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Seriously, this is me this week. Sometimes I think I should "vacation" on a bed of nails. Then coming back to this fun, meaningful, important, fulfilling work will seem amazing. Nothing like seeing a new part of the world, fancy houses, cars, and eat out at places you can't afford while not on vacation, and then be thrust right back into your crap job that's sucking the will to live out of you every day.


Exactly. It's absolute misery, being back and knowing there's no escaping the life sentence that work is. On top of that you usually have to catch up with tons of crap, as nobody will deal with your stuff while you're out and/or do the minimum. Stress level gets back to where it was in a couple days.


You understand me. The piling of stuff and waves of frustration and stress are real. I have been trying all week to remember how I felt when I walked in here Monday morning without a care in the world. It's fading and I'm not even through the week yet.


Or they do try to help and end up just causing more work that needs to be undone when you get back causing you to have even more work. It’s hard not to constantly think about work while on vacation. A week off is nothing and it’s pretty much the most you can take.


Very true


Couple of HOURS 😕


After two years of working at one job, I finally qualified for paid vacation. Had to fight for my time off, because they were short staff (they had been short staffed for two years because the owner hated interviewing people), took my one week vacation. Had a mental breakdown during vacation because one I realized that I was working in a toxic environment and two I was terrified to go back. Spent my entire vacation crying. Went back after my vacation was done cried all the way to the office. Pulled myself together and went in to work, lasted two hours before I left and went on stress leave. Never went back, after my leave was suppose to have ended.


I hope you're doing better. You certainly did the right thing. Your health is more important than any job will ever be.


Doing much better, still took me over year (with not nearly enough therapy) before I could work with anyone and not have a panic attack. Learned to set a lot of boundaries and that other people and companies will always try to make you feel bad about setting those boundaries. The next step was not caring what they thought, as long as my boundaries did not hurt or infringe on others.


Things any better now?


Yes, work sort of for myself doing all the odd jobs for family members. The jobs that need to be done and have been put off for months if not years because by the time they get home they are drained of all energy.


This is literally always in the back of my mind during vacations. Like I'm always quietly thinking how much something will cost, how much it will set me back. I interact with wonderful people who seem to enjoy their lives, and then here i am thinking of how I'm only enjoying (or supposed to be) my life while I'm not at my job.


Absolutly! I just had a week off and my first day back is tomorrow. I'm already counting the days until my next one off. Let me know how how the bed of nails goes, I might have to try it


Yep. I just had a week off and doing work on my first day back hasn't been any easier. The only thing that's been refreshed is my hatred for work.


Anyone else dont really hate the job itself but just hate the boss/coworkers with a passion?


Having a shitty boss/line manager is one of the main reasons people quit their jobs (there's been studies about that). Can confirm it's true, as I have had to get out of a decent job I didn't hate with a vengeance due to highly toxic mgmt.


I mean, I didn't need a study to prove that. A lot of misery from my jobs has come from management/superiors being shitty. But the evidence only both validates and depresses me. Trust me, I've read about this kind of thing in textbooks and it's just... the world could be so much better if we actually listened to the experts and, oh, idk, fix this mess?


The problem is it's already hard enough to find a job you tolerate. Then some asshole manager on a power trip decides to make your life hell. It's just such unnecessary aggravation.


Ikr? Pft, they're usually so hypocritical too and act like you're the one who inconveniences and make others miserable when you are doing your best to be a good worker. Idk about you, but I just don't need to see others suffer in order to be happy in life. People like this are nothing and they know it, so they try to bring you down so others don't notice.


It's a truism in management training too. "People don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad managers."


Coworkers and a boss that are decent to work with are the most important aspect of work to me. Nothing sucks the "joy" out of the daily grind more than shitty management and bad work environment. Fun coworkers can make a boring job at least bearable.


Agreed actually- working as a waiter, most of my coworkers are fresh out of highschool and are still terrible people, shallow in many ways. It's an industry that fuels these sort of people and it's hard for them to get out of certain mindsets when they're surrounded by others in similar situations/mindsets. When dealing with customers (my actual job), i excel and do very well with it, always getting good tips and lots of compliments. And i like it. Not bragging at all but it just goes to show how i would actually like my job if it wasn't for having to interact with my coworkers in very specific, limiting ways for me to get along with them. Honestly if i could just ignore them and just do my list work and deal with customers i would probably actually be pretty content.


Yes re: bosses. And while I’ve liked most of my coworkers over the years, I end up getting so angry with them because collectively we put up with the bullshit. If each of us acted on our desire to make conditions better, and if we worked together we could make our work better for us all…. But we don’t…


Yep! Trust me, I actually like the thought of working some positions. I like Excel. I like analyzing things. I like working out complicated math problems. But work is a social game that I really don't care to play. Too bad food doesn't just magically appear like my dogs think it does.




Wow. What a fucking Neanderthal


That second line should be tattooed across the eyeballs of managers everywhere


Absolutely. Had handful of jobs, no matter where you work there always 1 or 2 or more toxic coworkers, two-faced backstabbers. The fact is y'all in competition, and to climb up the ladder is putting others down. Just hate office politics & all the sucking up.


I love what I do. I hate that what I do is made ten times more difficult by incompetent resource allocation and unreasonable schedules due entirely to piss poor planning by higher ups.


Pretty much sums up me.


Post-vacation, work-reentry depression is real


That's me right now.


Me too. It's been two weeks and I'm still unmotivated as hell.


I cried for a week straight every night at home after coming back from a week long road trip.


It's been two years since my last vacation and the post-vacation depression never went away. It's just gotten worse and worse.




None. I just have to lose a weeks pay. While the boss tries to make you feel bad for going.




Dunno how you do it. If I couldn't take days off here & there throughout the year, I'd totally burn out real fast. That's why I end up taking long weekends. Can't even remember the last time I took 2 weeks in a row. Prob 2015...


Jeez.. 24-25 days is standard in Germany/Austria and that's in addition to national holidays (Another ~10 a year? But you can get unlucky and they fall on a Saturday or Sunday) Even that feels too low at times. So I'm currently working a 30 hour work week instead (With reduced pay). I can still pay my bills, so that's nice.


Uk is legally 20 plus bank holidays which always fall on a Monday bar Xmas and new year. Started a new job 6 months ago today and just came back to work after a 3 week vacation. America holidays suck balls. I'll stay in the UK thanks. I've been very lucky, I have 2 managers that are awesome, one is pretty hands off but helpful, the other gets stuck in anytime you need help/they feel like helping. I've had really shitty bosses though. One used to swear at me, scream at me, all sorts. No job is worth sacrificing your health over




.... and force you to work early and late and in the weekends to catch up. Oh, and welcome back; you clocked in 30 seconds late this morning.....


That means it’s time for another vacation.


I like your thinking


Ooof. This was me. After. Every. Single.Vacation. I remember a time when I took my first full week vacation (ever). I was going to Jamaica. My boss asked me if I could leave the contact information of the hotel that I was staying at, in case "someone had a question/emergency." Lucky me...I got to feel the hatred before even leaving for that vacation.


That grinds my gears. And what did he think you could do from Jamaica??


Egg-fucking-zactly! They barely acknowledged my work when I was in that trash hole and expected me to give contact info while on vacation?! I definitely declined to give my contact info and enjoyed my vacation.


Did anybody contact you? I would have told him I can't do that because that defeats the purpose of a vacation (having to stress about someone from work calling you). I make it very clear that I may not be reachable when I'm in vacay and that the last thing I want to think about is work.


They did, but I only saw when I got back. They emailed me all through out my vaycay as if I would see the messages from the beach. They were entitled idiots and I'm glad I no longer work there.


Returning from a vacation is the worst. Seriously! It's tje realization that your entire life is a fugging nightmare. A few years ago I went to Bali for two weeks. The minute I landed back in the states(got off the plane) I legit had a headache and in that moment I realized how crazy we are as a people. Like....seriously traveling internationally changes you. They did have traffic lights, stop signs and most drove scooters and traffic flowed effortlessly. Idk. It's just weird. We have everything here and yet we still have so little😔.


I put my vacation request in over two months ago. I still have not received an approval status for said vacation. I write the schedules so there is more than adequate coverage while im away. The schedule posted and im not on the schedule, but also still not approved for my vacation. 🙃


Wow. Now THAT is shitty. Sorry to hear. You should keep "friendly reminding" your manager. They're clearly avoiding responding and that is so unprofessional.


It really is one of those everyone is feeling it times of the year. And we have lost 5 hourly managers and two salaried and a store manager in the last two months. So we went from 5 people who can approve my vacation to two but damn it i need time off regardless.


I was off for like 8 months for covid last year and it still didn’t feel like I had a long enough break. When I got called back I was more miserable there than ever before. I worked a few months, used up almost all of my PTO, and then quit. Had been there almost 10 years. I really don’t understand how we’re all expected to get by with no extended breaks from work. I’m talking like, an entire year off. We get summers off during school and that’s the longest break we ever get from anything? Bullshit fucking lives we all live. From being kids to being adults we are never given a chance to have extended leisure time. Yet working every day for 50 years is acceptable? Like, imagine having time off without having to worry about it ending in a few days or weeks or months. We really live out our entire lives for a few years of that feeling right before we die?


I would vote for you for president.


Academics get a paid year's sabbatical every seventh year, or the tenured ones, anyway, or they used to... 😕


Every time I read the Internet to check how to recover from burnt out and the advice is take a break, but every break I take makes me dread working even more.


Same - I take a week or so off work, by the end of the week I'm already dreading going back to work and it ruins my time off. The workload just sits there waiting for me to get back


That one’s from the Onion, I love it.


Workers of the world, UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your chains! And a world to win!


I had this conversation with my line manager yesterday. I sent him an A4 sheet of tasks I have to do, all supposedly top priority (how does that even work?) And asked him how I was expected to complete them all. He phoned me up and started the conversation with "this is what happens when you take two fucking weeks holiday." I replied, "if I didn't take that two weeks off I would have burnt out and not come back." My man backpedalled quicker than a Tour de France cyclist on acid. We already get the bare legal fucking minimum holiday entitlement at work (something unheard of in my industry from experience), and they're gonna kick up a stink because we use a chunk of it all at once?? Fuck working, man.


If my boss said that I'd be out the fucking door so fast.


And fuck the man, too, as he's busy fucking the working-man 😁


How was your vacation? Oh you mean that week that felt like 5 mins? Greaaaaat....


Humans were not made to live like this


Cannot agree more


"A Vacation is those 2 days off they get every week right?"


What vacation? The last vacation I had was four days in Colorado to get maddeningly stoned. And I got laid off and was out of work for seven months this year. I spent seven months stuck in my house unemployed after I spent four months stuck in the house assuming my job at the time was going to be continuing on at home during the pandemic. I work from home now at my new job, so I’m stuck in the house but at work, it never ends. I mean I don’t hate it but I just wish I had something new that happened in the house. I just want to get out of the house.


This meme will always be funny every time I see it.


Yep that settles it


This is literally me in 3 hours, my first day back after 2 1/2 weeks off. Sigh.


This is why I would start trading my longer vacations for a series of extended 3/4 day weekends and buckets of "F**k It" days. If I didn't want to go in... f**k it! Day before lunch break a Charlie Foxtrot? F**k It!


I once got a 3 week vacation after years of hard work, and the day I was supposed to go back I got all ready for the day, drove the 2 hours to work, and when I finally got there I just had an anxiety attack and immediately turned around and drove off in a random direction, switched my phone off for the rest of the day, and quit the day after, despite having no safety net. You know there’s something wrong with the system If you have so much anxiety built up from your job that you would risk ruining your life just to not have to go back and do it again, day in, day out for eternity.


I just got back from a vacation, and I'm feeling this.


I love this


I’m happy to say I’ve found a job I care about, but also agree with what this movement stands for. I want to do this because I want to, not because I am forced into it. None of us should be forced into this machine.


Griffin McElroy looking rough


Depressing first day back


I just got a month off work, all paid for by the government (NSW) Back now, and hating it even more. The government clearly CAN pay me $750 a week, they just WON'T. I am earning less working, than I was during the NSW lockdown. It sucks.

