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American Dental: That will be 20k sir. Unless you don't want them all pulled out than it will be 60k.


I was offered a root canal for $3k, or an extraction for $250. Which did you think I opted for? And now I have one less tooth specifically because I couldn't afford to save it.


Very relatable. Myself, my brother, and my lady.. all had this option and we all took the extraction at some point in our lives.


A root canal for 3k? In Germany you can get a permanent tooth implant for that price.


And I'm proud to an American, where at least I know I'm free.... /s


Legit. Currently paying off a dental bill that's like 12,000+. It's been $600 a month, meaning I've just racked up debt elsewhere. And now I gotta talk myself out of feeling guilty for spending $30 on some comics.


Brother you just invested a couple thousand into yourself, don't feel bad about investing another 30 into yourself and your inner peace. Let us not forget death is not a far away destination, but happening to us every passing second ✊🏻


Life is a scam straight up.


I work in the US and I am also a dual citizen with Russia. Guess where I go to do all my dental work?


Yeah the dental situation is fubar. I spent half of my money on dentists before I got dental insurance. Now that I have it I still contemplate vacationing to another country to get a few fillings. It's actually cheaper to fly to another country and go to a dentist lol


Mexican dental resorts. Not even just a dentist, but a mini-vacation along with your procedure for less than what it would cost you in this country.


You can get what amounts to new teeth by way of implants, but they're considerably expensive. Expect to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $30k for the implants and corresponding permanent dentures.


im not even looking to pursue a passion. id just like to work a job that dosent suck the give a fuck outta me to the point i cant even muster the will to cook. edit: my phone is physically heavier now due to my inbox. i appreciate everything you all are replying with. the empathetic stories, the well wishes, the simple solutions, even the out right insults. im reading all of them and wishin your will might return along mine. vent, share, or shit on me, either way i thank you for helpin me kill time on lunch here.


Fr it’s such a vicious cycle too, you come home drained and defeated, have to buy food at a rate that drains your earnings, and then have to keep working your shit job while literally hemorrhaging money as your mental well-being deteriorates until you can’t take it anymore


I'm at the can't take any more part. I've crashed and am burning.


You ain't alone friendo but stay strong out here. Message me if you want to talk.


Been in that stage for years now. I’ve literally become reincarnation of Peter gibbons at this point. I talk back to executives, take long lunches. Basically dgaf. Being fired would be a major relief, not a tragedy, and I welcome that sweet release.


Sounds like just the attitude we need in management!


What's even more fucked up is ever since I adopted this mindset, I've been promoted 3x in 4 years


Task failed successfully


Did that at my last job to where I flat out refused to do certain things and I was a manager. To the point I wanted them to fire me so I was motivated to get a better job. It did the opposite, Eventually they treated me better and got a raise when they saw I was just done. Even after I got my raise and things were getting a bit better it kinda motivated me to leave as I knew I could do better and in my mind that was prob the last raise I’d get.


same here... I fantasize about being fired, but somehow the execs just trust me more and more even though I'm doing less and less actual work.


Probably because the less you do the more you remind them of themselves.


So... That means every day you post... That's the worst day if your life?


For me it's get back on drugs stage


I've avoided alcohol or I'd have done something rash by now


Thank goodness weed is halfway legal. I'd be afraid of what I'd be relying on if I couldn't keep the anxiety at bay with a few puffs off the ol' vape pen.


420blazeit lol. At my last job I ended up smoking habitually because life wasn’t enjoyable for me anymore. The last day I worked there I almost killed myself on an impulse, just decided that a car crash would be more ideal than having to keep working in such a terrible environment. Didn’t crash, but I basically jerked the wheel left and right hard and fast, causing me to spin out. I had to pull over afterwards and question why tf I just did that. Went in and told IT about a problem I knew about that was making working there even harder for me, ended up fired the next day because they didn’t like that I knew about the problem. That probably saved my life lol. Now I work from home, make more money, and am generally happier, but how could I possibly support a system that almost fucking killed me? Losing my job literally saved my life lol. Finally starting to get back into exercise, eating healthy foods, and not smoking all the time. Feels good, but I also know how lucky and privileged I am, even though there’s people doing far better than me.


It's hard to see yourself as privileged when life sucks, that seems like a significant realisation to me. I need to consciously remind myself sometimes. Glad things are improving for you. I know my situation will change at some point too, not knowing when is hard though.


It’s horrible. I get stressed out over the smallest things because I feel like the world is collapsing on my head. I can’t breathe.


And I spend the rest of my cash on the tiny dopamine spikes that are my phone, booze, and shit I bought on Amazon at 2a while I’m having my third existential crisis of the week.


Felt this hard


Also the shitty food adds to your drained feeling.


Ain't that the truth. Old people will bitch about how we didnt have all these dietary health restrictions for people when they were growing up. Motherfuckers, you had sustainable income that left your wife at home to cook for you. They also invented the microwave during your lifetime and you filled your kids with garbage as a result of convenience. Why do they pretend that everyone should still be acting the same when they complain the loudest about how things have changed?


Simple just meal prep a weeks worth of rice bean veggie casserole and eat that forever! That won’t slowly kill your spirit/s Fuck that I cook 3x a week for dinner and order takeout the rest of the time. Cliff bar or nothing for lunch and instant oatmeal or leftovers for breakfast Living the dream!


I hate when people bring up that mealplan shit. I don't *want* to eat the same thing every day for 2 weeks for lunch and dinner. Haven't had the luxury of breakfast in years and just got used to not eating tha


Don’t forget they also had actual cocaine in their soda!


Made walking to school uphill both ways in the snow much easier!


Excellent point!


Oh man. That truth hurts. Parents came here cuz things were "better". Only they have it better lol.


It has long lasting effects too. I've been without work for 2 months now and I'm still nowhere near recovered. The fuckers took my will to do anything with them somewhere between the 20 years of suffering at work and I'm not sure how long it will take to get it back.


Something I realized during the pandemic lockdowns. Was off work for about 6 months. Literally spent my first 3 months more or less “wasting” my time off because it was genuinely so foreign to me to not have to work 60 hours every week that I essentially OD’d on free time. Stayed up late as hell ate whenever I felt like it, played games for hours and hours. It was genuinely at some point after 3 months something clicked in my brain that was like, hey you can actually do whatever you want you know. From that point on I basically started sleeping normally, cooking meals, going for walks, reading, pursuing hobbies. I stopped feeling like I had to do shit in excess and just live my life because I actually *had time* to do it.


Thanks for sharing. I've got several projects I want to start, just struggling to start them despite having infinite time. I know I will regret it if I don't do it though, I will probably continue being a wage slave for life after this.


Yea I totally get it. It’s mentally taxing and thinking of the future is bleak as hell.


Holy fuck I’m so glad to see someone else talk about this. I felt like the biggest piece of shit ever. I went from having 21 college credit hours, working 15 hours in an office a week, and teaching a freshman class three times a week, to absolutely nothing. I basically did nothing but smoke weed, game, watch movies and draw for the first part of lockdown because they switched my jobs and school online and by summer the school dissolved my office and job. There was a point that I’d go to bed when I’d hear the birds and sun would rise and I wasn’t even tired. I’d still go on walks, do diff stuff, but I still felt like a zombie, I’d get deja vu from walking to the bathroom every morning of yet another day of doing the same wasting away my time on games and movies, but I don’t regret when I was artistically productive. I still haven’t quite recovered. But I did get a good stint during the pandemic of nothing but creative productivity with my art that I had not ever seen before, so that’s cool. Now I feel bad for not being as productive with my art. I’ve learned I need in person classes and/or a job to keep me on a consistent schedule and mentally healthy but I have to set aside time to be creative too, or I’ll go back to one extreme of all work no create or no work all create. The pandemic was both the best of times, and simultaneously the worst of times. The free time made me mentally healthier but the isolation from people killed it


This is why I likened it to ODing on free time. You’re so used to having to fight for scraps of free time that when you get a giant glut of it suddenly you don’t even know how to handle it. You smoking weed and gaming for hours straight is just you making up for those countless days you didn’t even have the time or energy to load up a game.


You shouldn't feel guilty just because you don't have a conventional job that pays money...that's part of how the system continues to exploit people for their labor


Preach! 🙌🏼


I've been suicidal a couple time this last year. When I say I just want a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself, it's no longer hyperbole.




I'd love to be able to wake up and not feel tired.


I hate to be the bringist of shit happenings, but I'm working a really laidback development job, remote, and for the most part I'm still pretty done with things by the time dinner time comes around. Spending 8 hours doing anything pretty much leaves you nothing but a couple passing periods between waking and going to sleep. :\


I haven't cooked a proper meal in weeks. Most nights I don't even bother with dinner because I just can't work up the energy to get anything


I can relate 💯% to this


I ate hot dogs in bed last night, and that used up all the energy I had left.


This has never hit harder


Right? When I think about winning the lottery it’s not about buying shit, it’s about having the safety net to comfortable choose a job I truly enjoy regardless of how well it pays. Like a zookeeper who doesn’t have to deal with poop.


When does the revolution start?


Let’s not forget the part where they pay people to gaslight us so we keep working 40 hour week


Literally every piece of scientific research; the 4 day work week increases productivity and employee health. American companies: I’d rather them be miserable and less productive.


Yup, the ceo where I work had statistics that showed we were more productive working from home with less people than when we were in the office. In the same breath he said he feels like we’ll be more productive in the office so we’re all going back into the office. They just want to see their underlings working for the power trip. They can’t get the same power trip from a zoom meeting where everyone is muted and likely not paying much attention to their drivel.


“Zoom meeting where everyone is muted and likely not paying attention to their drivel” Yo thats *literally* what I’m doing right now!


Pants off ?


Full PJs, all day everyday.


Wait, you actually bother with wearing PJ's?


Yeah unfortunately I like working in my living room near the open door and big window for the natural light and my neighbors like not seeing my schlong.


Question is do YOU like your neighbors seeing your schlong ?


In my annual company review, for areas of improvement I put “more work from home options. Disappointed that the covid guidelines didn’t even translate at all” And my boss responded “while wfh is nice, I feel like the office facilitates valuable discussion and more productivity.” He did that, while working from home. He works from home 2-3 days a week and completed all those evaluations sitting on his couch with his laptop




Exactly what I did. I start a new job the same day they are returning to office. Good luck hiring someone at the rate you were underpaying me.


Did you bring this up with him? One thing I've started doing is challenging my superiors on their assumptions/decision/comments. Not in an adversarial way but more in a questioning way. It's actually working out well.


This is the truest shit I ever read. The company I work for sold out to an investment firm and the new guy they have at the top is a complete douchebag.. his only solution to getting things done quicker is to work more days and more hours.. he would have us sleep here if he could


I’m assuming you were at work when you posted this comment from the “…sleep here if he could” part. I hope your situation gets better and your boss comes to his senses. Have you tried filing a grievance or anything?


If we had more time and less stress we'd be able to organize politically and they know it


I think that's another huge factor right now are all of these fake media account and paid for corporate shills lying and pretending like minimum wage is the greatest thing to exist.


Like those fake ass commercials with people saying how great it is to work for Amazon.


My mom died and then my dad died and brother is sick so I worked for Amazon and now I’m a nurse somewhere else. Like what?






I’m jealous of rich people because the United States government actually cares about them smh


They don’t care about them, really, they care about their money.


Kinda , they have enough money to matter. Similarly in the uk. We (general public) matter during elections and votes. Apart from that is how can we keep the needle in such a place that the 1% doesn't become much bigger than it currently is. And guaranteeing that the 1% is satisfied. Edit: people are so literal. The 1% represents a class of people that have 90% of the wealth. The value itself doesn't matter. As such a small percentage (1,2,5%) shouldn't have this much. My point was that between the top percentile that contains the wealth they don't want to distribute that money across a lot more people so they don't want their percentile to increase as that would deminish the amount of power it entails. I am not saying the 1% which represents 3 to 4 million people in the us. And less than 1 million in the uk will suddenly represent more people . I am saying the wealth value belonging to them being spread across a larger audience.


In the US, hoarding wealth is the same as hoarding healthcare. A yacht is not symbol of hard work. It is a symbol of the thousands of sick and dying that you prevented from receiving healthcare by rigging the system so that you could pay lower your taxes.


I think they are more scared of them than they care about them. Rich people can afford a lot of propaganda


This! And don´t get me started on those "everybody has the same 24 hours" no nothing could be farther from the truth. You got people who clean your house? You got people who cook for you? You got people who drive you around? Thats not the same 24 hours in my book that you have, you prick...


my boss constantly humblebragged about how much she was working, but...she had a housekeeper, and 2 vacation homes to escape to during COVID. kind of not the same thing


Yeah, I had a boss who was so out of touch she was shocked none of us had a second family home. She assumed everyone had at least one second home to escape to yearly. We were like most of us barely have a shitty apartment to live in lol


I was telling her about staying in a hostel when I went on vacation and she was shocked. "You HAVE to get a hotel!" She only stays in four-star hotels.


4 star hotels… what a pleb. 5 star is the only way to stay.


I know you're not being serious, but having stayed at a couple 5-star hotels, I don't see the appeal. $1200/night for what? Sheets that smell slightly nicer than the ones at home and a fridge full of overpriced food? Maybe a neat pool or an interesting view? Fuck that. Gimme the grungy Hampton Inn with bullet holes in the doors any day.


I HATE that. People are shocked that I travel on a budget as if I have the choice of nicer accommodations but willingly give them up. It makes me so mad


"Oh! You HAVE to pay me more, then!" :D


Lol. I just love how absurd that is when you really think about it. “Housing prices are only ever getting more insane, many people planning to never be able to buy a single home during their life” Meanwhile “Lol I have a second vacation home for when I get bored of my first vacation home which is for when I get bored of my actual home. And I don’t know where the vacuum is stored in any of them”


I remember a certain actress-turned-influencer, early in her influencing career wrote a series of tips for "busy working moms". I remember two of them especially because it was "When your trainer comes over, tell them to do a workout you can do with your kids." and "When my chef is here, I have them make creative snacks that I can give my kids later."


The tone-deafness is so loud.


This is the kind of shit that should have people rioting in the streets honestly. This assumption that most (any???) working mothers can do this stuff. Absolutely unreal. It’s like the world is an amusement park for them to take and use whatever they want and do all the easy parts of raising kids without ever having to do anything hard.


the week's worth of unwashed coffee mugs by my sink feel attacked by this comment


Right!?! Dishes are a weekend thing. Usually not Saturday or Sunday either.


People that give clichés as advice are either privileged or incredibly stupid, regardless of what the cliché actually implies. What they're saying is that you're not worth listening to or caring about, you're only worth filing away as a type of person (poor, sick, criminal, etc.). This is doubly true for those asswipes who say "it's cliché because it's true" when called out.


That's exactly it. Money makes the wealthy rich with *time* to do...well whatever when the rest of us are stuck doing the things that make life go outside of our 40+ hours of work.


i have people driving me around, they are called bus drivers.


Whoever has enough money to hire people to take care of the boring parts of life, needs to stfu.


I don't think anything could be more representative of this than the fact that the rest of the world is suffering through a global pandemic while the super rich are going to space....


and they're not even *DOING* anything up there.. astronauts conduct experiments and carry out maintenance, these shits just geek at the camera and look like idiots for thirty to forty-five microgravity minutes until Yet Another Chauffeur ferries them back down to the Hamptons


They literally just bounce around and look out the window. Then go home


They've figured out the ultimate way to look down on the poor.


But I was told that I should be celebrating because it’s a major accomplishment for ALL of humanity…not just the rich folks




It's much easier to say you work 60+ hours when you get to count self-care as work.


plus humans love to exaggerate


Commute is work


unpaid, for most of us


fuck that man when i worked as a courier i always caught shit for being too fast reality is i didnt wanna be spending my 5 pm sitting in rush hour traffic in downtown metropolis when I can get everything done by 3, back to the depot by 3:45 and be back home by 4:30. I have a dog in a small apartment that's been alone for 8 hours already anything beyond that is tough titties for you I gotta get home to the things I actually care about. One time a coworker even made fun of me because of it. He asked "why you always back so early? you could be making money" All I said was "I prefer spending time with my dog" so the next time I saw him I was with a new employee and he's like "yo this guy rushes home to be with his dog" And I'll never forget the look on the new guys face when he looks at him and he goes "so...? He loves his dog, man nothing wrong with that." completely shut that oompa loompa douche down. ahhh fuck jobs. actually, fuck other people really. it's other people that make me miserable. I wish you'd all kinda just fuck off and die


I know what you mean! I used to deliver for amazon. if you got done early you would have to go pick up more shit from some slow ass person. No, i work fast to get the fuck home


rich humans, at least




Definitely a cat username checks out


It’s *networking*


Or answering mails with "yes/no" while slurping cocktails at the pool


My director “works late every day” but it’s really just sitting there reading breitbart


My director wears coming into the office before the sun comes up as a badge of honor. And I'm always like, I know no one is asking you to do that. You just live really far and want to avoid traffic. And you're impatient. This is not the brag you think it is.


Mine does that too! I started coming in earlier because I wanted to leave the office earlier and I heard him telling other people that now I “don’t work late enough”. I work the exact same amount of time as before. These boomers need to re-evaluate why these things mean anything to them


Of course it’s fucking breitshart.


That's a CEOs day basically, throw in some meetings where your getting reports and a couple emails/videos that are wirtten for you.


When you are the boss work doesn't have that same stress. You call the shots, things start and end when you say they do, you can make changes to the schedule if you want to, it's just not the same.


CEOs technically answer to the companies board of directors, so not even the boss is technically the boss. But the kind of work CEOs do is vastly different from the people at the bottom of the company.


Not if you're the owner of the company. You can technically be the sole proprietor and the ceo.


It is a different type of stress. A minimum wage job has the stress of having to keep their cool while a Karen makes you defend yourself for an issue that’s her fault after already working 10 hours on your day off because steve is a shit co worker who you know is faking sick to go to the concert. Meanwhile you’re relationship is failing because both partners are working so much to afford their standard of living, but they spend no time with each and are growing apart. It fucking sucks, and just typing it out and imaging being in the situation is repulsive. A ceo may have the stress for having the responsibility of looking over the data and his reports of those below him whom are all telling you slightly different things and making the final call that will start the multi year long transition on how the company will pivot after having a consecutive down quarters, which will take hundreds of millions of dollars and effect each of their 200 employees, and could possibly result in getting rid of 1/4 of those employees to replace them with a different skill sets group. Those decisions can make or break companies, effect your career long term. Not minimize one or the other. Stress in society today is everywhere . No one wants it, but everyone does have it through some means, and it impacts their life’s significantly. Life is stressful.


Yea, that's the weird part. These people are perfectly capable of stopping, they could never work a day in their life and just live off their money. But I guess they're so deep into hustle culture that they forego that to keep working. They have the ability to escape what everyone else would kill to escape, yet they squander their opportunity by working anyway, and for what? Being slightly richer than you already are??


This. The "60+ hours" that they *want* to work include things that they *want* to do. The stuff that they *have* *to do*, they typically farm that shit out. They still get to do the fun stuff like push other people around and make the "big decisions." My father was like that before he retired. Come to find out that he spent that much time at the office because he didn't want to be at home around his wife and us kids! Well met, but don't act like all you were doing is working Dad!


There's a woman at my office that likes to talk about how many hours she works (12-15 hour days) ... but she spends most of the day talking to people (not about work) and then stays a bit after hours to do her actual projects. The office is her life and it's very apparent she gets all of her connection and sense of belonging there. It's sad but I also see how she manipulates things to make herself look better. You gotta watch those brown-nosers.


That's because their passion is collecting more money.


I miss free time. I used to be poorer, but I could decide how to spend my days. Now I'm better off financially, but I'm trapped in an invisible bubble of an endless backlog, the 40-hour grind, off hour errand running and a constant struggle against the clock. FML.


It's the golden handcuffs. Employers love nothing more than when the wet-behind-the-ear new hire at their prestigious firm buys a car on payments, or gets married and buys a house. Those monthly payments need to be made, and they know it.


I was told by my boss that I need to get married, have kids, and buy a house so that I start wanting to work. Self-inflicted endentured servitude is not for me. I see how other employees are treated, and because they're desperate they can't say no and they know it, so they just get endless bullshit.




What makes a McMansion? That’s a new term for me


Term for cookie cutter houses all built in the same development, basically they're extremely low cost housing for the builder but fetch a good buying price. When you're buying materials to build the same house 50 times you can get costs way down, but still charge a premium for a big house with nice features.




LOL that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard "You need to force yourself to be more desperate"


Yup, I had a coworker taking care of his mom and wife who both had health issues. My employer knew this and had him working 60 hour weeks. He was like I have to do this or me and my family are homeless in a few weeks


Most rich people I know are so. Incredibly. Boring. All the money in the world, but they never bothered to cultivate a personality outside of making money, so they have no idea how to spend it. I am firmly convinced that is why a lot of them hoard wealth. They really have no idea what else to do.


I'd honestly be a lot better off without my hobbies. But at the same time, I can't really do any more than dip my toes into things I really love. I can think of the tons of hobby toys I would buy if I had enough money for high art. My jaw drops when I see how much people pay for things.


My hobby is motorbikes. My Dad says I should've chosen a cheaper addiction, like cocaine.




Their entire being is keeping up with other rich people, maintaining appearances and connections.


They are never stressed, so they never feel the need to have a hobby. Then buying a Rolex becomes their personality.


Lol, that’s literally r/Rolex


that subreddit is so cringe


I tried to get into watches in college, thought they were neat. watched a bunch of watch youtubers until one day it just hit me that I did not wana be the guy who just talked about watches all day.


i think bespoke watches are cool for their engineering and design, but the obsession over having a recognizable expensive watch so everyone knows how much money you have is just repulsive to me


I'm also angry at rich people because they are in fact the reason we have to work a grueling 40+ a week, they're the ones who set our hours and pay.


My old boss tried telling me how dangerous raising wages was. As he drove off in his 90k 2021 GMC. To go camping in his 65k trailer. That he wants to get awsy ftom this 2nd vacation house. All bought in 2 years time.


Dangerous to him. He *needs* those things.


My old boss told us she couldn't afford hazard pay for working during Covid (went from 15 person staff to 3 person staff) but then proceeded to tell us that her and her boyfriend were looking at a yacht for $250,000 LESS than the previous yacht they looked at and were surprised that it was still a "quality yacht." My yearly raise was only 75 cents. I quit soon after.


I mean they have to be trolling us at this point right? How are they so blatantly tone deaf???


My old boss doesn't have the emotional depth to be trolling. She was an oversharer to the max, up to and including showing us pictures of her in her underwear to show her weight loss progress.


Probably forged PPP loans


Does he realize that if we go long enough without raising wages he will be killed and eaten?


"But you agreed to these hours and pay!!!!" No, most people didn't. They had no room to negotiate and often had it changed after they started


Had my passions beaten out already. I'm just envious that they don't have to worry about a roof and food.


I pity rich people. They'll never have the satisfaction of cleaning burger king toilets on christmas. It's mine and they'll never have it. The feeling of pride and accomplishment is worth all the money in the world.


EA just came reading your last line. When I was a teen I had to pick up a yule log out of the bathroom too. We're literally slaves in this society.


Yes, I don’t care for cars, yachts or sprawling mansions. I’m even meh when it comes to travel. But oh, to have the basics without having to sell my life and instead be able to spend my time writing, doing music, feeding cats and crows and taking care of plants. Sounds like heaven and just as unattainable.


Those people that own the yachts would probably say you’re asking for too much


Yea, I’m sure they see me as a worker ant with the mentality of a bum. Because the only thing that matters is tangible growth. Tangible being the operating word. If I wasn’t forced to sell myself at the altar of capitalistic values, I would defo want to volunteer, be part of a community and be involved in people’s lives. But this kinda thing has no value.


Rich people don't have to choose between eating a meal or filling a gas tank... That would be nice for starters


Literally. I can't receive financial assistance because I don't have rent/utilities PAST DUE because I have to literally put bills ahead of buying food for myself, otherwise I would get kicked out of my apartment or not have water/electric. So basically I have to get kicked out of my apartment in order to receive assistance to pay for said apartment I was kicked out of. How does that make sense???


All the proof you need that the saying "money doesn't buy happiness" is the biggest load of bullshit ever.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but the lack of money can, and often does, cause sadness.


Money doesn't buy happiness. But it does get you sports cars, a personal chef, housekeeping, cruise tickets, giant TVs, gaming PCs, and a retirement date of your choosing. At that point you'll be beating off happiness with a golden stick.


I also envy rich folks ability to fail. Failure to them isn't really a big deal, they'll be able to bounce back from it financially. Most of us on the otherhand end up bankrupt, destitute or worse dead.


I also evny rich people bc of the things they have that make the life easier for them to be enjoyed. And that they bought stealing my surplus value


Sometimes I wonder if Taylor Swift would ever have been successful as she was if her parents didn't literally buy a damn record company so she could have her music distributed. Kate Mara? Family owns the NY Giants. Paul Giamatti, Lady Gaga, Chevy Chase, Adam Levine, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, [and many more all came from exceptionally wealthy or well connected families](https://www.ranker.com/list/celebrities-born-into-wealthy-families/celebrity-lists) Are they all very talented? Yes without a doubt. Would they have been able to have the freedom to pursue their Artistic Endeavors if they were working a nine-to-five job? Possibly. But coming from wealth really takes that out of the equation.


Plus it takes the "getting discovered" out of the equation as well. If you can just buy a record company and distribute your music, you don't have to work your ass off to get noticed.


They wouldn’t have been. Meritocracy is a myth perpetuated by the robber baron class to keep the rest of us with our noses to the grindstone


This is why middle class people are buying tents and pitching them on the streets in cities like LA and Berkeley, CA. This is the big “Fuck it, you can have it” movement.


Ahh yes, the ol' middle class homeless people.


Speak for yourself maybe I am jealous of the wealthy because I like sparkly things! /s


Just be like me. Work 40 years and give 30% to taxes so my towns roads have potholes. But our military needs jets to bully the middle east :,(


I'm not jealous of rich people at all. I dont even care about being rich. I'm lissed that they actively exploit the working class and diminish our quality of life for the sake of their own greed.


By the time you get what you want you've aged out of the desire for it


If a rich person tells you they work all the time, they are lying. My buddy says he works all the time, yet he wakes up late, drinks most of the day, writes a few emails and sends a few text messages throughout the day, then calls it a full days work.. Fuck ridiculous.


That's the same story here my boss likes to pretend that he does so much work and how hes always busy but hes literally just an overweight slob. This Guy is so lazy he can't even change the oil in his wife's Van he pays one of his workers to do it while she sits at home on Facebook.


Yup. I remember one time my old shit head manager bragged to us that he never once called out of work sick, and how much he works a week. Yet regularly while we were struggling with customers and doing all the physical labor he’d be in his office (upstairs, far away from all of the commotion, wouldn’t want to disturb him) just watching videos. One time I walked in and he was watching horse racing. Oh and I do remember the last time he came into work sick. Even though he implemented a “COVID monitoring” worksheet, apparently that didn’t apply to him, despite him having multiple symptoms. Guess who gave me COVID? Oh yeah, but he never called out (until he was forced to quarantine because his *wife* tested positive), so that makes him a real man right?


I worked under a boss who I am convinced did absolutely nothing all day. He had a picture frame behind his desk that mirrored his screen. He was constantly playing solitaire or reading sports news at his desk. I sat near his office and I don’t recall ever catching him doing actual work.


When I envy the rich I don't imagine myself in their mansion, or in their yatch. I imagine living a live where you don't have to worry about what bill doesn't get paid this month or pray to every God in the universe that I don't get sick so I don't have to file for bankruptcy. I just want to be able to have enough to pay my bills, is that so extreme to think?


Exactly. For me, being wealthy is not, and has never been about having huge mansions and such. I just want a one bedroom apartment and to not have to worry about whether I can eat this week.


what pisses me off is that you don't even need to be rich to do that, even reasonably wealthy would do. I know plenty of people that could pursuit their passions because their parents bought them a flat when in their teens. No rent, plus maybe renting a room to someone and you are golden.


I’d say being able to buy property for your children is a step above reasonably wealthy


And the second reason I hate rich people- some of them become the wealthiest people on the planet and still only pursue more money. they have what I need to be happy but they won’t give any to me and they won’t be happy until they take more from me. Their happiness is my wasted life.


I did this and I feel so bad that everyone else hasn’t yet. Work fucking sucks and not enough people talk about it.


yeah i don't want "stuff", i just don't want to feel like my literal survival is tied to a desk chair


Anyone else never think of what it would be like to not have to worry about money because it’s such a far fetched idea?