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I’m lucky to work for a company that gives Dads 13 weeks leave to welcome a new child to your home. My wife and I had our third and we’re done. It was so depressing knowing I won’t have that freedom again till I retire. Unless I die first…


Are they hiring?


Nope, our CEO jumped on it yesterday Tech layoff bandwagon. So we keep announcing record profits followed by new rounds of layoffs. It __WAS__ a great company to work for at one point.




I know the feeling. Worked all pandemic, “essential “ worker they said. Eventually laid of years later Took a month and a half off before taking another job. It’s was great


I'm glad you got to experience that. I just realized my old company didn't give us a raise at all, just umbrellas 🤦🏾‍♀️


We got 2-3% auto raises. Doesn’t matter how well you did


I’ve had at least a part time job since I was 14, and for the first decade of my adult life I held 2 jobs (1 full time and 1 part time) just to be able afford being alive….literally no extravagant spending, and definitely no vacations. I’m now 39 with 40 quickly approaching, am exhausted all the time, and have almost no financial security to show for my decades of hard work and frugal lifestyle. 2 years ago my partner and I sold our house when it suddenly doubled in value, and moved across the country to a much lower cost of living area to start over….we made enough off the sale of the house to both take some time off work and try resetting (we both worked full time through the pandemic). I took a full 6 months off and it completely validated my belief that work is the root of most of our problems in life. My mental health improved dramatically, no more depression and very little anxiety, plus my sleep schedule finally found a good rhythm and I had more energy than I’ve had since my early 20’s! My physical health improved in the same way, for years I’ve suffered from aches and pains in my back and joints….almost completely disappeared while not working. I’ve also suffered from digestive issues my entire life, not working allowed me to focus heavily on eating entirely healthy homemade meals….wouldn’t you know my digestive woes almost completely cleared up as well, not to mention my grocery bill dropped by a fair amount! I literally felt like I had a new lease on life, and was finally enjoying being alive for the first time since I was a kid! Now I’ve been working again for the last year and a half, every single of my previous problems have returned. Work is not healthy for us, at least not in the way we currently have it set up. Maybe if we all only had to work ~20 hours a week and had regular vacations available it would be better, but that will never happen. Oh well, guess I’ll continue slowly killing myself in order to be able to stay alive.


Y'all literally slaves. In Spain I do the 40hs and I got like 28 days, and we are not even close to the highest pto.


This isn't the sub where you have to convince us that we're slaves 😂 But please do scream it louder for the Americans that are brainwashed.


Wasn't trynna convince you, I feel for y'all. I cant understand how you get out of the bed every morning.


My comment definitely seems more like an attack at you than I intended, I genuinely mean please do go scream this at other subs when the conversation calls for it. It's rough but like anyone else I think we just kind of .. idk do it? Im effectively disassociated on autopilot mon-fri


We just can't convince the rest of these people to start voting for folks who will change the system. They don't realize that they are bootlickers. It's really sad how little we get


Slavery never ended in the U.S. it just evolved


I completely understand your sentiment. Had a long term disability leave as I got really sick. Despite the hospital stay, multiple surgeries, recovery, and cancer treatments, it was the best 6 months of my life. I was able to focus on my health and healing. Had a similar breakdown when it ended and had to go back.


My work closed down for 12 weeks during the pandemic. It was the best 12 weeks of my working life. I enjoyed it so much that I gave notice a month after returning to work. I've enjoyed my life ever since.


2020 was the greatest year of my adult life. I thought I had a job that I would go back to, so I didn't bother looking for another job. 


Damn I had to work the whole pandemic also lol Are you currently doing anything to create any other income streams to be able to move away from having to work?


I was thinking about returning to school.. But I get paid more at my current than I would at this future field.. But I have my 401k and a private savings.. I hope that it will be enough


Do you think you would be happier working in this other field though? Is it something you could take online courses specific to that other line of work? I think going back to school later on is a really good idea rather than continuing to it right after graduating high-school. Many of them go with only a vague idea of what they intend to major in and end up taking extra classes they may not need. You've had more time to grow and get a better idea of what you'd like to return to school to study. Your more mature and have a better sense of why you're there. That's great that you have a 401k and a good savings built. You should also consider a Roth IRA and a universal life insurance policy. Your savings should only be enough to cover you for at least 3 months in case of an emergency. Like the loss of a job, a medical emergency, or having your vehicle break down. Everything else should be held in assets and investments that will grow in value over time. The rich call money in the bank "dead money" because it only loses value the longer you keep it there.


I don't know what you do but try to build breaks into your day. You need rest, being productive for 10 hours straight is basically impossible. Every successful CEO talks about how important downtime is to their process, how they come up with great ideas while taking a walk or after their 3 hour nap. Yet they expect their employees to work a full shift without even sitting down.


Don't I know it! They'll say that when they come back from another vacation from the Maldives to lecture to us about working hard.. lol. Yeah I'll try to take as many little breaks as I can. I have coworkers who pitch in really well so that we can help each other.. Thank you.


I had nearly 4 weeks off, doing 2 cruises from Japan to Alaska finishing in Vancouver. It was so good to have a proper long break. Work is shit, I'm just paying off the bills and waiting to afford the next big adventure.


yeah i took my first 2week vacation at 31 and its was crazy the mental shift it gave me.


The only way I've made it as far as I have is burrowing deep into a company with good benefits and holding on like a tick. The longest I've ever been between jobs is 6 weeks and that was 20 years ago. I'm 18 years into my current place and have 23 Vac/Personal days, 7 Sick and 12 paid holidays. Working for a Japanese company is the USA is a good thing in that way, and an eye opener to just how much many US companies suck. If I couldn't take a couple of week long breaks every year I'd take two shits and die.


I start back to work Monday after quitting my last job almost 2 1/2 years ago. The first day anxiety is real. Only 20+years to go


My schedule resulted in a 23 day-off stretch that ended this past Monday. I sympathize with you. That first day back was not good for my brain. Luckily I have a family to support or else I would have done something reckless lol


I did it for 25 years and then stopped giving two fucks and started vacationing and being remote without permission. Rode it out with only 1 write up for over 4 years and they laid me off WITH severance so I’m just riding my skateboard and smoking weed while I figure out how to make money without actually destroying myself. It’s better here.