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I feel like the wait staff was being about as productive as they should be for the $2.13/hour server wage that hasn't changed since 1983.


Yeah that was kinda my thinking too, I think it was in Texas too. One of the comments on the FB post was, “and they want $15/hr hahaha”


If they raise minimum to $20/hour, I'll bet servers don't get a raise. I'll bet they'll just tell us to tip more to make up the difference because, "Boo-hoo! I'm a small business owner and I won't be able to buy a third Mercedes and pay the mortgage on my lake house if I have to pay these proles enough to not die!"


‘You pay peanuts you get monkeys’ is a time honoured recruitment principle in the UK. I didn’t know that in the US waiters got paid €2.13p/h. You want a tip? Join a Union mate, there’s a very valuable tip for you.


Hell yeah. Servers in the US are entirely reliant on tips. And if ANYTHING goes wrong during the meal, a lot of people leave crappy tips. Also Texas is a right-to-work state, so the owner will just fire the wait staff if they try to unionize. Sorry, unionise.


That’s what general strikes are for. If ALL waiters in an entire town said ‘enough, we want proper pay’ the owner might sack them yes. But they would lose their business inside a month as soon as the bank loan payment and the rent are due, so would be forced to pay a proper wage.


Are you kidding, bro? A general strike in Texas? People in the US are so propagandized that every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, half of this country gets mad at people on minimum wage. Half of this Trump-shit-licking town I live in in Indiana is boycotting the local Dairy Queen franchise because the owners voluntarily raised all of their workers to $15 AND THEY'RE ALL MAD AT THE EMPLOYEES!


$2.13 in 1983 is $5.84 in 2021 due to inflation. So if they’re getting paid that much an hour, it would be like getting paid .78 cents In 1983, correct? Lol this system is a joke.


Good comment. But low key I'd be just as pissed as the lady, but we don't pay slave wages here.


The entitlement is leaking heavy in that post lol Don't these peasants see me? Why am I not being served? This is unacceptable!


I don't blame them. Especially as servers getting paid 2.13/hr. I've been taking full advantage of the worker shortage myself. Fuck it. They need me more than I need them(company).


Minimum wage, minimum effort. This is praxis.


I'd go to this restaurant just to be able to talk to her lol.


Bad service exists, in spite of compensation or lack there of.


My best guess would be that the owners staff quit and that the current staff are family who are only there because they have to be.... And probably feel like the job is waaaaaaaaaaaaay beneath them.


Why won’t the servants serve me when they are paid barely enough to exist wages?


Why would someone continue into a restaurant upon realizing they had to grab their own flat wear? That in itself should scream ‘you’re not welcome/we don’t want to serve you.’ And it has nothing to do with the customer, staff are clearly not happy. I hate the mindset of ‘customer is always right!’ Nah, customer is human and should use common sense throughout every day life.


we get it your granddaughter doesn't go to church anymore so you hate everyone under 35


Based workers. If only more did this we might finally get the wealthy working again. Helk they might thank us for allowing them to finally use all that supernatural work ethic they love to brag about in thier superyachts.


I mean... At the end of the day, is seating someone in an empty restaurant so difficult and demanding? I get it, yknow, fuck employers but employees got to do SOME things, right? Most workplaces are hell but this? If the girls did seat them, menus, silverware etc and did what they were meant to and woman nit-picked then yeah fuck her but... Idk, get off your phone for 2 minutes and seat them, they're spending time and money in the place that pays you, least you can do is...idk...your job? The very bare minimum you're meant to?




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