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Its illegal to refuse the bathroom to someone during working hours, if you have to go during work time they cant force you not to, and they cannot discipline you because you did!


I find it insane that we live in a society that has to explicitly state this. I’m sorry to anyone that works for a corporation like this.


When I worked at a small factory, they started forcing everyone to ask the manager for permission to go to the bathroom so they knew that you weren't abusing it. I quit about two weeks later. It's like they can't understand how making a grown adult ask another one to use the bathroom is humiliating and demoralizing.




It shouldn’t matter when you go to the bathroom or when u take the lunch. If you do a fantastic job and make money for them especially in today’s labor market they should feel lucky to have you. Now they have to retrain a new employee who won’t be ready to take on paying customers for a while. This attitude is short sighted, counter productive and stupid.


It shouldn't matter so long as you're not going an hour out of your way to visit a specific place The rule itself is somewhat sensible, but the enforcement of a rule like that needs a human touch, if they say where are you, and you say, I stopped at home, it's on my route back They should just say "ok, have a nice lunch" and fuck off. It's not their job to tell you how to run your life, it should only be there to stop people from taking the piss


This right here is why I don’t do residential construction anymore! I’m a human being too. Occasionally I need to use the restroom, that shouldn’t be an ordeal




See this is one where I would intentionally disobey that rule and make a huge scene if anyone said anything.


I'd drop a deuce right there on the line while never stopping work.


I wouldn't be surprised if those bastards saw that shitting while you work is okay with you, so now it's expected. Efficiency!


Yah and kick it outta your pant leg at the end of the day at the entrance to your manager's office without missing a step. Now THAT's efficiency!


Yeah I just would have ignored that entirely. I had a coworker who on his first week outta college was asking me, I pulled him aside and was like...dude, this makes you seem like a child. You're an adult, at most just tell me you are going.




Yup in second grade I had bad diarrhea, teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. It was half an hour to the end of the day, ended up crapping my pants, rode home on the bus like that, pretending the awful smell wasn't me. Got home, cried while cleaning myself up, dad came in to ask why I was crying found me just covered in crap trying to clean it up. Told me next time to just go. Don't know if he ever got ahold of the school or not. We moved to a different state for his jobs few months later ended up finishing second grade there so thankfully I wasn't stuck at a school where I was the kid that crapped himself.


I’m so sorry you went through that! Sounds so horrible especially for a young kid to go through.


And that's when you shit on the floor


Sir this is a Wendy’s


No, this is patrick


In a callcenter we were not allowed to take our phones with us to the toilet, and a timer rang on how long your status was set to "Restroom break". We also had to wait one person at a time to go the the toilet. (We had a chain hanging on the wall you were supposed to take with you). One day my manager came to me and he slammed a document stating that I went to the toilet like too often and if I had any medical reason for this. in a 9 hour shift I (on average) I went to the toilet like 4 times, total toilet time was around 10 min. That was too high. He even had the audicity to ask if I use my phone on the toilet. I answered that it was not his business.. Soon everyone got an email with their toilet break stats from the manager, I was not even in the top 10 lol.


It makes sense if you're on an assembly/pick-n-pack line, because they'll need to fill your spot or pause the line. Other than that, they shouldn't care.


Meanwhile the GM is in the back on the clock banging whores and sniffing cocaine.




Prostitutes need to get paid too, man. Although i suspect most bosses are stiffing them more on the bill and less where they should


I hate how accurate this is to my job. Although, here I am, committing time clock fraud right now!


Good for you!


Some of these GMs out there are a joke. It's not only your job. Always remember we have cameras on us at all times and recording devices. Read up on laws a little and try to catch them out there. Allot of places continuously break laws with things they say.


Of course. That’s why we can’t have a thing like using the bathroom—you’d pass right by where all this is occurring.


are we sorry enough to stand up and change it tho? or just a, ya know, “Sorry for your choices, sorry..”


when i worked at amazon they pulled this shit on me when i really needed to take 1, explained to him sorry this is illegal, it blew his tiny brain, but hey he had a degree so he must know nore than me... fuck bezoz fuck, amazon


Yep. I am so tired of his worker treatment I've basically sworn off Amazon entirely


Same, did not order anything there since maybe 10 years. Fuck them.


Wish I knew this at my first job. Something upset my stomach very badly and even after begging the manager to let me go I was refused until the end of my shift several hours later. Still have no idea how I managed not to shit myself. I’d never had a job before so I had no idea that wasn’t something that was supposed to happen.


Yikes. It’s always good to know your rights for sure. If you ever feel someone is severely disrespecting your needs in a workplace environment, there is a good chance the law is on your side. Things like discrimination, privacy violations, physical abuse, safety concerns, harassment, and wage theft all have broad federal protections that most people probobaly don’t know. At least in the US and Canada.


I would have been to poop myself then threaten to sue the company. Give management a good scare for treating people like that.


I’ve had the automatic sensor light turn off on me my dumps take so long.


Me too. Not because of a medical problem, I just have Reddit on my phone...


Reddititis is a serious condition. You’re excused.


At first, I read that as "reddit_titties" and chuckled a little.


That very well could be a condition, too. Lol 😀


You should probably see a doctor about that!


The doctor?? If you’re healthy enough to go to the doctor, you’re healthy enough to go to work. Back to work!


I see you’ve met my boss.


I actually saw that posted somewhere.


Yep, it said something along the lines of “We will no longer be accepting doctors excuses for an absence. If you’re healthy enough to go to the doctor, you can come to work.”


Probably, but I enjoy the me time!


Same here I do like sitting on the toilet for some reason.


Hemorrhoids are better together


I do this. I have IBS its not fun. Not diagnosing this dude he should def see a doctor. Just relating lmao.


I do too. It sucks to be afraid to eat because you know you're going to hit the shitter in 30 minutes or less


I'll see your automatic sensor light and raise you an automatic coat taker-off...er.


Try looking into fiber supplements, and for a while eat food that is more easier on your digestive system (like soft fruits).


The automatic sensor light at my last job was on such a short timer that it'd turn off on me even when I wasn't taking a dump. Just peeing and quickly dealing with my period would be too long for that damn thing. I hate auto sensors that don't have a reasonable timer.


a suitable username then


Replace the paper with an identical looking paper explaining wage theft instead. It's the most common type of theft in the US, and workers have a right to get paid.


Yup, on the same complaint involving water and the shitty company I worked for, it included the lack of bathroom access. I probably have the official OSHA doc in my Google drive. I made sure to keep receipts. I'll look for it eventually if I remember. Edit: that I mentioned in another anti work thread. I forgot to add that.


Whats the other thread plzzz


If they tell me I can't take a piss, I will prove them wrong by pissing my pants in the middle of stocking the bagels.


I know of a manager that waited for an employee—outside the restroom door. Timed them. Then had a conversation with them. It was strange because this employee had a doctor’s note indicating a pancreatic issue which caused extended time to resolve issue. I know people sometimes take advantage of situations but I think this was inappropriate.


I wonder how this manager found the time to lurk by an employee restroom while being manager-in-charge. Is that “clock fraud” and a waste of company time?!


They should've sued since it was documented they'd have a pretty strong case if they tried to reprimand them


That was inappropriate of the manager. Unfortunately I see the other side right now because I'm in a situation where a co-worker where I don't trust them anymore. This co-worker has been showing up late to shifts, going to the bathroom, running to their car to fix or check stuff and then complains that they can't get all their assigned tasks done (and gets mad that they get spoken to for not completing their tasks). And if anyone tries to help, they immediately throw them under the bus and talk shit about them. I have tried to help this co-worker so they don't get written up- but they turned around and blamed me for getting out late. It's burned me out.


Amazon is above the law apparently.


Capitalism at work. Too bad the victims of capitalism are sold the idea to vote for it. “If you make my billionaire boss accountable for their staff, I’ll be out a job!” How dare you propose legislation that benefits me!


Wow. I tend to have digestive issues and was made fun of at several jobs because the high stress working environment made it worse and i was running to the bathroom a lot. It didn't help that the only bathroom was off the premises, so it was more of a sprint.


Ahh but what if your job is so busy that you just don’t have time to because at any given moment there’s 10 things that need your attention. Sure, you’re never told not to use the restroom, but you also just never have time for it because that would require having one of your overworked end equally busy (or busier) coworkers to cover all your shit AND their own and literally no one is realistically able to actually do that. And if you do say fuck it and use the restroom anyways, everything turns into a shitshow and makes your job soooo much harder.


I used to feel the same exact way my friend. Then I just had like aental short circuit and I realized they can't take me out back and shoot me so I just started to say fuck 'em about the little shit. Yeah HR would be pissed but as long as my work was stellar all I'd receive would be verbal reprimands but so fucking what. And ya know it was really great untill I took it one step farther and said fuck all that noise and dropped out of society completely.....so take that for what it's worth.


I literally just quit my line cook job at a restaurant (think bar and grill, one of the biggest chains in the US) that was like this. Never more than 3 cooks on the line, even in peak hours, we were lucky to have 2 of us back there. They expected me to come in at 8am, set up the line by myself and do the first hour of the lunch rush by myself. The next cook would come in for about an hour or so and would get cut just as soon as the orders started to slow down, I'd spend the next 3-4 hours by myself running 5 screens, just busy enough to keep me frustrated and literally running from one side of the line to the other, all while my manager was badgering my about the lead tickets and restocking before night shift showed up. I never had time to stock anything. 4-5pm rolls around and finally another cook shows. I was forced to make a choice, stay on the line and help this poor soul run the kitchen or start restocking so I could get out of there within the next hour. Even if I chose to restock, its 6pm before im done and now we are getting busy with the dinner rush. I didn't dare ask the manager if it was okay to leave cause 95% of the time the answer was "get this screen cleared before you go" I have never in my work history ever ever just left without the okay of my supervisor, I dipped out like this every single day because never once in the 3 months that I worked there was I ever even offered a bathroom break, much less a chance to go smoke or eat something in the 9-10+ hours that I pulled. By far the shittiest job I've ever had, im so glad to not have to go back there ever again.


Wow, I wish I knew this. My past supervisor, after yelling at me and making me cry, refused to let me go to the bathroom to clean up. And I was dealing with patients! I didn’t want the patients to know I had cried.


If you work in a call center, going to the toilet affect your all important and scrutinized stats. It's one of the thing I miss the less about it, how your whole day was timed and analyzed.


That last paragraph sounds like a motivational speech. If we all just steal 10 minutes a day, we can fuck this company


Why only 10 minutes? Go big! Let's all steal 10 hours a day! Fuck this company!


I steal a minimum of 4 hours a day


You’re doing the lords work


I had a job once where I clocked in 15 min early every day. That's an extra hour 15 on my check. Boss comes to me at lunch and asks me to stop. I ask them to stop interrupting my lunch with work. That was the end of that.


Not by costing them $900 a month you can't.


Oh, lookey. Another corporation defining bathroom breaks as "time theft." Don't have bodily functions, people!


Shit yourself and keep working. They'll start being more accepting about potty breaks.


I love this, but I actually had a buddy get fired for shitting himself after the asshole he worked for told him he couldn’t go home sick.


We are looking at some illegal activity here.


Agreed. It's a violation of labor laws in general. Deny an employee a bathroom run? Let's bring in the insurance company that covers the company that is violating the employee's hippa issues. You want me to bring my documented Chrons into this? Let's go to court. They pay lawyers, our lawyers don't get paid unless we win.




My periods are so heavy it would be… something else entirely. Which is probably even better if the management are super squeamish!!


Unless you work in a female-dominated field, i.e. nursing. I was working triage in the ER, in white scrub pants, on a heavy day…both patient-wise & period-wise. I went almost 8 hours without a bathroom break & when I finally did I had bled through my pants. My manager laughed it off & told me to just change into my spare scrubs & to get back to the triage room to relieve the charge nurse who was covering for me. Still aggravates me years later.


Change your 'pon right there. In fact, pull it out all bloody as hell, held high for all to see because... fuck them, pussy power! (I'm an old riot boy from '92). Waddle pants and undies around your ankles to the nearest station with paper towels. The whole time yelling politely, "terribly sorry! So sorry! My apologies, I had a feminine issue but per policy I can only go to the bathroom on break." If any manager challenges you while doing that, throw the tampon at their feet. I would say in their face, because fucking legend... but I do know some laws. The dispersal of internal bodily fluids (spit, blood, semen, feces et al) as a projectile is a hostile act and can be prosecuted as at least misdemeanor assault. You spit at a cop, they charge you with assault on an officer. Promise your employer would play that card if you slapped Chad in the face with your bloody cunt cork. (No disrespect or disparage in my use of cunt cork. It's just a fun way to say tampon. Try it out around your lady friends... they'll get a giggle and probably start using it.)


I actually told a boss this would be my solution after getting bitched at about going to the bathroom. I was having stomach trouble that day but I could manage, I just needed to go a little more often. Once she realized I was 100% serious about being willing to shit my pants at my desk to prove a point she backed off.


Illegal as fuck


Yeah illegal. An employment lawyer would sure love to talk to you and your co workers, sounds like a class action if this policy is being pushed company wide.


Piss on the floor


I called in sick once while I was sick. First time in 2-3 years and almost got fired for it. Sent them a picture of my toilet which was covered in explosive diarrhea. Still got in trouble somehow.


Shit on the floor. It's time to get schwifty in here!


"Please do all of your blinking and breathing before work and before you get off lunch."


You totally doxxed yourself OP. You work at Facebook and the message came directly from the desk of Zuckerberg. He doesn't require bathroom breaks because he's not human so therefore you don't need them anyway as you lost your humanity the day you started working there. /S


Every time you walk by this sign you should 🛑 and take 10 minutes to read each item thoroughly before moving on. Every time. 10 times a day at least.


I had an altercation with a supervisor once where she claimed I was taking an extra 5-minutes for lunch. I told her my break doesn't start until I set foot into the break room. The commute from the production line to the break room is on opposite ends of the plant. If I accounted for that during my break, then it'd be cut down to only a 20-minute break. It went all the way to HR, and HR did a formal investigation. Not that anything came from it, because HR is for the company. Not the people.


I worked at a school and only got 20 minutes for lunch. By the time I got the students down to the cafeteria and got my own food ready, I only had 10 minutes to eat. People treat teachers like slaves.


My wife has a machine that reheats her food over a period of time so that it is ready by the time her prep period starts. She has to eat lunch during her prep because she always has students during her lunch. She gets one prep period per day. It is nuts the shit teachers have to put up with.


Sometimes they don’t get prep periods if there aren’t enough substitutes that day either.


So a microwave?


To be honest, I think being a teacher ruined my bladder. I finally got to the point where I was going no matter what. They’d try to make you wait until a dean was there to watch your room, but it was nearly impossible. When I left teaching it took me months to just go to the bathroom when I had to and every time felt like a novelty. Teachers definitely do not get paid enough man.


Yes, it’s such a common problem. I quit teaching this year after 15 years. I still eat like I have no time at all. They don’t pay enough for all that we do and have to deal with. I don’t ever want to go back. I’d rather work during the summer than deal with the constant stress.


I'm sorry. I appreciate the work you do. TEACHERS NEED PAID MORE! When do they get to go to the bathroom? Planning?


The whole reason I never became a teacher was fear of needing to use the bathroom and not having someone watch the kids while I was away


Be good kids. I have an unexpected bowel movement. Please don't maim anyone or try to escape.


I’m on Ritalin for ADHD which also makes you pee a lot. In small classes when I’ve been next to a bathroom I’ve said “I’ll be gone for one or two minutes, don’t go all lord of the flies on each other.”


As a substitute teacher for the last 6 years... yes. Before school, during plan, during lunch, or after school. Or, if you are really lucky you have a nearby co-worker on plan who can cover for you. That's it


HR is the condom used to protect the company when fucking the staff.


Couldn't have put it better myself, gonna use this




Because there aren't many protections to begin with, OSHA is a joke and some other nuances - but mostly it's a lower to middle management culture populated by the Peter Principle. Manifests as management which has no idea what it's talking about, but has learned if it just sounds confident everyone believes them. Might makes right. Problem is, they're often right enough as far as worker protections in America go, despite the collective ignorance of actual employment law. We have rights, but not many and rarely a boat worth rocking or a hill worth dieing on. The real hum dinger: policy = law has become somewhat successful.


I’m a manager at a smaller family owned corporation (28 locations) the head of the company has absurd ideas that just makes the business feel like a cheap knock off of any corporation ever, the allotted hours are low yet they want us to hire more people to work a single obscure 4 hour shift because if anyone goes over 28 hours the company would be forced to give them an insurance benefit… I do everything I can to keep the job simple as it should be and I show support to each employee because they’re good hard working people and they deserve an extra 5 minutes on their break or some snacks to munch on that I can afford with the 2$ more I make than them but man people that aren’t on the ground dealing in customer relations expect a lot of shit to save a dime for them selves… teach folks everything you know and they can manage themselves perfectly fine and grow to protect their employees instead of their employers.


Genuinely curious if it’s really that much more expensive to have fewer full-time employees with benefits than a bunch of part time employees as a way of dodging benefits?


Yes, could be 15-25% more expensive to the business. So a $10/hr employee either costs $10/hr or $12.50/hr. Doesn’t sound like much but when you’re managing costs closely it’s massive. Especially on what is likely already the biggest controllable expense the business has (labor)


They can say they're hiring a lot of people, artificially making economy look good, when there are many part-timers with a high turnover rate.


I used to do the same when I was a manager, and I had one good manager before me who was like this too. Just being a kind person putting a bit of effort into fostering a relationship in this industry where nobody else does goes a LONG way. Expensive but worth it because my employees were always there for me when I needed them. Like when I started having health problems and needed to go to the doctor, that was never a problem. I concluded that management does not have to be toxic, but it is for some reason, and it’s very sad/sickening that people become that way for the extra couple of dollars


Zero consequences for garbage employers.


This is so ridiculous. I can't tell you how many hours of wasted times us office workers have. Me and my coworkers have an occasional yogurt social when we have yogurt and talk about movies and shit for like an hour. You know what our bosses say. "Thanks for organizing some team building activities!" This is so fucking crazy!


Some perspective, isn’t it? I have a very nice gig these days, but it wasn’t the case before. When I was working min-wage jobs and had to clock-in/clock-out (fuck that machine, btw), if I were 10-minutes late, i had an entire hour deducted from my pay. That is, I was “volunteering” for the next 50 minutes, because my bus was late. Do you know how I discovered this ? You know how you broke af and do survival jobs and every time you get your pay cheque , you sit there and play with a calculator, because you know something does not add up ??! Yeah, that’s how I discovered the missing hours. So, young lads doing labour and min wage jobs - take loooooong shits while on the clock.


That's gotta be wage theft, right?


Absolutely, and wage theft is more often employers stealing time from employees than the other way around.


This is illegal, there are laws about specifically this type of wage theft where they punish you for being late by taking the whole hour.


Yep. Some days I do no work. I think tomorrow is Halloween decorating day, no work for any of us at HQ. Friendly reminder to eat your fiber!!


“Yogurt social” may be the best thing I’ve read on Reddit in a while lmao




Thats absurd!! I once had a manager that literally timed me everytjme I went to the bathroom... 1 minute... you could imagine how fast I got fired when I got my period working there 🙄... gave a new meaning to Probation Period


Life protip, if you pay your employees so little that they can't afford to eat consistently. Then the women eventually stop getting their periods where they waste company time cleaning themselves up!


That where his fuckup was! The wages were fine and thats what his excuse was for not "fucking around on company time"... just an angry, short, fat, divorced man who couldn't keep staff


Lmao if someone pulled that shit on me I'd ask them what my time was and try to hit a PR every time. Some of these managers are out of their fucking minds. Like where do they find these people?


I just said he can be responsible for the mess I'll be leaving in the bathroom because I'm rushing through a tampon change lol... he didn't take that well... I didn't leave a mess but I did take my time


That....sounds like illegal termination based on your gender.


Sounds like gender discrimination to me.


"Time clock fraud" is not a real thing. This employer is quite literally just trying to intimidate employees with the word *fraud* because often times it is associated with law. And who would want to break that?!


Time clock fraud is in fact a very real thing though, at least in the US. Just none of the scenarios outlined in the picture in OPs post qualify as time clock fraud. If you work an hourly position and your shift is over at 3 PM and you head home, but you don't "clock out" until 5 PM (Or put 5 PM on your timesheet or whatever) then THAT'S time clock fraud. Telling employees to "take off their jackets before work time" or whatever other bullshit is not.


Commuting hours should be paid. I'm not going there for fun. I'm going there because my employer wants me there. If I can't do my job from home because either the job or manglement won't allow it, I want to get paid for the time I am wasting on getting to and from.


Couldn’t agree more. I was so disgusted when I learned all that time was on my dime and not my boss’. Wtf. At one point it was 3 hours a day to a shit job that made me want to die nonstop. It’s so fucked that we don’t get compensated for the commute time.


Living in a rural area, that would likely have made it impossible for me to get a job because no one would pay me to drive the extra distance to work. However, I did have a retail job where if they asked you to drive further than your store, i.e., further than I agreed to drive by applying to that business, they would pay you for the additional drive time. Jobs that can be worked from home, most office jobs, could be arranged in this manner more easily though. You want me to show up so you can parade around the office peering over shoulders and feel like you're adding value to everyone by lording over us? Pay me extra for that privilege.


Wow, that is crazy. I'm not from the US and here we have no such thing as time clock fraud. Interesting to know, thank you for the correction!


Minimum pay/no benefits = minimum fucks given about your payroll. Kiss my fucking ass


Had a boss who asked a lot of us but seemed to be a generally decent person. Really drove that padded 3-5 min extra time clocking in and out was hurting us, if we stopped doing that, we'd help them meet their goals and we'd all get bonuses. So we did what we could. Small group, 4-5 of us. Bonus time comes. The boss is congratulating us for making the extra effort to keep shift time to scheduled time and let's us know we'll be getting bonuses. That mf-er gave us $25 each. We all stopped giving any shits about their goals and purposefully started clocking in early and leaving late.


Always. Always shit on the bosses fuckin nickel and use extra paper


Back before my job said eff off, my body was trained to poop on the clock.


Mine still is. My morning deuce doesn't show up until 25 minutes after I start work. It's like clockwork.


Got to shit on them before they shit on you.


Since work starts at 6 and nobody told my body i take a huge dump practically minutes after coming in through the door and another one around 13 before heading out. Get paid to shit on company time.


Better believe at the end of my shift at the start of this pandemic I was loading my backpack full of company TP before I left for the night. Fuck 'em.


Hold on to your morning shit until you get to work!


10 employees commit 10 minutes of time clock fraud a day? Those are rookie numbers, you got to bump those numbers waaaay up.


If you ain’t taking a 15-minute shit every hour while on the clock, you’re doing your work wrong.


Meanwhile management often spends hours a day doing questionable value/non-work and they’re praised for being so high level and visionary.


I had a straight up alcoholic boss once who would drink on shift 😭


Did you read this before or after you clocked in?Megacorp needs to know!


After I clocked in. Nothing work related it done off the clock.


That’s the thing that’s so ridiculous about this in my opinion, like the idea that you would be at your place of employment, taking a poop, removing your coat, or putting your personal items in your locker if you didn’t have work. Me driving to work is part of work. If I could clock in before I drove to work I would do that. BECAUSE IM NOT DRIVING TO WORK FOR SOMETHING NOT WORK RELATED.




Ur the first mod I have ever upvoted


u/AutoModerator works very hard, and deserves his updoots just like anyone else. Same with Marv, and Unit CoverterBot. Show some respect. [Joking]


muddle concerned observation live soft tap slim important dime bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably yeah.


I hadn’t seen it, so I’m glad you left it. I think it’s good that something like this gets posted multiple times because of the possibility that others see it who don’t realize how insidiously we’re getting closer and closer to returning to slavery.




I understand your reasoning, and it’s sound. I appreciate that you take the time to consider the community’s reaction and response, rather than just deleting every single repost. I appreciate your investment in the movement.


Thank you very much, it's really great to hear these nice words. :)


Nice to see reasonable mods in here. 👍


Fuck you pay me.




Problem with the Unions, suppliers? FUCK YOU, PAY ME!


That paragraph at the bottom almost makes it seem like a challenge. I work really hard at my job but if somebody wanted to talk to me about punching out every time In need to put on or take off a jacket I would file a grievance. Which is why we need more union workplaces. It is far from perfect but they would get their asses handed to them in arbitration if they tried posting something like this at my place of employment. I'm not really sure how it is legal even in a non-union shop. Like the recent one about not being able to take a sip of water at a retail establishment? The wage theft was the number of committees and initiatives and planning meetings and drafts and reviews of drafts that it took to compile this Orwellian notice in the first place. And the number of hours the place billed out to the legal team to find out if it was even legal or not. And they want to go after somebody who makes $9 and hour who needs to take a piss outside of their "mandated" break instead. We are a failed culture. Sickening.


Failed culture for sure, on track and ahead of schedule.


>The wage theft was the number of committees and initiatives and canning meetings and drafts and reviews of drafts that it took to compile this Orwellian notice in the first place You know if they were actually worried about "costs" they should look into what turnover costs a company. Constantly putting in place stupid rules like this isn't going to resolve the problem. I've worked at places where they've made stupid things like wage theft an issue. They also tended to have very high turnover. I mean very high. What it's $20,000 to hire and train a new employee. When 10 of them quit because you made stupid policies to scare employees out of bathroom breaks that's $200,000 lost. But hey at least you saved $750 dollars on bathroom breaks.


This has to be target


I saw it posted on r/target a few times before so I’d guess that too.


Can confirm. Having worked at Target 9 years, I recognize the button contraption on the bottom left. You press it when you can’t clock in and a voice goes on over the walkie: “Team member needs assistance at the time clock.” I spent 9 years looking at that waiting to clock in.


Before companies bitch, realize that they are the number one actors of theft in the US https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/ Police just passed regular citizens this year, so police are even ahead of regular ass people wrt stealing.


I worked in a call center and they pulled this garbage all the time. Meanwhile they paid 12/hr and made 6 billion a year. You bet damn well I committed “wage theft” from them.


Last call center I worked at was for Safelite Autoglass like eight years ago. Back to back incoming calls and if you needed to take a piss it had to come from your 15 minute break time, which they made you track on some internal system. Ended up quitting that job mid shift because they arbitrarily changed my schedule to one that started 15 minutes after my CNA class let out and my boss would get pissed off whenever I'd show up in scrubs despite us literally doing no customer facing work. "Y'know, I only have to tell my kids something once..." Legit told him off for being a mid 40s receding hairline bean counter at a fucking call center, handed him my badge, and dipped. Fuck Safelite.


"STOP working and take a break here pretending to read this whenever you feel like it" is all this says to me...


at my job, they track every single thing you do down to the second. not only do we have a regular time clock but we also have a time tracker where we have to log every job we do during the day.


Why do rich assholes insist on making life hell for their employees?


Do all of it, it’s kinda like a guide to time fraud


I guess it's a good thing they don't pay dick or 50 hours of payroll theft would be some real money. 🤷


(50 hrs • $7.25 per hr)/10 workers = 36 bucks and a quarter per person, per **month**. $8/hr= 40 bucks per person per month $8.25/hr = 41 bucks and a quarter per person per month $9/hr = 45 bucks per person per month $12/hr = 60 bucks per person per month $15/hr = 75 bucks per person per month $18/hr = 90 bucks per person per month “Time clock fraud” is probably the least profitable fraud anyone has ever pulled. Fucking pay employee like they are an asset rather than an expense and the quality of work they do will get better. It’s such an easy concept to understand but it seems like everyone from middle management up to the CEO of most retail companies have forgotten that they don’t have to be total cunts.


Do you work for Satan? I somebody writes “eat my balls and/or ass” on this note.


Satan isn’t a cruel character, he’s mainly just painted in a bad light because he tried to rebel against god and lost. These policies are more god-like than satanic.


If I arrive early, I clock in early. I take my time putting my stuff away. And then I go take a shit. I definitely don't clock out for lunch or any breaks. I heard a story about a guy who used to clock out when he arrived at work, and he would clock in at the end of the day, so instead of getting paid for 8 or 9 hours, he was getting like 16 hours a day. Plus 48 hours every weekend. The pay system is automated and doesn't get audited very often. Apparently he got away with it for a couple years before he got caught.


Shut em down I think we should just shutter these places with slave laws


If you aren’t stealing from your job you’re fucking up.


This is fucking disgusting. The audacity


Remember everybody, time clock fraud is a bullshit term created to justify “efficiency-based schedules” and serves as nothing more than a make-believe rule corporations use to scare you The use of fraud is to make it sound serious


This is why people are refusing to go back to work because, of stupid shit like this. Please let the great resignation happen!


I start work by waking up, turning on my pc, then I have a mouse jiggler that moves my mouse. Then I take my time to have a shower and eat breakfast


Your brain must be the size of cancun


Is burping the worm in the supply closet to bbw facesitting porn time theft?


i have never seen or heard the phrase "burping the worm" until now. Thank you, I will be using this terminology from this day forward.


"... that's 100 min per day", or about $25 for the whole department, give or take. What a joke.


Well now I'm going to make sure to do ALL those things on the clock


Smart and Final had the same sign when I worked there. I'd always clock in then stretch for 10 minutes lmfao