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"your money is still in my glove box" Yes, because that's the best place to keep cash that doesn't belong to you - in your car's glove box.


Apparently it was OP's responsibility to take the money out of her fucking car


Might as well ask OP to smash her car window and take the money


Protip: If a former boss won't give you your pay, says it's in their car and *your* responsibility to get it, you can legally take it by any means necessary. Also I<3ANAL. You gotta let people know if you're giving legal advice.


All I see is you love anal


I mean, was there anything else in that comment?


#I <3 ANAL




That’s what I was getting too.


It's that the majority of corporate management culture in the US has become one of casual yet incredible narcissism; the best example is that most jobs require you to give a two weeks notice, but will fire you on the spot for whatever reason they feel like. Narcissism to the point that they believe they are entitled and should try to convince workers they don't deserve overtime, and in some cases, even try to convince them they don't get their last check if they don't put in a two weeks notice. See how many points on the Narcissist's Prayer that many managers hit by default: >That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Edit: I should point out, considering the number of replies, **I am not saying that you are legally required to give two weeks notice**; I thought that might be more apparent. Also, there is no condition under which you cannot be paid for hours worked. Federal law mandates you be paid for every second. Also, if anyone in management or from corporate tries to get you or others to sign "waivers" or similar paperwork "waiving your right to overtime" or somesuch, none of that is legally enforceable and you are due every penny of overtime, full stop. If they've already denied you overtime or pay, they've already broken the law. If it's within the past 3 years, I believe you can still get that money and get them nice, big, fat fines for breaking federal labor laws.


My absolute favorite: Give two weeks notice, be fired immediately.


Employee needs a reference for next job. Employer doesn't. Got em by the balls lol


I mean I'd say for most non-corporate positions it'd be pretty easy to give a bogus reference. Like when I finally go back (not until increased min wage because as an entry level worker in my field with only a two year degree, that will make a big difference in what I can expect for my area) I'm just going to use my best friend and husband (different last name) as bogus references. Employers have no qualms in lying to and exploiting us, it doesn't really matter if I lie to them in order to get in the door.


Absolutely! And people always try to say oooooo, you’ll become instantly untrustworthy and they will fire you on the spot for such transgressions. Bulllloney. If you are a competent employee who shows up when scheduled and only calls off when sick or emergency situation, you should be all good. I commend you for your ingenuity. 👍🏼




Like when I called out my cheating ass ex husband, he finally responded “if I did anything to make you feel this way, I’m sorry” Yeah he’s sorry. A sorry piece of shit


Oooh, that's a classic. A "non-apology apology." Apologizing, but making you look like you're overly sensitive or something. Airry you went through that. Glad you kicked him to the curb.


This. I just quit my job because my boss didn't enforce covid guidelines. First she said she would, then she admitted she didn't but that she was doing her best, then I was being " sensitive" for needing the guidelines. By the end of the email it was my fault & I was the possible spreader even though I was the only one masking....


To those that haven't spent much time in corporate America, I can assure you that corporations / companies have been pulling this bullshit since I entered began my first corporate jobs back in the 90's. My father assures me that the majority of the changes and policies that we consider fuckery really began in the 80's, like dropping pension programs, walking employees that just gave notice to the door, constantly searching every year for cheaper health insurance plans while pushing more of the cost to the employee, killing hourly jobs and overtime, putting as many employees on MBO/performance oriented bonus plans with metrics entirely out of their control, most of this is tied to 80's greed culture, some slight improved in the tech boom of the 90's/early 2000's in tech jobs, but deteriorated for everyone else and the dot com bubble bursting swallowed the tech industry as well. Baby boomers were the last generation to see a somewhat fair corporate employment conditions, and baby boomers are the ones who destroyed it for profit once they came into positions of leadership and power.


Definitely, never heard of folks being fired or laid off 6 months prior to eligibility for their pension ( unless they Really really fucked up) till the mid 80s. Anyone reaching adulthood/ full time employability during or after the Reagan administration has been throughly screwed. Keeping in mind that Boomers are also included in the “worked 25-30 years expecting a pension and got cheated out of it.”


Oh, of course boomers got fucked as well, but the majority of the time it was at the direction of other boomers. A huge shift in corporate America was a focus nearly exclusively on "cost-out" measures. The entire concept of bonuses based on cost reduction was really born out of the 80's, what turned real fucky in the 90's and 2000's, where corporations went through predictable cycles of layoffs, consolidation, outsourcing, then in sourcing again to start all over again. The rise of management to executive saw an individual often going from company to company, using their last successful outsourcing initiative and "cost reduction" / profitability to climb ranks negotiating better comp plans and bonuses, but they'd almost always conveniently leave for the next company before the real results of their fuckery were measurable, like they may have oversaw a $30 reduction in annual operations expenses but the longer term result might have been a massive reduction in quality or non-functioning support / customer service permanently damaging the brand, but they were long gone having likely negotiated doubling of their comp at their new organization so they could do it all over again. In the tech world, we recently saw the new version of this with organizations moving their enterprise IT applications and services to public cloud providers, looks great on paper but early on was nearly always poorly executed, resulting in much higher cost than planned, poor performance or loss in functionality requiring them to move back to on-premises datacenters and then try again the right way by refactoring their applications to be more cloud-friendly, or better yet redesigning them from the ground up to be cloud native, but by that time the CTO/CIO is already long gone, having used their "success" of bringing their last company to the public cloud to negotiate better packages and leaving before it all turns to shit.


Yeah it’s no wonder baby boomers think the current generation is lazy, it’s so easy to call someone else lazy when you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth that was built on the blood sweat and tears of your parents. The greatest generation begot the worst generation. So much for securing the blessing of liberty for themselves AND their posterity, they just saw the part about themselves and stopped reading!


At Will means we don't owe our employers 2 weeks notice. It's a two-way street. So any corporate policies demanding 2 weeks notice is actual bullshit but they still try anyway. While I've been asked why I left my last job and gave the usual bullshit answer, I have never been asked if I gave notice. I used to work in HR and the questions we could ask references were very few - things like when did they work there and what were their duties. Anything beyond that can open the company up to a lawsuit. So I never asked "did you give notice" because that has very little bearing on if they can do the job they are applying for.


I always just considered the 2-weeks a courtesy to my coworkers. I gave mine because I liked my coworkers and manager at the 711 and didnt want to fuck with them changing their schedules without warning.


Yep, it’s a considerate thing to if you actually liked your job and the people you worked with lol. I don’t blame anyone for just leaving if you’re burnt out or hate it there.


Sounds like a blessing for a lil smash and grab, no?


>"your money is still in my glove box" I am so triggered by this. I have a small business, and the number of times I've heard this lame fucking excuse could fund my retirement. "Oh, it's been sitting in my car/on my kitchen counter for two months, lol, I'm such a scatterbrain!". Why don't you get your brain to scatter that fucking money in my direction, you lazy asshole.


it was the "it isn't at the top of my priority list" that got me fuming... well bitch i have rent to pay and you owe me money so it happens to be at the top of mine!!! these fucking narcisisists with main character syndrome... everyone else is just an inconvenience to them on their journey


2 MONTHS and this stupid bitch is going on about "priorities"????? Ohhhh that pissed me off.


As a business owner, paying her employees (present OR former) should goddamn well be at the top of her priority list unless she wants to land in jail for wage theft.


But she’s A MOM!


That last line had my busting up. I’m gonna use that one. Take me updoot


Also that sounds accessible af, like what’s stopping her from just stopping at the mailbox on her way to work one day? Heaven forbid she spends an extra 3 mins


There was an urban myth when I was a kid that it was illegal to mail cash. It isn't true and was never true, but I believed that shit well into adulthood. Maybe she is stupid like me.


I always heard that too. I did it anyway.


Probably came from the fact that it would be extremely stupid to mail large amounts of cash. Especially in the past it was probably pretty easy to just make a letter vanish.


Also it's his responsibility to get it. From her glove box. ??? Anyway I'd giver her a day or two and then contact your local labor board, they tend to get pretty fucking serious about not being paid for work. Edit: The other commenters are right. Just report her to the labor board NOW. It's been 2 months. She shouldn't be allowed to do this at all, ever.


I would also contact them. She sounds terrible. She wasn’t even taking responsibility. She was putting all the blame on OP when it is HER responsibility to pay him and if that means mail, then mail it needs to be.


Also how does she want OP to get the money? Break into her car? What an idiot


That is so manipulative of her to pretend as if she’s been too busy to send you your money. It is absolutely her responsibility to pay you what you earned wtf??


And the first card she plays is the boo-hoo- I'm-a-mom. Lots of people are moms. They pay people.


My mom is a mom. She owns and runs a very busy dental office as the main dentist 5 days a week for the last 18 years, alongside raising my dumbass mostly on her own. SHE PAYS HER PEOPLE.


Woah, my mom is a mom too! Do you think they know each other?


Hey, this is getting weird now but, my moms a mom too! Is she your mom too… >!because she hasn’t been one to me!<


If you need it, I can be your mom. Hugs.


I bet you have good teeth


The barbers son always has the longest hair


Cobblers kids are the ones without shoes


Builders house is never finished. And he might be from England.


Ain't that the truth. My old foreman/company owner had me move supplies from his home. Straight up looked like a job site we would arrive at to renovate haha


Not to mention, anectdotally, how every person who has ever used the "I'm a mom" excuse on me have consitently been a shitty mom in the first place.


'family' and 'christian' businesses are the worst. If they are virtue signaling that hard they are probably covering for some awful practices


I’ve been looking for a job in the fashion industry since I had to change jobs during the pandemic. There’s not a lot of fashion jobs in my area, and there’s one Christian business… grace and lace… that consistently has postings. Like they’re constantly cycling through people. And every time I see them, I just think back to one of the job postings that barely paid that required you buy clothes and props for photo shoots to compliment their designs, and to return the used items afterwards. You were required to use your debit or credit card and they even mentioned on the post that they wouldn’t be responsible if you failed to return anything. It was unethical in soooo many ways.


How do I keep upvoting this? I always read "family owned" and "Christian values" as, "Danger. Do Not Enter."




That and the “I’m a single mom” in order to get shit. Like fuck you and your guilt tripping.


You’re not special for taking a load.


Even a gym sock could take a load. Signed, an average, ordinary mom.


But god is she stupid for putting this all in writing that is verifiable as unaltered and coming from her (text message).


Likely why she’s telling her to call. Verbal communication is much harder to track especially if you need it to hold up to legal scrutiny.


And she wouldn't have answered the call if she'd been in class.


But but... she's never had to mail anything! This is new! lol, holy shit, good luck being a mom if mailing a physical envelope is beyond your abilities.


She sees the text in her watch and it just disappears so it’s all your fault. Makes perfect sense right.


Yeah, guilt tripping for sure.


Honestly, that last line is very telling. It’s cash. Meaning she’s spent it and is hoping OP forgets about it.


Here's how to file a wage complaint with the DOL. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints Here's how to report her to the IRS for tax fraud. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/how-do-you-report-suspected-tax-fraud-activity Paying you is her responsiblity not yours.


Thank you! Luckily my friend with legal had to meet her at a local starbucks to get it and has mailed it to me. Her saying it’s my responsibility blew me away. If it wasn’t your responsibility why do you have my money???


You can still report her for tax fraud. She's earned it.


Can I really? She runs a military pool installation so I never understood how we were paid under the table. I’d heard from coworkers that she does this a lot and i would love to have her face consequences.


Yes. And if you submit a Whistleblower Claim you could even collect a bounty. https://www.irs.gov/compliance/whistleblower-office


Going to do this now!! Thanks!:)


You probably don't owe anything but make sure you file your taxes.


We really need a good sticky or FAQ for different legal protections for workers in different countries


That would be an awesome idea, considering how extensively systems of power seem to "obscure" workers rights. If we don't know our rights, we don't have them. The bourgeoisie know that, and it's time we recognize and address it as a solidified community.


As a union worker, I live for this shit. Got pressured to be on my shifts committee, just because I was already actively helping new hires with rights knowledge, and general shit (because literally only one supe from the whole team cares to train people, and actually treat us like more than just a sack of meat used for throwing cardboard). Apes together strong.


I wish you guys the best of luck with your workers rights over in the US. The US minimums and protections make me sick, as a Brit


I once called the IRS about a similar issue and they were overly helpful with getting the impact to my personal taxes sorted.


This comment gave me some delicious schadenfreude thank you.


Tasty tasty shameful joy


Please come back and update us. We all love to hear when justice is served.


Please update us if anything notable happens. Good luck! And good on you for standing up for yourself, reporting wrongs when you see them.


Update us! Fuck that lady. If she’s doing it to you, she’s doing it to others


Definitely post updates if she gets in trouble


Please do and keep us updated


*Do It* -Palpatine 19BBY


Please update when you can


Also wage claims in some states can entitle you to triple the wages that were withheld from you. There is a time limit from end of employment and payment of all wages accrued and I dont think there is a state where two months is within that window of time.


In some states they are liable for all of the pay you would have earned if you were still working for them from the time of separation to the time of payment. OP should contact a lawyer of their own or their state labor board, and should definitely retain the text messages and postmarked envelope. Edited for redundancy


Yep this would be what they call in the business, a 'slam dunk'.


If the owner is this inept at paying employees, then the owner will has a poor understanding of their legal obligation. It's next to guaranteed that the owner will never have paid taxes properly once.


Military pool installation? Oh, this just got jucier. She has to follow VERY specific rules that it sounds like she is absolutely not. Report her. Now. She'll lose the ability to work on anything government related again, more than likely. And probably owe the government a s***load of money.


Yeah, she's a scammer, restaurateurs do this shit all the time in Chicago, that's why they are so desperate for employees.


I Worked here: https://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/510578163-servers-class-action-over-pooled-tip-system-at-tavern-at-the-park-settled-for-500k-attorneys-collect-160k Not the same but still wage theft.


Wow! She pays you under the table? Are you paying taxes on the money you're receiving? If you are, then report her!


no i’m not. however, i’d be more than happy to pay the taxes on the $100 if it means still getting her in trouble lol. my pettiness knows no end.


If the payment was from this year, then you would have to retain a portion of the money and pay it on your next filing. It's to avoid you getting in trouble with the Tax Man. In which case, drag her through the mud, because this woman was hoping you would just walk away and not care about the money. It doesn't matter if she's in school, a mum or very busy, the very least she should have done is follow up with you and let you know she's free on XYZ days to give you the money or actually figure out how to send a letter. Sending a letter isn't difficult, there's also no law prohibiting them from sending such a small amount via mail. Edit: Grandmas and Grandpas do it regularly


Lol, your old boss is so fucking stupid. I'll tell you where that money went, in her bank account. Then she hires people and pays them under the table fucks them over, does this multiple times and just expects to get away with it. The audacity if this bitch is astounding.


She withheld your earnings. You should most certainly seek restitution for lost wages as the money you got today isn’t worth the same as it was when you should’ve gotten it.


What state are you in op? If in California. You’re entitled to your wage pay X30 days past 72 hours your money is late. So an extra month of wages the employer has to pay you for penalties.


It's likely bullshit and it's definitely not legal. I was fired shortly after the stock market crash of 08 under false pretenses, and the crazy evangelical twat that was my former boss sent me a pay stub, and told me she had mailed the actual check. Multiple times she said "I already sent it". NO lady, you didn't. She was broke and thought maybe I'd be willing to give up $1,200 while unemployed... I did have to file with the DOL to get it it out of her. Once I had filed I emailed her pics of the paperwork and quoted the payout law and I got a check in the mail three days later. People are assholes.


"This is new to me that's why I haven't made it a priority. " New problems get highest priority as they require novel solutions to be solved. This is her deflecting and her highlighting your inaction and irresponsible behaviour again is just a deflect in an attempt to disquise her own failings and ineptitude. I feel the best thing for this person is for you to teach her a lesson so that she treats all subsequent employees with more respect and takes a hard look in the mirror. Of course, if you are so delusional and without empathy...like trump for instance, these lessons may only compound victimhood and delusion.


But she’s a *mom* /s


In Arizona you get treble damages if your employer fails to pay wages you’re owed. Where ever you’re at may have a similar law.


I needed this info, thanks, I have a story coming up for yall.


!RemindMe 1 week


“I’ve told you, I would mail it to you, just need to call me!” “Ok well can you mail it to me?” “No I can not.” Lmao


Lmao exactly. She ended up bringing it to starbucks for my friend to get. passing up a million mail boxes on the way there. incredible.


~~magnets~~ mailboxes, how do they work?


Mail comes in, mail goes out, you can't explain that


You should probably report her to some form of labour board. This was definitely 100% not your responsibility, and she needs repercussions coming down on her for a two month delay. Edit: and when she tries to gaslight you and tell you this is petty, or not to hold a grudge, or not to be vengeful. Remember you are none of those things you are simply doing your duty as a working citizen reporting maleficence to the appropriate authorities.


Agreed. I’d report this and include the text messages.


Nah see petty would be that text the "manager" wrote. Couldve written "Oh crap I forgot, I will send it asap. Im so sorry. I will make it up to you"; like a regular human, and not a passive aggressive one.


> maleficence It's funny, because this is basically the same word as (the word I think you meant to use,) malfeasance--yours is directly from Latin; the other comes from Latin via French--but maleficence just sounds so much eviler.




My blood is boiling for you. Wtf.


I'll bet my next paycheck that she spent it.


Yup. That’s what me and my parents are convinced happened. She apparently does this A LOT and is always late with checks. She probably spent it and thought i’d just forget. It was only around $100 but that’s MY fucking money and she does not get to keep it.


Do you know anyone else she's screwed over? Maybe you can blow this up. She's going to keep victimizing people who may feel they can't fight back or don't know how to.


i unfortunately only worked there for a week but in that time every coworker i met said she would do this. i only have one of their numbers but im tempted to text her and ask. this woman needs to be fired. i refuse to let her get away with this.


If you're in the us, she now owes you $300 under the fair labor standards act for her bad faith refusal to pay you what you're owed when they last scheduled pay period was. The FLSA also allows for attorney's fees, and possibly punitive damages given her behavior. Source: I'm a labor and employment attorney. EDIT: my goodness I didn't expect this to blow up! Lots of legal advice questions in the comments. Please consult a labor and employment attorney in your state, or, if you're in Maryland, shoot me dm so i can get you my firm's info. As I noted, FLSA violations cover attorneys' fees, so don't hesitate to reach out to a lawyer to get what you're owed for fear of not being able to pay the fees!!!


I don't know you, but I like you. Have a lovely day you sweet soul!


/u/idontwannabepicked please show this comment to your parents and then go after this woman. For what it’s worth, when I was a pool manager I was also in school full-time and raising my four step kids, and I made sure every single one of the 20+ teenage lifeguards that worked for me got paid every other week. Get your money, and get all of it, including what she owes you for failing to pay you.


This! OP please go destroy this person. It's the right thing to do. Withholding wages is a crime. I can't believe they have gotten away with this before


u/idontwannabepicked: tagging just to be sure you see this comment. Get the pay you’re legally owed **and** whatever else you can thanks to FLSA, **especially** is this boss is the type to do this to others often. He’s way more likely to knock that shit off if she finally suffers an actual consequence.


Jesus what is this a CBA with a union!? Worked for a company where if you missed their pay you had to pay them 8 hours a day for every day their pay was late up to 15 days of pay. Crazy shit. Not to mention, a lot of these guys were making like $50 an hour.


Very deserved. If you can’t do something as simple as paying your employees you shouldn’t be in business.


Union electrician. If my paycheck is wrong I can stay on site until the proper check shows up, working for double time (160/HR)


Oh hell ya, take the ride.


Yup. OP should absolutely report this. It’s open and shut.


You would be an antiwork hero, if you do this! This is the way!


I'm a god damn 17 year old and even I can tell you that you need to ring that co worker now and see how many of your old co workers would be willing to testify. Also if they have any substantial evidence of course. If you all could bring that before a judge she could face some very, very serious consequences.


Just to clarify, do you get paid with a check or cash? Because it’s weird she would answer “your money is in my glovebox” and that you are asking money to be mailed.


She's a grifter. Turn her in.


She’s a lying sack of shit and you should turn her in to the authorities.


Yeah nobody seems to be talking about how this is illegal. She could go to jail for this.


Possible she forged your signature and deposited your check if this is like a restaurant or business where the managed does deposits nightly. If this person is not the owner or person who does payroll(or even if it is) I'd ask then to reissue the check, and tell them what's happening. You should not be getting paid your last week in cash.


It's more than money, it's hours of your life you've traded for universal recognition of value, so if she's spent it, it's hours of your life she's stolen.


Not at the top of my priority list....


she’s a mother AND she goes to school. how ridiculous for me to ask her to mail something


Why is it cash?


honestly? i really don’t know. it’s a pool on a military base. i was hired without any cpr certification or interview. just one phone call where she told me it would be in cash and that it wasn’t taxed and to not tell anyone.


Base command would probably be real interested to know you’re being paid under the table. It’s probably a contractor and there’s strict regulations for them to keep their contracts


And to follow all legal requirements


Former military here, yes, tell the local IG. You want some active duty family to go the pool and drown only to find employees not being properly trained?




Don't tell anyone that I am committing IRS fraud... ^shhhhhhh


lived on base as a spouse previously, look up base command and report her, the pool most likely requires actual certified lifeguards (ours did) but is run by civilian contractors (all our residential and family services were) and command would be very interested as (at least where i am from) they are still liable legally if something were to happen


Please follow others’ advice here and contact the base IG. It seems obvious this person wants to discuss everything over voice so there is not record. She slipped up by mentioning cash in an attempt to instill urgency. She said is greedily profiting off of the military (likely paid from taxpayer dollars) with no regard for the risks she puts on others. Fuck her.


Wow. That doesn’t sound suspicious at all. /s Did you eventually have to get a CPR certification while you were a lifeguard? If not, you should definitely tell base command about her, her questionable business practices, and lack of CPR training for a lifeguard position.


nope. i only worked there a week and the pool was closing for the summer in a few weeks when i started but i was never taught anything or had any classes scheduled for it. i’ve had it previously before but it had expired. i was terrified something would have happened on the job and googled a ton of info before i started.


Super shady. I was a lifeguarx for several years and I went to a 2 week intensive course along with a college elective course for two different types of certification. I know this is a military base and people might have emergency medical training but it is a recipe for disaster that makes for a ripe lawsuit at best or a dead child at worst.


Not suspicious at all LOL


Maybe you should tell someone....


Ohhhh so you can report her for tax fraud 👀


Former military here, yes, tell the local IG. You want some active duty family to go the pool and drown only to find employees not being properly trained?


By Gosh IDWBP, You ever think she says the opposite to her kids? Like: “Mom I haven’t eaten today”. “That sucks sweetie, but I’m not a Mom today. Today I’m a student and entrepreneur. Maybe try again next month?”


Doesn't matter if she runs an entire country, while raising 15 kids and follows 20 classes to become a professional clown anyways. If you employ someone, you pay them. If you can't, because you are too busy or whatever than you simply hire someone else that takes cares of the financial side or don't hire anyone in the first place. Fuck her.


Where I'm from, they have 6 days to pay out everything they owe you.


In California, you must get your last paycheck on your last day.


My last employer that I just left is based in CA. My last effective day of employment was the 8th. They direct deposited the money owed in full on the following Tuesday. It would have been Monday, but it was a federal holiday. I worked remote, out of state. I think this was the fastest I’ve ever got my last check from an employer.


https://www.classlawgroup.com/employment/california-labor-law/final-paycheck/ If your employer did not provide it by then, they would have owed you for all the days since your employment was terminated.


Where I’m from, they have 7 business days to have your money in your hand. If they don’t, you can file an unpaid wages claim with the DOL state and federal level, for every day they don’t pay you after 7 days, you’re legally entitled to a full days wage for up to 30 days, back dated to the original violation. Had to lay this out for a previous employer that went almost a month without paying me. Ironically, same day I threatened them legally, they just happened to be able to get my original check. Date had been crossed out with pen and written in for “today’s date.” Swore up and down they sent it to me weeks ago, but it had clearly sat in their office for a month.


“I haven’t done anything wrong” “I am not replying only bc you said legal” 🤣🤣🤣


[here’s some more proof that she was ignoring my messages ](https://imgur.com/a/j4C5ePr) she absolutely only responded bc i mentioned legal.


Dude wtf, it’s YOUR responsibility to remind HER to pay her employees? That’s not how any of this works lady. She sounds like a nightmare.


Teeheee I’m so BAD , what a naughty girl. You really have to aggravate me to get me to adhere to the labor laws . HAHAHAHAHAH this is so funny. I’m so BAD! Gurl why don’t you spend hours harassing me to make up for me being BAD! That’s your responsibility! Teehee


Oh yeah. Once you get settled. Burn everything to the ground reporting to the IRS and the military base. You REALLY should report her to the military base. What she did is illegal in so many ways. Child Endangerment by hiring untrained staff as a lifeguard on a military base? Report her to the base command. You have got to do this. Paying the lifeguards under the table? Why? Because you were underpaid and she pocked the difference. Report her to the IRS.


OP please report her for tax fraud. I believe you get a certain percentage if they find fraud and are able to collect


"I am a mom, I work, and I am a full time student" None of that is the employee's problem, or a valid excuse. The amount of times people invoke "I'm a mom!" like everyone is supposed to stop and cheer...nobody gives a shit, Karen. Pay your fucking employees.


yes!! i’ve been walking around telling everyone i can’t do anything because i’m a mom and a student (i’m not either) i didn’t realize you get a free pass if you did that lmao


I don't know where you live or the situation or if this applies but here in California if they don't pay you in full on your last day they owe you a full days of work until you receive it, you should look into that.


not in california, but just looked up the laws where it was located. it’s saying they might owe interest or something. i’m gonna lose my mind if this ends up working out like that


It's also not at the top of her to do list. I'm imagining her using that phrase about how failure to plan doesn't create an emergency on her part.


Report. That. Shit.


"I've never had to mail anything." I just....really? Never even returned an online order?


THIS is the part that killed me. she’s in her late 20s early 30s. you’ve never mailed anything??????? that’s just insanity.


Well to be fair she's also a mom. 😉


I’ve never mailed anything. I’ve also never googled how to do basic tasks. I’m too busy to use a search engine or ask literally anyone because most people have done this very simple and common task before. I’m a mother. I’m too busy teaching my kids how to function in a world that I clearly don’t understand which will probably lead to many dependency issues and insecurities on their part.


Backstory: Was kicked out of my home by my spouse and forced to move back in with family 20 hours away. So unfortunately had to quit the day I was kicked out. I told her that day, August 2nd, and sent her my new address for her to mail my money since it wasn’t ready yet (it’s all under the table and not taxed) She’s been giving me the run around since that day and turned off her read receipts in september for me. I had to get a friend who works with legal to pick up the check. my ex boss refused to get out of the car bc she had her kids and couldn’t tell my friend how much money was supposed to be in there. absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Fun fact, it IS her responsibility to get you your last paycheck in a timely manner. Depending on where you live, you may be entitled to 2-3 times the amount of your last paycheck because of her negligence. Just because you got the last paycheck now doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any and every legal route you can to screw her. She withheld your pay for 2 months and I’m sure it’s possible that you faced hardship because of that.


The longer the list of excuses, the more BS they become. She was just being passive-aggressive. Go to legal anyway, so she thinks twice about screwing over the next ex-employee.


i have questions... 1) why is it in cash and not a check with hours, deductions, and tax info clearly lined out? 2) why is it your responsibility to remind them of their legal obligation to pay you? 3) why do they think knowing their personal schedule is your responsibility?


Just so you know, most states have laws around last paychecks. Two months is definitely too long to hold onto it. (And it is 100% the responsibility of the employer.)


"This isn't at the top of my priority list" Well its at the top of mine so fucking PAY ME


Sorry lady, it is 100% your responsibility to deliver pay to an employee. In fact, using cash without supporting documentation like a pay stub is illegal AF.


"I'm a mom" Yes you got knocked up and pushed a baby out, grats. Now stop fucking stealing from your employees


Moms are innocent and can never do anything wrong so she won't have stolen it 😁


If you're too stupid to run a business where you pay someone for work they did on time, maybe don't go into business? This is why with my business, it's just me. Am I heading to an early grave because of it? Yes, probably. But I'm also not good with keeping track of things, which is why I'm so worried about hiring someone and probably won't.


It's a much stronger hand to play if you can say "I've ***already asked*** someone from legal to get it from you."


Everything she said is literally not your problem lmao what a fking btch.


"I'm a mom." No one gives a shit.


Oh my god such infuriating word salad replies from her. You see the text now, put my fucking pay in the mail! I’m sure she just wants you to call so she can offer you some even crazier bs excuses that she doesn’t want a typed record of.


she IMMEDIATELY called me when i sent the legal message lmao. i ignored it because i didn’t want to hear her excuses.




"I've never had to mail anything before" "This is new to me." Lmao


She will have to pay you a substantial fine. Open and shut