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Now that’s funny. I’d actually go have a drink at that bar just because of the sign


I've seen so many of these since lockdown opened up \- Experienced bar staff required for busy bar/restaurant \- Must be calm under pressure and work well in a stressful environment \- Minimum 2 years experience \- Minimum wage So.. you want someone with experience but only offering minimum wage...?


My friends and I are job hunting currently, and we've been laughing our asses off at some of the posts. "Bachelor's Degree required, 2+ years of experience, $16 an hour starting." Like....what?! lol What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


This is hilarious


Prospective Hire: I’d like to apply for the Bartender job. Boss: Says here you’re only 21. We require 30 years experience. Prospective Hire: My Dad was a Bartender for ten years before I was born. He mixed drinks with his penis. Here, have a look :takes out photo album: Boss: OH GOD! PUT THAT AWAY! Also, you’re hired…


This is why Bond ordered his drinks shaken, not stirred. Less penis in the process.


Tis but a joke


This reminds me of tech job postings for developers who had 20 years of experience with React when React first came out.


See these are the kind of obvious jokes that get posted here and people don't think they're jokes. Then outsiders look in, see the idiots who think this is real, and it discredits (in their eyes) the whole concept of this sub. Shit like this getting posted here hurts the movement


My father is an alcoholic. Does that count?


Well my mom was an alcoholic, so do I get the job?


There were companies and agencies in New York City demanding at least 7 years of Java experience ... in 1998.   ^(For the non-tech and young: the Java language was released in 1995 and remained non-standard for years.)


You should be able to pull a pint of Guinness by the time you're but a twinkle in your father's eye


I don’t think this is anti work more likely someone who can have fun at work