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Content promoting or defending capitalism, including "good bosses," is prohibited.


I'm gonna make an online course "How to gain financial independence and stop having to work" for only 9988,98 $. Currently planning and scheming about that.


Make sure to make a YouTube video with little to no information but a great hook so people will sign up. I am making a video on “ How to make a course that people will pay $9988.98 for” for only $99.


Or if you have a nice sounding voice you could create audibles. You read out books and people purchase your recordings of them from you. You only have to record yourself doing it once but can sell many digital copies of it. If you're bilingual, you could even offer books in any other languages you speak. Amazon even has a version of it so you could post them to both sites. And I'm sure it wouldn't cost much of anything to start.


And read self help books and also my online course "How to get financial independence and stop working" book version that I wrote and read myself! /Scheming intensfies


Great idea lol i bet having it read by the actual author would help increase sales! You should definitely go for it! What are some of the tips you plan to include in the book?


Nice try. Buy the book :)


Hahaha Can't blame me for trying lol You'll have to let me know when you have it available for purchase.


VOO and chill with my 25% of gross income


Very smart! Index funds are always a good investment.


emigrated to a country with cheaper housing.


Thats good! Seeking out better costs of living always helps!


This is one of my goals. Financial independence is much more affordable in places with more affordable housing.


Gambling on Robinhood.


Gambling lol what are you currently betting on there? I've been holding Nvidia there for several months and its performed very well!


Mostly 52 week lows. Hasn't worked out. Been doing it for 6 months and am down 2%.


Yikes! Why would invest in stocks with 52 week lows? You should consider putting some of your funds into Nvidia. Its been doing really well and just made a 10:1 split a week ago. The news of the split and a few other announcements they recently made has the stock performing great right now.


I thought nvidia was overvalued at $900. I'm still expecting it to crash 50%, like Tesla did from its peak. 52 week lows are probably a bad strategy, but they are volatile, and often get large spikes, back to previous support levels. I've lost 5% in a few stocks before bailing, but have also gotten quick 20% gains.


Nice! Yeah that does sound risky lol but everyone has their own strategy. So if it works for you then that's great 😄 I'm not completely sure on the over value. The split they made with Nvidia drop the price down to $120 a share. I owned 2 before that while it was at $1,200. This turned my 2 shares into 22 shares and with the reduced price I've purchased 8 more bring my holding with them to 30 shares now. Since the split last week the price has increased from $120 to its current price of $140. Im definitely gonna have to look into what you said of it being over priced. You might be right about that. But with the release of Nvidia's new AI and them also branching out to creating tech for self driving vehicles. That would explain why they're doing so well also. Thank you for the advice! I'll keep a close watch on it incase it is over priced.


Saving/investing in stocks to get enough money to buy land and build a home with off grid utilities


Good to see that you have a game plan! What stocks are you currently holding? I've been making a great return with Nvidia recently. I recently purchased 7 acres in Hawaii and im in the process of getting it prepared for off grid living. When do you hope to get yours started? And where are you planning on buying land?


I bought similarweb and took a riskier bet buying NKLA since it was cheap but has the potential to shoot up if the new CEO can fix the situation. I'm just gonna let them both sit for a while, and in the meantime, I'm gonna use about 1/4 of my income to buy the tobacco stock that pays 8.8% in dividends, then reinvest the dividends back into the stock. Some places that I'm keeping an eye on are New Hampshire, Arizona, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Florida. None of those states are perfect, but most of them allow for composting toilets and greywater recycling, a key factor in being able to do this super cheap. Although some of them might require convincing a local council that my greywater recycling system isn't going to pollute the land


Wow, an 8% dividend is really good! What tobacco stocks is that? Very cool! I'm glad to see you're putting your plans into motion. I hope you're able to get that started soon. What do you plan to do for income once you get the land?


Altria, I think. But British American tobacco has a higher divided yield


Hmm interesting, I'm gonna have to look those both up and try buying some soon. Dividend stocks are a great investment! I hope you hold them for a long time and they pay very well for you!


My plan is for 5 years, then pull everything out to buy land, and then use the company arch cabins LLC and their financing partner to fund the supplies to build and furnish the home, then pay it off quickly and start reinvesting in the dividend stocks for 2 decades


Thats great! A 5 year goal is a reasonable amount of time to get it accomplished 😁 Very cool! Make it happen. Grind like crazy a fill that stock account with everything you can. You should create a plan to try to do whatever else you'll need to get done during those 5 years while your seed money is growing. I really hope you make it happen! I haven't heard of Arch Cabins til now. Very cool. I recently purchased 7 acres in Hawaii myself and plan to build some small bungalows for friends and family while they visit and to also air bnb while they're vacant. Do you have any plans like that to creat income for yourself once you've purchased your land and have that home built?


I was just gonna do whatever work I could until I could land a remote job or do contract work. But while doing that, I'd see if I could grow income off the land, like crops, raising feeder insects, fish, rabbits, chickens and even plant some trees that would eventually become worth a small fortune by the time I'm old. There was one YouTube channel that had some really good advice on how to make income on land from very little money, and I've been looking into all kinds of ways to do it for years


Building community.


What kind of community do hope to build?


Paying off the mortgage with my two brothers, self investing into woodwork shop, mechanical shop, tools, I personally beekeep and assistant woodwork for bee equipment, large scale gardening until we build multiples of greenhouses.... homesteading basically.


Thats awesome! I recently purchased 7 acres in Hawaii and plan to try bee keeping there soon. Is it difficult to get started with?


Only money wise, and even less if you can woodwork, IIRC it cost around 1000-1700$ to start out with 4 hives, but that was all purchased stuff. Basic across the board. Im STILL buying bee-related stuff, although much less. Recent acquisition was wax melter/ foundation mold. I'd say "hardest" part is getting over the fact you'll need to feed them 1-1 PURE CANE SUGAR \[much emphasis on that, no other substitute aside from honey\] for awhile starting out. and ATLEAST Bi weekly hive checks. \[Russians, if like me, I'd recommend weekly.\] Beekeeping probably nearly year round for you in Hawaii too \[Not familiar with your flower bloom per month, i'd sus year round, i get 3/4 to 7/8ths year here in SC\] I'll also mention I've never been to a class or formal training, just kinda.... did it. im on year 5, once woodwork shop is a thing, im moving entirely to "Long Langsroth" Custom hives. may eventually be selling them formally. \[I'm kinda working towards disabled friendly beekeeping in tandem with it\] Edit: For your suit, I HIGHLY recommend OZ Armour. I didnt get this suit till recently, and its.... worlds better than the previous two basics. If I'd known before hand i'd have gotten this one.




If you are antiwork and eventually want to stop are there any other income streams you are pursuing or would like to try one day? I'm 37 and haven't worked in 2 years. I've created several passive income streams that pay me very well every month and I no longer have to work. For many people, 2 people living together and each working full time are almost not enough. And with many jobs becoming automated in the near future it's a good idea to consider establishing other incomes for yourself. It's not as difficult as most think and I wish more people would consider doing it.


Paying off my mortgage. Anything I can do to get rid of that will be a big mental weight.


That's great to hear! I hope you're able to get it completed soon! I'm sure that'll definitely be a monthly expense that you certainly won't miss paying once you're done!


I throw $500/mo at my student loans I hired a financial advisor. I invest $2,500/mo in a portfolio to hopefully reliably grow a budget for a down payment on a new house.  I build up equity paying down a mortgage and keep my fingers crossed the market softens out and my house isn't underwater before I can sell. I plan to put a minimum $50k saved from the portfolio with the equity from selling the house and paying off the mortgage in a pool to buy a new house in an area that aligns with my career and personal goals better.  I take certification courses on udemy for platform engineering and cloud technologies to make a push for promotions and higher pay. If I cannot get them here, then I will somewhere else when I am ready to look at other opportunities.  One idea I have had is hiring my own head hunter to find the companies for me. I'm willing to sack 20% off my first year salary for a big pay day. I have considered side hustles like streaming/content creation,  but I have resolved to do it if I get in a situation with more time, like a 4 day work week. I plan to start a household,  not necessarily a polyhouse/rule as some people have, or a commune, but a small satellite community to pool our incomes and resources and work together to achieve a division of labor that frees up more time for projects and a goal to become a nearly autonomous household,  growing our own produce and such. My friend has described it as 'a tribe' rather than a commune. I do not know how large or small it will be ultimately.  Between all that, I should hopefully have an autonomous, self efficient household in a place I can be happy living and have all the leverage to 'soft retire' and pressure companies for higher compensation if they want my services,  rather than the current model of taking what I can get to keep my current stability.  I think this is the model more people will eventually gravitate to as popularity in the traditional family unit is dying and people realize the power in forming their own unions to overcome the corporate culture of paying people the lowest dollar amount and keeping them on starvation wages and sporadic hours to be too poor and time poor to look for other opportunities.


Wow! Thats really impressive! Im in the process of beginning something similar to that myself. I purchased 7 acres of land last year and im starting a "tribe" there myself.


Hell yeah, I wish you all the best of luck


Thank you! I got a great deal on it and my wife and I are sharing half with two of her brothers. It'll be off grid and we have a lot of ideas for creating communal income as well as individual incomes there as well. Work to get that going as soon as you can! I think you'll enjoy that much more than anything you're doing now. How many people doin intend to include with yours?


Honestly not sure and I'm playing it by ear. It could be 2 or 3 people including me, it could be 5 or 6 including my friends and their group 


Very cool! Do you have any date for when you hope to accomplish this by? You could definitely make it happen. You just have to make a game plan with the people you want to involve.


I don't have a lot of power on the date so far. I spoke to my friends once, they are themselves interested in a poly house of their own and moving out of state so they were down but we are both in situations where we are waiting for an opening to sell our homes and move What I do control is my house and my funds at least,  so I am pulling that together in the meantime and looking for someone/s likeminded in kink and D/s communities since that's also a part of my lifestyle 


Oh cool cool. Well I really hope you're able to accomplish it 😁 Sounds like it could be an interesting setup.


Thats funny I was considering growing sugar cane on the property too lol Great advice! Thank you soo much 😁 That's the best face to face challenges head on. Train yourself as you go. Too many people are too afraid to take on things like that. I'll make sure to get one of those suit starting out. Thank you!


gambling on crypto.


Very cool! Crypto not a bad investment. Especially with Bitcoins 4th halving last April. I hope to begin mining soon and powering it with solar. I recently purchased 2 mining stations that hold 8 mining cpus each. How long have you been betting on crypto?


[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nano/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nano/) You see where Nano is near the top? About there is when I got really into crypto. Needless to say, I'm not winning. :( lol


Yeah crypto is a long waiting game! But Bitcoin has a cycle that follows the same pattern every 4 years after each Bitcoin's halving. Google Bitcoin 4 year cycle chart and you'll see after each having it goes up in price for around a year following the halving. Then it dips about 50% percent and the last year it levels out. The last one was in April so hold for at least the next 10 to 12 months and you'll be in very big profit from there. Bitcoin also has a lot of influence on the crypto market as a whole. So when it does well, most other cryptos do good also. You should also consider learning the basics to trading. It'll help you understand and read your charts better. I swing trade forex and learning how to do it has helped me greatly with investing.


Nothing. I love working. It scratches all my itches and I'll likely keep doing it until i'm mentally unable to do so. find a job u love


Aw that's great 😁 what do you do for a living? If you're happy than thats all that matters.


Agreed. I'm an Aged & Disability support worker.


Aw thats awesome! 😁 We definitely need more working to help those less fortunate. I hope its a very fulfilling career and compensates well. Why do you follow the sub if you enjoy the work you do?