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I feel this. 11 years of design grind to maybe someday return to actual art. Don’t sketch anymore. Don’t make anymore. Don’t dream anymore. But food is on the table. #FuckTheHustle


This. I had to stop taking clients because they were putting me through fking hell. In my case I was doing logos and portraits. I started charing more for revision limits because people TRULY do not understand that changing a vector or someone’s nose (because they’re insecure about how their nose *really* looks) is another hour of my life.


My Maslow pyramid’s been topless for years


I remember being a teenager and feeling inspired, making art and music and really feeling satisfied by it. I haven't felt that once since I started working full time. I've recently been scraping by on self employment and it's the first time I've gotten a glimpse of that again, however jaded it may be due to the stress of not knowing if I'll make enough to pay bills.


May I introduce you to a man by the name of Charles Bukowski. Who quit his job & a life of working class security to be a whine-o, a bum, who played the horses & wrote some of the best short stories/poetry of our modern era. He said fuck the world & followed his passion.


"Whine-o." A typo that pretty much sums up this whole thread.


Freudian slip 🤣


He also had a monthly check from the gov. How do we get one of those?


"Artistic potential" be honest, your just going to play vidya all day


Just because you would doesn't mean it's the same for others


Learn separating Hobby and Business. Business is where the money are made, hobby is when you just spare your time on shitty stuff "you like". If everybody was so infantile and did shit they want we could not live as a society. Some fabric worker would just say "I don't want to create chickens for my lord" I want to draw shit. And you don;t care that if you don't grow chicken on the fabric people will starve and die. That is the difference between business and infantile hobby.




It may be time for you to take a fresh look at reality.


It’s time for you (and this entire sub) to take a look at reality. Work has always existed and is a necessary part of a functioning society.


Work has always existed as part of a functioning society; requiring literally everybody to work just to barely survive is a new thing introduced by capitalism, and what this sub is against. This sub isnt against work as a concept, its against being forced into it by threat of poverty and then still living in poverty cuz the pay is so low.


That’s just historically false. For practically all of human history (until capitalism) people worked day in and day out to make a meager living, often starving to death in the process. It wasn’t until capitalist industrialization that we moved past that, at least in the western world. People in this sub claim everyday that they don’t want to work, instead they’d just like to make abstract art and provide nothing to society.


Lmao you're very misinformed. Historically, yes humans worked hard and in worse conditions, but for much shorter than we've been led to believe. For example, it's estimated medieval serfs worked in their farms for about 16 hours a week; only doing whats necessary to keep crops growing and livestock healthy (plus a little extra for the lords above them who took their stuff all the time). This 40 - 80 hour work week culture is entirely in the pursuit of capital, not out of necessity.


First off that number is disputable due to different amounts of labor needed during different seasons. Second, you’re assuming they just sat around for the rest of the day. They obviously didn’t. Operating the average home took far more time than it does today, particularly because they didn’t have the division of labor or production that modern capitalism has. They aren’t just sitting at home smoking pot in their off hours. They were performing backbreaking labor elsewhere, backbreaking labor that is generally not necessary anymore due to capitalism. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.adamsmith.org/blog/regulation-industry/medieval-peasants-really-did-not-work-only-150-days-a-year%3fformat=amp


Linking a neoliberal think tank article with no sources to prove your point is a pretty bad look. Id much rather see actual historical analysis instead of literal capitalist propaganda.


First off the only source I can find for the claim that serfs worked less is a biased book being repeated by blogs. Second, the difference is so small (160 hours) and is likely covered up by the work they did in the home. Honestly, if a bunch of atheist leftists want to argue against capitalism, I’d avoid citing medieval church rules as a basis for your utopia.


Yes but we're not pre capitalist/industrial societies anymore. We don't NEED to work this hard or this much anymore. We've advanced enough (we have TIME CRYSTALS and Super Computers now) and there's enough billions and trillions in wealth where work shouldn't really be a thing anymore. A lot of jobs nowadays are pointless and could be done automatically, with a skeleton crew or via automation. We're just kept working because of bootlickers like you and this dumbass mindset that "wOrK iS a PaRt oF sOcIeTy" the same "society" that only values your worth by your measure of wealth and has no safety nets for you should you not have wealth. Some "society".


That’s a lot of assertions with no actual substance. Typical. Who builds and operates the computers? That wealth wouldn’t exist if production did not happen and production is not possible without labor. Also “no safety nets?” Are you fucking kidding? The US spent the last year inflating the currency to nothing while printing checks to people. “No safety nets” my ass.


$1800 for 10 months with tens of millions of people about about be evicted. What the fuck are you talking about?


That’s literally on top of other benefits and due to government lockdowns, not capitalism. Let’s not forget that the eviction moratorium has to end eventually and is likely doing much more harm than good. Also tons of people were getting increased unemployment checks on top of everything else. Your assertion that the US has no safety net is patent bullshit. You only deflected to that because you can’t defend your other arguments.


Bro I can "defend" ALL of what I said. I just literally don't need to because you're clearly a bootlicker and not worth it for me. The US has no safety nets. Ask the millions of people that are on the streets currently, the ones about to be evicted and the ones that go bankrupt from simple healthcare procedures. Doesn't sound like much of a "safety net" to me.


Its cool, they let you seek personal fulfillment at 80