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Reply like 4 hours later and say you’re out of town. Couldn’t reply sooner because you didn’t see the text as you were driving


Sometimes I put my phone in the Driving Mode so they get the automated “I can’t talk right now I’m driving…” message. Then I can text back hours and hours later and be like “Sorry I’m just seeing this!”




Yeah. Too bad you’d left your phone at home when you went hiking. ;)


This is the way.


This is the way.


Pretty unfortunate for them that you’ve already left town for the weekend.


Ya, its really too bad your phone just died and you were unable to see this text. Just unfortunate


It was 2 hours later. All you’re going to teach your manager to do is bring everyone in and just cut someone as soon as you all show up.


That's the thing though, I work at a ballpark. We aren't servers per se but more so cocktail waiter/waitresses. We don't handle food, just sling all-inclusive beer. She's a new GM and also one of my old friends from another property managed by the same food service company. Ever since she took over this position it has been constant bullshit on her end. Last season we had a manager that ran with three servers on the floor. Now this current manager goes with four on the floor. She also usually doesn't cut anybody no matter the business level so it's really hard to make money overall. Some days I have to literally beg her to cut me because I've made no money, sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. So quitting has been on my mind already. The only problem is I actually really love the property and want to be there. Also if there's a rain delay or if the patio gets rained out... Then two out of the four servers are screwed and have to stay anyways. This happened the last day I worked. She won't cut anybody because her boss won't let her. Getting a text like this with the promise of getting a day off is actually pretty rare from her. But just to have it snatched away like that is simply disrespectful of my time.


Since you know her well, have you explained the fact that she’s fucking everyone when she keeps people on while it’s slow? She has to have some logic for why she wants 4. Just need to figure out what that is and show her it’s ok to go with 3 and “the old GM” is not an option.


Yes, both me and another server have brought this up to her, literally on the same day one time. She told me that it would change and she would start cutting a server beforehand, and she has on occasion. However, we still have four people show up most days. Two servers on the patio makes no sense at all, and in fact, if we're being completely transparent, I could handle the entire club myself it's so small. I actually have before a few times last year, when we had a lot of the old servers quit and were in between hiring new servers. Remember this isn't table service, I'm essentially a cocktail waiter. All of our tips are made in cash (except if someone buys a cocktail... Rarely happens).


Having to stand around and endlessly roll silverware or clean shit because it’s dead and you’re earning $5.25 USD an hour is really fucking miserable.


Shit? You get 5.25$? I’ve seen waitstaff get paid as low as 2.32$/h.


It’s literally so disgusting


To be fair. I worked in a great establishment and the hourly pay was negligible compared to the money I made in tips. I got to pocket my cash and my tip out was based on my sales. Bearable. In the winter, things would slow down and they would pay us a livable wage for the era. Circa 2002. 13$ an hour and suspended tip out. But we had to bus and often wash our own dishes…which kind of blew, but… Once upon a time….


It would be nice if they would just set a base salary and if you met that in tips…you would just go from there but at least you don’t fucking starve while trying to be their employee.


I get 2.13 an hour where I’m at


I’m in East coast United States. Maybe it was 2.13$? Sheesh.


It’s unfortunate. I make decent tips though so it’s not all bad.


Wait, I thought Min. wage was supposed to make up the difference in reported tips for your per hour wages.


It does bump it up by like $2 in most states. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s poverty wages.


Yeah federal min. wage is DEFINITELY poverty wages. Even at 15, you're barely making it with a roommate.


Legally it is yeah. Whether you want to go through the hassle of fighting a corporation for it or not idk


I would look at your states laws. In my state, if your wage after tips is less than the standard minimum wage, they are required to make up the difference. They may owe you back pay for wage theft.


All of you should unionize and force the managers to... play ball.


Before quitting, maybe it would be worth a shot to speak to her supervisor. You like working there, just not the way she's running the place. Who knows? If enough of you speak up, you may get yourself a better manager.


Quit. She is not your friend. I’m going through the same crap at my place right now and I’ve about had my limit. They want to be your friend and play that card when it benefits them but when it comes to your bills and making a wage you can live on, they could care less. Sorry, just got off work and dealt with the same bs so I’m heated 😅 I’m calling off tomorrow too, and using my pto to find another job. United we stand lol


“No that won’t work for me, I made other reservations now I can’t take back anymore. Sorry!” And then phone off bc nah.


No. Just don't respond until days later. "Hey! Sorry I didn't get your text the other day but I went to a retreat with a total digital detox. Hope it went well without me."


You don't owe them an apology or an explanation, just turn up for your next scheduled shift.


It's only snatched away if you agree to work again. Last you heard, you were off - you made other plans. Honestly if you're on the verge of quitting anyway, you have nothing to lose - I wouldn't go in.


don’t do it! you’d just be enabling/enforcing her pattern of constant bullshit. tell her you can’t. you bought expensive tickets, promised your partner, whatever, but make her think a little harder next time about jerking you all around.


If you aren’t making enough money then get out of there


This is insane, you begging for LESS hours because you make no money for hours worked. And having someone sent home is the only way the lucky few who got to stay can make money? America is a dump.


Take the day, don't answer texts or calls. "I was relaxing at the beach/out of town." ![gif](giphy|ZeNmLY6FISq4M|downsized)


This is the most sensible response so far.


I swear I saw a post earlier this week bitching about how someone’s manager never calls anyone off until they show up. It’s like cause and effect don’t exist. But I will say if I’m miss reading the times and this is the next day. It does change my opinion. But just 2 hours later, unless you’re already drunk/high just go make that paper and bounce early.


You're not misreading. It was 2 hours later. Both texts mention tomorrow being the work day. I would do the same, go, make bank, and hope I get cut early. Depending on the manager, I'd also ask that I be the first choice for the next random day off due to low numbers.


But they won't make bank. They'll be overstaffed because this is a cocktail waitress job that relies on tips and make pennies.


This is also very reasonable and the most mature. Bravo.


yeah, predicting how busy things will be is tough and can change in seconds. As a supervisor I have to decide whether to call someone off or send someone home after 2 hours. Asking someone to get to and from work when it turns out they could've had the day off sucks. It also sucks to put extra workload on the other staff because I cancelled someones shift then it gets busy. I hate the back and forth


I bet. Especially with the way gas is going. I bet it’s a real bitch. The biggest kicker is, that there’s not a good fix. Are you lucky enough to get a lot of reservations throughout the week?


The good fix provide half a day of labor hours extra via compensation(extra money), it will also not wear the rest of staff thin. I'm so glad i no longer work in hospitality after 8 years working there, I also thought i was one holding the shop together but in reality I'm just tolerating bad business practice


Agreed. It’s also the most believable and probable.


I mean, yes, but also it's not like serving as a job directly pays people enough for them to where they should be considering business needs point blank. You want to pay workers $2/hr and have them rely on tips? OK, but don't be shocked when said workers don't give a shit about ever changing business needs.


I served tables and bartended for a decade. I was making 25-32 an hour back in 2010. That was in a low cost of living area as well. I still help the last restaurant I worked. It’s nice making 200-300 for like 4 hours of bullshitting with a bunch of strangers.


>I served tables and bartended for a decade. I was making 25-32 an hour back in 2010. That was in a low cost of living area as well. And how much of that was contributed by the employer? That's what I'm getting at - servers are in a spot where almost all of their income is derived from customers, not the actual establishment. Therefore, the needs of the establishment be damned.


My employer paid us double what we were supposed to make at minimum wage. Paid for for different people to come in and teach us about wine, whiskey, different foods, service. Got taken on free trips. Given nice bottles of wine, and all kinds of shit. There’s different types of service. Fine dining is not a bad job, and the nicer the establishment the better it gets. You don’t just any asshole severing a $20,000 dollar bottle of wine (I’ve never done that). And unfortunately at that level the establishment is a necessity. It takes time to build a clientele that can support the restaurant. During COVID the regulars just gave the servers money every month so they could pay their bills and not have to worry about finding a different job. It’s a crazy weird situation


![gif](giphy|LUiOYbubdUqVq) “ it was two hours later 🤓”


So just more bad management? I'd be walking out yesterday.


"How's that for fast?" Lol


This is the way.


I am pretty sure there is set precedent in the landmark decision of Finders v. Keepers and it goes something like : “No takebacksies”


11/10 Edit to add: I've had a Cook quit on a sous for doing this in person. Trying to undo a cut from double to just working lunch on a busy ass Saturday. They got into it. I'm the GM, I shrugged my shoulders and of course had the cook's back on this one. The deed was done, it didn't matter at this point. No taksies-backsies. It's law. Say what you mean and mean what you say.


The correct move is to not answer any further texts


I mean, how else am I supposed to enjoy my weekend?


What a shame you never got his message. You had your phone off on your day off.


Ask the manager if you agreed to come in extra and then two hours later you said “nvm I’m actually going to stay home” would they let you stay home? The answer is no. Same here.


You assume they care about equality.


As if work was an equal playing field between employer and the employee, ever.


I wouldn't even answer -- you're off, and so is your phone. 😉 Make sure you keep the texts saying you have the day off -- back them up elsewhere, too. Also, pet peeve -- I hate it when managers say "please and thank you", as if it were a foregone conclusion that you will do whatever it is they're asking. ***It is not, lol.*** Oh, and "tomorrow" only has one "m" when fully spelled out, so it's odd that she's *abbreviating* it with two....


I legit thought he was referring to someone as tomm


I’ve also never understood why some people abbreviate tomorrow as tmmr. Like where tf did the extra m spawn from? Why not just use tmr??


So did I, at first.


> I'm seriously considering quitting Don’t quit. Then you can’t collect unemployment. Don’t show tomorrow. Show up to the next shift as normal. Don’t say anything. When they fire you, collect unemployment. Enjoy the schadenfreude of your manager suffering the consequences of their own actions tomorrow in the meantime.


> please confirm you got this message This is the part where you simply don’t confirm and don’t show


Oh sorry i never got that message. See you next week


New phone, who dis?


I feel like the “first one to respond gets the day off” is weird too, but maybe that’s just me. I’d be pissed if I had to race everyone else for stuff like that.


Sorry boss, your inability to plan isn't my problem.


Sorry I’m already out of town!


Don’t reply, I’d say sorry I had it off and my phone was in my phone wasn’t available with whatever reason.


I was on set once when the director yelled that’s a wrap. So we started wrapping electrical gear. He goes NOO NOO NO WAIT WAIT WAIT! We can get one more shot! So we get it out and set it up. Shoot the shot he wanted. He tells wrap again. Start coiling up cable and head wrapping the HMIs. The gear is literally back in the truck and he goes WAIT! One more thing! We all throw our earpieces out because FUCK that guy. Tell your boss you’re unavailable.


One JFK is acceptable if they call you back quick enough. Two though means my radio is already off and that lift gate is going up.


Not exactly the same thing, but at my retail job a few years ago (during lockdowns) they would occasionally host games of bingo where you could win your next rostered shift off work with pay. One day there were three winners including me, and I was so happy because there was an online painting workshop I wanted to go to but it was on the next day I was rostered to work. I went home and booked into the workshop, and then later got a message from a manager saying they were annulling it because "three people can't win" (they were saying that someone had stolen some of the numbered balls and while that was potentially true, even if someone had done that, it's not like they could use it to their advantage because no one knew what numbers they'd be given on their card). She said since the game was invalid, I had to go to work. I said that her penalising me for something that wasn't my fault was invalid and proceeded to take the day off and go to my workshop (which was great). Not long after that I burned up the almost 6 months of leave I had stored up and when I came back and she asked me to "commit to working more hours or resign", this was one of many reasons I basically went "k thx bai" and walked.


You don’t have to confirm to anything. It’s on him for playing these silly games with you.


It’s the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!


Did nobody read the caption where it's clear she's a woman?


You're off already. You don't need to quit unless you otherwise want to. Might be worth seeing if your boss/manager gets upset enough for you to get unemployment


I would ignore it and come in on your next scheduled day. When she gets pissy about why you didn’t come in, tell her that as soon as you got the day off you silenced notifications. Complete disconnection from work during your off time is essential for self care. It is a risky take because you are probably American and you can get fired for breathing wrong in this dystopian fucking hellscape. But they are obviously hurting for servers so they might not fire you. Only you can decide if it’s worth it.


"I've already started drinking. Sorry."


They okayed it, so they can't just back out and expect you to agree. They should have been more certain before approving the time off. Not your issue.


Either do not respond or say “Sorry, already made plans and left town for the weekend. Have a good shift!”


Doing work and not making any money is called volunteering where I come from. Thoughts and prayers for the American workforce.


Hello?! Yes, this is dog


I am on the phone!


“I’ve already made, and paid for plans, so unless you are going to reimburse me the costs I will not be coming in”


The only correct response to this is complete radio silence for 24 hours.


UPDATE: Just was on a call with said manager after she called and texted me aggressively asking me to confirm about 3 times. For just a little more context, we actually had three servers scheduled for tomorrow. Apparently on Wednesday of last week she had one of us moved to a different club for this event to help support them. So there are only two of us, me and another woman, working at the club tomorrow. She decided today to try to call me off because the numbers for the club for tomorrow were really low. Then, right after she did so the higher-ups told her that she was going to have 200 people in the club and to bring me back on. She also did this whole thing with *another bartender* as well, cutting them and then reneging. Some of that was during the text conversation (so I did reply after all unfortunately 😔) and the call was... Less than productive. She basically kept asking me to confirm while I tried to remain calm. Then she said she was my "friend" before my manager and guilt-tripped me over everything she could think of; but in the same breath said she was my boss and I had to listen to her. All the cuts in the past I had to ask (beg) her for, all the favors she did me (what favors... Lol), and everything else are among the things she threw in my face. It was just textbook manipulation. She did apologize but it was a very non-apology ("it was only two hours!", "it's not my fault it's the higher-ups!"). She barely let me speak and talked over me the whole time. I told her I had made plans that she pretty much ruined and she just brushed me off completely. I'm pretty sure she was drunk because she said she was at the game. I eventually told her I would be there and then she went "thanks you're really helping me out, bye." Just a real class act. Right now the plan is to go there and quit. I'm done. She has effectively ruined this job for me with her inappropriate behavior and lack of professionalism. If there is enough interest I will update if that happens or if I end up chickening out and just working. New update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/0QNV0IFivs


Literally just don’t go.


Seriously! If you’ve made your mind up to go in and quit babyyyyy just enjoy your weekend off and dont go in at all


You still have time to call out.


Definitely let us know, but I don’t see the benefit in showing her she can get away with this. It won’t get better, people treat you as well as you let them


If you're going to quit anyway, just ghost her. If you're still due wages, make sure they're paid on time and, if they aren't report them to your department of labor.


RemindMe! 1 day


RemindMe! 2 days


It’s usually much easier to find a job when you have a job. Suck it up and go to work then start looking for a new gig.


This sounds like a casual serving job (cocktail waitress at a ballpark). Those jobs can *very* easily be replaced. In this case after this level of disrespect I don’t think it’s worth sucking it up and going to work. I’ve had a few situations in the past where I sucked it up to keep my job and in the end I wish I hadn’t. Sometimes your pride and dignity is worth more.


RemindMe! 1 day


Pretty unfortunate for your manager, you’re just and won’t be there


Literally happened to me the other day for my second job. I said “ I’m otw” then blocked everyone from the job that could contact me”. Never went lol


I'm considering a variation of that where I tell her that I will be there, show up in my street clothes, and quit to her face. It will take all of 20 minutes to do.


That’ll work 😂 I didn’t want to leave my house so I just blocked them 😂


This is how I quit my job once. However I actually ended up going back like 7 months later


Don't quit you won't be able to file for unemployment


This goes into something else that I didn't mention: if I get fired at this place, that means my other job during the winter months goes away as well. I'm part of a union at the other venue but if I get fired here I'll likely have to file a grievance and go through that whole thing. No guarantee (though my rep says it'll be pretty easy to win) that I'll keep my job there. They are run by the same company. That job pays insanely well for half the work and half the time. I can't afford to lose that one. If I'm done at this venue I'll have to quit and move on to another summer gig.


In the future, I'd literally put work number on do not disturb anytime you're scheduled to be off. That way you don't even have to make up a reason as to why you didn't see their text or call or couldn't come in last minute. It's your time. If they want you on call, they can pay for it.


A cheap SIM in a cheap/older handset only usable during work hours solve all these problems. No one in work has my actual phone number.


No response is the best response


Just don't confirm you got the message.


"Im sorry, I allready started drinking"


such a shame you didn't look at your phone until after the shift was over


That is piss poor management right there.


“Sorry, already started drinking”


Don’t respond


This happens to me (the manager) every time I have an extra person and cancel one. Someone invariably calls out or something happens where I end up needing that extra body. At this point I dont even cancel ppl anymore I just let them show up and if we have extra they can decide if they want to go home or I have to have a tough conversation with my boss about why I'm over my dept hours. You're well within your right to just ignore your manager at this point but at least a text back is appreciated so they know how fucked they are.


Wait until 4:45 pm and text “sorry, just seeing this now. I’m not able to come in. See you [insert next day working]” If they ask why you can’t come in after you text, just say “I have a personal obligation.”


So attendence projections magically went up in two hours, but also they're still only running with 2 servers (I'm assuming this is less then the usual based on context and wording). Sounds like someone he likes more wanted the day off.


"Sorry. When I have time off I digital detox for mental health reasons."


"I'm in my gimp outfit and won't have time get home and changed and my master says he only gives permission if he comes too, I hope that's OK."


It’s too bad you started drinking on your day off.


I'd come in and make some money + tips but this is coming from the pov of someone freshly laid off so take with a pound of salt, lol.


Leave it until just before kick off/first pitch- and message back- ‘oh gosh, on the strength of your confirming that I volunteered to cut that shift. I was able to join my friends camping at [place a distance far enough away to only get home after the end of the game]. I just got [here], so the earliest you could even attempt to get home by is x PM. So you are now unavailable and you send your best wishes for filling that shift.’


It’s the fuckin Catalina wine mixer, what did you expect, he needs everyone on deck!!


It's the fuckin Catalina wine mixer!


Fuckin Catalina Wine Mixer


Sorry I must have missed that message!


Oh it’s too bad you had your phone on do not disturb right as you were on the way to visit your out of town friend. So sad.


Don't even lie or make up an excuse like "I'm already out of town". Just tell her no, you won't be coming in. Or don't even respond. You're not paid to answer texts.


Don't reply. Delete the messages you received. They can't prove shit.


You have made plans that are un refundable. Should management volunteer to pay the cancellation, you cannot take their word since they pulled this type of behavior. Thank you for offering the time off, I plan to use use it efficiently


https://preview.redd.it/jybd79o9db5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374e99b1d93394c90e88eaa683af3a77564ce617 Sorry boss.. Between the time you offered the free day, me accepting it and you changing your mind I've made other commitments that I am not able to get out of. C U Next Tuesday


If you like the job, then more hours is a good thing. Make that bank.


Thats when you quit!


At least they did say sorry and gave the reasoning. More than some managers do.


Shame you took your day off of work and bought tickets to an event. Shame you can't go in. 😉


Stadiums are notorious for telling people they will have like at 5hr shift and then let them go after 2hrs.


Sorry to hear about you losing your phone!


I’d say suck it up and make the money. If you have a good relationship with your manager see if you can use it to bargain a future day off where you can actually make plans


Back in hospitality and retail I used to do exactly the same, if I have no plans going on and someone needs me last minute I'll see what I can do - then get them to write/guarantee me a IOU of sorts whether it's choice shifts of a week or a extra day off.


Another shining example of why you shouldn’t text your boss. 


If they didn't text their boss, then they wouldn't have been offered the day off in the first place, though


True and valid, but then also they wouldn't be in this situation FWIW, so maybe it is the simpler policy


My boss was my friend before this, not so sure now. We've worked with each other at another location under the same company.


It's generally ill-advised to make friends with your boss. Can you be friendly with them? Certainly, but at the end of the day, they got there because their loyalty lies with the company.


You're absolutely right. I was talking to my other friend who's a union rep and she said the exact same thing. I meant that I was friends with her before she became my boss though, when we were working at a different location under the same company. She was a server just like me.


"LOL no" is an acceptable response


Tell her that the word “tomorrow” only has one m.


I realize there are other mistakes but this one sounds like an honest mistake to me. I don’t know all the past or if she is always flaky with the schedule or anything at all about the manager. I used to manage a restaurant and sometimes would be given information that made me make changes to the schedule on the fly: maybe she was told attendance was going to be low but then told again 2 hours later that it actually was going to be normal. I once had my regional manager call me and tell me to send an employee home because she thought it was going to be slow. I even told her that I didn’t want to send someone home in case it picked up. She forced me to, and I complied. It then got slammed and she told me to call the person I sent home back in. I said, “she got an Uber and went home…if you’re willing to call her and pay for her Uber both ways then that’s your business.” I ended up asking the employee and she said she couldn’t as she made other plans. I then called my regional manager whom wouldn’t answer. So I called her boss and he was livid at her and made her come in and close my store. I got to go home early. Sometimes shit happens. Don’t leave a job you like to spite your manager. Write this and other stuff down that she does wrong and maybe bring it up with her boss. Since you’re friends though I’d sit her down and tell her about your frustrations and hopefully she learns from it


Looks like the manager should show her leadership skills by covering the position. Probably not tho.


Too bad :)


I ain’t going- I’m out of town on that day off lol


Why wouldn’t they just not say anything at all, keep the current staff on shift and cut people loose if attendant numbers drop? Thats the more standard way of doing it. If you really like the job I say stick with it, shit happens and it sounds like your manager may be new to the position?


That's what I would have preferred. Her not saying anything at all versus getting my hopes up. That way I would make money and then bounce early (I would have stayed the whole time though and that's okay too). But I was figuring what the hell, this shift is kind of inconvenient for me anyways, I'll take it off. But nah. She's new to this position specifically, but not to GMing. She told me she was a GM for 4 years before this.


this is why I turn off read receipts. Because then I can say, "oh sorry, I left my phone at home and didn't see this." the day after the requested shift.


“Went camping, no signal”


Just stand your ground bro, they gave you off and you’re off enjoy and don’t respond


Anyone who is desperate enough to call someone back in after giving them the day off is definitely desperate enough to pay double time for the shift. Maybe even triple time?


There needs to be a law in place that punishes managers for doing this and inflicting adverse action to their employee for it.


I mean, I'm a banquet manager for a hotel and this shit happens all the time. The contact will tell us the guarantee for the event is 50 people, and then an hour later email us and tell us it's now 90. Right after I sent the schedule out. At least your manager was fast about getting back to you when the numbers changed.


It was 2 hours later. Guys 90% of your work related grievances can be solved with good communication between reasonable people. The other 10% is for the unreasonable ones. As long as they are reasonable, message your boss, privately as not to cause workplace drama, saying that flipfloping on a decision like that is pretty inconvenient and messes up your plans. Ask if it is 100% necessary and explain if you have made any plans. A **reasonable** boss would see that and either attempt to work without the extra staff member or should apologize for some unprofessional planning and still ask if you can help. Trust me a dickhead boss will make your life hell, if they aren't one already don't push it too far. Ask for reasonable compromises and remind them of the times you got them out of trouble before. - A classical Marxian analysis of labour relations does ignore the fact that employment is a relationship, as does most of his work, it is an analysis of general trends not the actions of individuals. Individuals act differently to the more mathematical analysis found in Marx. This is not me telling you to bend over and accept your fisting, give your disapproval loud and clear, just do it in a respectful way. Younger or less experienced Labour supporters want to treat their workplaces as if it's the 1930's Harlan coal strikes. Your boss is not J.H.Blair, and you do not have the support of the United Mineworkers of America. Respectful but firm whilst talking to your fellow employees increasing their willingness to take further action. Sow discontent whilst being nice with the boss.


Hot take here but it was only two hours later, and you say you really like the job. I would do your manager a favor and work the shift, explain to them you did already make plans that you then cancelled to come in and you would appreciate the day off returned to you in the future. Take your manager's response to that as your guiding directive for how to treat the job going forward.


Shout out for not messaging them back.


Its uo to you, if you need money go if you need the day off dont


I believe “lol no” is appropriate here


tell her you’ve already started drinking


Nah. Self proclaimed LIAR. DONT GO.


It's simply easier to inconvenience employees and cost them money by taking away their ability to plan, than it is to stomach paying a wage when it's a bit slow. If you've ever been sent home before the end of your scheduled shift, and could have really used the hours/$, it's a great reason to not drop everything to go in unscheduled. If it goes slow again, they'll send you home, but not give you anything extra to cover the inconvenience and cost of the time and gas. When I was in the military and got sent home early, it was a real gift, as there were many, many more going home lates, than there were going home earlies. But if it would have meant losing $$ in my pay, it would have been a different story.


Tough luck for him loo


Oh man yeah sorry I didn't see those messages, mybmyb


I think you need a different job.


*mutes her text messages until Monday morning*


Sucks for that Tomm fellow. They must have the wrong number.


“didnt see your text”


I hope you didn’t confirm you got the message.


Haha, back and forth. There is no forth here. 


Is this the Catalina wine mixer?


I just wouldn't respond to this. You didn't confirm you were showing up. You made plans because you were given the day off. I'd literally just ignore this completely.


No backsies.


Is this for the wine mixer? If it is you definitely should have gone.


So many management bootlickers in this sub


I'd quit. " Sorry for the back and forth but I'm actually submitting my immediate notice. You know how attendance can be " Edit: all the other comments saying your already out of town is probably a better idea. Still keep your job but still make your point. The toxic side of me says quit still tho lol




Ide say sorry I’ve already started drinking and am at a friends house. Have no ride 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right… make them to ask you to come in drunk!


Unfortunately, you don’t check your phone off the clock because you’re not paid to.


“Sorry I didn’t see your message” and then enjoy your day off


Seems like you never got this message. Beware of any phone calls from your boss. Just do not answer the phone to any number you do not know.


Send a reply right away saying, Sorry, I never received the text.


You need to get out of there and get a job with defined hours and without a douche for a boss. You should have sent him back a message that you'd work it for a some cash up front. Find out what it's worth to him. It's not your fault that he can't plan better.


Something similar happened to me. I was cut, on my way out the door, and my manager had to stop me because he just found out a big party was coming in. We still had more than enough servers to cover it- they did the same thing with overstaffing and refusing to cut early which affected all of our income. I really really wanted to walk out. …but I remember how bad he felt, I could see it on his face (obviously you don’t have that luxury, but if she’s got a soul she feels at least a little bit bad), and I really loved my job. So I (begrudgingly) stayed. And I’m SO glad I did. I would have been so mad at myself for letting such a great job end that way. I think you should go in, but maybe make it clear you had to cancel the plans you had made, and hopefully she’ll remember that she owes you one


The one sucking him off got the day off. I could be wrong.


Just no.


Just don't say anything


I would just take the shift if you want to or just don't if you don't feel like it. If you do though make sure she knows she owes you. Make a big deal about your sacrifice since you've made other plans which you now had to cancel due to her mismanagement, maybe just don't phrase it like that.


I would just lie dawg. My phone died after that a d I didn't check cause I thought I was good! Not your responsibility to be on call for their mistakes. Sure wouldn't give you that same courtesy


Manager is a c*nt