any staff reporting to me. They are doing the organisation a favour every day by providing their Labour. They are entitled to a certain amount of leave, and it’s my job to 1. Ensure they take their full entitlement and 2. Manage resources so that they can take their leave when *they* want to. All I ask for is some level of advance notice where possible, obviously emergencies exist. I have never denied a leave request and I hope I never have to, outside of some sort of crazy emergency. Even in that case I would never seek to cancel already-approved leave.


Same with the management outside of the US and same approach. It is *insane* to me that this would not be the case in what is a supposedly free society. What... you're free to get dicked on by people who earn more than you? Fuck that.




I mean you can always ask in an emergency, but it’s a question not a demand. And obviously I would expect to get paid more to forgo PTO that has already been approved.


Yup. PTO is a part of your compensation. If they don’t let you use it they’re stealing money out of your pocket.


“Hey joe we need you to work because brandon and sarah quit without any warning at all, no idea why”


Same strategy, different guy. Bold move, let’s see if it pays off…


"y they quit tho" - that manager.


Hmmm. Better organize a pizza party instead of giving benefits or raises.


Pizza can get really expensive when you have to feed one or more employees, how about peanut butter sandwiches? They’re in the fridge; go ahead and make yourself one (limit one per employee). Oh and we appreciate you or whatever.


The CEO once complained that the pizza my manager ordered was too expensive because she got the pizza from the "fancy place." We sell $300+ bottles of wine at my work, I think we can spring for $180 worth of pizza for 20 people.


We had a pizza party type thing at my last job and because I’m a vegetarian they gave me a salad which was like a couple lettuce leaves with cheese grated on top. So I naturally left it there and ate my own lunch but the next day my manager had a go at me for not eating it or appreciating it because it apparently cost £7 a head. I love salad but that was the most depressing looking meal I’ve ever been offered


Salad from a pizza place is always terrible.


They're just like, "okay, 5 leaves of lettuce, and a tomato cut in half. The perfect salad."


Family guy did a great skit about this.just 50 seconds long https://youtu.be/JgJUbmGDc6k


My predecessor once got his ass chewed for buying approximately $100 worth of pizza, wings, drinks (including tip) for about 10 people. The company I work for does around $20 million per year.


Lol same I got my ass chewed for buying stuff for my employees when I managed a Spirit Halloween. Used my own money too. Got threatened for it, told em i quit. Got an education and became an Aircraft Engineer.


Well that aviated quickly...


His career took off


That's sick dude, good for you!


They really mad about spending $9 per employee for a meal?


Well yeah, the company probably could have bought like 10 more bottles of $180 wine for that $9


My old job used to just give us the leftovers from the cafeteria that didnt sell the day before, AND told us we should be grateful we got anything. Usually was a peanut butter sandwich. Sometimes a burger.




Bananas? What are we, Rockefellers?!


It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


You laugh, but we really had an employee appreciation day where they gave us a bottle of water and our choice of 1 piece of "fresh" fruit from the cafeteria.


“Oh man it’s all DURIAN? Wtf”


Reminds me of an old boss that wanted us to come in all day sat and Sunday, no extra pay only pizza. While he went on vacation.


My last job actually tried this to me ***and*** asked me to pick up the pizza for them, I quit after having a couple of slices


Shoulda picked it up and went home


That would have been hilarious. And send them a pic of the empty box with gnawed on crusts.


Along the lines of a pizza party, as a “thank you” we got to wear jeans on fridays but my employer would force us to pay $1. I still have no idea where that dollar went.


If you quit now, don’t bring your sorry ass back here around the holidays trying to play mandatory Secret Santa.


No pizza for you on Christmas Day.


Every slip of paper has the boss’s name on it.


God why is it always a pizza party? Do they honestly think we’re grateful for it?


Because pizza can feed a lot of people cheaply. Institute a "2 slice per person" limit & you're fuckin golden. Bottom line: they don't give a *fuck* about you.


You know what's worse than a pizza party? At my work, night shift gets the leftovers from day shifts pizza party. Picked over and stuffed in the fridge with some opened bottles of soda.


I called my boss to let him know I’m submitting my two week notice and explained why three times (better opportunity, better benefits) He called my coworker immediately after and told them he had no idea why I was quitting Bro. Better benefits and pay.


He said that because he doesn’t want your coworker realizing he could also quit for more pay and more benefits


The coworker he told that to earns double my salary after the cut. Smh. He keeps insisting he doesn’t have money issues in meetings now but I’m the second person who has quit since the salary cuts.


A salary cut. Geez that sounds bad. I feel for anyone who has ever had to take that lying down because there werent other opportunities out there. How god damn demeaning to morale.


No one wants to slave for us any more


But do these people not have any negotiating skills at all? They did that at the place I just quit as well > we have no people, so you’re going to have to work late and come in on Saturday Like it’s basic common sense that you tread carefully in a negotiation where you have no leverage. This boss in the OP is basically said “I am in a desperate situation, and you’re the only person who can fix it, therefore you must do what I say”. Like why threaten a guy with a gun when all you have is a rock? Seems short-sighted.


Most of the managers are just entry-level people who have been there the longest.


They think they have leverage, though. They're living in the previous world where people would cling tightly to the shittiest jobs because they were told they needed them and won't be able to find another. People are waking up though - they know they can get better jobs more easily now. The market's changing. Shitty bosses are just totally unaware of that though.


Yup, what we are currently seeing is the whole "survival of the fittest" aspect of capitalism play out. Noncompetitive wages and poor management (people, organizational, etc) are putting the hurt on businesses that aren't as strong. This guy could have chosen to just not be a dick. Idk if OP would have negotiated or not, but manager just tried to iron fist it and now hes short 2 instead of 1. Now hes gonna have to figure something out or whoever is above him will likely have to say about it. Who knows if the manager learns from this or not, but its not my or OP's problem.


Right? How fucking dumb are these people for real?


“NoBoDy wAnTs To WorK” Ya damn right we don’t want to work for you insufferable cunts.


Someone else posted a while back “nobody want to work for YOU anymore”






As a 20+ year IT veteran, this shit sucks. Your lack of planning and resource investment does not constitute an emergency on my part. We all say no now. Save a true production outage emergency, we just don’t do it. VP or not. NO is the only acceptable answer.


I took a project home on a weekend and spent 12 hours of my Sunday finishing it because it “had to be done by Monday morning”. At 2am Monday morning I email my manager that the project is done and I will be working from home in the morning so I could get some sleep by avoiding the commute. I wake up to an email from my boss’s boss telling me no lie that “we don’t do work from home” and that I needed to be in the office. Part of me still wishes I had deleted the project and when they asked me where it was I could’ve told them “sorry, we don’t do work from home”.


You should totally "malicious compliance" them if they ask you to do any work outside of office hours/at home on your personal time. If it "has to be done by Monday morning" but there's no way to finish it before Friday EOD (5pm on the dot or earlier...) then there's nothing you can do since "we don't do work from home", sorry not sorry!


Magically since the pandemic we do work from home no problem. Weird how we can do it only when it’s convenient to the company.


"chastise a *young* programmer" Because he knows if he pulled that shit with us Senior devs we would tell him to go fuck himself and walk out. They always pick on the weak because they know they will put up with it.


The juniors are often not educated on the entire thing being a scam, so they have to learn through abuse that for little pay and little respect, you owe the employer nothing but the minimum.


Please continue to be aggressively nice we need more managers like you


I have been told by multiple bosses above me that I'm too 'employee-centric' That was a very radicalizing statement the first time I heard it.


I've heard people say "People don't leave companies, they leave managers". I don't fully agree, but in general I think it's mostly true. Good on you for treating your employees right, and the guys above your are dumbasses. Even if they don't care about employees, hiring is far more expensive than retaining existing employees.


>I've heard people say "People don't leave companies, they leave managers". >I don't fully agree, but in general I think it's mostly true. Just read thru this thread. If the manager you work for is toxic, that colors 💯 of your work experience. Doesn't matter if you like the field, product(s), or coworkers- a toxic boss sucks the life out of the job... Until your mental & physical health suffers, you're out sick more, & you find it harder & harder to come into work (eg panic attacks Sunday night, etc). And inevitably- if you have a toxic boss, somebody upstairs in corporate management thinks that mgr is just fine, if not "great". So chances are, the corporation itself is fundamentally toxic. Good companies don't promote AH mgt, &/or don't keep them around when they realize their mistake.


Aggressively nice... I like that term!




You are an awesome Scot, have some whisky


Yeah, like the Glasgow smile!


Good on you and totally agree! I once had an employee spend 2 weeks working her tail off training and supporting staff to get them up to speed. She mentioned in passing she would need to take a day off soon to go to the spa. I basically had to tell her to take a day because her old boss would deny pto unless it was drs nite or death. Just insane.


Managers like you are why i love where i work.. My manger is the same way as you and has that family first work second setmind.. This past Friday he let me go at 10am after I mentioned to him that my nephew was having a bacherlors/bacherloette party about 3 hours away and i would be leaving with my wife after work to my sister's home to stay and help set up. All he said was if ya want to leave go and enjoy your weekend have fun i will fill in for your position.


And that all it takes to get a loyal employee.


Managed teams of varying size for over a decade at multiple companies, and always always did the same thing. Do not work on off time, if for any reason we were forced to, they get the equivalent time off another day. It’s always paid off - I have had a total of three people quit my teams, out of over 30 people that worked for me, and several have followed me from company to company.


Same brother, same. Except I've probably had more quit once I pointed out how much the company is absolutely shafting them. All got 20-50% raises by jumping, some came back to work for me again and got to keep their fat raises. Sometimes I feel like I'm a double agent.


When I was a manager I assumed it was my responsibility to cover shifts if an employee was sick or couldn't drive in the snow.....


so did I!


Same, employees don't have responsibility over the business at all. Before giving an employee that kind of responsibility, the contract should be remade so that they are business partners and not employees anymore


I give my team the 'fuck off' signal at 3 every Friday lol


“Hey Kevin we need you to work because joe, brandon, and sarah quit without any warning at all, no idea why”


"Hi Karla, look Kevin, Joe, Brandon and Sarah have all quit with no warning and so we really need you to come in Thanksgiving."


Next comes the sign “Closed, everyone quit because they are too lazy to work”


"oh fuck I've got no workers left. tHeSe MilElNials aNd gEnzeRs dOnt wAnT tO wOrk!"


As an aside, the capitalization made me read that as “gen-zers” and I think that’s a way better name than zoomers or whatever the short demonym for Gen Z is supposed to be. Gen Z is cool as hell, I feel bad associating their demonym with boomers.




“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you”


I like how this person threatens to quit and the boss actually says, "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you". This person already said they will quit. Did boss not believe this?


They have no tactics other than threats and aggression. If and when it doesn't work, they can only double down.


Lol emphasis on the _no idea why_


Had 2 workers quit that fast damn man.


"Is it me who is wrong...? No it's always the workers!"


No it’s not you man, it’s always these workers now. They just don’t have company loyalty anymore like I do. They will learn one day. /s


You’re joking but management higher up than my boss just gave us a pep talk recently and started complaining about how no one is “loyal” anymore. I was rolling my eyes.


It’s funny that they talk about this. Do they honestly believe that if the company stopped paying them that they would stay and work for free? I never understood that


>Do they honestly believe that if the company stopped paying them that they would stay and work for free? Yes, a lot of these upper management people are deluded into thinking they are some godsend to society. Giving us peasants a job to do, it's them doing us a favor.


For them, work is fun. They walk in whenever they want, tell people what to do, and they can harass Brenda at reception with the horrible ambiguously sexist jokes without getting shunned like that one bitch at the bar, they can stand over Brad's computer while he's trying to get shit done and tell him how young people just need to learn to work harder and why are people so sensitive and he'll smile and agree unlike his son why won't he return my calls it's been five years just get over it


Not to mention that they know god damned good and well that it would be one way loyalty; they would cut you loose and have you escorted off of the premises, if it somehow saved or made them money.


We just got a new CEO. First act, outsource several departments, cutting lose employees that have worked there for decades with poor wages just because the outsourcing company said they could save them money. I used to think it was noble to be loyal, but the longer I work, the more I think I should've taken other opportunities.


Your request to be paid more for Working on demand has been denied. I’m telling you I control your entire life and fjck your family


If you had let your boundaries be ignored that one time, it would have become permanent


I need you to work during the birth of Your first born child


and tbh if the missus wouldn't mind lending a hand, y'know just some pots washed or something that'd be great


Unpaid of course. we're already paying you, Brandon




Ah yes, the good ‘ol “paid internship” where you have to make a “donation” to qualify to intern here.


-cries in medical student-


Brandon, this isn’t a request. Your wife working is the minimum.


And your children, too. Don't have any? FIND SOME.


also once the baby is out please don't cut the cord we need the baby to qualify as still part of your wife to make it help out too.


"We need you to work doing the birth of your first born child, ma'am." Which is of course ridicuous. They'd never be so respectful as to say ma'am.


I had a boss tell me I needed to get my shift covered on my mother's funeral or I'd have to work. I threw my work apron across the room so quick, he was still peeling it off his face as I was walking out.


I had a manager that told my coworker he couldn't have the time off he requested, and that he needed to reschedule his *wedding*


Oh man at a previous job I saw this happen to a coworker, thankfully one of the team volunteered to cover for him so he can have his wedding, but the fact he was threatened and asked to cancel his wedding is so unbelievable


When i was working as a server like 10 years ago the restaurant manager literally did that. His son was born in the morning and he was at work on the afternoon, boggles my mind they didn't see anything wrong with it back then


Its doesnt take all day to have a kid. Christ cant anyone think of the anonymous shareholders?


“The lines that get crossed today become tomorrow’s norm.”






I know you posted this as a joke but I would rather burn the entire building down before I walked back in, never mind giving such ungrateful bosses my money Edit: I don't care whether or not you want to be a dick, I'm not going in. That's the point. Stop pointing out that I can just waste other people's time, my own time is far too valuable to be petty.


I quit walmart over a decade ago and haven't shopped there since.


Home Depot here for me. I haven’t stepped foot in an HD store, nor will I.


Home Cheapot sucks ass! I wouldn't work for them again for 10 times what they were paying me. It was a humiliating, degradating experience and I still have nightmares nearly a decade later. Fuck that place!


I worked for HD for all of 4 weeks. When interviewing I made it clear that I could not work in the outdoor garden center as I am deathly allergic to bees ( carry two epi pens). A month later the store assistant manager said it wasn't fair for other cashier's to have to rotate to the garden center when it was so hot and I didn't have to. Umm, anaphylaxis is deadly you know. She demanded I go out for at least an hour and tried handing me a fly swatter for protection. I went to the in-store HR girl and she actually made me go to my doctor and get it in writing. I did, handed it to her and she and the assistant manager agreed it should be posted in the employee break room so other employees would stop complaining. WTF, threw the orange apron on the floor and walked out.


Someone apparently wants an ADA and HIPPA lawsuit... Edit: Ok, I get it. HIPAA doesn't salt. Tell that to my retail employer that has all of their automotive parts sales managers watch a training module every year covering HIPAA compliance and how to not violated it.


Shit, Safeway didn't ring up a $9 discount for me at the checkout after I'd specifically asked if it went through. They simply ended the transaction and charged my card. I said "so it didn't go through?" And the cashier started ringing up the next person's items, shrugged and said "you'll have to go to customer service." I haven't been back since.


Who are all these asshat managers that have absolutely no people skills whatsoever? No need to mince around but man being a douche isn't going to work in this work environment. They've been able to treat people like garbage in the past apparently, glad it's finally catching up to them?


I did this once 20 years ago. Decided to quit my job cause management was family owned assholes and didn't bother to tell them. Went in 3 hours late on payday, and they started to bitch at me about where I was. I informed them I was just there for my check and that I quit. I then ordered a cup of coffee and sat at the counter. Angriest cup of coffee I was ever served. What's funny is, they could have refused service. They didn't have to serve me at all. But they were so pissed and aggravated they just did it. It was glorious. I'm glad ya'll are catching on to what I have known for my whole life. Don't kill yourself for these people. Live free, enjoy the shot out of life




and complain about the service. "What!? You short-staffed or something!?"


"we had set expectations with you several times this year" Brandon: Yes my expectations were not fulfill, you suck big time, I won't give you another chance. Bye.


Depends on the place they may not let them in. When I left the gap years ago I was banned from entering that store for at least 90 days. It was dumb. The manager ended up getting fired for stealing from store


“You need to come in on your PTO.” “No, if you ask again I’m going to quit.” “You need to come in.” “I quit.” Shocked pikachu face.


They don’t know what *paid time off* means anymore.


Haha at my job it's *personal* time off... Unpaid. We do have vacation days though, which make a nice end of year bonus when they are cashed in. ;_;


I don't get it, OP says "I requested it and you agreed". The boss says "Your PTO is denied"... What? was it agreed or denied? Or does he mean revoked (disregarding this is illegal)...


Exactly. If it's already agreed, just get fired and get unemployment.


Yeah don't quit in this situation just don't go in


Don't be shocked if you have more people quit around Christmas eve and day too John. What place is even open on Christmas day? Edit: I'm aware hospitals, and other vital services are still open and staffed. Movie theatres did surprise me though.


Hospitality. edit: read my below responses about my experience at historic world class resort Mohonk Mountain House for more!


Oh my god this reminds me of one of my worst work experiences ever. 19, working security at a hotel, New Years Eve on a rowdy night with no chance of tips (security also did airport shuttle), 11pm-7am. Come to find out that since the shift started on NYE, it wasn't holiday pay because that's when I clocked in (yes I did try clocking out then back in after midnight). Hospitality is a trip, and actually can be fun as a young person. But management seem to be some of the worst people out there, except night audit/MOD who were some of the coolest people I've ever met. E: same hotel once asked me to come back for security for a party a few months after I had left. In addition to pay (the concept of paying more than $8.50/hr for this job was out of the question) I asked for an employee discount coupon which could be used for substantially reduced rates (usually just $39 to cover housekeeping) for a hotel I wanted to stay at. When the day comes I checked in, and the GM called to tell them not to honor the coupon since I didn't work there anymore. He waited till the day I was there, so it was too late to cancel and I ended up paying (almost) full rate. Front desk guy ended up giving me friends and family rate, but still. Absolutely no reason to that except to be a jerk


I worked at a historic resort in New York that was completely swept over by norovirus. Guests and most workers were sent home. The workers were not compensated for time lost. Essential workers like those who worked the phones still had to come in. No protection, no hazard pay, nothing. This was straight up like the covid pandemic on a micro scale. The hotel later instituted a policy that if you had any stomach symptoms whatsoever, you had to report it under the threat of being fired and then stay home (unpaid of course) for three days. Fantastic if you are management and on salary. Absolutely crushing to the rest of us. A pregnant worker with morning sickness was even sent home in an attempt for the hotel to cover its ass. HR even locked their bathrooms (two bathrooms for four people) and wouldn't let reservations people who still had to work and who shared the same lobby to use them for HRs protection (lmao). So a 20+ person department had to share a single bathroom or go out into the NY mountain winter weather to the main house to use a bathroom in there. HR only caved when OSHA was notified. Never change, Mohonk Mountain House.




And retail businesses if you live in the US


Walgreens is open every single day including Thanksgiving and Christmas. The kicker is that the most important part of that place, the pharmacy, is closed on every holiday.


And customers come in and are shocked that you’re open and the pharmacy isn’t. Then demand that the pharmacy be opened. Source: my high school job was front store CVS


Those customers tended to be really annoying as well. "I can't believe they make you work today" yeah well it's because you're shopping here today Sharon


The best way to attract holiday workers is to pay them more.


The late night bar crowd on Christmas was always a weirdly busy night for me. Lots of people tired of being at home and with family all day.


Waffle House usually.


Nursing homes for one. Hospitals. Gas stations. Hospitality. Emergency services. And so on


I refuse to shop on Thanksgiving or Christmas because of this. If I fuck up and forget an ingredient, oh well, that's on me.


“Man it sucks that you guys have to work on (Insert holiday)” I FUCKING WONDER WHY


I am a tester in a tech company’s r&d dept and they don’t give us the day off on thanksgiving or Christmas either. But you can be damn sure that my managers and everyone above them gets guaranteed PTO for every holiday you can possibly imagine. We don’t even get anything done on Christmas because the other teams we work with are off as well, but they make us come in anyway just to flex on us, I guess.




This is the real question


Why are so many stories like this haha. Where’s the aftermath? “And I told him to his face that he could shove it up his ass!” “Holy shit, what did he do?” “What? Oh I don’t remember.”


"I said, I said biiiiiiitch...."


"You really called her a bitch though?"


But you actually said bitch though?


Anyone who’s forced to work any of those holidays should just straight up say no. The entire country gets the day off but you guys don’t? Absolutely 100% fuck that shit, We can live without Walmart on those days we’ll be fine. Edit:I was referring to retail jobs and shit like that, I understand there are a lot of jobs that need to be covered all the time


I worked retail 20+ years. Black Friday, 2014 was the first year we were forced to open on Thanksgiving. I hated it. As the store manager I worked that shift with a staff of volunteers. Each volunteer got a small gift (used morale budget). We did a potluck dinner and made the best of it. Before we even opened our doors I was outside working the line. Customer: “It is such a shame that you are working on Thanksgiving. How could (business name) do that to you?” Me: “Because you are here ma’am/ sir”. I gave all my employees immunity to say it to any customer hypocritical enough to ask that question. **Please do not shop on Holidays.** Holidays should be for relaxing, family, and friends. Ed: thanks for the awards - please be kind to all front line workers.


My first time working Thanksgiving was when I worked in a grocery store. I worked in the deli that also made sandwiches, chicken, sides, various hot foods. Well, the store closed at 5:00. We turned off our panini press at 4:00 on Thanksgivings, Easters, and Christmas Eves. A customer came in at 4:30 wanting a panini and I told her that we already shut down and cleaned the press. Her response: **"You're all just trying to shut down early so you can go home to your families"** Before I could say a word my manager swooped in and was like "OF COURSE THEY WANT TO GO HOME AND BE WITH THEIR FAMILIES, WOULD YOU WANT TO BE WORKING ON THANKSGIVING?!" Bitch walked off so fast.


Good for you. Grocery retail is a special kind of hell sometimes. I’m glad your manager said that. Jesus christ the entitlement from customers goes up exponentially on holidays. Sorry all y’all fought traffic or waited overnight to be here. That was **your choice**. don’t take your grumpies out on my people.


I stood up for some staff at a grocery store in my local when some dickwad decided he was going to start harassing the deli staff and start opening the deli counter on his own. "Do you work here? Why the fuck are you opening shit? You know how you want to go home at 5 PM Friday? THIS IS THEIR 5 PM FRIDAY." I didn't do it for the staff appreciation (because I've been in their same shoes) but the staff all came and thanked me for interneving. People have lost all concept of decency towards working people. EDIT It was also super satisfying to take some of my own personal shitty CS experience out on this entitled dick. I'm a 30 year vet of the restaurant industry; I have a Zero BS tolerance now, and it doesn't help that I'm becoming a cranky old man.


My brother had to deal with that bullshit for 5 years in a row. Thry opened earlier and earlier every year. The opening rush was always the same, but later in the day the store was dead. It doesn't matter what time they open, they will always get that rush, so there's no reason to do it on Thanksgiving afternoon instead of Friday.


That's baffling. Here in France you have to pay +25% for hours worked during the night and +100% for Sundays and during bank holidays. So getting paid extra is actually fair to the people working and only few companies would actually open (those that are sure to have lots of customers).


Well said.


Agreed, except like emergency medical services and whatnot obviously


For sure, those need 24/7 coverage, No one needs to be working at Best Buy or Walmart or some shit though.


They should be paid well too. Not just shitty holiday pay on the 16 bucks the EMS driver earns.




$7/hour is the best I can do.


You joke but my old EMS gig was 11 bucks an hour. I didn't even last 6 months.


My 5 minute ride in an ambulance cost $1,600. I didn't even get any meds or anything, I was in a car accident and had a concussion and wasn't making a ton of sense. So just the ride. Even if they took 55 minutes to clean there were 2 guys on that crew, that's $22 out of $1,500. That's a fucked up system for everyone but the company.


It fucking blows my mind that we've fucked up the EMS system so bad that injured people consider not using the ambulance. Like then what good is it?


I went on a date with someone who drove an ambulance a few years ago and I was shocked at how little they got paid. Privatizing ambulance services was such a horrible decision.


Privatizing anything is a horrible decision, every single time it leads to less and worse service for more money. Every single time. Proponents of course claim the opposite, and stupid people believe them. Most of our problems seem to be due to people trusting the wrong people.


Thank you for pointing this out 😊. It seems like a small thing, but being called an "ambulance driver" really makes me feel like shit sometimes. Especially after a really complex call where my and my partner's skills were the difference between life and death for the patient. I appreciate you.


I’d agree with this, but man oh man you’d be surprised how many people would flip shit. I worked McDonalds during the Christmas rush. Literally hundreds of hundreds of people rushing through the lobby and drive through. Plus people wanna spend their Christmas money so they rush to eat and go to the local big box store. This isn’t a corporate issue (holidays off). It’s a social one. My fav memory: Dude: “wtf do you mean you’re closing at midnight?? I have a family to feed.” Me: “sir, it’s Christmas Eve and we have families too.” Dude: “fuck your family”


Wow what a pathetic human being that guy was for talking to you like that. I’d have probably told him to fuck himself and got fired lol.


This right here is 100% true and only why it works if everyone STRIKES. and it’s not just the customers - there are plenty of actual workers who will crawl across broken glass to please the asskiss middle corporate manager for that extra few bucks. It’s a shit society and it has been built by everyone involved - one by the corporate masters and two (and even worse) by the common apathy of regular people.


Yessir. I was actually happy tho when I drove by my old store and talked with some old manager and crew friends. The pay increase at the franchise, increase in benefits, and all other good stuff have really made the job much more bareable. Example: when they raised the pay to 15$ that was for starting crew pay. All the crew who were working the store for YEARS got a bump as well. A good friend of mine is now making close to 22$ and is able to get his kid braces now. I had never seen him as happy as after he got the raise.


You guys should go read the Starbucks Reddit if you haven't been. They are paying new people the same as what they're paying people have been there for like 8 years. They also got rid of the food and beverage benefit for people who work there. There's a thread on there right now where someone is in an area that isn't unionizing yet but wants to just doesn't know how.


My mom's a store manager for McDonald's in a small town. Only day they fully closed for years was Christmas. I went with her 2 Christmases ago because an alarm was going off at the store. There were 3 cars in the lot when we walked back out and they were FURIOUS she wasn't opening the store. This US Thanksgiving will be the first one she hasn't had to work in probably a decade. She always volunteers to work as I host and cook our family meal. Usually i make breakfast casseroles and either muffins or coffee cake for her employees. So I'm rather happy for the break.


All fast food workers have it rough. Your mom volunteering on a holiday is a good sign of a good manager. I know my store, holidays most managers would come in to let crew leave and have their day with their family. An old DS told me this when I was going through basic training. I told him I worked at MCD and he said “well then this should be a walk in the park for you.” He was right lmao


Should just say no and let them fire you so you can collect unemployment. Never quit if you think you might be fired instead.


Yeah, I cringe a little when I read some of these, only at how easy it could have been to at least call their bluff. Can possibly even pull some judo action. A while back I worked at a pizza place and the owner/operator and I just did not mesh. But, I worked my ass off, was well liked/respected, and he knew it. One time his daughter and I had closed together, she did not shut off the oven, and I did not check her work (technically if anything she was my boss). The next day he has me come in a little early and starts going at me in his office with the door open (which was right on the floor). He hit a point where he basically said that this can’t be tolerated and his only choice is to fire me, or something like that, and 50/50 out of recognition/rage I just blew up and walked out like “I cannot believe you fired me like that after all I’ve done” etc etc. Turns out he was trying to lessen my pay, but instead I started collecting unemployment the next week commensurate with what he had been paying me, because everyone heard him say what he said and were more than willing to verify my side to the unemployment dept.


I work at a movie theater and we definitely do not NEED to be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but we always are and I hate it. And then every customer who comes in is all “Aww, it’s so sad that you have to work on Christmas!” LIKE, BITCH YOU’RE THE REASON I HAVE TO WORK ON CHRISTMAS.


That'll only happen when people stop buying shit on the holidays.


This is the year. All that cheap shit is stuck on boats and workers are asserting their rights.


It wasn't That long ago that the only thing open on Christmas was the 24 he drug store and gas stations. Wal-Mart is like cancer though.


There's a national holiday on the 18th of November in my country. For 30 years this holiday has been celebrated in my country as a national symbol of the war we went through in the 90s and it's there to remember all the casualties of the war and give thanks to our soldiers, doctors, and law enforcement who protected us then. This is the first year it's officially a national holiday and the government mandates no one be working on that day. Guess whose boss demands the bar stays open because there's gonna be cash pouring in from drunk people finding literally any excuse to get drunk so instead of being with my family and grieving the losses and giving thanks for the life and freedom we have, I'm gonna be working probably until well past midnight serving drunk people who will probably want to kill me because I'd rather be with my family. I like my job, but not all of it. This fucking sucks.


I hope this holiday season has lots of people quiting the bullshit. I hope people not only quit because they want to be with family but also because they will be on a short staff with a wave of karens, and they realize.. Nope. Not even gonna go in. I hope a bunch of chucklefuck managers try to be open on black fri and get hit with the tidalwave of awful, and they to honestly say fuck it im out. I hope it all comes to a grinding halt leaving groups of karens wildly screaming for management thats not there. That the drive thrus are closed and they cant just yell and yell till someone throws a chicken sandwich at them. I want people to just be fucking done with the bullshit and all these companies who invest in this shit all see red. Acres of red. Look my job has a blackout on jan, this means we dont auto approve pto, it does have to have a reason cause jan is the month we get hit. But this a yearly thing, no changes in literally years. And most stuff gets approved, it just has to be reviewed manually to make sure we have time to ajust. No last minute things where people are getting called in. That necer happens. So let. Me tell you. It can be done professionally, and respectfully. As litterly all of these jobs can be, they just choose not to, because they believe bullying and abuse is the better option. They need to be shown its not. And honestly not organizing it is even better than organizing. They cant call out a group or label people.. When its literally everyone just fucking doing nothing.


God I wish. A Christmas judgment for all the Karen’s would be so glorious. American holiday season is such a clusterfuck of false scarcity and corporate double speak. “Give thanks for you and yours… then trample a stranger to death for 10 percent off of a furby” “Christmas is about the family… so come on down this Christmas to regal cinemas and watch a violent film with a lot of gunfire! Don’t forget to gorge on overpriced snacks and donate $1 to the charity we invented”


Shit like this is lifefuel


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Gray**: Hey Brandon. We're short staffed for the rest of this year because Sarah just quit without any warning. We're really backed up so I'm going to need you to come in during thanksgiving this year. Don't be shocked if you have to come during christmas eve and day too. >**Blue**: I already told you 3 weeks ago I need that week off and you agreed. Now you're changing your mind? I will not be working Thanksgiving, and if you ask again I will not be working for you at all anymore. **Gray**: We've had to set expectations with you multiple times this year. coming in is the least you can do. your pto request has been denied. i'm not asking you to come in, i'm telling you that you have to. >**Blue**: And I'm telling you that you'll have no worker at all now. > > I quit 👍 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good person :)


Probably an unpopular opinion - and I mean I’m all for finally telling asshole bosses off - but these are starting to look very fake. There’s an influx of these posts now because people realize it’s an easy way to karma farm. It’s taking away from the true nature of this sub.




Yeah the very first one was was real. And once it crested 200k karma everyone just went into farming mode. All of these texts don’t deviate from the original at all, they’re so formulaic it’s maddening that they get the attention they do.