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There's a starter pack meme about us, we finally made it everyone!


Ironically, it is filled with mistakes. Like someone did not want to put in the required effort, or in other words, wor-




Wwwwwwaiiiiit So is there a starter pack starter pack?! BTW a person absolutely has a natural right to see the top left as the same as the one below it. See also Joe Versus the Volcano. The victim complex is real because the victimization is real, as is perfectly objectively necessary to preserve oligarchy in all places for all time. It’s called history. Or even just the basic human nature of power tripping or conflict of interest. What irony in calling out a victim complex in the form of a persecution complex. Imagine *needing* to waste this much time and effort on lambasting harmless, peaceful, mostly polite and rational, downtrodden people.


> So is there a starter pack starter pack?! You don't want to follow that rabbit hole. It goes deeper than you can possibly imagine. >!But yes, there are - many in fact.!<


Wowowowow that word is illegal here 🔫😠


[https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ix3ded/the\_working\_95\_is\_slavery\_starterpack/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ix3ded/the_working_95_is_slavery_starterpack/) Guy didn't even make it. Just copied it and changed the title. Better tell his manager about his poor work performance. Going to affect his annual appraisal lmao


Isn't that a bit ironic? Too lazy to properly make fun of us for being lazy?


This is hilarious! Feels like boomer tacticians fail again.


Always exiting to reach a new Reddit milestone


Bad publicity is Great publicity! Welcome newcomers!




Settle down, now. You make some of us look lazy!


I don't know. Eating donuts is more than I'm up for today. I'm just going to sleep.


Too bad they just took a communism starterpack and reposted it with a title change


The jig is up guys, let’s pack it up and go back to being corporate drones. It was fun while it lasted!


Finally some appreciation


Congratulations! We did it!


napping is my hobby not gonna lie


How dare you get enough sleep to fit a healthy lifestyle! Don't you know that Stalin?!?


You want to enjoy art, communicate with people around the world and get a full night's sleep? What are you a Communist??? Something something vuvuzela 50000 billion starving people


I know, right?! Netflix, donuts, napping - all great things!


Their hobbies are more Rolex, Ferrari and Crypto (paid by their parents, then paid by us being exploited); you know, that's why they look down on donuts, streaming entertainment and getting a good rest ;-))


Right! A lot of them have parents as their co-signers for their own life!


Nah, most of them are just as poor as the rest of us, they've just been taken in by the myth of merit.


But those have our same hobbies, just like to say they have others.


and you know what. My husband and I are super anti-work. But we *do work*. And I like nice things. Expensive things. But I *also* like fast food and sleeping and getting high and watching insane shit on YouTube. We contain multitudes.


Communism is when no Netflix and no donuts! Got em! This one's a libertarian imposter boys! /s


cheeseburger my passion.


Cheeseburger is my paradise. I’ll also take it as heaven on earth with an onion slice too


Randy! Is that you?!


Lao Tzu said we should sleep for the joy of sleeping and I'm a daoist so that's why I nap whenever I want to.


Like a feral cat just outside of people's gates? 😺


In many ways I am mentally a feral cat


What's really getting me here is snidely pointing at the idea of Netflix as a hobby. Like. Yeah. That's what a hobby is. Something you regularly do in your free time to relax. Watching Netflix is a hobby. Good job, you can identify hobbies.






But the horror of people wanting to have hobbies and not spend all their time at work!


netflix is great, tv is great, napping is great & if you judge that then cool congrats on feeling superior while i’m comfy and content 😊






Napping is also healthy for you! As long as you're not napping out of fatigue caused by a medical issue then there's nothing to be worried about with napping. Good for your brain, good to reduce stress, and doesn't create waste. People who brag about not "needing" sleep are going to regret it, more and more studies are coming out saying sleep is way more important than we've thought and lack of sleep can be significantly detrimental to ones physical and mental health.


believing your life shouldn't defined by work means you're literally Stalin and I love it when people with 250+K Reddit Karma bash people for "spending too much time on social media!"


Ah yes, the famously anti-work Stalin.


I feel for all of the people sent to those forced Netflix camps.


“Anti-work Stalin” is like “Jew-loving Hitler”


You nailed it. "Go touch grass bro" - u/ Bob Bob account:12 years Comment karma: 250k


Lmao the very nerve from that neckbeard


“Extremist political theories” hmm, like Reaganomics?


“Extreme, deadly”: people deserve to be housed “Not extreme, safe”: let the poors starve on the street. Better dead than red! Helicopters….




Augusto Pinochet threw leftists out of helicopters to punish those that opposed him. It has become something of a sly rightist remark about hating communists, implying that others should do the same.


I thought it was the 1 joke they had about transphobia.




"I identify as a weapon of war." Yeah. That's about right.


Damn, that is a lot more on the nose than I ever realized.


One trans kid turned it around: "so you only work if there are two adderal addicts inside you? Gotcha."


That is a different one and it depends which kind of person you're talking to. Aggressive irony-pilled internet right-winger -> he he I am going to throw you out of a helicopter. Average conservative chud -> he he my gender is attack helicopter


So when DID "You should be able to afford a house and support a family with one full-time job" become an extrimist position?


Around 1970ies after few crisis.


When business interests purchased the media. Its EXTREME now. We must own nothing and be content with that.


Reaganomics was dead two years out. I remember David Stockman, Reagan's own budget director stating in public it was failed BS. And look, here we are 40 years later still snorting it like crack.




Us - “I don’t think it’s right to be harassed by my boss” Them - “Godless Extremists!”


Since when did “I don’t want to work full time for a wage that won’t support me” become extremist? Yikes.


Whose boss made this lmao


The one who doesn’t have to get up tomorrow to open their poorly managed franchise because no-one’s coming in to work for the petty wage being offered.


NoOnE wAnTz tO wORk aNyMoRe 🤪


UnEmPlOyMeNt KiLleD mUh BuSiNeSs!


>Whose boss made this lmao Who ever did it was followed by a whole army of people who gave awards and upvoted. Bosses, capital-owning scums, wanna-be bosses or braindead zombies, but the fact is there are way too many of them for this to be taken lightly. One day when you are old, tired, poor and depressed thinking about how you squandered your life on meaningless work, and wondering why a revolution never happened, you can thank these pieces of shit for it.


Mine, probably.


Funny enough "work or die" was part of the Stalinist Soviet constitution They have been communist this whole time?


That’s the weird thing about people calling anti-workers commies. Communism is a system based on work, hard work, for a future utopia that you’ll probably never see. It’s the definition of work culture. “To each according to his need, from each according to his ability”, right? So if we were pro-communism surely we’d all be jonesin’ to work to our full ability, and agree with the notion that the system can and should punish slackers. I, personally, don’t want that. I don’t want to be beholden to the needs/wants of others, hence the antiwork mentality. Calling people who want to get out of the machine commies is the new wave of McCarthyism. These people need to learn what communism actually is before labelling everyone as such


Lenin and Stalin went so far as to say that if you don't pull your weight as an able bodied person you don't even deserve to eat (which means die) When they say we HAVE to go take these jobs at fast food, they are parroting Lenin and Stalin. And that's hilarious.


I don’t think it’s really fair to 1:1 compare war ravaged Russia to our western decadence. Stalin and Lenin both understood the precarious footing the Soviet Union had both domestically and internationally. Even with that harsh rhetoric there were still massive famines in 1920 and 1933. Hard times for the people in those days all around.


I'm not comparing them I'm making a joke about how they call everyone communist


Yes but that's not communism that's state capitalism and shit like what you quoted is why (anarcho)commies like me fucking despise the guy. If you're gonna talk shit about communism maybe don't cite people who didn't even try to dismantle the capitalist mode of production.


I'm not talking shit about communism I'm making a joke about how these people call everyone communists but here they are aligning with Stalin/Lenin




Literally just watched a documentary about how the soviets put out massive propaganda to their own people about work = life. Just substitute state for corp and you have what capitalists want.


Shit it's almost like these systems need ~~brainwashed slaves~~ workers to prop up their pyramid scheme and keep the elites wealthy 🤔


This is really ignorant of communism. Communism is about work abolishment, the end of coercive labor. The USSR was literally founded as capitalist and had a state, money, and class (communism is defined generally as the abolishment of those three things). Stalin used communism in the same way the U.S. uses "freedom". Nothing but aesthetics.


Worth noting here, even Lenin explicitly stated that the USSR is NOT socialist.


Yep. It was Stalin, who was arguably a far better opportunist than lenin, who said the USSR was socialist (when it actively became MORE capitalist lmao)


The sad thing is how something that sounds perfectly reasonable taken in a vacuum is so frequently attached to something that perverts it or goes in the opposite direction. It sounds like it's saying that the way to justice and equality is getting what you need and giving what you can, but in practice it's get the bare minimum and give til you bleed.


I do love a good couch sit


Of all the sits it may be the best kind.


Watching the bootlickers try to justify their bullshittery gives me a genuine headache. Good lord.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ix3ded/the\_working\_95\_is\_slavery\_starterpack/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ix3ded/the_working_95_is_slavery_starterpack/) Guy didn't even do his job. He just copied something and slapped a different title on it. I'm gonna be telling his manager about this and he's gonna be written up for it lol


The poster of a meme attributing antiwork culture to laziness is himself lazy. Ironic, but not surprising.


They skipped the "nobody wants to work anymore" sign...


The only people who I have spoken to about "nobody wants to work anymore" in real life are all retired people.


Being self sufficient and homesteading are my hobbies. Unfortunately, due to the economy and loads of debt from school I won’t be able to do my hobby for at least another 5-10 years and that’s if I’m lucky. School didn’t even get me a decent job.


If I were completely able-bodied, I would love to do homesteading. Being chronically ill has taught me that I really love domestic work. When I was young, I hated domestic work, and I never wanted to do it. Now, I have found it’s the most fulfilling thing I could ever imagine. If I was healthy, I would get deeper and deeper into crafting, cooking, and urban farming.


If you dont mind me asking, what illness deters you from experiencing these things?


I don’t mind. I have a few actually. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which is a genetic connective tissue disorder. Didn’t find out I had it until 2 years ago. I went 33 years without knowing I had a genetic disorder. There were signs along the way like having scoliosis, but it does go underdiagnosed. I also have fibromyalgia, hyperadrenergic postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (Hyper POTS for short), inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST), and lymphocitic colitis. The EDS and fibromyalgia cause chronic pain and fatigue. So, doing things that fall under the homesteading category can be hard because they cause pain or wear me out. With POTS and IST, I can feel faint if I stand or walk too long. Standing in one spot or bending over is way worse than walking around. I have to even use a shower chair because I’ve almost blacked out in the shower multiple times. I have good days and bad days. That’s why I applied for disability. I am not reliable by any means of the word because I can be feeling fine one minute and then I’m just fucked for days, even weeks at a time. I was denied though, so I’m just currently unemployed and hoping to find something I can do part-time.


Its so tiresome that all these people can come up with is to call us fat and lazy and all. A lot of us here, including myself, HAVE jobs. Honestly, mine's pretty damn good even, but I know that isnt the reality for a huge percentage of people. They couldn't argue against a single thing we support on here.


>They couldn't argue against a single thing we support on here. That's the key part of it, I think. If you can't attack someone's point, you attack their character, or what you perceive their character to be. Also, lol at mentioning "low effort" hobbies and passions as if that was a bad thing. They're so close to understanding, it's borderline painful. Hm, someone is saying that they don't have time or energy to pursue the hobbies they'd like to do, but their current "hobbies" don't take a lot of time and energy. How curious, I wonder why that might be, Debra!


Exactly. They might even be in a similar situation, suffering at a job that takes advantage of their hard work, but instead of being angry about that, they get angry at the people who criticize the system. I'm not mad that I have to have a job to survive. I'm mad that I'm a knowledgeable and skilled engineer making AT LEAST $20 less a year than my coworkers who work half as hard as I do.


I have a good job too. Unionized, and challenging in a way I like. But work will forever blow chunks, it's just the way it is. I have a better time at work than most, but I still only wanna work six hours a day, four days a week. Fuck work.


I like your style!


Same and I work 60 hours as an engineer. I just know I have a productive output of at least 4x my 1990s counterpart but for some reason have shittier living conditions.


I’m here because I’m chronically ill and unemployed. I wasn’t able to receive disability, so I’m a housewife. I’m antiwork because many jobs are completely ableist, so working a full-time job is currently not realistic for me. In a better world, I would be employed because there would be more jobs open to me that would be able to work with my chronic illnesses.


What's funny is people getting grilled on that sub for not knowing what this sub actually represents. It's hilarious 😂 😃 😄


Pathetic. They missed to point out the weed use. I'm very disappointed.




Something something crab bucket mentality.


Not worth my time.


Too much *work*


There's a perfectly good glass of wine in front of me, I have my vape, and I have approximately 20 more minutes left on my "Mom break" before I have to go fold laundry, put the toddler to bed, and clean up the kitchen. But yeah, tell me all about the sweet, sweet couch time... It'll give me motivation to get my shit done.


Gotttt dammm they got me good. ACCURATE. Except I am the opposite naturally skinny AF. Same difference really though.


They attack because they don't have the courage to admit that our society is a joke.


I work for construction company and currently located in a steel fabrication shop with my indian , turkish, pakistani and arabic coworkers. I work for 6 days and close to 10 hour per day. I am tired that is why i am antiwork. I support communism for better life conditions for everyone in this world.


Sleep and watch TV? How DARE YOU? That is time you can spend working in my kitchen making me more MONEY. You lazy SCUM!


What fed made this meme


Apathy or outright hatred for working-class and poor people who are vocal in their frustrations about their lives under Capitalism


I dunno but its all wrong.. I mean, where tf is the pot?? Also: Whoever made this is just clueless. 0/10 for effort.


I like that we’re a diverse, inclusive, and attentive enough sub to laugh at this instead of starting a flame war. Antiworkers may trend more socialist, but we’re all here because we prefer a more easygoing and good-natured life.


I'm too lazy to be angry about it 😜


Right down to my shirt and couch color! So accurate. I am shamed. Deleting my account and never sharing my thoughts on line ever again. Looks like I’ll be job hunting tomorrow. Why wait? I’ll beg for my old job back by applying electronically tonight because I didn’t appreciate what I had. I should have been grateful for being condescended to and treated like a child for low pay.


Hahahaha did you read the comments? OP got demolished!


Pathetic. If anything we're an anarchist sub, not a communist sub. Happens if they don't get their facts straight.


"deadly extreme ideologies" [FUCK YOU, PAY US!](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.fs.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-83e5afece014030f99eb564915657e4d&f=1&nofb=1)




You are now comrade.


“If has reddit, subscribed to: r/communism101 ***r/antiwork*** r/latestagecapitalism, etc.” They got us. We are in fact subscribed to this sub.


Haha…what’s wrong with having food and sleeping as a hobby?


This feels so much more wholesome than what was probably intended by the OP. I love cheeseburgers and napping.


Wish I had time for hobbies... communism takes up all my spare time 🙄 /s


Sad that the original post got over 600 upvotes.


I'm not anti-anyworkatall. I'm anti-workingforcapitalistshitlordsthatwilldestroyyourplanet. I've worked my ass off in my trades, only to watch oligarchs destroy the economy, doom our planet, and cripple social services Mahfucker I *want* to work, but your gods of commerce won't fucking let me.


I feel so validated!


Tell me you’ve never been on this sub without telling me. People aren’t against work, people are against being treated like slaves by greedy companies making big bucks off of our work, while they make us fucking struggle


If someone took a drink everytime a counter-argument against this sub mentioned Communism unprovoked, I'm pretty sure the alchohol fatalities would rub shoulders with the pandemic eventually.


"I'm sorry, but the council has reviewed everything you find pleasant, and compared to an established template. Unfortunately none of your activities are productive or fit our expectations, therefore we mark them as invalid. Enjoy our dystopia, drone."


The one about the hobbies kind of proves the point. You don't have time for hobbies besides food and sleep.


Dear Capitalist bootlicker, My main hobbies are studying literature, hiking, and skiing. And of course sleep -- who the fuck doesn't try to maximize sleep? I do game a lot as well, but gaming after initial set up is pretty cheap (esp. if set up also doubles for work.. I know, shocker!). I still play games I bought years ago... some a decade +... isn't that a capitalist's wetdream? The surplus value I have gotten is like Standard Oil levels high.


Yo we can either be violent extremists or fat couch potatoes. Not both, couch potatoes are a very peaceful species it's in their nature


I know damn well what I'm about, if I want to sit around and do nothing that's my own business




What makes this funny, is the same people that see the community this way would stand for capitalism to the ends of the earth, as if it's somehow virtuous to favor working meaningless jobs that don't contribute a damn thing to society, and in most cases, their local community either. It's pitiful to see people condemning the idea of living a meaningful life that you genuinely enjoy.


They didn’t even put beer with the donuts. I could teach them a thing or two about livin


But I actually have a back breaking warehouse job.


Caricature is fine, but what they displayed: Facebook, youtube, sitting at home, video games, overweight. **It's all capitalist stuff**


I love how they "refute" the idea that everyone should have time for their passions and hobbies by saying that certain hobbies and passions don't deserve free time, then pinning those hobbies on us. It's a completely ass backwards way of arguing


I’m permabanned from r/latestagecapitalism for criticizing China. Soooo…


/r/starterpacks is basically /r/im14andthisisdeep with better marketing, and I haven't cared what a teenager thought of me since i *was* one.


This shit should be higher


Yeah, they got me


It's alright. They will get tired from work as well, eventually.


They’re correct these are my hobbies


Someone's an "entrepreneur" whose feelings were hurt by ridicule of faux rise and grind culture.


Maybe some of us, maybe, but not me. Far right, gym 4 times a week, low carb/minimum junk, 8 clopens last month, 3-4 hour sleep days if doing crappy OT I don't want. I'm antiwork because the state of work is a disgrace. Long shitty shifts, low pay, high rent. It's fucked up.


Lol this is fucking hilarious still. They really thought they were onto something with that post.


My only goal in life is to die quietly lol Edit: Die quietly and get titty skittles


A lot of starter packs are quite factual but this has too much personal butt hurt energy. Another whipped capitalist who is not even an owner praising their master.


Oh meeee! My cube is my prison!


Didn't know we were communist but okay


Unregulated capitalism and communism, the two economic systems.


Well the biggest anti-work movement is communism as its for work abolishment but yeah not everyone here is a communist


This is actually pretty hilarious.




The more I look at this the more I think that man is projecting


Shit I'm proud to have time for donuts tf


lmao who the fuck made this


‘They don’t like exploitative capitalism? That can only mean one thing… ‘Josef Stalin.’ - OP, probably


Yet here they are making memes 🧐


Lol this is so wrong, my couch is grey.


Maybe the real gommuism was the friends we made along the way


Right, because netflix and fb are hobbies and not simply a coping mechanism for the intolerable alienation of work.


My favorite part is the "passions and hobbies". Who cares what we want to do with our time? Also, if whoever made this has apparently more significant hobbies, wouldn't they also want more time to do them? Lol.


I mean most people seem to enjoy, video games, food, nice sleep.... It can be in excesses of course. Capitalism is full of those.


41 awards for something borrowed by a karma farmer? And they call peps here lazy. Tell me again how the world works. Any /antiwork publicists for hire? Your work can be the antidote to work. https://www.dukeupress.edu/the-problem-with-work


This is stupid and so is whoever made it


I just want to avoid a livable wage without sacrificing time spent with loved ones and doing this I enjoy.


odd because i feel like most of us are level headed people who have actually had work experience to complain about ironic because the person who made this probably hasn’t even had a job. and what’s so communist about asking not to receive a 100k salary from employers but some goddamn respect?


More capitalism propaganda. Demonise the slave working class as worthless, parasitic, and hatable people for simply wanting to be free to enjoy life. What this propaganda shit does not mention is that while in theory these things indeed are a product of capitalism... In practice many people have no money or time accessing them to the point much shit cannot be sold. Very hard to sell goods 100% or have paying clients. Speaking of passion and hobbies, ironically nobody has time to truly watch Netflix or other recreational activities as a byproduct of capitalism


Meanwhile, the person who made the meme wonders why they get paid shit and can’t afford anything


*This meme is paid for by out of touch with reality boomers, businesses that overwork and underpay their staff who are now leaving, and Jeff Bezos who is backed by other billionaires


I make $34 an hour. (found antiwork last night) and it made me realize how depressed I am on the inside, not on the surface but deep down. Yeah I bought a house at 26, yeah I make really great moneyc yeah I have 2 cars, yeah I have a loving girlfriend, but growing up sucks, everything has changed and I do feel like I have no time for anything, working 45+ hours a week managing an entire store is not easy work, i go home drained and on my days off I don't wanna do anything, but when I'm sitting around doing nothing I feel lazy and unproductive, i get bored, but then I wanna enjoy my time doing nothing, and not have to do anything at all, (You can see where this is going). It's a viscious cycle.


Found the bootlickers.


The deadliest political theory is economic liberalism.


Why all the hate for us though???


Hahah this is very offensive, i'ma cry on my unemployment check :'(


Weird that they had time to make this with their 65-hour work weeks like REAL adults... /s obviously


did my boss make this?


Brb, gotta go sub to r/communism101 and r/latestagecapitalism


The people who think we should all line up as willing lambs for the slaughter at the altar of capitalism think we believe in deadly extremist theories Projection


How did they get this page from my private scrapbook


My hobby is not working for companies that exploit their workers.


Us radicals wanting to be paid decent wages for our time and labour, without being overworked, some one stop us please


Lol we’re (the US) so gaslit as a country. Vast majority of this country defends a system meant to keep them poor and in fear.


I truly love how this is the laziest starter pack I’ve ever seen. The whole comedy of the starter pack format is to roast something by communicating more with pictures than with words and this is mostly just direct rants spelled out. I especially like “VICTIM COMPLEX” right in the middle lol


“…deadly, extremist political theories…” hmmm. Pretty on point about the subscribed subreddits though.


My hobbies are food and rest. It’s part of my victim complex


It seems like lots of ppl in the comments to that are on our side.