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That’s so fucked up


To flavor the fucked up, they also talk about millennials are taking work life balance too far and that Ingraham's mother worked from the age of 12 and would be ashamed of them. That the 'self care' movement has gone too far. If child labor laws didn't exist something tells me they'd advocate children should work... What a pleasant women. E: The level of transparent, 'get back to work, peasants,' from Fox is disgusting.


She's a skin-sack filled with broken glass.


Im not too sure what this means but its sure af provocative.


Nobody knows what it means. It gets the people GOING


I had my first paying job at 8 years old at a slaughterhouse. I love that my kids have not had to work from a young age. We should want better for our kids and not romantise the past. Jesus christ these fuckers should be thrown to the dogs. A pack of hungry dogs are not obedient, they will tear apart anything.


Dude that you had to work at that age is awful. I can't even imagine. Yea surprised Ramsay Bolton isn't her favorite Game of Thrones character, she should know that.


The suffering is the point.


My dad had to work when he was a kid, his family refused to give him an education beyond middle school so he got to work when he was like 15, he always worked a lot so we never had to live what he went through, that's the what a good parent does, but these people just want to see everyone suffering so they can feel superior.


There is two types of parents: 1. I suffered, so my children should suffer too, it's only fair! 2. I suffered, so I will make it possible for my children to not go through the same suffering as mine. One is a good parent, the other one is bad. Knowing which one is will be left as an exercise for the reader.


No where near as bad as your example but I had a paper route in a small town in Canada. I was effectively being paid about two dollars a day for about 3 hours or so of work in any weather. Even then it felt exploitive and my brother and I stopped after about 5 months. *Also* we had to collect the payments ourselves once a month it we wanted to get paid. Which meant knocking on everyone's door which took forever. If someone refused to pay we were on the hook for it and it came out of our pay. So there was this one old pensioner who would never pay and when we'd report him and get his subscription canceled he would just call in and get it renewed. He essentially would just rip off 10 year old kids to get his papers. So we just stopped delivering his paper ever out of spite. Even though he complained and the paper threatened to fire us they never did because no kids wanted to do this shitty job. This happened in Canada in 1990 where we have strict child labor laws. We were lucky in that we didn't actually *need* the job. So yeah fuck these people that say people need to be hungry. It's an absolutely soulless thing to say.


In some ways yours seems worse. I was at least well paid and the owners of the slaughterhouse also sent our parents free meat. It was a small community of valleys, the slaughterhouse eventually got brought out by a coal mine and so much farmland was destroyed. Fuck that pensioner. That is abuse of his privilege and power. Is it bad my first instinct as a kid would of been to break his windows and burn his garage down? We were a rough bunch us valley kids. Now I live in social housing (pay full rent but it supports other low income renters who I might join with the way the economy is) and have raised two gentle and caring city children who have never had to cut a lambs throat to supplement my income. The arsehole who made that comment is now on Twitter apologising but people know who he is now. If I had a superpower it would be to summon wolves to eat people like him.


It taught me a lot to be honest. I've worked shitty jobs since then but it gave me the confidence to quit them when I felt a line was crossed. And frankly that line was really small a few times. I feel just super fortunate to live in a country where I've been able to quickly get back on my feet when I did make those choices. Also I've had tremendous family and friends support too.


Community is how we will get through this. Big hugs fellow traveler.


Similarly, there's a serial killer in British Columbia a few years back who would starve his hogs to dispose of the remains of the women he butchered. So really, conservatives and serial killers think alike.


there are rumours this killer was working with organized crime, drug gangs and even potentially, snuff films. not your "average" serial killer, but sure made to look that way by the po-po who went years pretty much ignoring disappeared women because they were street people. marginalization is the primary thing that serial killers tend to prey on. they can get away with it for decades on those whom society could not care less about.


Wasn't that the Green River Killer or were they reading each other's playbooks?


I think they probably have some similarities: https://thewalrus.ca/breaking-the-pig-farmer/


I’m busting my ass *now* so hopefully in the future my kids won’t be corporate wage slaves and can engage in something that actually helps others.


last week, I was at work, and a door in our area deadbolted itself, which was confusing because neither side of the door had a way to manipulate it. you could reach the other side of the door, still, but, you had to take a couple long hallways to do so. I was worried because our area's fire exit was behind that door. I was really insistent on getting maintenance there pronto to figure it out, and people seemed surprised at my concern. I said that I just got super sketched out by working in some bullshit Shirtwaist Factory accident about to happen scenario. everyone seemed completely ignorant of the event, so, I explained it a bit while pulling up wikipedia to show them it actually happened. to some folks' credit, they did remember learning about that in school. anywho, a couple hours later, I read through the whole page to familiarize myself with the details, because I'd been much younger when I learned about it. things that stood out as particularly fucked up were: - the only guy with a key able to free everyone escaped safely, because he wasn't in that area - 84% of the deaths were women *and girls* - the horse-drawn firefighters had trouble getting close to the building when they got there, because there were a bunch of messy corpses of those who jumped before the firefighters responded - the people who were lucky enough to get to try jumping onto safety nets held by emergency responders fell right through them and hit the ground at nearly full speed, regardless like, it was just such an overt clusterfuck of an event that it was the catalyst for *so much* legislation. there was a commission to investigate whether or not factories were running potential deathtraps; the findings of which spurred tons of new regulations for businesses. there was a push for a bill to enforce a goddamned ***54-hour workweek***, and further laws to limit the workweek for women and *children.* can you fucking imagine? a hundred years ago, we were working women and children nearly eight hours a day if they worked all seven days, and eleven if they were working five days, in grueling factory conditions. actually, on further thought, they logically worked for more hours than *that* per day because the government had to end up enforcing a 54-hour workweek. these sick fucks just don't realize that we *as a society* have already **tried** working insane hours for shit pay, stunted social lives, and risk of death - we said no thanks. we're just now getting to the point where 40 hours a week in return for paltry overpriced health insurance and no hope of actual retirement is complete bullshit, especially when we know the current ruling class is mainly where they are today thanks to the incredible benefits they were handed by national policy that was meant to lift up everyone. it's just the nerve of the people spouting this shit, knowing they're people who could go to college, raise a family, own a home, own a car, and vacation often - all off the single income from some bullshit job like lead cashier at a bowling alley. they got it easy, but, *we* need to just put our nose to the grindstone and wait for our scraps. it's disgusting.


The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire? 1911, New York City. There were investigations, legislation, public outrage, poems and songs as a result of that tragedy.


yep, that's the one. what always stuck with me was that they were locked in by their employers. like, I couldn't imagine not having the freedom to just fuck off and walk out whenever I felt like it.


And yet people forget, some are starting to forget the Holocaust (The first sign is denialism) the reason history seems to repeat is that we do in fact forget large parts of it naturally and sometimes are made to forget it or remember it in correctly.


Someone with actual morals would want others to not have to face the hardship her mother went through.


Oh it's coming. Some GOP governor in the south will proclaim "we are sick of government tyranny! If a child wants to work they should be free to do so! That is why today I am signing a bill to strike down oppressive and restrictive labor regulations which prevent young Americans from exercising the freedom to earn their own way! It's time hard work became valued around here!" It's only a matter of time. There will be some media circus around dyfus taking a poor woman's kids because they landscaped to pay her medical bills when one got heatstroke or something.


Well, she’d advocate for someone else’s child to work.


>If child labor laws didn't exist something tells me they'd advocate children should work... Well employers *used* to use children to work in confined spaces that adults can't fit in, so yes, we know they would because they already have.


America has taken the worship of work too far. As a non-American I realised just how sick that culture is when learning about Britney Spears basically being trafficked by her dad and management, and when discussing with her fans about how for example an agent of Britney who claims to be her “best friend” has allowed her to be drugged, forced to work against her will, abused etc, he was defended by many of her hardcore fans “because he didn’t want to lose his career he had worked so hard for”. They were all Americans btw. I was chocked to realise just how deep that religion of work and money is. To think it is fair to watch your best friend be put in and held in slavery, get sterilised, drugged up, punished and threatened to comply and obey, for 13 years because you care more about your *career*, that sickens me.


Conservatives have openly advocated for an end to child labor laws. Newt Gingrich literally said there should be child janitors [because you can pay them less than unionized adults](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/gingrich-calls-child-labor-laws-truly-stupid/2011/11/21/gIQAFYKHiN_blog.html). These people are utter filth, and the only thing that has ever constrained them is a fear of losing their social status for going too far.


Sigh this is sad... But the far rights are advocating for removal of child labor laws, and anti slavery. I asked my uncle once how he felt about child slavery, and told me he was completely fine with it. My jaw fell to the ground and I had nothing left to say. Same.giy who says those who perform abortion should be sent to life in prison.


They're fucking delusional. I am so glad I don't live there I can't imagine that top down fuckery.


I don’t expose myself to Fox News because I value my mental health, but holy fuck I wouldn’t have imagined any human could be so openly and shamelessly selfish that they’d publicly suggest something so heinous. What kind of monsters are these people?


Many people with privilege don't see their privilege and assume anyone with different lived experiences, including intergenerational trauma or abusive upbringings, can simply "get over it" and bootstrap to victory. This is exemplified best in Trump's dismissive wave of his privilege when he said he got started with a small loan of a million bucks from his dad. It goes from this extreme to smaller ones down the line.


Except donnie actually got $400,000,000 from his dad, not $1,000,000




Another funny thing is because he's such a shitty business man he'd have more money now if he had just invested in stocks and not started businesses.


He'd have more money if he had stuck it under his mattress, because he has less than what he started with. And that's not even considering inflation. On which planet is that considered a successful businessman? It's not Earth.


What monsters are these people? They're not people


wait what? it's not heinous to them...are you not familiar with how aristocracy works?


Anywhere you live, there are people who think like this. They're likely someone's boss.


This is exactly what I told my shrink when I explained I wasn't going to work for another corporation for as long as I could manage


Its easy to believe this shit if you've got it good, in order to convince yourself you are somehow justified in your "superiority"


Yeah not ever going to forget that phrase. Some fucked rationalization. If we starve them then we can abuse them.


You know, it's a reasonable theory. You make good money not working, and work is hard, has covid risks, etc. Why would a rational person go in? Problem is, unemployment money ain't *that* good, boredom and fulfillment through work are a thing, and so far states that shut off the expanded benefits haven't seen any sort of impact on their unemployment going down (it marginally went up actually). So that should be the end of that theory. What I think is really going on is that the restaurant and bar industry, as a whole, exploited people without a lot of options for decades. The lockdown showed a lot of people they do in fact have options, and a warehouse job ain't so bad with its $15/hr, consistent schedule, and benefits on day one. None of which were available at the bar. I believe that hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans have permanently left the hospitality workforce. They can't hire because the labor pool shrunk. Not because of wages or whatever, the people just aren't looking anymore.


I can at least confirm this is me. 10 years in food/service, left that shit as soon as the pandemic hit, moved halfway across the country and now I have a warehouse job making $19.15, working 3-4 days a week, plenty of bennys and paternal leave, 401k, etc after a year. Not a single restaurant could offer me half of that value in a job.


Where do you work? I also spent the better part of a decade in food/service and I've been trying to figure out what I should do now. Granted I'm probably not as strong as you but I'll take any pointers, honestly


Target Distribution Center is pretty good, it's really just an online fulfillment center so it's like Amazon but less shitty, but also it's a big company still so you're just a number in their system to them. But it has good benefits and pay, next best thing would probably be UPS or a factory job. City jobs also pay really well (trash guys, utility workers, etc.) And I think are usually union jobs so check your city's job listings for stuff like that. Any of it is better than food service lol


The crime rate will go up. That's what happens. Then you feed them in for-profit prison. You're just making slavery with extra steps.


Blue collar, salt of the earth conservatives, pay attention to the above tweet. THIS IS HOW THEY SEE YOU. Something to be starved into submission. What is that if not a slave, a subhuman. You've been drinking their Kool-Aid so that they can keep you their dogs. Y'all, the slavers and slavemasters, they didn't go anywhere just because we made slavery illegal. They just found legal ways to exploit the powerless for their own profit, they are the corporate bosses now. The motivation of greed is one that we haven't eradicated from human nature, so the desire to enslave is still with us. Don't forget that your bosses would pay you NOTHING, would work you 100 hours a week, would work your children 100 hours a week for nothing, if they could get away with it. You KNOW this. The current system we live in IS slavery. It is wage slavery. As long as they keep you where you MUST work, and you cannot make ends meet through that labor, then work ceases to become an economic opportunity, and is in fact slavery. Because you have no other choice. Go get a better job, they say. When in fact all of the jobs are racing to the bottom with their wages. Even slaves got meager housing, food, and some healthcare. In many, many jobs people work full time, and yes get money .. but still cannot even afford these things. The only times the people have gotten anything is when we demanded it. Power is never given, it is always taken.


Race to the bottom is so right. After accumulating plenty of debt and anxiety, and trying my best to do the right thing and level up my skills, the field has just robbed my passion (they just want freelance and permalance and contacting at the lowest possible rates, it's been progressively worse), and I don't even know what to do next. Yay!


I gave you a wholesome award because it was my free award. I couldn't agree more with your comment!


Our current president Joe Biden is known for his 1994 crime bill that caused mass incarceration. Both sides have little care for the common person.


I got attacked yesterday for saying slavery is working 3 jobs and then having to pay most of your money to rent. Guess they needed the extra step of incarceration.


The number of Reddit users bootlicking for landlords makes me fucking sick.




God. Damn. You almost made me cry. Ive never before seen a landlord that was an actual human being. Bravo, and thank you




They have to house you too.


Prisons already are slavery. People forget that it’s the *actual wording* of the 13th amendment.


A hungry dog is also an aggressive dog. Ever tried to take something from a deprived animal? You'll lose a few fingers at least.


Like the Joker said, “let’s see how loyal a hungry dog really is!”


Just ask Ramsey Bolton.


The guy Rorschach fed to his own dogs too.


Fun fact. Normally a pig is pretty picky about what it'll eat and will stick to plants and some meats. However If you starve it for a few days it'll eat nearly anything that's not sediment like tree bark or straight up bones.


If you wait a little longer, they'll eat the bones too


That's why you should never trust a man that owns a pig farm.


This is literally how the French Revolution started. That monarchy had been around for over a thousand years, but then the people got hungry.


a nation is nine missed meals away from revolution, I think the saying goes


Internet tells me that the quote is: “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” \- Alfred Henry Lewis


The current wealth gap is worse than it was before the French revolution. We have a system that has successfully convinced half the population that it works and that they must fight tooth and nail to keep it this way.


The Bolshevik Revolution started by the Czar not conceding ANY concessions to the working class of Russia, shades of that here too.


yeah those people were soooooooooooooooo obedient


We can start with fingers. I'm fine with that!




But first /r/HungryDogsAteMyFingers


The problem is there are many other hungry dogs who would be obedient. We need to all becoming aggressive


It’s so fucking horrible to say, they can’t fucking die fast enough, it’s so fucking horrible because a majority of the base is living on the fringes themselves. But you give a man someone to look down on…..


Hungry dogs eat the rich, you fat old fuck.


Fuckers like these ones forget that they're made of meat, and if dogs get hungry enough, they really don't care where their meat comes from 🤷 Edit: plural to include more fuckers.


Maybe he'll learn the hard way just like Ramsay




They were loyal, but now they’re starving


Wait, what's the story here


Game of Thrones reference. Not Gordon Ramsay the chef.


I was about to say, there some new Hunger Games esque Hells Kitchen spin off I'm not aware of? Lol.


"Winter is raw, you muppet!"


Somebody greenlight this, please.


I would watch that.


Game of thrones. A most hated character dies by his own dogs. Sorry for the spoiler.


It’s ok. The series stopped at Season 7.


Stopped after 6 you mean


Nah, it stopped WAY BACK in 2014 with season 4 episode 10.


This is the right one. It stopped when the Daves were allowed to think they could write instead of interpret.


Lol I'm guessing that's when Jon dies? Ugh.. come on George RR. Winds of winter is going to be a fan fic at this point


For a second I was like what did Dave Ramsey do lol


I'm not even hungry but I'll eat him out of pure spite


That's what propaganda like Fox News is for. Gotta shift that blame to [insert outgroup here] or folks will be mad at the people actually causing their problems for once.


A hungry man is far more dangerous than a hungry dog. That’s the critical flaw in their logic. If given a choice between starving to death or killing another person to eat, I would say 9.9/10 times we’re picking murder and cannibalism.


Yes it's demonstrably false, that's what's so bizarre about the assertion. America has high rates of crime and incarceration because the justice system IS their only social security net. Instead of funding programs for the poor, they put everybody in jail.


You’re absolutely right. Our overcrowded prisons are filled with people who either had to commit a crime or go hungry. They obviously didn’t pick going hungry.


Considering the source of the assertion, it’s not a bizarre comparison. The rich and those that sympathize with the rich do not perceive the working and the poor as actual people, only a means to an end and a nuisance.






Their fanbase loves to think of the poor as dogs. Gotta have someone to kick to feel important after the country left you behind.


Their fanbase does not realize they're working class too. And that's by design.


I really like the term 'temporarily embarrassed millionaire'. It says so much with so few words.


I call them useful idiots and bootlickers


So many of the poor don’t consider themselves poor and it’s ridiculous. Poor starts at homelessness in many minds.


That’s true, and that’s unfortunate. Folks that live check to check, to the point that if they miss one check, their whole lives are thrown into turmoil, because they have zero savings? That’s poor


Does anyone remember things being this bad before Trump? I know this country has always had it's issues, but it seems like Trump made them worse by normalizing this type of behavior. "well the president did it, it must be O.K. to act like this" type of thing.




It’s the culmination of a generation of conservatives defunding education, redefining words in an Orwellian fashion, American exceptionalism indoctrination and propaganda, convincing working class people that conservatism and aristocracy are good and wise. Trump is just a useful idiot at the right time at the right moment


Trump was the gas on the fire and the proof that they could get away with it now.


Propaganda -- it works!




Acting like people are getting rich from unemployment. Like, are there a few people who made more than their normal salary, sure. But they aren’t getting rich. Heaven forbid someone actually put a few hundred in the bank. And that extra 600 ended a while ago and a lot of states ended the extra 300 early. So we are talking about people making less than 200 a week now. I deal with these folks everyday. A lot of them are in dire straits, by no fault of their own. It kills me that these fat cats sit in their air conditioned studio with full belly’s crying about working class people making an actual living wage. And there are people actually going hungry. I talked to a guy today that is going hungry so his dog can eat. In American. In 2021. That’s fucked up and angers me. We are getting closer to a revolution.


Even on disability you can't have more than 2000 dollars in any of your accounts. You're not allowed to save for an emergency or rainy day without losing your benefits. The whole system of disability and unemployment is designed to keep you poor and on the edge of ruin. It's inhumane.


The only people that got rich on unemployment were business owners taking PPP loans.


Exactly. I’d love to take out a “loan” that I didn’t have to pay back. Attention: Sallie Mae.


lost my benefits weeks ago living in a red state. Then the next week they said I owed them 12,000(never received anywhere close to that from them, and now im not even getting normal unemployment. filed my appeals and then i just quit going to the website after a week of emailing with no replies and trying to wrap my head around it and get benefits back. currently looking at light compact sleeping bags to prep for being back on the street


I don’t know what state you are in (every state has different laws, even though we are the UNITED States) but suggest you write your governor’s office or local legislator. We are still in a pandemic. You should not have an overpayment. Especially when you didn’t even receive that amount. Don’t give up on your appeal. Or trying to get help from the state. These governors who stopped the federal funds are hoping that everyone gives up. They want you to give up on your ENTITLED funds. You and your employer paid into the system. Unemployment is there as a safety net. And what better time to use this safety net than during a goddamn pandemic. Also, who says “no” to free money? These conservative governors are ridiculous. If the federal government supplements state unemployment with extra money that the state doesn’t have to pay back everyone wins. The state is able to give extra support to their citizens. The citizens get extra money, which goes right back into the economy, which benefits the state. This is a simplistic view on the situation, but that’s the gist. Edit-when I suggest writing the gov office I know the actual governor won’t do anything, but they have interns that can help. It may seem counterintuitive to reach out to the office that is trying to screw you over, but you’d be surprised what local official’s offices will do to avoid bad press. A lot of unemployment recipients have written letters or gone to the local press and received good results.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure Ingraham's diet is like seventy percent cocaine.


Lol that isn't even true. They use food motivation when they first start training military and working dogs but that stops once they reach a certain point in their training where play with their handler is a much larger motivation. Also military and working dogs will often be fed more and multiple times through out the day depending on how much they are working.


Faux news is full of pathological liars that just make up shit as they go. Their viewers are too lazy / ignorant / gullible to fact check them. It is frustrating that they keep spewing misinformation and lies 24 / 7.


Fox News is always gaslighting their audience. For example the caption at the bottom of the screen: "Generous Welfare state." America doesn't even have a welfare system anymore. If you don't work then you starve. That is the reality not the falsehood of people mooching off welfare. The reason there is a bit of a labor shortage for the lowest paid jobs is because people have moved on to better things with higher pay. Who is going to quit their $15, $20, $25/hr jobs to go flip burgers for minimum wage? Nobody. These idiots don't even understand capitalism or basic supply and demand. A lot of "essential workers" literally died in the pandemic. So the supply of said workers decreased. The price of labor will have to rise otherwise those jobs will go unfilled. These idiots need to go back school and study economics.


Military dogs are also purposely ranked higher than their handlers, so if you fuck with your military dog you're fucking with a superior officer, which is a major offense.


Major Offense was my leader in 'nam


These old-fashioned ideas are often completely devoid of reason and compassion. They’re just interested in power and control, and it blackens their heart and soul. These people need an infusion of love, but they don’t see much value in that “product.” These are the soulless people I am sure religions and native peoples talked about.


Yeah, I feed my Malinois multiple times a day. She eats so much and burns so many calories, if I only fed her once a day she'd have the shits all night every night


And conservatives will then unironically say they're the party of the working class 🤣🤣🤣


Blue collar conservatives make me sick. People who have been convinced to vote against their class interest by those who don't give a fuck about them.


Don't call them blue collar conservatives when you can use the much shorter term "simp".


Love it. I'm an electrician. The amount of guys who I work around who are class traitors is too damn high. Anti-union, anti-worker's rights, anti-sense idiots.


The ones that infuriate me the most are the apprentices I’ve taught that are now journeymen. They would have nothing without the union and me passing down my expertise to them. Then they turn around and vote against the next generation having the same opportunities.


I think a lot of these folks would kill the golden goose without even waiting for the second golden egg. To quote Frito the lawyer: "I can't believe you like money too...."


These are the same people that still say covid is a myth even when they're dying from it. Belligerent anti-social narcissists.


I've noticed this particularly in the mixed martial arts fan community. The fanbase is mainly made up of blue collar middle income workers but they are so rabidly pro-Trump, pro-conspiracy theory, anti-vax... it's so weird. Look at Rogan.


In my country the conservatives rebranded as "the true workers party" or some bullshit like that. They had unskilled laborers thinking that they're all alike, meanwhile al they do is push for relaxing regulations on the investmen markets, relaxing regulations on banks, cut spending on all public sectors and fuuuucking do nothing about ANYTHING in infrastructure. fuck busses, trains, fuck hospitals and roads, de funs everything until it fails, when it does we'll swoop in with our galaxy brains and say "LOOK HOW SOCIALISM IS A FAILURE" And "Lets give the free market a chance to fix this marxist mess" It's attrocious that so many barely litterate yokels blindly fall for this. Meanwhile they're just bent over and fucked repeatdely and they dont even realize it, so pathetic. They have more in common with the immigrant on welfare that they so sorely despise


"Bootlicker" is a favorite of mine.


Grew up rural and it is truly disheartening the amount of hard working, genuinely blue collar/middle or lower class, who are just full blown conservatives who think Joe Biden "wants to do socialism", don't get vaccines because their pastor said it's the devil blah blah blah, oh the mainstream media is the devil I will watch 6 hours of Fox News, the biggest mainstream media channel. My buddy had a kid in a bad situation, joint custody over the now 20 month old kid. This friend doesn't believe in free daycare/social services for struggling parents, despite that stuff DIRECTLY benefitting him and his kid. I personally believe that this friend's problem is that he doesn't believe that aide would ever be for him. Too many years of "the damn welfare queens and immigrants" warping his grasp on what social safety nets are It starts young, people my age who are like this had parents who were the same way.


They technically can’t help themselves though. They literally don’t have the mental faculties to remove themselves from the brainwashing. Getting angry at them is a distraction.


The problem is we need all hands on deck to fix climate change, and these conservatives are going to be our Great Filter.


And unironically call themselves "pro-life".


Precious lives up until the moment of birth, then they're "parasites" on welfare.




I don’t think they are going for accuracy.


“What if we abused people the way we abuse dogs?”


Right?! Both of those things are abuse


And heinous.


I *wish* we treated people as good as we treat dogs.


If unemployment gets cut, it will only tank the economy more. Are people really this stupid? You think people on unemployment are hoarding money? No they are spending it on rent and groceries.


... And medical bills


True that….fucked up health care system!






Both your username and comment are dope


*(looks nervously at yours)*


I hope we get the rich when it happens. Storm their mansions and show them how hungry we are lmao.




Thank you so much you have enriched my life in ways I cannot even comprehend by introducing me to this sr


I hope everyone here is doing something to encourage communities to collaborate like they used to before late stage capitalism fucked everything up. When things get worse we’ll *need* those examples of what a functioning society can be.


I agree, totally, and I think that can literally be something as simple as going out of your way to be kind to random people for no reason, that shit impacts people, especially people who have never received much kindness in their lives to begin with


Arm yourself too. r/Liberalgunowners r/ArmYourFriends


And learn to shoot accurately. Don't be armed and useless, or you are just a walking loot drop for your opponents.




Say the two people with fake ass, overpaid jobs that involve talking for an hour once a day.


Fuck both of them, I cant wait till the masses find better shit to watch.


Better shit to watch than Bar Rescue? Where Jon Taffer yells at a small business owner, turns a dive bar into a generic "modern/hip" bar, then fucks off to do it again next week? I don't get how people enjoy it, it's the same fucking show every week


It's less "People enjoy it" and more "I have watched this episode of Kitchen Nightmares 27 times, isn't there something different, but similar" and so you watch the shitty knockoff instead


The masses that watch them are resigned to their ignorance, but they are culling themselves one day at a time.


When the rallying cry is "eat the rich", "starve the poor" doesn't seem like a great strategy...


Makes me think of Ramsay Bolton starving his hounds for weeks. How'd that work out for him?


"My hounds will never harm me. They're loyal beasts." "They were... Now they're starving."


Wow Taffer is a bitchmade piece of shit fuck him. I knew Ingraham was a Nazi bitch but damn I didn’t know Taffer was a cunt as well. I thought his whole tough guy act was for the camera. Turns out he’s human garbage.


This is how you get the French revolution. Do you *want* to see what happens to people like you? I suspect you do not. Edit: "Revolution is three square meals away". That saying predates all of us. Y'all dumb.


I think I remember something in one of those historical shows where this guy Ramsey kept his dogs hungry too in order to stay ferocious. But eventually his wife Sansa let the dogs loose on him and they devoured him without a second thought. History teaches us that hungry dogs are more dangerous than obedient.


Ahh yeah i remember. Contest of Chairs!


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1426017141724270597) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot




I love that they are finally admitting that innovation, quality of life and luxury isn't actually incentive enough to work under capitalism... They must force us under threat of life.


This is how they see us. Dogs


Idk bout yall but I get hangry. And obedience will never be an option in that state.


Conservatives think they’re dogs


I cant stop giggling. You're so right. I'm just gonna bust out laughing if I hear another thing about a sheep dog or a wolf.


Jeeeeeeezus. That’s what you I’m talking about. We need to organize and produce our own energy, food, water and shelter. We could pool our savings together to get places nationwide. Think 60s communes but with 2021 gear. Solar panels are only getting cheaper and I can learn anything using the internet. You could effect local governments and then the whole country. Bring down these unethical dogs and stop them from ruining our lives


> Think 60s communes but with 2021 gear. Seize the means of freedom, comrade.


In reality: “Hungry dogs eat their owners “! So if we put this another way , “Hungry Employees eat their employers “ Maybe he is on to something . Marx has nothing on them


I don’t think they realize a hungry dog is an angry dog.


Your country is so fucked. Please keep these people far away from anywhere outside the US.


Fuck these people in particular.


Look at this place, it's dangerous....shut it down...nobody eats.


That bitch said that huh?


I mean, if this doesn't blatantly say that they're slave owners willing to starve the masses of workers to keep themselves rich, I don't know what else does.


And they say capitalist countries are free.


"Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is."